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8 posters

    The UNION Team


    The UNION Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:19 pm

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    Route 32| Late Afternoon(15)

    Theo felt slightly stupid, he didn’t even consider the possibility that him evolving could be the reason everything looked so much smaller to him. It explained everything, the height difference, then longer claws, the better hearing, and even his stronger sense of smell, he could smell the blood coming from Seruru’s wound from his position. He was happy for his new form, he was most likely stronger, he was faster in the center, and now he could actually be of help to the group. But his evolving did bring a hint of sadness to him, he always figured his sister Lexy would be the first to evolve, and now he would never be able to see her as a Ursaring. He shook off his sadness, now was not the time to immerse himself in pity, this should be a happy occasion for him, especially from the offers of congratulations from the houndoom and the riolu, and he wanted to know what he could do.

    Theo looked up into the trees, they all looked very much the same, but one of them had a slight indentation towards the top of the tree, he immediately knew the source of the marking, an abandoned beedrill nest. He would normally use his claws to climb up all the way to the top of the tree to collect the honey, but he had another idea, he had seen his momma do this many times before, so he wanted to know if he was also capable of doing it. He slowly made his way to the tree, and placed a paw on the trunk, she had said that the best place was where the bark fell off easily, he circled the tree a few times before he found it, and turned his paw into a fist as he gently knocked on it, the sound that emitted was a good solid “thunk.” He took his paw away and stepped back a little before charging at the tree, ramming it with his foreleg, he didn’t expect it to hurt as much as it did, his mother never showed any pain doing it, but he did expect the distinct snap as the tree came crashing down, the bounty now in easy reach.

    Theo couldn’t suppress his giggle as he accomplished his goal on his first try, nor could he suppress a flinch as the pain shot through his leg as he tried to walk, it wasn’t enough to immobilize him, but enough to slow him down slightly. He walked to the part with the abandoned nest hollowed out, and used his claws to slash at the tree to cut out only the desired segment before bringing it back to the other and sitting down to enjoy the sweet beedrill honey. It was starting to dry up into clumps, but he didn’t mind, those where good for traveling, he could chew on it while walking long distances. He dipped his paw into the honey and brought it up to his mouth, savoring the sweetness that he had not tasted in weeks, he looked around at the group, his paw not leaving his mouth, they had helped him out greatly recently so sharing his honey was the least he could do, “Amyboddy wanph somf?”

    ((OOC: Been wanting to add that in ever since i read the pokedex entry that Ursarings can snap trees down with thier forelegs to get berries))

    Last edited by Tryvex on Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:33 pm; edited 2 times in total

    The UNION Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:00 pm

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    Route 32| Pokemon Center Debris| Late Afternoon

    Luke couldn’t believe this. The Kirlia was missing and the others didn’t seem to care. Of course they probably though that it had run off like before, but he had a feeling that wasn’t the case. Theo was testing out his new strength by knocking down a tree to get some honey. Seruru was just staring off into the trees. Let then ignore him then, he didn’t need them. He did just fine on his own before they came. He put his nose to the ground as he searched for the Kirlias sent. He has been around these guys so long that he had every one of their scents memorized.

    The Kirlias scent seemed to be coming from the wreck of the pokemon center. He jumped onto the rubble as he looked for the spot where the scent was strongest. I know you buried here someplace. He thought. He wished he could get some kind of sign as to what part it was buried under. He knew he couldn’t just clear out the whole center debris that would take weeks to do.

    He managed to find the place where the scent was strong. It was the place where the centers desk was. “Kirlia? Are you down there?” Luke called, but he got no answer. It was ether buried real deep that his voice couldn’t be heard, or it was unconscious. So he started to move the debris as he tried to dig it out. It was hard, but he wouldn’t stop until he managed to reach it.

    Last edited by LostCall on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:07 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The UNION Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 06, 2011 2:12 pm

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    Route 32 Pokemon Center, Late Afternoon(12)
    Kirlia cowered under the rubble, convinced it was going to die. The feelings of aggression from outside had passed.. Indeed, all feeling had passed. The others had moved on, Kirlia forgotten and left to die.

    The little pokemon wept.
    What a way to die, to be buried alive.

    As the thought ran through its head, however, so did something else. Something moved up above. But.. It was an undefinable something, and Kirlia soon shivered with fear again, thinking it to be Infected or something else unpleasant.

    ((I would've posted earlier, but because of school, I didn't have a chance to until the afternoon. Don'tkillmeplease D:))

    The UNION Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Wed Sep 07, 2011 12:07 pm

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    Route 32 | Pokémon Centre | Late Afternoon (13)

    Seruru slowly lowered himself onto his knees, and either didn't hear Theo's offer, or didn't much care for it.
    He paused, a droplet of blood hitting the floor beneath him, before he splayed his paws and closed his eyes, focusing purely on the Aura around him.

    They were like waves, rippling from each form in view, glowing essence of various colours...
    But the Infected weren't too far away. If it took his remaining might, Seruru would find them. And then evade them.

    He grunted softly, as he saw the essence of life leaving the tree Theo had caused to collapse... and then in the distance, perhaps too far for even his minds eye to see, there was a black aura. Rippling aggressively with ever present tints of Scarlet red.

    His eyes snapped open, and Seruru snarled in the Direction of the Bird Pokémon that had attacked them sooner. "We should find refuge elsewhere, this place is certainly no longer safe."

    Last edited by Celestion on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:03 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Derpies)

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The UNION Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Negative10 Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:02 pm

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    Route 32 | Late Afternoon

    "Wedge... Wedge... It's your new name..." The Skarmory opened his eyes to a fake memory, a made-up dream. There were no humans in the new reality. He did not have shiny armor and red wings. There was no human looking at him with respect, and really no "teammates" welcoming him to the party. He wasn't here. Fake! You don't even have blood! Wedge spat- he hated dreams. He would long for digging his mouth into their blood, but it was not of his "memory," so it couldn't happen. If it ever did, the Skarmory didn't remember.

    "Hey, kudos on the battle!" A small Eevee quipped , jumping up and down in his adrenaline rush. It was a fake Eevee. It had no blood. But he felt his mouth move, no words came out, yet a reply seemed to be heard from the other Pokemon and it grinned before padding away to the other Pokemon. Ridiculous! These... dream fragments were so friendly all the time! If they knew his drive to swallow their blood, they wouldn't be so happy... but, there was something like yearning in his subconscious mind, praying that life could be like it was before. Before...?

    There was no before. This is fake. Yet... the Eevee and the human... they-

    I don't remember.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 1664

    The UNION Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Snitch Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:29 am

    ( Skip me please, just presume Dorian is still eating c: )

    The UNION Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:24 am

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    Route 32| Pokemon Center's Remains| Late Afternoon(16)

    Theo was lost in the thick sweet goo that was honey. It had felt like ages since he had had a taste of the beedrill nectar, so for a few moments it was like he was transported to another state of mind all together. But as soon as the honey in his mouth dissolved or was all swallowed, he was brought back to the foresty area where the pokemon center had been demolished not so long ago. Seruru seemed to be meditating, and lostcall seemed to be ontop of the rubble smiffing for something, it was not till it called out for the kirlia that Theo realized he had not seen it since before the center came crashing down. He instantly hated himself for not noticing at all and being too preoccupied by his evolving to notice that someone was missing.

    He made his way over to the pile of rubble, careful not to put too much pressure on the leg that the used to break the tree down. The houndoom was sniffing around, most likely it had gotten the kirlia’s sent earlier. Theo had been close enough to the pokemon when it had hugged him, but he had not even tried to record its smell for future references, another aspect of his uselessness. He closed his eyes ad tried to do as the houndoom did and smell for anything, he could smell the blood from Seruru and a faint smell of sweet and foresty scent, the houndoom of ash and something else he could not place, which was not that helpful at the moment since it was kirlia he was looking for. He did smell something else though, and it was familiar, so he figured he’s try with that, he made his way to the source of the smell and started unloading the debris over it, he knew this smell, and recently too, so he figured it had to be the kirlia.

    Removing the large pieces of rubble was a lot easier now that he had evolved, so getting to the source took less time than he though, he managed to get to the source of the smell only to find the bag full of squished berries there. He sadly threw the bag towards the clearing where they were sitting at earlier, most likely Lostcall would still want the bag, and maybe they could blend the berry juice to make something tasty later. Theo looked over at the houndoom, it seemed like he had possibly found the pokemon, he was digging like crazy through the rubble so he must have found something, he maneuvered through the debris towards him, he was careful not to get too close, he wanted to help, but he looked to be too focused on digging that if he got too close he might suddenly think he was an infected, so he stayed a bit to the side, ready to help if the houndoom suddenly asked. He knew not to disturb an pokemon when they were as focused on something as much as the dark pokemon was.

    ((lostcall seems like the type to get really focused on something,(not sure if it is true or not, but that’s my take) so that’s why I had Theo semi-reluctant))

    Last edited by Tryvex on Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:44 pm; edited 2 times in total

    The UNION Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Fri Sep 09, 2011 4:26 pm

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    Route 32| Pokemon Center Debris| Late Afternoon

    Luke continued to dig, oblivious to Theo who was standing on the sidelines ready to help. His paw pads got cut from pieces of wood that got a little sharp after snapping in half, but he ignored the pain and kept digging. There was so much debris between him and the Kirlia that he was starting to get a little exhausted. He stopped for a short second to catch his breath before he went back to digging. I’m not going to let another one of us die here, he though to himself, remembering the Sandslash who was killed ealier. He then came to a really thick piece of wood that didn’t seem to budge when he tried to move it. Pulling it didn’t seem to be working; it must be a large piece that managed not to snap when the place went down, just his luck.

    He began to kick the plank with his back foot, but that didn’t seem to be working ether. He began to pace around the spot, agitated that it wouldn’t move. So he used a Dark Pulse on it, and when he heard a snap he stopped. He looked back and sure enough, a huge crack formed in the centre of the plank. So moving it became a little easier.

    He managed to make it to the Kirlia who seemed to be scared, like it thought he was an infected or something. “Good, your safe.” Luke said through gasps of breath. He put his paw down for the Kirlia to grab, but it still seemed to be rather scared of him. Luke reached a little farther but it still didn’t make any attempt to grab his paw. “Its ok, there’s nothing to be scared of, I’ll get you out of here.” He let out a sigh when it still didn’t make any attempt to reach out. “Look, if you don’t grab my paw you won’t be able to get out of here. So you will be stuck down here until you ether die of hunger or thirst, or one of those infected from earlier find and eat you before that happens. It’s your choice, die a horrible and painful death, or, get out of here alive and live to see another day.” He hoped he wasn’t being hard on it when he said that, he just wanted to get the Kirlia out of there before those infected decided to attack again.

    Last edited by LostCall on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:07 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The UNION Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:45 pm

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    Route 32, Pokemon Center Ruin| Late Afternoon(13)
    As the psychic void drew closer, the sound of shifting stone and wood carried to Kirlia's ears. The little pokemon began to sob loudly as it came close to breaking through, and curled into a ball as its accidental defense broke down, as one of the Infected was surely about to kill it here..
    .. until Lostcall's paw reached through.
    Kirlia stared at the paw blankly for a moment as the Houndoom said something, before leaping out and hugging the hellhound tightly.
    "... Friend.. came back."

    The UNION Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:38 am

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    Route 32 | Pokémon Centre | Late Afternoon (14)

    Another Aura entered Seruru's vision. The Kirlia, the deserter... the one that'd left them for dead. And yet... they went through the effort to save it. It wouldn't do the same for them. They'd fled. So quickly...
    Shaking off a growl, and sighing deeply, the Riolu got up from his knees, casting another hateful glance in the Skarmory's direction, before turning to the Pokémon Centre, and strolling towards the Pokémon Centre, in no particular hurry. "Is it alright?" he asked, though his voice was quiet.

    Last edited by Celestion on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The UNION Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Negative10 Wed Sep 14, 2011 3:42 pm

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    Route 32 | Late Afternoon
    (Making this a little longer for a certain cause)



    Wedge woke up with hunger gnawing his stomach out, twisting his intestines (or the remains of it, that is) into a knot of agony. Those wretched Pokemon, escaping his grasps again and again. He was going to make them feel the pain he was feeling, and make sure it lasts twice as long. Their blood would flow like a river, and his desires would be fulfilled. He'd live! The Skarmory cawed into the setting sun, vowing that he'd find his share of blood.

    He blundered through the forests shrubs, not caring anymore of alerting the prey. They'd have no chance of survival anymore. He'd find them and enjoy the blood. Oh yes, and whatever his heart desired, it would receive ten times more.

    He... shouldn't be...

    The Skarmory landed at the edge of the clearing, gasping for breath. What was happening? Wedge struggled to stand up, but his muscles rebelled against his command, ending up in a spasm. He hadn't had blood in nearly twenty-four hours. But he knew that if he took other blood, it would not work as their blood would. His grudge was affecting him...

    ... and now it was his death.

    Wedge felt his eyes blur, before it became clear again, with the Pokemon Center in his sight. The Riolu... the Houndour... the Ursaring... he had tried to kill them. They fought against his will, a thing he was not used to facing. Their teamwork, despite only meeting just then, was much better than all his effort combined. Wedge... remembered.

    But it was too late. His heart was pumping its last beat, his eyes were finishing their last blink, and his lungs were taking their final breath. He stared at the group with old eyes, suddenly aged with experience and knowledge, remembering his teammates and hoping they too would have good memories someday.

    "... my name was Wedge."

    He fell into eternal sleep next to Master.

    Last edited by Negative10 on Wed Sep 14, 2011 3:44 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added last sentence)

    Age : 29
    Posts : 1664

    The UNION Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Snitch Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:28 am

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    Route 32 | Late Afternoon

    Dorian raised his head slightly at the sound of a particularly strong caw before twisting his body around towards the sound in an attempt to get clues into what the creature was. The serperior hadn’t had chance to distinguish the being responsible for the pokémon center’s collapse, but at the time had presumed it to be one of the unusually stubborn meals – now, the serpent began to consider the idea that there had been another infected present.

    Cold blood dribbling from the side of his mouth, Dorian had successfully consumed the rattatas from the night before – leaving nothing but a rodent’s head, an eyeball and several bones too large to swallow. It was enough to keep him going for now, but the creature longed for nothing more than the taste of fresh, rich blood. The urge to tear into something still breathing was an overwhelming addiction that he intended to fuel by nightfall. The houndoom would be an ideal candidate. His thoughts were disturbed as a voice met his sensitive hearing once more – unfamiliar, slightly strange as if struggling against some unknown force.

    "... my name was Wedge."

    The UNION Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:43 pm

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    Route 32| Pokemon Center Ruins| Late Afternoon(17)

    Theo was glad that the Kirlia was alright, in the end the houndoom did not need any help digging the small white pokemon out, but it seemed like the way the kirlia was hugging Lostcall, he might need help soon. It made him smile when the kirlia mentioned friends, he wasn’t quite sure if the others thought of them as friends, but to him, the rest were quickly becoming more than companions. He was going to tell the over eager pokemon to let up a bit, since the houndoom was still technically hurt, when he barely heard something odd. It came to him as a whisper, and he probably would not have heard it if he had not evolved, but he could have sworn he heard something say, ” …Wedge.” He didn’t hear the first part, so he had no clue what wedge ment, but the fact that something was close and speaking, yet not going up to them made him uneasy. He took that as motivation for them all to move away from the ruined pokemon center.

    “Umm…maybe we shouldn’t stay here much longer…” He figured the kirlia and maybe the houndoom would want to rest a bit after that rescue, but if that thing that spoke was dangerous, he wasn’t sure how well they would all be off. Theo went to the metal pot he had abandoned earlier, the back was still reflective, so he could clearly see a foreign face looking back at him, other than the height, claws, and new found power, he had not really had a chance to see how much he had changes, and the new appearance made him wonder if that was how his father would have looked. He shook off those feelings and stuck it on his head, it was dented a bit from using it on the infected, but it could still be useful. He also picked up the part of the tree he had cut off, there was still quite a bit of honey in there so a snack later on would be nice. He finally turned his attention to the bag he had dug up, it had gotten dirty, and the berries where mostly squashed, so he wasn’t sure if the houndoom would want to keep it, if he didn’t, Theo would take it along, you never know when something like that could be useful. Theo was ready to go, even though the center had brought them all together, it did lure three infected here also, so he wanted to get away from here as soon as possible.

    Last edited by Tryvex on Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The UNION Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:29 pm

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    Route 32| Pokemon Center Ruins| Late Afternoon

    Luke was a little surprised by the sudden hug that the Kirlia gave him. The last person that hugged him was his trainer, and that was before they docked here. He was called a friend. Did he even have to right to be called one? He didn’t know, and he didn’t care. He noticed that Theo had been standing by to see if he needed help. He didn’t even notice him, as big as he was.

    He jumped down off the pile of debris, the Kirlia on his back. Once then where on the ground he saw that Theo was wearing that pot as a hat. It looked really funny on him and Luke tried his hardest not to laugh. But a grin did show through. He started to think that maybe hanging around with these guys might not be so bad after all. But they still had a long way to go before they could urn his trust.

    They had to get moving though. If the pokemon center had attracted three infected, who would say that it wouldn’t attract more? “It’s time to move out. Make sure you have everything you need.” He looked at the bag of squashed berries. They weren’t much use to him squished, so he just left them. He turned to the direction of the cave, looking into the black nothingness that awaited them. he hoped they wouldn’t run into that pokemon that the Kirlia had seen earlier. If it really was a Steelix, then it wouldn’t stand much of a chance agonised him, since he was half fire type, and steel types where week agonised fire. “Lets go then.” He said as he started to walk into the cave.

    Last edited by LostCall on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:08 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Mispelling)

    The UNION Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:37 am

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    Route 32, Pokemon Center Ruin, Late Afternoon(14)
    Kirlia clung tightly to its new friend in the Houndoom, no longer terrified of that horrible psychic void...

    Having been utterly convinced its new friends would abandon it as it had abandoned them, the Kirlia was pleasantly surprised and relieved that the hellhound had come back for it, and resolved to stay with this group..

    "It's time to move out. Make sure you have everything you need."

    ... Kirlia thought of food. It was suddenly reminded why it had sought these people out: Food. Glancing over the ruined pokemon center, it spotted the bag of squashed berries, and let out a sigh.

    "Let's go then."

    The little pokemon let out a small, barely-audible whine of hunger, looking around for anything edible.. and there was none, only rubble. Sighing again, Kirlia clung tightly to Lostcall and waited for them to start moving.

    The UNION Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 5:55 pm

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    Route 32 | Pokemon Center Ruin | Late Afternoon (15)

    ...My name was Wedge...
    They were words that both unnerved Seruru, and saddened him. Not once had he considered that he was attacking another Pokémon. A Pokémon with a name, a past...a friend.
    He glanced down at his paw, coated in blood. Was this what they'd become? Monsters fighting Monsters? Was there no peaceful alternative?

    He shook the thought off, he knew they weren't in control of their actions. The blood lust wasn't something they could control, and like any Pokémon who eats parts of the forest, an Infected must eat others to survive. It isn't their choice, it's their life.

    But even so... if an Infected had such memories, surely the Kirlia, something he'd been so Cold towards, had redeeming qualities too...

    Swallowing his pride, and with a mild grunt, Seruru made his way to LostCall, and extended his paw to the Kirlia. "I'm glad you're alright. We need to stick together... all of us."

    Last edited by Celestion on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 29
    Posts : 1664

    The UNION Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Snitch Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:13 pm

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    Route 32 | Late Afternoon

    Dorian had slithered back to where he’d first fled, this time remaining close to the trees he’d marked as to make sure of his whereabouts. Despite the ever diminishing sanity and lust for blood, the serperior had been fortunate enough to keep its past intelligence. Without the tactical nature of his past life, Dorian would’ve have been killed weeks ago – either by a survivor looking to help rid the diseased, a hungry infected or something as foolish as slithering off a cliff. However, he’d survived this long and had no intention of leaving this life anytime soon; nothing would put an end to his eternal hunger.

    Slowing to a halt, Dorian’s tongue flicked from his mouth. It was perhaps the only part of his body that hadn’t been burnt by the houndoom – but was torn slightly from a previous battle. The pokémon were still present, why? He was growing impatient. How was he supposed to target one of the weaker creatures when they remained in that damn group? There was no way he could strike whilst they were looking out for one another. If only there were a way he could separate them...

    The UNION Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:42 pm

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    Union Cave|Late Afternoon

    Ena giggled uncontrollably. The world was so funny. Ena caught a sight of other Pokemon. Stopping from her wax drawings and words, she simply loved using her candle wax to draw and write(Mostly consisting of 'DEAD', 'TRAINER', 'ABANDONED', and 'LOST', her drawings were usually of herself, her trainer, or her trainer getting her arm removed) Ena giggled. Friends! she thought happily. A hellhound of some sort was going into the cave. She looked to the Pokemon. Oh hello! She giggled. Don't mind me, I'm Ena...oh, might wanna be careful, I heard a loud noise back there... LET'S SEE IF IT WANTS TO PLAY TAG! Ena suggested happily.

    Can I tag along with you? I wanna go see.

    The UNION Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:58 pm

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    Union Cave|Late Afternoon(18)

    It was amusing for Theo to see a tough guy like Lostcall let a cute and girly kirlia ride on his back, and even more surprising to see him grin, he didn’t know why the houndoom was grinning when he looked at him, but it was better than him being serious all the time. Lostcall had decided on abandoning the bag full of squished berries, the berries might not be that useful, but the bag at least could help, maybe later when he found water, he might be able to wash the bag, so he picked it up and looped it around his shoulders so it would not fall. It seemed as though he was the one carrying the most baggage, the pot on his head, the bag across his shoulders, and the log that still had honey in it, if the log ever ended up slowing him down, he could always throw it at the enemy. As they were walking to their next destination, the cave, he noticed that Seruru was finally warming up to the Kirlia, which made him happy, he would hate for the group to get angry with each other and be forced to split up.

    When they had gotten to the entrance of the cave, it had dawned on him that the kirlia had not had any of the berries offered before, being trapped in rubble must have made her hungry, but more importantly, that they never knew her name. He took his paw out of his mouth so that he may lower the log with both hands to kirlia’s level, but the strange purple glow was coming out of the cave that was suppost to be dark. At first it looked like any other cave; cold, dark, dank and rocky, but the walls were what was out of the ordinary. All across the walls drawings of a small pokemon and a human where shown, it might have been cute if most of them did not show the human’s arm getting cut off. He wasn’t quite sure if he should be suspicious of it, or in admiration of this small pokemon’s cuteness. But in the end, the cuteness won out. He wasn’t sure if the others would want her to join the group, so he avoided that question for now and merely introduced himself, hopefully the kirlia would also introduce herself so they can get two names in one go. “Hello Ena, I’m Theo. I’m not sure if the pokemon that made the loud noise wants to play tag…”

    If it was up to him, he would have the little pokemon join them without question; he knew what it was like to alone in the world without anyone to trust. He hoped they would be able to make room for one more.

    Last edited by Tryvex on Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:25 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The UNION Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:18 pm

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    Union Cave||Late Afternoon

    Luke stared at the candle pokemon suspiciously, its little flame lighting up that darkness of the cave. What did it mean by them playing tag, he never played tag, tag was a game for kids, and he wasn’t a kid anymore. Theo seemed to be warming up to it, he would seeing as he was more like and over sister teddy bear then anything else really. The Litwik introduced itself as Ena, I pretty weird name to him but then some probably though of his name as weird as well. “Hello Ena, I’m Theo. I’m not sure if the pokemon that made the loud noise wants to play tag…” Theo said, he didn’t really make any sense, but he didn’t care.

    “I’m LostCall, and where not playing tag with anyone. Where just trying to get to Azalea Town.” Luke said, there was no hint of kindness in his voice, but there was no anger ether, just a bit of frustration. “But if you want to tag along I’m not going to stop you. Just try to keep up.”

    Last edited by LostCall on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The UNION Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:43 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Union Cave, Late Afternoon(15)
    Kirlia stared at the candle pokemon warily. Despite having rid itself of its fear of Houndoom, it was for Houndoom only that it lasted. This little candle gave off the same aura of otherness, and every bit as unsettling, if not moreso, as this one had the feel of madness as well...

    The Emotion pokemon shifted nervously in its place on Lostcall's back, as a desire to move on rose in an aura around it.

    The UNION Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 24, 2011 8:10 am

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    Union Cave | Late Afternoon (16)

    With a shifty glance left and right, Seruru clenched his paws into fists, glancing around his surroundings, before homing in on the little Candle Pokémon's Aura.
    "Hm..." his eyes shimmered momentarily, as he processed the information, biting his bottom lip in discomfort. It had the Aura of insanity. Not the eccentric type of Insanity either, but the kind that would almost certainly get them killed...

    Then is eyes drifted to the Kirlia. Waves of discomfort, of fear, erupting from it's body and into the afternoon light. He swallowed, and turned to Theo. "Theo... The Kirlia isn't liking this. And I can't say I don't agree with them... I don't like the Aura I'm receiving."

    Last edited by Celestion on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 29
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    The UNION Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Snitch Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:13 am

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    Route 32 | Late Afternoon

    As Dorian followed the group’s movements, he soon realized their intentions with the aid of his markings. Fearow blood was smeared on a tree trunk almost directly opposite the entrance of the Union Cave. When he’d first navigated around the area, Dorian had been unfortunate enough to stumble into the cave where a flock of golbats had ruthlessly begun pecking at his scales. Of course, he’d seen them off and devoured a few of the more persistent creatures, but even as an undead, Dorian knew that the cave was bad news. Hissing audibly at this realization, Dorian was resolved that the Union Cave was not an environment he’d be pleased to travel through. However, the houndoom’s words met his hearing and a smirk hit his face.

    “I’m LostCall, and we’re not playing tag with anyone. We’re just trying to get to Azalea Town.”

    Azalea Town. Dorian had a location he was familiar with. As much as he despised the idea of this particular group of prey falling victim to the monsters within the Union Cave, he had made the decision to reach Azalea Town through an alternative route. Flicking his tail, irritated at this change of plan, he would let them live for now. Survivors on his travels would keep up his health and numb his hunger, however, he would find them again. The hellhound, the bear, the psychic and the canine could run to the ends of the world and Dorian would still continue his hunt. For now though, he was forced to wait.
    “For now...” The snake uttered in a voice just above a whisper as he manoeuvred his body around and began to slither away from his prey. In due time, they would all meet again.

    ( It’s been great roleplaying with all of you. Hopefully, Dorian will make a return to Union Team in the future c: )

    The UNION Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:04 am

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    Union Cave|Late Afternoon

    Hello Ena, I’m Theo. I’m not sure if the pokemon that made the loud noise wants to play tag… Said the bear Pokemon. Ena giggled. Oh, but I bet it does! Everybody likes tag! She nodded. I’m LostCall, and we're not playing tag with anyone. We're just trying to get to Azalea Town. But if you want to tag along I’m not going to stop you. Just try to keep up. The Hellhound told her. Ena could tell he was annoyed. Ena wants to come! But...mister Loscall needs to loosen up! Ena giggled uncontrollably.

    The Pokemon she knew was a Kirlia looked nervous. Ena decided to wave at it, trying to be friendly. A blue Pokemon turned to Theo. Theo... The Kirlia isn't liking this. And I can't say I don't agree with them... I don't like the Aura I'm receiving. Ena faked a gasp. Does Kirlia not like me?! She tried to look sad. B-But all Ena wants to do is travel with possible new friends!

    Last edited by Latias on Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:33 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Two sentences combined in one ono)

    The UNION Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:40 am

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    Union Cave| Late Afternoon(19)

    Theo looked down at the small candle shaped pokemon, sure she was a bit odd, but she was young and alone, so why was everyone so against her joining them. He didn’t know what he’d do if the final verdict was to leave her there, it wouldn’t be right, he would wanna stay with her, but would he really be able to protect someone else? Just because he evolved, didn’t mean that he was suddenly the most reliable pokemon in the world, no matter how much he hoped that were the case. And he had actually learned to like this small group of misfits; Lostcall the automatic leader, and somewhat loner who either acts tough or actually is tough, Seruru the reliable one who despite his small frame is a great fight, even if he didn’t get along with Kirlia at first, and finally the Kirlia, no one knows her name yet and she doesn’t talk much, but somehow despite that she was able to shift the hearts of them all. He didn’t know where he belonged as a weak overgrown Ursaring who acts more like a teddiursa, but he thought that was the whole point of their group, they were all different, so why were they so against Ena’s difference?

    Theo winced at Ena’s comment on Lostcall about loosening up, that would not help convince him to let her join at all. In many ways she reminded him of what he was like right after the infection took place, he wanted nothing more than to find people to call friends, and to find a new family, hell, he would settle for any kind of kindness. But all he was ever able to find from any uninfected pokemon was scorn and distrust, which seemed like what they were doing to Ena. “Can’t we at least give her a chance?”

    Last edited by Tryvex on Tue Sep 27, 2011 12:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

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