Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    Drecht the Golden Salamence (Dragon|| Johto)


    Age : 36
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    Drecht the Golden Salamence (Dragon|| Johto) Empty Drecht the Golden Salamence (Dragon|| Johto)

    Post by Silverishness Mon Dec 26, 2011 4:35 pm

    Drecht the Golden Salamence (Dragon|| Johto) Drecht_profile_ej_by_silverishness-d4kdxzj

    Hex Color #FFCC11
    Item None
    Gender Male
    Age Adult (38 in Human terms)
    Species #373 Salamence/The Dragon Pokémon)
    Height 6'9"
    Weight 300.6 lbs
    Pokédex Entry After many long years, its cellular structure underwent a sudden mutation to grow wings. When angered, it loses all thought and rampages out of control.
    Level 64
    Ability Intimidate
    Nature Adamant
    Characteristic Hates to Lose
    Moves -Flamethrower (TM)
    -Zen Headbutt
    -Dragon Claw
    -Focus Energy
    History Drecht, ever since he was a little bagon, was treasured. The golden little dragon whelp was a sign of properity in his community, and was raised as such. The community of Salamence he lived with were perched high on a cliff face, so no one could bother them. He grew up, happy and healthy into a strong salamence, like his parents before him. However, the community leader was overthrown by a power-hungry hydreigon and, though Drecht had tried to fight back, was pushed from his home and sent out into the real wild.

    He was soon caught by a trainer, unaware of humans and their schemes. That trainer was, while not the best kind, humored by the golden dragon and simply sold him for millions on the market. An old man had bought him, simply hungry for a companion. It was with this man Drecht owed all of his higher thinking. The old man taught him to read, to think critically, to solve his own problems with the tools he was given. He was far smarter than any of his own kind, much less lesser pokemon.

    Then, burglars. While Drecht was easily able to fend them off, there was one among them that did not fall so pitifully. The burglar, a Team Rocket member, killed the old man and stole Drecht, placing him on his team. Threatened by the other pokemon, as well as the new trainer and his gun, Drecht could only silently obey.

    The time spent in Rocket was not a complete waste. He met a good friend, a skilled assassin scyther known only as "Skoll". The two were able to get along, but Drecht secretly wished death upon the Rocket member who had killed his original owner.

    His prayers were answered. The pandemic hit, and in an effort to save himself, the Rocket member released all of his pokemon at once, thinking they would sacrifice themselves for him. Drecht took his body and tossed it at the onslaught of Infected. They took him, and Drecht was glad for it.

    Now he roams, looking for Skoll and any other living pokemon worth saving.
    Appearance Drecht is a massive wall of gold and crimson, towering over other of his kin. Lean muscle and glittering, healthy scales cover him from head to toe, making him a sight to behold indeed. He carries himself with pride and arrogance, knowing that he is a fantastic specimen.
    Personality Arrogant, sophisticated, ruthless, calm and calculating are a few words to describe this dragon. While he does have a moral compass somewhere buried beneath his ego, it only seems to surface in matters that involve others' lives. Food and material items are another matter, going to whomever deserves them.
    User Notes -Doesn't like battling all that much, but is not opposed to it
    -Knows how to read, and, to a small extent, write
    -Does not like feeling oppressed and will lash out
    -Very cynical
    -Aside from title, this has not been altered. Here is the dual profile created before I left for cross-reference.

    Last edited by Silverishness on Thu Oct 16, 2014 4:59 am; edited 6 times in total


    Drecht the Golden Salamence (Dragon|| Johto) PCP637Drecht the Golden Salamence (Dragon|| Johto) 635Drecht the Golden Salamence (Dragon|| Johto) 196

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    Drecht the Golden Salamence (Dragon|| Johto) Empty Re: Drecht the Golden Salamence (Dragon|| Johto)

    Post by Silverishness Tue Dec 27, 2011 11:27 am

    He's done~!


    Drecht the Golden Salamence (Dragon|| Johto) PCP637Drecht the Golden Salamence (Dragon|| Johto) 635Drecht the Golden Salamence (Dragon|| Johto) 196

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    Drecht the Golden Salamence (Dragon|| Johto) Empty Re: Drecht the Golden Salamence (Dragon|| Johto)

    Post by Lugia Tue Dec 27, 2011 11:50 am

    You and your fricken shinies...

    Approved. You're after the persian.


    Drecht the Golden Salamence (Dragon|| Johto) Shadowlugiasig


    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


    Age : 36
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    Drecht the Golden Salamence (Dragon|| Johto) Empty Re: Drecht the Golden Salamence (Dragon|| Johto)

    Post by Silverishness Thu Oct 16, 2014 4:59 am

    Ready for re-approval.


    Drecht the Golden Salamence (Dragon|| Johto) PCP637Drecht the Golden Salamence (Dragon|| Johto) 635Drecht the Golden Salamence (Dragon|| Johto) 196

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    Drecht the Golden Salamence (Dragon|| Johto) Empty Re: Drecht the Golden Salamence (Dragon|| Johto)

    Post by Mew Thu Oct 16, 2014 5:44 pm

    Moves need to be labled as to how they were learned. Other than that, profile approved.


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