Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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9 posters

    The CANALAVE Team


    The CANALAVE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:07 pm

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    Canalcave City/Evening

    Gyro turned around carefully. The giant metal robot was still alive. Well, it was infected but still in it's case alive. Gyro turned to see that nearly every Pokemon around him was joining into the fight. Out of all of them, the only species he recognized was the Zoroark. The others were a cat, a giant green turtle with a tree out of it's back, and two human-like Pokemon. They were probably somewhat close, like one of those branching off species.

    Gyro did not know what to think. The cat was glaring at him like he was the worst villain in the world. He needs to chill...

    The giant turtle seemed female. She seemed slightly afraid. She was battling, but it seemed to be uncomfortable for her

    The two humanoid Pokemon were fighting in different styles. The one that had a dress was fighting like a dancer, constantly twirling around, glowing leaves picking up and slamming into the giant Pokemon. The other fought like a knight and ninja combined. Several clones of him were out, presenting a variety if attacks against the infected.

    The Zoroark, on the other hand, was the most confusing. She seemed scared out of her mind, but she was battling. Gyro couldn't help but feel sorry for her. But, that thought quickly disappeared.

    Despite their best efforts none of them had the advantage. Gyro couldn't help much either. Although he couldn't be much of a help, Gyro started to use the one thing he never used before, his brain.

    Come on Gyro...your a tough guy, you can be a smart guy too! Okay...none of us have the advantage against that thing. It's body may be hollowed out, but it still can fight. WAIT!

    Gyro looked near the infected's eyes. Not much of an actual eye rested in there. It looked more like a hole in a tree. Gyro also saw.......fluids....slightly leaking out of the holes as well.

    That thing is hollowed out! If he can destroy it from the inside, there won't be anything left for it to keep fighting! Question is how...even I'm not that accurate.

    Gyro looked back and saw the canal. It was currently filled with rushing water, impossible for anything to swim by it. If Gyro had a mouth, it would be smiling.

    All that water...nothing can survive with THAT in their system. And that thing is dumb enough to fall for it. Man....I AM smart. I better give this old head of mine a little more credit.

    Gyro rolled between the beast and the water. Using the only long range attack he knew, and his moral value how to use it, he hurled a Sludge Bomb attack at it. It hit the metal thing dead on, causing it to turn. "Hey helmet head!" shouted Gyro. "You must battle a lot to get that horrible injury. Oh I'm sorry, that was just your dented face!"

    A beam of whatever shot from the white X on it's face but Gyro dodged it. "Oh...so close...but you gotta catch me if you want to hurt me!" The infected, despite the other attacks, headed towards him.

    ((OoC: Sorry if I sound like I'm taking control of the battle. I mean, let's be honest, is anyone powerful enough to break that thick skull? Not trying be mean or anything. Also, yes, my profile may say Gyro is a powerhouse does not mean he's stupid.))[center]

    Last edited by Unovafan12 on Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:07 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:00 pm

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    Canalave City | Evening [17]

    Though they were all nuisances, Hinge had to admit that they were actually doing fairly well fighting in a team. After the loud wheel bug thing struck the metagross back, before it had fully recovered, Chi had slammed the metal thing, setting it back the few steps it had managed to gain. The gallade had swiftly advanced with his flashy-slashy moves on the hulking steel/psychic-type, while its body was pounded with the gardevoir's uber-accurate Magical Leaves. The rolling pokemon had split into clones, and they would attack from different angles without hurting allies, and the Zoroark, ninjaing close to the behemoth with illusions, slashed harshly when given an opening.

    The combo of attacks caused the metagross to stumble back, enduring the blitz relatively unscathed; its skull was definitely extremely hard. After a moment of confusion it sank its weight lower to the ground, its underside nearly brushing the ground, and though all the attack landed, the onslaught no longer shook its great frame.

    The wheel struck it with a sludge bomb and hurled insults which caused Chi to smile inwardly despite herself. But, to her alarm, the thing shot a hyper beam from the X on its face and, one great leg at a time, stood and turned to face Gyro. It moved forward, and, after enduring several more attacks from the recently-aquainted team, began to pick up its legs and bat at the surrounding objects that were in between it and the infuriating whirlipede pokemon.

    Oh no! Chi thought, as she watched the battle moving away from her. That was a Hyper Beam! Arceus, those swiping Metal Claws must be incredibly strong with all that mass behind them. And . . . a Meteor Mash!

    Hinge, though not participating in the battle, was becoming ever more wary. His eyes were not on the battle with the metagross, which was flashy and lit the area with the pulsing light of various attacks; instead, his eyes were glued to the deep darkness of the surrounding undergrowth. There was no conceivable way that the other undead in the forest hadn't noticed their presence. The things in the bushes were becoming more restless, too. Hinge bit back a hiss. Shit. Undergrowth is not supposed to be moving so much. . . !

    [[OOC: Feel free to take a hit from the metagross, so we don't become whole bunch of Chuck Norrises -- only if you want to though XD!

    No probs Unovafan! Keeping the RP moving is good. Everyone, feel free to move the metagross around, its an NPC after all. But Unovafan, make sure that you put a location and time and stuff!]]

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:34 pm

    (Skip please. Just say that Apollo was smashed into a nearby rock and isn't moving)

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Nightfall Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:56 pm

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    Canalave City/Evening (6)

    Fi's eyes began to droop as she continued to fire her Magical Leaves at the Metagross's huge body. It had been a long time since she had battled and she was not used to putting so much strain on her body. In fact, she was surprised that she still remember how to use Magical Leaf. She had kept up the attack for as long as she could but she stopped to try and regain some of her strength before attacking again.

    The second she stopped the Metagross lifted its legs and began to spin. Fi was thankful that she had been attacking from a distance and did not get hit, but she received a cloud of dust to the face instead. Through her tainted vision she saw a figure fly through the air and hit a rock.

    Fi groaned, wiped the dust from her eye and gasped. "Apollo!" She immediately rushed over and directed a Heal Pulse towards the injured Gallade, hoping that it would rejuvenate some of his strength. While healing him she glanced back behind her at the battle, hoping that the others would be all right without her and Apollo to help ... for the moment.

    ((OOC: Yay, crap post! :D))

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:32 pm

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    Canalave City/Evening (7)

    While Natsumi was at a safe distance from the Metagross she noticed that the Metagross spinning around and hit Apollo against the tree. This cause her to grow a bit angry but not too badly that it will blind her when she fights. She glance and saw a pink energy surround Apollo and saw that Fi was healing him with an attack Natsumi recognized as Heal Pulse. She smiled as she saw this and jumped in front of the two of them as a shield of some sort and began growling and snapping at the Metagross causing dark energy waves to come out of her mouth and hit the ground causing the Metagross to loss it's balance for the moment. Natsumi was glad that her Snarl attack worked for the time being and focus on making her illusion stronger as dark energy surrounded the Metagross to keep it in place though it was unseen by the others except the struggling of the Metagross as it tried to get free from her illusion. She then focused her illusion to protect everyone from any other possible infected that may come to investigate what was going on.

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:37 pm

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    Canalcave City/Evening

    Gyro saw that the large clanking Infected was walking towards him. It was slow, but it was making it there. Gyro was surprised because usually whenever he thinks he messes it up. But, something was causing the Pokemon to stop. The others kept attacking it. The Infected knocked the male humanoid into a rock and the female followed suit. Gyro was going to hate himself for it, but he needed to. If his plan was going to work, he needed help. Everyone's help. Quickly activating Agility, Gyro showed what his name meant and whirled past the Infected. He stopped in front of where the Zoroark, the cat, and the wood turtle were.

    "Listen up!" he shouted, catching the attention of others. "I know none of you tryst me but if we're going to stop that thing we need to....work...together..." Gyro had trouble saying that last part. He quickly recharged his Agility and turned around quickly, "Try to knock that thing in the water!"

    He rolled quickly and soon drive circles around the Infected. Gyro needed it to be closer to the water. So, he did it the only way how. "Hey Tin Head!" he shouted. "Your as strong as a soda can! I've met paperclips stronger than you! If you were as least twice as fast as you are now you might actually qualify for being considered really really slow! If you were..."

    Gyro was cut short as the giant machine-looking Pokemon swung one of it's arms down. Meteor Mash. Gyro wasn't just hit, he was hurled. Thankfully he landed on his side, otherwise he would have kept rolling. The canal was just mere inches from where he laid. Gyro attempted to get up but two things stopped him. One, was because he landed on his side. For him that was impossible to get up by yourself on. And two, he was in great pain. Several thuds hit the ground. A shadow soon loomed over Gyro. Gyro managed to glance up and see the giant Infected. It's eyes were a blood red. The X on it's face was glowing white as an orb formed at the top. Gyro closed his eyes, waiting for it. He vowed to protect everyone from danger after he was abducted. And now, he was sacrificing himself for it.


    The CANALAVE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:37 am

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    Canalave City | Evening [18]

    With slice-and-dice KO'd on a rock, Natsumi on guard duty, and the gardevoir healing, the group's fighters were dwindling fast. Good thing HInge wasn't the only one to notice.

    The whirlipede skidded to a halt. "Listen up!" he shouted, catching everyone's attention. "I know none of you trust me but if we're going to stop that thing we need to . . . work . . . together. . . ." With that, he charged off, slinging insults at the infected as he raced circles around it. He was nearly slammed with the full impact of the metagross' Meteor Mash, but, as he was thrown and was thankfully not lying in a pulp beneath the monster, he was probably still alive. Bad thing was, he was tilted over on his side, and lay prostrate as the behemoth loomed over him.

    Hinge made it his policy not to go out of his way for others.

    But that didn't mean he'd watch a pokemon get stomped by an undead freak.

    His companion was angry, too. Chi roared, seeming to shake the surroundings with the primordial scream. She charged the metagross, at a full, earth-thumping run, her head glinting with the beginning of Iron Head.

    Hinge knew he wasn't as strong as Chi. But he was faster than her. He leapt off her shoulder as she began to move and sprinted around the range of the monster's metal legs. Power Jem! The jewel in Hinge's forehead pulsed, and extremely bright and flashy jem-shaped projectiles surged out toward the metagross. The attack collided with the white, orb-shaped beginnings of hyper beam and exploded. Though it lacked the power of a full hyper beam, the shockwave wreaked havoc on Hinge's eyes and ears, and he staggered for a moment before one swipe of the metagross's claws sent him sprawling, hitting the ground in the most unorganized, non-cat-like manner, a limp tangle of limber joints and pain.

    The Hyper Beam had exploded in the metagross' face as well, and the blinding white flash left the light-sensitive undead stunned. Chi reached the metagross and slammed her Iron Head into the beast once more, knocking the limp-limbed monster back easily, away from Gyro. It seemed to regain its footing soon enough, but it was getting closer to the canal. . . .

    Last edited by HiddenHero on Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:32 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : grammar)

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:05 pm

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    Canalave City | Evening

    The Gallade let out a moan as he slowly open his eyes and looked up to see Fi. Wha-what? He managed to say as he saw the pink light. It looked like Fi was using Heal Pulse on him. He looked at Fi and smiled his thanks. Thank you Fi. He tried to get up, but instantly fell back to the ground. His body was in so much pain, but Fi's Heal Pulse WAS helping, but it was taking forever and Apollo had looked at the group and found that the Metagross was almost to the canal. He had an idea, but it was risky. Especially considering he was hurt as bad as he was.

    Damn. Hey Fi, how long do you think you can detract that steel type? Apollo asked as he struggled to get to his feet. He was able to catch a glimpse of the Persian, the Torterra and the Whirlapede. He looked up and saw Natsumi using Snarl and acting as a shield. He was able to get to his feet and slowly walked over to the Zoroark. He placed a hand on her shoulder and spoke, You've done good Natsumi, but Fi's going to need your help. I... He stopped and for a moment, thought better of telling Natsumi his crazy idea. He took in a deep breath and rushed out the last words, Once you and Fi get that thing close enough to the canal, I'll use my Night Slash and Leaf Blade combo and knock it into the water. He had taken his hand from her shoulder and placed it into her hand, He just hoped that neither Fi nor Natsumi would over react to his plan.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Nightfall Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:25 pm

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    Canalave City/Evening (7)

    Fi noticed with great relief that her Heal Pulse was working and that Apollo had regained consciousness. She smiled as she thanked him. "If we lost you, this fight would become a lot harder," she said, lowering her hands. She helped Apollo to his feet and then looked back behind her at the battle.

    The Metagross was backing away and was getting closer and closer to the canal. For the first time she spotted a bizarre Bug-type Pokemon that she had not seen before. He was shouting something but the giant Steel-type was making so much racket with its clanking footsteps she could hardly hear a word from her distance. She did catch the last few words though: "...knock that thing in the water!"

    "Hey Fi, how long do you think you can detract that steel type?" Apollo asked her after he was up on his feet again. Fi started to panic as she watched the gigantic undead menace swing one of its arms and send the strange, round bug flying. He landed on his side and Fi could tell by looking at his body that he could not defend himself this way. As the Metagross charged a Hyper Beam, Fi did not waste a second. She zoomed over and launched a Magical Leaf straight at the cross on the Pokemon's head, interrupting the attack.

    "Are you all right?" she asked the strange bug as she tipped him back the right way. She didn't have time for more questions, however; the Metagross bellowed in fury and raised one of its arms to strike her. Thinking quickly, she used Double Team and the arm crashed to the ground only to hit one of her copies. Her real body addressed the bug: "Did you hear Apollo? We have to distract it for him!" She hoped that by keeping up her Double Team and launching the occasional Magical Leaf that she was doing her part correctly. She only hoped that Apollo knew what he was doing...

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Apr 25, 2012 3:17 pm

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    Canalave City/Evening (8)

    Natsumi kept the Metagross distracted with her Snarl and illusion. That is until she felt someone touch her shoulder which caused her to stop her attack to look and see that it was Apollo. She was glad to see that he was alright and, while keeping the illusion going, listened to him as he said, You've done good Natsumi, but Fi's going to need your help. I... Once you and Fi get that thing close enough to the canal, I'll use my Night Slash and Leaf Blade combo and knock it into the water. She felt him remove his hand from her shoulder and put it in her own hand as he finished speaking. She thought the plan over and believe that it will be successful so she gave Apollo a nod and a smile before she said, Alright, but you be careful this time alright Apollo. She then gave his hand a slight squeeze before she release his hand and charge over at where Fi was with that insect Pokemon by using Agility to boost up her speed once more.

    She then used Hone Claws to boost her stats up even more and used another Night Slash on the Metagross, knocking it back a little closer to the canal. She then used her Agility to act like a Double Team, just as she saw Fi use the real thing, in order to distract the Metagross even more so that Apollo could do his attacks, but she made sure that she wouldn't get in the way when Apollo does attack.

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:39 pm

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    Canalcave City/Evening

    Gyro felt not the direct blast of the Hyper Beam, but just the heat of a small explosion. Then, he felt a pair of hands carefully grabbing him and lifting him back onto his front. Gyro looked around, only to see the female humanoid Pokemon. "Are you alright?" she asked.

    Gyro nodded, or rolled back and forth slightly to imitate a nod. Suddenly, the Pokemon flashed white before a giant arm came down and crushed her. But she wasn't crushed like he thought. Gyro rolled backwards quickly, one of his other talents, to back away from the arm. Soon he realized that the female Pokemon was beside him again. She must have used Double Team...

    "Did you hear Apollo? We have to distract it for him!" she told him.

    Gyro turned towards the Infected and looked at the Pokemon, "Distracting is what I do best! Oh, and thanks." Gyro rolled slightly closer to the giant, "Hey! Your mother was a garbage truck!" Gyro barely dodged a Psybeam. He spun and hurled a Sludge Bomb at it. I hope whoever this Apollo guy is does it quick...I think I'm running out of insults...

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:28 am

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    Canalave City [Library] | Evening | 1
    Something stirred in the library.
    On the left side of Canalave, in the library, a Dodrio rose to its full height. It was infected. It shook itself. It had been infected for a while. Deciding to without much reason, he moved books and papers with his beaks and feet until it looked somewhat cleaner. He spoke once more.
    "O, that this too too solid flesh would melt
    Thaw and resolve itself into a dew!
    Or that the Everlasting had not fix'd
    His canon 'gainst self-slaughter! O God! God!
    How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable,
    Seem to me all the uses of this world!"

    The Dodrio ran out the broken-down doors of the library and screeched.
    He was hungry.

    (OoC: Hi guys.)

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:18 pm

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    Canalave City | Evening [19]

    Chi looked desperately toward Hinge, who still lay sprawled in a pained heap in the darkness. The whirlipede, righted by Fi, had resumed its taunting and Fi, Apollo, and Natsumi had taken up knocking it back soon after Apollo got back to his feet.

    Chi trembled in distress; none of her moves would be very effective on the metagross, as even the 1100 pounds behind an iron head could not overcome the type ineffectiveness - Steel on Steel would just not do. Nor would grass, which just pinged uselessly off of the tough steel carapace.

    Chi called out to the four active pokemon. "Use fighting moves, if you know any! And dark!" Perhaps with a type advantage, even the puny gallade could muscle the metagross into the canal. But Chi doubted it, she doubted it very much. The gallade was probably 100 lbs, max, and the metagross was heavier than her 1100 lbs.

    "It's not going to be enough," Hinge growled roughly, shakily rolling his feet underneath him. His side was on fire, and his legs didn't want to support his weight. His voice was very weak. "Chi, tell them to take out a leg! Or the ground beneath its claws; make it slide into the canal with its own weight!"

    "Gallade!" Chi bellowed, hoping that it wasn't too late. "Use its weight against it, and take out a leg, or change the ground underneath it to make it lose its footing!"

    [OOC: Welcome!]

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:05 pm

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    Canalave City | Evening

    As the Gallade was VERY slowly pushing the Metagross back, he heard the Torterra yell something at him, "Gallade! Use its weight against it, and take out a leg, or change the ground underneath it to make it lose its footing!" He turned his head toward the grass type. He could already hear the others going "You Idiot! What were you thinking?!" because as soon as he turned his head, the Metagross used Metal Claw and sent Apollo flying back maybe thirty to forty feet back. The only reason he stopped was because he smashed against a tree.

    He groaned as he slowly got to his feet. His body was in so much pain. He couldn't take one step without a sharp pain shooting through his body, but he still got to his feet. He looked at the Metagross, then at the canal. It was still so far away. It looked like this idea was a fail from the start. His elbow blade's extended. One glowed with a faint purple with Night Slash and the other glowed green with Leaf Blade. He looked at everyone else. He had to protect them. He just had too. Then his eyes rested on Natsumi. The Zoroark could hold her own in a battle, Apollo gave her that, but he still wanted to protect her more then anyone. He turned back toward the Metagross and charged.

    As he got closer, he knew something was wrong, but he didn't have a chance to react because the Metagross had raised it's leg and as soon as Apollo was in range, it smashed the Gallade into the ground with a Meteor Mash. GAH! Apollo sat blood out his mouth as he groaned. His body was now on a whole new level of pain, but his right leg hurt even more. If he just pearly moved it, it shock knives of pain through his body. Something was wrong, but as soon as he looked up at the Metagross, he was filled with rage. The Metagross was making some kind of metallic sound, that Apollo could only guess was laughter. Apollo's eye's glowed with rage.

    He had been teased and treated like a girl all his life and he was NOT going to let this undead get away with it. Then the Metagross raised it's arm to try and finish the Gallade off, Apollo was ready. He used his left leg to jump back. He was careful not to put any weight on his other leg. He's body was still in so much pain and he could already see the black spot's in his eye sight. He took deep breaths and used Double Team. He forced his clones to charge the Metagross without him. There were a dozen clones in all. Half charged with Leaf Blade and the other half charged with Night Slash. The Metagross tried to knock the clones away, but when ever one fell two more took it's place and soon the clones had pushed the Metagross to the edge of the canal and were holding it there. Apollo took a deep breath and charged a Focus Blast.

    The orb glowed with pure power and was getting larger bye the second. Then all at once Apollo released it. The orb went flying and Apollo charged. He extended his blades and readied his Night Slash and Leaf Blade combo. He sliced the Focus Blast with his blades and absorbed the attack into his already ready Night Slash and Leaf Blade. Then as he got closer the clones that were in front of the Metagross vanished and Apollo sliced at the steel type's face. It roared and fell back. His clones vanished as he limped toward the edge and watched the Metagross sink into the water, never to be heard from again. Then Apollo fell to his knee's. The pain.. Apollo manged to say as he slowly fell over the edge.

    (Alright, well I left it open for someone to save him, but please let Natsumi save him, and his right leg is broken. Just to let you guys know.)

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Nightfall Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:08 pm

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    Canalave City/Evening (8)

    Fi's real body smiled as the strange bug thanked her and continued his attack. The Gardevoir kept up her Double Team relatively well; the Metagross kept swinging for her and instead hit one of her copies. The Magical Leaves weren't doing much damage but it was better than nothing. Chi shouted to everyone to use Fighting or Dark-type moves, but Fi felt a little deflated at not knowing any.

    All the while she kept a close eye on Apollo. She flinched as the Gallade was hurled into a tree, but the strong Pokemon was quickly back up again. She only hoped that her Heal Pulse had provided him with enough energy to carry out his plan, whatever that was. He charged again and was slammed to the ground by Meteor Mash. Fi had seen enough; she stopped attacking and stopped her Double Team. Zooming on air, she dashed to Apollo's side just as he launched a Focus Blast and charged. Being careful not to hit him, Fi launched one last Magical Leaf at the monsterous Steel-type just as Apollo used his attack combo. With an enormous splash that drenched her in water, the Metagross landed in the canal and sank.

    Fi took a long, deep breath, happy that it was all over at last. She looked over at Apollo and gasped; he was in a bad way. "Apollo! Don't move!" She pressed her hands together to form a Heal Pulse just as the Gallade collapsed over the side. "No!" Leaning over the side, Fi watched helplessly as he sank. "Apollo! I ... I can't swim! Someone help him!" A tear appeared in Fi's eye as she felt more useless than ever.

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:31 pm

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    Canalave City/Evening (9)

    Natsumi watched as Apollo combined his attack to finish of the Metagross and knocking it into the water like they were all trying to do. She had wince when she saw Apollo being hit by the Meteor Mash, before his last attack, which caused him to hit a tree. But now he was having trouble and Natsumi reacted quickly when she heard that Fi couldn't swim. She used her Agility to boost up her speed before she quickly, yet gently, grabbed Apollo's hand, before he fell completely into the water, and tense up her muscles as she worked on pulling him back up onto solid ground. She had caught him just before he fell completely into the water and began to pull him out of the canal and soon had him safely on solid ground while she was panting. She looked at Apollo and said, her voice filled with concern and worry for him, Apollo, are you alright? She could tell that his right leg was injured so she made sure that he didn't put any pressure on it. She would put him on her back but she didn't think that Apollo would appreciate it if she did. She gave the Gallade a smile glad that the leg was the worst of his injuries.

    (alright I hope that post is alright if not I could add more or change some of it)

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 28, 2012 6:15 pm

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    Canalcave City/Evening

    Gyro stood motionless. He just noticed the greatest move combination ever seen in his life. Apollo was now the greatest Pokemon he has ever seen. But, the moment was almost ruined when Apollo almost failed over the edge. The humanoid Pokemon ran forward and he rolled forward. With relief, the Zoroark grabbed his arm and pulled him up. Apollo seemed alright, but his right leg seemed injured.

    "Let me just say..." started Gyro. "You Pokemon are awesome!" He rolled to the Zoroark, "You, you are quick." He rolled to the female humanoid, "You, you are sweet and nice." He rolled to the grass turtle, "You, you are smart." He rolled to the cat but glared at him, "You need to chill bro..."

    Gyro quickly returned to the fainted Apollo. "Dude, when he wakes up I need to praise him! I need to ask him to teach me something like that! But, the better question is, who and what are all of you. Never in my life have I seen anything except for the Zoroark. But, we should wait for him to wake up before we introduce ourselves."

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:29 am

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    Canalave City | Evening | 2
    (OoC: Lol, I guess no one heard his first screech. And, so far his quotes have all been from Hamlet, if you were wondering.)
    Prey. Prey lingered. The Dodrio looked around. He saw a group of Pokémon. A Torterra next to a Persian, a Gallade and a Guardevoir, a Zoroark, and a Whirlipede. And all of them were his for the taking.
    "Is it not monstrous that this player here,
    But in a fiction, in a dream of passion,
    Could force his soul so to his own conceit
    That from her working all his visage wann'd,
    Tears in his eyes, distraction in's aspect,
    A broken voice, and his whole function suiting
    With forms to his conceit? and all for nothing!"
    He squawked.
    He watched them all push a fool of an infected Metagross into the water. The Gallade also fell, but the Zoroark dove in after him and rescued him. The fools, they had only saved his prey. He walked back to the very edge of Canalave, in the forest, and then began to run as fast as he could muster. His stride was great, and in no time he was leaping over Canalave's center river to his prey. He screeched once more, like fingernails on a chalkboard, and all the while hungry.
    These Pokémon were his for the taking. They were his prey.
    All his.

    (OoC, again: He has eyes, if you were wondering, 3 of them. I need to get him a new image.)

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Guest Tue May 01, 2012 4:56 pm

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    Canalave City | Evening [20]

    Chi walked over and stood by Hinge helplessly. Bones were obviously broken, he couldn't stand on his own, and, obviously, she was much too large and her beak too sharp to pick him up gently; it was very painful to see her friend like this. And all the whirlipede would say was "You need to chill"? A few members of the group were euphoric, even excited, but to Chi, it was a tinny emotion, a hollow feeling, almost like there was no victory at all. The zoroark and gardevoir stared so tenderly at the wounded gardevoir, yet just because Hinge was loathe to like others, and protected only what was his own, he did not deserve their Healing Pulse and gentle hands? Even when he had been pummeled by the strong metagross helping them? Chi felt lost. Perhaps Hinge is right, Chi thought. Pokemon are much crueler than they seem. . . . But, I must rely on them anyway. They cannot be completely evil, and, in the end, there is no other choice.

    "Yes, perhaps waiting for the gallade to awaken would be most polite. If I may ask, gardevoir, or zoroark, would you please place my friend, Hinge, the persian, on my back?"

    "Chi . . ." Hinge growled. He could ask for himself! But . . . his eyelids were still heavy, and pain still weighed down on his chest and made him breathe very shallow breaths. Having someone ask for help for him made his pelt bristle and he wanted to yowl with the discomfort of it all, but he really couldn't stand, so he shoved his protests and retorts back down and forced himself to endure the humiliation.

    Against his will, his eyelids slid shut, but he was still alert. His ears flicked back and forth, listening to the night. There were strange noises, all of them coming from undead. And something. . . something was moving fast. Very fast. Why the hell are you doing introductions?! Chi! There's something coming! You have to get out of here! His mouth wasn't obeying him. All he managed to say was a garbled, "Chi . . . run . . .!" The last thing he heard was a terrifying screech before he slipped back into oblivion.

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Guest Fri May 04, 2012 4:37 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Canalave City | Evening

    Apollo could hear his friends yell for him, but then he felt the water. It was cold, icy cold as it hit his flesh. He sucked in air, but only got water. Then he felt his body being thifted. His whole body ached and moaned as he felt the ground under neath him. He heaved a heavy breath as he heard Natsumi, Apollo, are you alright? He slowly moved his head and blinked at the Zoroark. She was out of breath and he wondered, Is she the one who saved me?

    He blinked a few times at Natsumi, because he found himself unable to speak. He just hoped she understood. Then he heard the Torterra speak, "Yes, perhaps waiting for the gallade to awaken would be most polite. If I may ask, gardevoir, or zoroark, would you please place my friend, Hinge, the persian, on my back?" Apollo slowly moved his head and saw that the Persian was in just as much pain or even more, then he was. He moved his hand and grabbed Natsumi's arm. He lifted his hand and pointed at the Persian. Help....him... Then his hand fell and Apollo entered the darkness.

    (Yes I know Neovan had Claudius attack the group, but Apollo had to pass out to follow my plan for him, so sorry guys.)

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Guest Fri May 04, 2012 8:44 pm

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    Canalave City | Evening (10)

    When Natsumi heard the Torterra asking for help with the Persian she was up before Apollo told her to go help him out. She was going to do that anyway though she wondered where the Gardevoir had disappeared to since the female humanoid Pokemon was no where in sight. But before she could do anything she heard a screech from a bird Pokemon which caused her to look over towards where the sound came from. She saw the very undead looking Dodrio and saw that it was heading over to them. Reacting quickly Natsumi put up her most powerful illusion to cause them to disappear from the birds sight, at least for now, and used Agility once more to pick up Apollo and take him over to the turtle Pokemon. She then move over to where the Persian was at and, once she settled Apollo down gently, she gently pick up the cat Pokemon and placed it on the Torterra's back. I don't know how long my illusion will last to distract that Dodrio so we need to get out of here. Is it alright that I place Apollo on your back as well ma'am. Hopefully, my illusion would hold up long enough for us to get away, she asked politely, though she was completely out of breath, and she then looked at her fellow region Pokemon and said, Whirlipede get over here okay so that we can all try to get away while my illusion is up, she didn't know his name or she would have use it. She then glance at the Torterra to see what she will say about her putting Apollo on her back as well along with the Persian she had already put there.

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Guest Fri May 04, 2012 9:31 pm

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    Canalcave City/Evening

    Gyro was still trying to comprehend the amazing move he just witness. Apollo awakened but he passed out. Probably from the pain. Gyro didn't blame him, he was hurting too. Never in his life dud Gyro feel this bad. Suddenly, a shrill screech filled the skies, knocking Gyro out of his thoughts. As he turned, that one humanoid Pokemon was no longer there. Wherever she was, Gyro hoped she was safe. When Gyro turned, he nearly collapsed in fear.

    Gyro never mentioned this to anybody, but he was deathly scared if only one Pokemon. When he was a Venipede, a Dodrio nearly killed him. One beak was easy to escape from, but three beaks was hard. It was a trainer's Pokemon from a different region. Ever since then, Gyro has been scared of those things. But they were not ever in his region naturally. Despite that fact, Gyro is still a little scared. And this Dodrio was an infected, it was twice as scary. Almost like that Dodrio died, came to life, and then target him.

    "Whirlipede get over here okay so that we can all try to get away while my illusion is up!"

    Gyro couldn't comprehend, his body wouldn't move from either pain or fear. He was never like this. But Gyro was too scarred by that moment he cannot get over it.

    ((OoC: Short post, and I really forgot to post that on his main page.))

    Last edited by Unovafan12 on Sat May 05, 2012 3:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Guest Sat May 05, 2012 2:10 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Canalave City [Right side] | Evening | 3
    His feet crushed the gravel of the once-paved streets. A large dust cloud arose as he swiveled to what was left of the group. They had suddenly disappeared, one had even spoke up, except one was visible. The Whirlipede. He turned to him slowly, his piercing red gaze burning straight through his hard carapace. (not really, just being poetic.) He spoke up.
    "O gentle son,
    Upon the heat and flame of thy distemper
    Sprinkle cool patience. Whereon do you look?"

    He approached the bug slowly while saying it, and stared for a while. And then he attacked, jabbing at him with a vicious Double Hit attack.
    Bugs were his favorite prey, after all.

    (OoC: LONG FOOTNOTE 8U 1) Quote from Hamlet again. It's from act 3, scene 14, line 18. 2) On a different note, I do not have an 'A' in my username, MoonlightEve. It's Neoven8tr. Not Neovan8tr. It is a dinosaur, not a van. xD So, yeah. 'E', not 'A'. I apologize if this sounds obsessive or something, but I'm very sensitive to spelling. >_<)

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Guest Sat May 05, 2012 3:23 pm

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    Canalave City | Evening [21]

    "Chi . . . run . . .!"

    Chi turned ehr beady eyes toward the rising dust cloud rapidly approaching them. The zoroark quickly put up an illusion, and placed Hinge gently on her shell, behind her head. Chi nodded gratefully in thanks.

    "I don't know how long my illusion will last to distract that dodrio, so we need to get out of here," the zoroark implored. "Is it alright that I place Apollo on your back as well ma'am? Hopefully, my illusion would hold up long enough for us to get away." Then, she called to the whrilipede. "Whirlipede, get over here okay, so that we can all try to get away while my illusion is up!"

    But the whirlipede didn't budge. The dodrio reached them and slowed, spitting out a horrible, croaking verse: "O gentle son,/Upon the heat and flame of thy distemper/Sprinkle cool patience. Whereon do you look?" Still, the whirlipede stood stock still.

    Narrowing her eyes, Chi loosed leaves from her tree and shot them at the dodrio. Magical leaf! That's right, you're not a steel pokemon -- my attacks will be plenty effective against you! Keeping up a small barrage of razor leaves, Chi said, urgently and quietly, "Call me Chi. Put the gallade on my back, and perhaps the wheel-bug too! I will keep the dodrio at bay, for now. Quickly!"

    Hinge drifted in darkness for a long while -- or was it only a moment? He couldn't tell. There were voices there, all fuzzy and indistinct. One was low -- he knew it, he could recognize it well. Another, a bark-like voice, he felt like he should recognize, but he couldn't place it. It didn't matter; he couldn't tell what they were saying, anyway. He could feel that he was moving, and was vaguely aware of a distant, dull, leaden feeling. Still, he drifted.

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Guest Tue May 08, 2012 3:19 pm

    (Apollo's still asleep, but just say he's moaning in hi sleep.)

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