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4 posters

    Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace]


    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace] Empty Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace]

    Post by Min Fri Oct 19, 2012 10:07 pm

    Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace] YplNXKv
    image by me

    Text Color #BE2625, Strawberry
    Item None
    Gender Female
    Age Adult
    Species #553 Krookodile, the Intimidation Pokemon
    Height 4'11" / 1.5m
    Weight 212.3lbs / 96.3kg
    Pokédex Entry They never allow prey to escape. Their jaws are so powerful, they can crush the body of an automobile.
    Level 61
    Ability Moxie
    Nature Bold
    Characteristic Somewhat Vain
    Moves - Outrage [Learned]
    - Earthquake [Learned]
    - Foul Play [Learned]
    - Crunch [Learned]
    History Francesca's life as a hatchling and child were uneventful, a decent life in the sands of Unova with another growing group of young Sandiles. All they would do was bask in the blazing sun, dig small burrows, and draw out long, fumbling attempts at conversation as they all waited the day the would evolve. The little crocodile hated the Unovian Desert, so dull and lifeless. No matter what she did she could never stir up trouble, trainers only pausing to catch her companions for help in the upcoming Nimbasa Gym. Life was pathetic to her, the empty soil of her barren homeland only further proof of her hatred.

    Weeks, months passed by as her group of 'companions' thinned, a sudden rise in young aspiring trainers after more boats to Unova were available. She saw the humans' faces, bright and full of life that the Sandile knew she couldn't reach. She was always hidden, deep in the sand as she observed others of her kind dragged away to be manipulated to their trainer's will. Francesca found herself in a constant conflict, not wanting such a barren, empty life but at the same time disliking the thought of having obeying every command of some 10-year old prick. In her days laying withing the layers of golden soil, she slowly found herself drawn to the life of a Pokeball. The sand crocodile was soon resting out in the open, day and night, waiting for a round red-and-white prison to capture her and whisk her away.

    Sure enough, that day came. The young girl whom caught her surprised at the ease in which the Sandile was caught. It was almost immediately that young Francesca was fitted with an odd contraption, made of metal and gimmicks that made her feel stronger whenever her new allies won a battle. Her owner was strategic, only sending Pokemon with type advantages against their foe out to battle and giving her Pokemon a wide variety of attacks to cover their weaknesses. However, the ground-type's own spotlight in fights were scarce, the few trainers they came across having grass-types and poison-types. A few skirmishes she was sent out, usually against a Blitze or the odd Emolga, and she fought as hard as she could in hopes that maybe becoming strong would fill the emptiness within her.

    Soon, the Sandile had evolved into a Krokorok, and was immensely happy. Her new, stronger form felt alien to her, but at the same time so thrilling and made her curious to know the full extent of her powers. During the short breaks in which the girl sent all her Pokemon out, Francesca would meet with a sickly Lucario, Lazarus, in order to train. The fighting-type was always ill, eyes droopy with an odd fatigue and balance poor, but was somehow always faster and stronger than the aspiring crocodile. The ground-type would look up to the older Aura Pokemon as an idol, amazed at his great abilities whilst still being disease-ridden.

    Over the years Francesca found great friendship within the team members, and was delighted to know she wasn't going to be thrown away after beating Elesa. The Krokorok was glad to have chosen this kind of life, almost all her trust put into the young girl who directed her in battle. The ground-type soon found it addicting to bask in the spotlights of victory, almost to the point where defeat was unacceptable. She even braved herself against water-types and grass-types, against her friends' orders and continuing to battle far after she had dropped to her knees. It was no surprise when the Krokorok evolved into a menacing Krookodile, easily beating her foes to the ground and casting any weaklings aside.

    It wasn't long before her trainer conquered the Unovian League. After this accomplishment, all her Pokemon were officially labelled as 'retired' and allowed to roam the region free as long as they came back in a week's time and gave notice before their leave. During the first few months Francesca stuck close to Lazarus, both out of friendship and fear that he'll drop dead any moment. The Lucario was more sickly than ever, the physical exertion of battles taking it's toll on his young but weak body. During their time together, the fighting-type had introduced his ground-type companion to a handsome young Typhlosion, going by the name of Rocco. The fire-type had been an old friend of the sickly Pokemon, and had become quick companions with the sand crocodile.

    In only a few weeks after their introductions, Lazarus became hospitalized and quarantined, multiple IVs stuck into his arms and confusing human machinery surrounding his white bed. Everyday the newly formed duo visited their friend to converse, making sure he was alive and, although rather slowly, getting better. In the meantime, Francesca soon found herself smitten with the charming Typhlosion, and after months of getting closer, was delighted to find her feelings for him to be returned. From that point, no moment was spent without each other, always talking, training, and even resting with one another. Eventually one day, they decided to visit the Krookodile's desert home-route, treading through the golden sand while they made fun of the weird Pokemon they've seen.

    However, it was on that day all went wrong. Trotting through the barren landscape and kicking sand at each other in a improvised game of what the humans did in the water on beaches. Suddenly, Francesca felt strong, bulky arms grab her and drag her under quicksand. The last things she saw before falling through the unstable ground was Rocco reaching for her, only to be pushed aside by a human. It was in the confines of the underground cave where she was attacked by a large predator, perhaps a Nidoking, and was then thrown into a corner and forced to stay put. It was not long before her beloved had found her though, having trekked a full half-hour through the sands to find a way to get underneath the earth.

    Right at the moment Rocco made the move to save his mate, the human had appeared and threatened to shoot the Krookodile with a gun if the Typhlosion came any closer. The poor fire-type was conflicted, wanting to save her but not wanting her to get hurt. Risking it, the fire starter lunged himself at the man whom shot Francesca square in her chest and chucked her to the side, mere moments before rolling out of the way of the raging male and ordering his Staraptor to get him and his companion out of the desert. He was grief-stricken when he saw his lover's unconscious form, believing she was dead. Slowly he hauled her out of the underground and laid her out in the open where a much kinder human could find her, before grabbing the weapon the attacker left and swearing revenge.

    Francesca awoke two weeks later, laying in a bed beside her old friend Lazarus's. She was utterly confused, about why she was in the hospital, why she had bandages around her chest, and why in the world was there an egg tucked in beside her. The Lucario had calmly explained to the Krookodile that a human had found her on the road in the desert, and brought her here. Only a few days after being hooked up to life support did she give birth to an egg. The crocodile was horrified, knowing full well who the father of the child was and remembering what had happened in the caves. She was panicked, screaming and sobbing to let her out of the Pokecenter to find Rocco, but was sedated and forced back into the bed due to her condition.

    Days later, the sickly Lucario had come back from his short walk around the city with some news. They had found a blood-covered Typhlosion with a gun in his mouth standing over the dead bodies of a human man, Nidoking, Staraptor, Alakazam, Weavile, Tangrowth, and Raichu. Immediately the police had sedated the fire-type, transporting him into a prison and soon being marked for execution. Francesca knew immediately that is was Rocco, and was even more in a rush to get out of the hospital and find him. Hours later her trainer had come into her room, knowing full well the situation via communicating with Lazarus. She offered to take the Krookodile to where they were keeping him before being put down, and she immediately agreed.

    Arriving at the compound, the Rocco she saw was far worse than he'd ever been. His fur bloody and matted, deep wounds decorating his form like grotesque art. The Typhlosion was insane, muttering incoherent words as he clawed his own limbs, growling and snapping at all who passed. Unsurprisingly, the fire-type merely stared at his old mate when she visited, eyes wide and his jaw dropping before turning away, believing that the Francesca he'd seen was only a ghost. The Krookodile was astonished, and immediately left with her trainer after the encounter, refusing to come back the next day to see her beloved's execution.

    However, the next day didn't go quite as planned, As soon as the sun rose from the horizon, hordes upon hordes of undead flooded the hallways of the hospital, shoving each other aside in a mad race to reach the few living within the building. The sand crocodile was awoken early, the wailing of an Absol and Houndoom from the roof of the neighboring apartment warning them of an incoming disaster. As the legions of dead rose from the carcasses within the infirmary, Francesca grabbed her egg, and along with Lazarus, hurried to evacuate, scurrying down flights of stairs and even jumping from the window on the third floor in order to escape from the clutches of the virus. It wasn't long before they were reunited with their trainer, returning to their pokeballs as the human sprinted away from the city.

    When they were released, they were hidden deep in the forests of Unova, carefully treading through the undergrowth to avoid the dead. It was only a few days after their escape that the Krookodile's egg had hatched, revealing a young male Sandile. The party had celebrated the boy's birth. Francesca, although anxious, named her newborn son Antonio. Everyday, the crocodile worked hard in educated her only child, worried of his ability to survive in the chaotic world. Whenever the group had taken a break from fleeing from the infected, she would fight small skirmishes with him and test his skills. She was determined to keep him alive.

    Although fathered by a different Pokemon, Francesca treated the little Sandile as if he were the son of Rocco. She had finally found hope in the world, within the bright eyes of the infant. The Krookodile deeply cherished her only son, even if he was listless. Never once had the infant spoke, nor even squeaked, and although this did not concern his mother too much, sometimes his silence would be unnerving.

    A month or so into the Epidemic, Lazarus and their trainer went out to scour the land for sustenance together. Francesca and the others waited patiently in the Lostlorn forest, waiting for the return of their two part members. However, it didn't go quite as planned. When the duo returned, Lazarus was barely standing as he carried the motionless body of their human upon his back. The Pokemon were devastated, demanding what had happened immediately upon the Lucario's arrival. He had quietly stated that the horde had begun to attack them, and was only barely able to snatch his mortally wounded owner away before sprinting as hard as he could back to them.

    The horrified part members stood in a vow of silence, dipping their heads in respect as the stronger of the group silently carried their trainer into a grave they had dug into the soil. Patting down the earth upon her dead body, Alejandro, the Jellicient, immediately suggested that they all part ways. Now that they had no human to tie them down, they had the right to leave. Although travelling in a group provided the comforting warmth of familiar faces and friends, it would only cause more trouble as they would attract more undead, while being independent will allow each other to travel with much more ease. The majority of the party agreed, already walking in different directions to their own fate.

    In only a few moments Francesca, Antonio, and Lazarus were the only ones left. The sickly Lucario had given a smile, suggested that they small trio begin their journey to better shelter immediately, and they did. They only traveled by the grand sunshine of afternoon, rested in small caves and hollows during he night. Eventually, they had made it to the abandoned ruins of Humilau city. It was during their temporary rest there that the Krookodile noticed something off about her child, a small gash on his tail spreading a sickly purple across his skin. The child's eyes were dull, his movements slow with fatigue. It was at that moment that the ground-type realized that her beloved son was infected.

    There had been no use trying to hid this information from Lazarus, the Aura Pokemon already noticing and demanding the weary crocodile to kill her own son. Francesca had, obviously, refused, telling the Lucario that there still may be hope. However, the Krookodile knew in the back of her mind that this was the end of the line for Antonio, and with great sorrow, prepared to put down her only child. As she gingerly grabbed the Sandile's body, intending to crush it's figure, the ground-type found that she was unable to commit the act. In rage the fighting-type grabbed the infant, crushing it's legs before chucking it into the dirty water. The desert croc Pokemon was screeching his first words, struggling against his pain to stay afloat as he called for his mother.

    Francesca was panicked, screaming at her sickly companion for doing such a thing as she raced to try and help her son. As she reached out into the water to try and grab him, the undead rose from the depths. Gyarados and Basculin, even a Wailord leaped from the seas, attempting to attack the living. Suddenly, the Crocodile felt an odd wave of energy engulf her, and as she reached out for her son one last time, found her figure engulfed in light. Blacking out, the Krookodile soon awoke within the lands of Orre, near Blackthorne City. She recognized the area, especially the Dragon's Den that her mate had grown up in. The weary mother then began to frantically search for her child and companion, only to find that they were nowhere to be seen, and silently concluded that she had been teleported.

    Reluctantly, Francesca began to explore the city of Blackthorne, determined to find a way to reach her son again.
    Appearance Francesca is an average Krookodile, with a couple of healed scars on her chest and here and there. She had brilliant red eyes.
    Personality Sassy, hot-headed, and constantly determined, Francesca easily makes a great asset to teams. However, she tends to be stubborn and reluctant to stray from her ways and only takes orders from one who has earned her respect, usually from friendship or battles. The Krookodile is strong, but does not easily lend her power to anyone. She tends to be nervous and awkward around children, unsure of what to do or say.
    She never backs down from a challenge, even if she knows that she won't win. She tends to be doubtful about her friends, worried that they too will betray her.
    User Notes

    • Rocco is alive, however, she has no idea he is.
    • Doesn't know what has become of her son, and she is expecting the worst.
    • Is holding a tight grudge against Lazarus, for betraying her.
    • She's not very fond of any human except her trainer, who is dead.
    • When she was shot by the bullet, it went into her chest but just missed her heart. The doctors were able to swiftly hook her up to IVs and machines, keeping her alive but unconscious.
    • I've heard people could give birth while unconscious, so I put that Francesca has laid an egg while blacked out. If that's not possible, I can change it. c:
    • Sorry for the long history. ;w;
    • Post Count 24 Hearthome, Sinnoh

    Last edited by Min on Wed Sep 21, 2016 12:50 am; edited 18 times in total

    Age : 31
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    Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace] Empty Re: Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace]

    Post by Nightfall Sat Oct 20, 2012 2:38 pm

    Lovin' it so far! :DD

    Age : 25
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    Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace] Empty Re: Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace]

    Post by Min Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:20 pm

    Ready for approval!
    Apologizes for the ridiculously long history... VwV;;

    Posts : 3650

    Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace] Empty Re: Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace]

    Post by Mewtwo Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:48 am

    It's fine Lulu, and yes it is possible to birth while unconscious.



    Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace] 3Br5nS6

    Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotFrancesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace] UugYyDK

    Age : 25
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    Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace] Empty Re: Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace]

    Post by Min Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:04 pm

    Ready for re-approval! C:
    Only change made was the addition of a link to her last post on Blackthorne in the User Notes for post count purposes. VuV

    Posts : 3650

    Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace] Empty Re: Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace]

    Post by Mewtwo Thu Jul 04, 2013 12:57 pm

    All moves must be labeled how they were learned, even natural ones.

    That is my only note.


    Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace] 3Br5nS6

    Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotFrancesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace] UugYyDK

    Age : 25
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    Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace] Empty Re: Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace]

    Post by Min Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:01 pm

    Fixed! c:

    Posts : 3650

    Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace] Empty Re: Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace]

    Post by Mewtwo Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:36 pm



    Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace] 3Br5nS6

    Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotFrancesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace] UugYyDK

    Age : 25
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    Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace] Empty Re: Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace]

    Post by Min Sun Nov 16, 2014 11:43 am

    Ready for re-approval, since Hearthome is opening up now and I have a save on it. Nothing has been changed except for the profile picture.

    Posts : 1464

    Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace] Empty Re: Francesca the Krookodile [Hearthome, Ace]

    Post by Mew Sun Nov 16, 2014 12:49 pm



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