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R'hia Kyrie
Arceus Bladed
26 posters

    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team


    Posts : 208

    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 20 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Fern Sun Jun 19, 2016 3:06 pm

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    "Sorry man, but that 'ma'am' is a 'sir'. Unless you're into that?"

    Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Yikes.

    Leto could only manage a sharp breath through clenched teeth. His face grew warm as a feverish blush crept up his face. His eyes caught sight of the Lucario, quite literally twitching with frustration. The Servine let out a nervous, gauche chuckle in reply, suddenly finding an intense fascination with the ground beneath him. "Hehehe, wowee, sorry. Might need to get my sight checked, huh?"

    "Nice try," grunted the Krookidile, of whom appeared to scrutinize Leto for a swift moment before focusing her attention the land shark once again. She obviously didn't consider Leto a threat. He released the breath he didn't realize he was holding.

    ”Thank you, Micheal…Yes, you-" Leto couldn't help but flinch at the Lucario's nasty tone. He gripped his headphones in the event he had to make a run for it. “”If you want to be of use, go get some berries. Oran are what we need most… but being a grass type, I assume, if you have any lovely intelligence on what other berries may help, and see them… just, fucking get some berries.”

    "...but you're welcome to still gather those berries for us."

    "Certainly!" cried the inelegant Servine. Anything to get out of this awkward mess. He attempted to perform a mock salute, however, his short arms were once again his downfall, so he settled for a 'thumbs up' instead. He gave a cheesy smile before slithering towards the underbrush from whence he came, with a cautionary tap on his trusty headphones.

    It took him longer than he expected to forage the berries. He hadn't discerned that they were more than likely not ripe, given the circumstances. No one is thinking about watering foliage when there's zombies on the loose. Leto couldn't recall the last time he had seen any type of precipitation, either.

    Nevertheless, he slinked through the overgrown grass, analyzing each berry stalk he found. Leto swiftly gulped down the ones that were squishy and on the verge of being inedible. Due to them being practically expired, their effects were probably neutralized. In other words, they were of no use to the ailing Garchomp. But it was food for Leto.

    He was able to salvage a bundle. He found a handful of Orans' that would satisfy their needs. A pair of Rawst Berries were also foraged.

    Content with his find, he slipped back into the outskirts of Hearthome, cradling the berries in his arms. "Here ya go," he grinned, placing the berries on the ground and allowing them to roll towards the agitated Krookidile.

    "Couldn't find much. It's pretty gross out there. I hope that will help though, even if just a little." Leto dropped onto all fours and darted closer to the fainted behemoth.

    "Sooooo," he began, shooting upright once more, "if ya don't mind me asking, what happened?" He spoke slowly, with a cautionary glance towards the still-fuming Lucario.
    Arceus Bladed
    Arceus Bladed

    Age : 23
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    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 20 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Arceus Bladed Thu Jun 30, 2016 4:22 pm

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    Hearthome {Southwestern Border} | Evening| 1(Tell me if I did this wrong, please?)

    Auriel looked around warily, hoping no infected would find her, but as no-one seemed to be around she breathed out a light sigh of relief. She knew there were pokemon somewhere, but the scent of their tracks was distinctly living. She only hoped she could find them before she was caught. "Come on, where- aha!" She had found the tracks leading to the gate at route 212, and she froze. She heard voices coming from the direction of the tracks, and they sounded angry, or they did to her, at least. Yet, after a moment, she pushed on. She had come all this way, and she was not going to let herself down again. She found them in the gate, and tried to listen in. "...Soooo, if ya don't mind me asking, what happened?" There were roughly 5 or 6 of them. She hoped they were friendly, but if it came to a fight she might be able to take everyone on their own. However, in a group, she was certain they would murder her. "H-hello?"

    Last edited by Arceus Bladed on Thu Jun 30, 2016 7:56 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : needed to center img)

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 20 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Abysswalker Sat Jul 09, 2016 10:49 pm

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    Hearthome City {South Gate} | Evening
    (22) (16)

    "Hehehe, wowee, sorry. Might need to get my sight checked, huh?" Michael could keel over from laughing-this guy can't be for real. There's no way anybody can be this unaware in a land crawling with zombies. How's he made it this far without getting an arm chewed off, or breaking that stupid object around his neck? I should break it for him.
    ”Definitely,” the Growlithe says back, responding to both Leto and his own fleeting thought; the sight of Polnareff looking like he's about to snap the new guy in half only makes this a thousand times better. When is the last time Michael's had this much fun? It's been way too long. He's forgotten what it felt like to not have that voice prickling in the back of his mind, waiting for a chance to inject its own opinions and instructions. Even with a bunch of people talking, it still feels...empty. Quiet. It is as if Michael is standing in a room filled with faceless people continously trying to engage in conversation, but he cannot focus on a single word. With that, the fun he is having dies, leaving him with a sense of fleeting happiness. The voices of the other Pokemon blend together, becoming as significant as a single gnat buzzing around his muzzle. Michael peers down at the kid Eevee still crouching down next to him, watching as the smaller 'mon's eyes occasionally darted from the Lucario and then back to the ground. Is he frightened by Pol's display of anger, or is Michael simply mistaking another emotion for fear? He does not know, and right now, he's feeling too numb to take up the task of comforting Connor, as selfish as it sounds. The Growlithe puts on a smile, the best he can do with his mind so muddled, but it seems the Eevee is not willing to look his way. With a soft sigh, Michael drops the attempt, resuming a bland, neutral expression. At least it was worth a try.


    In reality, Connor is simply overwhelmed by the sudden arrival of a new person, and the conversation revolving around him. Polna really looks like he's about to hurt someone, and Connor can't stop himself from watching the other like...like...what's that expression Penelope always uses? “Like a hawk?” Well, Connor doesn't know what a hawk is, but he's definitely waiting for Polnareff to become upset with him. Why he would, the Eevee doesn't know, but there's always a reason. Penelope taught him that, too-people don't need reasons to be mad at you, even if they've been nice before. Connor is only sticking close to Michael because, well...because seeing the canine reminds him of Halloween. Even after leaving them without a word or a warning, the Eevee can't help but feel safer around someone that looks like him. He hasn't forgotten the way the Arcanine saved him from that mean Pokemon in the city, and let him ride on his back, and promised to help Connor find Penelope. What if everything Halloween said wasn't real? What if he never came back? What am I going to do...?

    Connor shrinks back further as “Leto” returns with more berries, the tiniest-and most pathetic-of growls forming in the back of his throat. It sounds more like a whimper than anything else, no matter how hard he tries to imitate his sister. Get away from Rocket! He doesn't like this stranger one bit, especially not since he's acting so happy. Nobody is happy! Penelope's lessons taught Connor a lot better than this; he's not falling for some weird snake's tricks. "Sooooo, if ya don't mind me asking, what happened?" Connor backs up even more, now almost completely hidden behind Michael's tail. Maybe if he doesn't look at or listen to Leto, then it'll be like he never showed up, and things will be a little less scary. But instead of there being no more leaf snakes, Connor picks up a voice he has never heard before.

    "H-hello?" The Eevee carefully peeks out from behind Michael, and suddenly his whole body freezes as if someone has thrown him into an icy river. It doesn't cross his young mind to question where all these strangers are coming from, or how they all seem to encounter their group. The newest Pokemon is one strikingly familiar to another, with that white fur and blue-grey body. No, no, it can't be true. They look almost like...
    "What's your name little fox? I'm Reaper~"
    ”N-no-nonono,” Connor begins to tremble uncontrollably, curling up into a ball to escape the sight of the Reaper-lookalike. His voice feels weak, like it's about to give out at any moment. The fear is so real, he can feel it starting to fill up his lungs; nothing Penelope taught him could prepare the tiny Eevee for this. ”Go away!

    {After the whole deal with Reaper about...six pages back, Connor does not have good associations with Absols. RIP. Feel free to have anybody interact with him however you want, I do not mind}


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 20 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Min Wed Jul 13, 2016 2:08 pm

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    Hearthome City| |Evening

    Francesca had to stop herself from bursting into laughter because of Polnareff's words. This was hilarious. She caught the look the Lucario shot her and blinked in return, suppressing a chuckle. She watched the Servine give a brief thumbs-up before frolicking away to collect some well-needed berries. Though she wasn't so keen on the sudden stranger intruding on their space—she wonders how the grass-type even survived this long—at the very least he was some sort of helpful.

    "Here ya go." It wasn't long before the grass snake finally returned, dropping and letting a handful or orans and rawsts to roll towards her. "Couldn't find much. It's pretty gross out there. I hope that will help though, even if just a little." Carefully, she picked one of the orans up and gave it a quick look over—to be safe—before crushing it between her palms to make more poultice.

    She applied a bit more poultice on Rocket's wounds and a few dabs on her own. "Thanks," she mumbled with a nod, though she barely looked at Leto as she said it. Her gaze was fixated on Rocket, worriedly looking over him.

    Understandably, Francesca wasn't so thrilled to have the Servine suddenly scamper so close to Rocket's unconscious body. "Sooooo, if ya don't mind me asking, what happened?"

    She grunted in annoyance to the question. She wasn't a fan of the nosy. "Hearthome happened," she responded succinctly, uninterested in giving a full explanation. Instead, she focused her energy on taking care of Rocket—it was the least she could do—until she heard a foreign voice behind her and—

    ”N-no-nonono. Go away! With the Eevee's frightened shout, Francesca immediately leaped to her feet. Without hesitation she whirled around, violently snapping her jaws towards the newcomer Absol and putting herself between the dark-type and Connor.

    "Who are you—?" she demanded, her words hissing out between her rows of sharp teeth. She narrowed her eyes and broadened her shoulders, clearly giving threat to the Absol. "What do you want."
    R'hia Kyrie
    R'hia Kyrie

    Age : 28
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    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 20 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by R'hia Kyrie Sun Jul 24, 2016 6:57 pm

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    Hearthome City South Gate | Evening | 15

    Pol was left flustered and irritated by the whole situation, and sighed as he returned to stand beside Francesca and Rocket. "I swear to god, if that walking broccolli pisses me off, I am at least going to punch him. Besides, you're the one here who I figured would catch eyes, not me." About as smooth as he could get, in his current mentality. Maybe a little sandstone-smoothish, but hey, it was an attempt.

    He looks around, cooling off a bit before kneeling next to the Krookodile. "Looks like you've done this before. Doing well... is there anywhere in specific you need some rubbed on? That you can't reach, I mean." His eyes draw to the unconcious mon's face, an expression of... conflicted emotion present upon his face. [/color=#b8b8b8]"I have respect for him, but at the same time, I have... doubts, about Rocket here. I'd like to ask you a few-"[/color]

    As he was about to do some digging, the cabbage patch kid came back, and seemed surprisingly a bit dissapointed with his berry selection. "Sooooo, if ya don't mind me asking, what happened?" He was about to open his mouth in a rather sassy remark, but Francesca beat him to it.

    "Hearthome happened."

    Well, that summed it up pretty nicely. With a nod, Pol decided to be a little more even-headed with this creature. [/color=#b8b8b8]"Any berries help, so... thanks. What happened can be explained later. What's important is what's happening now, and what we're going to make happen. If you want to stick around, you need to realize that the people here watch their backs, regardless of feelings about one another. If I see you stand by as another gets injured..."[/color] The message was clear enough. Polnareff understood that he was making a rather bold claim on behalf of the group, but felt confidant enough to state it as fact. In spite of what happened, Rocket is a large part of why they all got out alive. The kids got berries, and Francesca... she put herself before two foes in order to allow the kids AND Polnareff to get an escape route. "And if you're going to stick around, you can call me Pol. This here is Francesca," He nodded his head towards his teammate, then to the youths. "And the Eevee is Conner, the ol' growlithe is Micheal. The Garchomp is Rocket. And don't be surprised if he's just as abrasive as me when he wakes up." Leto still had no kind of offputting aura to him, so-

    ”N-no-nonono. Go away! Pol jumped up just as quickly as Francesca, looking around and spotting the new one. But once again, no immediate discomfort came from her presence, not to him- what in the world had Connor seen...? His reaction was more like some sort of PTSD than something the Absol had done...  He says nil, moving to stand beside the kids one step at a time, keeping eyes on the second newcomer of the last small while.

    ((OOC: Arceus Bladed, you did fine in your header :> Sorry for the unexpectedly long wait, guys. One of my new jobs is with a temp agency, and my days off were all eaten by assignments they sent me on.))

    Posts : 208

    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 20 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Fern Mon Jul 25, 2016 8:46 pm

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    "Hearthome happened."

    The statement was dynamic. Even without context, it caused Leto to physically shudder. He swept his crimson eyes behind the group to study the disarray--blood, uprooted pavement, ruins, buildings in complete disrepair...Hearthome. An ironic name, given its current state. He couldn't help but stare at the wreckage and wonder what exactly had happened here--

    "--watch their backs, regardless of feelings about one another. If I see you stand by as another gets injured..."

    The words wafted into his ears, not registering at first. But suddenly, Leto gasped, turning towards the Lucario. He attempted to straighten his posture to put on am attentive facade. Oh, shoot! He was talking to me this entire time! I wasn't even listening! What did he say, oh, it would be so rude to ask, but, should I? He simpered as his cheeks grew warm with embarassment. "And if you're going to stick around, you can call me Pol. This here is Francesca. And the Eevee is Conner, the ol' growlithe is Micheal. The Garchomp is Rocket. And don't be surprised if he's just as abrasive as me when he wakes up."

    "Got it. But, I uhhh," Leto twirled two leafy fingers around each other, "I kinda missed that first part, so if you don't mind repeating what you said, I'd appreciate it very much."

    But before anything else could be said, the Eevees' eyes grew wide. He began quivering with a force that would put an earthquake to shame. ”N-no-nonono. Go away!”

    Leto cocked his head towards Connors' line of vision. Standing there was (and he should have learned with Polnareff that he shouldn't make assumptions, but he did anyhow) a lady. A sleek, gorgeous lady. Her mane billowed in the wind, her stance low and sleek like a warrior goddess. Letos' mouth dried up. He was meant to be here. There was His Special One that he had been searching for all these years. She could be his Queen and--


    "Heeeeelloooo," called Leto sheepishly, slithering over to meet the Absols' side, ignoring the interrigations of the more cautious Pokemon. "What might bring you 'round these parts, pardner?" He snickered, the Western guises were always his favorite. He tipped an imaginary cowboy hat towards the Absol, then burst into hysterical (and awkward) laughter. "Nah, I'm just fooling. Name's Leto. And what is the name of the Queen that stands before me? Oh, goodness, what happened to your eye? You want some berries? Do you know how to Time Warp? Do you like to Time Warp? Have you heard of the band Seel Brigade? They're kinda old-school, but they're totally rad, they used to have this awesome Glaceon mascot dude, I think his name was Eebaza, Ebb, Ibiza, Eddy, something like that--" Anxiety caused the questions to continue falling from his lips without real thought to back them up, and once he realized this, he flinched. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I said too much, heh..." He slinked backwards towards the group, trying not to meet anyones eyes.[/color]
    Arceus Bladed
    Arceus Bladed

    Age : 23
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    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 20 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Arceus Bladed Mon Jul 25, 2016 9:13 pm

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    Hearthome {Southwestern Border} | Evening|2
    The Absol quivered in the midst of all the anger. Really though, she knew that only one of the immediately conscious pokemon were possible hostiles. "I'm sorry to have barged in on you like that. I just wanted to find a relatively safe place, rare as they are. I don't mean you any harm. Also, servine who just asked of my scar? I'd rather not talk about it. Let's just say I don't like Sevipers. The words kept pouring out like a waterfall through a broken dam. Also, yeah, were those songs before the whole thing with the zombies? It was a bit odd that the servine had heard of them. He didn't seem old.

    Last edited by Arceus Bladed on Mon Jul 25, 2016 9:27 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Messed up big time on fp.)

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 20 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Abysswalker Mon Jul 25, 2016 11:13 pm

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    Hearthome City {South Gate} | Evening
    (23) (17)

    Connor's terrified cry immediately brings Michael to action. With Francesca there in case the Absol tries anything, the Growlithe gently nudges the Eevee, blocking his view of the newcomer. ”Kid, what's wrong?” he asks, his heart just about plummeting to his stomach as the Eevee begins to shake even worse than before. This is more than simply being shy around strangers, no, Michael recognizes this response. It is eerily similar to the days after he'd discovered his own father's corpse, when he'd been an unresponsive mess unable to stop the tremors of his own body. No, he has never been good with taking care of kids, but seeing this little one experience something so close to his own trauma hits Michael straight in the heart. Just like how his own Minccino friend had been there for him, there's no way in hell Michael is going to leave Connor alone to suffer in whatever fear is gripping him. ”Just breathe, okay? It's alright, your friends are here. You're safe. Nothing is gonna hurt you.” The Eevee stirs slightly after Michael is finished speaking, though he does not stand up; though Connor lifts his head slightly, his eyes can barely be seen. It's still enough for Michael to see that his pupils are wide, and the fur around his eyes is damp.

    ”R-Reaper,” Connor whispers, his voice so soft and shaky that Michael almost does not catch the word. The kid immediately returns to the way he was curled up before, and Michael is left to dwell upon the single word he was given. ”Reaper.” What kind of child is familiar enough with the concept of a “grim reaper” to recall it in a moment like this? Or maybe...It's a name, not a title. He has not been given the chance to know the Eevee for long; Connor's past is as murky as muddy water to him, and so the name “Reaper” rings no bells. Think, Michael, think...why would Connor say that word right now? The Growlithe looks up at the newcomer, eyes locking on to the scythe upon their head. How likely is it that a child who was probably raised in the wild would know about a scythe's association with grim reapers? Michael himself only knew thanks to his beloved Minccino's own knowledge; with most of his first assumptions exhausted, he can only think Connor is scared of Absols. But what if he is wrong, and Reaper is simply a random word that the Eevee said without really thinking about it? Goddesses above, he simply doesn't know, and it's killing him inside.

    "Heeeeelloooo," comes the obnoxious tone of Leto. Goddesses, did he really think he is still wanted? Perhaps it is only his worry over Connor that is spiking his irritation towards the serpent, but that is not the point. Michael looks up and over to Leto, who is yet again showing off his nonexistent sense of personal space. This time, however, he's acting like the Absol is his new best friend, and it's almost nauseating to witness. This is no time to be playing the fool, especially when it shows such an ugly disregard for both personal safety and the feelings of others. Did he simply not register the fact that this new Pokemon is the cause of a child Eevee being sent into a panic? "What might bring you 'round these parts, pardner?”

    Then, Michael's eyes widen. He is...laughing? Laughing? The kid's having the equivalent of a panic attack and the fucking moron is laughing like he's some sort of big shot. Some big shot prick who doesn't seem to give a damn about the kid who is so terrified he cannot even look up from the ball he has curled into. Peering back into his own memories, Michael can never remember a time when he'd break down and his Minccino companion would laugh at him. Even if Leto is not laughing at Connor himself, who knows how the kid would feel hearing it? Michael knows he would have never been able to handle the idea of someone laughing when his emotions were at their most fragile. His teeth are bared, the canine no longer willing to hide his fury at such blatant disrespect.

    "Nah, I'm just fooling. Name's Leto. And what is the name of the Queen that stands before me? Oh, goodness, what happened to your eye? You want some berries? Do you know how to Time Warp? Do you like to Time Warp? Have you heard of the band Seel Brigade? They're kinda old-school, but they're totally rad, they used to have this awesome Glaceon mascot dude, I think his name was Eebaza, Ebb, Ibiza, Eddy, something like that--"

    Michael begins to growl as the Servine refuses to shut the fuck up. Even when the idiot snake finally realizes his mistake and backs off, the Growlithe still has an all-consuming urge to chase him off. He's as transparent as glass. “Queen.” A blind and deaf Pokemon would be able to discern that, like he attempted to do with Polnareff before getting a nasty shock, Leto is hitting on the Absol. Do his infatuations truly appear so readily in the face of anything with even a slight feminine flair? Michael scoffs, not at all impressed by anything the Servine has said; in fact, he's quite ready to put him in his place. ”Here's some advice, friend. Nobody fucking CARES about your babbling bullshit. I doubt Rocket wants to be on the ground all day, and we've got a kid over here having a panic attack. You are not helping. Hopefully bringing up Rocket and Connor-Pokemon who actually really need shelter, and fast-will keep the Servine from causing anymore distractions. This Absol has arrived at a poor time, but at least they're not being annoying.

    "I'm sorry to have barged in on you like that. I just wanted to find a relatively safe place, rare as they are. I don't mean you any harm.” Connor is still breathing rapidly, as much as he is trying to calm himself down. His eyes are jammed shut, but still the image of Reaper flashes in his mind, refusing to go away. That voice sounds like a girl, instead of the other Absol that now haunts him, but it doesn't help. He still sees Reaper, still feels an empty space beside him where his sister used to be; without her, he's nothing. Without her, Connor is exposed, vulnerable, and there is no safe place, not even with these Pokemon that have defended him. When their parents left, it was Penelope that took care of him...when that Persian lady chased them away, it was Penelope who assured him they didn't need anyone but each other. And now she's gone. What is he going to do now? Connor only wants to stay here, curled up, until he eventually dies.
    He wouldn't be a burden to anyone if he was dead.

    ”Also, yeah, were those songs before the whole thing with the zombies?”
    ”I'd say it's a lot more than a thing with zombies,” Michael mumbles to himself, turning back towards the Eevee. Right now, helping the little guy out is a lot more important than focusing on some stupid snake. Besides, he's no leader, and he knows Fran and Pol will be able to handle the situation of the newcomer far better than he can. ”Whoever hurt you, they're not here anymore. Okay? But if it makes you feel safe, you can stay behind me.” Connor gives no response, and Michael finds himself glancing over at Francesca and Polnareff. The Eevee would probably need to be carried...would they do it? Or at least help place the kid onto his back, if Michael asked?

    (Fern I am so sorry you have to deal with my pissy Growlithe lmao)


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 20 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Min Fri Jul 29, 2016 2:02 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Hearthome City (South Gate)| |Evening

    The moment she heard the Servine open his mouth, Francesca nearly dragged a clawed hand down her face.

    "Heeeeelloooo. What might bring you 'round these parts, pardner?" What the fuck? What's with the change of speech? Is he not wary of the newcomer at all? Oh Arceus—how did this sprout even last this long in this hellworld? Francesca nearly couldn't believe her ears. "Nah, I'm just fooling. Name's Leto. And what is the name of the Queen that stands before me? Oh, goodness, what happened to your eye? You want some berries? Do you know how to Time Warp? Do you like to Time Warp? Have you heard of the band Seel Brigade? They're kinda old-school, but they're totally rad, they used to have this awesome Glaceon mascot dude, I think his name was Eebaza, Ebb, Ibiza, Eddy, something like that--"

    "ENOUGH." The Krookodile snapped without hesitance, glaring at both the Absol and the Servine. Her tail lashed violently against the earth. "Are you out of your mind? Fraternizing with a complete stranger? With Connor's reaction?"

    Thank Arceus for the Michael. Thank Arceus nobody is as stupid as that bundle of grass that just tried to flirt with a stranger. ”Here's some advice, friend. Nobody fucking CARES about your babbling bullshit. I doubt Rocket wants to be on the ground all day, and we've got a kid over here having a panic attack. You are not helping.

    The Absol, at the very least, seemed to bear no ill will to them; but Francesca knew how deceiving impressions could be. They spoke quickly, explaining themself. "I'm sorry to have barged in on you like that. I just wanted to find a relatively safe place, rare as they are. I don't mean you any harm. Also, Servine who just asked of my scar? I'd rather not talk about it. Let's just say I don't like Sevipers."

    "And I don't quite like strangers," she stated blatantly with a pointed gaze. Francesca took a few heavy steps forward to circle the Absol, peering for—well, anything—whatever that could've set the Eevee off. There doesn't seem to be any visible sign of infection, though this might simply be from all the thick fur covering any wounds...? She turns to the Lucario standing on the side with a furrowed brow. "Polnareff? You can read her aura—do you sense anything?"

    Meanwhile she shoots a worried glance back towards where Connor was, grateful that Michael was there to help the poor fox.
    R'hia Kyrie
    R'hia Kyrie

    Age : 28
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    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 20 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by R'hia Kyrie Wed Aug 03, 2016 8:06 pm

    ((OOC: I've gotta go to safehouse, but there was some stuff directed at pol. So, in short: No, there's no malicious aura to the absol, he would say, and while keeping his guard, he would nod or something to reassure fran, waving her over to the kiddos to help))

    Posts : 208

    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 20 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Fern Fri Aug 05, 2016 10:36 pm

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    ”Here's some advice, friend. Nobody fucking CARES about your babbling bullshit. I doubt Rocket wants to be on the ground all day, and we've got a kid over here having a panic attack. You are not helping.”

    Panic attack? Leto tore his half-lidded, dreamy eyes away from the Absol and focused on the pair of canines instead. Ignoring the sinking feeling in his chest, he studied the Eevee. Michael was right--the fox was heaving and sputtering and just appeared extremely petrified in general.

    "Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, I'm sorry. I--I didn't realize he, um, wait here!" Leto cried, and with yet another cautionary grip of his trusty headphones, sprinted off into the distance. He heard the Absol say something about Sevipers' as he scampered away. He shouted over his shoulder, "sorry, be back to talk in a bit!"

    Yet again he found himself on the route, this time searching for a different type of foliage. With narrowed eyes, he hunted through the underbrush until he found what he was looking for. An innocent daisy, of which had somehow survived despite the havoc wrought on the land around them. He plucked it from its home, mumbling an apology to Mother Nature, before bolting towards Hearthome yet again.

    His breath came in quick gasps upon his return, due to the quick bursts of exercise. Nevertheless, he approached Connor with an aloof grin. "I'm sorry, dude. It'll be okay. I promise, there's nothing to be afraid of. I'll protect ya from the big creepies. Your Growlithe friend will too." As to not startle the fox, he inched backwards a couple steps before laying the flower gently at Connors' feet, scooting it closer with his elongated snout.

    [[OOC; sorry for the rushed post. things.]]
    Arceus Bladed
    Arceus Bladed

    Age : 23
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    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 20 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Arceus Bladed Sat Aug 06, 2016 12:25 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    Hearthome City/Southern Gate/3

    "...Your Growlithe friend will, too." Auriel thought the Servine seemed nice enough, what with the flower for the cowering Eevee, but she couldn't tell on anyone else. She did know that she had set off a PTSD-like reaction in the Eevee which seemed to be on account of someone/ something named... Reaper. She thought that she had seen another pokemon running around with that name, but he seemed, well, crazy. "Has the Eevee been around other Absols lately? Because it seems to me that he's afraid of my race, not just me, specifically." Without thinking, she turned around and said, "I'll leave if it would make the young Eevee happy." Without malice she said this, as she started for the exit out of the city.

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 20 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Abysswalker Wed Aug 10, 2016 2:46 am

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    Hearthome City {South Gate} | Evening
    (24) (18)

    "Polnareff? You can read her aura—do you sense anything?" Michael  waits with bated breath, awaiting Polnareff's response. At least they are lucky enough to be allied with someone with such abilities...again Michael finds himself feeling pangs of regret for having ever placed the Lucario (and Rocket as well) beneath the likes of Halloween. Tension flows out of his muscles as Pol affirms a lack of malicious aura; it is nice to finally have some good news. They deserve as much, after the struggle against the gang infesting Hearthome itself. Now if a certain somebody had not ditched us, this would be a lot easier... Michael frowns, his thoughts towards Halloween still tangled and confusing, like trying to navigate through thornbushes. Nothing good came out of it, and he is given only pain in return for his troubles. This entire day can be summarized as nothing more than a complete mess, with his emotions being tugged back and forth until they are just about ready to snap. But not yet. Not until they got Rocket and Connor somewhere safe, first. Michael can keep the tide held back until then.

    "Fran, can you place Connor on my back? I'll carry him," Michael asks. He would do it himself, but the best his quadraped body would be able to do was carry the Eevee by his scruff. That is far from ideal, with him trembling so much. The last thing he wants to do is hurt the kid; Michael is confident he'd be able to carry Connor on his back, even if he is not as tall or broad-shouldered as Halloween. He may be unevolved, but he is in no way weak or stupid, nor is Michael willing to let one of his companions suffer. Soon enough, the Growlithe spots Leto returning and once again bares his teeth as the serpent approaches Connor, ready to defend the fox if the Grass-type tries anything. He doubts the Servine is capable of doing any real damage in a short timespan, but it's better to be safe than sorry. "I'm sorry, dude. It'll be okay. I promise, there's nothing to be afraid of. I'll protect ya from the big creepies. Your Growlithe friend will too." Michael cocks his head as Leto sets a flower next to the Eevee, pushing it closer. That is an awfully kind gesture...and an actual apology? The Growlithe ponders on whether the Servine is being genuine; his first impressions may have been rather awful, but maybe there is a chance the snake is more than simply obnoxious or foolhardy. Maybe.

    The voice of the Servine coaxes Connor to peek out a little bit. Why is he being so nice to him? They all should leave him there and go somewhere safe, where his rotten luck couldn't hurt them too. His eyes dart to the little flower Leto is...giving him? Why? Connor doesn't deserve a present like this, yet the snake doesn't take it back. The white petals look so pretty, like fluffy clouds in the sky. Reaching out a paw, Connor lightly brushes the flower closer to himself; the petals help his mind stray a little from the consuming nature of a certain name. A tiny bit of his shaking settles down, though not enough to give the Eevee any semblance of "calm." Right then, he can barely remember what the word even means. Penelope likes flowers... Connor glances up at Leto before rapidly burying his face into his fur again, stammering out the tiniest of thank you's in the process. No, he still doesn't deserve this kindness; they would still be safer, happier pretending he didn't exist. Halloween, Bee, Penelope, it's his fault they left. It has to be. I wasn't strong enough...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...

    Michael allows himself a tiny sigh of relief as Connor responds to the Servine's gesture, giving a nod of gratitude in the serpent's direction. Even if he is not fond of him, that does not mean Michael should be entirely rude or dismissive. Funny. You've been that way this entire time. What changed? Still, the kid is about a thousand light years from alright. They really should find a place to stay, and soon.
    "Has the Eevee been around other Absols lately? Because it seems to me that he's afraid of my race, not just me, specifically." Michael turns to the newcomer Absol, her words sinking in. Other Absols? Other Absols...other Absols...Other Absols. The realization hits his brain with the force of a Machamp's DynamicPunch, leaving him dazed. His memory has always been rotten, but this just takes the cake. FUCK. In the chaos that is today, Michael barely thought of when he'd first seen the group, back when they were more Pokemon and they'd first fought the psychopathic street gang. Now, with this stranger reminding him, tiny bits of detail are returning all at once. The Fletchinder, the Dragonite, the Vaporeon and Growlithe...the Absol. Fuck. That has to be 'Reaper.' All the pieces are fitting together now, and it's creating a foul bile in the back of his throat. The poor kid doesn't deserve this. Michael goes to affirm the Absol's statement, only to stare in bewilderment as she begins to turn away, as if to leave them.

    "I'll leave if it would make the young Eevee happy." Michael looks to Fran and then to Polnareff, unsure of what to say. Sure, having the Absol out of sight may be what the kid needs to calm down, but should they really let another survivor-one that looks really young, no less-simply walk away? It isn't exactly her fault she's an Absol, either, but it didn't seem fair to force Connor to be around someone that set off such a negative reaction. Should they call her back?


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

    Age : 25
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    Post by Min Tue Aug 16, 2016 1:26 am

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    Hearthome City (South Gate)| |Evening

    Although Polnareff reassured her that the Absol was fine, her defenses remained. There was definitely something wrong that set off that reaction in Connor—but what? Either way, she didn't have time to dwell on it, as she swiftly made her way to the two canines' side to help. Michael piped up. "Fran, can you place Connor on my back? I'll carry him."

    "Of course," she replied with an affirmative nod, pausing only momentarily to watch the sudden apology and considerate gentleness from the Servine. The flower is a true gesture—something that Francesca sincerely hadn't expected from the grass-type—and she starts to wonder if she perhaps judged the snake too quickly. Regardless, the Krookodile approached Connor gently, lightly hoisting him up with her arm and carefully onto Michael's back as requested. She takes extra care just to make sure the Eevee is comfortable—she trusts Michael enough to carry him well.

    Though Leto's actions had taken her by surprise, Francesca was even more startled by the Absol's words. "Has the Eevee been around other Absols lately? Because it seems to me that he's afraid of my race, not just me, specifically. I'll leave if it would make the young Eevee happy." Already she turned to leave them.

    It's painfully rare to see someone so...so genuine in the epidemic—Arceus, Francesca hadn't been expecting this at all. What were they supposed to do? The Absol didn't look particularly powerful—maybe with luck she'd survive on her own—but letting her just leave left a bitter taste in the Krookodile's mouth. Especially when she seemed to truthful, so honest? Earnest even—those types are so rare and few nowadays, but she also can't endanger the lives and safety of the others. Especially not Connor. Especially not the kid. Arceus, what would Rocket do?

    Francesca gave a brief glance to where he lay. She wishes Rocket would just get up already.

    Looking to the others for help didn't amount to much either—Michael was looking at her too. With a slight grunt she finally opened her mouth. "W-Wait," she called, hoping to at least catch the Absol's attention. She turned to Connor on Michael's back, speaking to him as gently as she could. "Connor? Would you be alright if she stayed?" Ultimately, the decision revolved around him—after all—nobody, not even the Absol wanted to upset him.
    R'hia Kyrie
    R'hia Kyrie

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    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 20 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by R'hia Kyrie Sat Aug 20, 2016 8:42 pm

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    Hearthome City South Gate | Evening | 16

    At this point, it was clear to the Lucario that all parties involved here bore no ill will. The extra-long lettuce leaf was realizing the situation, the absol was surprisingly willing to up and leave, supposedly for the sake of Connor- at worst, it means Pol would have to keep in mind that this new one may be a flight risk. He relaxes his stance, looking around.

    Fran was tending to Connor already, as the Absol was turning to depart as soon as she came. Pol speaks up now, shaking his head. "No, it would be best if you stayed. For all of us." He comes to stand beside Francesca, speaking low- not so low that someone couldn't hear them if they tried, but enough to slip words by those not paying his words to her any mind. She offers the Eevee the choice, before he speaks up. "Forgive me if this sounds cold-hearted, but we may need to ask the Absol to stay anyways. She's not bad, and she seems relatively capable, and of sound mind. Besides..." He casts a sympathetic look towards Connor. He knew the havoc a single Pokemon could have on someone. The Hanged... that Hypno, had caused him to bare teeth at even the most innocent Hypnos he had encountered, some time ago. "...There's two ways he could begin to face his fears. Find the one who caused this, or at find someone who bears resemblance... and learn to disassociate. And either way, to turn someone away, is to deny them better chances at life itself these days."

    He steps down the trail, looking around, then to the sky. "...There's got to be something around here fitting for us to rest in. There's human structures dotted about- I've been around this city before, and know that much at least." His head turns back, towards the group. "Like it or not, we've already stayed out here for too long. Fran, Micheal... you two can probably attest to the apparent persistence of those bastards from before. Rocket dealt a great blow, perhaps. But one that will piss them off. There is not much stopping them from finding us again... We've got to move, and soon. Leto, Absol..." It only now donned on him that the newest of them hadn't divulged their name. "Were there any places that stick out in your memory, that we could truly rest at for a while? A cliffside, an alcove? An old human home, even?" Talking about moving and leaving was nice. But now, without Rocket to guide them, nobody in the group seemed to be ready to get things going... a hesitation that could not be afforded.

    ((OOC: Sorry about not including other members' text/speech in here, I'm having an issue where if I open a new tab, the prior crashes immediately :S))

    Posts : 208

    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 20 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Fern Tue Aug 23, 2016 12:30 am

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    The conversation, of which had been rather relaxed before (in Letos' eyes), was now urgent. Leto ran his gaze from one Pokemon to the other, finally choosing to rest his gaze on the fainted behemoth. (Rocket? Shotput? Something like that.)

    He twiddled his fingers and waited patiently for one of the leader figures to give them a word, a pep talk, anything. From what Leto gathered, it seemed they had all declared the Absol was allowed to stay--in fact, it was encouraged. Leto gave an eager nod at this, not wanting to spark Michaels' frustration further by sliding up to her again. For the Eevees' sake, he did a wonderful job of curbing his excitement, save for the tiniest of nervous twitches. He kept his mouth (remarkably) shut during the whole spiel, humoring himself by daydreaming.

    "Leto, Absol..."

    He snapped out of his fantasies at once, spiraling to face the Lucario at the sound of his name, raising a questioning brow. "You called?"

    "Were there any places that stick out in your memory, that we could truly rest at for a while? A cliffside, an alcove? An old human home, even?" Leto pressed an index leaf to his forehead, reminiscing on the road he had traveled. The only thing he could recall that was within walking distance was the tree he had sheltered in beforehand.

    "Nooooope. So sorry. All I saw was a big tree, and some of us, I mean, not naming, I'm just, well, a lot of us can't climb," Letos' chipper mood darkened a little at the awkward interaction. "I mean, I can, but, ya know," he murmured, gesturing towards the fainted Garchomp. In an attempt to diffuse the tension, he ended up making it more embarrassing.
    Arceus Bladed
    Arceus Bladed

    Age : 23
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    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 20 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Arceus Bladed Tue Aug 23, 2016 8:41 am

    "No, it would be best if you stayed. For all of us." She stopped dead and turned around, surprised by the lucario's sudden response. Auriel was surprised that the Lucario was defending her. "Leto, Absol..." She snapped out of her thoughts when he asked about a place they could all rest. "I know a place on Mt. Coronet, but it's a bit of a hike. By the way, are you sure about me, Lucario? I may be more trouble than I'm worth." She was a bit surprised but she still wasn't willing to put them in danger.

    Age : 25
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    Post by Abysswalker Tue Aug 23, 2016 2:39 pm

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    Hearthome City {South Gate} | Evening
    (25) (19)

    As the Eevee is hoisted onto Michael's back, he quickly begins to adjust himself so as to block out the view of almost everyone else. Connor can hear the Absol girl speaking, though to him, a faint hint of Reaper's voice still lingers in the tone. It causes him to start shivering uncontrollably all over again. When would Halloween and Bee and Penelope return to save him from this? "Connor? Would you be alright if she stayed?" The Eevee meekly glances up at the Krookodile; her voice is different, belonging to Fran and Fran only, and that is enough for him to listen. It's not the voice of a complete stranger, or someone that had tried to torment him. "She?" Is-is she referring to the Absol? Connor tries hard not to start whimpering, that would make him seem like the weak baby he'd always promised Penelope he wouldn't become. Just thinking of that girl Absol right now still reminds him so much of Reaper, how he'd snuck up from nowhere like a demon right out of hell, laughing about dead queens and horrible things...even if they're really two different people, Connor will be frightened regardless. There's no escape. "I-I-" he begins to say, the words tripping over each other, but Polnareff interrupts before the Eevee can manage a single sentence.

    "Forgive me if this sounds cold-hearted, but we may need to ask the Absol to stay anyways. She's not bad, and she seems relatively capable, and of sound mind. Besides..." Having been awaiting what Connor would say, and ready to encourage him, Michael does not like where the Lucario's train of thought is starting to go. Need? They didn't need to ask anybody to stick around, especially somebody who could have such a negative effect on one of their own! Sure, it is not her fault, but not everyone needs to be invited into their little clique. Hey, don't look at me. I'm the one who said we should have stayed out of this group's business. "...There's two ways he could begin to face his fears. Find the one who caused this, or at find someone who bears resemblance... and learn to disassociate. And either way, to turn someone away, is to deny them better chances at life itself these days." He cannot believe his ears. How could Polnareff just decide that without at least hearing out whatever Connor might have had to say? The poor kid lost his sister, and now he's going to be forced to be around someone he can't even look at without beginning to freak out. How is that in any way fair? "At least give the kid a chance to decide!" Michael growls, but his words are quickly bulldozed over. The Growlithe grits his teeth, irritation rapidly blocking out a chunk of what the Lucario continues to talk about. Perhaps it is only his own personal experiences driving this empathy for the kid, but by the goddesses, Michael won't abandon him like Halloween did. What would his beloved say if they knew he had refused to help a child that was not so different from his own, younger self?

    "...not, we've already stayed out here for too long. Fran, Micheal... you two can probably attest to the apparent persistence of those bastards from before." At the mention of his name, Michael catches back onto whatever it was that Polnareff spoke of. "Rocket dealt a great blow, perhaps. But one that will piss them off. There is not much stopping them from finding us again... We've got to move, and soon. Leto, Absol..." Though a bit of indignance still simmers, Michael cannot disagree with his points. He can admit that it is better to get Rocket and Connor to safety alongside the Absol, rather than allowing that loathsome gang from before to find them again. Finally, a little humility. Oh, shut up. It isn't as if he's never once admitted to being wrong before. "Were there any places that stick out in your memory, that we could truly rest at for a while? A cliffside, an alcove? An old human home, even?" As the guy speaks, Michael shifts himself a little to the right, allowing Connor to move himself a bit as well. The Eevee is still shivering, but it seems as if he might be a little more calm now...though far from okay. They really do need shelter soon, so the little guy can relax.

    "Nooooope. So sorry. All I saw was a big tree, and some of us, I mean, not naming, I'm just, well, a lot of us can't climb."
    "I know a place on Mt. Coronet, but it's a bit of a hike. By the way, are you sure about me, Lucario? I may be more trouble than I'm worth."

    "Mount Coronet?" Michael echoes, pondering on where that was. He can vaguely remember the mountain of this region, but from what little he knows, it definitely isn't nearby...or even in this direction. Is that where the Absol is speaking of? Going back through the city would be a suicide mission. Unless he's completely, utterly wrong, and the Absol knows exactly how to get there without cutting through Hearthome, there's no way in hell they could get Rocket through there unspotted, and that is not even considering the destroyed gateway. "Wouldn't you need to go back through the city to get there?"


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

    Age : 25
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    Post by Min Fri Aug 26, 2016 1:10 am

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    Hearthome City (South Gate)| |Evening

    "No, it would be best if you stayed. For all of us." Polnareff's sudden interjection certainly caught Francesca off-guard when she expected Connor to speak instead; his surprising firmness made her pause, leaning forward to listen to her companion's reasoning. "Forgive me if this sounds cold-hearted, but we may need to ask the Absol to stay anyways. She's not bad, and she seems relatively capable, and of sound mind. Besides...there's two ways he could begin to face his fears. Find the one who caused this, or at find someone who bears resemblance... and learn to disassociate. And either way, to turn someone away, is to deny them better chances at life itself these days."

    It was expected that Michael, as he so fiercely cared for Connor's wellbeing, wasn't so enthusiastic about the Lucario's decision. "At least give the kid a chance to decide!"

    Francesca could only shoot the poor Eevee a sympathetic glance as Polnareff addressed the group's current state—he was right. They needed shelter. "Like it or not, we've already stayed out here for too long. Fran, Micheal... you two can probably attest to the apparent persistence of those bastards from before. Rocket dealt a great blow, perhaps. But one that will piss them off. There is not much stopping them from finding us again... We've got to move, and soon. Leto, Absol...were there any places that stick out in your memory, that we could truly rest at for a while? A cliffside, an alcove? An old human home, even?"

    There was a slight annoyed, if not uncomfortable, twitch of eye from Francesca at the mention of the gang lurking back in the city. Something thrashed in her stomach, like a long, deep hatred, as she remembered the battle only moments before. The heat of her anger for the Swampert and his lackeys were boiling; in a world where survivors were so few and scarce, for them to have their own little clique and to attack other living so easily, to not think of aid—for them to do this to her friends, to her Rocket

    She's got to be better than that. She has to give these strangers a chance.

    Leto's suggestions were of course disregarded—there's no way she, with her size and bulk, was going to hide in a tree, much less haul Rocket up one—but the Absol mentioned something interesting. "I know a place on Mt. Coronet, but it's a bit of a hike. By the way, are you sure about me, Lucario? I may be more trouble than I'm worth." Coronet...Michael voiced the same thoughts as her own—though she may not be the most familiar with Sinnoh, the mountain felt a ways off...but...

    "Michael's right. We need to avoid that city, and I doubt those residents there will just leave us alone...it feels like too much of a risk. Maybe we should continue on this route—there's bound to be something here." Francesca replied, already lumbering a few steps back in anticipation of carrying Rocket. "Also, what's your name? It'll be awkward to keep addressing you as 'the Absol'."

    Though admittedly she felt unease at the sudden turn of events and the idea of trusting a stranger—what other choice did they have? The Absol seemed earnest enough, even to the point of offering to leave to ease Connor, speaking of—

    She looked over to the small Eevee, still situated on the Growlithe's back, and turned to crouch eye-level to him. He's still shaking, just a little better than before, and Francesca felt the sting of pity in her chest. Though she may be uncomfortable by this sudden change, she's sure that it effects Connor the most. "Hey, Connor," she murmurs gently, extending a hand to lightly ruffle the top of his furry head, "Don't worry, we're here for you. If anything bad happens or if she's not a good Pokemon, we'll deal with it. I promise. Ok?"

    ((ooc; lmk if anything needs to be changed! also i think the original plan was for the group to find the old pokemon mansion, as they're currently at the entrance of route 212? ouo))

    Last edited by Min on Mon Sep 05, 2016 1:52 am; edited 1 time in total
    R'hia Kyrie
    R'hia Kyrie

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    Post by R'hia Kyrie Tue Aug 30, 2016 12:19 am

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    Hearthome City South Gate | Evening | 17

    "At least give the kid a chance to decide!"

    Polnareff looks to Micheal, his expression sympathetic but his tone was gently stern. "Micheal, we don't have the luxury of choice right now. Do you think I enjoy sitting here and knowingly having to make him face this fear of his in such a blunt, sudden way...?" With a soft, discontent sigh, he turns towards the two newcomers. "Look. Whatever happened before you got here doesn't matter right now. Fact is, we're all in danger for multiple reasons if we stay here. Both of you need to be very honest right now. How are you two in a fight?"

    Fact is, none of the original group's fighters were, by any means, in good shape. Between one being fainted, two being battered, and the other two being non-combatants... good fighters were definitely a commodity now. The Absol mentiones Mount Coronet, and he feels his blood run icy hot, knowing that any quick route would mean going around, or even back into the city. Pol shakes his head softly at the suggestion, quickly retorting with "Not an option. The ones inhabiting the city are some less than friendly living that seem to attack on sight, and to go around at any safe distance would take too much time, which we're already short on. The sun will fall soon enough. That said... I would also like to know your name. Call me Polnareff, or Pol." He bows his head for a moment of greeting.

    Once the other two speak, Polnareff walks to the trio he's been with for what already feels like a good while- even though it's been a few hours at most. He kneels down, putting one hand on Fran's shoulder, looking to her and nodding before extending one toward's Micheals forepaws. "I'm sorry Micheal. I don't want to force Conner though anything... but look at us. Rocket's down, and none of us are in good shape... these two seem to be doing well, and have good intent. You all..." Pol's voice softens, his usual somewhat boisterous, firm tone falling to one of gratitude and sincerity. He knew he owed his life to these Pokemon. "You all fought alongside me when they chased me. I led them to you, and caused trouble, that's the fact of our meeting. While you could have easily turned and left me for dead, as bait, you didn't. You helped defend my life... and I intend to repay you in full. So please... trust me in this bold decision to bring them with us. I'm not about to let anyone hurt my allies. I won't let anyone else die today." His voice trembles in his final claim, seeing the young Sandshrew in Rocket's grasp... No more loss of young, innocent lives. Not again.

    Please, not again.

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    Post by Fern Thu Sep 01, 2016 7:52 pm

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    "Mount Coronet?" repeated Michael, obviously finding the idea distasteful. Leto studied the still-quivering Eevee with squinted eyes. Yeah, he may have been a little biased because of the Absol (Oh Arceus, I didn't even catch her name!), but this mountain did seem like a good option. That's how he had stayed alive this long anyhow--staying higher than the beasties could reach.

    He voiced this, of course. "Mountain sounds sweet. How'd ya think I lived this long?" He shot a toothy grin towards no one in particular. "You gotta get taller than them. If you can't fly, a tall mountain is the next best thing."

    However, Leto didn't address the fact of venturing through the city, of which the group had evidently had trouble with before. He frowned as his idea was shot down by the others, ripping holes in his plan and scavenging problems he should have acknowledged. "A--ah, I didn't even th-think, this is why I'm not the leader, huh?" He laughed, although it was rather forced, and as it trailed off it turned into a hoarse cough.

    They each inquired the Absols' name, and he waited with lovestruck, bated breath for her reply. He was deaf to half of the Lucarios' conversation, entranced by her billowing mane. Gorgeous. Stunning. Everything he wanted.

    He managed to tear his eyes away as the Lucarios' tone became more valiant than before. "So please... trust me in this bold decision to bring them with us. I'm not about to let anyone hurt my allies. I won't let anyone else die today."

    Them. That was him, he supposed. Guess it was time for him to step on his own soapbox, solicited or not. "L--listen, I may be a goof. Honestly. But I wanna tag along. Like, bad," he wrung his hands around his headphones absentmindedly. "I uh, I'm missing somebody. B--but aren't we all, right? I just...I...," he trailed off, his eyes glassy, crimson orbs. "I can't find my trainer. I've searched everywhere. But I'm not giving up hope. And I'm sure all of you have people too, that you miss! So I want to help, in any way I can. Until we all can have our happy endings. We can do it." He beamed with a mock thumbs-up, his pep talk making his face flush as a fuzzy feeling gripped his insides.

    He meant every word.
    Arceus Bladed
    Arceus Bladed

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    Post by Arceus Bladed Fri Sep 02, 2016 7:30 am

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    Southern Gate|Hearthome|Eve|5

    Auriel heard the argument between the Lucario and the growlithe, and then the Servine spoke up. "I can't find my trainer. I've searched everywhere. But I'm not giving up hope. And I'm sure all of you have people too, that you miss! So I want to help, in any way I can. Until we all can have our happy endings. We can do it." She felt so touched by Leto's words, she teared up. "My name is Auriel. My trainer was killed by the zombies and I have no allies to name. My name is rather ironic, as it means hope. All my friends are dead, because of my mistakes. I have some combat experience, by the way."

    Last edited by Arceus Bladed on Sun Sep 04, 2016 9:28 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Missing color/header fixed)

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    Post by Nightfall Thu Sep 08, 2016 3:33 am

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    Route 212/Evening (94)

    Pain. That was the first thing Rocket felt as he slowly surfaced from the darkness. It was as though someone had dropped a tree onto him. Everything hurt, but nothing compared to his left cheek and jawbone. He'd gotten frostbite on the tip of his tail one winter a few years ago; this felt a lot like that had, only worse.

    But a warmth slowly began to embrace it; Rocket sniffed and inhaled the sweet scent of berries. The soft heat sank into his scales, enveloping his muscles and teeth behind them.

    He could hear voices. He knew their owners, but couldn't quite recall their names just yet. Through his head flashed images of a timid little Eevee, a Growlithe and one hell of a fine Krookodile. They were his friends. Oh. Except the Lucario that popped up. He was an asshole. He didn't matter.

    But there were voices that Rocket did not recognise. Who were they? What if they were a threat? If he had a reason to wake up other than to see Fran again, that was it.

    The blackness encasing him cleared, and his eyes flickered open. "Nnnnnngh..." It turned out that speaking wasn't an option yet, and he lay there flopping his head pathetically from side to side. The dirt was more comfortable than it had ever been; maybe he'd stay there like a beached Wailord a little while longer.

    Age : 25
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    Post by Abysswalker Sat Sep 17, 2016 3:16 pm

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    Route 212 | Evening
    (26) (20)

    His spoken reluctance is shared among the others; after the encounter with that loathsome gang, none of their original group wants to risk another venture through the streets. Honestly, Michael is surprised that neither Fran nor Polnareff have collapsed from exhaustion at this point. He can't blame them for wanting to stay away from the rest of the thugs who would no doubt want revenge for that flea-bitten piece of trash they called a leader. With a group like this, made up of Pokemon either too worn out or too inexperienced to properly fight back, they'd be massacred within minutes.

    "Michael's right. We need to avoid that city, and I doubt those residents there will just leave us alone...it feels like too much of a risk. Maybe we should continue on this route—there's bound to be something here."
    "Not an option. The ones inhabiting the city are some less than friendly living that seem to attack on sight, and to go around at any safe distance would take too much time, which we're already short on. The sun will fall soon enough. That said... I would also like to know your name. Call me Polnareff, or Pol."

    Michael's claws scrape slightly against the ground. Even though introductions are necessary if they want to cooperate fully with this newest 'addition', that doesn't mean he has to like being so out in the open. It wouldn't be easy moving a Pokemon like Rocket around, and like Polna mentioned, they won't have the luxury of sunlight for much longer. Stumbling around in the dark, searching for some sort of shelter...he'd rather have his teeth and claws removed. He sighs, his mind wandering to whether there really would be anything down this unfamiliar path, or if they really would have been better off trying to brave the bloodied streets of Hearthome. What could be so awful that even confronting the gang out for their blood looked like a safer option? Michael doesn't know, and he certainly doesn't want to think about it. He lets his mind be instead distracted by the approach of Francesca towards him and Connor.

    "Hey, Connor," she says to the Eevee, who is still able to look at her without wanting to hide his face under his tiny paws. Though Michael can begrudgingly accept Polnareff's reasonings behind accepting these two into their midst, he still notices how much calmer Connor appears to be in the presence of Pokemon he's already at least somewhat familiar with. None of them-other than Fran and Rocket-can really claim to know each other well, but it's a hell of a long better than nothing at all. Living through the attacks of a vicious gang together tends to be a pretty damn good bonding tool. "Don't worry, we're here for you. If anything bad happens or if she's not a good Pokemon, we'll deal with it. I promise. Ok?"

    Connor knows he wouldn't be able to handle it himself; he's always relied on people older than him. Penelope, Halloween, now Rocket and Polna and Fran...if Reaper came back, would they chase him off? They'd beaten those horrible Pokemon that'd chased them in the 'city', and that one horrid mudfish that tried to kill him. He felt so bad and weak for needing everyone to defend him, but if they wanted to, then...he should let them, right? Even if Connor knows he doesn't deserve it, he can't tell them what to do. He knew they wouldn't leave him there, even if he wanted them to. "O-okay."

    Michael is glad to hear the kid responding again; they're soon joined by Polnareff, completing the remnants of their former group (who were still conscious, anyways). It is a sad thing to remember how many simply abandoned them, even during such a desperate hour. Oh, don't act like you wouldn't have done the same thing. "I'm sorry Micheal. I don't want to force Conner though anything... but look at us. Rocket's down, and none of us are in good shape... these two seem to be doing well, and have good intent. You all..." Michael looks down at his paws as the Lucario speaks, knowing that he has a good point. There's nothing to suggest the two are anything more than a couple of wandering kids who had stumbled across them. As much as he wants to argue otherwise, Michael really doesn't have a leg to stand on here. Besides, isn't he the one wanting them to keep moving? There's no point in trying to slow them down even further than he already has. "You all fought alongside me when they chased me. I led them to you, and caused trouble, that's the fact of our meeting. While you could have easily turned and left me for dead, as bait, you didn't. You helped defend my life... and I intend to repay you in full. So please... trust me in this bold decision to bring them with us. I'm not about to let anyone hurt my allies. I won't let anyone else die today."

    Michael looks back up at Polnareff. Those are very valiant words, and he doesn't doubt their sincerity, but who can guarantee such a thing? Any of them could die at any time, and it wouldn't have to be through anybody's own actions. He knows that all too well. How many times had his own beloved told him the same, that they would always be there, that the two of them would never be separated? It's almost like tempting fate. However, Michael does not vocalize these somber thoughts; they've all been through enough without even more reason to be discouraged. If only they knew all the horrible things you've been thinking this entire day, Mikey. Yeah. Maybe one day. It's amazing how much can change in the span of mere hours, including his own opinions of these Pokemon he barely knows.

    To his mild surprise, Leto is the one to speak up next. "L--listen, I may be a goof. Honestly. But I wanna tag along. Like, bad." Michael's ears twitch slightly; what reason did he have to want to come along with them that much? Safety in numbers, maybe, or simply desiring the company of other Pokemon. "I uh, I'm missing somebody. B--but aren't we all, right? I just...I...I can't find my trainer. I've searched everywhere. But I'm not giving up hope. And I'm sure all of you have people too, that you miss! So I want to help, in any way I can. Until we all can have our happy endings. We can do it." "Missing somebody." Michael suddenly wants to be out of this conversation entirely, the Servine's optimism serving only to drive another knife into his heart. What kind of happy ending could he have? The one who he's been missing hasn't been seen in years. Even now, even when he's searching, what were the real chances of their reunion in the middle of this hellhole? Though Michael logically knows Leto did not intend for his words to be cruel, he cannot help but feel as though they are personally mocking him. His chances are so low-no. No, I can't think like that. We'll find them. We just have to keep searching, no matter how long it takes.

    "My name is Auriel. My trainer was killed by the zombies and I have no allies to name. My name is rather ironic, as it means hope. All my friends are dead, because of my mistakes. I have some combat experience, by the way." What is with these people and being so open about their misfortunes?  They've just met, for Goddess' sake! What is supposed to say about her dead trainer and friends that would not sound completely artificial and insincere?

    (sorry for the terrible post rip, hard to concentrate atm)


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

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    Post by Min Wed Sep 21, 2016 1:12 am

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    Route 212| |Evening

    Francesca was at least satisfied with Connor's short affirmation, even managing to crack what she could of a bright smile with her rough jaws at the Eevee. Polnareff has joined her too in speaking to him and she respectfully took a few steps back for space, already beginning to crane her neck to see through the foliage and trees of the route—was there anything close by? They really did need to get moving as fast as possible; they couldn't dilly dally outside this gate, not when those fucking pricks were still in that city.

    Although she was glad that most conflict had settled down, at least temporarily, she certainly didn't expect the sudden barrage of personal introductions to begin. "L--listen, I may be a goof. Honestly. But I wanna tag along. Like, bad," the Servine started. "I uh, I'm missing somebody. B--but aren't we all, right? I just...I...I can't find my trainer. I've searched everywhere. But I'm not giving up hope. And I'm sure all of you have people too, that you miss! So I want to help, in any way I can. Until we all can have our happy endings. We can do it." Though she knew the grass-type meant well, his words evoked a brief, slight scowl from her. Right. People she misses. She sure misses a certain Lucario, if only to punch his right in the fucking nose—

    Right after the Absol introduced herself, joining in on the life story train. "My name is Auriel. My trainer was killed by the zombies and I have no allies to name. My name is rather ironic, as it means hope. All my friends are dead, because of my mistakes. I have some combat experience, by the way." Well then. Francesca wasn't entirely sure what to do with half of that information and—

    There was the faintest sound of shifting behind her and a low groan. "Nnnnnngh..." Immediately, without thought, Francesca whipped herself around.

    "Rocket—!" she exclaimed, already kneeling by his side. "Shit—do you need more berries—or water—" she wheezed out, automatically offering both of her hands for the Garchomp to take if he needed the support. She was at least glad that he was coming to—she really wasn't sure how long she could carry him for—and she was grateful that he was at least still alive. Her voice was gentle, laced with concern. "Rocket—are you alright?"

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