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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team


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    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: (ELITE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Starbits Thu Sep 22, 2016 2:35 pm

    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Tumblr_o5dwsoYvGd1uc5v85o1_400
    Pyrite Town | Sunset | 21

    "Hey, Athena, they're right," says the quiet trainer.  Diantha can't help but smile at the tone of his voice.  "It is dusty. Should we sue?"

    Cosette snickers as the other Gardevoir seems to consider the suggestion seriously. "Okay, but sue for what? The floor?"


    "Good luck getting your prize out, though," Cosette points out with a giant grin.

    There's a moment of peaceful quiet.

    "It's getting late and I'm sure we've all had a trying day," Wes points out.  "Once we eat, we should probably try and find some sleeping arrangements, yeah? My bed should fit two or three, if we get real close and comfy."

    Hm.  No.  But judging from the look on his face, he's kidding.

    "If not, I'm sure there're some mattresses we can pilfer from the other rooms."  Yes, good.  Kidding.  "Put them here and in the kitchen and stuff." He began to pass out food, Cosette brightening further.  Oh thank god; her stomach was eating itself. "In the meantime, y'all wanna chat? Pretend these are beers and have fun? It's been a while since I was around friendly faces."

    Same likely went for everyone here.

    Athena is grinning.  Oh boy.  "That sounds lovely. As my wonderful trainer knows, I have no end of embarrassing tales to share."  Cosette begins snickering again, turning the same smug look on her trainer.  Diantha arches an eyebrow.

    "Oh? I bet we all have some great stories on our brilliant trainers."

    "You wound me."

    "Oh, as if we trainers are completely helpless."  Diantha's face splits into a grin of her own.  "Like that time you wanted to get a really close look at a camera, so you started playing with mine despite me telling you not to, and you set the flash off in your face.  And walked into a try trying to find me."

    The fairy turns bright red with a stammer.  "What about the time you kept saying 'toilet' to all the Kantonian residents while visiting because you got it mixed up with the word for 'hello!?'"

    "... You fight dirty."

    "Dirtier than the shovel I'm gonna bury you with beneath all these stories of you being a dumbass."


    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

    desktop||starbits shop||trainersona
    ♋️19 Badges♋️
    little fairy

    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 280

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    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: (ELITE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Phoenix Mon Sep 26, 2016 9:07 pm

    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 DeanPhoe_zpsdhgtml9p
    Pyrite Town | Night
    P-90 / D-51

    He knew it wasn't going to be a good start to a conversation but the Ninetales was still just as salty as when she got put into her luxury ball. Maybe more so because she had been recalled in front of a bunch of people. Dean frowned at Phoenix's already riled state and actively blocked her warpath to the next room by standing in front of the door. "Phoenix-"

    "Phoe, that hurts," Asche's voice sounded from behind him and the blonde stepped to the side so he could turn and look at the Absol evolution. "Don't call me names!" A good portion of the anger radiating from Phoenix left at the sight of her friend, the yellow fox walking over and bumping her head against the blue idiot's neck. "I said moron, not idiot," she replied with a chuckle. "Two completely different guys." But from her new vantage point she was able to look over the Absin's long neck and glare at the other human in her home.

    Dean slid past Asche in the doorway and made his way over to Justy to try and show Phoenix that he was welcome. "I invited him in, sweetheart. It's as much my home as yours so you aren't allowed to eat my guest." Though he did look somewhat tempting in the shirt he was borrowing.....no! No no couldn't go there. Too much to do to worry about things like that. Thankfully his slight tan kept his blush from being too noticeable as he cleared his throat and looked away but Phoenix could scent the pheromones and rolled her eyes. "Guest. Yeah. You keep telling yourself that." Dean's blush got significantly darker and there was no hiding that one.

    Age : 36
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    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: (ELITE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Phoenix Mon Sep 26, 2016 9:25 pm

    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Michael_zpsz8ytvwog
    Pyrite Gate | Night

    Zephyr set down near the entrance to the city, the gate of Pyrite where once a man had forced him to battle just to enter. The town looked very much the same as it had when he had last set foot inside. A little extra wear and tear but nothing as catastrophic or decimating as he had seen in other cities. He would have compared the giant crack in the ground if it hadn't happened years before the Epidemic even happened. Nope, Pyrite was still just Pyrite. And Michael loved it.

    Hopping off of the elegant Infernium the red head began walking into the town and the first thing either of them noticed was the distinctive lack of undead. Even though this place was in the middle of the desert that didn't mean that there shouldn't be waves of undead lurking around, this had been a Colosseum town for crying out loud. But there wasn't even a rustle, a snap, or even a snarl of an undead lurching around. It was like it had been purged...like Gateon.

    Nervousness gripped at Michael's mind and heart as he considered the very real possibility that Cipher had come back to claim the town in order to make use of the tunnels once more. Or even the Under. Zephyr nickered to try and comfort his trainer, nudging his head against Michael's back to try and urge him forward. It was possible that the undead had simply moved on due to the lack of food, the town would have been easily cleared in the early stages of the Epidemic either from fleeing or from murder, so maybe it was okay?

    But there were signs of occupation he didn't see in other cities. Duking's house was boarded up and fortified, it looked like the shop and most surrounding homes near the front gate had been pilfered, and there was even traces of cleanup in the shop. Like someone had been trying to find specific items. Maybe....maybe there were people? Not Cipher but people-people? It was worth a look but not until he found what he came here for and to do that he needed to find where Wes lived. "Come on boys, let's see what we can find."

    A pale, lavender head popped up from behind the mane of his cream colored ride and gracefully leapt off to come to his trainer's other side. Lucky's tail waved lazily as they trekked down the familiar streets until they came to the center square, all three looking around carefully. Michael chuckled nervously and raised one hand to the back of his head, scratching his neck. "So, which way?" Luck and Zephyr both sighed.

    Age : 36
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    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: (ELITE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Silverishness Fri Sep 30, 2016 7:37 pm

    Post 20||Post 22

    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Justy%20and%20Wes_zpsqzzid3fb

    Pyrite Town||Sunset

    In the time he'd been stuck at HQ, his only fond memories were really entertaining. Sure, most of his encounters with others of his species were... well work, but most of them included long, easy discussions and anecdotes. He found people really just wanted an ear to listen as well as, you know, other things. To have a group of his peers, all simple survivors that were lucky enough to find each other and not shoot, was something he was truly grateful for. "That sounds lovely. As my wonderful trainer knows, I have no end of embarrassing tales to share." The quiet guy's Gardevoir seemed more than itching to jump in, which only fueled Wes' content. This was easily his favorite part about being with people. He glanced to Whiskey, who seemed to know his trainer's eyes were on him and they shared a look for a moment. Whiskey appeared just as happy as Wes with their choice of company.

    The Detective's Raichu was next to chime in. "Oh? I bet we all have some great stories on our brilliant trainers."

    "You wound me." Cold Sore's reply got a good chuckle out of Wes, who then took a swig out of his tepid water bottle. It really looked like everyone was opening up. Thank God he wasn't having to work to pull sticks out of anyone's ass tonight.

    "Oh, as if we trainers are completely helpless." Wes' tan brow rose as Diane joined the fray. Oh, shit, he still needed to pass out food. He rose and went to the boxes, water bottle stuffed into a spare gun holster and began counting out boxes for everyone. "Like that time you wanted to get a really close look at a camera, so you started playing with mine despite me telling you not to, and you set the flash off in your face.  And walked into a tree trying to find me."

    That story got a loud cackle out of Wes as he began to pass out food packets. The visual was hilarious. "What about the time you kept saying 'toilet' to all the Kantonian residents while visiting because you got it mixed up with the word for 'hello!?'"

    "... You fight dirty."

    "Dirtier than the shovel I'm gonna bury you with beneath all these stories of you being a dumbass."

    "Ladies, ladies~!" Wes called as he handed them each a ration box. The grin on his face was still giant and stupid. "So vicious!" He gave a hearty laugh and finished passing out the boxes, sitting with his own as he addressed the group. "Let's try and keep it civil, right? Besides, out of embarrassing stories, I'm pretty sure I'm taking the proverbial cake. Ain't that right, Whiskey? Remember the time you walked in on--" He looked over to his Espeon only to find him vacant from his bed on the couch. In fact, the Espeon was perched on the window sill, staring down at something. "Whiskey?"

    "There's someone down there," the cat replied evenly. "It's not Dean."

    Wes stood and went to the window himself to spy a lanky ginger walking around with a... Rapidash, it looked like. They looked lost, but then again, that was normal for Pyrite even before the apocalypse. "Doesn't look like someone on the prowl for trouble." His eyes spotted purple with the guy. "Hey, he's got an Espeon, too."

    "You think he knows we're up here?"

    "Nah. Probably not. We're facing the sun; the light would be reflecting off of the glass. He can't see us." He leaned back and looked to the others. "So... I think I'm gonna check this guy out. You guys stay cozy up here if you want, ok?" With a nod to Whiskey, they lit out of the room and back down the path that had led them up to the apartment earlier, his large semi-automatic rifle in tow. When he reached the landing, he stopped to quietly resume his approach. As much as he'd hated HQ, its training stuck like fucking glue.

    He braced his armored shoulder against the wall, flicking his sunglasses down before peering out from his cover at the stranger. Looked to be about his age, his height, and... kinda familiar? He brought up his gun and cocked it, but didn't aim straight for the kid. "Heya there, stranger," he called. "I'd advise you against snooping if I were you; the self-proclaimed steward of this town isn't terribly fond of trespassers. Just found that out ourselves. What're you doing here?"

    "I said moron, not idiot." Asche tried to keep his scowl from the gentle jibes, but it was a losing battle. "Two completely different guys."

    "Still mean," the Absin pouted, but was soon distracted as Dean moved past him to stand next to Justy.

    "I invited him in, sweetheart. It's as much my home as yours so you aren't allowed to eat my guest." There was a small silence between the two that neither Justy or Asche could translate into something coherent, especially when Phoenix cut the silence with her biting words. "Guest. Yeah. You keep telling yourself that."

    "What else would I be?" Justy asked, honestly and wholly confused. "I'm not a prisoner..."


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    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: (ELITE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Abysswalker Mon Oct 03, 2016 7:50 pm

    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 ALCvqeE
    Pyrite Town | Sunset

    Athena's (exaggerated) smug superiority only continues to grow as the other Pokemon begin to chime in, starting with the Raichu. Her humble suggestion appears to be popular, dooming not only Matt but every unfortunate human to death by sheer embarrassment. Oh? I bet we all have some great stories on our brilliant trainers."  

    You wound me."
    "Yeah, Athena, what kind of betrayal is this?"
    "The kind where I tell everyone humiliating stories and laugh."

    "Oh, as if we trainers are completely helpless." Diane's interjection is a welcome one, as it saves Matt from his dear Gardevoir's evil whims. He gives her a smirk of his own in return, a sort of "take that." She rolls her eyes, but it doesn't hide that amused smile. "Like that time you wanted to get a really close look at a camera, so you started playing with mine despite me telling you not to, and you set the flash off in your face.  And walked into a tree trying to find me." The image brings a sudden burst of laughter from Matt, similar to how he used to react to Chris' awful, but also hilarious puns. Puns were pretty much their thing. Even Athena is chuckling, too; her own encounters with cameras were nowhere near as disastrous, or funny.

    "What about the time you kept saying 'toilet' to all the Kantonian residents while visiting because you got it mixed up with the word for 'hello!?'"
    "... You fight dirty."
    "Dirtier than the shovel I'm gonna bury you with beneath all these stories of you being a dumbass." Whoa, fierce. Matt really does not like the look on Athena's face; Arceus, what horrific tales did she know that he's forgotten? He's fearing for his reputation in the middle of laughter, but fortunately, the Gardevoir shows him mercy yet again. Whew. That was a close call. She could've have ended whatever social life he had now with one, fell swoop.

    "Ladies, ladies~! So vicious!" Wes passes out rations to the rest of them, and Athena can tell that Matt is just about ready to devour the entire thing, food and box alike. They hadn't had much in the way of food this entire day, and honestly, she could probably eat an entire Tauros by herself right now. Actually, there's no "probably" about it; she really could eat an entire Tauros. In this day and age, it wouldn't be the first time they'd had to hunt after wild Pokemon, but luckily there's no need for that tonight. "Let's try and keep it civil, right? Besides, out of embarrassing stories, I'm pretty sure I'm taking the proverbial cake. Ain't that right, Whiskey? Remember the time you walked in on--"

    Athena is listening attentively-what in the world had the poor feline seen?-but by now the other Pokemon is no longer at his spot. She keeps her eyes on the Espeon, curious, as he goes to the window. Whatever's out there, it's certainly not close enough for her to sense it past all of the people already gathered here. "There's someone down there. It's not Dean." Matt immediately turns his attention to the Espeon as well; Athena knows that if Whiskey's specifically mentioned Dean, then this newcomer is very likely to be a human. She and her trainer must be thinking the same thing, that having so many humans converge on this one town is almost too convenient to be coincidence, even including the Pyrite natives. Could this person be...?

    "Doesn't look like someone on the prowl for trouble." Wes' comment doesn't give them much information to go on, and so Athena keeps listening. That can't be the only thing he has to say about this stranger. "Hey, he's got an Espeon, too." With that, her hopes immediately deflate, returning to that lingering sense of despair that the company of other people had managed to squash for some time. Still, Athena knows her own reaction cannot be anywhere close to what Matt himself felt. For those few moments, they'd both believed whoever was out there could have been Rose. I shouldn't have reacted so strongly.

    "So... I think I'm gonna check this guy out. You guys stay cozy up here if you want, ok?" Wes then leaves with his Espeon, leaving the rest of them behind. The lighthearted, joking mood between Athena and Matt has all but vanished.

    Matt isn't getting his hopes up over the stranger being Chris. Yes, his younger brother had a Flying-type Pokemon, and could theoretically have traveled to this region, but what were the odds of that? Besides, he doesn't even have an Espeon, and it would be completely foolish to think he somehow found one. More likely it is someone he and Athena are completely unfamiliar with; you know what they say about Occam's Razor. If Chris had to be anywhere, it would be Hoenn-that's why Mei, Syrene, and Falon'Din are there, searching. They knew Rose had come to this desert, but Matt has not seen his brother or heard anything of Chris' whereabouts since this entire outbreak started. He could be anywhere.

    Athena places a hand on her trainer's shoulder, sensing the turmoil he felt over his missing siblings. She would make certain they saw this search until the end, when all three of them were reunited. The Gardevoir isn't going to give up hope yet, not when they had at least somewhat of a lead on Rose, and certainly not when they did not know if Chris survived or not. Neither of them are quitting when there's still a chance.


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

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    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: (ELITE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Maximum Thu Oct 06, 2016 12:32 am

    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Tumblr_inline_oslt34IHw01r82t0h_500
    Pyrite Town |Sunset [12]

    Matt chimed in, "Yeah, Athena, what kind of betrayal is this?"

    The Gardevoir quickly shot back, "The kind where I tell everyone humiliating stories and laugh."

    Diantha joined the fray in defense of the humans, and beat everyone to the punch with an embarrassing story of her Pokemon's. "Oh, as if we trainers are completely helpless. Like that time you wanted to get a really close look at a camera, so you started playing with mine despite me telling you not to, and you set the flash off in your face.  And walked into a try trying to find me." Colm tried and failed to reign in a loud chuckle at the Gardevoir's misfortune. His Pokemon also failed in this endeavor, though Midori and Hudson tried to hide their wide smiles.

    However, the guantlet had been thrown, and Cosette rose to the challenge, "What about the time you kept saying 'toilet' to all the Kantonian residents while visiting because you got it mixed up with the word for 'hello!?" The translation error caused all of Colm's Pokemon except Midori to give him a very long look, and even though he was pointedly avoiding their gaze, he knew exactly what they were thinking. He had to learn new languages for his job, and he had to start at the beginning like everyone else. Unfortunately, he probably had a library's worth of stories on just random screw ups with language.

    More in defense of himself than his fellow Kalosian, he said, "Everyone starts somewhere."

    "... You fight dirty."

    "Dirtier than the shovel I'm gonna bury you with beneath all these stories of you being a dumbass."

    Wiggins had a giggle fit as the humans and Pokemon around him started going to war with embarrassing stories, and Colm's finger slid out of the collar as the cat was almost overtaken with laughter. As long as there was someone else's story to laugh at, the cat would keep quiet on his own trainer's stupidity.

    Wes began to hand out ration boxes at this point and interrupted the warring Champion and her Pokemon, "Ladies, ladies~! So vicious! Let's try and keep it civil, right? Besides, out of embarrassing stories, I'm pretty sure I'm taking the proverbial cake. Ain't that right, Whiskey? Remember the time you walked in on--" Colm had raised a brow at the beginning of the story, and even though he had a vague idea about where it was going to go, he was incredibly disappointed when the tale was interrupted. "Whiskey?" Colm's eyes searched out the Espeon to see that he had moved from his spot on the couch to the windowsill.

    Midori hadn't noticed the catlike Pokemon getting up, and she almost jumped when she realized that he wasn't where she last saw him. In a careful tone, Whiskey informed, "There's someone down there. It's not Dean." The atmosphere dampened with the Espeon's announcement. It was strange for so many humans to end up in this town at once, but they had been lucky so far in that they had been rather nice. There was no guarantee that their luck would hold out. Colm was tempted to get up and look for himself, but he waited to hear what Whiskey and Wes' judgement on the new person was.

    Wes quickly pointed out, "Doesn't look like someone on the prowl for trouble. Hey, he's got an Espeon, too."

    Colm was about to ask a question, but Whiskey beat him to it. "You think he knows we're up here?"

    "Nah. Probably not. We're facing the sun; the light would be reflecting off of the glass. He can't see us." That was good. It would be better if random passerby couldn't casually look around and know that they were inside. Wes leaned back and told them, "So... I think I'm gonna check this guy out. You guys stay cozy up here if you want, ok?" Colm debated for a moment about going with Wes, but he did have to acknowledge that Wes was a good trainer and had training as a soldier.

    As Wes and Whiskey left, Wiggins jumped out of Colm's lap and allowed his trainer to stand. Watson and Hudson stayed near his own supplies, and they opened up the ration box to start eating. Wiggins grabbed some food to take to Midori before settling next to her and eating his own. Colm walked over to the window and peered out to see Wes and the stranger talking to each other. The red head was tall and lanky, and the fact that he had what appeared to be a winged Rapidash and an Espeon tickled at a memory. He was normally good with faces, but this was someone that he likely hadn't seen in four years. That and he couldn't get a good look at the new person from this angle. Just in case, he kept an eye on the proceedings. If Wes needed any assistance, he would be ready.

    Wiggins rolled his eyes at his trainer's tendency to clam up when focused and asked, "What'cha see?"

    Almost mechanically, he rattled off information, "Redheaded guy. Tall. Has an Espeon like Wes said, and a... Winged Rapidash? I feel like I've heard of them before, but I can't place that species' name..."

    Age : 30
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    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: (ELITE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Starbits Sun Oct 09, 2016 2:34 pm

    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Tumblr_o5dwsoYvGd1uc5v85o1_400
    Pyrite Town | Night | 22

    "Ladies, ladies! So vicious! Let's try and keep it civil, right? Besides, out of embarrassing stories, I'm pretty sure I'm taking the proverbial cake. Ain't that right, Whiskey?"

    DIantha grins.  Oh, this should be amazing.

    "Remember the time you walked in on-- Whiskey?"

    The cat is by the window now, Diantha's brows furrowing.  He's not over there for a good reason; that's now how these things go.

    "There's someone down there. It's not Dean."  Well, it's also not someone they recognize, or Whiskey would have said that.  Hopefully things don't escalate.

    Wes joins his Espeon at the window to peer at the stranger.  "Doesn't look like someone on the prowl for trouble. Hey, he's got an Espeon, too."

    Just because he has an Espeon doesn't mean he's friendly, but the first part of that comment is promising.  How much is he looking around, though?  Will he see them up here?  She glances at Cosette, who is staring intently at abotu where the newcomers are as if she can see them through walls, which is bullshit but looks rather impressive.  

    "You think he knows we're up here?"

    "Nah. Probably not. We're facing the sun; the light would be reflecting off of the glass. He can't see us."

    Good, that's one less thing to be concerned about.

    "So... I think I'm gonna check this guy out. You guys stay cozy up here if you want, ok?"

    Diantha nods at him.  Cosette stares in her direction, but she makes no move to stand.  It would be too risky to follow.  More than one stranger may set the other person off, and if anyone knows the area well enough to get away if they need to and is charismatic enough to prevent a possible fight to begin with... it's Wes.

    She leans closer to Cosette, her voice soft.  "Go to the window.  If tensions rise, let me know."

    "Got it."

    The others shift around a little as Cosette does.  Wiggins allows Colm to stand and move about.  Watson and Hudson open the supplies Wes handed them, and Wiggins gives some of the food to Midori first before eating any, himself.  Colm joins Cosette at the window.

    He's pondering something, but it doesn't feel malicious.  It's not the time to think about whatever he might be digging for inside his own head.  Better to watch the group outside.

    "What'cha see?"

    "Redheaded guy. Tall. Has an Espeon like Wes said, and a... Winged Rapidash? I feel like I've heard of them before, but I can't place that species' name..."

    "Infernium?"  Her eyes widen.  "Those are so rare, many consider them a myth!"


    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

    desktop||starbits shop||trainersona
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    little fairy

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    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: (ELITE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Phoenix Thu Oct 13, 2016 9:31 am

    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 DeanPhoe_zpsdhgtml9p
    Pyrite Town | Night
    P-91 / D-52

    "What else would I be? I'm not a prisoner..." Dean couldn't thank his lucky stars enough that Justy had been too dense to notice the raging blush across his cheeks. He turned around to avoid answering the question but Phoenix just started cackling as soon as she saw his face. "Oh my god, I can't even- hahahaha!- This is fucking priceless." Dean scowled through his embarrassed blush but it ended up making his face redder instead which only made her laugh harder.

    Dean made his way into the small kitchen and called out from behind the safety of the wall in hopes to avoid Justy's gaze as he struggled to calm his reddened skin. "Make yourself at home, I'll find us something to eat for dinner in here." Phoenix shook her head at Dean's behavior and gently bumped Asche's hip with her own as she strolled passed him to the living room to hop up onto one of the couches. This was obviously a regular spot for her as her body all but formed into the corner and her paws perched on the pillow already waiting for her. "You heard the man, grab a seat. Looks like I'm stuck with you for a while so I may as well be comfy." Besides, it looked to be a good show tonight so she wanted a good seat.

    Age : 36
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    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: (ELITE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Phoenix Thu Oct 13, 2016 9:52 am

    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Michael_zpsz8ytvwog
    Pyrite Gate | Night

    If Lucky weren't so exasperated with his trainer's own inability to plan ahead he probably would have noticed the approaching human before his sensitive ears picked up the sound of a gun cocking. The Espeon whirled around and readied himself to attack when a shadow partially emerged into the meager light of the moon and began speaking to Michael as though he didn't have a gun trained on them. "Heya there, stranger," the voice called out, drawing Michael's attention. "I'd advise you against snooping if I were you; the self-proclaimed steward of this town isn't terribly fond of trespassers. Just found that out ourselves. What're you doing here?"

    Michael peered into the shadows to see a partially obscured man wearing sunglasses pointing a weapon their direction. He wasn't aiming but it was still an implied threat depending on how he answered, but the threat didn't really phase the redhead. Michael shrugged casually and kept his grin as he replied. "Just got here actually. I'm looking for something I need, but I haven't been to Pyrite in a few years so I wasn't really sure where to start looking yet." He leaned in a little as though the mere couple of inches would improve his vision on his interviewer. "Nice shades. Those help you a lot at nighttime do they?"

    Age : 36
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    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: (ELITE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed Oct 19, 2016 1:44 pm

    Post 21||Post 23

    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Justy%20and%20Wes_zpsqzzid3fb

    Pyrite Town||Night

    "Just got here actually. I'm looking for something I need, but I haven't been to Pyrite in a few years so I wasn't really sure where to start looking yet." Wes and Whiskey both exchanged a look at the... weirdly vague answer. Then again, Wes could understand the need for some privacy. The ginger leaned forward a little before sassing, "Nice shades. Those help you a lot at nighttime do they?"

    Wes gave a small chuckle and lifted them up. "Well, when I spotted you, the sun was still trying to spit in my eyes." He lifted his shades, amber gaze running over the man again. "So this thing you're looking for-- mind telling me? I used to live here; maybe I can point you in the right direction without you getting spotted and lynched by the town steward."

    "Oh my god, I can't even- hahahaha!- This is fucking priceless." Was... was he wrong? Justy could only blink and stare at the guffawing Ninetales with honest and anxious confusion. Was he a prisoner after all? But... that made no sense. Was Dean simply the nicest kidnapper in all of history? He shared a glance with his newfound pokemon, but it seemed the odd creature was just as clueless as he was. Asche gave him a very visible and slightly exaggerated shrug, assuaging none of Justy's fears. The fact that Dean had hurried away completely escaped Justy's mind.

    "Make yourself at home, I'll find us something to eat for dinner in here." Asche was content to sit where he was, but it didn't take but a moment to feel something check into his hip. Phoe strode past him to hop onto the couch, where he happily joined her. "You heard the man, grab a seat. Looks like I'm stuck with you for a while so I may as well be comfy." The boys obliged, Justy choosing to stay quiet. He didn't get into trouble when he was quiet.

    Asche, on the other hand, nudged the fox with a shoulder and leaned in to whisper to her. "I still don't know what you meant."


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    Post by Abysswalker Sun Oct 23, 2016 2:30 pm

    [Skip, Matt pretty much keeps quiet. Max or Star, feel free to have Athena inquire about Infernium, as she would be curious about them.]


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

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    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: (ELITE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Maximum Tue Oct 25, 2016 5:40 pm

    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Tumblr_inline_oslt34IHw01r82t0h_500
    Pyrite Town |Night [13]

    Diantha quickly recognized what he was talking about and answered, "Infernium? Those are so rare, many consider them a myth!" Infernium. The answer to one question spawned many more, but Athena's question about the species tethered him more into the room. He couldn't spend too much time on the stranger outside and completely ignore the people inside. The gears in his head still turned, but he decided to be more vocal. Even if he didn't, one of his Pokemon would drag his thoughts out. Thanks to the sun completely setting, it was also hard to see subtleties, but at least the encounter was still calm.

    He admitted, "Don't know much about the real deal other than the few people who do have them are either lucky or rich." There was some sort of rare item involved, and that only added to the mythical status the species had. He vaguely wondered how this would apply to the man outside. Was he like Justy? Always had money and whatever he wanted was handed to him? Or was he simply fortunate enough to find the item?

    Age : 30
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    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: (ELITE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Starbits Tue Oct 25, 2016 9:41 pm

    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Tumblr_o5dwsoYvGd1uc5v85o1_400
    Pyrite Town | Night | 23

    Not everyone knew what the heck an Infernium was, the other Gardevoir quick to ask the question.  

    "Don't know much about the real deal other than the few people who do have them are either lucky or rich."

    "They're an evolution of Rapidash.  They evolve with a sun wing, which is apparently one of the rarest items on earth.  That's why only the very lucky or very rich have them.  As far as I can tell they're not radically different creatures from Rapidash; they don't experience a sudden change of temperament.  I think the most that changes is that they grow strong, get wings, and gain the flying type."

    "Not that that's any small change," Cosette pointed out, staring down at the meeting below.  Even with her non-human eyes, details are hard to make out.  "It makes me wonder what kind of person that kid is.  To get such rare evolutions, some people get pretty ruthless."

    "You're... not sensing anything negative... right?"

    "No.  So far their emotions are amiable and stable."


    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: (ELITE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Phoenix Fri Oct 28, 2016 12:25 pm

    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 DeanPhoe_zpsdhgtml9p
    Pyrite Town | Night
    P-92 / D-53

    Dean kept himself busy in the kitchen, and happily so. Phoenix was already picking up on the fact that he was finding himself less and less averse to Justy's company and she was relishing in tormenting him. It wasn't that he was attracted to Justy it had just been a really long time since he was in the company of pleasant company. Well, mostly pleasant. Justy did have a serious knack for sticking his foot in his mouth at exactly the wrong time. But still, it was nice to have another male around for a change.

    Phoenix listened to the blonde in the kitchen rattling around aimlessly and snickered to herself again, only pulling her inquisitive gaze away when she felt a bump from Asche beside her on the couch. "I still don't know what you meant." His confusion was absolutely precious. "Oh you poor, sheltered doll. What I meant was that Dean has been finding himself.... lonely as of late. So much so that your moronic new captor seems like delightful company."

    Dean could hear her teasing and felt his face grow hot as he pulled a box out of the pantry, nearly dropping it down on the counter as he froze. She was not doing this to him. She couldn't be. It was torture to hear her talk about his personal life to strangers. It was the apocalypse! Who was getting laid after the world ended? Judgemental harpy. Though, if he had a choice, that new guy was certainly a healthy piece of eye candy...

    He came back into the living room after about ten more minutes with a warm bowl of canned soup in each hand. He offered one to Justy before making his way over to a recliner sitting opposite the yellow fox currently snickering at his still persistent blush. "Aww, what's the matter Dean? Didn't have enough to share with all of us? Or is this the 'for special occasions' stash?" Dean frowned and tossed a pillow at Phoenix, the fox merely barking out a laugh as she batted it away. "Shut up. Yours is in the kitchen if you must know. I don't have that many hands and you have been a brat so you get to eat in there." She was having so much fun at Dean's expense she didn't even care, continuing to lay on the couch and watch him with great interest. "I'll get it later."

    "Damn you."

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    Post by Phoenix Fri Oct 28, 2016 12:47 pm

    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Michael_zpsz8ytvwog
    Pyrite (Town Square)| Night

    "Well, when I spotted you, the sun was still trying to spit in my eyes." Michael arched an eyebrow at the stranger's answer, a little curious as to how long he had actually been watching. The sun had nearly finished setting by the time he hit the gates to the town, had been down already when he got to the square, so exactly where had he spotted Michael that he only just now decided to show himself? Weird.

    The glasses came up and Michael blush a bit as the golden gaze traveled across his body. His eyes were gorgeous... "So this thing you're looking for-- mind telling me? I used to live here; maybe I can point you in the right direction without you getting spotted and lynched by the town steward." Oh shit! What was he talking about again? Oh, right! "Well, to be completely honest, I don't actually know. I mean I do, but I don't. It's a lot simpler than I'm making it sound I swear."

    Lucky sighed and shook his head, thwacking his trainer on the back of his leg with his long tail. "Start from the beginning before you hurt yourself trying to pedal backwards." Michael laughed and began to nervously rub the back of his head again. "Yeah...the beginning. Where was that part exactly again?" Another heavy sigh. The biggest problem with trying to get information from a genius was that it was all a scattered mess in that big head of his. Michael needed a focus point and right now Lucky needed to think of one that would trigger the right train of thought. "You know where we need to go, just not where it is. Right?"


    "Start there."

    "Okay. Okay see there was this guy who lived here and he had something I need, I just don't know what it is. It could be an object, a method, or even just a place I have to go. I'm not sure so I'm hoping some I'm going to look for his place to see if there is some clue as to what it was or maybe if it is still there. Make more sense? Maybe not..." This was like pulling teeth. Why couldn't he just say what he meant?

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    Post by Silverishness Fri Oct 28, 2016 2:25 pm

    Post 22||Post 24

    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Justy%20and%20Wes_zpsqzzid3fb

    Pyrite Town||Night

    The guy seemed to snap out of a sort of trance and then just... got himself lost in a small rant. "Well, to be completely honest, I don't actually know. I mean I do, but I don't. It's a lot simpler than I'm making it sound I swear."

    Wes shared a doubtful glance with Whiskey, but fortunately, they weren't the only lost ones. The other Espeon lightly smacked his trainer's leg with his tail. "Start from the beginning before you hurt yourself trying to pedal backwards." This... probably happened a lot, then, if the pokemon was already so accustomed to resetting his scatterbrained trainer.

    "Yeah...the beginning. Where was that part exactly again?" What, was this kid high?

    "You know where we need to go, just not where it is. Right?"


    "Start there."

    "Okay. Okay see there was this guy who lived here and he had something I need, I just don't know what it is. It could be an object, a method, or even just a place I have to go. I'm not sure so I'm hoping some I'm going to look for his place to see if there is some clue as to what it was or maybe if it is still there. Make more sense? Maybe not..."

    Wes squinted at the guy, not entirely sure if he was sane or not. If he'd been alone, Wes might have just shot him for fear of rabies. But the Espeon seemed sane enough, so... maybe it was safe to venture a little closer? Wes ran his tongue over his teeth, sucking a little to make small squeaky noises as he deciphered the stranger's long-winded trail of thought. "So..." he began slowly, "...you're saying that... you're looking for someone? All these... weird, vague possibilities are linked to a person, yeah? Then you're just looking for the person. Who are you looking for?" He gave a small grin. "No need to overthink it."

    "Oh you poor, sheltered doll. What I meant was that Dean has been finding himself.... lonely as of late. So much so that your moronic new captor seems like delightful company."

    Asche looked back to Justy, his goggles still secured over the Absin's face. While Justy seemed to slowly realize some inner horror, Asche remained fairly ignorant. Well, yeah. Everyone got lonely. Even he'd gotten lonely, especially before coming into Pyrite. And Justy was a bit weird, but he had given these awesome goggles to Asche. Without even thinking, too. Just-- boop! Off the head and onto him. So why wouldn't he be delightful?

    Phoenix's jeers took Asche's gaze away from his new trainer and back to her and her target as he passed out bowls of... something. "Aww, what's the matter Dean? Didn't have enough to share with all of us? Or is this the 'for special occasions' stash?" Wasn't it a special occasion? They'd found each other and all these people today. That was special, right? Why was Dean frowning?

    "Shut up. Yours is in the kitchen if you must know. I don't have that many hands and you have been a brat so you get to eat in there." Asche gave a small whimper as he looked to the kitchen. Did he had a bowl in there too? Man, he was hungry. "I'll get it later."

    "Damn you."

    Meanwhile, Justy had been just about horrified. He'd been blissfully unaware of the fox's thoughts, just like his new pokemon it seemed, until she had stressed the "lonely". Oh dear. Oh no. Was... No, that couldn't be right. Sure, he knew he was good looking and all that, but... But... Dean hated him. Or at least was very angry with him. And they barely knew each other-- there was no way any of that was happening because that happened when people fell in love...

    He had quietly thanked Dean for the food and found himself stirring it more than eating it. The two's banter had him on edge enough to where his stomach preferred acrobatics to digestion. Oh dear. "Do I not get any...?" Asche's pathetic question was directed at Dean, but as Asche's new guardian, Justy felt that it was mostly his duty to answer.

    "You can h-have some of mine, if you'd like, Asche," he quickly offered. "It's good; I'm just... not terribly hungry." The Absin was soon off the couch and trotting to Justy, weird tail casually draped over his own back happily.


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    Post by Abysswalker Tue Nov 01, 2016 6:46 pm

    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 ALCvqeE
    Pyrite Town | Night

    "Don't know much about the real deal other than the few people who do have them are either lucky or rich."

    "That explains a lot," Athena says to Matt, lightly teasing. Her trainer isn't as vocal as before, but the words get a smile out of him. Good. Hopefully Wes would come back soon, report that nothing is wrong, and they could all go back to their delightful conversation. Things were going so well, and she would hate to have what could have been a peaceful night be ruined. Maybe we'll end up having more company...

    Diane is quick to provide a more detailed explanation, piquing Athena's curiosity. Wherever did she acquire all of this interesting information? It's a question suited for later, and the Gardevoir files it into the back of her mind. "They're an evolution of Rapidash.  They evolve with a sun wing, which is apparently one of the rarest items on earth.  That's why only the very lucky or very rich have them.  As far as I can tell they're not radically different creatures from Rapidash; they don't experience a sudden change of temperament.  I think the most that changes is that they grow strong, get wings, and gain the flying type." Simply a Rapidash with wings and extra power? Surely there must be more to it than that...but, then, some evolutions really are nothing more than a certain Pokemon growing bigger. Grimer and Muk, for one. The differences between Kirlia and Gardevoir aren't exactly that radical, either. Not that she needed a special item to evolve.

    "A sun wing," Athena muses, inwardly cursing her own lack of knowledge, "I've never heard of such a thing."

    "Not that that's any small change," the other Gardevoir adds, though most of her attention seems to be aimed at the inaudible conversation taking place below. Athena can't blame her for that. "It makes me wonder what kind of person that kid is.  To get such rare evolutions, some people get pretty ruthless." Hmm. That's a very good point. Some people are skilled at hiding their true natures behind amiable masks, and if this stranger turns out to be someone looking for trouble, things could go south quick. Luckily for everyone here, two Gardevoir would make getting away with lying or hiding malicious intent quite difficult. Athena will never stop being grateful for her ability to sense emotion. If they've got something to hide, she could be one of the first to know.

    Admittedly, that same paranoid statement can be said of anyone here; nobody can truly be trusted when you've barely met them. Besides, Athena can't sense anything that would set off alarm bells. At this moment, they should be fine.

    "You're... not sensing anything negative... right?"

    "No.  So far their emotions are amiable and stable." Hopefully, things would stay that way.


    Jonah / Nocturne
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    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: (ELITE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Maximum Fri Nov 04, 2016 11:13 pm

    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Tumblr_inline_oslt34IHw01r82t0h_500
    Pyrite Town |Night [14]

    Diantha was far more knowledgeable about the species, and Colm found himself listening intently to her. "They're an evolution of Rapidash.  They evolve with a sun wing, which is apparently one of the rarest items on earth.  That's why only the very lucky or very rich have them.  As far as I can tell they're not radically different creatures from Rapidash; they don't experience a sudden change of temperament.  I think the most that changes is that they grow strong, get wings, and gain the flying type."

    Wiggins sarcastically asked, "Oh is that all?" However, he was then bopped on the head with a fluffy wing. Midori gave the cat a pointed look that he promptly ignored. The Altaria shook her head in exasperation, but anyone could tell she was fighting a smile. Which was the reaction Wiggins was hoping for; he could tell that she was worrying about Wes. He nudged her again and pointed at her food, and she quickly got the hint.

    Athena mused aloud, "A sun wing. I've never heard of such a thing."

    Cosette was quick to add, "Not that that's any small change. It makes me wonder what kind of person that kid is.  To get such rare evolutions, some people get pretty ruthless." Which was what Colm was worried about. He had run into some very nasty characters in smuggling rings for similar items, and it wasn't always obvious who the worst people were. Some of the most amiable had been the most ruthless when it came to business.

    Diantha asked the question he had been wanting to, "You're... not sensing anything negative... right?"

    He was relieved at the Gardevoir's answer, "No.  So far their emotions are amiable and stable." It didn't completely assuage his concerns, though, for distance could muddle these senses. That and people could very quickly change their tunes. It brought to mind the people he found Wiggins with; agreeable and very pleasant fellows, but they could become vicious at the drop of a hat.

    Watson picked up a package of crackers and weaved his way to his trainer. He then firmly stated, "Bishop, you need to eat." Colm's fake name rolled right off the Raichu's tongue with no indication that it wasn't his true name. It was practically a nickname at this point, and he was glad that it was. Being around two Pokemon that could catch lies meant that fibs that were close to the truth were the only way to go.

    Colm had heard the Raichu pad over, but he still kept his eyes on the proceedings outside. At that point, Watson stood on his toes and shoved the packet into Colm's hand. The action made the  human jump, but Colm chuckled when he realized what happened. "Looks like I have no choice." To satisfy his mother hen of a Pokemon, he ripped the plastic off and began to munch on one of the peanut butter crackers. He let off a quiet hum of contentment as he finally satisfied his appetite. He also really loved peanut butter, and it had been a long time since he had any. He slowly chewed to make the flavor last longer.

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    Post by Starbits Sat Nov 12, 2016 3:40 pm

    (It's been decided among the team that the three of us not part of Wes and Michael talking will skip our turns this round since our characters are going to be quietly watching for any signs of trouble.)


    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    Post by Phoenix Wed Nov 16, 2016 10:29 am

    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 DeanPhoe_zpsdhgtml9p
    Pyrite Town | Night
    P-93 / D-54

    The awkward silence that followed the exchange was smothering, to Dean anyway. To Phoenix it was the best day ever as she kept snickering and casting side glances at her trainer who pointedly refused to look at anything but his food. He didn't even notice no one else was eating until Asche piped up. "Do I not get any...?" Dean looked up for a moment and was opening his mouth to answer when Justy cut him off.

    "You can h-have some of mine, if you'd like, Asche," he responded quickly, trying not to make everything worse and failing miserably. "It's good; I'm just... not terribly hungry." A dark look came across Dean's face and even Phoenix shifted uncomfortably as the blonde leveled a dangerous glare towards Justy. She hopped off of the couch after a few seconds and slipped around behind his chair and out of the room intent on not being within range if Dean started throwing things.

    "So rather than let Asche have his own, which is in the kitchen, you'll throw yours away at the first given opportunity leaving me to now throw away his wasted portion. Thanks. I'll remember that." Dean stood up sharply and stormed off back towards the kitchen, throwing his own bowl into the sink with a loud shatter after he reached it. His fists clenched tightly on the edge of the counter as Phoenix once again found herself in the wrong room with her irate trainer. She used her teeth to grip the bowl he left out for her and drag it as slowly and noiselessly as possible out of the room but, despite her effort against it, the sound echoed like a roaring hurricane in Dean's ears.

    He turned and glared at the yellow fox and she let out a small sniff of surprise, grabbing her bowl and ducking out of the room as quickly as possible not even caring that some of her dinner sloshed out and on to the floor. With an angry groan Dean went over to the nearby closet and grabbed a linen to start cleaning off the floor before it became sticky, annoyed at the mess but somewhat grateful for the distraction. Fucking Justy. Every time Dean though he wasn't as much of a dick as he originally assumed the asshole went and proved it all over again. Fucking idiot.

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    Post by Phoenix Mon Nov 21, 2016 7:13 am

    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Michael_zpsz8ytvwog
    Pyrite (Town Square)| Night

    "So..." There it was, the disbelief due to his vague runabout answers. This always happened when meeting new people. Hell he knew it was only because of Eldes he even got into the academy because he completely botched the entrance interview, answering questions that weren't asked and waltzing around the questions that were. Why did he have to be such a spaz around humans? Pokemon were fine! "...you're saying that... you're looking for someone? All these... weird, vague possibilities are linked to a person, yeah? Then you're just looking for the person. Who are you looking for? No need to overthink it."

    Wait. He...he was helping him through it? Most people didn't even bother to try and dig through the train-wreck that was his thought process, and certainly never gave him time to come to the point of the discussion on his own. It often left him...well, lonely. Maybe he was autistic? No, no mother and the doctors tested him repeatedly so they would have found something if he were. Nope, all this social awkward was just him. Great. Right what did the guy say? Who are looking fo- OH! Oh that would be much simpler! If this guy was a native surely he heard of the most famous person in this town.

    The puzzled, almost blank expression on his face melted away into a large grin as Michael's thoughts once again found the right track and he laughed at the absurdity of the entire situation. "I can't believe I didn't just start with that." Lucky looked up at Michael and rolled his eyes, sighing and thwacking him with his tail again while admonishing him mentally. 'How many times do I have to tell you to keep it simple?' Michael looked down and gave an embarrassed, apologetic smile. "Yeah, you're right. As usual." He looked back to the stranger with a much more confidant air than he had been showing previously and was finally able to spit out exactly what he was there for.

    "The person I'm looking for is Wes, er well, his place anyway. The original one who took out Snaggem and the first rise of Cipher, and the only other person on the planet who knew how to purify shadows. He's the one who hopefully has some clue as to what I need. If he didn't keep something of it around...well let's just say things could get a lot worse before they get better."

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    Post by Silverishness Mon Nov 21, 2016 8:52 pm

    Post 23||Post 25

    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 Justy%20and%20Wes_zpsqzzid3fb

    Pyrite Town||Night

    "I can't believe I didn't just start with that." Wes' smile broadened with affirmation of his success in navigating that tangled mess of dialogue, happy that at least they were making progress. His Espeon once again "thwak"ed his owner's leg, solidifying Wes' earlier theory that it was a reoccurring occasion. "Yeah, you're right. As usual." That... didn't make much sense, but then again, his Espeon was likely scolding him through telepathy. Yeah. Wes glanced down to his own Psychic cat, his triumph lulling into fondness. He knew all about that.

    He looked back at the stranger when the latter began to speak again. "The person I'm looking for is Wes, er well, his place anyway." Wes' face fell as he listened, his entire body going rigid a moment. He could even feel Whiskey's eyes on him. People looking for him usually ended in bad news. Was this guy from HQ about the stolen goods and skipped parole? Surely the guy would have recognized him if that were the case. "The original one who took out Snaggem and the first rise of Cipher, and the only other person on the planet who knew how to purify shadows. He's the one who hopefully has some clue as to what I need. If he didn't keep something of it around...well let's just say things could get a lot worse before they get better."

    "Yeah, I know him," Wes replied easily. It wasn't the first time someone had come looking for him, after all. "Why you trying to find him or his place? What, he owe you money? Steal something?"

    Oh no. Oh, no, he did it again. Justy flinched as Dean''s amiable tone instantly turned cold and sharp. "So rather than let Asche have his own, which is in the kitchen, you'll throw yours away at the first given opportunity leaving me to now throw away his wasted portion. Thanks. I'll remember that."

    "I-- No--" Oh, how did he fuck it up so quickly? He and Asche traded meek and uncertain looks and for a moment, Justy couldn't help but fumble. He tried saying something, doing something -anything- that would alleviate the newly formed tension and dissonance, but he was far too inept. Instead, as he stood to try and go to talk to the already reclused Dean, he tripped over his own feet and spilled the soup everywhere. "O-Oh, oh no, I... I'm so sorry!" He helplessly fell to his knees and collect what little of the spilled food he could. Tears welled up in his eyes from anxiety and frustration-- things he had scarce dealt with in his life. "I-I just... I thought... I just wanted to help, and... I didn't know--"


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    Post by Abysswalker Sat Nov 26, 2016 1:03 am



    Jonah / Nocturne
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    Post by Maximum Sat Nov 26, 2016 1:40 pm

    [Yeah, what Starbits said. Skip]

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    Post by Starbits Mon Nov 28, 2016 5:30 pm

    [Skip me as well; this should be the last time we need to.]


    (ELITE) The PYRITE Team - Page 6 RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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