Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    Age : 30
    Posts : 1138

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Empty Re: The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT)

    Post by Starbits Sat Apr 09, 2016 10:08 pm

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Tumblr_nkwzlfaJjC1s5iyovo1_400
    Route 113 | Late Afternoon | 26

    "Too bad you can't chain them. It'd make the game go by fairly quickly."

    "Ehh... you technically can if it's only two people and you skip the other person's turn or reverse the order of who goes with a reverse card," she notes as she lays down her own card and her Pokemon follow, Mattimeo taking a considerable amount of time before laying one down.

    "So... how long have you been in Hoenn? Judging from your anecdote and pokemon, you're from Sinnoh. What brought you here?" Her head snaps back in surprise and she stammers softly; where did that come from!?  He raises his head to look at her. "If it's not too personal."

    "I- well-" She clears her throat and fiddles with her cards, noting that even Arlene has looked up from pampering Lance with attention.  "My... my brother he- he was... on a trip with- with some of his old Boy Scout friends when... when all international travel was halted because of the outbreak..."

    "We searched Sinnoh for her family."  Mattimeo picks up the story, his voice quiet.  "We never found any of them.  So we thought we'd try Hoenn.  We checked where he had last been but... not even a clue.  So we've just been... wandering, really.  Hoping to find something..."  

    "They're so beautiful..." Galahad echos the words repeating through Flame's mind, making his way further into the room.  He plucks a figurine from the shelf, turning it over. "Flame, they're of Pokemon! This one's a Milotic!"

    he holds it up so Flame can see, the chimp beaming in delight. "How did people even do this...?"

    "Something with heat and glass?  I don't really know how- oh wait!  Oh wait wait wait!  This- this must be the ash collecter's house!"  His eyes light up.  "He uses ash from the volcano to make glass figurines and sculptures-- even glass flutes!  Trainers passing through can bring him ash and he'll make things for them- apparently children are a huge fan of this place.  I remember Timmy telling us about it after his first trip to Hoenn years ago..."

    He trails off a moment.

    "They're not all Pokemon," he murmurs, pointing out the glass rose to Galahad.


    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

    desktop||starbits shop||trainersona
    ♋️19 Badges♋️
    little fairy

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 280

    Posts : 87

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Empty Re: The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT)

    Post by Lance Mon Apr 11, 2016 7:22 pm

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Lance_zpsyyjslvgv

    Route 113||Late Afternoon

    "I- well-" Lance suddenly doubted whether or not asking was such a bright idea, as she began to nervously clear her throat and twitch. Guilt pressed on the back of his mind, but he let her continue. "My... my brother he- he was... on a trip with- with some of his old Boy Scout friends when... when all international travel was halted because of the outbreak..."

    "We searched Sinnoh for her family,"  Mattimeo quietly continued, picking up where his trainer had faltered. "We never found any of them. So we thought we'd try Hoenn. We checked where he had last been but... not even a clue. So we've just been... wandering, really. Hoping to find something..."  

    Lance's gaze went down to his cards a moment, taking their words into consideration. It was likely in all the commotion, they hadn't heard his calls for refugees to flee to the Plateau. But perhaps the rest of their family had. He never liked to give much information on the Plateau, as looters and bandits would find it a prime target for attack, but Sara-Anne and her pokemon had already proven themselves as anything but a threat. If they were truly malicious or after anything of Lance's, including his life, they would have extracted it already. He quietly waited for his turn to arrive again, eyes going to Arthur for a moment, who had already apparently come to the same conclusion as Lance. The Dragonite gave a small nod, then turned back to the window. Lance couldn't help but allow a faint glimmer of a smile to appear; Arthur had given his blessing.

    "I... don't normally tell people this," he began quietly, "but... I feel I should at least tell you. It's possible your family made it to Indigo Plateau; when the Epidemic began, I--" He paused; should he tell her who he actually was? Would it change anything? Somehow, he doubted it. "I put out a call to the other Champions and regions to flee to our League. It's a tourist attraction, capable of supporting itself and thousands of people and pokemon all at once. The surrounding mountains form a natural barrier against most Infected. It's a natural fortress." He placed a card down and looked up to them, giving them a sympathetic look of hope. "Gym Leaders and Elite Four took refugees by the hundreds from their towns and brought them there. It's highly possible that your family made it there as well. There's a record of refugees as well; all you'd need to do is show up and ask for their names."

    "Something with heat and glass? I don't really know how- oh wait! Oh wait wait wait! This- this must be the ash collecter's house!" Galahad only blinked in confusion, the term not familiar with him. Ash? Why would someone collect ash? "He uses ash from the volcano to make glass figurines and sculptures-- even glass flutes! Trainers passing through can bring him ash and he'll make things for them- apparently children are a huge fan of this place. I remember Timmy telling us about it after his first trip to Hoenn years ago..." His small voice trailed and for a moment, Galahad became worried that he'd fallen into grief over this "Timmy". But he was soon calmed when Flame added, "They're not all Pokemon."

    Galahad's eyes followed the small monkey's point to a beautiful rose sparkling in the dim orange glow of their tails. His grin reappeared in full, astounded by the colors that danced off the glass. "Lance only knows how to manipulate metal and leather, not glass," he mused as he slowly moved along the shelves, drinking in the beauty, as if he'd been denied such a vision his entire life. "But I've never seen glass look like this. I saw a stained-glass window once, but... not this..." His eyes widened as an idea struck him and he strained his eyes to look up at Flame. "Oooh! Do you think Lance or Sara-Anne would like one? Maybe it'll help them be happy to have one of these!"

    Age : 30
    Posts : 1138

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Empty Re: The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT)

    Post by Starbits Thu Apr 14, 2016 12:29 am

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Tumblr_nkwzlfaJjC1s5iyovo1_400
    Route 113 | Late Afternoon | 27

    For a minute or two there's uncomfortable silence, Sara-Anne struggling to swallow down the pain and just... focus on the game.  Crying won't fix it.  Just power through it.  Things will get better again.

    "I... don't normally tell people this."

    Her head snaps up.

    "But... I feel I should at least tell you. It's possible your family made it to Indigo Plateau; when the Epidemic began, I--."


    "I put out a call to the other Champions and regions to flee to our League."  

    Other Champions!?

    "It's a tourist attraction, capable of supporting itself and thousands of people and pokemon all at once. The surrounding mountains form a natural barrier against most Infected. It's a natural fortress."

    Her eyes grow huge in her pale, pinched face.  She's lucky the next words even register at all.

    "Gym Leaders and Elite Four took refugees by the hundreds from their towns and brought them there. It's highly possible that your family made it there as well. There's a record of refugees as well; all you'd need to do is show up and ask for their names."

    "I..."  Tears are building and a tiny sob leaks out.  "Oh... oh my god I-"

    Her Pokemon move to sit around her; Arlene behind her, the canine on one side and the fairy on the other.

    "This- this is real I'm- I'm not dreaming-?  Just... oh god oh god wow just-"  She raises her face to look at him, grinning through the tears starting down her face.  "Thank you, thank you s-so much, s-so much!"

    For the moment the earlier observation doesn't matter, the location of the fortress doesn't really matter, the fact that she wouldn't know how to get there anyway even if she did register the location doesn't matter.

    They could be alive.

    "Lance only knows how to manipulate metal and leather, not glass."

    Whoa, that's pretty cool... maybe he should ask about that. That probably has some great stories attached, right?

    "But I've never seen glass look like this. I saw a stained-glass window once, but... not this... Oooh! Do you think Lance or Sara-Anne would like one? Maybe it'll help them be happy to have one of these!"

    Flame's face splits into a wide grin.  "Dude, yes.  Yes that's a perfect idea; you're a genius!  Heck, if we can find ones small enough they could maybe have more than one?"  It would be a shame to just leave all these here, alone, gathering dust...


    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

    desktop||starbits shop||trainersona
    ♋️19 Badges♋️
    little fairy

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 280

    Posts : 87

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Empty Re: The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT)

    Post by Lance Thu Apr 14, 2016 10:30 am

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Lance_zpsyyjslvgv

    Route 113||Late Afternoon

    "I..." Sara-Anne's eyes brimmed with water and Lance worried for a moment he'd only made the situation worse. "Oh... oh my god I-" It was soon that she got so emotional that her pokemon moved more around her for support. He tilted his head a little, unsure whether or not she was about to start outright weeping, but, miraculously, that didn't seem to be the case.

    "This- this is real I'm- I'm not dreaming-? Just... oh god oh god wow just-" Through her barely coherent stuttering, Lance gleaned some hope from the situation and was soon affirmed by a bright, yet tear-stained smile from his companion. "Thank you, thank you s-so much, s-so much!"

    Relief flooded him and he leaned back a little, placing his hand of cards on his lap as he watched joy and gratitude flood the young woman before him. A warm, subtle smile lit his own face in return. Though being a Champion was full of sleepless nights and nothing but stress and pain, Sara-Anne's reaction was why it was worth it. When he'd made the decision to open his doors to the terrified public, that moment was why he did it. Seeing people find hope and shelter and loved ones, watching their souls light after trudging in despair for so long... And the perfect instant when Luck truly blessed someone, when a wanderer staggered to their family... Pure joy, pure relief and love... That, right there. The hope and happiness he could provide.

    It was worth everything.

    Lance allowed Sara-Anne a moment to collect herself, his smile soon turning to more of a grin as he waited. "Sorry for springing that on you so suddenly. Like I said, I don't... tell many people anymore, since they're usually hostile, so I'm... not that great at bringing it up delicately." He leaned a little closer, tilting his head slightly as he continued to watch her reactions. "You ok?"

    "Dude, yes. Yes that's a perfect idea; you're a genius! Heck, if we can find ones small enough they could maybe have more than one?" Galahad brightened at the praise, the idea sounding better and better by the moment.

    "Awesome!" the Charizard nearly cheered, eager eyes looking over the beautiful sculptures with renewed vigor. "Lance likes dragons and dragon-like pokemon, like Gyarados and Sceptile. What does Sara-Anne like, so I can keep an eye out?"

    Age : 30
    Posts : 1138

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Empty Re: The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT)

    Post by Starbits Sun Apr 17, 2016 12:07 am

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Tumblr_nkwzlfaJjC1s5iyovo1_400
    Route 113 | Late Afternoon | 28

    She does her best not to outright sob; it doesn't even feel real, if she's being honest with herself.  When is life ever this kind?  This good?  No hope for all this time and suddenly bam there it is?

    And yet, oh god, does she hope.  And besides, what reason does he have to lie to her?

    "Sorry for springing that on you so suddenly. Like I said, I don't... tell many people anymore, since they're usually hostile, so I'm... not that great at bringing it up delicately."  She sniffles and rubs at her eyes.  Maybe later she can really lose control but... now she needs to not turn into a waterfall.  "You ok?"

    "Y-yeah better- better than in- in a long time?"  She scrubs her fists into her eyes with an odd little giggle.  "Just... wow... trying to process all of that..."

    Joy pats her quietly.

    "It's a... a lot to take in, y'know?  Heh..."  Sara-Anne rubs at her eyes again.  Eugh, her cheeks are starting to feel a little painful around the eye area.  Should probably ease up a bit...  "A-and don't apologize, really; best news of my life, right there, bluntly said or otherwise."

    Look at this doof, trying to apologize for saying the best thing she's heard in years.  Good god, he'd better not do that again or she'll just have to kick his ass twice as hard in this game than she'd planned to.

    "Awesome!"  Flame blows the dust off a glass flower, coughing a bit at the dust.  Whoa.  Bad idea.  "Lance likes dragons and dragon-like pokemon, like Gyarados and Sceptile. What does Sara-Anne like, so I can keep an eye out?"

    He pauses, considering.  "She loves fairies.  Flowers.  Stars.  Pink things.  Kinda a stereotypical girl in that way.  But like, she also likes books.  And video games.  It connected her to her brothers- she's three years older than one and six years older than the other.  Video games were one of the things that shrank those years down..."  He trails off.

    "Well... yeah, that's enough to get started on, looking for a figurine she'd like."


    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

    desktop||starbits shop||trainersona
    ♋️19 Badges♋️
    little fairy

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 280

    Posts : 87

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Empty Re: The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT)

    Post by Lance Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:20 am

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Lance_zpsyyjslvgv

    Route 113||Late Afternoon

    "Y-yeah better- better than in- in a long time?" Sara scrubbed her wet face with her hands, trying in vain to wipe all the moisture from the skin. "Just... wow... trying to process all of that..." Lance nodded; he understood. Back in the earlier days, some people had fainted at the news that there was an actual haven, even if it was miles away. "It's a... a lot to take in, y'know? Heh... A-and don't apologize, really; best news of my life, right there, bluntly said or otherwise."

    "I'm glad," he replied gently, the warm smile still on his face. He adjusted his cards as he shifted; despite his relief in seeing his fellow person so happy, his sides' complaints were beginning to get louder. "Once I'm better, perhaps you can follow me back there. It's a long flight, but I'm already tardy for my check-in. I'll need to fly back as soon as I'm able." He glanced to the Altaria behind her. "I'm sure she can keep up."

    "She loves fairies. Flowers. Stars. Pink things. Kinda a stereotypical girl in that way. But like, she also likes books. And video games. It connected her to her brothers- she's three years older than one and six years older than the other. Video games were one of the things that shrank those years down..." Galahad lifted his head as Flame's voice trailed and once more he felt a pain in his heart for the tiny monkey. It was true that everyone had their stories of loss now, to be sure, but it was still no easier hearing them. He'd heard so many through Lance while they were at HQ: A girl losing her brothers. A mother losing her children. A husband losing a wife and on and on and on. It was never any easier.

    "Well... yeah, that's enough to get started on, looking for a figurine she'd like." The Charizard nodded and slowly looked through the shelves, thinking it'd be better not to press the subject. But as they looked in the relative silence and darkness, Galahad soon found himself yearning for conversation. He had to get his mind off the bad and back onto the good. His trainer had just been injured, but they'd met some wonderful new people in the process. Maybe that was what he should focus on?

    "So tell me about yourself, Flame," he began cheerily. "Or your fellow teammates or your trainer. We don't meet many people or pokemon away from base that aren't trying to kill us. How old are you? How long have you been with them? Stuff like that."

    Age : 30
    Posts : 1138

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Empty Re: The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT)

    Post by Starbits Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:43 pm

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Tumblr_nkwzlfaJjC1s5iyovo1_400
    Route 113 | Late Afternoon | 29

    "I'm glad. Once I'm better, perhaps you can follow me back there. It's a long flight, but I'm already tardy for my check-in. I'll need to fly back as soon as I'm able."  He looks to Arlene.  "I'm sure she can keep up."

    "Y-yeah she- she definitely c-can.  Fast cloud dragon."  Sara-Anne manages a smile; though watery, it's genuine.  God, what a drug euphoria is.  "I... I'd love to follow you guys back.  Thank you.  Thank you so much.  I really can't thank you enough."  

    Her fairy hugs her, and Mattimeo grins.

    "This is just amazing.  I can't wait.  I can't wait."  Sara-Anne rubs at her eyes again.  Eugh, her cheeks are starting to feel a little painful around the eye area.  Should probably ease up a bit...  "They might be there- Lynn!  Oh guys Lynn!"

    She bounces into a straighter sitting position, eyes wide.

    "Lynn might be there too!  Oh- oh wow-  Oh I hope I hope."  She shoots a grin at her Pokemon, Arlene chirping in delight.  

    "Oh man I can't wait to get there, guys.  Even- even if they're not there- a safe haven.  We can... we can live normally again..."

    In all the excitement, she has to remind herself; it's not a guarantee they'll be there.  She should reel it in a little to avoid getting too disappointed.

    "So tell me about yourself, Flame."  

    ... Oh.  Yeah, he doesn't really know him, does he.  Some exchange of basic information is kind of past due.  

    "Or your fellow teammates or your trainer. We don't meet many people or pokemon away from base that aren't trying to kill us. How old are you? How long have you been with them? Stuff like that."

    Flame taps his chin.  "Oh uh... let's see... "  He trails off.

    "I was her starter, and she started her journey late-- she was sixteen because of her asshole parents.  So since I was there from day one of her journey, and two years in the world ended, that means I've been with her for... seven years.  I'm... twenty two god I'm old.  Eugh."  He makes a face.  "We... have a couple teammates that didn't... survive.  One of them was the next one she met; a Shinx we called Leo, who evolved into Luxray.  She met Mattimeo third, and then Joy, then the... other teammate who didn't make it, a Cherubi named Tart-- she evolved into Cherrim.  And then lastly Arlene.  S'weird to think of our younger years..."

    (Information is subject to change a bit, specifically the ages; with renegade gone I plan to redo Sara-Anne's history to not include him, and originally I'd made her as old as I had to correspond with how old Vincent Sage was.  I haven't finalized all the information yet but if any edits need to be made I will make them; I apologize for any inconvenience, Lance.)


    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

    desktop||starbits shop||trainersona
    ♋️19 Badges♋️
    little fairy

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 280

    Posts : 87

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Empty Re: The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT)

    Post by Lance Mon Apr 18, 2016 9:07 pm

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Lance_zpsyyjslvgv

    Route 113||Late Afternoon

    "Y-yeah she- she definitely c-can.  Fast cloud dragon." Lance chuckled at the casual name for the Altaria, then winces slightly at the prick of pain in his side. Yeah, things were getting worse. He may have another half hour before he was in completely mind-boggling pain again. "I... I'd love to follow you guys back. Thank you. Thank you so much. I really can't thank you enough."  

    Joy hugged her trainer close as Mattimeo grinned beside her. "You're welcome," he replied gently, warm smile still upon him, but she didn't seem to hear him. Not that he could blame her; her mind had just been blown open with happiness.

    "This is just amazing. I can't wait. I can't wait." Lance's smile faded a little as she continued to work herself up and his own happiness fell in tandem. He wanted to warn her against becoming too hopeful; he'd only offered a chance of her family being alive, not them actually being there. He just wasn't completely sure how to bring it up. "They might be there- Lynn!  Oh guys Lynn! Lynn might be there too! Oh- oh wow- Oh I hope, I hope." She shot a brilliant smile to her pokemon.

    "Oh man I can't wait to get there, guys. Even- even if they're not there- a safe haven. We can... we can live normally again..." The Dragon Champion nodded, glad that at least she had remembered that the ones she was searching for may not be there.

    "You would. There'd be a job assigned to you, to keep functionality high, and that would pay for your room and board. We have several cafeterias and kitchens and a wide variety of human and pokemon food. Electricity, plumbing, what have you. There's... blackout hours, of course, and some restrictions on food and water, but those are easy enough to abide by. It's the closest I've seen to how life used to be."

    "Oh uh... let's see... " Galahad listened intently, wanting to absorb as much information on his new friends as possible. "I was her starter, and she started her journey late-- she was sixteen because of her asshole parents. So since I was there from day one of her journey, and two years in the world ended, that means I've been with her for... seven years.  I'm... twenty two god I'm old. Eugh." The Charizard couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped him at Flame's apathy toward his age. "We... have a couple teammates that didn't... survive. One of them was the next one she met; a Shinx we called Leo, who evolved into Luxray. She met Mattimeo third, and then Joy, then the... other teammate who didn't make it, a Cherubi named Tart-- she evolved into Cherrim. And then lastly Arlene. S'weird to think of our younger years..."

    "It is," he mused as he picked through more beautiful glass sculptures. Man. He wanted to take all of them and just stare at them forever. "Wait. How old are you and your trainer?" The numbers Flame said didn't make sense. "Sara-Anne can't be more than eighteen. She's so wee and tiny!"

    Age : 30
    Posts : 1138

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Empty Re: The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT)

    Post by Starbits Wed Apr 20, 2016 11:33 pm

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Tumblr_nkwzlfaJjC1s5iyovo1_400
    Route 113 | Late Afternoon | 30

    "You would. There'd be a job assigned to you, to keep functionality high, and that would pay for your room and board."

    Yeah, I can totally do that!  She'd always been a bit of a prissy child--never did like cleaning things--but she'd do just about any job, really, to get out of this horrible nightmare.

    "We have several cafeterias and kitchens and a wide variety of human and pokemon food. Electricity, plumbing, what have you. There's... blackout hours, of course, and some restrictions on food and water, but those are easy enough to abide by. It's the closest I've seen to how life used to be."

    "Holy shit."  She whispers.  

    Food, water, shelter, safety.

    "That is... I can't..  Just wow."  

    "We- we'll have a bed... and... and we can shower?"

    "Oh wow oh wow I hope so."

    "Someone pinch me; this can't be real."

    "So tell me about yourself, Flame."  

    He looks over the glass flowers, groaning inside his head.  How can he pick between these?  She'd want all of them, if she could have them.  Good lord.  And he didn't even look at the others yet-- there could be other figurines that would fit stuff in her "I HAVE A MIGHTY NEED" category.

    "It is... Wait. How old are you and your trainer?"

    A toothy smile spreads across his face as he freezes in the middle of reaching for a flower to give it a closer look.  Oh.  Here we go.

    "Sara-Anne can't be more than eighteen. She's so wee and tiny!"

    "She is in fact twenty two."  Flame can't keep the giant grin out of his voice as he retrieves the figurine it look it over.  Man, this reveal never gets old.  "Ask her for her driver's license; she might still have it.  But she is indeed twenty two.  Would have been forever carded everywhere if she'd turned twenty one before the end of the world and... if she had even a marginal interest in alcohol, I guess."


    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

    desktop||starbits shop||trainersona
    ♋️19 Badges♋️
    little fairy

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 280

    Posts : 87

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Empty Re: The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT)

    Post by Lance Thu Apr 21, 2016 10:45 am

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Lance_zpsyyjslvgv

    Route 113||Late Afternoon

    "Holy shit." Lance honestly couldn't remember the last time he'd smiled so much; morphine really did wonders. Too bad it was wearing off. His leg was beginning to complain, but he continued to ignore it in favor of conversing with the others sat around him. His leg and ribs could wait. "That is... I can't.. Just wow."

    "We- we'll have a bed... and... and we can shower?"

    "Oh wow oh wow I hope so."

    "Someone pinch me; this can't be real."

    He laughed -a real, true laugh, even if it was cut a little short by a wince- and nodded. "Of course you could shower. The dorms are all converted hotel rooms that surrounded the arenas. So they're all equipped with beds, dressers, bathrooms and showers, AC units, TV's... I think there are some mini-fridges around, but they aren't in all the rooms." He smiled at them. "Stuff like that."

    "She is in fact twenty two." Galahad fumbled the figurine he was holding, nearly dropping and smashing it on the wooden floor. She was WHAT? "Ask her for her driver's license; she might still have it. But she is indeed twenty two. Would have been forever carded everywhere if she'd turned twenty one before the end of the world and... if she had even a marginal interest in alcohol, I guess."

    "How has she stayed so small?" the Charizard asked once the glass was once again firmly in his claws. "Is it normal for that to happen to humans? Did a pokemon cast a spell on her-- is she a fairy in disguise?"

    Age : 30
    Posts : 1138

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Empty Re: The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT)

    Post by Starbits Thu Apr 21, 2016 5:23 pm

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Tumblr_nkwzlfaJjC1s5iyovo1_400
    Route 113 | Late Afternoon | 31

    "Of course you could shower. The dorms are all converted hotel rooms that surrounded the arenas. So they're all equipped with beds-"




    "-bathrooms and showers-"

    You had me at beds slow down my heart's gonna explode.

    "-AC units-"



    Fuck me YES.

    "I think there are some mini-fridges around, but they aren't in all the rooms."

    "Bam, that's it; happiest person alive in the world right now, that's me."  Sara-Anne throws her arms up in the air and tips herself backwards into the mass of fluffy cloud dragon behind her.  "I must be super dead right now."

    "Super dead?  Are you sure?  Sounds more like mostly dead."

    "Yep.  Gonna need to blow me up with a bellows to get air in me again."

    "And then we'll have fun storming the castle?"

    "But it's not a castle; it's a fortress."

    "There's a difference?"

    "Of course there is; fortress is more..."  She gestures in the air from her laying down position as if the shapes she makes with her hands could magically plant her thoughts into the minds of the people listening to her.  "Fortress is more... s'more military like."

    "Castles are military-like?"

    "Nah, those are- those are more fantasy-esque.  Knights and dragons and princesses an' all that."  She makes a sweeping gesture in the air with her arm.

    "And it matters why?"  Joy isn't bothering to hide her smile.

    "Because the place is a fortress, not a castle, and doesn't fit the movie quote you're trying for."

    "Well, I say it's a castle and the quote totally fits."

    "Well, reality says you're totally wrong."

    "Oh.  My God."  The Altaria lifts her wing and then smushes it down on top of Sara-Anne's head, looking over at Lance as the trapped human squeals and tries to free herself from the dragon's fluffy prison.  "Are you sorry you met us yet?"

    Flame starts to cackle as his companion nearly drops the figurine he'd been holding.  Oh wow that was the best!

    How has she stayed so small?"  The chimp stifles his snickers to listen to the dragon speak, eyes sparkling in the glow of their tails.  "Is it normal for that to happen to humans? Did a pokemon cast a spell on her-- is she a fairy in disguise?"

    "My friend, that is a thing the humans like to call genetics."  He brings his hands together with a wise nod.  "She's not cursed or a fairy; she's just really that tiny.  As was her mother before her, and her mother before her, passed down through the generations.  Actually, she once found a picture of a little girl in an old woman's lap and asked her grandmother about the old woman because she couldn't recall her... and then her grandmother told her the little girl was Sara's mother and the old woman was Sara's great grandmother.  They all look exactly alike facial-wise; it's really freaky."

    He pauses, frowns, tilts his head, and then drops his hands.

    "... Huh.  Maybe they really are fairies in disguise, then..."


    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

    desktop||starbits shop||trainersona
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    little fairy

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 280

    Posts : 87

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Empty Re: The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT)

    Post by Lance Fri Apr 22, 2016 7:23 am

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Lance_zpsyyjslvgv

    Route 113||Late Afternoon

    "Bam, that's it; happiest person alive in the world right now, that's me." Lance gave another laugh as Sara-Anne snapped her arms into the air and tipped back from her spot into the Altaria's fluff. "I must be super dead right now."

    "Super dead?" Mattimeo echoed. "Are you sure?  Sounds more like mostly dead."

    "Yep. Gonna need to blow me up with a bellows to get air in me again." Utterly and wholly confused by the reference, Lance could only blink as everyone else joined in on the inside joke.

    "And then we'll have fun storming the castle?" The Dragon Master shot a look to Arthur, who only shrugged in reply.

    "But it's not a castle; it's a fortress."

    "There's a difference?"

    "Of course there is; fortress is more..." Sara-Anne waved her arms in a strange fashion as she searched her mind for the word that would complete her sentence. Lance would have had no issue explaining the difference himself, but the group's antics had him stunned into silence. "Fortress is more... s'more military like."

    The man quirked a brow at the slurred speech from the younger girl. Had she gotten into his morphine without him knowing? "Castles are military-like?"

    "Nah, those are- those are more fantasy-esque.  Knights and dragons and princesses an' all that." Lance blinked. Castles were certainly used for military purposes, but the word "fortress" implied-- wait, no, that wasn't the point here. He should still be very worried she somehow got into the drugs.

    Joy egged on her trainer, her grin wide. "And it matters why?"

    "Because the place is a fortress, not a castle, and doesn't fit the movie quote you're trying for."

    Oh... Was... Were they quoting movies? Now that he thought on the strange phrases they shot out so eagerly, they did sound familiar. And it made him feel much better about the conversation and its sudden and, for lack of a better word, weird detour. "Well, I say it's a castle and the quote totally fits." Oh no, he knew the quote, he just couldn't remember the title of the film or the characters and holy shit this was going to bother him. It had been years since he'd seen it, of course, so it was all but gone from his mind. Especially since references to films and books had been such trivial information compared to everything else he'd had to memorize and learn once he turned Indigo Plateau into a fortress. Not castle.

    "Well, reality says you're totally wrong."

    "Oh. My God." Finally done with the little bout of heckling, the Altaria smothered her trainer with a fluffy wing, turning her elegant neck and head back toward Lance, who could only chuckle at their antics. They sure were a lively bunch, that was for sure. "Are you sorry you met us yet?"

    "Of course not-- I haven't been this entertained in years!" He rubbed his still grinning cheeks with his free hand and shook his head. "My face hurts from all this laughi-- Princess Bride!" he blurted out in a shout, his hands flailing a little bit as his mind exploded with memories. "Holy shit, I couldn't, for the life of me, remember the movie you were talking about." He gave another chuckle and shook his head. "I feel better now. In any case, are there any questions you have about the place? I've made it to sound like a perfect haven, but it has its issues like any other community."

    "My friend, that is a thing the humans like to call genetics." Galahad couldn't help the amused scoff he breathed out in reply; Flame suddenly sounded like a wizened old elder, as if he were an expert in the subject. "She's not cursed or a fairy; she's just really that tiny. As was her mother before her, and her mother before her, passed down through the generations. Actually, she once found a picture of a little girl in an old woman's lap and asked her grandmother about the old woman because she couldn't recall her... and then her grandmother told her the little girl was Sara's mother and the old woman was Sara's great grandmother. They all look exactly alike facial-wise; it's really freaky."

    There was a long pause as Flame realized the words he'd just spoken and Galahad simply waited expectantly for the epiphany to come. "... Huh.  Maybe they really are fairies in disguise, then..." There it was.

    "I'm still convinced it's a curse," the Charizard quipped back, turning his attention back to the figurines. "Like her great-great-great grandmother pissed off a Ninetales and they're all doomed to look the same as she did when she pulled its tails or something." He placed the figure in his hands back, pausing when blue sparkled at him. Entranced, his claws delicately reached for another, pulling out an azure Dragonair surrounded by crystals. His heart tugged at the reminder of two of his old comrades, Balan and Balin, the twin Dragonair. He'd traveled and fought alongside them for years until... until...

    "I..." He cleared his throat to rid his voice of the tremble it had acquired in the few moments of his silence. "I think I found mine for Lance... How- How is your search coming along?"

    Age : 30
    Posts : 1138

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Empty Re: The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT)

    Post by Starbits Tue Apr 26, 2016 1:04 pm

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Tumblr_nkwzlfaJjC1s5iyovo1_400
    Route 113 | Late Afternoon | 32

    "Of course not-- I haven't been this entertained in years!"   He's rubbing his face as the Altaria lifts her wing and allows her human to sit up, Sara-Anne whining at her dragon like an oversized kitten.  Arlene just grins at her.  "My face hurts from all this laughi-- Princess Bride!"   He's flailing a little oh god how adorable.  "Holy shit, I couldn't, for the life of me, remember the movie you were talking about."

    He laughs a little and shakes his head, the sound coaxing a grin from her.  "I feel better now. In any case, are there any questions you have about the place? I've made it to sound like a perfect haven, but it has its issues like any other community."

    "Hmmm... I dunno; anything you guys can think of?"  She looks over at her Pokemon, Arlene settling her head on top of Sara-Anne's.  

    "Oh, what about ID?  Will she need to prove she is who she says she is when we get there?"

    "And about jobs; do we get a choice of what job we fill, or will we be assigned something at random?"

    "Ohhh that's a good point, both of you; I think I still have my driver's licence but if I don't we might be in for a bad time.  I'm awkward around strangers, and though I can get around that, I definitely can't lift heavy stuff, so a job asking me to do that would lead nowhere good."

    "It would probably lead to a lot of dropped stuff."

    "Unless we could help."

    "Oh, and um, is there an arena for pokemon battles?  Maybe a pool?"  She looks hopefully at the Champion.

    "I'm still convinced it's a curse."   Galahad is back to pawing through the figurines, Flame chuckling.  "Like her great-great-great grandmother pissed off a Ninetales and they're all doomed to look the same as she did when she pulled its tails or something."

    "Pfffft, I wouldn't be surprised."  Not with how impulsive Sara-Anne is.  He's sure her mother was once that way, and hers before that, and hers before that, before their parents forced them out of it.  

    "I... I think I found mine for Lance..."

    Flame frowns.  He doesn't sound very okay.  One small hand rubs one of Galahad's horns.

    "How- How is your search coming along?

    He looks at the figurines in front of him, exhaling a sadder sigh than he would have liked.  "Not... not that great...  I'm not even sure what I'm really looking for?  The first thing that popped into my head was something that reminded her of her brothers, or maybe her friends, but... the chance of finding them is... super low.  I'm not sure anymore if bringing her something that reminds her of them would be such a good idea, y'know?  Some people it's healthier if they just... let go... And a figurine in her backpack serving as a constant reminder wouldn't help with that."

    He's silent for a moment as he stares up at all the glittering glass.  "It's hard to know how to deal with someone else's grief.  Even if they're someone you've known for a long time.  Everyone's different, and she's never experienced loss before this..."


    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

    desktop||starbits shop||trainersona
    ♋️19 Badges♋️
    little fairy

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 280

    Posts : 87

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Empty Re: The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT)

    Post by Lance Tue Apr 26, 2016 2:35 pm

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Lance_zpsyyjslvgv

    Route 113||Late Afternoon

    "Hmmm... I dunno; anything you guys can think of?" She glanced to her pokemon and Lance stayed quiet, patient to hear any other concerns.

    Joy was first to think of something. "Oh, what about ID?  Will she need to prove she is who she says she is when we get there?"

    "And about jobs; do we get a choice of what job we fill, or will we be assigned something at random?" Mattimeo added.

    "Ohhh that's a good point, both of you; I think I still have my driver's license but if I don't we might be in for a bad time.  I'm awkward around strangers, and though I can get around that, I definitely can't lift heavy stuff, so a job asking me to do that would lead nowhere good," Sara-Anne commented, causing Lance to chuckle at the mental image she provided. No, he wouldn't suggest she go into a physically taxing profession.

    "It would probably lead to a lot of dropped stuff." Exactly why.

    "Unless we could help."

    "Oh, and um, is there an arena for pokemon battles?  Maybe a pool?" He nodded, his smile still in place.

    "I'll answer as best I can," he began, his voice gentle as he spoke in an attempt to stave off the pain in his sides and leg. It was getting more prominent... "ID is helpful, but not required since not everyone has the luck of keeping an ID on them. We've been able to access the Kanto and Johto databases for blacklists and criminals, but that's been about it. Unless you're a criminal, there's not really a reason to lie." He frowned at the thought of someone just waltzing in and causing trouble, but Security was fairly decent, even if Karen and that other Elite Four was drunk most of the time. "We're working on finding more databases from other regions to confirm identity, though I've seen that not many former criminals are willing to jeopardize their place in the community by committing any crimes. It's very safe."

    He paused as he remembered the next question. "Jobs are typically dictated by first come, first serve and demand. Sometimes, you'll be placed into a Floater Pool, which is a group of people trained in various jobs that can take over whatever needs backup. Say something happens to a maintenance worker, a kitchen worker or janitor-- a person would be pulled from the pool depending on how recently they had worked and then put on that job temporarily until they were no longer required. There's also permanent jobs, but... those are usually soldier, security, farmer or health. Specialized jobs. Again, you'd be able to choose depending on what we have need when you arrive."

    The sentiment for the pokemon arena made the smile grow. "We had to convert most of our arenas for farms, the water purifiers and other things, but there is one that has stayed dedicated for pokemon battles. You'll have to check your pokemon in for inspection, to make sure they're not infected, but from what I've seen, you'll be all right." Lance didn't want to go into detail what would happen if they did show up infected but... he didn't think she'd need to be told, either.

    "Not... not that great..." Flame began, his tone of voice causing Galahad to worry for his new spunky friend. "I'm not even sure what I'm really looking for? The first thing that popped into my head was something that reminded her of her brothers, or maybe her friends, but... the chance of finding them is... super low. I'm not sure anymore if bringing her something that reminds her of them would be such a good idea, y'know? Some people it's healthier if they just... let go... And a figurine in her backpack serving as a constant reminder wouldn't help with that."

    Galahad looked down to the shimmering Dragonair in his hands, doubting whether or not he should show Lance. He rarely spoke of the teammates that died and Galahad had never been sure whether that was a good or bad thing. Lance was surprisingly introverted for a Champion. Would bringing him this only hurt him? Or would it give him a token to procure old, fond memories? "It's hard to know how to deal with someone else's grief. Even if they're someone you've known for a long time. Everyone's different, and she's never experienced loss before this..."

    "You're probably right..." he admitted, his eyes still on the Dragonair. "Maybe it's... selfish to think that they'd want to be reminded... But would the chance of disappointing them be worth the chance of making them happy?"

    Age : 30
    Posts : 1138

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Empty Re: The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT)

    Post by Starbits Wed Apr 27, 2016 5:26 pm

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Tumblr_nkwzlfaJjC1s5iyovo1_400
    Route 113 | Late Afternoon | 33

    "I'll answer as best I can," the dragon master begins, and Sara-Anne and her Pokemon settle in a semicircle in front of the chair to listen, eyes wide with curiosity.   "ID is helpful, but not required since not everyone has the luck of keeping an ID on them. We've been able to access the Kanto and Johto databases for blacklists and criminals, but that's been about it. Unless you're a criminal, there's not really a reason to lie."

    He frowns.  She tilts her head.  Did he just think of something?  She supposes they should have no trouble with getting in, then.  The worst thing she can recall doing was trespassing.

    Still... what just popped into his head?

    "We're working on finding more databases from other regions to confirm identity, though I've seen that not many former criminals are willing to jeopardize their place in the community by committing any crimes. It's very safe."

    Oh, good.  She didn't think it'd be dangerous, really-- hotels have cameras, after all.  But it's nice to hear him confirm it.

    "Jobs are typically dictated by first come, first serve and demand. Sometimes, you'll be placed into a Floater Pool, which is a group of people trained in various jobs that can take over whatever needs backup. Say something happens to a maintenance worker, a kitchen worker or janitor-- a person would be pulled from the pool depending on how recently they had worked and then put on that job temporarily until they were no longer required. There's also permanent jobs, but... those are usually soldier, security, farmer or health. Specialized jobs. Again, you'd be able to choose depending on what we have need when you arrive."

    Okay, that was a lot of information-- but hey!  He confirmed there's at least one pool.  That's nice.

    "We had to convert most of our arenas for farms, the water purifiers and other things, but there is one that has stayed dedicated for pokemon battles. You'll have to check your pokemon in for inspection, to make sure they're not infected, but from what I've seen, you'll be all right."

    "Awesome!  Thanks!"  She beams at her pokemon, bouncing a little in happiness.  The information wasn't too hard to understand; no, ID is not necessary, you're not a criminal so you're good, jobs depend on what's needed but you'll have the training necessary to handle them, yes, there is both a pool and an arena.

    This is such a good day.

    "We can follow you there, get all registered; we'll ask the registration person who to report to for work, before we leave.  Then we can get set up in whatever room you're in, rest, and at first opportunity, ask about the people we're looking for. "  Joy smiles, idly reaching over to stroke a hair from her trainer's face.  

    "Oh, um... one more question?  Will... we still be able to see each other when we go back?  Maybe play some Uno sometime?"

    "You mean, the game you didn't actually show him how to play yet?"  Mattimeo grins and she huffs at him.

    "Shut it you- oh!"  Sara-Anne looks back at Lance, worry crossing her face.  "It's been a little while; how's your leg holding up?"

    "You're probably right..."  Flame rubs his horn again. "Maybe it's... selfish to think that they'd want to be reminded... But would the chance of disappointing them be worth the chance of making them happy?"

    "I wouldn't say it's selfish exactly... there's nothing wrong with you wanting to be reminded.  And assuming because of that that they would too is more... more a forgetfulness, I think, that there are different perceptions."  He pauses.  

    "And that's okay.  We're all only people and sometimes we all forget that.  Especially when we have our own grief.  But honestly, I don't know if the chance of disappointing them is worth the chance of making them happy.  Because if we make them happy, then yes, we'd look back on this and say the risk was totally worth it.  And if not?  Then we'd say it wasn't."


    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

    desktop||starbits shop||trainersona
    ♋️19 Badges♋️
    little fairy

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 280

    Posts : 87

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Empty Re: The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT)

    Post by Lance Thu Apr 28, 2016 11:21 am

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Lance_zpsyyjslvgv

    Route 113||Late Afternoon

    "Awesome! Thanks!" she chirped back as she beamed her happiness back to her pokemon. Lance's mind trailed back to the Plateau, however; he hoped that Clair and the others could hold it together. Steven's reliability had been waning for the past... well... years, he supposed, but since Cynthia was out, Steven was the only one there that was actually a Champion. His expression darkened a bit. Don't fuck this up, Steven...

    "We can follow you there, get all registered; we'll ask the registration person who to report to for work, before we leave.  Then we can get set up in whatever room you're in, rest, and at first opportunity, ask about the people we're looking for. " Lance looked up as Joy spoke, his expression returning to the tired but warm smile. "Yeah, that's about the protocol for newcomers. You won't have any issue."

    "Oh, um... one more question?  Will... we still be able to see each other when we go back?  Maybe play some Uno sometime?" For a moment, Lance thought by "we", she meant herself and her pokemon. Before he could answer, he soon found that he was mistaken.

    "You mean, the game you didn't actually show him how to play yet?"

    "Shut it you- oh!" Sara-Anne exclaimed as she turned back to Lance. He was still fairly stunned by her earlier question, though. Not many ever actually wanted to see him in the Plateau anymore unless they had to for business. "It's been a little while; how's your leg holding up?"

    "O-Oh, it's..." Arthur turned to watch Lance as he spoke. Great. The dragon was judging him. "It's complaining, but I'm not... bad yet. I'd rather space the medication far enough apart so I can get the most out of it." The Dragonite didn't seem to be convinced, however, and he stood from his spot in front of the window to slowly tromp to Lance's side.

    "It'll help you fall asleep," he chided gently. "Instead of you writhing in agony while you wait for it to take effect."

    Lance's face fell a little at the grim and... accurate description. "Yeah, you're... probably right." He sighed a little and handed his cards back to Sara-Anne. "We can play again tomorrow. Not like I'll be going anywhere."

    "You mentioned a town nearby, Sara-Anne," Arthur began as he retrieved another dose of morphine and the black rubber tourniquet. "As convenient as this house is, I would rather find a more sturdy structure for Lance and my teammates to recover in. We'll need lots of room. We should try going there tomorrow and at least scoping it out."

    Galahad was grateful for the gentle, comforting rub of his horn that Flame provided, though it didn't make his dilemma any easier to solve. "I wouldn't say it's selfish exactly... there's nothing wrong with you wanting to be reminded. And assuming because of that that they would too is more... more a forgetfulness, I think, that there are different perceptions." The Charizard's face fell more as he listened, but he kept quiet.

    "And that's okay. We're all only people and sometimes we all forget that. Especially when we have our own grief. But honestly, I don't know if the chance of disappointing them is worth the chance of making them happy. Because if we make them happy, then yes, we'd look back on this and say the risk was totally worth it. And if not? Then we'd say it wasn't."

    The dragon turned back to the innocent little trinket in his hands, the decision becoming heavier and heavier a burden. His brow furrowed as he stared into its deep azure hues and light, an emotion he couldn't quite place the name of bubbling from its depths. Regret? Guilt? Frustration? He was tired of the sadness that plagued himself, his trainer and his brothers that came from the Epidemic, to be sure. He was tired of being incapable of doing anything about that sorrow. Of being helpless against the monster that relentlessly tore at not only himself, but the people that he cared for most. Why couldn't he, for once, strike back at it with happiness? Put it back into the shadows even just temporarily to give himself and his loved ones the reprieve they so desperately deserved?

    "...You're right..." he admitted quietly, his vision beginning to blur with tears. "I'm just... I just want to win against it, once..." His grip tightened a little on the fragile art. "Just once, I want to see them happy again. He's always so angry and stressed at home. There's so much on his shoulders. So many people's lives at stake that he has to protect. He's worked so hard and so long without a break and there's no end of it in sight. I thought... maybe... something like this would help... but... you're right..."

    Heart breaking, Galahad gently put the Dragonair back on the shelf, a claw delicately lingering before he withdrew his hand. "I don't want to risk making things worse... Let's... just check the rest of the house..." He began to turn back to the door, feeling a thousand pounds heavier than he had five minutes ago.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 1138

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Empty Re: The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT)

    Post by Starbits Thu Apr 28, 2016 8:01 pm

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Tumblr_nkwzlfaJjC1s5iyovo1_400
    Route 113 | Late Afternoon | 34

    "O-Oh, it's..."

    That moment of weakness costs him.  Sara-Anne watches his dragon turn to look at him, already knowing that Lance's excuses won't fly.  "It's complaining, but I'm not... bad yet. I'd rather space the medication far enough apart so I can get the most out of it."

    Nope.  Didn't work.  As predicted, the Dragonite walks over, scolding him kindly.  "It'll help you fall asleep. Instead of you writhing in agony while you wait for it to take effect."

    Some of the cheer drains from his face and Sara-Anne feels a twinge of pity-- that sounds like it would really suck. "Yeah, you're... probably right." He hands the cards back to her, and she passes them to Joy to mix up and put away. "We can play again tomorrow. Not like I'll be going anywhere."

    "You mentioned a town nearby, Sara-Anne," his companion adds as he retrieves another dose, and Sara-Anne looks away to avoid seeing the needle. "As convenient as this house is, I would rather find a more sturdy structure for Lance and my teammates to recover in. We'll need lots of room. We should try going there tomorrow and at least scoping it out."

    "Fallarbor Town is just down the way, yeah.  It's pretty much just a straight shot unless some undead really fucked things up and somehow made another path.  I don't think it's a really big down, but there should be more than one cabin to choose from, so we should be good.  I think unless there's a seriously big horde there, we should be able to clear the place out if there's anything undead lurking around."

    "...You're right..."

    The words bring a bigger lump to Flame's throat than he'd like.

    "I'm just... I just want to win against it, once... Just once, I want to see them happy again. He's always so angry and stressed at home. There's so much on his shoulders. So many people's lives at stake that he has to protect. He's worked so hard and so long without a break and there's no end of it in sight. I thought... maybe... something like this would help... but... you're right..."

    Flame opens his mouth to protest, to say that he really didn't mean to give Galahad that impression, but...

    The words die in his throat.

    He has no answer for this dilemma.  He just doesn't.  He watches in silence as Galahad replaces the Dragonair on the shelf.

    "I don't want to risk making things worse... Let's... just check the rest of the house..."  He turns back to the door.

    "I'm sorry," he whispers, and he's not sure if it's only to Galahad, his eyes remaining on the multitude of colors and the Dragonair in particular.

    It feels like it's watching him as Galahad closes the door.


    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

    desktop||starbits shop||trainersona
    ♋️19 Badges♋️
    little fairy

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 280

    Posts : 87

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Empty Re: The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT)

    Post by Lance Fri Apr 29, 2016 7:56 am

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Lance_zpsyyjslvgv

    Route 113||Late Afternoon

    "Fallarbor Town is just down the way, yeah." Sara-Anne answered readily. The affirmation of the town's close proximity gave Arthur some more peace of mind. He had no real personal experience with it, as all of his and Lance's business belonged in Evergrande and a bit in Sootopolis, but it was good to have someone that knew things a little better. "It's pretty much just a straight shot unless some undead really fucked things up and somehow made another path." Lance couldn't help but snort at the young girl cursing-- she sounded like a little mouse throwing f-bombs, and that was hilarious with or without drugs. "I don't think it's a really big town, but there should be more than one cabin to choose from, so we should be good.  I think unless there's a seriously big horde there, we should be able to clear the place out if there's anything undead lurking around."

    Arthur nodded and strapped the tourniquet to Lance's arm, handing the shot to his trainer. Now that he was awake, he could administer the drug to himself. Lance nodded his appreciation to the Dragonite, but placed the capped syringe on his lap before holding out a hand for Sara-Anne to take. "Before I lose my mind again, I'd like to formally introduce myself to you, Miss Sara-Anne," he began with a pained smile; his ribs were impatient for relief. "I am Lance, Champion of the Region of Johto and surrogate Champion to Kanto, Overseer of Indigo Plateau. It's an honor and a pleasure to meet you and your pokemon, and I can't thank you enough for your help. I, and my pokemon, are in your debt." Arthur, more than pleased with his trainer's words, smiled warmly at them and bowed a little.

    "I'm sorry."

    Galahad quietly made his way out of the pretty room, only able to shut the door once his long tail had escaped it. "Me too," was his only response as he trudged down the hall, nosing open the next door. It was dusty and dark, but as Galahad slowly made his way in, it looked to be a sort of workshop. There was a bench, a large furnace and a few other items and tools Galahad couldn't recognize.

    "This must be where the person made all the figurines," he reasoned, poking at a large bellows nearby.  Pushing his sadness from the other room away, he tried to force his mind back to practicality. "Hmm... You think there's anything we can use? Any tools that might come in handy?"

    Age : 30
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    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Empty Re: The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT)

    Post by Starbits Sun May 01, 2016 11:38 pm

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Tumblr_nkwzlfaJjC1s5iyovo1_400
    Route 113 | Late Afternoon | 35

    A gentle finger pokes her in the side, signalling that the needle is gone and it's safe to look.  Sara-Anne turns her head back to Lance as the Champion speaks.  "Before I lose my mind again, I'd like to formally introduce myself to you, Miss Sara-Anne.  I am Lance, Champion of the Region of Johto and surrogate Champion to Kanto, Overseer of Indigo Plateau. It's an honor and a pleasure to meet you and your pokemon, and I can't thank you enough for your help. I, and my pokemon, are in your debt."

    "And like I think I said earlier, but hey if you're introducing yourself properly I'll do it again; I'm Sara-Anne of Sinnoh, former resident of Floaroma Town and gardener, and owner of six pokemon badges.  It was our pleasure to help you, but if you really wanna thank us?  Go get some sleep."  She nodded, putting on her best stern face.  "You look like you're in pain; the morphine'll hopefully kick in soon and then you can get some strength back.  Don't worry about anything; the Pokemon and I'll take care of everything."

    That's a tall order, god.  But there was no way to add "I think" into that assertion to make it less of an assertion without sounding like a tool.  No, she's gotta be right this time; they need her help.

    "Me too."

    God, he hasn't felt this shitty in a while.  Flame watches in silence as Galahad noses open another door, wondering if the dragon blames him for the cloud hanging over him.  Some friend he turned out to be.

    "This must be where the person made all the figurines," Galahad muses, his tone now... not cheerful, but not sad anymore. "Hmm... You think there's anything we can use? Any tools that might come in handy?"

    "Um," he mumbles, trying to pull himself together, "maybe?  I think- I think that's a blowtorch... that's... I have no idea what that is... I think that's a propane tank?"

    Not useless items, but he can't think of how a blowtorch would help them, or at least, not at the moment.  He didn't think he saw anything a blowtorch would gain them access to.


    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Empty Re: The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT)

    Post by Lance Mon May 02, 2016 2:08 pm

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Lance_zpsyyjslvgv

    Route 113||Late Afternoon

    "And I think I said earlier, but hey if you're introducing yourself properly I'll do it again; I'm Sara-Anne of Sinnoh, former resident of Floaroma Town and gardener, and owner of six pokemon badges. It was our pleasure to help you, but if you really wanna thank us? Go get some sleep." Though Lance's ribs and leg were more than complaining now, he couldn't help but chuckle as Sara-Anne did her best mother impersonation, despite being his junior by at least fifteen years. "You look like you're in pain; the morphine'll hopefully kick in soon and then you can get some strength back. Don't worry about anything; the Pokemon and I'll take care of everything."

    He gave her a grateful nod and picked the needle back up. He removed the cap easily with his teeth and then stuck it into his exposed vein, pulling back a little to make sure that he did indeed have it in the vein. He winced as he realized he missed, but kept carefully aiming and stabbing until he finally succeeded. With a relieved grunt, he pushed the plunger down and down, flexing his hand once the syringe was empty. He handed the cap and needle back to Arthur, who took them and the tourniquet from his trainer. Within moments, Lance relaxed against the chair, eyes rolling back and he immediately fell asleep.

    Arthur gave a soft smile at how quickly he went under, glad that he was able to find some relief. He placed the items back into the bag and turned to Sara-Anne. "Thank you, again. He can very extremely stubborn." He looked to the darkened hallways and turned back to the other trainer. "I'll go find Charizard and Flame. We should bed down for the night."

    "Um," Flame mumbled from atop Galahad's head, "maybe? I think- I think that's a blowtorch... that's... I have no idea what that is... I think that's a propane tank?" The Charizard sniffed it a bit before backing off slightly. Lance would know way more about these tools than he did. But footsteps nearby caused him to turn, looking back over his shoulder at the doorway when Arthur soon appeared within it.

    "It's getting late, you two," he reminded gently. "We should gather in the main room and assign watch." Arthur could tell something was amiss, however, and gave the two a silent questioning look. Galahad simply smiled it away, unwilling to divulge what had happened not five minutes ago.

    "Sure thing," he replied, his voice not entirely secure in itself. "We'll be right there." Arthur obviously didn't appreciate the withholding, but he let it go all the same and went back to the main room. Galahad sighed.

    "I guess we can come back later tomorrow. Maybe it'll be a better day-- maybe I can even take you flying!" He grew excited at the thought of flying without having to do it in order to save his or his trainer's life. "Bet you've never piloted a Charizard before."

    Age : 30
    Posts : 1138

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Empty Re: The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT)

    Post by Starbits Thu May 05, 2016 12:01 am

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Tumblr_nkwzlfaJjC1s5iyovo1_400
    Route 113 | Late Afternoon | 36

    She glances away again as he goes to administer the shot, and is poked when the needle is away.  Arthur is facing her now, addressing her with a smile.  "Thank you, again. He can very extremely stubborn."

    He looks to the doorway, and then back to her. "I'll go find Charizard and Flame. We should bed down for the night."

    "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I can use the sofa."  Sleep sounds amazing after all the stress of today.  God, she's more tired than she thought.  At least nothing physically taxing happened today.  Most of the exhaustion is mental.

    Not that this is fantastic, but hey, she's not sore from running or something, and that's fine with her.

    "It's getting late, you two."

    The sudden voice startles the chimp and he jumps slightly, looking over his shoulder.  He sighs at the sight of the Dragonite, wiping his forehead in relief.  Now if only his heart would slow the hell down.

    "We should gather in the main room and assign watch."

    "Sure thing."  He winces at the slight tremor in his voice.  "We'll be right there."

    Flame listens to the exchange between Arthur and Galahad silently, numbly, exhausted by sadness.  In fact he may not have spoken at all, if not for Galahad addressing him as the dragon made his way back to the living room.

    "I guess we can come back later tomorrow. Maybe it'll be a better day-- maybe I can even take you flying!"  The cheer in his voice rocks Flame; how is he so happy suddenly? "Bet you've never piloted a Charizard before."

    "Oh, uh- I-"  Get a grip, Flame.  "That- that sounds really cool!  I've ridden Arlene before but that's it.  And not lately, actually, come to think of it."  When had his last ride been?  Good grief he can't even remember...

    "Yeah.  I'd like that."  And this time, there's a bit more of a smile in his voice.

    When they return to the room Sara-Anne is curled up on the sofa under a blanket, already asleep-- Lance is out, too.  Must be sleep time.

    Well, that's just fine with him.  He hops up onto the couch beside her, the human stirring a little as his weight hits the cushions.  "Mmnn Flaaaaaame."

    "Heya.  Gonna nap on you."  And without another word he curls up against her and sacks out.  She snorts and rubs his head before closing her eyes again.  Time to enjoy a nice, good sleep.


    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

    desktop||starbits shop||trainersona
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    little fairy

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    Posts : 87

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Empty Re: The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT)

    Post by Lance Fri May 06, 2016 7:57 am

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Lance_zpsyyjslvgv

    Route 113||Late Afternoon

    "Oh, uh- I-" Galahad's heart hung in the moment as his enthusiasm caught his passenger off guard. He wanted to move past the sadness, as he'd never done well when he dwelt within it, but apparently it was a bit too much of a shift for his friend. "That- that sounds really cool! I've ridden Arlene before but that's it. And not lately, actually, come to think of it." He tried giving Flame a reassuring smile, though with the monkey's position, there'd be no way he could see it. "Yeah. I'd like that," he concluded. Galahad's own grin broadened when he heard Flame's tinting his voice.

    "Good. Because it's totally happening."

    It didn't take long for them to follow Arthur back to the living room, where Lance and Sara are already asleep. Flame hopped from Galahad's head and skittered to his trainer, the Charizard looking on with an endearing eye. "Mmnn Flaaaaaame," she muttered sleepily, her rest disturbed by the monkey jumping onto the couch with her.

    "Heya. Gonna nap on you." And with that, he curled against his trainer and soon, they were both sound asleep.

    Galahad hadn't noticed Arthur watching him from the window, however, as the Charizard watched his new friend fall into a sound sleep with his trainer. Silence stretched between them as Galahad's mind went back to the room of glass sculptures, how the colors shone with the orange glow of his tail. He marked the images in his mind, since he likely would never see them again... "I see you've made a friend." Arthur's gentle, deep voice snapped Galahad out of his reverie and the Charizard looked to his Dragonite companion.

    "I-- y-yeah," he admitted, walking to Lance's side and settling beside the chair. Galahad sadly took in the colors of his trainer's bruises flowering and darkening over his body, unsure of how tomorrow would treat him. "He's a good guy."

    The sentiment gave Arthur a small chuckle as he rose and strode closer to the other dragon. Flashes of their first meeting mere hours prior flew into Arthur's mind as he stopped over the supply bag he'd brought in from Dinadan's back. "He's a cheeky little monkey, from what I can tell. But he's a good person, yes?"

    Galahad gave his fellow dragon a fond nod. "I think so."

    Arthur returned the gesture as he withdrew a ball. "The rest of Sara-Anne's pokemon, as well as Sara-Anne herself, seem to all be decent folk. I'm glad you agree. It makes this... whole arrangement seem much easier to settle into." He turned to head to the door when Galahad moved to stop him.

    "Arthur, wait--"

    The Dragonite turned a little too sharply at his name, an annoyed frown now marring his features. "We're not supposed to use names yet, you know that. It's only been a day. Less than."

    "Sorry," the Charizard immediately slinked back a little and a worried glance went to the two sleeping figures. "They're asleep, anyway--"

    "What did you want to ask?" he interrupted, his soft voice gaining a tired edge.

    "I-- How long do you think we'll be here with them?" At Arthur's quirked brow, Galahad felt the need to elaborate. "I-I mean, I know it's until Lance gets better and that's fine, but... how long do you think that'll take?"

    Arthur heaved a long, tired sigh as his eyes went to their sleeping trainer, indicative that he'd been asking himself that very same question all day. "I don't know," he answered truthfully. "Humans typically heal much slower than we do. It could be weeks, even a month or two before he's fully capable again." His leg injury was also something to worry about; it could leave him with a permanent limp. But Arthur felt the need to keep quiet on that front, so to not worry Galahad further. "For now, though, we'll just have to be patient and see how his body recovers on its own... and hope the drugs hold out."

    Galahad's eyes lowered at the sombre prognosis. "And what about the people at home? Clair and Steven and Cynthia, all of them?"

    Arthur gave a defeated shrug, the exhaustion of the day, as well as the exhaustion of years of worry and concern, seemed to crash onto the Dragonite's shoulders. "I don't know, Galahad. I'm not sure what we could do to inform them of our whereabouts. Hopefully they don't write us off as dead or send out search parties; I wouldn't want anyone dying while trying to find us. All we can do is just ride this out, unfortunately." He heaved another sigh and turned over the poke ball in his hand. "In any case, try to get some sleep. I'll put Lucan on watch and try to sleep myself." Galahad nodded as Arthur left, their Noivern companion in hand, and for a moment, the Charizard wasn't entirely sure what to do with himself. He knew he needed sleep, but... he wasn't sure how he'd find it.

    Still, he had to try. Using Lance's chair as a headrest, he settled further onto the wooden floor, giving his trainer's arm a small lick of affection before closing his eyes and searching for sleep behind closed lids.

    Route 113||Dawn

    Galahad woke to the sound of something scratching against wood. Eyes fluttering open, he started when he saw a giant dark face in his, nearly snapping up at it with his teeth. Of course, he stopped himself; the face belonged to Lucan, his Noivern teammate. Galahad gave out an irate sigh before stretching. "He looks like hell," Lucan observed quietly, not moving from his stance over their still sleeping trainer.

    "Well, he crashed," was the Charizard's whispered, gruff reply. "Humans typically don't handle that well. Even in armor."

    "Yeah, no shit," Lucan chuckled as he finally backed off a little. "I was there."

    "Oh yeah," Galahad mused and turned a concerned eye over the bat dragon. "How are you feeling?"

    Lucan shrugged. "Can't complain, I guess. Arthur healed me up pretty decently--"

    "Shh, no names," Galahad interrupted, earning Lucan's renewed interest and confusion. "We're not alone." He nodded to the still sleeping Sara-Anne and her pokemon, the Noivern following his gesture. "They're the ones that found us. Helped us get Lance to this house."

    Lucan made an "Aahh" sort of movement with his head and mouth, but didn't voice it. Galahad chuckled as the Noivern loomed over them, taking in their appearance and details. "They might not like a giant Noivern glowering at them, bud. You might want to stop."

    "I'm not 'glowering', I'm 'studying'," he answered coyly.

    "I don't think that's better."

    "Didn't say it was."

    Age : 30
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    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Empty Re: The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT)

    Post by Starbits Sun May 08, 2016 11:00 pm

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Tumblr_nkwzlfaJjC1s5iyovo1_400
    Route 113 | Dawn | 37

    Waking up is always just about the worst sensation Flame has ever experienced aside from outright pain.  First there's a feeling like a rug was ripped out from under you and then everything comes way too sharply into focus for his sleepy senses to be pleased with.

    One moment he was sound asleep and then literally the next moment later, he was awake and aware of clear but quiet voices and words being exchanged from a short distance away.

    "We're not alone."  A moment's pause. "They're the ones that found us. Helped us get Lance to this house."

    The chimp holds perfectly still as he feels someone looming over him, staring at them.  For some strange reason he feels the urge to giggle, like a silly child wanting to laugh while hiding during a game of hide-and-seek. "They might not like a giant Noivern glowering at them, bud. You might want to stop."

    "I'm not 'glowering', I'm 'studying'."  Flame nearly snorts at how matter-of-factly he sounds.

    "I don't think that's better."

    "Didn't say it was."

    "Studying?  There gonna be a test?"  Flame chuckles a little as he cracks an eye open.  "Hope I get an A.  I hear those are hard to get."

    He rolls onto his side from his back and stretches before easing himself up and off the human.  She slumbers on, peaceful.  "Good morni- oh, whoa, so that's what a Noivern looks like!"  His face lights up with glee, his hushed exclaimation filled with awe.  "I told Joy they were the badass dragon-bat things but noooooo, she insisted they were the gooey dragons.  Hah, she owes me like, five Mago berries if we can find 'em."

    He grins at the sleeping fairy, keeping his voice low to avoid actually waking her before she has to be up.  "Told you so."


    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

    desktop||starbits shop||trainersona
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    little fairy

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    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Empty Re: The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT)

    Post by Lance Mon May 09, 2016 6:23 pm

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Lance_zpsyyjslvgv

    Route 113||Dawn

    "Studying? There gonna be a test?" Galahad perked at the voice, smiling as he saw the tiny money's eye peek open. "Hope I get an A. I hear those are hard to get."

    He rolled over, stretching and pushing himself off his human pillow. But when he looked up and saw Lucan's face, his own brightened in wonder and excitement. "Good morni- oh, whoa, so that's what a Noivern looks like!" Lucan gave him a dazzling grin as Flame gloated. "I told Joy they were the badass dragon-bat things but noooooo, she insisted they were the gooey dragons.  Hah, she owes me like, five Mago berries if we can find 'em."

    Galahad giggled as Flame gave Joy a coy look. "Told you so."

    "The sticky ones are Goodra," he supplied with a yawn. "They're all in Kalos, I think."

    "Like Noivern and Tyrantrum?" Lucan joked. He looked back down to Flame and his sleeping companions and tilted his head as he looked back over them. "In any case, I figured you guys would like to know that it's dawn and you should probably get going." He looked to Arthur, who was slowly rising. "You said we had a lot of ground to cover today."

    Last edited by Lance on Fri May 20, 2016 10:07 am; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 30
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    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Empty Re: The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT)

    Post by Starbits Wed May 11, 2016 2:20 pm

    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 Tumblr_nkwzlfaJjC1s5iyovo1_400
    Route 113 | Dawn | 38

    "The sticky ones are Goodra." Galahad interrupts himself with a yawn.  Flame looks slightly to the side with a nod of his head and a mumble of "Hah!  Iknewit!"

    "They're all in Kalos, I think."

    "Like Noivern and Tyrantrum?"  The Noivern seems to be in a good mood.  Cool beans.  Best not to piss off the dragon.

    ... Which would mean it's best not to piss any of them off, probably.  Hopefully they're all as good natured as the ones he's met so far.

    "In any case, I figured you guys would like to know that it's dawn and you should probably get going."  Yellow moves out of the corner of his eye and Flame turns to see Arthur rising.  "You said we had a lot of ground to cover today."

    "I don't remember saying that, but yeah, I'm sure we do."  Flame hops up onto the couch and nuzzles Sara-Anne's face, the girl grumbling and hunkering down deeper into the blanket.  He nuzzles her again with a soft, gentle, noise.  She groans and sits up, hair hanging over her face and sticking up at odd angles.  "Time to go already?"

    " 'Already?'  I'm pretty sure it's been like ten hours."

    "Really?  Huh.  And I actually feel kinda... kinda good..."

    "Good, then let's wake up the other two and head out."

    It takes exactly five minutes to do that, both the fairy and the canine rising quickly.  There's not even much to pack on their end, since the group didn't take much out.


    The FALLARBOR Team (PLOT) - Page 3 RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

    desktop||starbits shop||trainersona
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    little fairy

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