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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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12 posters



    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:24 am

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    Goldenrod Department Store|Morning (4)

    Marilyn could hear Agni ranting about how everyone left him to die. Everyone felt guilty about leaving him behind. They all apologized, even Marilyn said, "We're all sorry, but I didn't have anything to do with you being left behind." She physically stopped at Prince's words,

    "I'm sorry everyone, but I'll be taking my leave now. I decided I need to go back home. May Arceus bless you all and stay safe." He bowed before heading down the stairs. Marilyn walked to a window and watched Prince as he faded in the distance.

    Watching him leave brought a tear to Marilyn's eye. Even though she just met him, she was going to miss him. As Marilyn kept gazing out the window, she kept thinking.

    He went home, wherever that is. Should I do the same? No, I never liked it there. It was boring, the house, the people, everything. And yet... I feel like there's something missing. But what? What am I missing? Damn it Arceus, what the hell am I missing?! Tell me! Without realizing, she slammed her fists against the wall, still crying as she sat down against the wall.

    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Guest Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:39 pm

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    Goldenrod Department Store, Morning
    ... "What.. just happened?"
    Is it my fault?
    "Did he.. just.. leave us?"
    Was I.. too forceful?
    "... Are.. Are you going to be okay?"
    He looked at Rodolfo, and at Eris, and the little one he didn't know.
    Was it my fault?
    "... We'll have to be okay. Right? It's.. it's a shame.. he left.. but we'll be fine.. right?"
    He felt horrible now. He had hardly known Prince, but between a feeling of already missing the guy, and of guilt at having apparently driven him off, Agni settled himself into a little ball of misery at Rodolfo's feet. The big guy... couldn't possibly be happy..

    Age : 29
    Posts : 1664

    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Snitch Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:41 am

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    Goldenrod Department Store || Morning [26]

    "I'm sorry everyone, but I'll be taking my leave now. I decided I need to go back home. May Arceus bless you all and stay safe.”

    Rodolfo’s face fell as he watched Prince take his leave, shocked at the sudden change of events. Two of his companions had been murdered only a day or so earlier; now the fraxure was choosing to leave. He couldn’t make sense of it, but probably due to the fact the charizard lacked a home. Since his banishment from the valley, he’d realized he had no other opportunities but to start afresh. There was no returning to his old life, so he simply had to move on. In a way, he envied the dragon’s ability to seek out his loved ones, his home – Rodolfo sought nothing. With a sad smile, he watched the creature disappear down the stairs and turned to observe the remaining pokémon. They all looked a little blue to say the least.

    Marilyn suddenly hit the wall in a fit of emotion; Agni was asking multiple questions before resting at the charizard’s feet, apparently blaming the events on his previous outburst. He didn’t like seeing the group so distraught at the dragon’s exit, and was growing concerned at Eris’ silence. Rodolfo emitted a weak whine. Whilst he was sad to see Prince go, he realized that it was something Prince wanted and would never get in the way of somebody’s dreams. He had to be happy for Prince and only wished him the best in his pursuit of his home, exactly what the others should be doing. With a half-smile, Rodolfo wrapped his tail around Agni slightly, making sure to keep the weak flame a distance from the insect in fear of accidentally setting his fur alight.
    “Hey, hey, hey,” The charizard started optimistically, gently, noticing that the gothorita had begun to cry. “It’s going to be okay. Prince may be gone, but we’ve still got each other, right?” It was strange taking on the role of the motivator, but despite everything he’d been through positivity had been one of Rodolfo’s greatest assets. He glanced back to the blood-stained staircase as a light bump echoed from somewhere above. He didn’t want to stay in this building any longer, especially when the others were miserable and possibly less aware of their surroundings. Forget about the supplies, they’d find food somewhere else.
    “Perhaps we need a change of environment?” Rodolfo started, moving to stand on all fours and trudging towards a nearby window. With a quick headbutt, the glass shattered to lightly cut his forehead as he looked expectantly out to the world beyond. He flexed his wings slightly, pleased to find the previous aching had faded into nothingness. “Climb on,” Rodolfo glanced over his shoulder with a soft smile. They were all small enough to carry on his back and perhaps a chance to fly could lift their spirits. “E-Eris? I can carry you, i-if you like?”

    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Guest Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:51 pm

    ((Skip me, I'm way to busy to post right now.))

    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:30 am

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    Goldenrod Department Store|Morning (5)

    It seemed as though Prince's departure took its toll on everyone. Agni curled up in a ball at Rodolfo's feet, and the Deino was just sitting in the corner. Marilyn wiped the tears from her face, yet her mind was still restless with thoughts.

    "Perhaps we need a change of environment?" said Rodolfo, "Climb on." He signaled everyone to climb on his back so he could fly out of the store. Marilyn got on and embraced his back. She closed her eyes. Maybe some rest will put her mind at rest.

    Why did she leave me? Was I not good enough for her? What did I do wrong? What did I do to upset her? A few tears came out of her eyes.

    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 11, 2012 8:41 pm

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    Goldenrod Department Store, Morning
    Agni crawled up to his usual perch on Rodolfo's head with a sigh of discontent.
    "Elsewhere... where will we go?"
    (can't.. honestly come up with a better post. I'm horribly sorry, guys. :/)

    Age : 29
    Posts : 1664

    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Snitch Tue Feb 14, 2012 8:28 am

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    Goldenrod Department Store || Morning [27]

    Rodolfo instinctively twitched as he felt Agni’s little feet travelling up his spine. It tickled, but he resisted the urge to burst out into laughter following such a parting with Prince. The bug took his position atop his head with a sigh, asking a question Rodolfo wasn’t sure if he could answer.

    "Elsewhere... where will we go?"

    The charizard sighed softly, feeling Marilyn clambering to sit on his back. Everyone was so blue – he could tell from the slight movements from the gothorita that she was crying, maybe even trying to hide it. He forced a weak smile, looking out of the smashed window to the world that lay beyond.
    “Anywhere, I suppose,” Rodolfo finally resolved on. “There’s got to be somewhere safe in this world, right?” He didn’t even believe what he was saying. These were the only survivors he’d seen in months, let alone seeing any glimpses of human life on his travels. He glanced over his shoulder, waiting for Eris. Her silence was worrying him, and he trudged back a few steps to usher her to join them, plus he was going to need a run-up for flight. He held out his arms, smiling softly even though he knew the little deino wouldn’t be able to see him. “C’mon. Flying is not as scary as it sounds,”

    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 14, 2012 1:57 pm

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    Goldenrod Department Store|Morning (6)

    Marilyn wasn't really sure of herself at this point in life. Everything's just been a huge disaster all because of the epidemic.

    "Elsewhere... where will we go?" Agni asked.

    "Anywhere, I suppose." Rodolfo responded, "There's got to be somewhere safe in this world, right?" Marilyn rolled her eyes "Somewhere safe?! We're lucky not to have run into any infected or undead pokemon, and he thinks there's someplace safe?"

    Marilyn tried to let out a fake smile. "Yeah, it's not like the whole world is full of depression and infected. I'm sure there's at least one place without all of that garbage." She noticed that the deino wasn't moving or saying anything. She didn't even know its name.

    "C'mon. Flying is not as scary as it sounds," Rodolfo said. He took a few steps back to the deino. Marilyn grew worried about this one. Being polite, she knelt down just in front of Rodolfo, and said softly, "Excuse me, are you alright? Because Rodolfo here is offering you a lift out of this gloomy and depressing place, and you aren't responding... and it worries me..."

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Drago Tue Feb 14, 2012 6:24 pm

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    South of National Park | Morning (1)

    Bryant didn't know how long he had been walking. His muscles were sore from being forced to swim ashore after the Aerodactyl dropped him. Adding the miles he had walked to the formula made for a very painful situation. He had burned with frustration as he realized he had nowhere to go. With no other companion, he had no reason to exist for the moment. He needed to find some friends. Despite his soreness, he rammed his head into a nearby tree to clear his mind. The tree snapped in half, falling in the opposite direction. Inspecting the damage, he found several berries spotting the branches. As it was, Bryant ate lunch, alone.

    Standing up, he looked around slowly. Still no sight of anyone since he began his solitary trip. Where is everybody? He thought to himself. He had never gone so long without seeing anyone before. It was an odd feeling, and only served to worsen his mood. BEfore long, he stood himself up and began to prepare to continue moving. Pokemon would not come to him, he would have to find his friends on his own.

    ((Hello! Glad to be part of the team! :D))
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    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Guest Fri Feb 17, 2012 6:32 am


    Age : 29
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    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Snitch Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:00 pm

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    Goldenrod Department Store || Morning [28]

    The gradual thud of footsteps from above snatched Rodolfo’s attention away momentarily – he’d almost forgotten about the thing he’d caught glimpse of. This building was driving him mad, he wanted to leave. He wanted to leave now. With an apologetic smile, he quickly picked the deino up, supporting Eris’ tiny stomach despite any protest she may have given.
    “Sorry,” He muttered quickly. The footsteps were getting louder. He waited until Marilyn had resumed her place on his back before taking a quick scan of the room. There was nothing left to wait for. “Hang on!” He took a run up towards the broken window, his wings gradually emerging from their folded position as he dived into the air. He dipped rapidly at first, misjudging his newfound weight, but he kept calm. Keeping a tight grip on the deino in his claws, he sincerely hoped both Agni and Marilyn had heeded his earlier warning. With a few harsh beats of his wings, he swooped over the city below, gaining height to fly steadily, peacefully in the morning breeze.

    “Everyone okay?” Rodolfo called over the noise of the wind, eyes scanning the littered city below, praying for answers from the bug and gothorita. As he moved away from the once proud city of Goldenrod, his flying becoming a lot gentler, almost smooth, he began to lose height. He didn’t fancy the idea of one of his riders falling from such a distance; it was safer for them if he were to lurk closer to the earth. The charizard smiled to himself, pleased that his stature had assisted the group, even if it was from a threat many had been hardly aware of. But his optimistic thoughts were broken by the sight of an infected venusaur lumbering down route 35. Usually, the charizard would have simply flown on; avoiding an initiation of battle with the great beast, but the pitiful sound of crying changed his mind. It took him a moment to locate the helpless togepi, but when it came into his vision, Rodolfo dived down.
    “Sorry guys, slight detour...” He was unsure if the others had spotted either the threat or victim, but something deep inside the charizard forced him to help, and he was currently in control. He landed surprisingly elegantly a distance away from the togepi, releasing Eris from his grip before lowering his body to permit Marilyn and Agni to jump onto the ground.

    “Hey buddy, you alright?” Rodolfo asked the struggling pokémon. On closer inspection, the togepi seemed rather young and that only made the charizard more desperate for it to cease its crying. He ushered a weak smile, using a claw to gently tip the creature back onto its feet. Turning his attention back to the venusaur, his tail flicked, concerned – it was getting closer.
    “Have you had any fighting experience?” Rodolfo directed his question at nobody in particular, instead watching the diseased grass type. The fact it was limping was a good sign, they’d have a minute or so to prepare themselves for its wrath.

    (( Permission from LostCall to pick up Eris c: ))

    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:28 am

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    Goldenrod City||Late Morning

    Eris didn't know what was going on, but she let out a little eek when she was suddenly picked up. She would have most likely bitten whoever did it, but the warn scent of the Charizard fill her senses and she just let herself get carried. Though it was only a matter of time before she was put back onto the ground. "What's happening?" She asked as she stood up and looked in the direction Rodolfo's scent was coming from. Not being able to see sucked, but she hoped they could be her eyes for now.

    "Have you had any fighting experience?" The question was sudden, and Eris widened her blind eyes. They where is danger, oh she hated it in here. Everything smelt the same.
    "I know how to fight. But I prefer not to." She said in a low voice, but laud enough that the fire pokemon could hear her. She can always use her protect to keep everyone safe, but like any attack she had her limits, and she didn't even know what pokemon they where faced with. "W-what pokemon are we fighting?" She hoped it wasn't an ice type, though she would have felt the chill if it was, or another dragon type. She could hold her own with one of them, but not if it was a fully evolved one.
    She found out what she needed to know through biting, but she wasn't about to go over to whatever they where facing and bite it, what if she got infected, oh no, she didn't want that at all. Eris began to shuffle closer to Rodolfo as she somewhat hid behind him waiting her his reply.

    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 4:48 am

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    Goldenrod City| Late Morning (7)

    Rodolfo picked up the deino and signaled everyone to come on board. He needed a running start, and Marilyn held on tightly. They were dipping, which scared the Gothorita. "Everyone okay?" Rodolfo asked, but after that dip, she was too scared to respond. All she could do was nod.

    "Sorry guys, slight detour." Marilyn wondered what kind of detour it was. When Rodolfo hit the ground, he place the deino back on the ground and let Marilyn off. "What's happening?" the deino asked. Marilyn saw that there was a (young) Togepi, crying as it struggles to get up. She felt her heart race. She smiled and walked over to the Togepi. With her accent, she softly asked, "Excuse me? Do you need any help?"

    "Have you had any fighting experience?" Rodolfo asked. Marilyn shook her head. "With the family I'm from, we never battled." The deino said she had some, but didn't like to fight.

    "Why do you ask?" Her question was interrupted by a shaking, like a large foot hitting the ground. It was just that; an infected Venusaur. "Oh crap..." was all Marilyn could get out at the sight of this monster.

    Last edited by fr0sti97 on Sat Feb 25, 2012 4:49 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : centering)

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Drago Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:54 am

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    Route 35 | Late Morning (2)

    Bryant looked around. There were more crashing sounds, besides that of the tree he had felled earlier. He didn't like the sound of that. Something large was moving nearby. Something else caught his ear, as well. Someone... was crying? It sounded like the cry of a newborn, and the sound wrenched at the Cranidos's heart. In a quick sense of fright, Bryant bounded towards the sound, running as fast as he could. The biggest jolt of fear would come, he knew, if the baby stopped crying before he got there.

    He found the source before long. A Togepi, he thought they were called, was rocking itself in the middle of the road, crying like no other. Before he could approach, however, a large Dragon landed out of the sky, carrying many other pokemon. Bryant was not suspicious of them, they seemed to be helping the poor baby. What frightened him, was the large, dead-looking Venusaur lumbering in their direction. It looked like they were going to fight. Now was as good as any to introduce himself, he thought. He quickly ran over to where they were standing. As he approached, he overheard the Dragon's question. "I have a little experience." He said in a hushed voice. He knew it was not a question for him, but he felt it should be stated anyway. "My name is Bryant. I thought you might like some help against that bohemoth." While he spoke, the beast only seemed to loom closer. Bryant shuddered. The thing was massive, compared to his relatively small size.
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    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:44 pm

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    Rodolfo's Head, Goldenrod City
    Agni shuddered as Rodolfo took off, as steady ground left.

    He stared off into the distance as Rodolfo said.. something. He wasn't quite sure what. What he was sure of, was that something bad was about to happen, as Rodolfo was landing, and he sluggishly crawled down to the ground, far too unfocused to really grasp what was going on. The bug just.. lay there on the ground, eyes glassy.

    Age : 29
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    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Snitch Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:12 am

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    Route 35 || Morning [29]

    "I know how to fight. But I prefer not to. W-what pokemon are we fighting?”

    Rodolfo emitted an unintentional whine, eyes firmly glued to the venusaur as each of the group piped in on their battle experience. He noticed a certain fear spreading through the survivors, both Eris and the togepi subconsciously moving closer to his form. It was strange. He’d never considered himself a figure of authority, let alone someone to be respected at all – but with these survivors, he was trusted, admired. It touched him, but at the same time concerned him. What if he couldn’t live up to their expectations?

    His attention flickered between the now active togepi and the infected in the distance. The little guy had recovered from his previous state of fear and was now mingling about the group, introducing himself as ‘Nicholas’. Rodolfo smiled kindly down at the creature, nodding his head in greeting. He hoped there would be a chance for a more formal, in depth introduction once the grass-type was dead.
    “It’s a venusaur, Eris,” The charizard had almost forgotten the dragon-type was blind, feeling a surge of guilt for not alerting her of the details of the danger sooner. He sighed, bracing himself. He took a step forward, trying to zone into the world of battle, completely engrossing himself in the life or death situation. However, before he could approach the infected any further, another voice had him jumping out of his skin.

    "I have a little experience. My name is Bryant. I thought you might like some help against that behemoth.”

    Rodolfo spun around to face the newcomer, another type of dragon-dinosaur creature that he didn’t recognize. His shoulders fell, relieved that Bryant was offering his assistance rather than proving another threat for the team. He smiled appreciatively.
    “That’d be great,” Rodolfo flicked his tail, the flame intensifying slightly. He wasn’t like most charizard - that was a well-established fact – but fighting was in his blood. He’d been ruthless in his youth, but when he’d learnt of his dishonor on killing the weak, he’d attempted to put his battling days behind him. With the epidemic, Rodolfo had had to revise this vow. “I’ll try and keep it at a distance for now. Don’t feel pressured to help, just keep safe,” A weak smile emerged. Whilst he would probably struggle to bring the beast down alone, he didn’t want to force his companions out of their comfort zones. Their safety was the most important thing to him, and if that meant sacrificing his own, then so be it.

    Returning his attention to the venusaur that had managed to advance a good few meters towards the group, Rodolfo’s expression hardened. On closer inspection, the creature was hideous. Its skin was flaking, revealing gory patches of diseased, rotting flesh. The charizard flinched slightly, the beast opening its gaping, bloody mouth where the limbs of past victims still clung to its fangs.
    “Come on, Rodolfo. You can do this,” He muttered to himself, his claws trembling slightly. There was no denying the charizard’s fear. But he had to prove himself – he had to show he was brave, useful. With a deep breath, he emitted a harsh flamethrower directly at the infected.

    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 3:38 pm

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    Goldenrod City||Late Morning

    "It’s a venusaur, Eris," Rodolfo said as she stayed behind the Charizard. A Venusaur was the final form of the Kanto grass starter wasn't it? Wouldn't that mean Rodolfo would be able to beat it being the final form of the Kanto fire starter?
    "I have a little experience. My name is Bryant. I thought you might like some help against that behemoth." The new voice almost gave the small Daino a heart attack. She turned franticly till she got its scent and turned her head in It's direction. What was it? She wanted to find out, but this was not the time to go around biting everyone.

    "I-I can help with defense." Eris said as she crawled out a little from behind the Charizard. "You do remember I know Protect right?" She added as she looked up at Rodolfo, hoping she was looking at his head and not at a cloud way past it.
    Eris would prefer staying out of any violent situations if at all possible, she didn't want to gain much exp from this fight, mostly cause she didn't know how close she was to evolving, and she wasn't really looking forward to having a send head. And a split personality.

    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:05 pm

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    Goldenrod City|Late Morning (8)

    "Hi! What are you?" The Togepi said to Marilyn. She found it rather rude, but then remember that he was just a kid. "I am a Gothorita, and my name is Marilyn." Marilyn had always wanted someone or something like a younger brother, but because she was owned by the youngest member of her family, she never got that experience. Perhaps the Togepi would be like a younger brother to her.

    "W-what pokemon are we fighting?" The deino asked Rodolfo. "It's a Venusaur, Eris." So that was the deino's name, Eris. Another voice came running into the group. "I have a little experience. My name is Bryant. I thought you might like some help against that behemoth." The voice came from a Cranidos. This one seemed to be full of life and ready to go. The Togepi introduced himself to Bryant, revealing his name to be Nicholas.

    Rodolfo let out a flamethrower attack on the Venusaur. Marilyn saw this power and became inspired. "Actually, I-I know a few moves that could be helpful." She braced herself and fired a move she learned thanks to Christine. Charge Beam.

    She wasn't used to that kind of power, so the attack threw her back against a tree, hitting the ground with a thud. It was then that the Gothorita got an idea. Alright now, time to show your worth.

    She started crying. The Venusaur's attention was now on her, and she's never been more scared in her life. The infected grass type was so scary, she wasn't sure if the tears were real or fake. But she signaled the others by lipping three words to everyone, "Now's your chance."

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Drago Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:15 pm

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    Route 35 | Late morning (3)
    Bryant smiled at Nicholas's childish introduction and observation. It reminded him that he was young as well, if not a baby. The large dragon surprised him with a startling flamethrower. Bryant had to back away from the intense heat, even more than he was already. He gave a start when Marilyn, he had heard her introduction with Nicholas, made her attack. The impact against the tree made him wince in sympathy, but he was truly startled when she began to cry. However, when the Venasaur turned its attention to her, he realized what she was doing.

    It was a moment before Bryant realized the Venasaur was limping. Come to think of it, the large leg reminded him of a tree trunk... "Let me go out there." He shouted to the large dragon. He deferred to him, since the others seemed to as well. He wouldn't go without telling his plan, of course. "I can knock that leg out from under it."
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    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Guest Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:32 pm

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    Route 35, Morning

    Agni watched blankly as the others started their attack. The strange black one attempted to fire off a beam of electricity.. but failed miserably, and started crying instead. The grey, beaked one said something to Rodolfo, though Agni could not hear what. And the little spiky one, a Togepi, he recalled, fired a.. Hyper Beam?.. at.. he saw it now, his vision was clearing- a Venusaur of the particularly undead persuasion.


    His horns glowed brightly. He'd found a conduit for his distress, finally! Agni shuffled into position, aiming at the creature's face, and rocketed off at dazzling speed towards its head, wreathed in flames. His eyes reflected the bright flames, appearing red and blazing- a good expression of what was surely rage.

    Age : 29
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    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Snitch Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:48 am

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    Route 35 || Morning [30]

    It seemed the group were more powerful than they’d let on. No sooner had Rodolfo brought a rather inexperienced end to his flamethrower, coughing and spluttering as a thick black smoke emerged from his mouth, the others had leapt into action. The venusaur had remained alight for only a few short minutes, shaking away the flames to reveal sickly, charred skin. The charizard was shocked that despite the obvious damage his attack had made, the venusaur had hardly reacted to the pain. Maybe it was numb. His eyes widened in shock as a hyper beam made contact with the wilting plant atop its back, practically burning a gaping hole through it triggering a gradual ooze of blood and a strange, green and black liquid. Rodolfo’s lip curled back in disgust; revolted by the sight and how determined the creature remained. His attention was caught by a sudden crying, causing him to spin on his heel to witness Marilyn luring the creature over with her tears.

    "Let me go out there. I can knock that leg out from under it."

    Rodolfo turned to the newcomer, Bryant, and nodded his head firmly. He’d only just met the creature, but the charizard felt inclined to trust him – it sounded like he knew what he was talking about. Rodolfo would focus on offering defense for Marilyn if the plan were to backfire. Before he could react, the togepi was on the move, darting forward to join the gothorita.
    “Wait!” Rodolfo called, reaching out in fear of the youngster endangering himself as well. But he was relieved when the monster of an attack suddenly emerged from Nicholas’ small form. His jaw fell open, shocked at the sheer power of the hyper beam, incinerating half the infected’s face and causing it to stumble back in shock. It obviously felt that hit. Rodolfo smiled, pleased. Agni followed the hit up with another fire move, colliding with the venusaur’s face to worsen its already hideous appearance.

    Glancing back to Byrant, he grinned, a plan formulating in his usually innocent mind.
    “Together we can knock that thing over. It’ll be helpless on its back,” The dinosaur had mentioned aiming for the creature’s leg, but Rodolfo saw a great opportunity to send the thing flying. Knock it over and slit the throat. Rodolfo was unsure if he could manage that latter action, however – blood vessels had always made his skin crawl and the idea of severing one was particularly nauseating. But they had to act quickly; he didn’t wait for an answer. “Ready? Go!” The charizard went charging at the venusaur, moving as fast as his legs would carry him before roughly colliding with the creature’s shoulder. Forcing all his weight onto the venusaur, Rodolfo was suddenly hit with the hideous stench of rotting from being in such close proximity of the source. He gagged slightly, resisting the urge to vomit as he put in final attempt to send the undead toppling over.

    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Guest Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:49 am

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    Goldenrod City||Morning

    “Ready? Go!” Eris hadn't even been listening to half of what Rodolfo was saying, she was to busy trying to picture how big a venusaur looked like and how big it was. How much force would she need to tip it? Completely blind to where she was running, she charged along with Rodolfo, using her Dragon Rush, hoping she wouldn't hit one of her allies.
    She felt her head hit something, it was gross, and felt rotted, which meant she had hit it, but where had she hit it? It wasn't the mouth, thank goodness for that, was it a leg? It had to have been a leg. He push harder, fighting back the urge to vomit at how gross it was touching something this revolting.

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    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

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