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    Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre]


    Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre] Empty Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre]

    Post by Guest Tue May 01, 2012 1:23 am

    Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre] 227Skarmory_Dream

    Polnareff "Wizardry" Asvogel
    Item None
    Gender Male
    Age 25
    Species #227: Skarmory, Armor Bird Pokémon
    Height 6’02” (Tall)
    Weight 142.7 lbs. (Heavy)
    Pokédex Entry “Its sturdy wings look heavy, but they are actually hollow and light, allowing it to fly freely in the sky.” –HeartGold dex entry
    Level 45
    Ability Keen Eye
    Nature Hasty
    Characteristic Likes to scatter things
    Moves - Pluck [TM]
    - Thief [TM]
    - Steel Wing
    History Polnareff was always an assistant. Only an assistant, and nothing more.
    From the time he hatched, he was to learn how to pick the fruits needed for 'potions' the right way, and if not, it would be wasteful. He was hatched in captivity, and never knew who his parents were. His trainer, an old woman named Mandola, taught him how to make practically everything out of berries. She taught him force was not everything, but it is a good ally. Polnareff learned and learned quickly from then on, though he didn't exactly understand the whole concept of 'magic'.

    As Polnareff matured, he began to train himself, only because he did not understand 'magic' as well as he should have. Mandola pushed him further, forcing him to learn how to do something without this or that. Mandola read books to him, he didn't understand every word, but a lot of it he could. To him, they didn't seem realistic, but he could at least have some knowledge to fall back onto. He studied and trained for very long, until coming to a conclusion. He was to replace Mandola in her studies.

    One day, several weeks after his twenty-first birthday, he was flying over the mountain they lived on until he spotted a human. The human had been staring at the tree with the fruit that was poisonous (it was a subspecies of Aguav that might cause you to pass out), and decided to pick one and eat it. He had no right! It was their tree! He waited until he picked one to dive from the sky and attack him. He soon decided against it, not to kill him yet, but to torture him before he died, instead to carry him elsewhere first. He dropped the human in the region he knew as the Pudding Desert (actually, it was the desert in Hoenn), and waited for him to die as consequence for eating the fruit that wasn't his. The blistering heat and constant sandstorms didn't bother him, though it would have been deadly to a person without Go-Goggles.

    He waited, and the human woke up, and almost immediately after he did, he was flying over him like a vulture in the sky. He flew down to attack, because the human was shouting at him, and ended up breaking his arm. Polna wanted to do something a little worse, but, that would have done. He let the human out of the desert after making him wander around for about a day and a half, and watched him for his actions. He seemed to talk (actual conversation, I mean) to frog Pokémon... Frogs, and snakes. Odd human. He let the human go, he was already strange enough.

    The human would not let Polnareff leave, though, Polnareff was too smart to let by. He tried to capture the Skarmory, (and he thought it worked, too) but Polna had only pretended to go with him. The frog/snake whisperer had eaten the fruit needed for the most important potion they had ever needed, and the last one they had needed for it, too. Because it bore fruits once every three months, he needed to punish him. Polna pretended to be his Pokémon for a while, going along with his strange adventure. He seemed to be a biologist and constantly spoke of the 'spring bell', a bell that brings in spring when it was rung. Polna labeled it as ridiculous very quickly. He continued on with him for a long while until he decided to go digging in the mountains. Enough is enough! I won't participate in digging up the beautiful mountains of this region! He thought, destroying his bond (and the Poké ball) with the human when he was asleep, along with carrying off his pickax and dropping it in a lake. He navigated back to Mandola's house and was greeted warmly.

    Polnareff and Mandola were on vacation in Orre when the Epidemic struck. They were attacked by numerous Ludicolo when in the Reagalm Colosseum. Mandola didn't seem to mind much, she pulled out her Kadabra and made him teleport them away. Or so she thought. Polnareff was still there. Polnareff didn't want to bother with the Ludicolo, so he just flew away. Into the desert he went, until stopping at a place he knew there would be resources at.
    The humans had called it Phenac city.
    Appearance Polnareff is tall and heavy, yet surprisingly skinny. He's got a fire in his eyes, one that seems like it is the determination of a human.
    Personality Polnareff is stern most of the time, and absolutely hates children. He will force you to get something right the first time, or it will be "a waste of precious resources." He is a quick learner, but he will prefer you to do it his way. He's very stubborn, and does not like being proved wrong in any way.
    User Notes -> Based off of Polnareff the Asvogel, a condor-like bird from Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru.
    -> The determination in him (like a human) is a reference to the fact that Polnareff was turned into a human at the end of the game.
    -> Polnareff's owner, Mandola, liked to make others believe she was a witch. Since he is male, this gives him his alias "Wizardry".
    -> Despite being so high-leveled, I gave him only 3 moves to balance out his strength and make it harder for me to God-mod with him. I'm deathly afraid of doing that. ;A;
    -> Asvogel is his last name in tribute to his original species.
    -> The human mentioned was the prince of Sabure from the aforementioned game, but I'm just calling him as a biologist because monarchy is kind of uncommon now. Frogs and snakes are a reference to the fact that he turns into them to make the game progress.
    -> Polnareff is "magical" because he's so knowledgeable about the subject, and he can make 'exploding' (like a puff of smoke) powders that assist him in mocking 'magic'. (The real-world fake magic stuff, I mean.)
    ->Mandola had never caught him in a Poké ball.

    Last edited by Neoven8tr on Thu May 03, 2012 11:21 am; edited 2 times in total

    Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre] Empty Re: Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre]

    Post by Guest Tue May 01, 2012 8:33 pm

    He's done!

    Posts : 60

    Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre] Empty Re: Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre]

    Post by Kyogre Tue May 01, 2012 10:42 pm

    Moved to profile computer main, It's just awaiting approval now.

    Posts : 3650

    Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre] Empty Re: Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre]

    Post by Mewtwo Wed May 02, 2012 10:34 am

    Your history is very contradictory.

    First you say that he was told force isn't everything, then you have his lady force him to get stronger. It may be an ally, but if she didn't believe it was that necessary, why did she compel him to get stronger? That doesn't make sense.

    Then you have him want to kill a human, then abandon him in the desert. Then in the very next sentence you say that he wanted to kill the human again with no transition.

    pretending to be someone's Poke? The scientist would know that it wasn't his Pokemon by the fact that the Pokeball didn't work.

    The history continues this way and needs serious review and editing. Grammar is fine, but context is all over the place.

    You user notes also contradict the first part of your history, by saying his was trained to be brute force (which by the way means lots of muscle, not skinny) when in the beginning you said force isn't everything.

    Please revise and then I will look at for approval.


    Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre] 3Br5nS6

    Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotPolnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre] UugYyDK

    Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre] Empty Re: Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre]

    Post by Guest Wed May 02, 2012 11:13 am

    I think that should be better. Everything except Poké ball and physical appearance issues were resolved in the history. Those were resolved in Appearance and User Notes.


    Posts : 3650

    Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre] Empty Re: Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre]

    Post by Mewtwo Wed May 02, 2012 2:56 pm

    It still contradicts itself.

    He dropped the human in the region he knew as the Pudding Desert (actually, it was the desert in Hoenn), and let him die as consequence for eating the fruit that wasn't his.

    Then in the very next sentence you say he woke up, when you just said you let him die. It is confusing.

    And why did you change it so that now he suddenly can read? That wasn't in the original, or I would have mentioned it.

    Also, why and how can he suddenly make 'explosive powders' to mimic magic? Why is there magic at all? This is Pokemon. It is fine to make a character based off another game/series but you are not allowed to bring that world into Pokemon if it is not canon. Magic is not canon.

    Honestly this whole profile confuses me.


    Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre] 3Br5nS6

    Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotPolnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre] UugYyDK

    Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre] Empty Re: Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre]

    Post by Guest Wed May 02, 2012 7:52 pm

    First off, dying in the desert: If you were stranded in the desert to die, you would have to die by:
    a) getting attacked + blood loss
    b) heat stroke
    c) thirst or hunger.
    Seeing as he just ate a fruit, he could not die by C. Polnareff did not intend on getting his claws dirty, so it had to be by B. It takes time to die of heat stroke, too, so he could have woken up in that time.

    Next, reading: It was always there. Did you miss the part where I said Mandola gave him a stack of books to read?
    Animals may be able to learn to read, if a method similar to the one in Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh was used: associating the sound with the picture.

    Finally, powder: That was always there, too. In FireRed/LeafGreen, you can crush berries into powder. If you put a bunch of it into a bag and threw it on the ground (lol), then it would make a scattered puff like an explosion, which assists him in using 'magic' (real-world magic, I mean, the fake stuff). That's what I mean.

    I typed this with one hand, so pardon any mistakes.

    Age : 36
    Posts : 3208

    Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre] Empty Re: Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre]

    Post by Silverishness Wed May 02, 2012 8:41 pm

    If I could be any assistance here, I'll give my input:

    The whole dying thing:
    neoven8tr wrote:...and let him [the human] die as consequence for eating the fruit that wasn't his.

    I don't think Mewtwo was confused on how he died. You said in there, plain as day, that he died. And then, in the next few sentences, the human wakes back up. You could easily rewrite it as "he left the human for dead".

    The Secret of Nimh and the book it came from had the NIMH rats as scientific experiments; their intelligence matched that of humans, and that's how they learned to read. Not any animal can simply be able to understand a written language. Pictures? Symbols? Maybe, but the abstract concepts that come with a language can't be conceived by normal animals, and probably most pokemon... of course, that's up for the admins to decide. ^^;;

    And... that's not exactly how the berry powder would be made. Berries... are juicy, almost all the time. You'd have to use the berry crusher machine, not just toss them into a bag and throw them down and hope for the best. lol. And magic is just kinda... out there, for pokemon. o.o

    Like I said, just trying to help. ^^;;


    Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre] PCP637Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre] 635Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre] 196

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    Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre] Empty Re: Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre]

    Post by Suicune Wed May 02, 2012 9:18 pm

    Neo, try not to argue too much with the admins.
    Adjust appropriately, I agree with both Mewtwo and Silverishness.
    Make a profile as concise and accurate as possible, to avoid having to revise so much.

    When you write up a history, start with the bare bones. Exactly what happened in the pokemons' past.
    - jack was born
    - jack grew up lonely
    - jack found a few friends
    - jack killed all his friends because he was mad
    - jack is now lonely again

    From there, you can fill in the blanks. The reason you put an outline format is so you don't have inconsistencies and contradictions. If you see something that doesn't work with another or is redundant, it's easily noticeable.

    - jack was born
    -- born in johto
    -- born to a pidgeotto
    - jack grew up lonely
    - jack found a few friends
    - jack killed all his friends because he was mad
    - jack is now lonely again

    Once you do this, you can easily just change them into complete sentences. You lack clarity in your posts, please adjust and aim to improve this.
    It won't get approved until you do.


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    Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre] Empty Re: Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre]

    Post by Guest Thu May 03, 2012 11:22 am

    I think that's better, but I don't know, I finished it in a hurry. School and such.

    Posts : 3650

    Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre] Empty Re: Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre]

    Post by Mewtwo Sun May 06, 2012 5:24 pm




    Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre] 3Br5nS6

    Polnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotPolnareff the "Magical" Skarmory [Phenac City | Orre] UugYyDK

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