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    The SUNYSHORE Team


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    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Catalyst Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:44 pm

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    | Sunyshore City // Late Evening |

    Krenari growled again, and flung another Muddy Water just before Fin screamed.


    Krenari was about to throw out another Ice Beam before Fin started to zoom around the Gyarados. "Gah. Little thing is blocking me from my attack." she internally snarled, but just as she thought that she saw Fin suddenly blast a Water Pulse right at the Gyarados. Krenari smirked slightly. "Kid's got guts." But her expression changed from amused to almost blank with surprise as she saw the Gyarados' face being slowly reduced to blood. She watched its eyes pop from the tremendous pressure of Water Pulse.".... That kid has potential." she finally agreed hastily, and narrowed her eyes. Her respect went up for the little kid, seeing him in his rage.

    "THAT'S what you GET!"

    She watched him huff furiously as the Gyarados began to sink, still in shock from the pain. Seeing this opportunity, Krenari hissed, and shot a huge Ice Beam from her mouth again. She had seen the little fish in too much rage to not be honored. "Well.... I guess he was a little scared of me, but I think he just gained a little more respect for standing up like that. Any pokemon who can't fight for themselves should not be honored." Krenari internally smirked, and then heard Fin keen in memory of some sort. She had no idea what had been going on before he found them, but she could probably guess that it had been traumatic for the little kid. She'd be at least a little nicer to him now. She put up another Aqua Ring to hide her face because she couldn't help but smile at the "wimp" growing up a bit.


    (OoC: She's gonna be a little nicer in demeanor to Fin now. <3 And it will show~ lol)


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    Just hold out against the night

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    Age : 27
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    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Drago Tue Feb 14, 2012 6:39 pm

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    Sunyshore Coast | Late Evening (9)

    If Aegis had a mouth, his jaw would have hit the ocean floor. He assumed that Fin would try to fight, but to be so successful... It surprised him. His smiled inwardly. He would not have to protect the kid nearly as much as he had thought he would. However, as he watched, Fin's attention became diverted, and it was obvious he was no longer paying attention. The Gyarados was beginning to return, its face smashed in completely. The beast reminded him strikingly of Lucy. Before thought, Aegis shot himself over to the Finneon, wrapping his body around the fish as the Monster swung its tail at him. Pain shot through his body as the large tail shot them yards away. Luckily, due to the monster's new blindness, it only managed to glance to blow off Aegis's shell. "Let's... stay here..." Aegis gasped to Fin, who was still covered by his shell. Thanks to his haste, they had been shot far enough away that Pride and Lucy could finish off the beast themselves. If they could not, Aegis would finish the deed later.

    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:14 pm

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    Sunyshore Coast | Early Morning [12]

    "YOU WILL PAY!" Fin said angrily, Lucy made a confused face, still holding onto the Hydro Pump she had charged up, she really didn't know who that was directed at to, but she heard a sickening pop shortly after hearing the water woosh against the pressure of movements. "THAT'S what you GET!" The Finneon spat, this was one of those times the Gorebyss really wished she could actually see, but she guessed it was directed at the Gyrados. Did it do something that made Fin snap? Lucy never heard the fish snap up until now. Surprising it was to hear a friend snap in under 24 hours they met, but it wasn't that surprising since it was an apocalyptic world.

    She fired her powerful Hyrdo Pump at the Gyrados, feeling pretty much power regaining in her, yet pouring out. It was a confusing feeling, but Lucy felt proud when the smell of the Gyrados turned out definitely dead, hearing the sickening moans and skin ripping apart. The Gorebyss guessed she ripped it in half. Totally not on purpose, but she gave a really sheepish smile at Krenari, "Sorry, I gave the last hit," Lucy apologized, her voice not so distorted, actually sounding sweet and normal, she gave a quick bow, motioning her tail back at the direction they were going, "Should we continue? Or rest?"

    Considering Fin's earlier outburst, maybe it was best to rest, but she should have the teams permission first. It seemed more fair to ask everyone if they were doing fine rather than dragging them everywhere when they were tired or sick.
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    Age : 28
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    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Catalyst Sun Feb 19, 2012 9:34 pm

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    | Sunyshore City // Late Evening |

    Krenari watched as Lucy slammed the Gyarados with a Hydro Pump. Her eyes widened as she heard it groaning as it was ripped in half. She watched as Lucy turned to her.

    "Sorry, I gave the last hit."

    Krenari gave a grin. "It's alright...." she said... sweetly. Krenari honestly didn't mind. She was surprised by the fact that Lucy's Hydro Pump sliced right through the Gyarados when her Ice Beams did barely anything. Krenari closed her eyes as the blood floated up to them and shrouded them. Since they were already undead, this didn't affect them all too much. Krenari took in the water calmly.

    "Should we continue? Or rest?"

    Krenari panted, and quietly spoke. "We should probably stay here...." And, almost as if to back her up unknowingly, Aegis spoke up too.

    "Let's... stay here..."

    "...Agreed...." Krenari muttered, and began to swim to Aegis and Fin. She listened as the talked.

    "I failed... I just-- just failed. I let him die. He's dead and it's all my fault!"

    Krenari was now slightly interested. She swam up to the two pokemon.

    "A-Aegis... I found a small human boy a few days ago. He was stranded on a peice of driftwood... I was helping him t-to get ashore, maybe hoping that he didn't have to d...die. I left him for a quarter on an hour... And when I-I came back... He was g-gone. There was blood on that driftwood. I know that Gyrados did it."

    Now that she thought about it, she saw an arm floating in the waves before they all got together. She didn't bother with eating a few of the fingers though. (C'mon. She's undead. And she doesn't know better.) She watched Fin tremble. For once, she actually pushed past her vain ideas of pride to look at Fin. Only the innocence of a child puts you into reality of how fucked up things can get when you're all grown up. She noticed then that she was staring, but with a soft look. She then looked away, and to Lucy. She looked to Aegis, who looked around with his 3 eyes. She then looked down to the two severed parts of the Gyarados, which were still slightly visible on the ocean floor. Krenari blinked, and then sighed.
    "So, we all agree on staying, then?" she said surprisingly calm. Even if her obsession with pride was overpowering most of the time, she was still capable of feeling.

    Last edited by TailsFoxStar on Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:42 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 27
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    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Drago Sun Feb 19, 2012 10:35 pm

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    Sunyshore Coast | Late Evening (10)

    As the Gyrados died, Aegis felt something began to itch in the back of his shell. It began small, but slowly began to increase. For the time being, he pushed it aside, however. His instincts told him what it was, but he ignored it. No time at the moment. Strange how much he was relying on instinct these days. The Ancient World was very different from this apocolyptic wasteland he awoke to. He shook his body, frustrated with how things had played out. At least he could help here though. He could protect Fin, at least.

    Aegis weighed his options. Pride had misinterpreted his message to Fin. In truth, he didn't want to stay where they were. The water was deep, and another attack would spell much worse disaster than already had befallen the group. They needed to stay together, however, as much as that rubbed against Aegis's instincts. It just... didn't feel right. The rain above had already begun to slow, and he felt the energy drain slowly from his body. The drain from the battle was begining to hit him, as well as the pain from when the Gyrados had knocked him and Fin aside. "We need to rest." He agreed. "But not here. Who knows what's lurking in these waters. I vote we find shallower ground. Perhaps the Shore. Pride and I can take watch on land, to watch for any birds or land-dwellers, and Lucy and Fin can watch the waters." He hated to leave Fin, but Lucy seemed protective enough. He didn't think she would hurt him.

    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Feb 19, 2012 10:53 pm

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    Sunyshore | Late Evening [13]

    "It's alright...." Krenari replied with a sweet tone, the Gorebyss rose a brow, but shrugged it off. She never really heard kindness from the Vaporeon up until now, "We should probably stay here...." Aegis perked up, "Let's... stay here..." Lucy nodded, she got the team's approval... All except Fin's. He never replied, the Water-type wondered why, with the strength of her tail, Lucy propelled over next to Aegis's and Fin's scent, only to hear the Finneon go into a story;

    "A-Aegis... I found a small human boy a few days ago. He was stranded on a peice of driftwood... I was helping him t-to get ashore, maybe hoping that he didn't have to d...die. I left him for a quarter on an hour... And when I-I came back... He was g-gone. There was blood on that driftwood. I know that Gyrados did it."

    Eyes would have been widened if Lucy actually had them, the Gorebyss left her tail on Fin's back, patting it slowly. As if a mother soothing a child.
    "We need to rest." Aegis spoke up, Lucy looked in his direction, listening intensively, "But not here. Who knows what's lurking in these waters. I vote we find shallower ground. Perhaps the Shore. Pride and I can take watch on land, to watch for any birds or land-dwellers, and Lucy and Fin can watch the waters."

    The Gorebyss felt she should object to the idea, they were still close to Sunyshore City, but with shallow ground, not much deep-sea Pokemon would come and snatch up one of the team mates. Despite Lucy being one as well, though she was noted as the 'South Sea' Pokemon. She swallowed the words she had in mind, grabbing Fin with her tail and hugging the Pokemon, "Lucy loves Fin, let's go watch out for stinky Pokemon!"

    [Ooc: Permission to grab and hug Fin from Ciana lol]
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    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Catalyst Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:43 pm

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    | Sunyshore City // Late Evening |

    "We need to rest. But not here. Who knows what's lurking in these waters. I vote we find shallower ground. Perhaps the Shore. Pride and I can take watch on land, to watch for any birds or land-dwellers, and Lucy and Fin can watch the waters."

    Krenari nodded. "I will do my job as expected." She looked to Lucy, who wrapped her body around Fin and held him.

    "Lucy loves Fin, let's go watch out for stinky Pokemon!"

    Krenari's eye twitched as one side of her mouth pulled to a smile. She saw Fin look back at her, and surprisingly smile. Krenari stood blankly for a moment, then gave a quick twitch of the lips and her lips went into a smile. It was something very rare for her for someone who she had disliked before. But after looking at how innocent she was, she didn't have the heart to be mean. "Something must have been in that Gyarados's blood; I'm not thinking straight." She saw Fin turn away, and kept the small smile on her face, "But then again... I don't think I want to...." Her lips suddenly curled into a huge grin. She, for once, felt slightly liberated from her selfish views. She followed them as they went to shore to rest. Victory Road could wait.

    Last edited by TailsFoxStar on Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:43 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Just hold out against the night

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    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Drago Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:04 am

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    Sunyshore Shore | Late Evening (11)

    Aegis glanced once more at his newfound friends, and beelined for Shore. He arrived first, and nodded to Krenari as he climbed up onto shore. His Pincers sank in the sand up until the rocks seperating the city for the water. He took his place in the rocks, and stood on a small-ish one, one pincer clawing on to each corner. There he stood, like a gargoyle watching the skies for danger. He didn't spend all his time watching the sky, however. He devoted his two lower eyes to watching the water, trying to keep an eye on Fin and Lucy, making sure nothing came along that they missed. It was difficult, however. From the angle he was at, the water was a mirror under the moonlight.

    The stars were what caught his attention, after a while. They were beautiful, the spirits of his ancestors, long passed. He belonged up there, he knew, but in some twist of fate, he had been awoken from his eternal sleep by scientists. He didn't resent them, but he wished he could have been brought into a better world. One not plagued by disaster. He imagined the Undead felt similar, unable to rest themselves. Working up his courage, he finally spoke to Pride. "Krenari..." He started, muttering his clicking voice into the rocks. Unsure if she could hear him, he continued. "What's your history like?" He wanted to know how she came here. Aegis surrounded himself in history, WAS history, and strove to learn more. Pride was no exception.

    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:24 am

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    Sunyshore Coast | Late Evening [14]

    "Th-thanks Lucy!" Fin replied with a giggle, pride warmed up in Lucy, she made her friend smile when he was down! It was hard for her to cheer up those that were sad back when Lucy was a Clampearl. Yet, it was easy to cheer him up back then... The Gorebyss shook her head, she thought the tears were coming, but then realized she had no eye sockets, it would be improbable that tears were to come streaming down, especially since there's also the ocean surrounding her that her tears don't show up.

    As she reached her position of watching out for stinkies with Fin, the scent of Krenari and Aegis became distant as they reached for land. It was difficult for the Gorebyss to smell anything that was on land, but she knew that the two wouldn't leave Lucy and Fin to fend for the themselves, despite the fact that they can't get on land like Krenari and Aegis.

    Muffled voices came from the surface, Lucy looked up, it was probably the Vaporeon and the Kabuto chattering, the Gorebyss couldn't help, but wonder what they were conversing about. She shook her head, she can't leave her position, and not leave Fin alone.
    Silence embedded the ocean. Only the muffled voices of Krenari and Aegis could be heard, though Lucy can't really make it out. The Gorebyss began humming a simple tune, it was sweet, soothing. Even she herself wanted to sleep at the moment. A hum to fill the sea, being surrounded by friends that didn't pity her like others, Lucy just wanted to be safe and sound.
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    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Catalyst Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:52 am

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    | Sunyshore City // Night |

    Krenari huffed as they reached shore. She didn't acknowledge the other two as she climbed up, but she was watching them. She sat on a flat rock, one near Aegis. She shook; trying to get the water off her fur that made her slick and cold. She turned a couple of circles, and lay down. She then heard Aegis talk.

    "Krenari... What's your history like?"

    "Mmm?" Krenari opened her eyes, and looked towards Aegis.
    "Well.... My history isn't exactly decent...." Krenari gave an almost evil grin. She didn't direct it at Aegis as she looked out over the sea. "All the pretty pokemon I've killed...." she thought, and went to the deep recesses of her mind to pull them out.
    "Here. I will only tell you if you promise not to think of me differently. Since then I've... changed, quite a bit." Krenari looked down. Though she still relished in the killing she did, she didn't think of doing anything like that now. Now that she had... friends.... The word was foreign to her, but gave her a comfortable feeling of... reason.... Like she was here to protect.... She looked down to Lucy and Fin. Her eyes sparkled from the moonlight on the glassy water and it reflected into her own.


    (OoC: I thought I'd change the time period to night. |D Seing as ow it makes sense. Been Late Evening for the whole RP.)

    Last edited by TailsFoxStar on Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:43 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 27
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    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Drago Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:59 am

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    Sunyshore City | Night (12)

    "Krenari..." Aegis had temporarily abandoned the easier to say name the Vaporeon had adopted. He felt this was a formal occasion. "I'm old. My opinions don't change very often anymore. I may not have lived all these years, but I've still existed. Please, tell me about yourself." He wanted to be able to trust her. He really did. His instincts... Damn my instincts. I've never needed them before. But the small voice in the back of his head whispered back reasons he needed it now. If he wanted to survive, he needed to trust his instincts. However, if he wanted to survive, he needed to trust his friends. Pride had proven herself in the battle against that Gyrados. She had rushed into danger without hesitation for self-preservation. He respected her for that. He still didn't know if he trusted her, though. He needed to hear the story.

    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Feb 20, 2012 1:10 am

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    Sunyshore Coast | Dawn [15]

    The Gorebyss threw a glance at Fin while she hummed, the glow coming from him, it must have been natural since she was sure evolution was not to come for him yet. Lucy stopped her humming, making it fade as she stared off into the distance, though she was blind, she tried to imagine the area. She didn't really know what 'colors' were, how they look. Mostly because she had been blind her whole life. All she could see was just some black screen over her sight.

    "Fin-Fin..." Lucy began, she already had given her friend a nickname. It seemed awkward for the Gorebyss, since her voice wasn't distorted anymore for some reason, instead more soothing, "What does the world look like to you?" The Gorebyss was curious on what the ocean looked like, what the ground looked like, the skies, the colors. It was probably a gift to be able to see. Lucy didn't get that gift sadly. "What was life before stink?" She asked another question, she was curious of Fin's life before the Epidemic.
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    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Catalyst Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:51 am

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    | Sunyshore City // Night |

    "Krenari... I'm old. My opinions don't change very often anymore. I may not have lived all these years, but I've still existed. Please, tell me about yourself."

    Krenari embarrassingly looked at Aegis from her looking at the water.
    "Well.... Alright. Only because you said please." she added sarcasm to her voice. She really didn't want to do this; her past was so bloody and gory that she was afraid she's chase away Aegis and Fin. As much as she hated to admit it, she was starting to like Fin as a significant pokemon. I think it was the innocence in those child-like eyes. She looked to Aegis, her body still slick with water. Even if it had only been only a while.
    "... Where do I begin?" she chuckled nervously, "Oh. Well. I'll start off with my birth. I was born, and I had no parents. The other pokemon I knew made fun of me when I was an Eevee.... I loathed and hated them with their pretty little faces...." she had to angrily groan at the memory, having it slightly raw still.
    "I also went off on my own a lot.... I came across a pool of what seemed acidic water. But, I saw a water stone in the water. I had to decide; burning myself or evolving into this thin body I have. Well, I took the chance to grab the shiny stone, but burnt my paw in the process. I felt my body transform to this. I looked at myself in the water, and I felt great. I looked... beautiful, for once. I loved it. I strove to become even more pretty and restore my own self pride about myself. I soon became obsessed; I would put others to death just to put myself higher. I would make "friends" with those bully pokemon and ask them to follow my to the pool of acidic water, one by one. Every one of them I took by surprise and forced their little head into the water to have their eye-sockets burn out!!" she suddenly and loudly hissed in memory, and then regretted crying out.
    "Sorry," she muttered, "the memories are still like fresh wounds. Anyway.... Yes, that's what I did to them all. Put their faces in acid until they burned alive and kept in horrible pain. They weren't able to push me away; their pain overpowered their strength. When they were weak enough, I'd throw them in; their whole body. I watch them deteriorate into nothing but bones.... One of them, though, didn't get completely burned up. I remember, I drowned him, his face was gone, but then, I was short of time. I bit his neck to ensure death, but the next day his body was gone. I pondered for a second that maybe he was eaten, but there was no blood in particular that would lead to him being drug off. That's when I realized. The water was acidic, but it was tainted with... the virus....
    As you could imagine, I went pretty much insane... I had been so scared, that I went into a frenzy. I don't even remember what I did during that time.... I was sure that my virus had controlled my brain the moment I realized I had it. I only remember that I ran away from my home, and as soon as I got to the shoreline, I recognized this place. I sunk myself into the water and disappeared; melting to water. I've lived some time out here; my virus not really making me blood thirsty as most of them.... Mine seems to just hang onto my heightened pride. But... something in me has recently changed.... I don't know what it is, but it's changed...."
    Krenari looked to Aegis, waiting for his approval of story. She then looked away, and closed her eyes; she heard Aegis's response as she lay her head. She decided to rest her eyes....

    | Sunyshore City // Dawn |

    Krenaris tired eyes blinked open. The lenses of her eyes were covered with bits of film and mucus. She blinked again, clearing it away. She saw the atmosphere was lighter, and brighter. It was spiritual for her, in a way.
    "Dawn of a new day...." she gave a tiny smile as she looked over the glimmering water. She then heard commotion down in the water. She looked down into the water, and saw Fin elated for some reason. She dipped her face in enough that she could see him. She then had to close her eyes tightly as a huge bright light encased the little fish. She opened them once the light on her lids disappeared. She then looked and saw the butterfly wings of the evolved pokemon. Her eyes widened a bit.

    "L-Lucy! I-I evolved! Call me... Lumi,"

    Krenari looked blankly at him. "Congratulations." Krenari said normal toned, but even so a bit happy. The Finneon's eyes changed.... He didn't seem so scared anymore. Now Krenari was slightly frightened that if he got mad at her for any reason, that he'd attack. Not that she was afraid, but she didn't want to kill the little fish if it came to it. But then again... she now felt as thought she would rather die for these new friends of hers rather than sacrifice or kill them.... What was going on with her. She took her head out of the water as soon as she had congratulated. She looked to Aegis to see if he was awake or asleep.


    (OoC: Long history post is long. owo)

    Last edited by TailsFoxStar on Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:43 pm; edited 2 times in total


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    Just hold out against the night

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    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Drago Wed Feb 22, 2012 5:35 pm

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    Sunyshore City | Night (13)

    Aegis was surprised Pride had confided in him. He had been expecting hers to be a bloody history, but had thought she would resist his prying. However, she related to him the story with little resistance. For the time being, at least, Aegis decided to trust her. She was obviously relatively sane, and besides, he suspected she was stronger than he anyway. Had he not chosen to side with her, it would result badly anyway. He said nothing after the story, and instead continued to watch the moon, contemplating the last few hours. He kept watch through the night while Pride slept. He was not tired, after all.

    Sunyshore City | Dawn

    Aegis was so lost in thought, he was surprised as his top eye began to burn. Jumping to the tips of his claws, he looked around, scanning for danger. He felt rather foolish, however, when he realized the heat was from staring at the rising sun. It truly was beautiful, the sun rising up over the horizon like that. He could feel that the wind had changed direction slightly too. He could hear what Fin and Lucy were saying now. He didn't listen much, until Fin's high-voice started to pick up intensity. Before long, there was a brief flash, and the small Finneon was gone, replaced by a much larger fish, with long wings instead of tiny flippers. And he had changed his name as well. Scuttling backwards, Aegis made room to move, then shot off the rock with an Aqua Jet, spinning in the air as he left. He landed in the water, nearby the two water types. "Congratulations, Lumi!" He said, putting extra emphasis on his new name. "I hope you're both feeling more rested now?"

    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:22 pm

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    Sunyshore Coast | Dawn [16]

    "W-well, Lucy... The world is full of lights and colors. Lots of movement and life." Fin replied, he stuttered at first, but his voice became full of confidence as he continued, "Oh, oh Lucy! The world is so beautiful, I wish you could see it! The sky is always so light, blue with fluffy white clouds and then it becomes dark as the sun sets and night comes around. The sea, the water, is so slear and yet so blue. The plants, such a vibrant green!"
    Lucy felt her heart crumble up, 'Colors? What does Green look like? Blue? What is the meaning of light?' The Gorebyss felt some blood trailing down her face, acting as a replacement for tears. 'Why can't I see Arceus? Why am I the only one that doesn't have the gift? Don't I deserved it? You took my family, my friends, and... My love... Why? Stop taking them, why am I being punished? Why me?'

    'Well why?!'

    Warmth. Warmth. She felt warmth when she snapped out of thoughts, turning toward Fin's direction, she smelled something different about the Water-type, as if something changed. "F-Fin-Fin?" She stuttered, did he die? Did Arceus take him too? Why was it a warm feeling instead of ice cold?

    "L-Lucy!" A voice called out, it sounded like Fin's, except deeper, who is this? "I-I evolved! Call me... Lumi." Evolve? What is 'evolve'? Lucy nodded shakily, she tried to cover up the fact she was slowly tearing apart on the inside, faking a smile, "Lums! I'll call you Lums from now." She gave another quick nod, "Congratulations Lums, I remember when I first evolved, hehe..."
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    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Catalyst Sat Feb 25, 2012 8:21 pm

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    | Sunyshore City // Dawn |

    Krenari sighed, and slipped into the water again. She shouldn't be so afraid of this fish (who was just about as large as her now). She swam in next to them and smiled.
    "So... um.... Where are we headed? Are we still going on our expected journey?" She tried not to look at Lumi. The fact that Fin had turned into Lumi was a bit... sad, for her. She was not afraid that he could beat her now, but the fact that if ever DID fight her, she'd have to let herself get beaten up. She couldn't possibly fight that extremely innocent kid.... She looked up from her head hanging slightly. She thought she saw the figure of a large, whale looking thing swim by far away. Her eyes narrowed. "A large whale pokemon.... Better hope that thing isn't after us...." She kept glaring at the figure until she couldn't make it out anymore. But just as she looked away, she didn't catch the fact that it had reappeared....


    (OoC: Mind if I throw a bit of a challenge in here again? >w> I mean, I don't have to if you don't want to~)

    Last edited by TailsFoxStar on Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:44 pm; edited 2 times in total


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 27
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    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Drago Sat Feb 25, 2012 8:41 pm

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    Sunyshore City | Dawn (14)

    Aegis thought about Krenari's question. "Why waste more time? Let's head to Victory Road." The evolution of the fish he took in stride. Evolution was, of course, part of life. He could feel his evolution coming, the itch still at the back of his shell. He held it at bay still, knowing he would let it come when the time was right. He could picture the Kabutops of old, the frightening scythes of their arms, the strange shape of their body. He didn't want to frighten his friends, nor take away from the moment that Lumi was so obviously enjoying. He couldn't do that to him. He clicked, not waiting for a reply. He continued to head in the direction they had been going before running into the Gyrados, albiet a bit more slowly.

    ((OOC: Yeah, let's get some more challenges. Not much to work with atm. :x))

    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:28 pm

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    Sunyshore Coast | Dawn [17]

    "Thanks Lucy, Aegis. Pride." Lumi responded, he sounded more mature and confident than before-evolution Fin. For some reason, she felt like the next few minutes were all something needed to see for. Lucy began to quiver, blood spilled from her eyes a bit more, the Gorebyss turned herself away from the group, "I-I'm going to go swim a bit, I need to check something, don't follow me please." Before she could listen to any responses, she sped off away from her friends, her teeth clenched, I want to see the world too, I want to see the wonders, colors, the sights and beauty... Why Arceus? Why am I the only one to not get the gift?

    Lucy's thoughts were immediately snapped when she smelled an unfamiliar smell. Undead, reeking from somewhere nearby, she made a frown, Where? I don't want them to hurt my friends... She moved her head each direction, trying to hear a bit better. It was best to call out for her friends and warn them, "Guys! There's an undea-" She was then cut off.

    It was then she was hit on the side immediately, the Gorebyss felt the enormous force push her against the water, and slamming onto a boulder. She felt herself immediately get slammed by a wave, as if she wasn't allowed to think anymore. The Gorebyss limply floated in the ocean, the undead Wailord that hit her swam slowly toward Lucy, as if savoring the victory of killing.
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    Age : 28
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    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Catalyst Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:39 pm

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    | Sunyshore City // Dawn |

    Krenari looked up to Lumi, who seems a bit mildly irritated at her. He then drifted closer, as if to talk to her. She went to begin, but inly let out an subtle noise which was the beginning of an "I" when Lumi said something.

    "I-I'm going to go swim a bit, I need to check something, don't follow me please."

    Krenari turned, and was just about to speak, when she stopped with a small groan of disapproval. She didn't want him to be upset with her. She turned around, and hung her head again. Man, now what was she going to do? Now he probably thought she disapproved of him when it was opposite of what she felt. She looked forward, and saw no sight of the Wailord she had just seen. Her eyes went from stationary to wild, and looking around in front of her. She sniffed, smelling that it was near. All the others were behind her, and she couldn't see what they were doing. Suddenly, she heard Lucy talk.

    "Guys! There's an undea-"

    Krenari heard a loud noise as Lucy was smacked into the boulders near the cliff they slept on. Lumi came rushing back.


    Krenari looked a bit to the side as he rushed to Lucy. Then, the Wailord started to close in on both of them. Krenari's eyes narrowed. "Not on my watch." she muttered, then flew towards the Wailord. It had almost gotten to them.... She suddenly skid upright, stopping right in front of the Wailord. It had been a bit taken aback by Krenari; it stopped. Krenari's face turned into something evil. Her body breathed angrily as her paws were out to her sides.
    "Don't you even DARE get NEAR THEM, you FUCKER!!" she screeched loudly, and with a scream like you'd hear from a cat, she flew at him, ripping at the Wailord's eyes to try to blind it. The Wailord roared as Krenari scratched out one of it's eyes, and it bucked as she tried to claw at its face more. Krenari sunk her claws and teeth into it's face, hanging on as it thrashed, now away from the rocks. It roared, and slapped around with its tail. Krenari them let out a huge Ice Beam, making the eyeball she had clamped into freeze; rending the whale blind. She yelped like a cat would as she was suddenly thrown off of the Wailord; it now had a chance to catch her while she had been loose. She flew back into the water, and growled as she stopped in an up-right position. She then put up an Aqua Ring, went invisible, and attack it with a Muddy Water; racing at it was she was inside the mud to be camouflaged so she could grab hold of the whale again.


    (OoC: She just went boss. >|3)

    Last edited by TailsFoxStar on Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:44 pm; edited 2 times in total


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

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