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    Fred the Quilava (Alph, Johto)


    Age : 25
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    Fred the Quilava (Alph, Johto) Empty Fred the Quilava (Alph, Johto)

    Post by Abysswalker Fri Dec 23, 2011 11:23 pm

    Fred the Quilava (Alph, Johto) Large_118706
    (Fred is actually shiny, but I couldnt find a pic of a shiny Quil. This is temporary; borrowed from Explotaro's profile.)




    -Flame Wheel
    -Quick Attack

    Blaze: When Fred's HP is below 1/3rd, Fire’s power increases to 1.5 times.


    Likes to relax, impetuous and silly, somewhat of a clown.

    Number, Name of Pokemon, Type of Pokemon:
    #156: Quilava, the Volcano Pokemon.


    45 lbs

    Pokédex Entry:
    This Pokémon is fully covered by nonflammable fur. It can withstand any kind of fire attack.


    Fred's was born on April first, and every who knew him agreed that it was quite a prophetic day. As a young Cyndaquil, Fred was always getting into trouble and planning one prank after the other. Thankfully for him, he had inherited the intelligence of his parents, and that made Fred's tricks even better. While his younger siblings laughed along with Fred and loved all the mischief had made, some of the other members of the family found him annoying and immature. They tried to teach Fred to be sophisticated and dignified, but that just wasn't Fred's personality. He laughed at their attempts and would pull the most hilarious pranks on those certain members, though sometimes he did get a little carried away with his tricks. When Fred evolved into a Quilava, everyone thought he would be more mature, but he was still the same old Fred. Where Fred's humour and friendly personality made him friends at one time, his sarcasm and occasional cruelty drove Pokemon away at others. So when his family started this huge fight over stuff like territory rights, prey, and whether or not they should move, Fred was forced to choose between his parents, siblings, and grandparents, and the other relatives he had been threatened by. Fred didn't know what his relatives wanted with him, the sarcastic, outgoing Quilava he was, and Fred knew that his family's lives could be in danger if he sided with them. So Fred did the only thing he felt he could do; leave the family behind entirely. Cut ties. Fred had always been very daring, and it seemed that his nerve had taken him a step too far....but he always felt like departure had been the best choice.

    Fred traveled to Violet City, where he met a very strange human girl with a Swampert by her side. She wasn't like the other humans, who always tried to grab Fred or capture him in those metal spheres. She left him alone even though that Swampert of hers could've defeated Fred in an instant. It was a beautiful spring day, and Fred was laying down in the soft grass, watching humans battle with other Pokemon. Fred had little combat experience, and had even less experience with humans, but was curious about the whole concept of two entirely different species working together. The Quilava had just gotten up to search for some berries when he met eyes with the Swampert girl. Under her gaze, Fred decided to show off a little; he had never gotten a chance to show his family his agility and the size of his flames. With the girl watching, Fred performed everything, whether it involved flames, leaping, creating a tornado of fire in midair, stuff like that. Not long after, the girl was really laughing. Fred had been making others chuckle long enough to know whether someone was laughing at you or with you, and this girl seemed to be amused with the tricks Fred had shown her. This was the first experience the Quilava had with humans, but the Swampert didn't seem impressed with Fred and performed a few moves of his own. It didn't take long before the two were actually fighting...but Fred didn't stand a chance, and was knocked out cold by the Swampert's Hydro Pump.

    Fortunately for the Quilava, the human girl got him healed up quickly with a few of those bottles containing healing liquids. Determined to get back at the Swampert, and wondering what it was like to travel with a human, Fred joined the duo. Fred never lost his mischievous ways, and pulled pranks on that Swampert everyday. The girl was excited that she had a new companion, and found Fred funny and sweet, though she didn't like it when he showed his cruel personality. Around this time, the epidemic struck Johto. The three had just began to travel to Town and were halfway there, when, in the dense fog outside of the city, a Noctowl gone completely savage attacked the group and killed the girl, then shortly finished off the Swampert. Even with the ferocious attacks of the water-type, the Noctowl would not die, it seemed to not feel the pain of the attacks. Stinking of blood and death, the vicious owl attacked Fred next-but the Quilava was swift, knew he had no chance, and fled. The Quilava lost the monster soon after, and stumbled into the Ruins of Alph after a long time wandering. The girl and her Swampert was dead; he was alone. Fred should've been depressed and miserable from it all, but the Quilava did not give in to despair. Come on, he's Fred, king of humor and cheer....and what use was wallowing in misery when you were already wallowing in the remains of the dead?

    User Note:
    .Fred is outgoing, daring, and very sarcastic. He can be cruel to those he dislikes whether he's being funny or not, and isn't afraid to resort to desperate measures to get back at those who have tricked him.

    .Even with his bad traits, Fred makes everyone laugh and is actually good-natured. When he's with people he likes, Fred is always trying to create a cheerful mood and is friendly. Around people he hates/dislikes...well, that's not the side Fred wants to be.

    .Fred is shorter and heavier than most Quilava are, but he doesn't mind being called short and uses his height to his advantage in battles.

    .Fred wears a snow hat that was given to him by 'the girl,' mainly because he was curious about why a human wore such a thing on their head. It was the first and last gift from the girl. (Will get an image with the hat later.)

    .Based off Fred Weasley from Harry Potter (TOLD you I was a nerd. Shame that Fred DIES >:C)

    Last edited by Skyraven on Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:09 am; edited 2 times in total


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

    Age : 37
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    Fred the Quilava (Alph, Johto) Empty Re: Fred the Quilava (Alph, Johto)

    Post by Suicune Sun Dec 25, 2011 12:50 am



    Founding Admin


    Age : 25
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    Fred the Quilava (Alph, Johto) Empty Re: Fred the Quilava (Alph, Johto)

    Post by Abysswalker Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:10 am

    Changed his history, I would like Fred on the Alph Team instead. :)


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

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