Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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2 posters

    Jiru the Charizard


    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    Jiru the Charizard Empty Jiru the Charizard

    Post by Storm Thu Aug 11, 2011 11:43 pm

    Jiru the Charizard 2cifpfl
    Temp Image

    Text Color #E18E2E
    Item Lugia Feather, Tidal Bell, Small Flute.
    Gender Male
    Age 19
    Species #006 Charizard - the Flame Pokémon
    Height 5’07”
    Weight 199.5lbs
    Pokédex Entry It is said that Charizard's fire burns hotter if it has experienced harsh battles.
    Level 36
    Ability Blaze
    Nature Brave
    Characteristic Strong willed
    Moves Wing Attack
    Flamethrower (TM)
    Dragon Rage
    History He had just become the first pokemon for a new trainer in the Kanto region. This trainer had no will to take on pokemon gyms and win badges; in fact, he didn’t really like pokemon at all. He just became a trainer so that could travel, and travel he did. He didn’t battle many trainers, or catch very many pokemon. But he took a lot of pictures of them, He wanted to be a pokemon photographer, and he was really good at it. Because of there lack in battling, he didn’t level up that fast and only managed to make it to level 10. It was his dream to fly up in the sky, but he couldn’t do that until he fully evolved into a Charizard, and by the pace that he was levelling at, it was probably going to take a long time.

    After while, his trainer started to get bored of taking pictures of the same pokemon in Kanto, so he decided to head west, to the Johto region. He knew there had to be tones of pokemon he hadn’t seen before out that way, and like a good little pokemon, Jiru followed without question. A few years had passed since he became his pokemon, and he was still only a Charmander, he started to wonder if he would ever evolve, but he needed to believe that he would.

    After about a year in Johto, the infection hit, Jiru was at level 13 now, so he was close to finally evolving into a Charmeleon, but he wouldn’t have the chance if he was killed by all these insane pokemon. His trainer released him and his other pokemon, in fear that they had been infected. Jiru tried to follow him, but his trainer threw a stone at him and told him to keep away. Tears had started to well up in his eyes as he watched his trainer flee the other way, out of sight.

    After while of wondering around, dodging infected pokemon every day and night, he started to lose hope that things would ever go back to being the same. He even got a nasty scar on his face from freaking out one of the living that he tried to help. So he drew in a lot of infected with his blood. He knew he was too weak to take on the much stronger pokemon infected, so he though he should just give into them. But he knew he just couldn’t, he had to believe that some way, some how, things would go back to the way they were meant to be. So he took the name Shinjiru, which means Believe. So he would never forget that no mater what happens, he had to believe in the other pokemon that were fighting this infection. He knew he wasn’t the only one out there that was still alive, there had to be others. And he had to find them.
    Appearance A normal Charizard with deep blue eye's and am X shaped scare on his forhead. Also has three trinkets around his neck.
    Personality -----
    User Notes -He has an X shaped scar in the middle of his forehead.
    -He’s called Jiru for short.
    -He has strong beliefs that this hellish nightmare will end soon.

    Last edited by Darastrix on Sun Nov 18, 2012 3:18 am; edited 16 times in total

    Age : 37
    Posts : 4642

    Jiru the Charizard Empty Re: Jiru the Charizard

    Post by Suicune Fri Aug 12, 2011 1:00 pm

    Approved, but I ask you to please watch your spelling more carefully.
    There's alot of spelling mistakes made, some things that can't be caught by spell check.

    Edit your post to correct them, then you'll be placed.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    Jiru the Charizard Empty Re: Jiru the Charizard

    Post by Storm Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:12 pm

    I fixed it up, hope its all right now.

    Age : 37
    Posts : 4642

    Jiru the Charizard Empty Re: Jiru the Charizard

    Post by Suicune Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:22 am

    Thank you. ^^
    You'll be placed in the whirl team.

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