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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Will you survive?


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9 posters

    The HARBINGER Team


    Posts : 60

    The HARBINGER Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The HARBINGER Team

    Post by Kyogre Wed Apr 04, 2012 2:01 am

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    Orre, night
    Kyogre pursued the Shadow Bird and his companion across the sky, storm raging all the while.
    It attacked me... piteous creature.
    The creator of the oceans sped through the sky, soaking the desert below with a rapidly strengthening deluge.
    It attacked me... infidel fool.
    The leviathan raged inside.
    Does no creature know respect in this age? I shall TEACH them to respect their betters.
    The whale let loose a roar reminiscent of rolling thunder as he focused and launched a blinding ray of cold towards Lugia.

    Posts : 2653

    The HARBINGER Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The HARBINGER Team

    Post by Lugia Wed Apr 04, 2012 4:37 am

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    Citadark Isle| Night (37)

    As Lugia had flown, any attacks that had been launched weren't felt by the great avian beast. But now, as he sat in his old throne, his old prison, panting as his sanity returned. The thought that he might have killed her... his beautiful daughter... His crimson eye twitched with the welling fear and despair that threatened to overtake him. But the anger, the hate that made him what he was fought against it, leaving the poor, pitiful creature lost in the currents of his own mind.

    He roared, but not so much with fury this time, as he attempted to shake his head free of at least one of the emotions that plagued him, that made his entire body ache with loss. He was not meant to be like this... so full of hate...


    His eyes were drawn to an approaching figure, white and purple splotch becoming clearer and larger. His gaze narrowed, and his teeth bore. This... This was the creature that had begun this... that did nothing... You... he began as his posture lengthened. I'LL KILL YOU! He shot another purple tinged aerobast at the figure, right to his stupid, malformed head.


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    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


    Posts : 3650

    The HARBINGER Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The HARBINGER Team

    Post by Mewtwo Wed Apr 04, 2012 8:52 am

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    Citadark Isle|Night(17)

    As followed the dark-feathered Legend, the island the beast landed upon finally came into focus. It was, for lack of a better word, devastated. Something truly epic must have happened there at some point. So why did the other wish to get here so badly? He had shot attacks at everything he had passed on the way here, anger and hate radiating off of him in waves, and Mewtwo could only watch. What was so important about this island?

    Mewtwo stopped and hovered above the island. Lugia, the great dark blob he'd been following for who knows how long, was staring at him. Well, more like glaring. If looks could kill, Mewtwo was pretty sure that he'd stand no chance against a look that dark. But what he didn't expect to ever get was the angry roar that followed. You...I'LL KILL YOU! The aeroblast came flying at him, shadows and purple hazing the normally clear wind attack, and it nailed him full force.

    Mewtwo was forced to use a Recover to gain back his energy after that attack. He was pissed. Actually, he was way beyond pissed. The last thing Mewtwo needed right now was a great avian Legend having a pissy fit. He went straight up to Lugia and thwacked his hand upside the big baby's head. Jackass! He growled out angrily. STOP launching those damn Aeroblasts at anything that moves! Thinking quickly, he threw a Disable at the bird before he could even think of trying that move again.

    I've had to watch you piss and moan all the way here, so don't you even start thinking that I'm going to let you continue your little temper tantrum at me. I'm sick of it. I want to know what the hell happened to you and you better have a damn good answer! Mewtwo glared hard at Lugia, the veins in his forehead throbbing as he tried to fight back his anger. How he wished he could just electrocute the jerk and be done with it. But, Lugia was his companion, and he felt guilty for the bird's present state. He had to at least try, whether Lugia wanted him to or not.


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    Posts : 156

    The HARBINGER Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The HARBINGER Team

    Post by Honchkrow Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:39 pm

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    Cipher Lab| Late Night

    Honchkrow clicked his beak, irritated. While watching the return of the famed Shadow Lugia had been fascinating at the time, seeing the destruction he wreaked was... ultimately, not worth it. He had lost a Legendary pawn, his prize lost or destroyed in the rubble. If only Legends weren't so... unpredictable. The day started out so well, too. He had seen the trio of Legends head off to the West, maybe toward the port, the professor's lab or some other destination.

    He approached the room where the serum was held, his worst fears realized. That brute, that angry brute... There, the hallway had collapsed, blocking off the entrance to the possibly collapsed room, all the remaining serum... sealed off from him, if not completely destroyed. An angry squawk escaped him, wings flaring out in anger. 'Damn it... Damn it, DAMN IT...' he cursed in his own mind, pecking at the concrete out of anger. There was nothing to be done... He had no strength to move these boulders, not without possibly doing more damage.


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    The HARBINGER Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The HARBINGER Team

    Post by Mandibuzz Sun Apr 08, 2012 7:30 pm

    (Skip me, please. I have been busy this weekend. Just say I am still lost in the labs trying to find Master.)


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    The HARBINGER Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The HARBINGER Team

    Post by Kyogre Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:46 pm

    ((skip me as well, I'm still approaching Lugia and Mewtwo))

    Posts : 2653

    The HARBINGER Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The HARBINGER Team

    Post by Lugia Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:54 am

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    Citadark Isle| Late Night (38)

    Jackass! Mewtwo snapped as he hit Lugia upside the head. STOP launching those damn Aeroblasts at anything that moves! Before Lugia had a chance to bite that damned mutated arm off, the lab rat continued. I've had to watch you piss and moan all the way here, so don't you even start thinking that I'm going to let you continue your little temper tantrum at me. I'm sick of it. I want to know what the hell happened to you and you better have a damn good answer!

    Lugia snarled, his crimson eyes searching the malformed creature before him. It took everything he had to not simply chomp the frail thing out of the air. No... No, that would be a bad thing. I was... I was brought here, from Johto... he began, his demeanor calming a little. They wanted me as... As their pawn. I was. And then... He shook his head, the fuzzy images fleeting and elusive, mocking him. He knew what happened, he knew this information... Why was his memory suddenly so full of holes?!

    He gave out a small roar of frustration. They injected me with something, something that turned me into this, he continued, motioning toward himself as he spat the last word. But... something happened, and I became normal again. I didn't remember this place until the damn video in that fortress... This fucking hellhole... He looked around the ruin with disdain, wanting to level it all right then and there. But uncharactaristic restraint stopped him, and his furious gaze met Mewtwo's, lip curling to reveal sharp fangs. Did I give you enough information, Lab Rat?


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    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


    Posts : 3650

    The HARBINGER Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The HARBINGER Team

    Post by Mewtwo Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:01 am

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    Citadark Isle|Late Night (18)

    Mewtwo listened to the dark-feathered legend try to explain what had happened. The memories were fragmented and broken, obviously, because he was having trouble expressing any finer details. Even some of the large ones had gaps. He understood that something about the video triggered the memories, but what had hidden them in the first place? If he was a Shadow now, then how was he purified the first time? The beast answered his question, yes, buy he brought with it so many more. As he pondered these he began floating in small circles, almost like pacing in air. It always helped him think if he was moving.

    Did I give you enough information, Lab Rat?

    Mewtwo's eye twitched and he halted mid-air. His anger from before went from irritated to just flat out livid. The throbbing vein in his head only worsened as crackles of Psychic energy began pulsating around him. Did this...this...hypocrite really just call him a lab rat? Of all the nerve! And here he was trying to help the winged bastard. Well, see if he got any help out of the clone now. He hovered just above the other legend's head, and glared down at his nose at Lugia.

    Pot... The snap of energy worsened.

    Kettle... Mewtwo shifted as his body began to glow.

    Black! Without warning he unleashed all of the angry energy building around him in a massive wave, similar to before when he had his little 'freak out'. But this time, he had a better reign on it, and managed to confine the damage to just the island.


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    Posts : 156

    The HARBINGER Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The HARBINGER Team

    Post by Honchkrow Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:59 am

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    Cipher Lab| Late Night

    Honchkrow was left to his devices in the dark of the ruined lab, his talons clicking as he paced on the still tiled floor. The serum... it was all in there, and that damned Legend had gone and destroyed it... He would need Tyranitar, Aggron, or another of his stronger Harbingers to clear the wreckage. But they were gone, scattered to the winds... they may not even be in Orre anymore...

    A huff escaped the bird, and he went back to the entrance of the entrance, where the dead Legend still lay, her chest and tail decimated by Mandibuzz, no doubt. The vulture may have gone looking for him within. Odd they didn't pass each other on the way... "Mandibuzz, come here. I'm going to destroy the lab. There's no use for it now, and I'd rather you not be inside when it collapses." He waited outside, patiently for her.

    Though the optimal choice would be to simply find one of his other Harbingers and bring them back to see if the serum was truly gone, he didn't like that Mewtwo was there. The mutation was smart enough and powerful enough to get to the serum himself, as well as take samples and use the humans' equipment for reverse engineering and seek a cure. Even if Mewtwo left, he could probably simply teleport right back... The crow's eyes narrowed. Damnable psychic sticking his freakish nose into where it didn't belong... It made things much more difficult... All he could do now was destroy it before the mutation could get his little nub hands on it.

    Last edited by Honchkrow on Sun Apr 29, 2012 5:48 am; edited 1 time in total


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    The HARBINGER Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The HARBINGER Team

    Post by Mandibuzz Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:21 pm

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    Cipher Lab|Late Night

    She screeched in anger as she still couldn't find her way around the rubble. Curse that blasted Legend for causing this mess! How was she supposed to find her Master now? How was he supposed to find whatever it was he was looking for? This was madness and it only fueled her bloodlust. She wanted something to kill, and quickly.

    "Mandibuzz, come here. I'm going to destroy the lab. There's no use for it now, and I'd rather you not be inside when it collapses."

    She heard her Master's call, and it sounded as though it was coming from the front entrance again. She knew her way back to that point and rushed off to find him. As she exited the building, shaking her greasy feathers free of the dust that hadn't yet settled in the destruction, she saw him waiting for her. He seemed frustrated by something, and Mandibuzz wondered if he was as angry about the mess as she was. She knew better than to ask though. Whatever Master wanted her to know he would tell her, it had always been that way.

    She called over to him to let him know she was out of the building. Whatever it was he wanted to do with it, he was free to now. She herself stared off into the distance, in the direction the Legend's had fled, and her eyes narrowed. She wanted their blood, the ones who caused her Master so much grief. It was only right that they pay for destroying his plans in a fit of rage, after all. A glutteral sound passing for a bird-like version of a growl came from deep in her throat. She would not be satisfied until their blood was on her claws.

    Posts : 60

    The HARBINGER Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The HARBINGER Team

    Post by Kyogre Sun Apr 22, 2012 3:44 pm

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    Orre, Late Night

    Kyogre stared on as the Shadow Bird and the Cat stopped in the air. He drew closer, storm raging all the while, while a crackling aura of Psi-Energy began circling the Psychic Pokemon, before exploding outward in a wave, striking the whale head-on.
    Kyogre wavered in the air, letting out a wounded bellow and falling slowly to the muddied sand below.
    Stupid... Psychics...
    Kyogre drifted into a pained sleep.

    Posts : 2653

    The HARBINGER Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The HARBINGER Team

    Post by Lugia Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:38 pm

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    Citadark Isle| Late Night (39)

    The explosive energy hurled Lugia back, knocking the air out of his lungs and tossing him to the other side of the wrecked dome. He crumpled against the wall, falling in a heap of ebony feathers as Mewtwo's rage simmered down. The hit seemed to have drained the avian Legend of his rage and spite, and for this moment, seemed back to his normal personality. Ow...

    He coughed and heaved himself up heavily, looking around his surroundings with strangely newly aware eyes. Citadark... He vaguely remembered flying here... but other than that... He looked to Mewtwo, flinching a little as a twinge of pain snaked through his wing. Mewtwo... he began as he looked around, I'm... sorry... for anything I may have said or may say in the future... For now, I think... I think I'm all right. I don't know when I'll snap again... Hopefully, you won't have to do that often... He stood, his demeanor fatigued, mentally and physically.

    Should... we go back to Johto? To the research center? What should we do now?[/color]

    Last edited by Lugia on Fri Dec 02, 2022 1:15 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


    Posts : 3650

    The HARBINGER Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The HARBINGER Team

    Post by Mewtwo Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:50 pm

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    Citadark Isle|Late Night (19)

    Mewtwo breathed a sigh of relief as he saw a glimmer of the Lugia he had met previously return. It seemed that whatever had been clouding his mind was lifting, if only for the moment. He floated closer to his comrade and tried to get a good look at him, now that he was sure an Aeroblast wasn't going to head right at him. Whatever corrupted him was still physically visible, but if that's all there was then he would take it.

    Should... we go back to Johto? To the research center? What should we do now?

    The clone shrugged, looking around to get his bearings. I don't suppose you know how to get back to that lab from here, do you? I don't think I have the energy to Teleport again. Though he didn't like to admit it, that last outburst had left him quite fatigued. Should Lugia snap on him again there wouldn't be much he could do other than defend himself against the winged beast. But whatever the case, he needed to get back to that lab to see if there was anything he could learn about the original virus. From just the first glance he had a few moments ago, and the fact that the demon bird seemed to be guarding it, the psychic knew that this was where he would find all of his answers.

    This was ground zero.

    Last edited by Mewtwo on Thu May 17, 2012 9:49 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : miscount)


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    Posts : 156

    The HARBINGER Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The HARBINGER Team

    Post by Honchkrow Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:01 am

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    Cipher Key Lab| Early Morn

    With Mandibuzz at his side, Honchkrow nodded to himself. It was time now. Even though this could have been viewed as a loss for him, it also meant as a loss for the Legends and their prying minds.

    And that was good enough for him.

    The ebony bird hurled himself into the air with little effort, his great crimson and obsidian wings easily gaining altitude. When at the proper height, he shot another orb of writhing, black energy at the sky, which bloomed into a flowering cloud. The rain that wept from those clouds sent a relaxing calm over the bird, that yes, this was necessary. His sharp crimson eyes stared down at the broken lab and the dead blue mutilated Legend below, and they narrowed in something almost like hate.


    He flapped his wings, hard, focusing his energy into the attack he created. After mere seconds, twin, deadly tornadoes emerged, spinning and roaring with the fury of their creator. With almost psychic precision, the two twisters demolished what was left of the lab; glass shattered, wood spliintered, brick crumbled and all were lost to the winds' whims. The pyramidal monstrosity, his birthplace, was no more.

    The gales subsided, but the storm remained. "Come Mandibuzz," he called from the bleakly painted sky, "Let us make haste before the brutes come back. I wish to speak with you without having to worry about them interrupting." In truth, he wanted them to see the wreckage, to despair, and to know that he would be after the other research facilities as well. After all... he knew where they were. However, as much as he wanted to see their reactions, the Shadow Storm he had created had sapped a lot of his strength, for they were not all supposed to be able to know down a fortified research laboratory. He flew off into the lightening sky, expecting Mandibuzz to follow.


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    Posts : 31

    The HARBINGER Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The HARBINGER Team

    Post by Mandibuzz Tue May 01, 2012 8:29 pm

    ((Forgive me, but there isn't much for her to do right now. Please skip and say that she was horrified by the destruction and followed her Master.))


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    Posts : 60

    The HARBINGER Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The HARBINGER Team

    Post by Kyogre Thu May 03, 2012 2:31 pm

    ((Please Skip me as well. Not much I can do because ignored :u))

    Posts : 2653

    The HARBINGER Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The HARBINGER Team

    Post by Lugia Fri May 04, 2012 9:27 am

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    Citadark Isle| Early Morn (40)

    I don't suppose you know how to get back to that lab from here, do you? I don't think I have the energy to Teleport again. As Lugia's crimson gaze fell upon his fellow Legend, he couldn't but help feel a twinge of pain and guilt for the psychic. Mewtwo's exhaustion was purely his fault; since he had attacked and caused Mewtwo to attack as well... Legends battling was not a very light activity.

    Lugia stretched his wings and nodded. ...Yes... I remember the way to that wretched place... Do you hope to find information for a cure there? Would they have made one? Still, he lumbered to the edge of the dome and heaved himself into the sky, circling. As he surveyed what little of the region he could see, his heart fell at the silence of this part of the world. The plague started here, it seemed, as even the Infected had seemed to die off. Now, this barren land had been robbed of what little life it had before... leaving nothing but sand and sad memories.

    However, the hazy sky revealed a little more than the dark, and Lugia soon spotted rain nearby. Odd. As he followed the direction of the gray clouds, he soon spotted a blue blob amidst the sands. Mewtwo... What is that?


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    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


    Posts : 3650

    The HARBINGER Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The HARBINGER Team

    Post by Mewtwo Tue May 08, 2012 5:26 pm

    (Forgive me on the lateness of this post, I had family issues to deal with.)

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    Citadark Isle|Late Night (20)

    ...Yes... I remember the way to that wretched place... Do you hope to find information for a cure there? Would they have made one? Mewtwo watched as his companion took to the skies once again and he levitated himself up to join. He pondered on Lugia's question, because it did seem plausible that there may, in fact, already be a cure. The entire time the clone had planned on having to make an antidote, never once dwelling on the hope that there might actually be one. He shrugged and looked out to the horizon, a strange, haunted look on his face. Maybe.

    He spotted a figure heading towards them, and his shoulders slumped in defeat as the vibrant colors reflected in the morning sun. Not to mention the massive clouds following it also giving it away. This guy...again. What the hell did he want? Mewtwo... What is that? The cat-like creature just looked to Lugia and stared in disbelief. The bird remembered turning into a raging dick and attacking him, but a patriotic whale, that just slips his mind? Did he have selective memory or something? Well, before you went on your oh so pleasant rampage, this guy was bugging the bird back at the lab. You really don't remember 'the flying whale' Kyogre?

    Last edited by Mewtwo on Thu May 17, 2012 9:49 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : miscount)


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    Posts : 156

    The HARBINGER Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The HARBINGER Team

    Post by Honchkrow Thu May 10, 2012 6:01 pm

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    Orre| Midnight

    The night air gently lingered under the sickly feathers of the great ebony bird as he gracefully descended down onto a rare tree in the expansive sea of sand. He looked to the sky after him, watching for his ever-faithful follower and fellow Dark Bird, Mandibuzz. While his expression held no true joy or sorrow, his mind was a bit of chaos; for the first time, he was on a time limit. An ill-amused scoff managed to escape him as he watched her. An immortal, working on borrowed time? Preposterous.

    He waited until she landed before he began. "...As much as I regret to tell you, I think we should part ways. Now, before you protest, I will explain.

    "The mutated freak, the white and purple cat humanoid... He poses a threat. A very real threat. He'll be searching out the other Laboratories to try and seek a cure or some clues the humans left... and you and I will go out and seek to destroy what he seeks. We'll have a head start, as we both know this region and they'll be headed back here... But you should hurry on to the other regions and simply destroy what you can. I'll take care of the rest of the Orre Labs."

    He took a step forward and preened her greasy feathers. "I know we have just reunited, but this is important. Go. Spread the word to our brethren. Do what you do best, Darling. Destroy." With that, he gave her a regal nod of the head and took wing into the bleak, starlit sky, his next destination already firmly in his mind.

    ((And with that, I take my leave. Farewell for now.))


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    The HARBINGER Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The HARBINGER Team

    Post by Mandibuzz Sun May 13, 2012 6:33 pm

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    Cipher Lab|Late Night

    As the smoke cleared and her Master perched, Mandibuzz recognized the signs to join him. She was so confused as to why he destroyed the place of their creation, not that she was sad to see it go, and tilted her head to the side as she watched him. Surely there was some explanation, but he seemed lost in his own thoughts so she had to wait, albeit slightly impatiently. When his answer finally came, she was horrified to hear her Master tell her to leave. She didn't want to go! She had only just found him! But when she heard the reason for the labs destruction and for his need to part from her, an vengeful anger filled her. And it revolved entirely around the mutated purple cat.

    "I know we have just reunited, but this is important. Go. Spread the word to our brethren. Do what you do best, Darling. Destroy." A malicious gleam in her eyes replaced the previous confusion and anger, and she nodded in understanding. She wanted to bring them all together again, for her Master and to destroy the one called Mewtwo. He was the reason her Master was troubled, so he had to die. "I live only to serve and destroy, my Master." She watched with glee as he Master departed, and thoughts of the havoc she could once again wreak filled her mind. Her Master was already a small dot in the distance before she herself finally took to the skies, and she knew exactly where she wanted to look first.

    ((I myself now head out to seek out my brethren.))


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    The HARBINGER Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The HARBINGER Team

    Post by Kyogre Thu May 17, 2012 2:26 am

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    Orre, Just past Midnight

    The whale lay in the sands, wounded and and asleep. As he fell deeper into his stupor, he dreamt.

    His oceans, once serene and beautiful, were quick becoming dull and lifeless, ripe with decay as this... plague spread through them. The land he had created with his brother, torn apart by roaming bands of the dead... A shadow, sliding across the land leaving a blanket of silence behind it, broken only by the feasting cries of creatures never before imagined.
    Kyogre stirred restlessly, slowly edging his way back towards waking.
    Sand... The land deprived of water, of life... Birds flying overhead, their wings rotting, their eyes unseeing... "I hate birds..." A burst of air, tinged with shadow. A legend, now dying. Pain, confusion... anger.

    (sorry for the crappy post, didn't know what to write :\
    Also, assuming this team will die soon, yes?)

    Posts : 2653

    The HARBINGER Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The HARBINGER Team

    Post by Lugia Thu May 17, 2012 4:51 am

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    Citadark Isle| Midnight (41)

    Well, before you went on your oh so pleasant rampage, this guy was bugging the bird back at the lab. You really don't remember 'the flying whale' Kyogre?

    Lugia gave the mutated cat a slight snarl, the shadowed blood beginning to boil within him. 'Impudent, disrespectful little fu-- No... No, calm down... He's just as pissy as you are,' the great Avian growled inwardly. It took much mental fortitude to ebb the rage, and hopefully, Mewtwo understood. He shook his head free of the thoughts of dismembering the little prick as he kept himself aloft in the air and focused on the information that Mewtwo had so happily provided. Kyogre...

    He honestly didn't remember much from transforming... just the emotions that came with it. He rememebred Honchkrow, sitting there, with his knowing crimson glare, he remembered the lab, how the sky burned, and... His eyes widened at the realization. Articuno... Oh, Arceus save him, ARTICUNO! Memories finally flooded back, and he remembered the purple-tinted aeroblasts he had flung about, one hitting... Without another word, he propelled himself forward, back to the Key Lab. Mewtwo could wait, he had to see her...

    Cipher Key Lab| Early Morning

    It wasn't long with Lugia's impressive speed that he returned to the Lab, nearly falling out of the air with shock. The lab was now completely destroyed, by his own aeroblasts or some other attack, he couldn't really tell. All his focus was on the bit of cerulean hidden beneath the rubble. Immediately, he went to it, pushing away the offending debris to reveal his daughter, as he feared, dead.


    Her eyes were still open, wide with fear, her last thoughts obviously frightening. The wound he himself had inflicted still oozed with coagulated blood, her chest ripped open more to reveal a missing organ. He staggered back as he realized her body had been desecrated, her tail feather that defined her form now missing. The Legend went to his knees, his great wings down to help support his large frame as his head lowered to his daughter's. It was a gentle touch, but Lugia's eyes squeezed shut against it.

    The sound he emitted was not of rage nor anger, but sorrow, sweet, simple sorrow that filled his oldest song, the one that reunited his children after a quarrel. The melody that brought them together, that unified them. The notes were broken, soft and fragile, mimicking the player's state of mind. All too soon, the melody ended, and Lugia was left to break down completely into tears. He had done this. He had killed her himself... It was his fault. If he were to find his other children, what would he do? How would he tell them...? Would he kill them, too...?

    ((OOC: Yes, Kyogre, the team will soon be put on hold.))


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    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


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    The HARBINGER Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The HARBINGER Team

    Post by Mewtwo Thu May 17, 2012 9:48 pm

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    Cipher Key Lab| Early Morning (21)

    He had followed the great shadow beast all the way back to the lab after he spazzed out again, and was infuriated to see all the destruction. What the hell?! It didn't look this bad when I left! Mewtwo landed not far from what used to be the entrance and kicked aside a piece of debris. Somehow that stupid bird must have realized what they were there to do. Guess he's smarter than I thought... He turned sharply when he heard a gut wrenching sound emanate from his feathered companion, and had to bite back the sarcastic comment waiting in the front of his mind when he saw the great beast in tears.

    It sounded almost...melodic, yet the sound drew tears to the purple feline's eyes. His tail swished back and forth languidly as he listened, eyes closed, and his mind bringing back memories of his own torments at Giovanni's hands. This was no different for Lugia to see the destruction of his family than it was for Mewtwo to realize that he was being used by the humans. It was like having your whole reality ripped from you and leaving nothing but the gaping wound, with no way to fill it.

    He could understand Lugia's pain.

    He sighed as the song ended, the shadowed form bent down in tears, and took one last look around. We have to find some other clue somewhere else. There are other labs...not all of them will have the whole puzzle, but if we get enough pieces... Mewtwo stepped over to the prone form of his friend and lay one hand atop the beast head. Come on, Lugia, it's time to go. She wouldn't want you to die mourning over her. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh, knowing that he had to put this as delicately as possible. If he upset the other Legend again then there would be a fight, and Mewtwo wasn't sure he had the energy to do it. There is nothing left for us here. Suicune and the others need to know what we have seen. With that he let the energy flow over them again and, in a shimmer of light, they were gone.

    (Harbinger Team will now be placed on hold, with Lugia and I returning to Legend Team I)


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    Posts : 60

    The HARBINGER Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The HARBINGER Team

    Post by Kyogre Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:56 pm

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    Orre, Early Evening
    Whispers echoed across the land, speaking of power, of hope, of respite from the plague. Voices, his Brother and Sister Legends, speaking of combating the disease. "Soon, I shall join you again"

    The Ocean pokemon awoke slowly, shaking sand from his face. The desert around him had turned to a slush as he slept, drowned by the constant downpour that surrounded him. Rising slowly into the turbulent air, and placing an Aqua Ring around him, he turned to the ocean, and released a mental shout. "BROTHERS, SISTERS, I RETURN TO AID YOU!" Jolting forward, and sliding easily into the ocean that was his home, his creation, he began his trek towards other lands, and the other living that yet fought on.

    (bout time I posted an exit. Off to Kanto, I think.)

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