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4 posters

    Oliver the Growlithe (Pallet Team)


    Age : 31
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    Oliver the Growlithe (Pallet Team) Empty Oliver the Growlithe (Pallet Team)

    Post by Nightfall Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:01 pm

    Oliver the Growlithe (Pallet Team) MGv18tJ
    Image by Gunia

    Other images:

    Item None at present
    Gender Male
    Age Child
    Species #58 Growlithe, the Puppy Pokemon
    Height 1'02" (still not fully grown)
    Weight 29.5lbs
    Pokédex Entry "A Pokémon with a loyal nature. It will remain motionless until it is given an order by its Trainer."
    Level 6
    Ability Flash Fire (increases the power of Fire-type moves if hit by one)
    Nature Naive (+Speed, -Sp.Def)
    Characteristic Strong-willed (+Sp.Def)
    Moves Bite (start)
    Roar (start)
    Ember (level up)
    Flare Blitz (egg move)
    History Oliver was born in Kanto as the youngest of a litter of three. He and his brothers lived under the watchful eye of their mother as they played and roamed their home. Their father was their role model. He was a powerful, majestic Arcanine and the three of them looked to him for guidance and wisdom. Oliver in particular loved his father dearly, and the two of them spent a lot of time together. For the first few months of his life he lived this happy, carefree life being a typical, mischievous pup.

    The epidemic hit when Oliver was almost a year old. It caught the family completely by surprise, the undead swarming from out of nowhere and endlessly hungry for their blood. Oliver's parents attempted to fight the beasts off, but were overwhelmed. His father called at them to retreat, and fled into the nearby woodland with his family in tow. Oliver ran after him, and they didn't stop until they were a good couple of miles away from their home. Exhausted, Oliver flopped onto the ground as his father caught his breath. They realised with horror that Oliver's mother and two brothers were no longer behind them.

    His father was sick with worry, scooping his tired pup onto his back and taking off in search for them. They were unlucky, finding not a single trace of them - they had simply vanished. Oliver's father was grief-stricken, believing them to be dead, but did what he could for his one remaining son, bringing him food and moving from place to place to find shelter. One day though, the cave that they'd found was attacked and Oliver's father told him to run. The pup obeyed, fleeing off into the undergrowth and trusting that his father would follow him soon enough. He didn't.

    Oliver became lost on his way back to the cave, losing his nerve with panic and simply running until he could run no more. Eventually he made it to Mount Silver near to Kanto's border, and together with a group of survivors he had met, managed to pass through the mountain and cross the border back into his homeland. However, the purge did not offer the young pup any mercy and he ended up back in Johto - exactly where he didn't want to be. He struggles through life to this day, running from any undead and awaiting the day when he can be strong enough to fight them.
    Appearance He is about half the size of a fully-grown Growlithe, but otherwise his appearance is normal for his species.
    Personality Oliver is a sweet-natured, optimistic and playful young Growlithe. He is loyal and determined, often even gaining enough confidence to join in a fight, despite his inexperience. His father was, and still is, his role model in life, and works to become "big and strong" just like he was in his eyes. The young pup is very polite, always remembering to use his manners in the company of adults.

    Oliver is afraid of the dangerous new world around him, even though he tries not to show it. Previously he fled from any undead he encountered, but since learning at Mount Silver that he could be useful, his confidence has begun to grow. However, being as young as he is, Oliver can sometimes become a little reckless and sometimes charges into battle without thinking of possible repercussions. He has very little experience in battling, and mostly just relies on impulse rather than strategy. He has yet to learn that recklessness is never a good thing.

    Oliver knows enough about the world to get by, but many things are still a mystery to the pup. At his age, the urge to learn as much as possible about anything and everything is impossible to ignore. He asks as many questions as he can think of until he is satisfied with his answer. The little Growlithe is very sociable and loves to be around other Pokemon. He is aware that many adult Pokemon would not appreciate the presence of one as young as him, so he makes sure to try and prove himself to them. He hates being dismissed as 'just a kid' and will do whatever he can to show them that he can be of use.

    Oliver bonds quickly with other Pokemon that are kind to him and is never seen too far from a trustworthy adult. The young pup is perhaps a little too quick to judge, however, and can easily miss signs of deceit or sarcasm. He understands that not everybody in the world is good-natured, but sometimes needs a little bit of help in realising who those bad Pokemon are. He relies entirely on first impressions on judging whether or not somebody is friendly. Oliver dislikes bad language but will tolerate it as long as it is not directed at him.
    User Notes --Flare Blitz was passed down from his Arcanine father. The move is impressive to look at, but lacks power because of his level and inexperience. He hurts himself more than he hurts the opponent.
    --Hopes one day to evolve, but not until he is older and stronger.
    --He's the equivalent of a six-year old child.

    Last edited by Nightfall on Sun Mar 29, 2015 1:23 pm; edited 27 times in total

    Age : 37
    Posts : 4642

    Oliver the Growlithe (Pallet Team) Empty Re: Oliver the Growlithe (Pallet Team)

    Post by Suicune Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:26 pm

    Approved. You'll be placed on the Silver team.
    For future reference, you are to follow the hatchery link in creating a new profile. the 'living profiles' sub is for approved profiles only.

    Also, it doesn't make sense that he's not fully grown if hes already at lvl 45.
    If you can adjust that.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 2481

    Oliver the Growlithe (Pallet Team) Empty Re: Oliver the Growlithe (Pallet Team)

    Post by Nightfall Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:29 pm

    Thank you! Yes, I'll be sure to remember that in the future. Oh, and I'll just change his level. Shall I leave his moveset as it is, or shall I change that as well?

    Age : 37
    Posts : 4642

    Oliver the Growlithe (Pallet Team) Empty Re: Oliver the Growlithe (Pallet Team)

    Post by Suicune Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:15 pm

    If the level conflicts with the move, change them.If not, you can leave it.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 2481

    Oliver the Growlithe (Pallet Team) Empty Re: Oliver the Growlithe (Pallet Team)

    Post by Nightfall Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:14 am

    Alrighty, how's that? ^^ I changed his nature to coincide a little more with his personality as well.

    Age : 37
    Posts : 4642

    Oliver the Growlithe (Pallet Team) Empty Re: Oliver the Growlithe (Pallet Team)

    Post by Suicune Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:08 pm

    Great. :D
    You are now free to post.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 2481

    Oliver the Growlithe (Pallet Team) Empty Re: Oliver the Growlithe (Pallet Team)

    Post by Nightfall Thu Jul 25, 2013 1:04 pm

    I'd like Oliver to go to the Olivine Team in Johto please.

    • New image
    • Slight change in height due to the new guidelines
    • A lower level more appropriate for his age
    • New moveset
    • A paragraph added to the history to explain the events of the Silver/Victory Team
    • Personality rewritten in more detail
    • Updated user notes

    Posts : 3650

    Oliver the Growlithe (Pallet Team) Empty Re: Oliver the Growlithe (Pallet Team)

    Post by Mewtwo Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:17 pm

    (Thank you very much for noting all those revisions. It helped quite a bit)


    Oliver the Growlithe (Pallet Team) 3Br5nS6

    Oliver the Growlithe (Pallet Team) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotOliver the Growlithe (Pallet Team) UugYyDK

    Age : 31
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    Oliver the Growlithe (Pallet Team) Empty Re: Oliver the Growlithe (Pallet Team)

    Post by Nightfall Sun Mar 29, 2015 1:25 pm

    Please move to the PC for approval.

    Nothing has been changed except for the history - I just rewrote some of it.

    Posts : 1265

    Oliver the Growlithe (Pallet Team) Empty Re: Oliver the Growlithe (Pallet Team)

    Post by Victini Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:07 am

    Oliver the Growlithe (Pallet Team) RGgji6G


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    The Victory Pokemon

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