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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Will you survive?


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8 posters

    The WHITE team


    The WHITE team - Page 2 Empty Re: The WHITE team

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:06 pm

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    White Forest | Dawn (4)

    Koren flicked his ears back listening for sounds in the forest as Loto answered his question. Koren loved how excited he acted and thought that maybe it was just the thing he needed to start fresh in his life. That in itself brought a slight smile to Koren's face but not a full one.

    "I have this splendid redwood circle where I used to bring my pals over to, though sadly they've all gone up and disappeared when the deaths began!" Loto's smile was almost contagious in the dawn sky. "I'll bring you all right over."

    To answer his new friend, Koren stepped forward and nodded to him before following in the direction that Loto had began going. He almost told him how great it was for him to lead them to safety but then he too caught sight of the figure and stopped in his walk, his eyes trained on it.

    "EEEEEEElllEECCCTRRRRRRooooOO." Its echoing cry lit the air around them and sent nerves running down Koren's spine. Anger surged through him and it hit a boiling point as it spilled through his fur into a strong Flame Charge. Leaping forward, he aimed his attack right for the disgusting undead as it aimed a Hammer Arm at Akida.

    (OOC: I left it wide open if you want to dodge Thane(:)

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The WHITE team - Page 2 Empty Re: The WHITE team

    Post by Negative10 Thu Jan 05, 2012 1:56 am

    [ooc: permission to Thanatos to attack Lotto (not kill lol)]
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    White Forest | Dawn

    Akida simply laughed off his defensive posture, and all around him Lotto could sense movement. Figuring that something was happening (and trust him, he didn't miss happenings!), the Bidoof stood from his position before instantly regretting it. There was mayhem everywhere; an electric type freaking him out with it's bedraggled appearance, an attack aimed at the Zigzagoon (oh no!), and the other two - Koren and Nitro - began their assault.

    Once, Lotto had been something similar to a loyal Growlithe; it was one thing of his past that lingered persistently, a something-of-an-identity that he once was. Must've had some good food back then... The Bidoof began to giggle at the thought of food. Sliced Oran berries, Pecha juice, with a nice serving of cooked Starly... Perfection! By now, the Plump Mouse had distracted himself from the battle, staring sightlessly into the sky as he imagined food.

    This battle wasn't his battle. He had never met that electric type before, it had no grudge against him. So it must obviously be going for another Pokemon... This isn't my fight.

    The WHITE team - Page 2 Empty Re: The WHITE team

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 07, 2012 6:23 pm

    (Skip please, writers block)

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The WHITE team - Page 2 Empty Re: The WHITE team

    Post by Catalyst Sun Jan 08, 2012 1:06 am

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    | White Forest // Dawn |

    Akida's eyes shrunk for only a fraction of a second as the Electabuzz flew at her. Time seemed to slow to an almost standstill as she somehow managed to dodge to the huge Hammer Arm coming down and aiming right for her face. She rapidly turned a fraction of a second after the undead attacked, and saw Koren use Flame Charge. Akida smiled softly at the fact he was so speedy in reaction time, like she was. She has no time to think though as she crouched again, leaning her quills toward the large zombie pokemon, and unleashed a bombardment of Pin Missiles straight for it. She smirked as she let off the last of her spikes. "Let's see it stop that."


    (OoC: OTL short post is short. ^^; I left her attack open for you to attempt to dodge, Thanatos.

    Last edited by TailsFoxStar on Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:19 pm; edited 2 times in total


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The WHITE team - Page 2 Empty Re: The WHITE team

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:10 am

    White Forest/Early Morning (3)
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Air,nothing but,there is.Gone,Akida is.Furious pace,travels the Vulpix at.Quicker,am I.Up,I jump.

    Whistles,does the air.Twist I,towards the sound.Try to dodge,I.But fly,I can not.Half a dozen soft thuds,hear I.Back,I land on.Feel,nothing I.My nerves,the fungus deadens.

    Screams,the darkness.Screamss blood.Screams bones.Screams death.Sit up do I."EEeeeLLeeccTTTRrrOOOoooo..."Screams the darkness.Respond do I.At the closest meal,I jump.Staring it is,at nothing.

    Thundershock,Send I,at the blasted one,whose needles,my skin punctured.To the one staring at nothing,I look.Hammer arm,use I,once more.

    Last edited by Thanatos on Sat Feb 04, 2012 3:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The WHITE team - Page 2 Empty Re: The WHITE team

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:30 pm

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    White Forest | Dawn(1)

    Wandering through the woods was all the cubchoo was doing. He had broken free of his prison only to be greeted by no one but the cold air. Although he did not know who, something told him he was supposed to have met someone as soon as he got out of that egg. He instinctively knew how to walk, but it took him a bit to realize he could do it two different ways, with two legs, or on all fours. As he wandered aimlessly past trees, still not finding anything that looked interesting, he realized the constant need to sniff the runny stuff coming out of his nose, he did not know if it was supposed to do that or not, but it would simply not stop dripping…..

    It was noise that finally caught his attention, having walked in this huge forest without hearing even the slightest peep filled him with curiosity about the sudden presence. Not knowing what awaited him, yet being too unknown with the dangers of the world to know he should be wary, the cubchoo followed the noise to its source. The presence of pokemon confused him; he didn’t know what to do about them, how to approach them, or what to do when he finally approached them….But the thunderbolt by one of them caught his attention. It was bright and shiny, and looked captivating. He had absolutely no clue what it was, but he wanted to get closer to it, it looked so pretty to him, so he did.


    The WHITE team - Page 2 Empty Re: The WHITE team

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 10, 2012 5:34 pm

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    White Forest | Dawn (5)

    Koren did a stupid thing and he mentally kicked himself when he did it. The blasted undead dodged his move so naturally he fell into a pile of rocks leading down a trail through the forest. Feeling disorientated and amiss, Koren stood up shakily, his feet leading him forward. The sounds of battle halted around him. A strange sensation overcame he as he padded onward with time seeming to stop for him. In truth this only lasted a few seconds but to Koren it seemed like a lifetime.

    Memories of his life flashed before his eyes. He remembered his parents, his sister, and all of the training he had gone through to get to where he was today. It all stilled for a moment and in that moment Koren believed that maybe he had died but that couldn't be true. He was up and walking towards something drawing him in. Suddenly he had the urge to stop and dig in the dirt beneath him.

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    As he did pricks of energy spread through his body and he felt his tails divide for the last time as he was engulfed in a white hot light that lit up the area around him like a spotlight. Blinking Koren looked down at himself, the light fading and he realized what he had found. He had found a fire stone which evolved him into his final evolution of Ninetales just like his sister had done. Sounds of the fight finally returning to him, Koren bolted forward faster and lithe in this form to aim another Flame Charge for the infected.


    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The WHITE team - Page 2 Empty Re: The WHITE team

    Post by Negative10 Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:55 pm

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    White Forest | Dawn

    Everything was happening so very quickly, so quickly that Lotto closed his eyes, and began to count to 20. It was his personal way of allowing good things to happen; if you waited for something, it was bound to happen. Ah-yuck! The Bidoof grinned as he shut his eyes even tighter as he imagined what goodwill would come to him today. He droned out the noise that bustled around him, but when the loudness of everything began to budge onto his countdown to happiness (it's not a simple task counting down from twenty, you know!), Lotto frowned, his buck teeth sticking out even further in his pout.

    Opening his eyes, the Plump Mouse Pokemon saw the rather ugly Electabuzz continue to attack Akida, Lotto began to frown even deeper. "Good sir, why do you attack a lady?" The Bidoof cocked his head to the side as he watched everyone attack the electric type, tipping his hat upward in confusion. Perhaps they're playing a game that includes attacking? "Aha!" Lotto nodded to himself in affirmation, knowing that his thought must be true. Why else would they attack this sweet electric type?

    "D'oh!" In the spirit of their game, the normal type joined in and shot a Thunder Wave towards the Electabuzz, smiling as he imagined what they would say as he unexpectedly took part. "Heave ho, you Electabuzz! Heave ho!" Just for fun, Lotto threw in another Thunder Wave, just for the heck of it. Taking on a pirate persona, the Bidoof closed his right eye and clenched his fore paw 'angrily'. "Arrgh, take me now, matey!"

    In the corner of Lotto's left eye, he noticed a white... a white... jewel! Of course! He must have subconsciously counted down from 20, and in return of his pirate imitation, the mystical powers of the world had left him with a white jewel. "Goodie!" He yelped excitedly, running away from the game entirely and running towards the jewel - for a moment, the normal type almost thought he saw a Ninetails running into the game with a determined glint in its eye, but he shrugged it off. This jewel is much more important! However, just as the Bidoof caught up to the jewel, only to find it to be a Cubchoo. Pouting slightly, though just a little sheepish at the snot dripping out of its nose, Lotto patted the Cubchoo from behind (it oddly reminded him of Saxxton Hail!). "Harro there, matey!"

    The WHITE team - Page 2 Empty Re: The WHITE team

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 13, 2012 5:33 pm

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    White Forest | Dawn

    Nitro watched as the Vulpix started to dig and, from the looks of it, found a Fire Stone and started to evolve. The fire pig grunted as Koren was transformed from the little Vulpix he once was and into a bigger, more powerful Ninetails. Nitro just rolled his eyes and grunter his blue fire. Show off.

    Nitro watched as Koren used his Flame Charge and Nitro smiled as he snorted his blue fire and started to run. The fire started to consume him as he ran with the fire. Soon he was completely encased in fire and Nitro being Nitro, used his Double Team, making for of himself he raised the level of attack for the two.

    As Nitro grew closer to the infected, his smirk grew in size. He was having so much fun, and something inside him snapped and he used Superpower along with Flame Charge and Double Team. There was no way he was going to be out done by the fox next to him. He laughed as he grew closer and closer to the infected.


    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The WHITE team - Page 2 Empty Re: The WHITE team

    Post by Catalyst Fri Jan 13, 2012 5:43 pm

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    | Whtie Forest // Dawn |

    Akida smirked in her crouching position as she saw her needles dig into the Electabuzz.
    "Perfect aim as always~" She felt too dang sadist in these situations sometimes. She continued to crouch, and saw the white shape in the bushes near by head towards the edge of the clearing. She was interested in it, but decided that it could wait after the fight. She nearly got hit by the Thundershock as she was delayed in thought. She skidded to a stop, taking some damage from getting partially hit. She heaved a deep breath, and used Growl. The clearing suddenly echoed with a ferocious rumble as Akida let lose her stat dropping move. She then leaned even further forward, readying her Headbutt attack.

    "Good sir, why do you attack a lady?"

    She then saw Lotto attack the Electabuzz with a whole bunch of Thunder Wave's. He continued his barrage.

    "Heave ho, you Electabuzz! Heave ho! Arrgh, take me now, matey!"

    Akida giggled in his role-playing as a pirate. She then noticed he found what she had been looking at earlier. She mentally shrugged as he went after it. "Well I guess that's settled then."
    She was just about to leap. But all of a sudden, she saw a tan blob fly through the sky. She recognized it as a Ninetales.... Speaking of Vulpix evolutions, where was Koren? She stopped her charge to watch him fly at the Electabuzz. She prepared for an attack if his failed, but was sure this would be a hit. She watched him fly in his fiery cloak at the electric pokemon. She then noticed a laughing noise as Nitro ran out to attack the Electabuzz as well. "Oh boy, no pokemon pile-ups for me." Akida watched both of the fire pokemon charge at the electric pokemon; Nitro looking only like a blur as two of him charged. She kept ready to attack if all else failed....


    (OoC: She doesn't know it's Koren cuz she didn't see him evolve~ She is actually very surprised Nitro is attacking so hard, but she didn't show it. ^^;)

    Last edited by TailsFoxStar on Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:26 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The WHITE team - Page 2 Empty Re: The WHITE team

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 14, 2012 7:43 pm

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    White Forest/Morning
    Spacing out,the one,where did he go.Ponder,no time to.Explodes,the Vulpix.A ninetails,replaced by,the Vulpix is.For a few seconds does nothing,he.At me,charges he.Screeches,the darkness does.

    Behind me,attacks,the mouse.Of me,in front,catch I,the ninetails.Solders,bubbles,singes,my hand.Through me,vibrates,the mouse's attack.Paralyzed,my body is.

    Corner,my eye,I see,the piglike pokemon.Draws,closer he.Wait,I.Two forms,charge his.Wait,I.Closer,come they.Wait,I.Reaches me,he.Smile,I.Lightscreen,Up,throw I.

    Look away,I.The ninetails,look I,at.My neck,the movement breaks.Smile,I.The ninetails,even if I tried,release I could not.So,use Thundershock,use I.

    (OOC:Tails din't I throw a thundershock at you?Also I updated Electro's image>)

    Last edited by Thanatos on Sat Feb 04, 2012 3:05 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Not centered, no bold for location)

    The WHITE team - Page 2 Empty Re: The WHITE team

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 15, 2012 9:54 pm

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    White Forest | Dawn(2)

    The cubchoo wasn’t able to make it to the shiny, it ended disappearing as it made contact to the ground in an even bigger pretty spark. It made him sad, he wanted to be able to touch the shiny, it looked interesting….but it brought wonderment to him as he saw the yellow and black thing continue to make the shiny’s. Made him think that maybe everyone can make a shiny appear. One question though…….how to make the shiny appear….

    Something touched his back…..a brown thing almost his height, but bigger. Not as impressive as the yellow and black one, or the other one with the many tails, but this one had something on its head. “M-Matey?” He had no clue what that was, was that him? He just figured that was the name for whatever he was….

    The cubchoo just went back to staring at the large yellow and black thing making the shiny stuff appear. Pointing at it while giving the brown thing a curious look, a simple “Shiny?” was what he asked. His logic was that if everyone can make a shiny since that one makes a lot, then maybe this brown fellow can show him.

    The WHITE team - Page 2 Empty Re: The WHITE team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 16, 2012 5:13 pm

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    White Forest | Dawn (6)

    Getting closer to the infected, Koren watched as it grabbed him and singed its hand. A growl rose from Koren's throat and he yanked away from the creature before it could shoot a Thundershock at him but he barely got away in time. As he dodged out of the way, he leaped off of a tree and shoot back towards the infected going into a spin and releasing a strong fire spin. Koren didn't use this move often because of the fact that he had a high chance of missing but it was strong and that was something they all needed right now.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The WHITE team - Page 2 Empty Re: The WHITE team

    Post by Negative10 Tue Jan 17, 2012 9:13 pm

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    White Forest | Dawn

    "M-matey?" The little Cubchoo spoke uncertainly, before glancing towards the weird-looking Electabuzz, and muttering 'shiny?' with the cutest voice Lotto had ever heard. Gah, cuteness overload! He gushed his new found love for the ice type while smiling ridiculously to himself. It was only then that the Bidoof realized that the bear had asked a question, and was staring in awe of the electric type. He dropped his pirate personification and opened his eyes to take a good look at the Cubchoo.

    "Ahyuck!" Lotto had never thought that the Electabuzz would be shiny; the Plump Mouse Pokemon actually had never seen a shiny Pokemon before! "I wouldn't mess with him for now, 'cause y'see, those Pokemon that you see right now are playing a fun game!" Lotto wagged his tail, prancing just a little ahead of the Cubchoo. "Here, all you have to do to be in the game is to launch an attack! It's really easy; come on, I'll show you." Clapping his buck teeth in anticipation, the normal type prepared another Thunder Wave to launch into the game.

    The target he aimed for, however, was launched towards the nifty Ninetails, whom was letting out some dangerous fire into the verdant woods. Fire isn't something to mess with, naughty boy! Lotto admonished the fire type in his mind, wagging his tail as he turned back towards the Cubchoo. "Of course, if you wanna talk to the guy, you just hav'ta ask!" The normal type chanted 'yip yip' as he circled the bear cub happily. Though the living and breathing Pokemon was obviously not a jewel, if he scrutinized hard enough, Lotto could figure that the big shiny eyes could pass as such. "You are now hereby dubbed Gioiello by yours truly." He nudged 'Gio' from behind towards the game that was being played by the others. "It's jewel in Italian, you know!"

    The WHITE team - Page 2 Empty Re: The WHITE team

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:04 pm

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    White Forest | Dawn

    Nitro was sent flying back by the Electabuzz's Lightscreen. He was thrown against a thick tree trunk with a load thud. Pain shot up his spine as he landed on the ground under the tree. He couldn't feel his legs nor the rest of his body. He started to panic as the world started to go black. He watched as Koren used Fire Spin, oh how he wished he had evolved too. He wanted to protect these pokemon so badly, yet he didn't have the power too.

    Nitro watched the Ninetails fight and he couldn't help but feel jealous. Koren had so much power and control, next to Nitro. Nitro wanted that power and that control, but Fate had always hated him. So the young fire pig closed his eyes and waited for his life to end. He didn't want to cause problems for the others and he didn't want to be a bother to Akida the most. Oh how he wanted to be by her right know. He just sighed and waited for the world to close up forever.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The WHITE team - Page 2 Empty Re: The WHITE team

    Post by Catalyst Sat Jan 21, 2012 12:02 pm

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    | White Forest // Dawn |

    Akida saw both of them miss and the Electabuzz throw up a Light Screen. Akida's face turned angry, and prepared to throw herself and whole self forward in a Headbutt. She looked to her side and saw Nitro sagging next a tree, looking gravely hurt. She then saw Koren grabbed and very painfully burned. Something sparked in Akida that made her angry. She had no idea why this infected suddenly infuriated her to the point of wanting to kill it. She resents killing. She couldn't possibly remember anything before when she woke up in that Charizard cave, but she had this mental spark of total disgust, and a want for... revenge.... Akida eyes almost seemed to physically fire up. She watched as Koren went to turn and attack again. She leaped back, and started to run and gain enormous speed. She carried herself almost faster than her feet could handle. She let loose another Growl; more menacing than the last, then finally leaped at it in Mach 1 speed, it seemed, aiming straight for the Electabuzz's decaying head and chest. She would NOT tolerate this thing hurting her new friends like this!! Her anger hit its peak as she neared the Electabuzz. She flew at it in what she seemed to be slow motion, feeling as though the few inches she had left between them were keeping her from defending herself and her friends.


    (OoC: Thanatos, I did say that she dodged the attack; check the first paragraph of my first post.
    As for her not remembering her mother, she was under so much stress and fear her mind blocked out the memory. :C Poor Kid
    And I also left the attack open Thanatos; you can dodge of it want to.)

    Last edited by TailsFoxStar on Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:37 pm; edited 2 times in total


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The WHITE team - Page 2 Empty Re: The WHITE team

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 21, 2012 7:24 pm

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    White Forest/Morning (5)

    Beginning to wear off,the paralysis was.Flees,the darkness and afraid I become.Look up,I.block the onslaught of the fiery Ninetales.,my light screen can not.Worn off enough to create a sufficient running speed.,the paralysis had not. But,to get away with a glancing blow,a quick attack made it possible.

    "AaaaAAAtttTTTTTttttAAAcKKKK QUUUiiiIICCccCCKKK!!"Cried I.Rapidly and unevenly,stumbled I,away from the epicenter of the attack.In erratic patterns,my broken neck jostled.To the side the one who paralyzed me was,with a new small blue delicacy.
    Tried I,to turn my neck,but couldn't.My whole body,I would have to turn,instead.The left,I turned to face and backed against a tree,with its eyes closed,I saw the Tepig.But,attack him,I couldn't.Gone,the darkness was.My confidence,with it.

    In my blood coated ears,a growl hammered.To turn my neck,I tried but failed.Panicked I.Approached me,the steps.The darkness,is where?Brave,the darkness is.Not Brave,am I.What cowards do,I did.To the ground,I threw myself.Into a ball,I curled and hugged my knees to my chest.Wept I."MmmaAAXxxx."Waiting for death to approach.

    Last edited by Shaymin on Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:04 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Needs to be Centered)

    The WHITE team - Page 2 Empty Re: The WHITE team

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:51 pm

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    White Forest | Dawn (3)

    The brown thing just ended up making things very confusing, kept calling him different things, first ‘Matey’ now apparently ‘Ahyuck’ . All the mean while the yellow and black thing kept making beautiful things appear out of thin air, and still no answer as to how it does it. But the brown pokemon did manage to tell him about why it was making shiny things, apparently a game…..which was apparently fun…He didn’t know if playing this game looked that fun to him, but if it involved making shiny’s, then he wanted to try also.

    The cubchoo watched intently as the brown pokemon pranced in front of him, shaking his tail in anticipation, and with a clapping of teeth, he let out shiny thing of his own. The cubchoo could only stare in admiration as the shiny which he had been wanting was shown right before him, finally, the secrets of the universe explained to him. As the cubchoo watched the brown circle around him, he immediately knew he liked this pokemon, he explained the game to him, told him about the one making shiny’s, and even showed him how to make one himself, this pokemon was the small one's hero. Though the naming could be tuned down a little, cause a third name was a bit much, and this one was harder to pronounce. “Gi-Geo-re-lo?”

    He figured he’d get it right later, right now all he could think about was making a shiny, so with the pat from behind to step forward, the cubchoo picked himself up and pranced forward as the other one had, making sure to wag his tail also. When he got close enough, he remembered to clap his teeth together before tensing himself and waited for the shiny to appear…..yet nothing even came out…..He even did it two more times just in case, but nothing…..

    He was practically on the verge of tears when he looked back to the pokemon, constantly sniffing to keep the snot from flowing out. “No shiny….”

    The WHITE team - Page 2 Empty Re: The WHITE team

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:23 pm

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    White Forest | Sunrise (7)

    Pain shot through Koren as his Fire Spin ended up in him collapsing into a rock near to the treeline. Shakily he tried to stand but his front left paw had hit the rock in an awkward angle and standing on it shot even more pain through him. Limping towards the fight he aimed his Flamethrower once again at the undead but before he could, a Thunder Wave hit him square in the chest and sent him spiraling backwards towards the rock once again where Koren laid still and unable to move. Agony shot through his pain ridden body and it occurred to Koren the Thunder Wave had come form Lotto his friend. Sadness mixed with the pain and he closed his eyes, a tear falling silently down his cheek.

    (OOC: depressing post is depressing.)

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The WHITE team - Page 2 Empty Re: The WHITE team

    Post by Negative10 Thu Jan 26, 2012 8:09 pm

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    White Forest | Sunrise

    The little Cubchoo (what had he called the cute bear again?) had stepped forward and copied him, clapping his teeth. Lotto chuckled and gushed at how adorable it was, coming up to the ice type, only to find it near to tears. "No shiny..." Lotto gasped in realization; it had meant electricity! Gosh darn, it makes sense now! The Bidoof nudged the side of the bear playfully, hoping that with happiness the Cubchoo would forget his worries.

    "A-hyuck, come on now, little cutie pie!" Lotto wagged his tail cheerfully, sitting next to the Cubchoo. "Life ain't about sadness; you've got to learn to live life as life should be - at its fullest!" The Bidoof jumped upward and landed with his buckteeth faced to the sun, grinning freely. "No worries, no problem! Look, we can go into their game and ask the Electabuzz to show us how we can truly make 'shiny', hee hee!" The Plump Mouse Pokemon started forward, smiling as he imagined how they would ask the weird-looking electric type. Eh, we'll find a way...

    His thoughts stopped once he looked at the Ninetails (whom still reminded him much of Koren!), on the ground and with tears in his eyes. Feeling the solemnity, Lotto crawled towards the fire type, his smile gone and placed with a concerned frown. "Pretty foxy, is... something wrong?" He had just been playing along in their game! Had I played it wrong? Cocking his head to the side in question, the normal type pawed the Ninetails' face, whom continued to lay on the ground with closed eyes. "Don't feel blue, don't feel blue!" He whined, glancing back quickly just to make sure the Cubchoo hadn't hurt himself going anywhere.

    "I knew a Vulpix, his name was Koren." Lotto tipped his hat upward, hoping that his story would make this Ninetails to smile and forget his worries. "He was a very serious Pokemon, and didn't smile! I did all I could to make the Vulpix smile, but each time I felt as if I were getting close to my goal, something would happen. Although I couldn't make Koren smile, I knew I could trust the fox! Because it's those serious people, who barely smile and have that serious face on," Lotto tried to keep a straight face as Koren had, but failed as a goofy grin broke through. "who I see are the most responsible! Yip yup!"

    The WHITE team - Page 2 Empty Re: The WHITE team

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 28, 2012 2:12 pm

    White Forest/Sunrise (7)
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    I could hear,the only thing,was the air.Then, paper ripping,the sound of.Look up,I.

    "Why hello there,Electro."Stands in front,a wavering figure.Solidifies,it.

    "MAaaAXXxxxX!"Like an old film,the figure glitches.He moves,suddenly forward.Shifts,is face.Glint,eyes red."Pathetic, despicable wretch!I thought you were stronger!"


    "Get up you piece of shit!"

    Saunter,to my feet,I.

    "Over,there",Points,he,to the Ninetails,"Kill it!Then eat him!You will go stronger!!"

    Look,I.Appears Max,behind me.

    [b]'THE DARKNESS LOVES YOU.'His voice warps.

    Look at the Ninetails,I.Contorts,my face.Snarl I.


    ((OOC:Electro's not only Dyslexic he has Schizophrenia too!))

    Last edited by Shaymin on Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:02 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Needs to be Centered)

    The WHITE team - Page 2 Empty Re: The WHITE team

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 28, 2012 6:18 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    White Forest | Sunrise (8)

    A small grin lit up Koren's face as he got to his paws and smiled to Lotto. "But you did make me smile." His voice was filled with renewed strength as he looked towards the undead and jumped over it as it lunged towards him, landing behind it and aiming Flamethrower at it.

    (OOC sorry for the short post. I didn't really know what to put since we lost like everyone..)

    The WHITE team - Page 2 Empty Re: The WHITE team

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 28, 2012 6:55 pm

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    White Forest | Sunrise (4)

    Another name, something pie, he wasn’t paying attention now, the water in his eyes kept blocking out the world making him focus only on that. The water never fell, but it kept feeling like it would any moment. It helped that the brown one was acting so playfully with him, if left alone, he knew tears would fall like crazy, it just wasn’t fair….everyone else could make shiny things appear, but he…..he copied exactly what the other did, but now shiny….

    The brown one kept telling him it’d be okay, to not worry, that there was no problem, and he wanted to believe that, he truly did, but if he was the only one ever to not be able to make a shiny, how was that not a problem? The cubchoo quietly followed the only other pokemon he knew as they set off to ask the yellow and black one how to make a shiny, but was slightly disappointed when they went to a thing with many tails. It was on the ground, and had water in its eyes like he did, maybe it was possible that this one could not make a shiny also. He wanted to ask, he really did, but it was scary being around others, it was alright with the brown one, but that was because it could make shiny’s and was funny. So he settled for staying back and watching around the area.

    His attention kept going back to the yellow and black thing, it was acting really weird, or at least he thought it was, he had no clue how it was supposed to act….He kept looking around, not knowing what to do when the strange feeling came up. It was tingly, and was around his nose. It kept getting worse with each sniffle he had till eventually his immediate surroundings was filled with a loud noise. His eyes instantly closed up, and his paws went to his nose by some innate reaction, and when he opened them again, his paws, along with the ground underneath was filled with this strange white sparkly stuff. “Sparkly….” It was cold to the touch, but it felt nice in his paws either way. He had no clue what this stuff was that came out when he sneezed, but he liked it, so his first thought was of course to tell his one and only friend about it.

    Which lead to a problem….he had no clue what name to use on him….he had used many on the cubchoo, so in his mind it would not be a problem to use one of them on the other. “Matey!” He said motioning to the snow in his paws and in front of him “Spar-CHOO!” Another sneeze, and yet again, more sparkly things came out, though his nose wasn’t pointed at the ground like last time, it was pointed at the two playing the game. Which meant that he was playing the game…… “Hehehe, Sparkly!”

    ((That is the attack Powdered Snow he is using when he sneezes just so you know~))

    ((Was skipped by Blitz >.<))

    The WHITE team - Page 2 Empty Re: The WHITE team

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 29, 2012 12:23 am

    White Forest/Sunrise (8)
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Dodged,had the Fox bastard.Remained,the tree only.Stop,I didn't.Swirled around me,The Darkness.But,a face it had,this time.


    'Keep running Electo."

    Stop,I didn't.

    Loomed ,the tree in front of me.

    "Now jump!"

    Tensed and sprang,I.Sounded,behind me,fire.Licked at my legs,it's hungry tongues.The top,I reached.Burned,the tree,beneath me.In waves,the fire and smoke came.

    "Fire and brimstone,eh Electro."Standing in air,stood he."Down there that bastard kitsune is still alive!"


    "But you can't kill him now."


    "Because you're not strong enough.For now you must follow them.If they get to a towns see if you can find an Electrilizer."

    Looked down,I.Obscured,the smoke,most of me was.Jumped,I,to the next tree.Sat down,I.Waited and sat,I.Waited and sat

    Last edited by Shaymin on Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:04 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Needs to be Centered)

    The WHITE team - Page 2 Empty Re: The WHITE team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 30, 2012 2:22 pm

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    White Forest | Sunrise (5)

    The cubchoo was extremely excited, he may not be able to produce a shiny, but he was able to make something just as pretty, a sparkly substance. He didn’t know how, but he knew that this sparkly stuff was the same stuff used for this game that the pokemon were playing, and now, he may finally join in on all the fun that the brown one had told him about.

    The two most into the game was the one with the many tails, and the yellow and black one. The many tails was making this pretty red and yellow thing since it was crying earlier about not being able to make a shiny, while the other one was lost in the smoke that the flames produced. It was getting hard for him to see what was going on, but he wanted to play the game badly. The cubchoo purposely sneezed into the area were the many tailed one was launching a Powdered Snow, giggling afterwards and clapping his hands in amusement, all the while yelling out, “Sparkly Fun!”

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