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    Legendary: Regirock (Ancient, lead)


    Posts : 11

    Legendary: Regirock (Ancient, lead) Empty Legendary: Regirock (Ancient, lead)

    Post by Regirock Tue Jul 28, 2015 2:54 pm

    Legendary: Regirock (Ancient, lead) 377

    Text Color #b6a136
    Item None
    Gender Genderless; masculine
    Age Unknown
    Species #377: Regirock, the Rock Peak Pokemon
    Height 5'07"
    Weight 507lbs
    Pokédex Entry [X] Its entire body is made of rock. If any part chips off in battle, it attaches rocks to repair itself.
    Level Unknown
    Ability Clear Body
    Nature Quirky
    Characteristic Somewhat of a clown
    Moves -Dig (TM)
    -Iron Defense (Lvl. Up)
    -Hyper Beam (Lvl. Up)
    -Stone Edge  (Lvl. Up)
    History Regirock was created by the great Regigigas along with his brothers Regirock and Regice; his power, though not as great as that of other Legendaries, still awed the people of that time period. They worshipped him, his brothers, and Regigigas; Regirock enjoyed the adherence of the humans and felt no discomfort with his deity status. But over time, the humans began to turn from their beliefs. Admiration morphed into fear, fierce belief transformed into skepticism and then eventually outright defiance. All four of the golems were sealed away by the humans, locked away in their own special prisons. Regirock himself was imprisoned in a desert tomb, remaining undiscovered in a state of slumber for centuries upon centuries. He was only aware of the tiniest sensations, and soon lost track of both time and the world.

    Then came the catalysm-a shift in the world, something far beyond anything Regirock had felt before. Roused from his slumber, Regirock freed himself from the tomb and was met with a world he was only vaguely familiar with. The undead did little to frighten the Legend, as he would eventually settle on a singular goal-finding his siblings. He believed they had yet to awaken, and with his knowledge of their locations, Regirock began the search.

    Time passed, and he found a wile Pokemon of Hoenn origins. It screamed in terror and cried to him, speaking of a terrifying giant bird who had killed Regice. Unbelieving, Regirock settled on finding the place where this Furret insisted his sibling had fallen. The golem did not think it was real until he found the body. For months afterwards, he was incapable of moving, confused and terrified. But slowly, he recovered enough to get moving again.

    The Legend has now set his sights upon the Ancient tomb, where surely Registeel would be slumbering. He has to be.
    Appearance Regirock is a large golem made of brown rocks. Regirock has an orange pattern on its face that resembles a capital letter "H". It has long arms with jutting shoulders and club-like hands, its legs are short in comparison to its body. There is a line of rocky spines running down its back. When it gets damaged in battle it will search for new rocks to repair itself. Because of this, the rocks it is made of come from several different places, which contributes to Regirock's patchwork appearance. Regirock does not seem to have a heart or brain. It generally lives in caves.
    Personality Quirky and weird, Regirock is unique not just among the golems, but most legends in general. He can be very loud, coming off as unintelligent or unthinking at times, but in reality he is just looking for a good time. Even in the epidemic, Regirock thinks it is important to have fun, smile while you can, though he knows how to sober up when the situation demands it. Most of the time. He can easily overstep his boundaries, but most of the time no one gets hurt.

    Even with most undead, he will not take them seriously, instead spamming his hyper beam until eventually it dies, using dig as a way to escape damage. On the rare times he grows actually enraged, he will use stone edge, and it is a truly terrifying sight to behold. Regirock would do anything for his allies, though, and keep them safe as best he can. Since he cannot tell when he is going too far, he expects everyone else to think just like him, and will sometimes grow disheartened when he is snapped at or called names-- the ones that hurt him the most as 'ugly' and 'stupid', showing an actually sensitive and very aware part of the legend. Having learned those words from the humans prior to his being locked away, he has a newly discovered low self esteem, though he has no clue what to do about it or how to help it, so he keeps himself happy as much as possible.

    Despite how much time has passed since finding Regice's corpse, the golem is still haunted by it. When allowed to rest, his dreams are bombarded with the image of his partially melting sibling, and sometimes when he is distracted or unsure it will come back to his mind, only pushing him harder to find Registeel, and promise himself that his brother is okay. Arceus forbid if he had ever met the same fate. The memories are fairly repressed, though, only coming up in times of weakness, so for the most part Regirock is capable of pushing himself while blissfully telling himself that Registeel is fine and he imagined the fate of Regice-- they can even go looking for the ice type after finding his brother, yep! This ignoring of the issues only makes him more stressed, though, and it is surely only to worsen over time until it starts to affect his jolly nature.

    On a more positive note, Regirock is a true dork, with a very acquired sense of humour. It ranges from dumb puns to making sounds with his naturally beeping ability; half of the time he attempts at making bad innuendos, but due to being so out of touch with humanity and other Pokemon for so long, he has no clue what he is doing anymore and the bad jokes only get worse as they make no sense. He would do anything for the sake of a laugh, though, especially if someone around him is sad.
    User Notes

    • Despite being genderless, he refers to Regice as his sister and Regigigas as his mother.
    • Was actually freed from his slumber, but is not aware of this.
    • Very fond of humans, despite how much they mocked and ridiculed him before the long sleep.
    • Enjoys letting other's ride on his back.

  • ((OOC note: I know Registeel in real life, and while a lot of our interactions may seem cruel or mean, it is all in good jest, and I have his permission beforehand with almost all of my actions. It is just for humour, which we hope to share with the rest of the members.))

  • Last edited by Regirock on Tue Sep 01, 2015 3:07 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Legendary: Regirock (Ancient, lead) 377


    Posts : 90

    Legendary: Regirock (Ancient, lead) Empty Re: Legendary: Regirock (Ancient, lead)

    Post by Moltres Tue Jul 28, 2015 9:09 pm

    welcome dear brother

    Posts : 11

    Legendary: Regirock (Ancient, lead) Empty Re: Legendary: Regirock (Ancient, lead)

    Post by Regirock Wed Nov 11, 2015 3:57 pm

    Seems the team is starting without me! To the PC! I am ready for activation!



    Legendary: Regirock (Ancient, lead) 377


    Posts : 1265

    Legendary: Regirock (Ancient, lead) Empty Re: Legendary: Regirock (Ancient, lead)

    Post by Victini Thu Nov 12, 2015 3:09 am

    Welcome, brother.

    Legendary: Regirock (Ancient, lead) RGgji6G


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    Legendary: Regirock (Ancient, lead) Empty Re: Legendary: Regirock (Ancient, lead)

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