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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    (Ace) The CHASM Team


    Age : 25
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    (Ace) The CHASM Team  Empty (Ace) The CHASM Team

    Post by Abysswalker Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:38 pm

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    Giant Chasm | Night

    The faint drip of water hitting the floor of the immense cavern echoes in his mind, a steady beat that would have been almost lulling to most Pokemon...and it bothers him. The damp air of the cave crawls across his gold, floral-patterned skin, and the Munna shudders. He hates the cold, and this place was disgusting. Moss black as pitch grew all over the walls, unable to be seen without daylight, and the scent of rot was everywhere. Before night fell, Minch had seen the corpses, the weak, unevolved wild Pokemon who had died here at the jaws of the larger predators. Thinking of the mangled bodies fills Minch with contempt; how absolutely pathetic. Most of them likely hadn't made it past the first month, let alone the first year. Weak. Weak weak weak. As dull in death as they no doubt were in life. There is nothing Minch enjoys more than a real fight to the death, a dance of desperation and survival instinct that ended with someone's blood and guts coating the earth. That was truly living. He's lost count of the dances he's seen, of how many Pokemon have met an abrupt end at his command. Not enough.

    Minch's purple eyes drift over to the ever-present form beside him, the lithe catlike ghost barely visible. That was the consequence of having a body that was dark purple and black, but Minch knows better than to see such a thing as a disadvantage. How many unsuspecting Pokemon had fallen prey to his little monster leaping from the shadows, only noticed when it was already too late? The Phanteon was his greatest tool, a weapon that could never turn against him, and many have learned that harsh lesson. The ghost was his knife in the dark.
    Other tools, however, were not so useful. The Umbreon, Terrence...how long has he been away, and why does he insist on keeping his master waiting? Leave it to the imbecile to mess up such a simple task as scouting an escape route out of the caverns.

    Minch is aware that the Umbreon is unlikely to return, and that left only one other choice, something that could not possibly fail him. Once again, his attention is turned to the Phanteon whose attention never waivers. Even now, the ghost is fully alert, and despite the usual smoke obscuring his face, Minch knows the Phanteon is watching.
    "You," the Munna says sharply, "The Umbreon isn't coming back. So now you'll find us a way out of this place-and be quick about it." Gathering his psychic abilities, Minch harshly shoves the Phanteon forward, his impatience growing by the millisecond. They would not linger here any longer; he refuses to be stuck in this dull, freezing place. "What are you waiting for? Go!" In an instant, the Phanteon has vanished into the darkness of the cave, and Minch glares into the darkness. The failure of one tool was forcing him to play his best hand, one he had intended on keeping with him for far longer. That was getting under his skin.

    His slave would not keep him waiting long, though. That was for certain. There would be no more failure.

    [Note: I kinda BSed the location lmao, but from my perspective, I wrote it mostly near the entrance in B2W2, the one that's originally blocked off by Plasma Grunts. The actual cavern containing Kyuurem is still far away, so there's plenty of room for team shenanigans before then. I also figured that many parts of the cave would be blocked off or collapsed, so it's not a straight path.
    Also note that I was given full permission to write a bit for MM for the starting post, including Minch's psychic push.]


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door
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    Age : 25
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    (Ace) The CHASM Team  Empty Re: (Ace) The CHASM Team

    Post by Abysswalker Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:36 pm

    [I really hate to do this with the team having so few posts, but I have to skip. I won't be able to get a proper post up in time, but I'll for sure not miss next round.]


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door
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    (Ace) The CHASM Team  Empty Re: (Ace) The CHASM Team

    Post by Silverishness Fri Dec 18, 2015 9:04 am

    Post 1

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    Giant Chasm||Night

    "You're going to slip and fall again, you know."

    "I am not. Stop distracting me, Celes."

    "You really are, though."

    A frustrated sigh sounded before the second voice continued. "Thank you for your input, but I'm... fine..." His voice trailed as he strained to work, trying to manipulate a boulder while standing precariously on his toes while perched on a slippery, pointed rock.

    "This is a really bad idea, N." Zoroark shifted uncomfortably as he watched his trainer gamble on the laws of physics, but it seemed that N was sick of hearing the nay-saying and logic his pokemon friends were providing.

    "Well, does anyone else have hands and long arms to reach this stupid thing blocking the water flow?" He whirled around, frustrated and angry at his inability to provide even water for his team, his dirty, pale face softly illuminated by Celes' fire. His audience shied away from answering him, knowing full well that he was only trying to help. N regretted his snark as well, heaving another sigh and turning back to them. "I'm sorry, guys, I didn't me--AAH!"

    A slight shift in his weight proved his undoing as his worn sneaker slipped on the stalagmite her stood upon, his high-pitched yelp echoing as he fell back to the ground. But the full force of his weight pulling down had apparently been enough to knock the rock he'd been fighting loose, and with N came a fresh fountain of water. The Pokemon gathered about him, concerned for his safety at least as they helped him back to his feet before he was completely soaked. He glanced up to the now gentle flow of water and held his hands up in the air, triumphant. "We did it!" he squeaked in a small whisper, not wanting to be too loud.

    His friends quietly laughed and congratulated and thanked him, taking their fill from the water one at a time. N took his turn after everyone else had gone, then filled his thirsty leather canteen. It tasted phenomenal-- cold, crisp and clear. It was nice to finally have a sort of victory after being lost in the cavern for what seemed like forever. Taking a seat against a moist wall, the others gathered around as he returned those that he could to their pokeballs. "Get some rest, guys," he instructed, glad that he was able to provide for them. He turned to the others, Celes, Spike and Weaver the Rapidash, Electrike and Riolu respectively and heaved a sigh. "So which way should we try now?"

    Celes, the oldest and most experienced of the three pokemon before him, seemed uncertain. "We haven't encountered anything bad for a small while. It worries me." Weaver waved off Celes' concerns, though, her eyes trained on the darkness around them. "I can sense Undead, Celes. We're safe for now."

    The Rapidash gave an unimpressed snort, causing the Riolu to turn and glare up at the fire horse. N swallowed hard, already knowing where this was going to go. "Guys, wait--"

    "'Sense'. Sure, Weaver. Like you did when that Golbat nearly ate my flank. You sure 'sensed' it super well. Great job."

    "Guys, please--"

    "Maybe if you had actually listened to me and gotten your fat ass out of the way, that wouldn't have happened. And besides, what are you complaining about-- Spike knocked it away in time."

    "Oh dear--"

    "I helped!"

    "This 'fat ass' has been the only thing between the two of us that's actually carried its weight, you fu--"

    "Ok, ladies, that's enough, really," N shushed as he rose to stand between the two warring pokemon, holding his hands up to keep them apart. "Really, everyone here has done a significant amount to keep each other alive. Remember, fighting will only make us weaker and slow us down. Please. Please stop fighting so we can try and figure out how to progress." Though neither seemed to enjoy the idea, both women were mature enough to know when enough was truly enough. Their bickering would have to wait until they were in a safer position.

    "Very well, N. I apologize," the Rapidash spoke first, bowing her head slightly before resting her chin on N's shoulder. Weaver seemed to only be further irritated by Celes' words and actions, but she too quietly acquiesced. "Yeah, I'm sorry too." She gently gripped N's pale, filthy hand, squeezing it lightly before letting it go. "We should go before something hears us."


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    R'hia Kyrie
    R'hia Kyrie

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    (Ace) The CHASM Team  Empty Re: (Ace) The CHASM Team

    Post by R'hia Kyrie Sat Jan 09, 2016 7:16 pm

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    Giant Chasm | Night | 1

    (OOC pre-post, kinda need it here. Odd’s posts will be done by, well. Odd. He will be narrating his own actions. Italicized + colored words are direct thoughts, not narration. See y’all in hell for what I am about to do >:-D )

    Knock knock! Who’s there? A rock! Rock who? I don’t know, all I know is that I keep getting ROCK-BLOCKED! Yeah, another pun score for me, the almighty fuckin’ Odd! Who’s the best punmaster cult leader in the world? This guy! The great and mighty Odd! Punmaster of all the univers, whom shall be obeyed endlessly, with no resistance! Odd, whom is also sexy as hell, smart, and even DANGEROUS! Odd, whom requires his title to be ludicrously long and is an astonishingly attractive feline piece of man-cat!

    There’s some voices up ahead, more people to recruit to the pun cult?! I head up there at a leisurely pace, and hear someone yelp! Hope nothing ROCKED their world! As I get down the tunnel, there’s actually a light, sweet! I lay eyes upon a really chill-lookin human with a big ‘ol smile, and some fiiine young ladies around him, and other ‘mons too! Oh, oh shit man. OH SHIT, WHAAAAT IS THAT?!

    Sweet! A martial artist’s faaave beverage! WAH-TAAAAH! There was a human and some random dudes n chicks bickering beside the water as I trot up casually, and just starts DOWNING that shit. That’s some damn good water, too! I mean, you could almost say that it is… orCHASMic in taste! Oh, man, I need to ABUSE that pun! I’m pretty stuck anyways. Awh, sheeiiit. I chugged too fast… urh…

    ”BROAAAAHHGP!” Solid nine outta ten. Good burp, Odd. But you have done better! You have not yet topped, the alphabetical symphony burp! It was pretty loud, by burp standards, so, I’m cool with it. Either way, looks like the ladies have stopped bickering! ”Why helloooo ladies! Lookin’ good today if I do say so myself! Don’t bother asking for autographs, my talents are distributed free of charge!” I sit my amazing, mohawk’d self down a few meters away from them! Or was it yards? Geremy always told me the difference! Depending on which one I mistook, he’d put his… FOOT down! Name’s Odd, ladies. I happily date whoever wants a piece of this delicious Mohawk! Did it myself!” Just so we all know, I may sound excited, but I'm no dummy! I kept it all pretty quiet. Except for that ROCKING burp!

    Posts : 208

    (Ace) The CHASM Team  Empty Re: (Ace) The CHASM Team

    Post by Fern Sun Jan 10, 2016 7:10 am

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    Giant Chasm|Night

    A trio of voices (or thoughts, he should call them, but they all were so varied in opinion that it was hard for him to believe they were all his) echoed in his mind.

    The first voice was that of his internal navigator, and it said, 'no, you haven't been here before. If you had, there would be a mark in the wall from your scythe.'

    But however seasoned the thoughts of survival were, rationalization was right behind the first voice; it whispered, 'yes, you've been here a countless number of times. You are going around in circles. Your scythes couldn't even make a mark in this hard rock if you tried for a thousand years.'

    And the third voice, the loudest in the triad, was himself. "Why am I so stupid? This place is a death trap. I'm dead like a deserve--good, I suppose. You deserve to rot in here just like--'

    "Stop," he sighed, gritting his teeth, and his thoughts ceased, although temporarily.

    Aeduuard struck the nearest wall with a blunt scythe, dislodging loose stones with the impact. The sound of metal on rock was loud enough to flush a colony of Zubat from their resting place above him. He jumped in astonishment as their many wings beat dangerously close to his exposed head, and he ducked in alarm, shielding himself with his scythes. The voice, the rational one, acknowledged the fact that the horde of bats were, without a doubt, hanging up there the whole time. They had to have been listening to him undetected. He had been watched, and that very thought made him nauseous.

    "I mean no harm," he cried, but the Zubat did not hear. His vocal vibrations were being sponged by the stale air, and their echolocation was already being overloaded by their own screeching. But by the shrillness of it, he could tell that they were just as frightened of him as he was of them.

    Finally, after what felt like ages, the Zubats' cries faded into the distance. Aeduuard released the breath he didn't realize he was holding. He collapsed to the ground in a nervous heap, sweat beading on his brow. Aeduuard stayed there for a long while, hugging his knees to his chest, waiting for his pummeling heart to slow.

    He had ventured in the cavern on a whim. Aeduuard imagined there to be Pokemon lost, starving, and frightened inside. He was confident enough; he thought he would be able to navigate the labyrinth with ease. But sticking to one side until he found the exit was bearing no fruit, and the panic set in. It was proving to be a challenge.

    "I need to get out of here," he thought aloud in a gravelly tone, rising to his feet. He hated to admit it, but he may have to find someone who knew the area better than he did and inquire about an exit.

    He began to amble through the maze, crying out, "is anyone here?" each time he rounded a corner. It was a bad survival tactic--bringing attention to himself like this-but he had faith that he could fight in the event of an attack.

    And if not, oh well. It's not like he had anything to lose.

    "Hey! Can anyone hear me? Can anyone--


    Aeduuard's eyes bulged, and he paused in his stride. There was something ahead. And with a cry like that, it was likely an Undead.

    Fight. You could lose him in the cavern if you need to run.

    Kill again, you loved it, didn't you? You love the feeling of blood on your scythes...

    With quick, jagged breaths he stared at the floor. He had to press on, he had no other option. If he went back now, he'd merely get lost in the labyrinth of which he had already came.

    He crept forward, tightening his chest muscles as to muffle the sound of his feverish breathing.

    ”Why helloooo ladies! Lookin’ good today if I do say so myself! Don’t bother asking for autographs, my talents are distributed free of charge!” He had only met a few Undead capable of fluid speech. But the possibility of the creature not being a zombie began to linger in his mind.

    Only one way to find out.

    He inhaled the musty air and rounded the corner. To his shared delight and displeasure, there was a group. And...a human. That human didn't deserve the gift of life. That human is alive and breathing while his trainer lay cold and de--

    What a terrible thought. All life is precious. And you don't know his story, you fool.

    And for once, the voice in his head was right.

    "E-excuse me. I was wondering if any of you are native to this cavern and could assist in helping me find an exit."

    Short and simple. But not good enough, as always.

    As an in-case, Aeduuard raised his scythes and braced himself, keeping his distance. It was always best to prepare for the worst than trust easily.

    Don't attack. I don't want to hurt anyone anymore.

    Or do I?

    Age : 30
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    (Ace) The CHASM Team  Empty Re: (Ace) The CHASM Team

    Post by Starbits Tue Jan 12, 2016 10:15 pm

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    Giant Chasm (otherwise known as Bumblefuck) | Night | 1

    "Fuck this rock, and that one, and that one, and especially this one oh goaaAAAAAAAAAAA!"

    The stillness of the cave is broken by a child's screech as the rock she moved to climb up gives way and she tumbles down the pile of rocks, pebbles, and boulders.  A grunt of alarm follows and her fall is halted by strong, furry arms.

    "Are you all right?"  Anne stares ahead with enormous eyes, chest heaving, shaking.


    That was close.

    She tilts her head back, raising her eyes to meet worried red ones.  


    To her, his words are little more than the concerned noises of a dog, but she doesn't need the words to hear the worry.  "I'm good.  You can set me down."

    "That's the third time you've nearly fallen."  He stands up straight, looking up at the enormous cave in blocking their path, at the hole near the ceiling that his child had been climbing for.  "I don't like this.  Let's leave and find somewhere else."

    "Put me down, Martin.  We're halfway up.  I'm getting the rest of the way up there."  Martin lowers his head to look at her, wincing.  If her eyes were narrowing or her mouth was puckering in a pout, he would be relieved.  But no, a steely gaze meets his own, cold and unflinching.  A look that does not belong on a child's face.

    On his Anne's face.

    "I'm not risking you again."  She won't reach the pokeball in time, and he's grown to hate taking advantage of those odd times, but her death isn't worth it.  Shifting her in his arms and ignoring the repeat of the order, he leaps up the ledges that boulders have made with his Arceus-granted acrobatic abilities, grateful that he is a Lucario and not something less mobile.  Once at the top he sets her down and stares at her; the moment of determination past, the sadness at his surrogate daughter's changes well over, and he stares at her, silent pain on his face.

    She doesn't even look at him.  Her hand dips into her jumper's pocket and the pokeball is pointed at him, and in he goes.  Anne pockets the ball and crawls through the hole, staring down at the hill of rubble she has to climb down.

    Well... they say down is easier than up.  She allows herself a grim smile and picks a promising area to start at.


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    Post by Phoenix Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:10 am

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    Giant Chasm | Night

    The world was eerily silent in the darkness, the long and cavernous tunnels so far beneath the earth's surface that no natural light could penetrate it. Within the maze flickered a lonely orange light, the delicate glow almost hazy in comparison to the shadows trying to swallow it. A closer inspection of the flickering light would reveal a simply branch, the end aflame, as it sat propped in a brace of rock upon the ground. Beside the makeshift torch a silent figure sat in patience with eyes closed, the only signs of life the gentle rise and fall of its chest as it breathed. And there it waited, but for what it did not know. Something had drawn the fox to this place, urged him to wander the caverns until he had become nearly lost, but still he did not find the source of his summoning. So he would wait, and wonder, as the world outside was pushed from his mind and he entered a mental calm. Something would call to him soon, he was sure of it.

    An echoing cry caused one of the fox's large ears to twitch, the appendage beginning to rise and twist to search for any indication of direction but none came. The questing protuberance came back to its resting position when no more sound could be heard, the calm once again falling over the male as he took a shallow breath through his nose. "BROOOOAHHH!" That sound was louder and almost rude compared to the cry of alarm from before, less a roar and more of an eruption of vulgarity. The Delphox's brow furrowed in annoyance as his distaste for the new sound made itself known, but the echo was still too far away for him to pinpoint exactly which path of the labyrinth it had come from.

    Since the new sound did seem to emanate from fairly close to the original sound he made to stand, rising with poise as he nimbly snatched his wand from its perch and turned towards the loudest point of the echo. He had been waiting a long time for a sign of his purpose here and it seemed he may have found it. With confidence he moved forward, ears moving every so often to track any new sounds as he quested for their origin, and let his mind wonder about what he may discover down in the depths of this earth.

    Age : 25
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    (Ace) The CHASM Team  Empty Re: (Ace) The CHASM Team

    Post by Abysswalker Mon Jan 18, 2016 6:24 pm

    (skip...I'm sorry. I just can't write for this team tonight...anyone can feel free to involve my Munna however they want, I don't mind, I'll jump in either way next cycle)


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door
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