Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    Milo the Human and Morphine the Charizard [WIP]


    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    Milo the Human and Morphine the Charizard [WIP] Empty Milo the Human and Morphine the Charizard [WIP]

    Post by Catalyst Sat Oct 10, 2015 8:13 am

    Milo the Human and Morphine the Charizard [WIP] YJjCHGQ

    Milo the Human and Morphine the Charizard [WIP] VQJcwqG

    Miles, "Milo"
    Text Color 7CFC00 Lawngreen
    Item A black sports dufflebag with a couple changes of clothes and a few hats, leftover food, water, and necessities, his PokeNav (he got it in Hoenn when he visited,) and his pokeball for Halcyon. And he's wearing a translator headset for his Pokemon.
    Weapons A compound bow with sharpened metal-tipped arrows, and a multipurpose knife
    Sex/Gender Male/Masculine (he, him, his) or neutral/non-binary (they, them, theirs)
    Age 21
    Species Human
    Weight 171.3 lbs
    Height 5'07"
    Occupation Student; aspiring Pokemon breeder/Pokemon doctor
    Hobbiest pokemon trainer/battler
    Party Charizard, Vibrava
    Pkm 1
    Milo the Human and Morphine the Charizard [WIP] 006
    Species- Charizard
    Level- 45
    Ability- Blaze
    Attack list-
    - Flare Blitz (Start)
    - Brick Break (TM)
    - Sky Drop (TM)
    - Steel Wing (TM)
    **He has a focus sash around his tail.
    Pkm 2
    Milo the Human and Morphine the Charizard [WIP] Vibrava
    Species- Vibrava
    Level- 40
    Ability- Levitate (Gives full immunity to all Ground-type moves.)
    Attack list-
    - Earth Power Learned)
    - Bug Buzz (Learned)
    - Rock Slide (TM)
    - Steel Wing (TM)
    **He has a bandage wrapped around his tail. It was applied because of a Pokemon slashing it.
    User Notes •Shameless self-insert
    •During the infection, he lost most of his Pokemon in a single incident. All he had left was Keifer, and Morphine was out of his ball and being used.

    Milo the Human and Morphine the Charizard [WIP] TkxgpWV

    Text Color 38B0DE Summer Sky
    Item A focus sash wrapped around his tail.
    Sex/Gender Male/Masculine (he, him, his)
    Age Adult (About 24)
    Species #006/Charizard/The Flame Pokemon
    Height 5'07"
    Weight 200.0 lbs
    Pokédex Entry Charizard flies around the sky in search of powerful opponents. It breathes fire of such great heat that it melts anything. However, it never turns its fiery breath on any opponent weaker than itself.
    Level 45
    Ability Blaze (Powers up Fire-type moves when the Pokémon is in trouble.)
    Nature Impish
    Characteristic Mischievous
    Moves - Flare Blitz (Start)
    - Brick Break (TM)
    - Sky Drop (TM)
    - Steel Wing (TM)
    User Notes •Milo calls him Fi (fee) as a nickname.


    Milo the Human and Morphine the Charizard [WIP] I61jEL3
    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

      Current date/time is Thu Oct 24, 2024 6:06 pm