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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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5 posters

    The SKY Team


    The SKY Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:30 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Sky Pillar|Afternoon [1]

    Michael staggered into the tower and sat down. "I wonder if Shaman will be here?" He asked himself. He looked at his black band around his arm and thought of when his trainer gave it to him. He started to think about the first time when he meet the Riolu that became his best friend. He thought of the epidemic starting, running, hiding, their trainer dieing. He went on to think about how they got separated "Shaman where are you?" He mumbled just before passing out. He started to dream about what would have happened if the epidemic never happened, Life would be normal, no one would have died just to come back and kill until they were killed. Everything would be peaceful.

    Michael woke up about an hour after passing out. He stood up slowly and rubbed his eyes. "I'd better go explore before I know its safe here. Michael walked up stair after stair. Every step he took seemed to take a life time. He got up to about the fourth floor and he could hear voices. He could hear something about a Blu. "Either I'm crazy or there are more people here." He said to himself. He quickened his pace and got to the fifth floor. Michael looked around and saw an Eevee and another Pokemon he didn't know. "Umm, Hello. I'm Michael Heat, who are you?"

    The SKY Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jun 29, 2012 4:18 pm

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    As though on que with Micheal's arrive and greeting the window shattered a pidgeotto flying threw and landing on the floor with the leg of another pokemon in it's talons. The pokemon attach to the leg did not seem happy as he had an annoyed look on his face at the pokemon all around the room. He shook the pokemon from his leg and rested his gaze on Micheal. " Hey so this is the place. Good I thought I got lost." He said giving a sigh of relief. He rolled his shoulder when he realized it had fallen asleep. Shaman had been nervous every since he'd lost Micheal when they had been on the run. It was hard to believe they could have ever been separated but they had. He looked down to his leg where bits and pieces of the disease ridden pokemon clung to his fur. " hate fighting flying types always leave feathers in my fur." He complained moving over to Micheal's side and looking at the scene before him.

    His brow furrowed he didn't like meeting other pokemon he'd lived alone long enough that he'd learned to live with solitude that was until Micheal saved him then he had turned it around and became close to him of course though he still held that dislike towards others. " Who the hell are you two?" He questioned the Eevee and Delcatty.He purposely held a tone of annoyance to show them how tiring it was to ask the names of pokemon he wished nothing to do with. He knew it was very awkward to be met with such in oppressive atmosphere. Micheal had told him he did that a lot but Shaman had always taken it as more of a compliment than anything else.

    The SKY Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:33 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Sky Pillar, Fifth Floor || Afternoon || 19

    "Sorry. Haven't seen talon nor feather of that bird."

    The Eevee's answer made Tansis's ears droop in disappointment and sadness. What if the Pidgey really had gone missing? Taken apart, feather by feather, by the disgusting Flygons? Or maybe twenty feet below blue ocean waves, riddled with disease and death. The Delcatty shook her head, clearing her thoughts -- this was no time to think up depressing ideas. What had happened to Tansis the Optimist? "Though I don't really care what happens to Blu. But I'll help you look since I know your probably going to ask."

    Tansis looked up with surprised eyes at Eon's offer. A big smile spread across her face, and if she had arms, she would've probably hugged the Eevee. "Really? Thank you Eon, very much. It'll be really great if you do help me look for --"

    The sudden appearance of a Charmander and a flying Riolu through the window cut her off, the Delcatty jumping backwards in surprise. Her mouth gaped open at the two, looking to and from the Charmander and the Riolu. Wait, what in the name of Arceus? Tansis opened her mouth to say something, but closed it and shook her head. There had already been enough random pokémon flying in through the damn windows of this place; she wasn't going to bother asking. Instead, she turned and shot a glare at the Riolu for his rude tone of voice, before focusing her attention on the Charmander who had introduced himself as 'Michael Heat'.

    "Um... Hi. My name is Tansis, and this is Eon here," Tansis said, introducing Eon too; with the Eevee's short temper, she wouldn't be surprised if she snapped back at the Riolu. "We've been stuck here on Sky Pillar for a while..."

    [ooc: @zashonfire: In your posts, please don't forget to include post count. c: Which means, in your first post for each character, you should write 1 because it's your first post as the character, then 2 for the second post, 3 for the third post, and so on.]

    The SKY Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jul 06, 2012 3:29 pm

    ((Please skip, I can't post right now as I am packing to go to my moms. Didn't even know it was my turn ono ))

    The SKY Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:38 am

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    Sky Pillar|Afternoon [2]

    Michael jumped back and got ready to use Flame Burst when the rotted bird flung itself into the tower. He lowered his gaurd when another pokemon attached to the corps's leg started moving. The pokemon that was stick to the corps was Michael's friend Shaman. ' Hey so this is the place. Good I thought I got lost.' The Riolu said. Michael stood there, surprised, speechless, and happy that his friend wasn't dead. Michael heard Shaman ask who the others were, in the nicest way he could. "Don't mind him, he hates other pokemon, the only reason he likes me is because I saved his life." Michael told Tansis and Eon as he elbowed Shaman in the arm.

    Michael looked at the greasy, rotted bird and rolled his eyes. "Stupid brain-dead bird." Michael mumbled as he used Beat up to try and push it out of the new 'window'. Michael finally got it to slide right out and watched it plummet to the ground, when it landed a sickening crunch was heard, but Michael was used to it by now. "Almost a year." He mumbled and walked back to Shaman.

    "So is anyone else here other than you two?" Michael asked, wiping the blood off of his hands. "I mean the bigger the group, the harder for one of us to get killed, right?" He continued as he noticed the nice breeze was ruined by the stench of death.

    The SKY Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jul 10, 2012 6:23 pm

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    Shaman gave Micheal that did not need words it said plainly. " touch me again and I'll stuff that elbow so far down your throat you'll be able to feel your heart pumping." He held his death glare for only a few seconds, of course he didn't mean it he'd never do anything to Micheal after all like he had said Shaman owed him his life. Shaman shook his head he didn't like to think abut how much he owed Micheal Shaman had saved his life when they had been running from undead so he liked to think they were even no matter if he truly did feel like his debt would never be repaid.Shaman finally pushed the thought from his mind as Micheal disposed of the pidgeotto. Shaman made a disgusted face at the corpse as it fell out the window and the thump was heard as the body hit the ground.

    Even though Shaman himself had been the one that had ended it's undead life Shaman didn't like corpses they always seemed quite demonic to Shaman. The fact it was just a left over husk of a once healthy and happy pokemon disturbed him. He'd much rather prefer if they were to burn upon death or even be taken by Arceus anything but being left to rot on earth.

    Shaman snapped back to the conversation at hand as Micheal talked about a bigger group being better. " not exactly." Shaman commented. " Sometimes its better if the groups a smaller cell." He looked away as he talked as though he didn't want to talk but figured he should. " After all the fewer people the easier it is to move. The only good part about a group is there are more targets so more pokemon can escape." He made it a special point look at the Eevee as he said "more targets."

    The SKY Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:43 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Sky Pillar, Fifth Floor || Afternoon || 20

    Tansis tilted her head, looking at the Charmander and Riolu with a confused expression. Well, they were certainly dealing with the situation rather normally, although the Riolu -- Shaman -- seemed to have a rather... non-likable personality. "No... there's not really anyone else besides Eon and me. There's another -- a blue-feathered Pidgey named Blu -- but I'm not sure where she is, right now." The Delcatty paused for a second, before continuing to talk. "I agree with -- Michael, was it? I agree with Michael. I think it'd be a lot better to travel as one big group. That way, we don't get cornered by the Undead or something, and we'll be stronger together."

    The Delcatty made her way towards the window, where she looked out of it and down to the sandy shore that surrounded the pillar, five floors below. She wrinkled her nose at the sight of the dead bird, and sighed as she still saw no sign of Blu. Maybe she really was gone, after all. With a soft sigh, she turned her eyes back from the window to the new duo, her eye twitching at the Riolu's attitude. She took in a deeper breath and kept herself calm; sure, she was tired, but she didn't have any right to snap at anyone else.

    "Well, since we're all here together, now... What do you suggest we do?"

    The SKY Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 15, 2012 4:04 am

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    Sky Pillar [Ground floor] | Afternoon | 13
    Blu had been sitting closely to the edge of the mound that the tower was built on. She knew she should have been with Tansis and Eon, but Eon was annoying and... just something Blu wanted to stay away from.
    Blu looked up, and saw a Pidgeotto terrorizing one floor of the pillar. It had one red flight feather. It's Wildfire... Surprise, surprise, the idiot brother of mine is dead. She watched her brother get pushed out of the window and landed on the ground with a sickening thud, rolling just a little. She waited for a while, just to make sure he wouldn't get up, and walked up to the corpse. Go to hell, bro, she spat.
    She looked around, and saw the grave made for the Ratatta. The cross she fashioned from twigs and the silk scarf had been snapped. The Silk Scarf was bloody. Blu picked it up in her beak, and walked to the shoreline. She dragged it in the water briefly, just enough to wash it off, then returned it to its place. Blu sighed. She molded it into a cross shape over the Ratatta's mound, then stuck a twig on top to make sure it wouldn't blow away.
    I should regroup with the others, Blu said to herself as she began to flap towards the fifth floor. The Epidemic wasn't a place to be alone in.

    Posts : 73

    The SKY Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Xatu Thu Jul 19, 2012 4:23 pm

    Post 1

    He was bored. Bored and hungry and thirsty for revenge. The images of his beloved flashing behind his eyes only brought a seething fury to the infected avian. His feathers had long since lost their sheen, giving way to a greasey and foul body wracked with the virus. The Harbinger flew lazily over the waters of the waste land Hoenn had become. His wings did not even move, the outstretched limbs only a show as he used psychic powers to propell him through the air. But something captured the Harbinger's cold attention- a tall tower far off. A vauge and furry scene flashed behind his murderous eyes. Was that an old memory? He did not care to find out. Instead he turned right to the direction of the strange thing. He moved silent as the wind that did not move him and he was soon very close to the structure. Voices and shouts made his eyes snap in the direction, his head twisting around the first movement he made. The Xatu moved closer in still, the unsuspecting fools never knowing he was there. There was a gathering inside, but one stood out to him. A little orange lizard. Flashes of fire and deafening roars flashed again in his mind's eye and the psychic type's cold loathing rose. That one would be his.

    Stopping right outside of the tower, floating motionless in the air, the Harbinger used Psychic on the living. The Charmander immediately froze, his expression going completely blank as the Xatu took over. For a few seconds the Harbinger kept him in that state before letting his full on assault take fold. His crimson eyes suddenly flashed bright, the blood red light illuminating everything in the hallway as he broke the mind of the living with no more effort than he used to fly. He screamed, falling to the floor in a endless spasm of agony, clawing at his head so much that blood quickly pooled around him. Still the Harbinger said nothing, his silent gaze unwavering as the fire type destroyed himself. Within seconds he had torn at his throat, a gash ripping oen as he garggled with the effort to suck in air. The fool did not even know that he was the one killing himself. Then his stomach, diving in his clawed hands to rip out vital organs. But then the Harbinger's bright gaze dimmed to normal, watching with an emotionless hatred as the lizard then died, a gorey mess as the life faded from his eyes.

    The Xatu merely turned and flew away. He had no need for such a decayed and ruined meal.

    Posts : 73

    The SKY Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Xatu Tue Jul 24, 2012 3:43 am

    Post 2

    He was called back.

    The Xatu was finished, his prey having fallen under the crushing pressure of it's own dammed mind as it continued to bleed long after death, but someone had to bring his attention back. 'You dammed bird! Just kill an innocent and then flee! Coward!" The cry was shrill and loud, quickly capturing the Harbinger's attention. He stopped midair, his body perfectly still as he turned around agonizingly slowly. His beating red eyes barely flickered, already settled on the accuser before coming to a hault. The Xatu stared down the Riolu, his gaze unwavering as the emotions in his mind were a rolling torrent just beneath the calm. The mutt immediately regretted his words and actions. Having run right up to the window, the dog scrambled to move backward. The Xatu's eyes did not leave the fighting type's as he realized his mistake all too late.

    The Harbinger moved closer to the window, no movment on his part as a barely visible psychic glow flickered around his body like heat waves. The Riolu managed to flee a few yards into the structure, but his gaze was forced to meet and keep the duel type's. Sudden whimpers began to errupt from the child, true fear showing clearly from his eyes. The Harbinger said nothing, still hovering just outside  the tower's window.

    A snap was heard throughout the air, barely even an audible sound but all too loud in the silent hallway. Immediately the Riolu's face went slack with blanck emptiness. The looks of horror from the other living showed that they were finally catching on to what was happening and what was responsible. Then the shreiking. The Harbinger watched silently, his face devoid of emotion, as the mutt suddenly began flailing around in an almost funny way. Eyes shut and covering his ears as he fought the demons within, blood began to steadily trickle down his face from both closed eyes. Still, the Xatu was emotionless. He screamed again, his words barely able to be understood. "Help me! Make it stop! Stop the burning!" Xatu watched as suddenly the Riolu's eyes snapped open in shock, a splurt of blood emerging from his throat. Coughing up blood, the fighting type fell to his knees. Still, he only watched as his prey squirmed. But the Xatu quickly grew bored, watching as the Riolu rolled on the floor, blood pouring from both eyes and ears as well as his open jaws.

    The unwavering bird's gaze shifted then, flickering from his play thing as his intrest dimmed. Immediately, the Riolu fell still, his own blood pooling with the Charmander's as they lay dead together. The Harbinger retreated, speaking only one word out loud in a hoarse tone as he flew away from the group once more. "...fool..."

    The SKY Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:49 am

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    Sky Pillar, Fifth Floor || Afternoon || 21

    The Delcatty looked back at the Charmander and Riolu duo with a slightly raised eye, confused at their sudden silence. Having turned away, she didn't see the psychic bird float close to the window, her eyes focused on the Charmander who went silent and pale. "...Are you alright?" she tried, her voice quiet.

    She was answered by a loud, drawn-out scream, causing her to freeze up in shock and scare. Her eyes went wide and she froze, her fur bristling as the Charmander screeched and fell to the floor, his volume so loud his voicebox would've crushed itself. Tansis could barely move a muscle, looking like the typical shocked cat with bristling fur, arched back and wide eyes as Michael's arms rose to his head, beginning to claw at his skull -- and he never stopped. Even when the skin began peeling away and his claws turned red, he kept screaming and scratching, moving down to his throat where he did the same. Tansis felt bile rise in her throat yet somehow kept it down, even when the Charmander's own paw plunged into his stomach and ripped out his own intestines, the gut flinging around like a disgusting display of gory art. And Michael Heat the Charmander was dead.

    "You dammed bird! Just kill an innocent and then flee! Coward!"

    The voice snapped Tansis back to reality, the cat looking up at the Riolu that quickly ran to the window, glaring out in anger. Distracted for a moment by confusion, the Delcatty followed his glare, and... purple eyes met dark red. A shiver passed through Tansis at the sight of the Xatu, seeing the dull, emotionless red. It was a victim of the Epidemic, Tansis knew it to be; but something was different. The bird wasn't like any normal Undead or Infected -- the difference in atmosphere compared to the Flygons Tansis had fought earlier was too great. It stared down at Shaman with its cold, dead eyes, floating closer to the window (or more appropriately, hole in the wall). The Riolu stumbled back, and the Delcatty watched in fear and apprehension, stepping back and feeling the blood of the Charmander hit her back paw.


    The screaming started up once more, except not from the Charmander, but from the Riolu. The Delcatty stared with horrified, yet oddly blank eyes as Shaman began waving his arms around like a deranged chicken, seeing and feeling demons that the Prim Pokémon could not see. His screaming continued, words mixed in the screeching that she could not comprehend, and he only cut off to let the blood drip from his mouth. The liquid began dripping from the Riolu's face, from his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, adding more bloodstains to the floor in an unreal quantity. The Delcatty watched Shaman crawl, in a last-ditch effort, towards his already-dead Charmander friend before he collapsed and laid, dead: two friends, arriving together, and leaving together.


    Tansis's eyes slowly drew up from the sight, watching as the Xatu floated away without care. So that was it? She looked down at the corpses once more, Shaman's hand reaching up towards his friend's body, their pools of blood spreading out on the stone floor and staining Tansis's own paws. Each was a gruesome sight, with the Riolu looking as if he were hit with a terrible plague and died in horrible illusions, and the Charmander having clawed and gutted himself like some psychopathic mental patient. The Harbinger's image returned to Tansis's mind. The creature had barely even tried and it had easily crushed the only two pokémon in the room with her. The only two. Tansis had been left alive.

    "...Ha... hahaha..." The soft laugh echoed through the suddenly silent room, the Delcatty shakily moving over towards the window-hole and looking out. The Harbinger was no longer in sight, and Tansis's lavender eyes traveled down, now dull and dark. That was it, then. The Infection wins. Not even a blink and two pokémon were gone, their glassy eyes seeing nothing but hell whether it was life or death. She was on the fifth floor, wasn't she? It was pretty far down to the ground. The beach sand surrounding the Pillar looked particularly soft around now; wouldn't it be a nice cushion if Tansis just stepped down? The blood was spreading; it would probably attract some mindless Undead to the room, anyway.


    The Delcatty collapsed, lying on the floor with a cracking, dry sob from her throat, feeling empty. What am I even doing anymore?


    The SKY Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jul 27, 2012 5:22 pm

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    Sky Pillar | Afternoon | 14
    ... Tansis? Blu had arrived on the scene just after Michael was murdered. What happened? What was all that screaming? The Riolu, the unfamiliar one, spoke up, in the direction of the retreating bird. "You dammed bird! Just kill an innocent and then flee! Coward!"

    Blu's gaze turned to the Riolu that had run to the edge, his expression frothing with anger. Blu knew something bad was going to happen. It was a Psychic-type, and an undead. Two things that should never mix. She then looked to the Xatu, lazily floating in mid-air. It turned to face the Riolu. And then, there was a horrific, sickening noise.


    The Riolu began to flail about, eyes closed, shrieking in agony. Blood began to trickle from his eyes that appeared to be nailed shut. "Help me! Make it stop! STOP THE BURNING!" His eyes shot open as a puddle of blood flew out of his mouth. He began to cough hoarsely, more blood coming up every time. His ears also began to bleed. The scene was like that of a nightmare. In a last effort, he crawled towards the corpse of the Charmander. The Xatu said one thing, and left as soon as it had come. "... Fool..."

    "... Ha... hahaha..." Tansis laughed, rather broken after what just happened. She walked to the edge and looked down, before breaking down and quietly sobbing.

    Blu looked over the corpses. The Charmander had its guts sprawled out all over the floor, as if it were a piece of art a mental ward escapee would make. The Riolu was bleeding from every hole in his body, as if someone had pierced every single one of his internal organs. In fact, that was probably what had happened. Blu felt like vomiting. ... Tansis? ... She squeaked. What just happened?

    The SKY Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:11 am

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    Sky Pillar - Fifth Floor | Afternoon
    --- -- -3- -- ---
    [Carried from [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]]

      Wind, the sound whistled in his ears. Blue, the sky was blue. Soft, the clouds are soft enough to cuddle with... Red. Crimson red showered the area, the sky isn't blue, it's blood red. Blood from who? The people you have killed. No that c-can't be! It's true. B-but I never killed... So I didn't do it. Stop blaming others, it was you. You, you, you, you, YOU!

    Crona suddenly awoke as the soft wind softly whipped against his rusty red fur. He felt like he was floating, walking on air. Why is that? He awoke from a nightmare, shouldn't he be hiding in the corner of his cell-? As he looked down, he felt his eyes widened, below him was nothing, but a mere one-hundred-foot-drop into the ocean. The Cyndaquil frantically looked up, only to see huge orange claws gripping tightly on his back. Oh dear Arceus, where is he going? Is this bird sick? Is this bird going to eat him? Feed him to -her- chicks?... The possibilities were endless, it made Crona dizzy and sick at the thought.

    What is he to do...? He didn't want to be alone either, not with Ragnarok coming to him at the time he's alone. The bird was his savior, but also his death?... He stared down at the ocean water that glistened in the sunlight, clouds rushed by quickly as they appeared. How fast was this bird going anyways? The Fire-starter stared ahead with a blank look, he accepted his fate. He was going to die, and possibly get eaten, what could he possibly do in such a situation? What could possibly save hi-?

    The warm grip of the claws loosened, Crona flailing in the sky as he fell to his death. This was it! This was the end! The Cyndaquil partially screamed, it was surprising he was going to drop into the chicks' mouth, but the drop seems quite long-! Instead of an esophagus, he land straight down onto some weak concrete, the floor giving way as he fell to the fifth floor instead. He body ached, he rubbed his head as he scanned the area... The stench of blood was strong.


    Crona felt his lips quiver at the sight, the bodies were mangled, his mind too jumbled up to make out what Pokemon they once were. The Cyndaquil immediately got up, backing away to the wall as he glanced around, "What to do?" He whimpered, glancing around to avoid any contact at the gore. It was there, a blue bird right next to a purple cat. The Delcatty was crying, yet it was dry, there were no tears. Of course. The Pidgey was trying its best to comfort. What happened here? "M-miss?" The Johto Starter asked nervously, he kept his gaze fixed at the Delcatty as he tiptoed closer, avoiding the blood pool. What was going on? How does he react? Where's the lively Maka and Soul when you need them?... How would they react to this?

    Last edited by Alice on Sat Aug 04, 2012 3:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The SKY Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:29 am

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    Sky Pillar [Fifth floor] | Afternoon | 15
    Out of nowhere, there came forth a shiny Cyndaquil. It seemed confused as to what was going on here, probably due to the corpses. He backed up. "What to do?" He tiptoed closer, trying hard not to touch the blood on the floor. "M-miss?" Blu turned to the newcomer. Kid!! She grabbed the Cyndaquil lightly enough not to shock it, but firmly enough for him to notice. You gotta get outta here! It's a madhouse! You'll be killed! It...! It ripped them apart!... With its mind!!! It, it stared at them, and...! Th-the screaming! He said it burned...! And the...! Oh GOD, the...! It...! He started bleeding from his eyes and ears! He...! Coughing up blood! Look, just...! If you value your life, FLEE!!!

    (OoC: Is there an easier way to put in his text OTHER than typing every single code for every single letter? I died typing ALL THAT in. ;A;)

    The SKY Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:22 am

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    Sky Pillar - Fifth Floor | Afternoon
    --- -- -4- -- ---

    The blue Pidgey suddenly grabbed him the shoulders, the Cyndaquil -- not knowing what to do -- jumped in surprise as the Flying-type looked him in the eye with fear,"You gotta get outta here! It's a madhouse! You'll be killed! It...! It ripped them apart!... With its mind!!!" With it's mind?! Crona didn't think this was possible, his lips quivered with fear as the Pidgey continued on, "It, it stared at them, and...! Th-the screaming! He said it burned...! And the...! Oh GOD, the...! It...! He started bleeding from his eyes and ears! He...! Coughing up blood! Look, just...! If you value your life, FLEE!!!" The Shiny Cyndaquil felt tears formed in his eyes, what is he to do? He pushed the Pidgey away fidgeting as he had his back up against the wall, "I-I dunno what to do!" He sobbed, "I just got dropped here by a h-huge bird and-!"

    His tiny paws grabbed his head, the young Johto-starter rolling himself up in the fetal position, "What do I do~?" He groaned, what is he to do? How is he going to flee anyways? Jump off the tower and hope to survive? The Pidgey mind as well should have said to go die! Maka and Soul... Would they comfort the Delcatty? Heed the Pidgey's warning? Or just leave everything to solve itself? Without them he felt so alone and afraid. Situations like this is not his type, only those two would have known what to do...

    Crona gulped, glancing up at the Pidgey, "U-ummm... Miss?" He began shakily, "Even if I were to try and leave, how could I leave?" He fixed his eyes back to the ground, awkwardly getting up as he avoided all eye contact. The Pidgey would probably tell him he's stupid for asking such a question! Ragnarok would have told him the same thing if he was around, but then again, the Fire-type preferred that the inner demon would stay away from him.

    He glanced at the Delcatty, she was still sobbing dryly to herself. Were these Pokemon close to her?... The thought sickened Crona, if Maka and Soul were to be dead, and him to be in the Hoenn Pokemon's position... He would have wanted to laugh too, think it was a funny dream, and that when he wakes up, he'll see Maka's angry face as she slaps the Charmander and forcing him to be more active. Ah yes, that would be them right?... The Cyndaquil hasn't seen them in so long, what were their voices like again? What did it feel like to have them side by side with him? He was abandoned, he was destined to be alone. Everyone hates you, everyone doesn't want you around. Crona wanted to curl up, but did nothing as he stared at the cracked concrete.

    [Ooc: It's called copy and paste? Click the Quote, and take my codes from there xD You honestly don't have to use it all the time]

    The SKY Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Sun Aug 05, 2012 1:51 am

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    Sky Pillar -- Fifth Floor || Afternoon || 22

    Tansis jerked around in surprise, nearly falling through the hole in the wall at the sudden appearance of the Cyndaquil. She stood up and stared at the fire-type, her legs shaking and her fur partially covered in blood from being close to the Riolu and Charmander when they were both killed. She hadn't even noticed Blu enter the room, and she flinched away at the bird's loud voice, shuffling away into the corner where the afternoon light didn't reach.

    "Kid! You gotta get outta here! It's a madhouse! You'll be killed! It...! It ripped them apart!... With its mind!! It, it stared at them, and..."

    No, no, no, Tansis didn't want to hear it again. Her ears flattened flat to her skull, she curled up, back arched as she huddled in the corner, eyes shut tight. She didn't want to remember. She didn't want to deal with it. She didn't want to be here anymore; in fact, the Delcatty didn't even want to be here in the first place! She was just unlucky enough that she was. It would probably be better if the Cyndaquil left. It would probably be better if everyone just left from this damned place. Tansis didn't want any more of it.

    [[bluh shit post.jpeg]]

    The SKY Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Sun Aug 05, 2012 3:07 pm

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    Sky Pillar [Fifth floor] | Afternoon | 16
    "I-I dunno what to do!" He sobbed, "I just got dropped here by a h-huge bird and-!" He rolled himself up in the fetal position, "What do I do~?" He groaned. Crona gulped, glancing up at the Pidgey, "U-ummm... Miss?" He began shakily, "Even if I were to try and leave, how could I leave?" He fixed his eyes back to the ground, awkwardly getting up as he avoided all eye contact. Blu's eyes shrunk. "Uh-... You'd have to... To fly or swim." I gotta get outta here!... Fly off this island! I'll die if I stay here any longer!

    The SKY Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Tue Aug 07, 2012 3:00 am

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    Sky Pillar - Fifth Floor | Afternoon
    --- -- -5- -- ---

    "Uh-... You'd have to... To fly or swim." The Pidgey replied, obviously as frantic as Crona upon staying in this tower. The Cyndaquil felt his heart drop, tears forming in his eyes as he flailed his arms about, "B-But I would fall and drown!" He cried, he stopped flailing, putting his paws upon his face as if ready to scream (or at least, resembling the painting 'The Scream'), "Am I destined to die?!" He began to curl back to his fetal position, his paws tracing the concrete floor as he began scribbling random things with the dirt.

    The bastard was writing his 'will' apparently, but a sudden wind picked up, dragging the sand to cover the holes he had made. The Cyndaquil panicked, pools forming in his eyes once again. This was much similar to a time. It was all Deja Vu... Ah yes, it was when Crona and Maka first met. Was that it? He had his own 'circle', where he dug a stick in the sand and traced a circle around himself. It was his barrier, it kept him away from everyone. Maka was the first Pokemon to ever penetrate that barrier. He -- at the time -- wasn't sure whether he should be grateful towards her or not, but he met Maka. That's all that matters to him now.

    Crona snapped out of his trance as the memory faded away, just like sand slipping through human fingers. He glanced over at the Delcatty, whom sheltered herself in the dark corner. It reminded the Fire-type of him honestly. When he didn't meet Maka and all he did was shelter himself away from the world. The Cyndaquil felt the edge of his lips curl to a unsure expression, constantly he darted his eyes side-to-side in confusion. What was he going to do now? He was trapped here in a tower, with a crazy-ass bird that tells him to go drown, and a quiet cat that did nothing, but go emo. Well they were in a room with co- Oh that reminded Crona of the corpses with a pool of blood surrounding them. He cringed at the glance of blood, but he would immediately look away.

    "H-how about we go try to leave the tower?" He whimpered; of course, they fucking suggested that like, one minute ago! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! "M-maybe there's something that could help us cross the sea?" The idea of a 'boat' seemed good enough for him, he just simply hoped the Delcatty would get out of her trance. It was an apocalypse, now's not the time to cry!... Then again, with the dead bodies right in the middle of hallway, that would make sense why she's hiding in the corner. But Crona did hope they would at least act?! (Of course, it was abnormal how no one degraded him yet, it felt oddly out of place that he just had to go suggest something stupid)

    The SKY Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 08, 2012 7:25 pm

    [[AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I'm sorry I have to skip, gonna be gone for the next day and I don't want to risk getting Harb'd or something, because stupid time differences ;A;]]

    The SKY Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 11, 2012 3:25 pm

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    Sky Pillar [Fifth floor] | Afternoon | 17
    The Cyndaquil spoke up, tears forming in his eyes as he flailed his arms about, "B-But I would fall and drown!" He cried, he stopped flailing, putting his paws upon his face as if ready to scream, "Am I destined to die?!" He began to curl back to his fetal position, his paws tracing the concrete floor as he began scribbling random things with the dirt.

    He continued to scribble in the dirt frantically for a while. Blu was internally freaking out, but not really showing any signs of it. It's going to KILL you, you idiot! Fly off this Ratatta trap and GET AWAY FROM HERE! You're in its turf, it's got psychic powers, IT DOESN'T EVEN NEED TO BE HERE TO MURDER YOU!!! Why bother anymore! There's nothing left in this world for you anymore. YOU'RE JUST GOING TO DIE A BLOODY, GOREY, PSYCHOPATHIC DEATH!!! It's POINTLESS to go on thinking there's a way out! IT DOESN'T EVEN NEED TO BE LOOKING AT YOU TO KILL YOU! STOP STRUGGLING OH-SO-FEEBLY AND JUST GIVE UP!!! She fell to the floor, a few ocean-colored feathers scattering. no more no more no more No more No more No more NO MORE NO MORE NO MORE NO MORE!!!

    Blu's internal screaming continued when Crona spoke up. "H-how about we go try to leave the tower?" He whimpered, "M-maybe there's something that could help us cross the sea?" Blu stopped to think about that. She got up. "...That's not a bad idea, actually. An elderly Blaziken came here and left by means of a Lapras today. Maybe there are more?"

    The SKY Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:05 am

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    Sky Pillar - Fifth Floor | Afternoon
    --- -- -6- -- ---

    The Pidgey seemed to pause upon Crona's suggestion, maybe it was stupid afterall...? She got up, "...That's not a bad idea, actually. An elderly Blaziken came here and left by means of a Lapras today. Maybe there are more?" For the first time, the Cyndaquil felt joyous. The compliment did not belong to the usual Maka or Soul, but someone who he didn't know at all. But then the thought of Laprases?... What if they're Undead? Even if that's how a Blaziken [A Fire-type Crona had always admired] had sat upon that Pokemon's back to reach this place, what if it's now Undead? There's a higher chance of going down to see other Water-type Undeads. There's a small percentage of a living to be down there! For the sake of simplicity, just build a freakin' boat! The thought made Crona shudder, maybe he shouldn't have suggested that.

    "Another way is to fly, but that would mean you evolving..." Crona retaliated his own suggestion, though he was quite unsure. Is this Pidgey willing to become stronger? Crona honestly admits, being stronger and evolving seems scary... He rather just curl up in the corner in the face of danger. What a wimp! Ragnarok's voice echoed in the back of his mind, it wasn't that the inner demon was around at the time, but he would probably say that if he heard Crona's thoughts...

    He glanced over at the Delcatty that still curled up in her corner. The Shiny Cyndaquil said nothing as he narrowed his eyes away with a frown curling at the edge of his lips. Obviously he was unsure about her. She seemed so fragile, how is he to react around her? What is he to really do? "How about you Miss?" Crona asked, it sounded more like a whimper as he glued his eyes on the Hoenn Pokemon. The Fire-type wondered what she was thinking, did she regain her composure yet? Is she still frantic about the corpses? [Crona desperately ignored them, it was difficult ignore that scene] Nonetheless, he shall wait for her response, she seemed the eldest of them all [Ragnarok would probably call her an old hag], and the leader.

    The SKY Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:00 am

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    Sky Pillar -- Fifth Floor || Afternoon || 23

    The Delcatty had stayed where she was, curled up in her corner, blotting out the sounds of Blu and the Cyndaquil talking. What was she doing again? Why was she here? No point, right? They were all just going to die. Probably just as gruesome and painful as th -- no, no more mention of them! With a small, nearly inaudible sort of whimper/groan, she curled up tighter.

    "How about you Miss?"

    Tansis jerked up and froze for a moment at the Cyndaquil's inquiry and she stared forward with wide, violet eyes, somewhat like a Deerling confronted with headlights. Soon, though, her expression relaxed, although it turned into a tired, broken look, her purple eyes dull. What? What did the kid want? When did he even get here? He looked like a little, scared child, completely lost and not understanding of what was going on. A lot like Tansis herself at the moment, she thought vaguely -- except she knew exactly what was going on, and didn't want to think about it. Lost was a good word for her. Lost and broken. Yeah, that sounded accurate.

    Tansis hadn't been listening to their conversation. Her mind was more or less like static -- incomprehensible bits of storming grays, occasionally broken by chaos. Her body was still shaking and her gaze went down to her front paws that were fidgeting constantly, messing around with the pebbles and bits of stone strewn across the bloody floor.

    The SKY Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Fri Aug 17, 2012 8:29 pm

    (OoC: I'm sorry, I have writer's block and need to take a skip. I wanted to do this earlier but couldn't...)

    The SKY Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 20, 2012 6:00 pm

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    Sky Pillar - Fifth Floor | Afternoon
    --- -- -7- -- ---

    He earned no response from the Delcatty, Crona looked at her with unsure eyes before moving his gaze towards the archway that lead to the stairs below. Should he go and leave her...? No! That was too rude, and the Cat Pokemon was probably having a hard time with all those corpses in the room. Maybe they should move her? Leaving her seemed heartless, especially in this kind of room. Crona didn't want to be alone with some crazy Pidgey on the way downstairs, especially since there could be Undead lurking in the tower [and the fact the Pidgey just suggested Crona to fly and swim away from this place. The Cyndaquil fiddled around with his paws, 'Use your mind Crona! Use your mind!' He would tell himself repeatedly, but what's the use? Ragnarok could possibly kill the Fire-type for even bothering to try.

    "A-alright," He stammered, breaking the silence that embedded the room, "L-let's go!" Crona proceeded to padded towards the archway with hesitation. He kept glancing towards the Delcatty as he did so, only looking out of the corners of his eyes at the Pidgey. Crazy. It was by the time he reached the archway that Crona couldn't leave the mindbroken Hoenn Pokemon alone, "Come on Miss!" It was filled with desperation. He gulped immediately after, as if wanting to take it back. Crona just told someone to come with him without any 'please' or suggestion, he sounded actually forceful

    Mentally he bashed himself against the wall, but stood his ground in reality. He hated change, but changing scenery wouldn't hurt... Maybe. With Undead everywhere, the room filled with corpses isn't the best place to stay, especially since they're fresh. Being in the middle of nowhere, there's going to be barely any Undead, but at the same time. It means the group would be trapped here with them unless eliminated... However, Crona wasn't that strong, he isn't sure about the others, but being weak, he definitely wouldn't be much help in that. Therefore, the only decision is to get away from this place. Maka and Soul, they would probably tell the Delcatty to get on her ass and moving on. Well Soul, Maka would mostly comfort at least.

    Ragnarok on the other hand... Still calling her an old hag. He would tell the Pidgey she's crazy too, except with more emphasis... The Cyndaquil never felt more lonely in this tower. An emotional Delcatty and crazy Pidgey, what has this Fire-type gotten himself into? He would blame the bird, but then again, it was his own fault for getting captured in the first place.

    [Ooc: Q_______Q Didn't have much to work with to begin with...]

    The SKY Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 20, 2012 8:21 pm

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    Sky Pillar -- Fifth Floor || Afternoon || 24

    Tansis looked at the Cyndaquil with pity, though her eyes still showed nothing but dull violet. The little Johto starter just looked so scared. The Delcatty probably should act like an older sister or something and comfort the little guy, but she just didn't have the heart to. She was just so tired, mentally and physically -- so this was what it felt like to feel old. What happened to her pride? What happened to her happiness? With a slow sigh, she slowly heaved herself up, her paws slipping a few times on the stones, taking a few tries to finally stand up straight. Tansis stared down at the eroded, stone floor, her eyes on the pebbles that shook and tumbled across the place in small circles.


    The Delcatty took a dazed step back as the floor began cracking with the force of something tackling the ceiling below. Her mind was moving so slow -- what? What's going on? A Claydol burst from the floor below, eyes entirely red instead of the usual pink with the black pupils. It's body spun around rapidly, shards of rocks being flung away. The hole it created crumbled, widening a little and revealing a pair of Golbats that frantically attempted to fly through the hole, their wings catching on the rocky edges and bleeding. The Claydol began spinning rapidly, its features becoming a blur, readying an attack right towards the nearest target: Tansis.

    Think, think Tansis, get your head out of the clouds! The Delcatty stumbled out of the way, scrambling towards the Cyndaquil, her eyes wide with terror. So much kept happening, one and another. This place was fucked up, and that was the best way she had to put it! "R-RUN!" she yelled at the timid fire-type pokémon, the Claydol behind her crashing into the wall instead and leaving with scratches on its clay-like skin and a new hole in the tower walls. In such a small area, surely, neither the Delcatty nor the Cyndaquil could outrun the Undead. Tansis remembered a situation that happened not too long ago [like, literally, this morning] that involved Flygons. "T-to the roof, up the stairs! There's more room there!"

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