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8 posters

    The UNION Team


    The UNION Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Mon Sep 26, 2011 1:12 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Union Cave||Late Afternoon

    Luke looked over his shoulder to look at Theo. He had ignored Ena’s comment about ‘loosening up’ cause that was one thing he could not do in this hell. Did Theo even know what a Litwik was capable of? What they where known for. Probably not, he was born in Johto, he never went to Unova and learned about them, unlike himself who had been to every region with his trainer. “Theo, I would love to give it a chance, but the last time I tried giving a Litwik a chance, it almost got Jay and myself killed. I am not going to fall for the same trick twice.”

    Back in Unova, him and his trainer, Jay, had taken refuge in an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere. It seemed to be empty at first glance, but was actually home to a bunch of Litwik and Lampent. They seemed to be fairly friendly at first, giving them food and such. But it was later that everything went south. Jay and Luke seemed to be getting weaker the longer they stayed there, and it was then that he finally found out what was going on. The Litwik and Lampent had been draining them of their life energy the moment the walked through the door. It was a hassle trying to get out, but they managed to make it without losing their lives.

    He began to clench his jaw as old memories began to flood his head. He shook it, trying to keep fixed on what was happening to them now. He knew Theo would probably keep it up until they let it come, and it was only one Litwik. “Fine, it can come. But note, if it does anything funny, I will kill It.” he said that without a hint of emotion in his voice. He would be keeping a sharp eye on that candle pokemon, the less mischief it did, the better it was for the rest of them.

    Last edited by LostCall on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The UNION Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:45 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Union Cave, Late afternoon(16)
    Kirlia sat on Lostcall's back, shivering nervously. Between the omnipresent taint of undeath and the dark and ghost types so near to it, the little empath was not doing too well, though it smiled grimly as Lostcall threatened the candle.. thing.

    Kirlia was exceptionally wary of the ghost, especially. Though it had never encountered one itself, it knew that ghosts were typically incredibly bad news, and tricksters. This one couldn't be trusted. Not yet.

    The UNION Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 01, 2011 4:11 pm

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    Union Cave | Late Afternoon (17)

    Seruru growled to himself, the fact they were letting this creature live was one thing, but to accompany them...
    But Theo seemed adamant that it wasn't anything to fear... who was he to question? Was it not for Theo, he'd most likely be buried beneath the rubble of the Pokémon Centre...

    He sighed, shrugging off his doubt with a momentary shudder. He'd sensed something dark about the Pokémon, but perhaps that was the Kirlia's fear speaking through him... "If it accompanies us, it may as well light the way through the cave..." he muttered, taking a few hesitant steps forwards and extending a paw to the little Litwik, "Hey there, I'm Seruru. Are you alone?"

    Last edited by Celestion on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The UNION Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Sun Oct 02, 2011 4:36 am

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    Union Cave|Late Afternoon

    Can’t we at least give her a chance? Theo had said. Ena smiled and giggled. Theo is nice! Fine, it can come. But note, if it does anything funny, I will kill It. The Houndoom had said. Ena giggled. Yaaaay! Thank you Mister Lostcall! The Kirlia was still nervous. If it accompanies us, it may as well light the way through the cave... The Riolu held out a paw.

    Hey there, I'm Seruru. Are you alone? Ena giggled and shook his hand. Yep yep! All alone Ena is! Been alone for awhile! Ena giggled more.

    The UNION Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Mon Oct 03, 2011 11:33 am

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    Union Cave|Dusk
    Flickry twirled around happily, for it was dusk and with the setting sun meant time to waken. He let out a resonating chuckle, the glass making it sharp and scratchy, as he searched around for a decent meal. It had been a while since he had a strong soul, usually only managing to pick off weaker species that survived the epidemic by cowering away. His ever-present hunger lately had been a concern for him, but he just figured that this new form required a lot more energy than his last two. He had a lot more power to dish out as a result of his evolution so, logically, that must mean he had to burn more fuel, right? He shrugged his limbs as he gave up on that train of thought, it didn't matter right now.

    Soon he heard a shuffling sound. 'Something nearby isn't being too careful...' he thought with a smirk. He turned the corner and hid in the shadows, it seemed his prey hadn't noticed him yet. It was a young Makuhita that seemed to be lost, it practically radiated fear and the Luring Pokemon knew just what to do with that...

    "Come closer...little one..." he called out sweetly, using his flames to light the path for the child. "I can help...light your way..." his eerie voice was slow and hypnotic, easily distracting the young prey and drawing it straight to him. As it got closer he quickly hit it with a Confuse Ray, taking a sick pleasure in watching in run around and slamming into walls. One such rush was particularly nasty as it put the Makuhita head-first into a rock, splitting his head wide open. The fresh smell of blood triggered something in Flickry, all recognition went out of his eyes and he began using the sharp points on his limbs to rip it open the fallen child's stomach, playing with the inner workings.

    The stench of scorched flesh filled the air as he began burning the body of his victim, watching the still beating heart ignite and savoring the ear-piercing screams as the child woke and felt his body slowly burning. The Makuhita writhed and wailed as he charred, and Flickry took a sick pleasure in watching the light in his eyes fade. Quickly intensifying the heat of his Flamethower he burned the soul as it tried to leave the body, taking it into himself and delighting at the taste. His feeding done, he let out his signature cackle, the one he had always used even in Unova, but if anyone from back then heard him now they would say it sounded warped and crazed. A madness he didn't even notice was slowly taking over Flickry's mind.

    ((OOC: Flickry has no idea his is infected nor has he noticed the strange markings crawling up his body. He fades in and out of lucidity.))

    The UNION Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:07 pm

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    Union Cave| Dusk(20)

    Theo looked down at the little candle pokemon as Lostcall mentioned his past encounters with pokemon like Ena. (Apparently called Litwicks) He knew how some pokemon could be more dangerous than others, but Ena looked practically harmless, he had trouble seeing pokemon of her kind being dangerous. He didn’t know if Lostcall even noticed it himself, but it was the first time he had ever mentioned his trainer to them. Theo suspected that a strong pokemon such as him would have had a human to train him, but he never thought he’d hear the name. He wanted to ask Lost more about his human, but with so much death that the epidemic brought, he figured it’d be a touchy subject. It made him realize how little he knew about the pokemon he traveled with, and slightly sad that if they never talked about it and they died, that their stories would be forgotten. He made a mental not to bring it up whenever they found a safe place to rest. But for now, he was just glad that they didn’t leave Ena all alone in this cave.

    Theo smiled down at the energetic Ena, glad to see Seruru giving her a chance and introducing himself to her, using the same hand extension that he had used when he introduced himself to Lostcall, Theo would have to ask him later on what that was all about. It made him a bit sad to hear the Ena was alone for some time now, might explain her attitude, that she’s trying to hide her sadness maybe. Theo readjusted the bag across his shoulder, he could feel the berry juice start to harder, he didn’t want the bag sticking to his fur, it would hurt later on. The bag, the pot on his head, and the log full of honey under his arm all seemed like a bunch of luggage, but at the moment he could not part with them, he had no real reason to keep them all much longer, but something told him to keep it a bit longer. He figured he’d at least finish all the honey before getting rid of the log, so he stuck his paw into the sticky substance and then into his mouth. He remembered that the kirlia was hungry, and maybe Ena might also be hungry, so he lowered the log to their level silently gesturing for them to grab some if they wanted. “Thmf plasf loophs big…Anphyone know hoff to ged thru?” ((“This place looks big…..Anyone know how to get thru?”))Mostly looking at the houndoom, sense it seemed like he had been there before.

    Last edited by Tryvex on Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:26 pm; edited 2 times in total

    The UNION Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:17 pm

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    Union Cave||Dusk

    Luke had realized that he mentioned his trainer’s name, but he didn’t really care at this point. His trainer was gone, and there was nothing he could do about it. He just wished that these pokemon could understand how dangerous that little candle pokemon was, it may be small and cute, to most anyway, but it can start killing you without you even realizing it.

    He raised his head into the air to try and see if he could pick up any scents, there was a faint trace of infected, probably the same one that the Kirlia has seen, but it had long since been here. He began to walk forward, he had been through this cave tons of times with his trainer, so he knew it like the back of his paw. There was some light, and thanks to the Litwick, there was even more. He looked back over his shoulder, “Stay close, it’s easy to get lost in here.”

    The cave looked exactly the same way it was back when he first traveled through it as a Houndour with his trainer. They had gotten lost then, but managed to find there way out about a day later. It was hard to believe this cave was the same place, but it wasn’t any longer. Each corner held danger. Each pool of water concealed it as well. He looked down at one of the pools and sniffed it, but brought his head back up when he got a whiff of death. The water may be empty, but it was still not safe to drink.

    Last edited by LostCall on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The UNION Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 08, 2011 1:15 pm

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    Union Cave | Dusk (18)

    The ability all Riolu had adapted to use was a useful one, the ability to see emotion, in the form of waves. Aura...
    And it brought a smile to Seruru's face when he saw Theo appreciated his efforts with the small Candle Pokémon.
    It was true, he'd never been very social, not since he'd nearly lost his eye...
    But something about these Pokémon was different. Maybe it was desperation, or a need for survival. But regardless, he found himself making the effort.

    The Houndoom had decided to lead the way, its keen senses were no doubt far superior to those of the others, but something about this creatures Aura as he passed over the threshold was worrisome. His tough outer exterior didn't hide the emotion that pulsated through him. Memories of being young, of being happy... Seruru would have to make sure he didn't get too attached to the thought. He'd heard tales of Pokémon who decided to cease living purely out of sorrow, from his Lucario Master...

    As he followed, he kept on his toes. The Dark was no place for a little Riolu, with no hope of evolving as Theo had. He evolved when he was happy... and there wasn't much cause for happiness anymore. "So, LostCall," he began, his voice somewhat shaky with anxiety, "That's an awfully nasty scar across your eye. How did you get it?"

    Last edited by Celestion on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The UNION Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 08, 2011 3:02 pm

    ((OOC: ;A; Please skip me, I've been having terrible writer's block lately. DX I'm so sorry!))

    The UNION Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:43 am

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    Union Cave|Night

    Flickry floated around the corner, once again finding himself completely lost. He wasn't sure how he got here, or when, but it was driving him crazy not being able to find his way out. It seems after his feeding with the Makuhita he didn't go back to himself right away, instead his crazed mind dragged him around Union Cave for about an hour before he regained his senses. Not that he was aware of any of it, of course. Now, he was hopelessly lost in this enormous place and he was starting to get hungry again. He whined sadly, just wanting to go back to his little hiding hole and sleep. He didn't like the constant hunger pains or the blackouts, they irritated him and sometimes, they scared him. He wasn't sure what to expect any time he came out of one of his 'episodes' but it was never good.

    One time, he found himself covered in blood and gore, bodies of humans and pokemon scattered around him, the smoke filling the air from their still burning flesh. They seemed to be arranged in a circle around him, weird markings burned into them like he had...decorated them. Not wanting to relive that experience he went back to trying to find a way back out to the main section of the cave. Oddly enough though, as he searched, he could swear he heard voices echoing in the tunnels. Curious, he decided that the easiest way to find his way back would be to follow the voices. They had to have come in somewhere, and from that entrance he could find his way back to his hole! 'Yes! Yes!' he thought happily. It was the perfect plan! Except...how do you follow an echo? Flickry sighed and sagged his limbs. 'So much for perfect...' he mused, but it was the best he had so he picked a tunnel and decided to follow it down, hoping to come across the talking creatures soon.

    The UNION Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:25 pm

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    Union Cave| Night(21)

    Both Ena and the kirlia refused the honey, he didn’t know why, it was the tastiest thing in the world, if he could, he would eat it day and night. He looked into the hollowed out log, the honey was almost finished, he had not realized how much of it he had been eating. It made him sad that he probably won’t be able to partake of this particular morsel for a while, he didn’t know if beedrills or combee made nests towards the area they were heading. Before, when he was traveling all by himself, it was extremely scary to enter new areas, he knew nothing of the world outside his forest, and he still didn’t know much, but traveling with a party made it seem not so scary, even, slightly enjoyable. Which made the progress through the cave more and more dreadful, most likely they were all together because of a common goal, so what was going to happen when they no longer had a common goal. That thought both scared and depressed him, eventually he’d be all alone again.

    Even with this mindset, there was still something that bothered him. He couldn’t quite place it, but something was off. He could feel it more and more the deeper they went, and the longer they stayed in the cave. It was like a phantom itch that he could not reach, no matter how close he got to it, the itch would be just beyond his reach. Theo just attributed it to the fact that it was the first time he had ever been in a cave, the closest thing he had been to a cave, was a stone overhang that kept him and his family away from the harsh weather.

    He turned his attention to Seruru’s question aimed at Lostcall, he had always wondered what battles the houndoom had taken part in that would leave those kinds of wounds. Though he wondered if the mention of the history of the scars would bring about more bad memories about Lostcall’s human. In fact, he remembered that Seruru had a fresh wound over his eye when they had first meet, which got Theo curious about his scar. “Spmfing of whih, howf dydg you ghet tht scrph omber your eybe Seruru?” ((“Speaking of which, how did you get that scar over your eye Seruru?”))

    The UNION Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:54 pm

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    Union Cave||Dusk

    Luke let out a sight as he was asked about his eye scar. He hadn’t even realized that he had opened it without much trouble, didn’t even hurt anymore, which was good. But he forgot about the scar from time to time, he didn’t really care much about, just a reminder of stupidity. “I got this scar from a Skarmory a long time ago, back when I was still a wild Houndhour. I was being careless and wondered into its zone, so it attacked me. I managed to get away, but not without injury.” He didn’t say anything more. It was after that that he ran into his trainer, who them caught him while he was still weak from that battle. He was treated in the pokemon center the next day.

    He began to walk fast, to avoid any further questions. The one question he didn’t want to be asked was how he got the crack in his horn, he still couldn’t get that horrid sight out of his head. He clenched his teeth as the memories flooded back into his mind, of his trainer getting carried off by the infected Ferrow, his dead body after it hit the ground. The burning mass of feathers and flesh after he torched the bird as it came around for him. Hate flashed in his eyes with the memory. This scar on his horn was just going to be a reminder of how weak he was at not even being able to save his trainer. All the more reason to get to Azalea Town, there was something there he needed to get, and nothing would stop him from getting it.

    Last edited by LostCall on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The UNION Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Tue Oct 11, 2011 3:49 pm

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    Union Cave | Dusk (19)
    Seruru's eyes lingered momentarily on the Houndoom's eye, but content with his answer, he soon turned his attention to the lumbering behind him, and tried to decipher what it was mumbling through the Honey.
    "Speaking of which, how did you get that scar over your eye Seruru?"

    Seruru moved his shoulders uncomfortably, eyes dropping to the floor as he considered how he'd answer. His dark green eyes scanned the cave quietly for a few moments as he deliberated, and when he spoke, he spoke wearily, as though the story took all the effort he had left.

    "It was my own fault," he admitted, shoulders sagging in disappointment as the little Canine felt the scar over his eye. "My Master had just gone on his Pilgrimage... As the runt of my Litter, my Father discarded me as quickly as possible, and an Elderly Lucario, my Master, took me in..." he threw a glance towards the Kirlia, and then the Houndoom again. "He'd warned me that a Dark Aura lay just over the Horizon. But I was foolish, and inexperienced..." he sighed again, "And not far from where I was raised, there was a Human facility... that was taking pokémon from the forest at night. I got cocky, and decided I should see what was happening... but I wasn't prepared for what I found."

    Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks, his eyes widened as the memories flooded back. "It was a Medical facility... and I believe Humans created the infection..." he clenched his bleeding paw, grinding his teeth, before he urged himself to continue walking. "A Scientist found me, and decided to test out his Subject Zero... I've always told pokémon on my travels that it was a Butterfree that attacked me that day. But if I'm honest... I don't know what attacked me. It was faster than sound, more agile than wind. And it gave off the most... unearthly aura. Blacker than the Soul of a Gengar..."

    After a few moments, the pain seemed to fade from his face, replaced with the Euphoria induced by getting it off of his chest. But he wasn't quite finished, "I escaped with just this Scar. But I'd left my home unprotected... and the infection took my friends. I'm not sure what happened to my Master, I just prey to Arceus that he survived..." he paused, before chuckling softly, and smiling towards Theo, "And you're the first Pokémon I've ever admitted that to. Truth is, I've got a purpose now. The Purpose that drove me to attack that Skarmory, a reason to live through this infection. I lost more Pokémon than I may ever know their lives, so I guess this adventure is my repentance."

    With a smile on his face, the little Riolu sped up to match the Houndoom's pace. "I'm sorry if that was a little long winded," he admitted with another soft chuckle, "What's your story, my Honey loving friend?"

    Last edited by Celestion on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The UNION Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:26 pm

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    Union Cave|Dusk

    Theo had offered her some honey. Ena didn't like honey, so she simply giggled and shook her head no. Ena appreciates Theo's kindness, though!
    After the Riolu explained how he got his scar, Ena gasped dramatically. Mister Seruru! Ena hugged his arm. Mister Seruru is brave! Ena giggled loudly. The Litwick's flame was quite bright, as she pulled away from the Riolu after a few seconds. Ena hopes we exit this cave soon! Or maybe find a Pokemon to play tagged with! TAG IS FUN! Ena cackled.

    ((OOC: ;; Sorry for the short post.))

    The UNION Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:59 pm

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    Union Cave|Night

    Closer, closer, yes! They came closer to Flickry, he could hear their voices, their whispers ringing louder and louder. So close now...but what was this? A Litwick was with them, one of his own kind. Faint memories of a simpler time filled his mind but were quickly shaken away, the light flicker of his flames dancing across the walls. It didn't matter to him anymore, the past, what mattered was finding a way back to the hole. Yes, the hole was home! He would be safe there, safe from the creatures that would try to kill him for wanting to eat.

    The horned one...he didn't like it! Not at all! It was dark and menacing, it would hurt Flickry it would! Probably wouldn't even give him a chance! His flames burned brighter as he thought about it, his corner of the cave becoming illuminated. The big one, the brown, furry...thing...it wouldn't hurt him. It couldn't if it tried. No, no, normal little Pokemon could not hurt him. But the dark one, oh the dark one! Flickry would have to be careful he would, best to watch the dark one from afar, don't get too close! They would have to lead him, he would have to follow. But do not let them catch you sneaking, for they will hurt you!

    His flames dimmed ominously, as his body disappeared into shadows, hiding, watching. If anyone had seen him, they would notice the strange black glow the flames were taking, the vines of red crawling ever higher up his limbs. Little did Flickry himself know of the shadows that were consuming his mind as well as his body as he sank into darkness.

    The UNION Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:39 pm

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    Union Cave| Night(22)

    Theo paid close attention to the story Lostcall was telling, he knew so little of the ones he traveled with, so getting to learn about them was exciting. As he expected, the story was a sad one, and as soon as the houndoom finished, he immediately began to walk faster. Theo figured he did not want to be asked anymore questions, it seemed like a miracle that they got him to reveal that much, though that did not stop Theo from pondering about the other scar on his horn…

    It seemed like his question to Seruru had more of a history around it than he would have thought. It was a long tale, of his past relations, of the horrors of humans, and of a monster they had created. The talk of humans experimenting on pokemon brought fear to Theo, he had been taught to fear them for they could kill, but to know there was something worse than death that they could inflict, brought shivers to him, he would much rather face an infected than a human. Towards the end, Theo was shedding a tear for the small riolu, knowing what it was like to lose those close to you, though he didn’t bother to hide it this time like he did in the pokemon center. He felt some joy from finding out he was the first to know of him, and happy to see that Ena tried to comfort him, if she didn’t he would have at least tried to, though Theo was not expecting Seruru to question him about his past.

    He had tried to recount this tale before, though the two that he was recounting it to did not care, and didn’t even let him get half way through it. “Papa was killed by humans for his fur before I was hatched…so it was only Momma, my sister Lexy and me. Momma was always protective of us, she didn’t let us leave the overhang when she wasn’t with us, but Lexy and I always snuck out. When we did sneak out, we usually played in the forest, especially with a stantler, he’d let us ride on his back, though Lexy would always ride on his head, between his antlers. But……one day,” He could feel the tears start to form again, he was okay if they were in sympathy for someone else, but by his own feelings, it made him feel weak, so he started walking a bit slower to take up the rear so that no one would see him.

    “One day, he was different, I didn’t know how back then…if I did I could have saved her....but...but, he snarled, and ran at us. We were scared, so we ran, and I was always the slower one, Lexy would always win in races, but, she stayed a bit behind, like she knew something would happen. He bit her arm, and I don’t know, somehow we got away, but Lexy was bleeding, and was getting sleepy, so I took her back to Momma cause she would know what to do. Momma told me to stay outside, because the smell of blood was making me sick, but next thing I know, they’re yelling. When I run back in, I see Lexy attacking Momma, but I knew her, she’d never do that.... And Momma would never hurt either of us, so she just told me to run as she held Lexy back, but, but I couldn’t, my legs wouldn’t work. I could only stand there being useless as Lexy started attacking and eating Momma, and Momma would just cry, she never yelled in pain, just cried....It…it wasn’t till Momma stopped moving that I was able to run, and I didn’t stop till I was far away. I... I’m not sure, but I think Lexy is still out there……” Since the infection, Theo had learned to silently cry, both so that undead would not hear him and also because the few pokemon that did offer to let him follow them did not let him stay if he cried too much. Which was what he was doing right now.

    He had recounted the story to himself so many times before till he would not cry by talking about it, but it was different when he was telling it to real pokemon.

    ((Darn you Theo for having such a sad background!!!!))
    ((and sorry if it is long))

    The UNION Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:38 pm

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    Union Cave||Night

    Luke silently listened to the other stories from Seruru and Theo. He didn’t really care about their pasts or how they got scars, but he mite as well hear them out. But he soon veered his eyes; not even turning his head, he just knew there was something there, lurking in the shadows. He didn’t change the emotion on his face, didn’t even show any signs that he knew they where being watching, even followed. The last thing he needed was them freaking out about it. He mite as well whisper it to Seruru, since he seemed to be the most reliable if it came to a fight. No offence to the other pokemon, but Theo wasn’t a very good fighter, Kirlia just fled at any sign of danger, and the newest member, Ena, well he just didn’t trust her.

    Not looking away or moving his head, he whispered silently to the Riolu. “Don’t look now Seruru, but were being followed.” He didn’t look to see the reaction on the little pokemons face, he just hoped that he wouldn’t make a big reaction about it. “Don’t tell the others though, I don’t want them freaking out and luring more unwanted company. We’ll just stand by and see what happens, but keep your guard up in case it comes down to a fight.”

    Last edited by LostCall on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The UNION Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Wed Oct 19, 2011 3:35 pm

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    Union Cave | Night

    Seruru lowered his head as he listened to his cohorts story, and felt the darkened, pain emanating Aura slowly flowing from the Ursaring's form... "I'm sorry for your loss, Theo. I wont pretend I know what you went through, but I'm sure we'll all stride to make sure it never happens again, to any Pokémon in our path..."
    He flashed back a mild smile, "Besides, now we're all here to watch each others backs, right?"

    His attention was drawn by the Houndoom that led them, and his mild whispers.
    “Don’t look now Seruru, but were being followed. Don’t tell the others though, I don’t want them freaking out and luring more unwanted company. We’ll just stand by and see what happens, but keep your guard up in case it comes down to a fight.”
    It was with a gentle, almost unnoticeable nod that Seruru replied, his face calm and unscathed by this announcement. He'd sensed a strange Aura since they'd arrived, but until the Houndoom had pointed it out, he hadn't noticed it'd been pursuing them. The little Pokémon flexed his paws, and nodded, as a sort of 'I'm prepared', gesture. He made no effort to alert the Pokémon behind them, but he kept an Aura sight on them, prepared to fight if they were flanked from behind.

    Last edited by Celestion on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:07 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The UNION Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:52 pm

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    Union Cave|Night

    The Litwick listened to Theo's tale about his life. Oh! Mister Leo! That is just terrible! Ena hugged him, trying to comfort. Ena is so sorry Theo had to go through that. So brave! The crazy Litwick giggled. But at least Theo is still nice, after all of that!

    Ena closed her eyes and smiled as she put her small hands together. Ena feels happy to be with other Pokemon. Ena thinks everyone is so nice! She cackled. She turned to the Houndoom. Mister LostCall, do you know if we are almost out of the cave? Ena is anxious to get out!

    The UNION Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 21, 2011 5:39 pm

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    Union Cave|Night

    Whispers, whispers, they kept whispering their wicked little thoughts! The harsh little hisses were making his head hurt he couldn't think this way! Why was he following them again? He couldn't remember, something about...Oh who cares. Flickry was hungry what did it matter why he was following food around? He should just eat them and be done with it. There were only a couple of them that could give him any trouble. But the smaller ones...oh they looked so enticing...

    Flickry felt his mind slipping back into that now familiar darkness. The kind where he lost all track of time and thought and woke up someplace new altogether. The hunger, it was clawing at him, ripping apart his mind. He tried to fight it but just like every other time he failed, miserably. Only this time wasn't like the others.

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    The infection had spread, Flickry was almost completely mad with hunger by this point and could not wait any longer. He sprung at the travelers he had stalked into this deep cave, using a Flamethrower to block their escape. "Souls, Souls, SOULS!" he screeched. He was starving and these creatures were keeping that beautiful food away from him, they were hogging it! Well, Flickry would show them. He began charging a Shadow Ball, intending to take out his nearest target, the little Kirlia.

    ((OOC: He's not completely undead yet but he is about a day away from it. There is pretty much nothing left of the old him))

    The UNION Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:12 pm

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    Union Cave|Night(23)

    As Seruru looked back to calm Theo down, he was glad the dark interior of the cave hid his teary eyes, and nodded back in agreement to him before realizing that they could not see him, “…Yeah, maybe now we’ll be safe. Theo brushed away the last of the tears, slightly ashamed that Ena’s flame shone on his as she got near to show his pathetic teary eyes. But he managed to look down with a smile as Ena comforted him and even hug him, though the size difference made it look like she was hugging his leg. “Thanks Ena” was all he managed to say, he wasn’t quite used to getting comforted by anyone other than his mother, so he had no clue what else to say.

    As he continued to take up the rear, he could hear the houndoom whispering to Seruru, the words were incoherent because of the distance and the echoing cave that made even footsteps drown out other noises. Ordinarily he would assume two people whispering would be gossiping, but those two did not seem like the type, so it must have been something they didn’t want the rest to know, which only made Theo recall the odd sensation he had been having lately, like a phantom itch…..

    The first thing he noticed was the bright contrast in light that suddenly flooded the dark cave, then the heat that rolled off the fire attack. As his eyes adjusted to the difference, he was able to make out a strange pokemon with a flame on its head like Ena, though this one looked strange, most likely an infected. His first full fight since he had evolved, he wanted to test things out about himself, which caused his to be bolder than he would normally ever be by attacking and not running or hiding.

    Going with instincts, Theo threw the log that still had some honey in it at the infected, slightly sad at the loss, but knowing it would only slow him down, and then went to launching a quick slash attack before backing up slightly.

    ((I know normal attacks don't work on ghosts, but Theo doesn't....))

    The UNION Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:13 pm

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    Union Cave||Night

    Luke spun around when he heard the sound of Theo throwing his log at something. He saw the infected that had been following them had finally made its move. Theo tried to use a Slash attack on it, but the bear pokemon didn’t realize that normal attacks didn’t work on ghost pokemon, as ghost attacks didn’t work on normal types. Though it did slow down the infected long enough for him to figure out who its target was, the Kirlia. As it launched its attack at the little psychic pokemon Luke ran and got it out of the way just as it hit the ground, leaving a huge dust cloud in its wake.

    Finally getting a good look at the infected he clenched his teeth in shear anger. It was a Chandelure, the fully evolved form of a Litwick. Luke fired a Dark Pulse at the pokemon, hoping to slow it down while they tried to get away.
    He got behind Theo and began to nudge him forward as a way to say move. He reluctantly picked up the Ena on put her between his horns and they all made a run for it. Hoping it stayed in a daze long enough for them to get far away from it.

    Last edited by LostCall on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The UNION Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:49 pm

    ((I realize it's my time to post, but god. This is working rather well, and I don't know what to do with the infected already on the attack DX))

    The UNION Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 28, 2011 1:18 pm

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    Union Cave | Night (21)

    Seruru found himself nearly incapable of keeping up with the sudden whirlwind of Commotion that engulfed the Union Cave. Within Seconds, an uneasy peace was turned into a sudden uproar, as the strangest Aura suddenly rushed into the air. He could practically smell the fear and aggression, the pure raw hatred that emanated from whatever creature had charged the group... but he could sense just a hint of sanity, hidden beneath an infected shell.

    He whirled around, blood throwing itself through the air as it escaped the gash on his eye. He growled, as the Log Theo had been carrying was launched through the air, and the Houndoom, in a moment of either heroism or barbaric war tactics, erupted into action.
    It was then his eyes met the infected. A Pokémon he'd encountered before, something so often seen in the night sky he'd come to associate them with stars... a Chandelure.
    But he'd never met one, they'd always been infected, always thirsting for his blood. This one was no different.

    As he prepared for actions, his friends hurtled past him, Houndoom saving the Kirlia from the Chandelure's wrath, and taking Theo with him in his escape. The course of action was clear, Seruru would have to use the talents given to him by his frail pokémon form to his advantage. He was fast, he was smart, and what he lacked in Power he made up for in Will.
    With a Quick Attack, Seruru flitted through the air, appearing before the Infected, and waving a blood covered paw, before flitting towards a cavern. Then he took the blood from his eye, from his paw, and ran further into the caves, scraping the blood down the walls, through the darkness, and using his Aura Vision as a guiding light. His last words to the group were, "I'll distract it, and meet you outside!"

    He hadn't given them the time to protest, he knew they'd question him. But he was confident, if not in what his Master had taught him, then in what his fellow Pokémon were capable of doing if he was in need. A pang of doubt was all it would take... so he remained positive, as he steadily began his descent into the cave networks bellow.

    Last edited by Celestion on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The UNION Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The UNION Team

    Post by Guest Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:59 am

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    Union Cave|Night

    An infected Chandelure, the final evolved form of a Litwick like herself, had sprung at the group. Ena quickly unleashed a Confuse Ray. Ena doesn't like the infected! She cried. Suddenly, she felt herself being picked up and found herself between the Houndoom's horns. Ena used Hex quickly on the Chandelure, before the Houndoom took off. Seruru had stayed behind. Be strong mister Seruru!...WEEEEE! THIS IS FUN! The Litwick liked being up higher than usual and going fast.

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