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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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9 posters

    The PALLET Team


    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    The PALLET Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team

    Post by Nightfall Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:32 pm

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    Entrance to Mt.Silver/Night (4)

    Normally Khan would've challenged the Infected to a battle; not only to increase his own strength, but to rid the region of one more of its killers. The fact that he now had new friends to protect inspired him to stay close to them and keep running. They couldn't afford to die now.

    As he ran, he pounded his fists together and then pulled them apart, revealing a long, thin bone. Clutching it like a spear, he kept a close eye on the Jynx in case she got too close, ready to give her a good whack around the head if she did.

    "Lead the way," he told the Murkrow, running just behind him. "There's no time to waste. Hurry, everyone!"

    Last edited by Saphira on Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The PALLET Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 08, 2011 11:32 pm

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    Outside Sprout Tower| Night

    The stupid pokemon actually thought they could escape, if she wasn’t filled with rage at the thought that her mean was making it hard for her to eat, then she might have thought it funny. It seemed like the murkrow that previously escaped her before had warned the others, she would be eating that one first, and she would make sure to eat him alive, but not before toying with it first. She rarely played with her food, but this time she wanted to hear the screams so badly, her hunger for its pain rivaled her real hunger. She wanted to witness it struggling under her torture, she would put it to sleep then see how much precious blood she could lap up before it woke up, then she would move onto the wings. She would slowly pull at the wings, first hearing the bones crack, then the flesh tear, until finally it would be hanging by a string of flesh and she would make him watch as she ate it up before moving up to the next. Moving on to his claws, ripping off one talon at a time till they ran out, and if it was still conscious or alive by then she would pull out all of its feathers, the most annoying part of any bird type. Maybe even take out one eye for added effect, Siren could not wait till she was drinking up all his blood, but first she had to catch them.

    They were running away from her tower and into the city, there was no place to hide, they would never escape her “NEVER.” One of the pokemon, a quilava, was trying to confuse her by dashing back and forth, its insolence put him as second to be eaten. Siren used Heart Stamp; she blew kisses at it that formed purple hearts into the air that flew at the zigzagging quilava. She would need to catch them soon, Jynxs where not graceful runners.

    The PALLET Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 08, 2011 11:55 pm

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    Outside Sprout Tower| Night

    Ken was flying as fast as he could, looking back every few seconds to make sure the others were still behind him, they were, but so was the Jynx. He looked back and forth trying to find the building he had seen when he first entered the city. But he was to busy trying not to die, that his memories was a little hazy.

    He finally noticed the huge building that could be a good place to hide. He looked back at his new companions. “There’s the building! We need to move a little faster so that infected doesn’t catch up!” He looked back at the building that he new was the pokemon gym as they got closer. The door looked like it was locked, but he used his night shade to blast the lock, thus opening the door.

    He flew inside and kept the door open for the others to get in then quickly closed it. He then flew over to what looked like a desk and started to pull at it. But it was just to heavy and big for his little body to manage. He turned back to his companions. “I could use some help here. We need to get this in front of the door before that thing gets in here!”

    Last edited by LostCall on Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The PALLET Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team

    Post by Guest Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:25 am

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    Violet City|Night (6)

    As he was running and being pushed by the Quilava, the young pokemon saw something familiar, it looked like a gas can. He grabbed it and than tossed back, running to the Quilava to get it's attention to ignite the Gasoline that was being spreaded, to delay the Jynx.

    He kept following his new friends trying to keep up and slid inside the Gym that the Murkrow indicated before the door was closed, he sat on the ground panting after all that run. He than heard the Murkrow saying “I could use some help here. We need to get this in front of the door before that thing gets in here!” while trying to push a Desk againts the doors. Venonat got up and tried to help the Murkrow, but he wasn't much big of a help due to his small size.

    Last edited by Venonat on Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:38 am; edited 1 time in total

    The PALLET Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:14 am

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    Violet City||Night

    Explotaro cursed to himself as the hearts appeared. He knew that if he touched one, it would spell his end. He continued his dizzying run, hoping to throw off the Infected's aim. Hearts popped everywhere around him, and he yelped softly when one nearly hit his head.

    When he watched the gas can being tossed back and saw the Venonat's helpful gestures, the Quilava immediately ignited the flames on his back to their full power, lighting the gasoline. The flaming can would hopefully be enough to frighten the Jynx off, if it hadn't struck her. He quickly leaped into the Gym and began helping the Venonat and the Murkrow push the desk in front of the doorway, but his strength was quickly fading...

    [[ It's short; sorry...my girlfriend left me today, so I'm not feeling too well. >> ]]

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    The PALLET Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team

    Post by Nightfall Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:47 pm

    (OOC: So sorry to hear that, Gold.)

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    Violet City Gym/Night (5)

    Satisfied that the Jynx was distracted for the time being, Khan used the opportunity to pick up his speed and barrel through the doors of the Gym with the others. He was about to take a moment to catch his breath, but noticed that the others were struggling to move a desk to block the door. He immediately went over to help, easily hauling the desk where it needed to be.

    "Is everyone OK?" he asked, his eyes still fixated upon the door. "Stay alert. If she breaks through, then we'll have no choice but to fight."

    Last edited by Saphira on Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The PALLET Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:04 pm

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    Violet City Gym| Night

    It seemed like there was no limit to her anger, her Heart Stamps all missed, the fire one refused to come down easily, her stomach was demanding food more and more. The venonat of the group thought a mere object thrown at her would stop her; if she could willingly smile she would have then. Siren punched at the object flying out at her, but it burst under her fists, gas spraying all on her except the face. That attempt did nothing other than to fuel her anger ((OOC: Get it? Fuel her anger? -.- I know it’s lame)), Siren just kept on running throwing purple Heart Stamps in their direction. Not even the fire thrown at her could stop her, but it did affect the gas, the gas ignited all around her, if she was alive she might have cared, but no pain, no reactions, just some burning flesh and hair, the only thing the quilava’s effort did was put him second in the feasting order. Siren continued to run, the fire going down a little but not stopping on her. Now the group had a flaming infected pokemon to escape from, some part of Siren’s brain found the irony in that and smiled for her, but that emotion was only on her face, siren could not be happy, only satisfied.

    They finally managed to hold themselves up in a building, Siren’s hunger was becoming unbearable, it was what was driving her fists into the objects covering the door. The barricade would not ease up, her icy fists only chipping away at it bit by bit, by the time she was getting frustrated her hunger had overpowered her anger. The fire had died down during her onslaught of the barracad, she would come back for them later, for now she could smell blood from some other pokemon farther into town calling her, she would sate her hunger then come back to sate her rage.

    The PALLET Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:28 pm

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    Violet City Gym| Night

    Ken fell to the ground exhausted. He hated fleeing for his life, but it kept him a live, but always left him tired afterwards. He could hear the Jynx trying to break down the barricade they had made, but it wasn’t budging, which was a good thing for them. After the banging had died down he looked out the window to see the Jynx heading off into a different direction. But he knew it would be back.

    "Is everyone OK?" The blue one said. Looking around at everyone, telling them that if the infected got through they would have to fight. But since it was going a different way, we didn’t have to worry about that for now.

    “I’m fine, exhausted, but fine.” Ken said as he walked over to the others. “My name is Ken by the way. What are yours?”

    Last edited by LostCall on Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The PALLET Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:21 pm

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    Violet City|Night (7)

    Venonat was panting and seemed tired, but he quickly got up and looked around the Gym for something, he was able to find a pen on the ground and he held in his hands happily as if he had found a treasure.

    Once his attention got back towards the others he heard the Murkrow say "My name is Ken by the way. What are yours?” he looked around and walked to a wall and started scribble on the wall the word "Venonat" and pointed to himself. He tilted his head, questioning if they would understand and than completed a sentence in which could be read "My name is Venonat".

    Last edited by Venonat on Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:39 am; edited 1 time in total

    The PALLET Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:30 am

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    Violet City Gym||Night

    The Quilava heaved a heavy sigh and laid down to rest, placing his nose between his paws with a sigh as the flames on his back died down. Grateful to be alive, he closed his eyes and tried to sort through what had happened. He could hear the others conversing, and raised his head when the mention of names came around.

    'My name is Ken by the way. What are yours?'

    "I am Explotaro. At least, that is what my Trainer called me."

    He nodded his head to the others, his eyes looking weary and spent. He then continued on: "It just occurred to me that we are safe for the moment, but only that much. We have boxed ourselves in: when that Jynx returns, what will we do? We need a plan of attack."

    [[ Sorry about my absence: moving. >> ]]

    Age : 30
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    The PALLET Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team

    Post by Nightfall Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:05 pm

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    Violet City Gym/Night (6)

    "And I am Khan," the Lucario said flatly, still staring at the door. Explotaro's mention of a plan of action encouraged him to tear his gaze away from the door for one moment to take a look around the Gym.

    Looking up, he noticed that there was another floor, much higher up than they were.

    After a second, he turned back to the group. "If I remember correctly, we can get onto the roof from up there," he pointed upwards, "and then, perhaps, there will be a way down from there. If we can do that without the Jynx knowing, then we have a good chance of escape."

    He wandered over to an elevator on the floor, covered in cobwebs. "This should get us up there ... that is, if it still works."

    He wasn't even sure if it would work, or if they could even get down from the roof, but, apart from fighting and risking their lives, it was their only option. It unnerved him a little, since he would be the one responsible if they failed.

    Last edited by Saphira on Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The PALLET Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 13, 2011 7:32 pm

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    Violet City| Night

    Sometimes the prey made it too easy. The blood that she smelled turned out to be from a primeape that managed to cut its paw on a broken glass in a building, the wound made it an easy meal considering it could not run. It was not much of a hunt, but her hunger did not want a hunt, it wanted meat. Siren took her time eating the pokemon, its screams drowned out by her eating, the bones crunching in her mouth almost in unison with its screams. Her lips turned red again by the blood smearing them, and it was no longer able to tell on her hands which blood was her own and which from her food. He food did not sate her though, just helped to ease it, she needed more, and soon.

    She had eaten everything except the head when she noticed that she was not the only one that had smelled the blood. It seemed like today would be a day full of rage as she got up and turned to face her foe. An infected beedrill was challenging her for the meal she had taken down, there was only a head left but it was her, and no one can claim things that belonged to her. The beedrill had to be taken care of.

    The PALLET Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:08 pm

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    Violet City Gym| Night

    After hearing there names he felt calmer, these pokemon would be very helpful, and now he had some friends. The blue one, who said his name was Khan had looked up. Looking up himself he saw there was a hole in the sealing revealing a second floor. He had seen the top of the gym from when he was flying over it, it had what looked like a battlefield on top, which was reason enough to know this gym used flying type pokemon.

    "If I remember correctly, we can get onto the roof from up there," Khan said while pointing up, "and then, perhaps, there will be a way down from there. If we can do that without the Jynx knowing, then we have a good chance of escape."

    “I think I saw what humans call a ladder going down the side of the gym when I was flying over it.” Ken said as he walked over to Khan. “It doesn’t reach all the way to the bottom, but it goes down enough that you can easily jump off without getting injured.”

    Last edited by LostCall on Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The PALLET Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:48 pm

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    Violet City|Night (8)

    The Insect pokemon was doodling as the others were talking. He made several drawings of a Cacturne, some of a Venonat, probably himself, and some were even about the new pokemon he met.

    Venonat started paying more attention when they mentioned about a possibility of escape and looked at the objects and possibilities they were mentioning, being absent minded and not caring much for the danger that it probably could show, Venonat went ahead climbing the leader the Murkrow was refering too to access the Second floor, ahead of the others.

    Last edited by Venonat on Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:40 am; edited 1 time in total

    The PALLET Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team

    Post by Guest Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:48 am

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    Violet City Gym||Night

    Explotaro got to his paws and padded over to Ken and Khan, eyes looking up where the Lucario was pointing. He gave a small grunt then a sneeze as some dust wafted over his sensitive nose, then gave his head a shake and looked back at the two beside him.

    "At this point, anything is worth a try. Maybe we could trick her? For instance..." Explotaro quickly trotted over to the desk blocking the door, "We could loosen this barrier enough that she could break through, but by the time she gets in here we could already be hiding on the second floor. While she is bumbling around on this level trying to find us, we can go up to the roof and escape. She would still be in the Gym by the time we get to the ground and make a clean getaway."

    Explotaro sat down in a very cat-like manner and tipped his head to one side, watching the other Pokemon curiously. "Thoughts?"

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    The PALLET Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team

    Post by Nightfall Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:20 pm

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    Violet City Gym/Night (7)

    "If she's even still out there," Khan said, quietly creeping over to the now-silent door.

    He quickly examined the area for any red auras and found two of them some distance away in a nearby building. They were both pulsating with bloodlust and rage; Khan could feel the pressure from where he was standing, a good few yards away.

    "It appears that she has lost interest in us," the young Lucario informed the group. "For now. If we can get out through the back there's a chance that we can get back to the tower unnoticed."

    He turned his attention back to the rusty, cobweb-covered elevator on the ground. "Now how to get this working again..."

    Last edited by Saphira on Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The PALLET Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team

    Post by Guest Sun Aug 14, 2011 4:39 pm

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    Violet City| Night

    The fight with the beedrill was pitiful, especially given that its wings where torn off in some tussle in the past. With the thing’s wings gone, the speed and evasive maneuvers that they were known for disappeared also. It had only really managed to land a hit on her twice, though both were on her arms and only grazing blows, though it still left long cuts. Siren had effectively taken away the beedrill’s only weapons, the needle like pincers on both of its arms where both broken off, leaving what remained a flightless, unthreatening, pitiful bug who only had its bite to attack with. If she did not have a group of pokemon that had escaped her grasp, Siren would have probably stayed to play with it, it served no other purpose since the meat was rotten. But she had work to do, with her hunger sated, her rage was in charge again, so Siren swiftly took care of the bug with an icy fist.

    With her mind now returned to her pure angered state Siren trudged back to where the pokemon where last, she would make sure that their blood was shed, none shall escape again. “Never.”

    The PALLET Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team

    Post by Guest Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:01 pm

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    Violet City Gym| Night

    “Hmm” Ken walked over to the broken elevator and examined it. He had no idea what it was used for but from what Khan was suggesting it must have been used to take humans from one floor to another without having to walk. “If only we had an electric type, or maybe a pokemon that could use an electric attack. Then maybe they could jumpstart it with a Thunderbolt or something.” Ken didn’t really like electric types, for obvious reasons, but there were times when they came in handy.

    He walked into it and looked around, he saw buttons and so he flew up and pushed one, but nothing seemed to happen. “I don’t think its working. Maybe there’s a power switch around someplace.” Ken said as he flew out of the broken elevator.

    Last edited by LostCall on Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The PALLET Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team

    Post by Guest Sun Aug 14, 2011 6:14 pm

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    Violet City|Night (9)

    After finally climbing up Venonat jumped up and down happily...but than noticed was on the upper floor alone. He looked around for the others than noticed they were trying to go through an Elevator...Venonat was confused and rubbed his head. Should he just tell them to use the stairs he used or help them with the elevator?

    Venonat tried to think and shrugged trying to look for a switch or something. He walked through the upper floor and found a Powerbox, but seemed that some wires were cut and broken...What could he do to repair?...He decided to get the attention of the other pokemon and grabbed on a stick hitting on a metal pole to get their attention and once he got it, he pointed at the power box. Probably it would give enough power for them to start up the elevator and bring the others up.

    Last edited by Venonat on Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:40 am; edited 1 time in total

    The PALLET Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team

    Post by Guest Fri Aug 19, 2011 10:13 pm

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    Violet City Gym| Late Night

    Siren made her way back to the large building where she left them last, is her corrupted brain could still comprehend words it would have recognized the word Gym on the building. She did managed to remember that the doors where strong, too strong for her icy fists, and if she could not get through the door, she would make her own opening. Her icy fists rained down on the side of the gym, a constant and rapid “Thud, Thud, Thud” could be heard from far away. She might be scaring off some potential food around her, but her infected mind could only think of rage at the moment, each minute she did not have those pokemon bleeding below her fist, was another minute she was hating them for being difficult. It took some time, but eventually the side of the wall had given, crumbling with her final Ice Punch, making the hole big enough for her to fit in, but not enough so that another pokemon could run right past her to get out. The stupid pokemon where stuck in this building, only death was their escape from this place.

    They escaped her once, but she would make sure not to let them get away again, “Never”.

    ((OOC: Since Gold is away, and Saphira has not posted in 4 days, it would be my turn.))

    The PALLET Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team

    Post by Guest Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:23 pm

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    Violet City Gym| Late Night

    Right after Ken heard the crash he knew that wasn’t a good thing. He turned his head fast and saw the side of the gym crumble, leaving a thick cloud of dust hanging around it. But it was what was in the dust that made him scared. He could see the outline of the infected Jynx that had been chasing them. instently he flew though the hole in the ceiling and over to the power box that Venonat had pointed out to them, and with one flip of the switch, the elovater sprung to life.

    “I would get on that thing now if I were you, before he gets any closer!” Ken had panic in his voice, and he didn’t try to hide it ether. He didn’t want to be alone anymore so he wanted to help his new friends as best he could. So he would try and keep the Jynx busy as they got into the elovater and up onto the roof. “Come and get me you ugly excuse for a pokemon.” He knew saying that would just get the Jynx more angered, but he had to keep it away from the others as they got to the roof.

    He flew close, and then he flew back just as fast. He had to make his timing perfect as to not get grabed by those bloody broken hands. “Ha, I have seen Caterpie who move faster then you.” He taunted. Saying that was probably the dumbest thing he could have ever said. But he didn’t really care about its feelings, just that stayed focased on him. And every time it made a move to get the others, he would use his Shadow Ball to stop it. You guys better hurry, I don’t know how long I can keep this thing occupied.

    Last edited by LostCall on Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The PALLET Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team

    Post by Guest Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:21 pm

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    Violet City|Late Night (10)

    A wall started to crumble as the angry infectede bursted through a hole, she wished blood for herself, blood and carnage. Venonat was young but he remembered that an angry pokemon with blood in them would mean that was infected, it was his way to see the infected from the other ones.

    Venonat was flailing, motion to the others to go quickly inside the elevator. Since he was already up above he didn't had to worry much. He looked at Ken trying to slow down the Jynx, Venonat decided to join him and use his Signal Beam to slow the Jynx too, even though was a weak attack, it was the best long ranged he had. Venonat had new friends...he didn't wanted to lose them.

    Last edited by Venonat on Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:41 am; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    The PALLET Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team

    Post by Nightfall Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:32 am

    (OOC: Huge apologies for not posting. I'm going away tomorrow, so let's make a post now to make up for it.)

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    Violet City Gym/Late Night (8)

    Khan had been so busy trying to get the elevator to work that he had neglected his duty in scanning the area with his Aura for danger. As soon as the Jynx broke through the wall, he cursed himself; if he had warned them in advance they could've already been out of there.

    He could tell that Ken was adamant in stalling the Jynx, so he knew that his words couldn't stop him. He prayed that his new friend could evade capture as he leapt onto the elevator, indicating to anyone else on the ground to get on too. Immediately, it shot upwards.

    Before it had even got to the top, Khan used the momentum to jump upwards, landing safely on the roof's beams. Looking down at the Jynx, he wished that he knew Aura Sphere so that he could lend a hand. None of his attacks had a long range.

    Ah well, in time...

    "Ken, come on!" he yelled down at the Murkrow before leaping to the opposite beam and trying to find the ladder that Ken had mentioned previously. Meanwhile he kept a close eye on the battle below; if Ken was caught, he'd be the first to jump straight back down there to lend a hand.

    Last edited by Saphira on Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The PALLET Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:54 pm

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    Violet City Gym| Late Night

    The food was still playing hard to get with Siren. As soon as she burst in and found them they were all running away again, it seemed like that was all these morsels where good at. The flying meal had returned to her willingly, weither it was to help the others or what, she didn’t care, it was on the top of her list to eat. But yet again it made itself annoying by just being a flying type, escaping her icy grasps every time she tried to grab it. At one point she got annoyed and moved to get the others first, but the wretched thing stopped her with a shadow ball, it was at that point that the bug at the top fired something at her, it was weak, but if she had been living she might have had the air knocked out of her. They were all getting on her nerved way too fast, they needed to be good little meals and stay still so she may eat them, so the only way to do that was to use her secret weapon.

    Siren launched an Attract attack in all directions, hopefully one of them would fall for her spell, the others would take priority and be eaten on the spot. But the blue creature on top would most likely try to save the attracted one, so she launched a lot of her deadly purple heart stamps at it.

    The PALLET Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team

    Post by Guest Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:30 am

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    Violet City Gym| Dawn

    Ken hated attract. It was an attack that made you fall for a pokemon you didn’t even like, but you had to be the opposite gender in order for it to work. He didn’t know what gender this infected was, and he didn’t want to find out through this attack. So in order to dodge it he had to lost altitude real fast. The bad thing about it was that he dropped so low that he wouldn’t be able to rise fast enough if the infected made another grab for him.

    Lucky for him, it seemed to occupied attacking Khan with its Heart Stamps to notice, so to get its attention back to him he used his Night Shade attack. Black shadow like strands that looked like lightning came out of his eyes and hit the ground just at the infected Jynx’s feet. He didn’t aim at it directly; he just wanted its attention, nothing more. And he hoped with that attack, he got it.

    Last edited by LostCall on Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

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