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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    (ACE) The UNDER Team


    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The UNDER Team  - Page 29 Empty Re: (ACE) The UNDER Team

    Post by Duma Mon May 02, 2016 3:45 am

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    |The Under|Time Unknown|
    The Absol bit her tongue lightly to fight back a yawn as she blinked sleepily at the Espeon. "My name's Bastet." Humming quietly to acknowledge that she had heard the Psychic, Glass kept her crimson gaze on Cosmic as he talked to the other canine. "I'm an Espeon and Mathias is a Charizard. He's my big brother and I wouldn't have it any other way." Big brother? Looking back over at Mathias, the Absol looked them up and down, before doing the same to Bastet. Adoptive older brother, then? It was the only was she knew to explain it.

    "Now that you know what we are Ryth, I should find out who this new pokemon is." That was true. The new pokemon, a shiny Furfrou was currently listening to what Cosmic was saying. An orange form moved closer to her, and soon after the warmth of the Charizard's flaming tail reached her white fur. The warmth left the Absol feeling drowsy as she struggled to listen to what Mathias was saying. "We found some water bottles along with the potions down a bit further. It wouldn't hurt to take them with us as well if we decide to leave this hotel." Nodding, Glass lifted up her head and looked up at the fire lizard. "That's good. That way we can keep hydrated. I will want to test the water first though. I can't risk us getting infected here." She said, dropping her head back onto her paws.

    "Any idea who this stranger is Glass?" With an Absol's equivalent to a shrug, Glass sighed. "No clue. Cos' seems to know them, though, so they must be alright." She said with a sigh, tilting her head when she heard Ryth begin to talk.

    "What are you going to do now? Rest? Look through this den more? Where are you going? Do you know why the dead are like this? What is Orre and why is it underground? Is it near the White Forest? Is there even still a White Forest?" With a laugh, Glass lifted herself up into a sitting position and waved a paw in a 'calm down' gesture at Ryth.

    "One at a time, buddy. Okay in order, Now, we are going to rest and get our strength up. We will look through this building more once we've rested. The dead are like this because of some virus shit. Orre is a region in the world. It's not all underground, just this part. No it's not near the White Forest - that is, if we're thinking of the forest in Unova - and as far as I know, I believe the Forest still exists. I wouldn't know." She said, exhaling after her quick explanation to the Liepard.

    "Why does your fur shimmer like that and why is your fur black like mine?" God, it was like they were playing 20 Questions! "Cos's fur is like that because he's a special kind of pokemon known as a shiny. And even more so because he's a different kind of shiny pokemon, like you. The Furfrou's fur is the same. They're a shiny, so they look different."  Finally over answering the questions, Glass lay back down and faced her back to the Liepard, placing her head on her paws and watching Cosmic with a critical eye as he continued to talk with the other shiny.

    "What?" Cosmic winced at the loud tone and frowned at the Furfrou. At some time in the past, the Umbreon might have found amusement in the shiny's horror, but now he just felt pity for the poor dog. "But that can't be true!" Cos' sighed as the Furfrou scoffed at him, probably thinking that he was lying. If this was the same Furfrou he met years ago, then they should know that he wasn't one to joke about this sort of thing. "I was in Kalos not even an hour ago, there is no fuckin' way I'm on the other side of the planet! I just--... I--..." The starry Umbreon sighed as the Furfrou's shoulders slumped when the situation finally dawned on them.

    Turning back to face them, Cosmic sucked in a breath as deep as he could without gasping from pain and let it out with a long, drawn out hiss as the shiny dog began to growl. "You want me to join you? Introduce myself? You expect me to just make new friends while my real friends get torn apart on the other side of the planet!? My people need me!" Shutting his eyes tight, Cosmic flattened his ears and raised his bloodied hackles.

    "Look, Blackie." He hissed lowly, coming up with a nickname on the spot since he didn't know their actual name. "Think about your group. Think who's in it. Do you really want to get to them this badly? Making enemies of the only group of Pokemon you might see is not a good idea." He growled, opening his eyes ans narrowing them at the canine.

    "I-- I have to get back to them! They can't defend themselves, they need me, she--... I have to get back to them! Please, you-- You have to help me!" With a sigh, Cosmic rolled his eyes. "Then calm down, and get out to my group. Face it, blackie. Unless you somehow get another thing to Teleport you back to Laverre, you will have to make friend with this group to help you get home. If you are so worried about getting to your group, answer me this - is there someone there who can readily protect them in your absence?" He let the question hang in the air for a moment, before continuing. "If yes, then calm down. Stressing out and getting into a panic is not going to help you get to them faster. If no, well... I'll try and help any way I can, but trying to get across the world? That's a hard task." He said, before jerking his head over to the group. "So calm down, and come say hi. We can't do much at the moment, but after we've rested, we should be ready to get up and go. Alright?"

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The UNDER Team  - Page 29 Empty Re: (ACE) The UNDER Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu May 05, 2016 9:27 pm

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    The Under|Time Unknown

    "No clue. Cos' seems to know them, though, so they must be alright." Mathias sat and watched as the two had a conversation on where they was. "What are you going to do now? Rest? Look through this den more? Where are you going? Do you know why the dead are like this? What is Orre and why is it underground? Is it near the White Forest? Is there even still a White Forest?" As far as Mathias knew, Unova's White Forest should still be there at least to what has be told. "One at a time, buddy. Okay in order, Now, we are going to rest and get our strength up. We will look through this building more once we've rested. The dead are like this because of some virus shit. Orre is a region in the world. It's not all underground, just this part. No it's not near the White Forest - that is, if we're thinking of the forest in Unova - and as far as I know, I believe the Forest still exists. I wouldn't know." The Charizard yawns a bit as he tries not to dose off. Bastet did notice Glass looking at both her and the fire type and figured out that she had adopted him as her big brother.

    "What?" The Fire type looks over to the Furfrou seeing disbelief in her eyes. She must of had no idea that Teleport would have such a long range that they could reappear in another area that might otherwise be unfamiliar to them. "But that can't be true!" There was denial in her voice and it was completely obvious. "I was in Kalos not even an hour ago, there is no fuckin' way I'm on the other side of the planet! I just--... I--..." The Charizard would have said something, but Cosmic seemed to have handled it so far. "You want me to join you? Introduce myself? You expect me to just make new friends while my real friends get torn apart on the other side of the planet!? My people need me!" The Espeon looked at Mathias shaking her head telling him no. All Mathias could do right now was listen and wait to see what happens. "Look, Blackie. Think about your group. Think who's in it. Do you really want to get to them this badly? Making enemies of the only group of Pokemon you might see is not a good idea." The Charizard could agree to that since he himself had done that in the past with his trainer trying escape from him. "I-- I have to get back to them! They can't defend themselves, they need me, she--... I have to get back to them! Please, you-- You have to help me! Was this furfrou serious? Mathias even knew that Orre is more closer to Kanto and Johto than Kalos is.

    For a while, the charizard looked at Bastet as she spoke into his mind. Mathias? What happened to that charizard that's lying over in the hall a little more back there? She didn't have a clue to who the dead charizard was, but Mathias did need to do something to at least give Forrik a poor pokemon's funeral. Forrik, he died from the virus, but he fought against it long enough to be released from his pain. Bastet, I...I'll tell you what happened later though with Leo once we rest for the night. Mathias nodded to Bastet before looking back to Cosmic. "So calm down, and come say hi. We can't do much at the moment, but after we've rested, we should be ready to get up and go. Alright?" It was time to meet the stranger and at least try to learn about the Kalos region.

    Bastet looked at Mathias as he watched the furfrou closely for any hostility. So far he kept himself from lashing out at her for earlier, but Cosmic had it under control. "We should do something about Forrik's body, one of the rooms should have a sheet to put on top of him for a makeshift funeral." As much as he didn't want to see the body lying in the middle of the path, it was the least they could do. He felt maybe introducing himself and Bastet would at least give the furfrou a little less tension. "My name's Mathias and this is Bastet. What's your name stranger?" The Charizard asks the furfrou as Bastet lays down next to him. "Nice to meet you miss." The espeon said cheerfully. Hopefully they all would be able to gain her trust.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 131

    (ACE) The UNDER Team  - Page 29 Empty Re: (ACE) The UNDER Team

    Post by Kitty Thu May 12, 2016 7:58 pm

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    The Under | Time Unknown | (17)

    "Then calm down, and get out to my group. Face it, blackie. Unless you somehow get another thing to Teleport you back to Laverre, you will have to make friend with this group to help you get home. If you are so worried about getting to your group, answer me this - is there someone there who can readily protect them in your absence?"

    Calm down? Knightly tensed at the suggestion, gritting her teeth in rage and frustration. The question that followed only deepened her anxiety; She was certain everyone but Kaneki had deserted Alirah... but she hadn't even known him for a day, and he had his own friend to look after. Even if he had stayed with Alirah to help her, that only made three survivors against an entire horde of Undead - how could she be sure that any of them had survived? "If yes, then calm down. Stressing out and getting into a panic is not going to help you get to them faster. If no, well... I'll try and help any way I can, but trying to get across the world? That's a hard task." With a tilt of his head, he gestured to his group, "So calm down, and come say hi. We can't do much at the moment, but after we've rested, we should be ready to get up and go. Alright?"

    Knightly mulled over the Umbreon's words, finding herself gradually lowering her gaze as she did so. Alirah and Kaneki were in the middle of an Undead horde, possibly dead, injured, or Infected, and Knightly was on the other side of the world with no way of getting to them soon... The Umbreon was right; Worrying would not help Knightly return to her friends any sooner. In fact, nothing could help Knightly return to her friends any sooner. Not anything she did, anything this new group did, or anything anyone else could do would help her return to Laverre in time - either Alirah survived the horde, or she didn't... too much time had passed already for the fight to still be going on, Knightly realized. She scoffed at her own stupidity and lightly shook her head. If there was no way for this group to help her, then there was no reason for her to hang around them any longer. She would only take up their space and supplies, and lord knows she didn't want to become attached to anyone else. The less people she knew, the better.

    "You're right," she replied, her tone lifeless and her gaze locked onto the filthy ground, "Nothing can be done now... I'm sorry for the trouble." She turned her back to the Umbreon and began to walk away. Quickly, Knightly added as she walked, "I don't want to be friends, and trust me, it's better if you keep your group small." Picking up the pace, she disappeared into the darkness. She didn't know where she was going or what might happen next, but in the epidemic, that was nothing new; What was new, however, was the absence of Alirah's tiny, pitter-pattering footsteps beside her.

    ((OoC - Guys, I'm really sorry, but this is my leaving post. I hope I've not inconvenienced anyone.))

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The UNDER Team  - Page 29 Empty Re: (ACE) The UNDER Team

    Post by Duma Sat May 21, 2016 6:42 am

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    |The Under|Time Unknown|
    For once, Glass was sure that Cosmic had his little spat-fest under control. There wasn't much she could do in this situation anyway - any way she looked at it, the shiny Umbreon was better at talking to people than she was. For a snobby coward, Cosmic was also rather down-to-earth at times. "We should do something about Forrik's body, one of the rooms should have a sheet to put on top of him for a makeshift funeral." Wincing, Glass let her red eyes drift to where Forrik's body lay. It felt wrong to just leave the Charizard's body there like that.

    Glass sighed heavily and nodded. "We should also burn the body, so that the undead don't find it and try to snack on his cadaver." She said softly, having to look away from the corpse to spare herself from her own feelings. The Absol instead too the moment to observe the Poliwrath's bloated corpse. The things grotesque eyes had popped, with half-clotted blood still seeping from it's wounds and the spiraled stomach seemed to bulge outwards. An odd noise reached the Absol's ears, and her eyes narrowed at the cadaver. A sharp pain ran up the blue scythe atop her head, making the Absol wince. Something wasn't right here.

    "My name's Mathias and this is Bastet. What's your name stranger?" Glancing back behind him, Cosmic blinked at Mathias. Were they actually accepting this random stranger? A small smile passed the Umbreon's bloodied muzzle. Cosmic then noticed the Espeon beside the larger Charizard, making his smile fall as his silver and blue eyes narrowed. That must be Bastet then, he thought, his silver-ringed ear twitching as the Psychic's voice reached it. "Nice to meet you miss."

    "You're right,"

    Cosmic blinked and turned his head back towards Blackie as his eyes widened at the suddenly lifeless tone in her voice. The Furfrou refused to meet his eyes, instead they stayed locked to the filthy ground below both of their paws. "Nothing can be done now... I'm sorry for the trouble." Taking a few steps forwards, the shiny went to follow the black dog as they turned away. Cosmic's plea for them to stay died on his tongue as he stopped, his head dropping as he stared at the ground with a clenched jaw. "I don't want to be friends, and trust me, it's better if you keep your group small." That was enough to send the Umbreon down to his haunches as he looked up from his slouched position, watching the Furfrou's dark form disappear into the pitch darkness of the building.

    "Yeah... I know that." He said, though he knew that the black dog had long since gone. Heaving a sigh, Cosmic stood up and slinked back to the group, finding a patch of ground that was still warm, but wasn't near anyone else. laying down with an exaggerated huff, Cosmic folded his paws under his chest, his tail curling around his chest and providing a pillow for him to rest his head on. Letting his silver rings and multi colored markings glow dimly, the Umbreon's ears fell down onto his skull as he closed his bright silver and blue eyes.

    Glass watched from afar as Cosmic returned, settling himself down to sleep. After a moment of watching the Umbreon's slightly labored breathing turn into deeper breaths that were accompanied by a soft wheeze, the Absol nodded to Mathias. "Looks like Cos' is asleep. You should be able to use that spray on him now."

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The UNDER Team  - Page 29 Empty Re: (ACE) The UNDER Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Wed May 25, 2016 7:01 am

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    The Under|Time Unknown

    "We should also burn the body, so that the undead don't find it and try to snack on his cadaver." Glass was right about burning Forrik's corpse and Mathias nodded to her. It was either that or the undead desecrates his body further and the Charizard was the only fire type left in the group. Bastet used her psychic powers to sense around for undead so far they're all trapped behind shutters. Before to long though the Furfrou had spoken again disregarding both Mathias and Bastet. "You're right," Her voice sounded lifeless in despair. "Nothing can be done now... I'm sorry for the trouble." Sounds like she's giving up, but the fire type seen Cosmic hang his head low. The Charizard was about to tell the furfrou off, but Bastet wouldn't let him. She hopped right in front of him and stared him down keeping him in check.

    What came next was pure rejection to Cosmic. "I don't want to be friends, and trust me, it's better if you keep your group small." Easy for her to say, small groups usually get picked off quicker than large groups. After that the furfrou vanished into the darkness of the hotel. There was no way to stop the dark furred dog from looking for a way home. "Yeah... I know that." Cosmic came limping towards the three of them. The psychic type looked at him seeing a depressed look to him. Poor Cosmic, his first friend ran off on him. Mathias looked back over to Forrik's body wondering if they should take it outside to burn it. Doing it inside would start a fire and suffocate them all from the smoke so they would have to do that before resting for the night. "Looks like Cos' is asleep. You should be able to use that spray on him now." The fire type turned his head to look at Glass and nodded. The charizard got up from sitting and went over to the box. Mathias then picked out the full restore to use on Cosmic.

    Bastet sat by and watched Mathias return to them with the spray. "A full restore? Will it help him Mathias?" Bastet questioned the charizard. Even though she just met them, she was concerned about Cosmic's health. From the sound of his wheezing he must of taken a heavy blow to the side. The Espeon thought. Mathias kneels down and readies the full restore. "Here goes nothing." The charizard sprays Cosmic's side where the injury was using up the entire spray. After that was the waiting game on when he'll wake back up. Mathias sat back down right by Glass and waited for the time being. Something started bothering Mathias now that he thought about it. His parents wasn't around when the epidemic started and his brother wasn't around either. "Something's bothering you isn't there Mathias?" The Charizard couldn't let them know yet not until the time is right. "Yeah, but I'll talk about it when the time comes. Its been a long day for me already." Bastet was getting concerned about Mathias' state. He's never like this unless he had something happen to him in the past. The Espeon had to wait until then for Mathias to open up to them for them to know what's bothering him.

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The UNDER Team  - Page 29 Empty Re: (ACE) The UNDER Team

    Post by RhysandNight Tue May 31, 2016 1:24 am

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    Under Town || Time Unknown (16)

    "Now that you know what we are Ryth, I should find out who this new pokemon is." The Charizard commented as he moved towards Glass.

    Ryth nodded slowly, continuing to half listen to the conversation. "We found some water bottles along with the potions down a bit further. It wouldn't hurt to take them with us as well if we decide to leave this hotel."

    "That's good. That way we can keep hydrated. I will want to test the water first though. I can't risk us getting infected here."

    The thought of drinking tainted water brought back memories the black feline wished to forget. But before he could fall into a flashback, movement from the Absol caught his attention. While she laughed the Liepard shifted to face her, staring puzzled at the motion that she seemed to do with her paw.

    There was a flutter of relief in his chest when she began answering his questions, finally being able to put some of his troubles at bay.  But the relief soon crumbled when he found out that he wasn't anywhere near the White Forest.  The homesick feeling was soon pushed aside though as he wondered why he should even care. When Glass began talking about the 'shiny' pokemon however he gave her a quizzical look.

    "So, special...do you mean like a curse or something?"

    As he waited for an answer, Ryth heard some of the conversation that drifted over from where Cos had been speaking with the other, furfluff or something.

    "I don't want to be friends, and trust me, it's better if you keep your group small."

    A small part of him could relate to the words, having traveled alone most of the time. But after catching a glimpse of the Poliwrath in battle the feline wouldn't lie about being relieved that there had been others around.

    "We should do something about Forrik's body, one of the rooms should have a sheet to put on top of him for a makeshift funeral."

    Ryth looked over to where the remains of the deceased Charizard rested, a small thorn of sadness digging its way under his pelt.  He hadn't known the pokemon but he always felt bad for those that were infected and still had their sanity. A shiver ran down his spine at the thought of knowing you were either going to put yourself down or become a mindless walking corpse spreading death.

    "Is there anything I could do to help?" He spoke up, feeling useless since he arrived which wasn't far from the truth honestly.

    Age : 25
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    Post by Abysswalker Sun Jun 05, 2016 12:10 am

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    The Under | Time Unknown

    Even in this group, the largest amount of living Pokemon in one place that he's seen in years, Soris feels so alone.

    Perhaps it is for the best that he remains invisible-it would make it easier to slink back into the shadows. These people don't need him, nor did it feel right to continue to ride upon their coat-tails like some sort of leech. Despite all of that, still...Soris can feel the tiniest sliver of hope remaining in him curl up and die. For a short time, when he'd been with Mathias and Bastet, Soris had believed he could do good-no, better. But that was a lie, a spark of foolish optimism that had burned away as quickly as it'd sprung to life. Crestfallen, the Delcatty turned his head to look upon the newcomer, the black-furred dog who had arrived and was already leaving, her head turned to them to deliver her final words towards the group.  

    "I don't want to be friends, and trust me, it's better if you keep your group small."

    She's right. This complete stranger, who is now gone for good, is right. Soris doesn't belong here, and he would only continue to be a burden upon the group if he stays. This is not his place, and these Pokemon are not his people. I don't have a home. His paws feeling as if somebody has tied rocks to them, Soris begins to walk in the same direction as the canine who has already vanished from sight. No destination, no purpose, nobody at his side...it is all for the best. The only one that he can hurt is himself, this way, and that's all he desires. Before long, Soris is out of sight, and gone from the Pokemon he met here for good. In his mind, he bids farewell to them, and the little Jolteon who had reached out to him before anyone else. Soris can only hope that all of them stay safe in the times ahead of them, wherever they go.

    {OoC: This is Soris' leaving post. I am very sorry to go so suddenly, but...I honestly cannot write for him anymore. This post was difficult enough and it's not really that long. I enjoyed my time on this team, and thank you for having me.}


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

    Age : 25
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    Post by Duma Tue Jun 07, 2016 3:38 am

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    |The Under|Time Unknown|
    Settling down, Glass closed her eyes and sighed lightly. There wouldn't be many times where she could actually sit down and rest, so she took the novelty while she could. Parting her jaws, Glass yawned, her sharp teeth on show as she finished the action with a shake of her head, the blue scythe on her head slicing cleanly through the air with a soft fwith sound. "So, special...do you mean like a curse or something?" lass chuckled, shaking her head no.

    "Not quite. I've never heard of a curse that humans actively search for. Shinies are..." She trailed off, thinking. "They tend to be very rare. Cos' is the first shiny I've seen in a long time - well, before I got here. It seems shiny pokemon keep popping up here, no idea why. Probably coincidence." She laughed and grinned at the Liepard. "Well, it's not like it's any help now. A shiny coat tends to be the same as a normal coat now, we're all just trying to survive." She finished with a shrug.

    "A full restore? Will it help him Mathias?" Looking over at Cosmic, Bastet and Mathias, the Absol bit her lip as she watched the scene. While she would never be caught dead showing it in front of him; Glass cared for the bitchy Umbreon. He was funny and quirky at times, and as much as she loathed to say it, he was a good friend. So for her to see him like this, struggling to breath and in pain, it was a harsh slap to the face, that this goddamn apocalypse didn't care who it was. It would take whatever and whoever the fuck it wanted. With a low growl, Glass looked away and glared at the wall.

    "Here goes nothing." Cosmic's ear twitched, his muzzle scrunching up as something wet sprayed on his bloodied side. He flinched from the contact at first, his skin shuddering and twitching as he shifted, but the relief from whatever that thing was made the vulpine let out a sigh through clenched teeth. The spray continued, warmth spreading across his fur as whatever it was replenished his strength and dulled the pain that seared up his side with every breath. It was a familiar warmth, this feeling. Almost like... A potion...  Cosmic's eyelids twitched as an image of a young boy, barely even ten looked at him with such panic in their eyes. It made the Umbreon want to smile, and nudge their cheek with his nose to tell them he was okay. A soft purr, almost inaudible as it rumbled from his chest, sounded as the Umbreon's pain ebbed away.

    "Something's bothering you isn't there Mathias?

    Mathias..? Who was... The image of the boy shattered, giving way to darkness as the warmth disappeared, leaving only a dull muscle ache behind. The shiny's eyes snapped open as he lept to his feet, looking for the young boy who was once all the shiny had ever known. Reality came crashing down when Cosmic remembered. He was not in his nice, warm and cozy mansion. He was not with his trainer. His young, naive trainer who only saw the good in others. The one that when Cosmic was thrown out, was crying and begging for him to be let back in. The boy who shrieked when a gun was pointed at his head, threatening to end him then and there. That boy was no longer here. He didn't even know if he was alive anymore. Panting, his breathing slowly returned to normal as his eyes regained focus, bringing light to the dull, concrete slabs of wall that surrounded them. His rings and markings sparked to life, casting a light across the ground.

    "Yeah, but I'll talk about it when the time comes. It's been a long day for me already." His ringed ears twitched as the Umbreon's head whipped around to see the tired Charizard talking to that Espeon. Cosmic's eyes narrowed. He was never a fan of psychics. Too full of themselves, in his opinion. He sighed and lay back down, curling up and closing his eyes as he tried to get back to sleep.

    Glass watched from afar as the Umbreon had his mini-revelation after the healing potion had worked it's magic. The sadness in Cosmic's eyes was the first time she had seen the dark type even look sad over something. It made her wonder what on earth he was remembering that made him that sad.

    "Is there anything I could do to help?" Looking over at the Liepard, Glass shrugged. "For now? Sleep. We'll talk about doing something tomorrow. For now, we all need to get some rest. Are we going to have someone keep watch, or just say 'fuck-it' and we all sleep?" She asked, looking around the room.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1934

    (ACE) The UNDER Team  - Page 29 Empty Re: (ACE) The UNDER Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Jun 10, 2016 10:25 am

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    The Under|Time Unknown

    Sitting on the ground, Mathias was deep in thought as he was concerned about other things. Bastet wanted to cheer Mathias up, but she didn't know what she could do to help her adopted big brother. The voice of the Liepard, Ryth asked a question. "Is there anything I could do to help?" The Charizard looked at the Liepard and couldn't answer directly, but he did feel that the shiny did want to help them out. "I'm not sure. We just have to wait for when Cosmic wakes up." Though he tried to answer the best he could, the fire type was still bothered and the feelings he was having had him worried that his own brother might be undead and his parents could be dead. Before long, Soris had started to walk towards where the Furfrou went. Mathias didn't want to stop the delcatty as he walked passed the Charizard. Soon Soris vanished into the darkness and Mathias can only wish Soris the best of luck.

    The Fire type continued to watch Cosmic and it seems the dark type was having a sort of nightmare. Bastet communicated to Mathias with her powers. Mathias, something's bothering you and I'm worried about you. Please, tell me. I care about your big brother and I don't want to lose you. Mathias looked at Bastet with a worried look to him. This wasn't going to be easy for him to explain to Bastet, but the fire type gave a soft smile before responding. Bast, I promise I'll tell you, but we'll talk when everyone's asleep. The Charizard gave a nod before looking back at Cosmic, his eyes was already open again and his breathing had became normal again. It worked though he might have noticed that he was sprayed with a potion. Glass then spoke. "For now? Sleep. We'll talk about doing something tomorrow. For now, we all need to get some rest. Are we going to have someone keep watch, or just say 'fuck-it' and we all sleep?" Perhaps Bastet's powers could be useful to alert them if any undead managed to break through.

    Bastet did keep watch before while she was with Zeke, so she should at least say something. As the espeon opened her mouth, Mathias already beat her to it. "I think Bastet could be useful for this, her psychic powers should be able to pick up anything coming." The Psychic type nodded to the Charizard for his words. "I can keep you all alerted if the undead try to come." Mathias yawned and closed his eyes. He was exhausted after all that had happened today. Bastet kept a link to Mathias' mind to listen to what he will tell her. The Espeon had to tell Mathias about Zeke and this would be the chance to tell him, but at the same time she had to sleep as well. The eeveelution cuddled up to Mathias' side and fell asleep, but at the same time using her esp to keep a lookout. Mathias, its about Zeke. I'm sorry, but he's dead. I couldn't save him. He told me to run before I lost contact with him. Speaking through telepathy to Mathias and the charizard woke up looking at Bastet knowing she tried her best. The Charizard's wish from his childhood to be free came true, but at a heavy cost. Mathias cared for Zeke and wanted to stay with him, but fate has a cruel way of surprising him. With a heavy sigh, the fire type had to tell Bastet, she should know. Sis, I felt maybe I should tell you this since I can't hold onto it anymore. Leo's dead as well. He became an undead and his dying wish was for me to kill him before he became mindless. Since Zeke is dead, I'm wild again and you are basically now wild as well. The Charizard fell back to sleep and waited for their next destination is.

    Age : 30
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    Post by RhysandNight Sat Jun 11, 2016 10:35 am

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    Under Town || Time Unknown (17)

    "Not quite. I've never heard of a curse that humans actively search for. Shinies are...They tend to be very rare. Cos' is the first shiny I've seen in a long time - well, before I got here. It seems shiny pokemon keep popping up here, no idea why. Probably coincidence." The Absol laughed and grinned at him. That was something he wasn't use to. "Well, it's not like it's any help now. A shiny coat tends to be the same as a normal coat now, we're all just trying to survive."

    His eyes widened a hair. Normal? He was normal? Well apparently his pelt was unusual but still normal, now?  The tension in his shoulders eased a bit with relief. Everyone in his clan had been wrong about him. It was strange that he would feel so relieved over that fact in this strange epidemic and corpses lying around.  Ryth glanced one more time at the charizard, and then to the other pokemon he wasn't familiar with. It was very strange indeed.

    "For now? Sleep. We'll talk about doing something tomorrow. For now, we all need to get some rest. Are we going to have someone keep watch, or just say 'fuck-it' and we all sleep?"

    Ryth opened his mouth to volunteer but found Mathias beating him too it. "I think Bastet could be useful for this, her psychic powers should be able to pick up anything coming."Bastet merely nodded and added "I can keep you all alerted if the undead try to come."

    Ryth hadn't encounter too many psychic types during his travels and so his powers were a bit difficult for him to grasp. However he would trust her word on it. Not bothering to find a new spot he simply curled himself into a ball and closed his eyes. A comforting dreamless darkness washing over him.

    Age : 25
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    Post by Duma Wed Jun 15, 2016 5:39 am

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    |The Under|Time Unknown|
    Glass was about ready to voluenteer herself for guarding, when Mathias offered for Bastet to keep watch, saying,"I think Bastet could be useful for this, her psychic powers should be able to pick up anything coming." At that point, Glass didn't care, so she just nodded and curled up where she lay, resting her head on her paws and shutting her eyes. "I can keep you all alerted if the undead try to come." Humming lightly, Glass cracked open one eye and stared at the Espeon

    "Fucking sweet. Give me or Mathias a shove if you get tired." She said, closing the eye and settling down with a sigh. After a few moments, sleep finally came.

    |The Under|Time Unknown|
    Cosmic was the first to stir awake, his ear twitching as one of his eyes cracked open. Letting the soft silver glow of his rings start up, a few other colors mixed in as his star-like markings glowed dimly beneath the silver illumination. Gathering his feet, Cosmic was happy to find that his side no longer hurt as much as it did previous. Looking around, the Umbreon pointedly ignored the Espeon in favor of looking for Glass.

    His companion had fallen asleep on the other side of the room, and so he walked up to her prodding the Absol in the side. Her dark crimson eyes opened a hair, glaring at Cosmic as her lip curled up in a snarl. "Ffffuck off, Cosmic." She hissed lowly, shifting away from the Umbreon and snapping her eyes shut. "'m tryin'a sleep." She added with an irritated huff.

    Cosmic snorted lightly and rolled his eyes. "Pyback's a bitch, isn't it?" He said, prodding Glass again. Finally the Absol relented as she rolled onto her stomach and stood up, shunder checking Cosmic to push the Umbreon away.

    "Alright, alright. I'm up, asshole." She mumbled, rolling her eyes and looking at the group. "We shouldn't have to wait too long for the others to get up. I'd like to get Forrik's funeral done first, then we can start scavenging the other rooms."

    Age : 39
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Jun 18, 2016 5:00 pm

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    The Under|Time Unknown

    Bastet couldn't believe what she heard from Mathias' thoughts. Their friend was dead as well and it meant only Mathias and herself the only ones that Zeke left to carry out his will. "Fucking sweet. Give me or Mathias a shove if you get tired." Even though Bastet could wake them if she stayed up longer, the psychic's powers was more efficient enough to pick up the undead's thoughts if one managed to get through. With a yawn she rubbed her head against Mathias' arm as she was getting sleepy. Yet, after Mathias knew what happened to Zeke, the espeon knew Mathias wouldn't abandon her. Mathias, I understand that you was wild when we was still young, but I'm not sure if I can live your life though. One thing for sure is that I won't leave your side big brother. I'll stay with you till the end. After that, Bastet fell asleep.

    The Under|Time Unknown
    Mathias felt rested after the long day he had and he wasn't the first to wake though. "Pyback's a bitch, isn't it?" Opening one eye seeing Cosmic was standing as if nothing happened, the charizard didn't bother much at first until Glass got up and spoke with Cosmic. "We shouldn't have to wait too long for the others to get up. I'd like to get Forrik's funeral done first, then we can start scavenging the other rooms." The fire type stretched out both his arms and wings as he lets a yawn out. Bastet must be tired still, I'll let her rest a few more minutes. Forrik's funeral was needed and they had to make sure the undead wouldn't feast on his rotting corpse. "We'll have to find a place to put him at. Bastet should be up soon so once she's up she can carry his body to a place were we need to put him." It wasn't long though before Bastet woke up from her sleep. Her psychic powers picked up nothing the whole time the only time it picked up anything was in the areas blocked still, but it wasn't worth waking them up for.

    The espeon streched out and stared at both Mathias, Glass and Cosmic. He's up already? Normally he sleeps in a little late. Oh well at least I don't have to jump on him to wake him up. Mathias looked back and seen Bastet finally awake. "We'll have to find a way out afterwards. Some of the shutters might be able to be lifted, so don't worry about that part I can deal with them." The Psychic type finally joined into the conversation. "From what I've seen down below us there's some places I've not yet checked. There was shutters not completely latched to the ground so we might find something beyond there." Even though she didn't hear what Mathias and the other two had planned for the dead charizard. Whatever it was though she had a feeling that she might be needed.

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    Post by RhysandNight Wed Jun 22, 2016 5:54 pm

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    Under Town || Time Unknown (18)

    Ryth's ear twitched as he was pulled from his sleep at the sound of somewhat familiar voices. "-be lifted, so don't worry about that part I can deal with them." Slowly he opened his eyes, body growing tense when his surroundings were unfamiliar at first.

    'Where am I?'  Where the first things to cross his fogged mind before the events of yesterday came rushing back. 'Oh, right. The others-'

    Stretching his back the black feline yawned and looked to the pokemon gathered together speaking.  He noted that the Espeon,...what was her name again? She seemed to be speaking to the others as he moved a little closer to listen in.

    "From what I've seen down below us there's some places I've not yet checked. There was shutters not completely latched to the ground so we might find something beyond there."

    "What are we looking for?" He asked as he joined in late on the conversation.

    (being rushed to work ;w; sorry guys for short post, next one will be longer.)

    Last edited by Rhysand on Mon Jun 27, 2016 8:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

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    Post by Moon Moon Sun Jun 26, 2016 12:58 pm

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    Shifting from solid to liquid the sludge slithered through the cracks, seeking shelter from the baking sun above it flowed ever downwards into the cool darkness, along the way silently praying that the shadows would hide more than himself. Glad to take rest in the precious shade, as he suspected the air was heavy with dust as it would suit such a tomb filled with corpses mummified by the desert climate, but on further investigation; he found that the silence was disturbed. The footsteps and the distant echoes of conversation bounced off of the blood stained walls as he traversed deeper inside. Hesitating to approach and having good reason to, the creature spent many a moment contemplating the sense of deja vu that bubbled in the center of his mass. For the life of him he couldn't place the source of where these feelings came from and put them aside for later contemplation, instead focusing on assessing the company he observed. No Psychics or ground types that he could identify, but with the wealth of darkness there he did not doubt that one or two might have similar offensive capabilities and did not let down his guard. Then, he spotted the Espeon illuminated by the warm glow of fire and cast aside all that he had initially planned in his approach. The ultimate confounding factor was that the longer he waited and observed, the more likely that he himself would be spotted and malevolent intentions attributed to him, undoubtedly they already had some inkling to his presence due to his own stench being unique to their surroundings. "So now I must proceed."

    Squelching his trepidation the muk slowly advanced forwards, gradually letting himself be exposed by the light of Mathias' flame. Holding his form stiff, he attempted a shape at least remotely similar to the quadrupeds in the area, and again the feeling returned. The uneasy discomfort of a forgotten dream, fluttering about and spreading intrigue and unease wherever it landed. However, he much favored this over the disease of loneliness and prepared his introduction. It came to him sometime later, in between that instance staring awkwardly underneath the pathetic grin on his false visage. When the creature did speak, it went thusly: "Greetings, fellow travelers."

    Age : 25
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    Post by Duma Thu Jul 07, 2016 7:12 am

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    |The Under|Time Unknown|
    It seemed their squabble had awoken Mathias, the sound of the Charizard yawning catching Glass and Cosmic's attention. Postponing their rivalry for the moment, Cosmic lay down on the ground, curling up into a ball to rest for a little longer. While he felt amazing, he was still depleted of energy. Whatever sleep he had gotten, it was a rough one, with the Umbreon tossing and turning in his slumber. Because of this, he was still tired even after waking. Even still, the Umbreon's ears flicked back and forth, signalling that he was listening in to what was being said.

    "We'll have to find a place to put him at. Bastet should be up soon so once she's up she can carry his body to a place where we need to put him." Glass nodded, looking around. The tingling from her scythe was beginning to grow back, causing the Absol to start scrutinizing their area. Something was wrong. Shaking her head, the dark type shoved the sensation aside for the moment. Perhaps it was just a sandstorm from the desert above them. She turned her attention back to Mathias, humming lightly.

    "Well, if we take his body away from this room, and into one we've already been in, I think there are some bedrooms around here somewhere. We can wrap him in one of the blankets from those. Then we'll..." She trailed off, heaving a sigh. "Then we'll put him outside, and set him alight." She finished, looking towards the shutters that led to the next room.

    "We'll have to find a way out afterwards. Some of the shutters might be able to be lifted, so don't worry about that part I can deal with them." Cosmic's ear twitched, and the Umbreon cracked one eye open, the silver and blue colors glowing slightly and casting a bright glow down his muzzle. The shiny Umbreon watched from where he lay, his eyes locked on the Espeon with a glare.  Shifting his fluffy tail, Cosmic got to his paws and stretched, his sharp claws unsheathing for a moment before the black nails retracted, allowing him to move with out leaving the weapons to go blunt. Strolling up beside Glass, Cosmic lightly nudged the Absol's shoulder, sending Glass off-balance.

    The Absol turned to glare at Cosmic, placing her feet in such as way that she could return the gesture as she shoved Cosmic to the side with a toothy grin. "From what I've seen down below us there's some places I've not yet checked. There was shutters not completely latched to the ground, so we might find something beyond there." Bringing her attention back to the conversation, Glass nodded at Bastet, lifting a paw to shove Cosmic away from her side, further annoying the Umbreon, who growled at her in mock-annoyance.

    "What are we looking for?" Comic's ears twitched, and the looked back at the other shiny, blinking owlishly at them for a moment, his silver pupils ficking up and down as he looked at them. Finally, he shrugged. "Food, water, medicine, anything that could be of use to us. Food is the biggest priority, though." He responded, looking back towards the exit that led down to the ground floor. "We're not going to get far without any sustenance, so getting something to eat is priority one."

    Cosmic started pacing towards the door, poking his head outside to observe the next room. From the light that was given off from his rings, Cosmic could see what looked like a short hall, branching off twice, one going further down, while the other one led to a room of some sort. Ducking back towards the group, Cosmic's silver rings lit up a dark shape as it approached. Narrowing his eyes, the Umbreon trotted up to Glass, nudging the Absol and nodding at the shape that approached them. "Greetings, fellow travelers."

    Glass looked the figure up and down, eyes narrowing at the odd mask that covered their face. Thinking back, she as pretty sure she had seen the same look before. Except, wasn't that one one a ditto?She frowned and trotted forwards, using the light from Cosmic's rings to help her see their new arrival. "Yo." She stated simply, her eyes flicking to the side as Cosmic stalked up, his rings flaring brightly as he illuminated the space to show the newcomer in full. "Friend or foe?" He hissed quietly, his eyes narrowing a hair as he stared at the Muk in front of him.

    Age : 39
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:36 am

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    The Under|Time Unknown

    Bastet stretched out a bit and letting out an adorable yawn. Her back claws had gripped the dusty carpet as she lifted one leg up before putting it back down and retracting the claws. "Well, if we take his body away from this room, and into one we've already been in, I think there are some bedrooms around here somewhere. We can wrap him in one of the blankets from those. Then we'll..." Even Mathias had let out a sigh along with the Absol. "Then we'll put him outside, and set him alight." The Espeon looked at the charizard's corpse, What hell did it go through? Even her powers won't let her see into Forrik's mind since he's truly dead. "I'll carry him with my powers. I don't know him so I have to know what he was like." The psychic type said. Mathias didn't know much other than yesterday and only ones that might know more is Glass and Cosmic. "What are we looking for?" The Liepard had awakened from his sleep. Mathias turned to look at the dark type. "Food, water, medicine, anything that could be of use to us. Food is the biggest priority, though."

    From what both Mathias and Bastet experienced, Orre's desert is vast and it would be unwise to go out there without proper supplies. "We're not going to get far without any sustenance, so getting something to eat is priority one." Mathias nodded in agreement. "From what both me and Bastet experienced, more likely Bastet, Orre's a big place despite being mostly desert. So whatever we find here would need to last us until we get to another place to resupply." Before Bastet could say anything her psychic powers started to react to a presence coming towards them. Mathias, something's heading towards us. The Charizard looked in the direction the espeon was looking at to find a Muk with a mask moving towards them. "Greetings, fellow travelers." A poison type, here of all places. "Yo." Glass had a simple response however Cosmic wasn't trusting this newcomer by the sound of his voice. "Friend or foe?" Bastet watching ever carefully before using her powers if things turned bad.

    The Fire type somehow wasn't sure how to respond to this Muk. Last time he seen a Muk it covered him in its sludge and the stuff was hard to get off without water. Bastet looked at Mathias wondering what he's thinking. Why is a Muk doing here of all places, there's not much of a sewer here. The Psychic type spoke out to Mathias. "Mathias, I'm sure there's a basement in this hotel." If there is then maybe the Muk came from there, but when Mathias looked at Glass he seen her face as if she knew this muk from somewhere. "Do you know this Muk, Glass?" He asked before returning his gaze at the Muk. "Whoever you are, we're about to give Forrik a funeral." As he said to the Muk.

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    Post by RhysandNight Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:28 am

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    Under Town || Time Unknown (19)

    "Food, water, medicine, anything that could be of use to us. Food is the biggest priority, though. We're not going to get far without any sustenance, so getting something to eat is priority one."

    Ryth nodded slowly as he watched the Umbreon went to inspect the doorway.  "-Orre's a big place despite being mostly desert. So whatever we find here would need to last us until we get to another place to resupply."

    "Would we not seek out water as a main priority first? It is troublesome moving on an empty stomach but one can survive longer without food than without water. If we go back up to the surface the heat would be a problem and we would dye of thirst before hunger."

    He thought back to the times when he had went days without eating. How it had made his limbs feel weak. But it had been worse when water had been scarce and the feline had surely thought he would dye had it not been for some incident or miracle he had stumbled upon untainted water.

    "Greetings, fellow travelers."

    The sound of the newcomers voice was the first thing Ryth noticed before their scent hit him. He scrunched his nose a little as he moved to face the stranger's direction.


    "Friend or foe?"

    Circling around the pair he peered at the odd purple gunk of a pokemon. It was a pokemon right? Ryth found Cosmo's question a bit odd. Couldn't one just lie about being a friend? But his attention was quickly drawn away from that thought and to the stranger's face. Or where its face should be.

    "Why do you have a weird shell on your face?"

    (OOC:Let me know if I need to add or change anything. It's storming here and net keeps cutting in and out)

    Age : 25
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    Post by Duma Tue Jul 26, 2016 6:50 am

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    |The Under|Time Unknown|
    Cosmic yawned, his sharp teeth on show as his ears flattened against his head. Closing his mouth, the Umbreon shook out his fur and let his ears snap back up to a resting position. "Would we not seek out water as a main priority first? It is troublesome moving on an empty stomach but one can survive longer without food than without water. If we go back up to the surface the heat would be a problem and we would dye of thirst before hunger." The starry Umbreon nodded, looking back at Glass to confirm. "Agreed. That sounds like the best course of action."

    "I'll carry him with my powers. I don't know him so I have to know what he was like." Glass sighed, looking down at the ground. "He was... Forrik was nice. Selfless and nice. I only met him the other day, and at first, Cos' and I were suspicious, because it looked like he was pretty far in with the infection. But through it all, he kept a level head and..." She shook her head, trying to strive off thoughts. "He was all around a nice guy. I'm sad he died."

    Cosmic tuned out the conversation about Forrik, giving the cadaver a guilt-ridden glare. He hadn't asked for the damn bastard to take that hit for him, it just happened that way. Damn you. He thought bitterly, gritting his teeth and looking away. He didn't need the guilt to start eating at him. He got enough of it from his past. Getting up, the Umbreon moved away from the group, his silver rings brightening as he moved away, making sure that the room stayed lit up.

    "From what both me and Bastet experienced, more likely Bastet, Orre's a big place despite being mostly desert. So whatever we find here would need to last us until we get to another place to resupply." Glass hummed in agreement, looking around the room. She got up and moved to one of the shutters, laying down so that she could peek under the small gap.

    "If memory serves, in the room back here, we had a supply of water before that psycho Porygon trapped us in here." She said, looking back at Mathias as the Absol trotted back over to the group.

    When the subject of the new Muk came up, Mathias was the first to address the Absol about it. "Do you know this Muk, Glass?" She shook her head no, looking over at Cosmic, who was staring with a hostile gaze at the poison type. Keeping her red eyes on the other Dark Type, Glass tilted her head so that she could see the Muk once more.

    When they didn't answer Cosmic's question, the Umbreon bristled, the fur along his spine rising slightly. "Whoever you are, we're about to give Forrik a funeral." He turned to half-glare at Mathias, giving the Charizard an accusitory glance. "Don't tell complete strangers that we've just lost people of our group. What if they attack? What if -"

    "Uh, Cos'? We don't really need to worry about that." Cosmic turned to stare at Glass, his head tilting to the side. The Absol motioned to the spot that the Muk once sat, showing only an empty space. "They left."

    Cosmic snorted. "Good riddance. That thing stunk like a fucking trash disposal filled with rotten berries." He said, turning away and returning to a place where he could sit and be alone.

    Glass sighed heavily as she watched him walk off, turning back to Mathias and standing tall. "We should probably go get those shutters open, then grab the supplies from the previous room and get those blankets for Forrik." SHe then turned to look at the others, addressing them quickly, "once we get these shutters open, we'll need to start searching for food and water, plus any items we might need. If we have to find a basket or something to hold it all, so be it. There's gotta be something here we can use."

    Age : 39
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Jul 30, 2016 5:55 am

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    The Under|Time Unknown

    The Charizard and Espeon listened to what Ryth had to say "Would we not seek out water as a main priority first? It is troublesome moving on an empty stomach but one can survive longer without food than without water. If we go back up to the surface the heat would be a problem and we would dye of thirst before hunger." Mathias nodded as the heat would take its toll on the non fire types. Then Glass told Bastet about Forrik. "He was... Forrik was nice. Selfless and nice. I only met him the other day, and at first, Cos' and I were suspicious, because it looked like he was pretty far in with the infection. But through it all, he kept a level head and..." There was a pause in the sentence with sounded sad. "He was all around a nice guy. I'm sad he died." The Espeon couldn't have imagined that an infected charizard died in a sad way.

    After a moment of silence when Mathias asked the question. Glass had spoken of a water supply. "If memory serves, in the room back here, we had a supply of water before that psycho Porygon trapped us in here." The Charizard looked back at the shutters it was raised slightly enough for him to lift up for them to get through. Now he was hoping that another incident like that doesn't happen again. When Mathias turned his attention back to Glass, she had already planned out the route. "We should probably go get those shutters open, then grab the supplies from the previous room and get those blankets for Forrik." The Fire type nodded as he walked up to the shutter ready to lift it up. "once we get these shutters open, we'll need to start searching for food and water, plus any items we might need. If we have to find a basket or something to hold it all, so be it. There's gotta be something here we can use." Bastet would use her psychic powers to detect anything for a look out while they gathered the supplies.

    Mathias got his claws under the end of the shutters ready to lift it up. It was a bit light for a hallway shutter but durable none the less. "Okay, lets get this thing up." The Charizard lifts up and opens the path back to where the others had came from. Now that the path is open again, they can get Forrik a proper funeral. The fire type looked into the room that Ciana and Soris was in defending the egg. "Glass, I found some blankets that we could use. It should be thick enough to prevent Forrik's claws from piercing through." Mathias said as he waited for Glass. Bastet used her powers to lift Forrik up off the ground. "First time I ever done this, Mathias, I'm got him off the ground for the blankets!" The Psychic type shouted to Mathias. "Alright, hold him there for a minute until me and Glass gets the blanket under him!" As he grabbed the one of the blankets.

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    Post by RhysandNight Thu Aug 04, 2016 10:43 pm

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    Under Town || Time Unknown (20)

    Ryth listened to Mathias as he spoke about the other Charizard that had been infected.  The feline hadn't had any interaction with the fallen mon, having been to scared and suspicious of, well, all of them really.

    "If memory serves, in the room back here, we had a supply of water before that psycho Porygon trapped us in here." He turned and looked at Glass as she continued to speak. "We should probably go get those shutters open, then grab the supplies from the previous room and get those blankets for Forrik. Once we get these shutters open, we'll need to start searching for food and water, plus any items we might need. If we have to find a basket or something to hold it all, so be it. There's gotta be something here we can use."

    "Okay, lets get this thing up." Standing to his paws Ryth moved to where Mathias had been near these things called shutters.  As the fire type and psychic type spoke to one another, he quickly moved to grab one of the remaining odd materials that they called a blanket. After a moment he looked to Glass wondering what they would do next.

    ((Sorry for bad post, will do better next round))

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    Post by Duma Fri Aug 19, 2016 4:01 am

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    |The Under|Time Unknown|
    Glass watched as Mathias opened the shutters, ducking under the door and into the next room as soon as there was room for her to get under. The Absol looked around the room, sighing in relief that the previous items that had been set out were still good. Walking over to one of the discarded bottles of water, she prodded at it with a claw, before leaning down to grab it in her jaws, careful not to let her sharp teeth puncture the thin plastic.

    "Glass, I found some blankets that we could use. It should be thick enough to prevent Forrik's claws from piercing through." Looking up, Glass only nodded at the Charizard, unable to speak because of the water bottle in her jaws. Moving back out of the room, Glass trotted towards Cosmic, shoulder checking the Umbreon. When the other dark type went to snarl at him, Glass just glared at him, motioning to Forrik's body. Cosmic got the hidden message and sighed heavily, trotting over to Mathias and grabbing a blanket in his jaws, dragging it over to the body of the other Charizard.

    "First time I ever done this, Mathias, I'm got him off the ground for the blankets!" Cosmic gave the Espeon a scathing glance, before he crawled under the floating cadaver , dropping the blanket underneath Forrik's stiff corpse. Cosmic then moved over to where Forrik's head had lolled off to, nudging the cranium onto the blanket with stiff movements.

    Through the whole ordeal, Glass was deathly silent. She watched Cosmic work in silence, setting the bottle in her mouth down as she quietly watched. There weren't any words to say, anyway. Not ones that would help with this grim scene.

    Age : 39
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Aug 27, 2016 8:24 pm

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    The Under|Time Unknown

    Cosmic helped Mathias get the blanket underneath Forrik's corpse and for a moment Mathias watched as the umbreon nudge the dead charizard's head. Mathias began to wrap up the body with the blanket to prevent accidental infection and to use it as a fuel source to burn the corpse. Bastet nodded to Mathias seeing the charizard's sad look to her. Mathias? Are you going to be okay big brother? The Charizard shook his head no seeing that he could be the only charizard left in Orre. It was pain that began to swell up in Mathias' heart. An exile that could never again step foot in his clan's territory. Bastet, your the only thing I have left now, we only have each other left and both Cosmic and Glass are the only ones we should help. Ryth should be able to help out as well, but when Glass gives the signal then we'll take him up to the roof and light up the blanket. The fire type looked at Ryth before realizing that the Liepard had calmed down since their first encounter. It was time to start the funeral and the charizard looked at Glass before saying something. "On your word, Glass. Bastet shall carry him to where we need to start this." Before long Mathias went silent to grieve for Forrik. "Mathias? Big Brother?" The Espeon was worried for Mathias.

    In the espeon's mind it was time for the others know about Mathias' past. Yet, she would rather have Mathias tell them instead since its something he can only tell them. Bastet lifts up Forrik's wrapped corpse and begins to follow where Glass will take them. Mathias however, the charizard was about to break and the truth of what happened was going to come out sooner or later. Until then, She would leave Mathias alone on it and let him speak it out on his own when he is ready. The Charizard seen Bastet's look that she was giving him. She was worried and Mathias didn't want to see her upset. "Bastet, don't be worried for me, after we finish with Forrik's funeral I'll tell them everything they need to know." Giving the espeon a smile, the fire type was ready to begin the funeral.

    The charizard looked at Glass and what came out of his mouth surprised even Bastet. "Glass, after we're done with Forrik's funeral I got something to tell you all." It felt a little hard for Mathias, but they earned his trust enough to tell them the truth of what happened and how he ended up in Orre to begin with.

    OoC)) extended the post a little more

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    Post by Florges Sun Sep 04, 2016 9:54 pm


    Her eyes stared at the cat. If she had a pulse, it would be pounding in her head. Sometimes she could swear she still had a beating heart, with the way she would grow hot as hell's fury washed over her.

    Your fault.

    Liepard. LIepard Liepard Liepard that cat that evil cat.

    Tearing open her child's skin, leaving bleeding, jagged wounds, hissing, circling her, returning faithfully to his master, proud of mauling a child, one of hers, for daring to speak out against him.

    She remembered that one, oh yes. She remembered how that pokemon got off scot free, released into the care of a relative. How that child had come to her home with a terror of cats. Couldn't even go outside for fear that Liepard would be waiting, watching. She remembered how smug he was that a Pokemon couldn't be prosecuted like his owner had been, remembered his contempt for the little girl he'd hurt.

    Crybaby. Weak. All for being scared.

    She would show him what fear was.

    There were too many witnesses, though.  Lured away, how could he be lured away...

    She moved from the window area to the door. He was standing right there, on the other side. Perfect.

    The fairy cast a small patch of grass. He made a small noise of surprise. The barely-audible padding of cat paws. She moved.

    The first patch of grass disappeared. She created another. He stepped to investigate it.

    Cloaked by the debris around them, she drew him ever further from his group with the strange phenomenon of perfect, green grass growing underground. Away, away, away.


    They were far from the others now, deep into the twisted maze of the Under. She came from the cover of darkness, wrenching him off her feet with her psychic power, vines twisting from below to muzzle him. Drawing closer, the flower stared into his bulging eyes, watching his chest move up and down.

    "Was it worth it?" she whispered as she swooped over him to feed. Normally she would play a little more but... well... she was hungry.  And maybe the noises coming from his throat, unable to properly escape his muzzled mouth... maybe that was enough.

    This time.

    [Absolutely nobody saw him lured away.  Nobody.  It will be as if he simply vanished.]

    Age : 32
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    Post by NyraXerz Thu Feb 16, 2017 10:01 am

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    | The Under | Time Unknown | 10 |
    (Continued from [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.])

    It was no castle but it would do. The dragon thinks to himself, stretching out his long limbs to ease the sleep from his system. Sharp claws catch and pull on the soft fabric on the human nesting material Nova had harvested the night before. Why they made such small bed he could not fathom -- each one was only large enough for a head! Their saving grace was their abundance though. Rising from his bed of pillows, the druddiking slinks forward onto the cool concrete, enjoying the sound of his claws rasping on the hard surface as he made his way towards the entrance.

    He leans back onto his haunches, reaching forward to grab at the privacy stutter (certainly humans did not expect this to be sufficient enough to keep anything trapped here did they?) but he hesitates. The end of the world is no reason to look like a slob. A growl escapes from under his breath as he cranes his head around his scaled form, looking for scuffs or imperfections. A feather from the human nest material here, rogue puff of cotton on this, this, and that spine… With delicate, precise tugging the dragon removes each of the pieces that clung to his rough skin.

    After completing his task, he twists his long neck this way and that before determining that he was, once again, perfect. Adding a proud nod, Nova grips the metal door before him and tugs. It doesn’t take much force before the stutter rolls up, leaving amble space for him to walk through with wings tugged in close. The hallway it lets out onto is deserted and relatively featureless. As soothing as the close tunnels were, humans definitely had little taste for design. Bored and hungry, the dragon continues down a random direction, lazily keeping track of the turns he made. Returning to his nest again the next night would be nice, but there was little harm in needing to rebuild it as well.

    Unfamiliar sounds start to reach his ears, echoing down the underground hallways. Each noise is faint at first, but slowly gets louder the closer he gets to…something? Nova gives a snort, a small puff of smoke trailing out of his nostril from the action. Probably more undead trespassing on his new territory! He'd show them.

    (( ooc: Glad to be on the team! I left it kinda open in case you guys wanted to get farther in the funeral undisturbed. Feel free to sense him/notice him or ignore Nova for now and I will have him slink around a bit before coming in. ))


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    Age : 25
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    Post by Duma Mon Feb 20, 2017 4:35 am

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    |The Under|Time Unknown|
    The Absol was silent as she watched, her red eyes cast downwards as she heaved a sigh sitting down heavily, her claws scraping across the ground. This wasn't the first time she had to bury someone. And she doubted that it'd be the last time, either. Eventually, she got up and walked away, leaving this for Cosmic to deal with. She didn't want to be the one to draw the curtain this time.

    "On your word, Glass. Bastet shall carry him to where we need to start this." Glass grit her teeth, and glanced back at Mathias with a scathing glare. "I'm not calling for it. Cosmic," the Umbreon's ears flicked, indicating he had heard her, "this is your call. Tell us when you move out." She said, before turning and facing the wall, her head cast down toward the ground, her teeth grit as she bared ehr fangs to the concrete below.

    "I'm not going to bury another friend. I'll wait down here while you burn Forrik's body." She said, getting a sigh from Cosmic, as the large Umbreon got to his paws, trotting over to the wrapped corpse, his muzzle twitching into a silent snarl. Forrik would still be here if it weren't for his fucking martyrdom, something that Cosmic hated. Sacrificing yourself for a person you don't even know? He growled softly, his claws digging at the ground. He'd never understand it. Never. The only person he would sacrifice himself for was his trainer, and now he was...

    He was long gone.

    Cosmic sighed and moved to follow the path up towards the rooftop. "Glass, after we're done with Forrik's funeral I got something to tell you all." He stopped to glance back at Mathias and Bastet, frowning a little. "Yeah, yeah. Lets just get this done. I want to get this out of my mind as soon as I can," he grumbled, turning and moving forwards to head up onto the roof.

    "I'll meet you on the rooftop, then."

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