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7 posters

    The NUVEMA Team


    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    The NUVEMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NUVEMA Team

    Post by Nightfall Wed Feb 22, 2012 4:24 pm

    ((OOC: Don't worry, I'm back! XD ECN beat me to it, but I'll post in my next turn slot in the future.))

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    Nuvema Town/Dusk (7)

    Buck could do nothing but blink at the newcomer blankly. What ... the hell was he saying? Was he foreign? Did he have some sort of speech disorder? The Sneasel tried to replay the words in his head but they just got jumbled up and made even less sense than they did before. Still, there was something funny about this Nidorino, but Buck couldn't quite put his claw on it.

    "I'm with her," he muttered, pointing a claw at Panthera. "Who're you supposed to be? And ... and make some sense, please. My head already hurts."

    He folded his arms and tapped his foot impatiently, looking out of the window at the large building nearby. He planned to dash from the building as soon as the odd Nidorino had made his introductions ... if nothing went wrong, that is.

    The NUVEMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NUVEMA Team

    Post by Guest Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:06 pm

    Nuvema Town/Dusk(2)
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    The cat seemed aggressive...she must smell the blood. I almost chuckled but I managed to catch myself. Hmmm, I love challenges they're...wonderful.

    "Who are you?"

    "Well I'm honestly not a bloody Vulpix, am I? My name's Jackques. Now what be yer name?"

    As she responded a Sneasel off to the side said,"I'm with her. Who're you supposed to be? And ... and make some sense, please. My head already hurts."

    "I didn' realize I was dealing wit' a buncha dim duffers. An' as I said to the bint, the name's Jacques. Sorry fer being a bit arse like but I'm knackered and I'd fancy some nosh, if ya got any.

    As I wait for the Sneasil to respond I take a gander at the area. Strewn with rubble and dark stains which are most likely blood. The Panthera is tense. The Sneasle is suspicious. Are these the only two out here? Where's the humans? Shouldn't there at least be some more pokemon?

    ((Ooc: Jacques is unaware of the Epidemic due to his memory loss. He does remember actions and creatures he just cant place them with experiences.))

    Last edited by Thanatos on Sat Mar 10, 2012 1:53 am; edited 1 time in total

    The NUVEMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NUVEMA Team

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:00 pm

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    Nuvema Town/Dusk (18)

    Victor leaned on a tree, he was a few feet from them, a safe distance yet clearly seen. Most of them had their back on him. He could see there was a new aquisition to their little team...A Nidorino...

    That thing however seemed strange. Closing his good eye he flipped his coin continously staring at the Nidorino with his bad eye. The Nidorino had blood on it's jaws, paws and horn...Poison types wouldn't get infected, even a moron could figure that out. Sickness can't poison Sickness. But still it didn't mean he was as dumb and friendly as the others...

    He opened his good eye as he looked at them with a confident smirk. If they moved towards him he would catch the coin and their fates would be sealed. No mercy if they got the bad end.

    The NUVEMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NUVEMA Team

    Post by Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:42 am

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    Nuvema Town/Dusk (9)

    "I didn' realize I was dealing wit' a buncha dim duffers. An' as I said to the bint, the name's Jacques. Sorry fer being a bit arse like but I'm knackered and I'd fancy some nosh, if ya got any. She heard the Nidorino say and gave a quiet growl not trusting him as far as she could throw him, especially since she sense the blood from the poison type. Sorry to say we don't Jacques. She wasn't sure what all to expect from the Pokemon but she wasn't ready to let her guard down around him. She was ready to get as far away from the Nidorino as she could and it could be seen by the movements of her tail and the way her ears lay flat against her head.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    The NUVEMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NUVEMA Team

    Post by Nightfall Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:51 pm

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    Nuvema Town/Dusk (8)

    "I didn' realize I was dealing wit' a buncha dim duffers. An' as I said to the bint, the name's Jacques. Sorry fer being a bit arse like but I'm knackered and I'd fancy some nosh, if ya got any."

    Nope, he still didn't get it. Something about Buck being an idiot, his name was Jacques and that he's sorry for being a bastard. Fair enough, but the Sneasel couldn't figure out what 'nosh' was so he stayed true to his words and started to make his way out of the door.

    "I'm off," he grumbled. "Either come with me or don't, I don't care. In case you don't, see ya ... and good luck."

    He stepped outside into the evening, stealing a glance up at the red sky. Huh, how fitting, he thought as he strolled across the street towards the large, ever-tempting building. He happened to glance at a nearby tree and stopped dead, frozen with fear.

    The Infected Scrafty from before was leaning against it, tossing that strange coin up into the air and catching it again and again. Buck wanted to run; run back to the others and warn them to get the hell away from there, but it was as if his feet were glued to the ground. His heart threw itself against his ribcage and sweat poured down his brow. His fear of the undead was getting worse. If only Norma Jean was still alive. She'd sort everything out.

    Damn it, Buck ... pull yourself together! She wouldn't recognise you like this...

    The NUVEMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NUVEMA Team

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 28, 2012 5:01 pm

    Nuvema Town/Dusk(3)
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    Sorry to say we don't Jacques Said the feline in response to my question about food.

    "Well that's a bloody mess! Why haven' cha gone into to the brown and Looked 'round for some berry trees?"

    Well it's not like I was going to eat any damn berries, I'm more in the mood for something a bit... meatier.

    I'm off. Either come with me or don't, I don't care. In case you don't, see ya ... and good luck.

    Hmm, wandering off alone? I think I'll follow him. As I stepped out after him, he suddenly stopped. I looked past him and..

    "Bloody hell! What in ta name o' Arceus happened to you,mate"

    In all honesty I didn't give a damn how that Scrafty managed to draw a breath when his entire right side appeared to be burned and decayed. The fact of the matter was that his eyes seemed like mine

    I was intrigued by this half dead looking creature. He didn't look to be in pain...
    He looked calm and controlled, how is it that he remains standing when the injury was so grave.
    I had to know..

    "You're injury looks severe, in'cha in pain?"

    ((Ooc: Do to his amnesia Jacques doesn't remember the epidemic and ts doesn't know that Victor is undead.))

    Last edited by Thanatos on Sat Mar 10, 2012 1:54 am; edited 1 time in total

    The NUVEMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NUVEMA Team

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:14 pm

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    Nuvema Town/Night time (19)

    The Sneasel's eyes moved, they were looking at Victor with Fear. Such expression frozen uppon the Sneasel's face was just...Wonderful. He smirked again as the coin was spinning into his hand, the Nidorino also noticed Victor, but seemed to be somewhat unware of his "condiction". As the coin landed on Victor's hand he looked into the eyes of the 2 of them, since the Liepard asn't noticed Victor yet, his words were flown out of his mouth. Heads or Tails?...Tails. He repeated the result as he showed the coin have landed on Tails.

    His hands starting glowing as he put them together, he starting to focus his energy as a light blue ball of energy formed in between his hands. He threw his Focus Blast at their feet as a warning shot, to get them startled and to make them attack first, in this case...The coin wouldn't be needed if they even tried to attack.

    The NUVEMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NUVEMA Team

    Post by Guest Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:09 pm

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    Nuvema Town/Night

    Teal floated there doing nothing his mind blank as he thought and ponderd, with a sudden jerk he became conscious of his surroundings again. A Purple spiked Pokemon of some sort with blood splatterd on it's face speaking in a a odd accent had appeared, It said something to the scrafty reguarding it's burns, before it fired a Focus Blast at his feet. This blur of actions and appearances through Teal off a bit. After a couple of minutes of processing what had just happened, Teal went back to his prior thought processes, and approached the Scrafty at a cautious distance. He couldn't help but admire the raw bleakness of it, it seemed completely unhinderd by pain or damage, it showed no noticable emotion, it appeared to be a true macabre miracle a beautiful speciemn. He had to learn about it and it's ways.

    Hovering in a non threatning manner as possible, Teal inquired the Scrafty. I've been observing you recently, and would enjoy conversing with you. Do mean no offense but may I inquire you about your methods? There is some factor surrounding your person that grabs my attention, you seem to be a superior subject over the others in the fact that you appear to lack empathy, and your actions seemed judged by your coin. If It appeals to you, would you inform me on why you use the coin as your decision making factor? Teal hoverd quietly awaiting an answer then rememeberd something. How about this? what if I ask you in a "Yes" or "No" format? for every question, If the coin lands on heads, you answer my question, if it lands on Tails I attempt to avoid one of your ranged attacks?

    Teal clamped his claws nervously at the propistion he had just made, this creature was obviously incredibly dangerous, but his pursuit for knowledge was too strong, it burned at his mind, he had too know how this creature functioned so superiorly, and how he could attain it. His claws pinched in anticipation of a response.

    The NUVEMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NUVEMA Team

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:09 pm

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    Nuvema Town/Night (10)

    "I'm off, Either come with me or don't, I don't care. In case you don't, see ya ... and good luck." Panthera heard Buck said and rolled her eyes but oddly enough with how Buck is acting, it's starting to grow on her, so she smiled a bit and began to follow Buck but saw that he froze on the spot and was looking in one direction. She looked at where he was looking and saw the Scrafty from before standing there and flipping his coin. He then charge up an attack she recognize as a Focus Blast which caused her to once again pick Buck in her mouth gently, like she would do a young kitten like Purrloin, and moved him away from the attack and set him back down on his feet, before he could tell her to do so. She watch as the Scrafty seem to wait and see if they would attack him. Knowing it will be a bad idea to do so, Panthera didn't do a thing to show she was going to attack him and waited.

    She then watched as the Metang went up to Scrafty and seemed to be talking to him. She hopes that the Metang wasn't making a mistake by talking to the Scrafty before she glance at Buck and asked softly, Are you alright Buck? Her voice was gentle then it was before and her eyes and voice showed that she was really concern for the Sneasel. She knew her species reputation and she wanted to show Buck that she wasn't like her normal kind and that not all Liepards were the same.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    The NUVEMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NUVEMA Team

    Post by Nightfall Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:41 pm

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    Nuvema Town/Dusk (9)

    Buck was so transfixed and terrified by the gruesome sight of the Scrafty that he barely noticed that everyone else had followed him. The Nidorino with the speech impediment seemed a little surprised by what Buck could hear and mildly understand. Teal was talking a lot but the Sneasel was barely listening. He found the sight of the disfigured Scrafty absolutely revolting; it made him feel sick to the stomach, yet why couldn't he stop looking? Why couldn't he run away like he wanted to?

    Without much warning the undead Pokemon launched a powerful Focus Blast straight towards their feet. Buck finally snapped into action and prepared to leap backwards as the attack got closer. He extended his claws ready to attack ... only to curse in surprise as someone lifted him off the ground.

    "The FUCK?!" Buck twisted his head round and noticed with huge annoyance that it was Panthera again. "Put ... me ... DOWN!" he snarled. "What the hell do you think you're doing? I'm not a baby! I can take care of myself, y'know! Put me DOWN!"

    He wriggled and squirmed in her grasp until she finally put him down and asked: "Are you alright Buck?"

    What the hell is wrong with this chick?

    "I'm fine! Look at me! I have all my limbs! I'm FINE! If you do that again I'll--"

    Realising that perhaps he was going a little too far, Buck stopped. Losing his temper wasn't going to help the situation. They still had that damn Scrafty to deal with. To Buck's surprise, Panthera's ... interference had jolted his legs into working again. He turned towards the disgusting Pokemon and tensed himself. He was terrified, but now that he could move again he felt a little more confident. At least he could actually attempt to dodge now.

    "Y-You're outnumbered," he said, lifting his arms and extending his claws once again. He tensed them up to try and hide the fact that he was trembling. "Y-You're one versus four. We can take you! J-Just try and come closer." He prepared to deliver a Slash attack straight to the Scrafty's grotesque face just in case he decided to obey.

    The NUVEMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NUVEMA Team

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 8:47 pm

    Nuvema Town/Dusk(4)
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    In the space between two beats of my heart the Scrafty flipped his coin. Then he caught it. As he looked down at his palm his already smirking mouth contracted his lips over his teeth.

    As his hands begin to glow I make my move. I run straight at him. Why? Well Nidorino's can't move very well side to side or backwards. So my only move would be forward.

    As I race towards him with the adrenaline pumping through my blood and my heart beating with excitement, my face splits into a smile.


    I see the focus blast coming towards me. Swerving to the side isn't an option. I can't move that fast. My move set doesn't contain anything to deflect this. That leaves only one option
    to jump

    And that's what I do. The heat radiating off of the blast make's me feel as if I'm being slow roasted over and enormous fire. But then I'm over it.

    My legs stumble as they hit the ground but I continue running.
    I aim my horn at the Scrafty's eye, the poison dosage increasing as my adrenaline does.

    Just as I'm about to hit him, I stop, my horn an inch from his eye.

    "Ya better get the bloody 'ell aahhht of 'ere if ya kna whats good for ya."

    From behind me is the voice of the sneasle.
    "Y-You're outnumbered. Y-You're one versus four. We can take you! J-Just try and come closer."

    I grin.

    " As buck says you're outnumbered but if ya feel loike tryin' your luck , go ahead."

    I feel like just stabbing the bastard in the eye and laughing but if I do that I'd reveal my true intentions. If I pretend to defend these ingrates their uneasiness will disappear and so will their guard.

    A flash of ligyaht gets reflected into my eye. Without turning my head I say to the metallic hulking creature,
    " 'ey. if you're wif 'im I'll
    fight ya ter."

    ((OoC: I made his accent a little more readable with less british slangso ya damn yankees can understand what I'm saying to you. It's definitely not because finding british slang terms for regular words is hard. Nope...))

    Last edited by Thanatos on Sat Mar 10, 2012 1:55 am; edited 1 time in total

    The NUVEMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NUVEMA Team

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:28 pm

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    Nuvema Town/Night time (20)

    Just nice...The Nidorino has taken it's wrong turf...As it charged, but quickly stopped. The Metang wished to partake on something. Victor lifted his hand to the Metang, only one at the time. He pointed at the Nidorino...it seemed to not know anything about what was going on. Victor smirked and used his Faint Attack in a blink of eyes he was behind the Nidorino, he swinged his legs beneath the being tripping him on the ground so the Nidorino would not be able to attack so soon, a few seconds of rest eventually.

    Victor walked in front of it and took out a book which he slammed infront of the Poisonous pokemon. The book seemed to be a diary, eventually counting things about the Infection. He slapped the ear of the Nidorino and pointed at the book for him to read...It was a waste of time to fight someone that's ignorant...Fair's fair, you know what you're facing you'll fear it more.

    Now the Metang...It seemed to want to make a sort of game, random number of Yes or No questions, and depending on the coin Victor shall answer or shall use his ranged attacks against the Metang...He smiled at the Metang and nodded accepting the Metang's wish. It was a fair take, it was an interesting challenge. A way to practice and to develop his own brain functions.

    The NUVEMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NUVEMA Team

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:37 pm

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    Nuvema Town/Night time

    "Y-You're one versus four. We can take you! J-Just try and come closer." The Sneasel said tot he scrafty defensively, after being saved by the Liepard. Teal watched in expresionless amusement when the Nidorino attempted to threaten the scrafty and held his horn to it. The scrafty knocked him down with effciant ease, and instead of simply killing him presented a book of some sort, obviously there was some kind of point he attempted to survey to the demnutive creature. The Scrafty then turned it's attention back to Teal, and smiled with a nod, appearing to accept the game.

    Teal jerked with joy for a moment at this, his eyes flashed a bright blue as he picked up a sharp peice of metal from nearby using Confusion, and flung in the Sneasel's direction, stopping in front of it, before dropping onto the ground. "I have pledge no alligance with any of you, if you insist on interupting my gathering of information, I will not hesitate to attempt on your life. Do not interfer, or I will educate myself on the amount of pressure it takes to crush a Weasel, and Feline skull." Teal said bluntly before turning back to the Scrafty.

    "Question 1; You seem to behave superiorly to these other entities, in that you appear to lack empathy and emotion. Yet you retain higher intelligence then most other ....comprimised individuals..." Teal realized that he had left the question and mentally kicked himself. " You rely on this coin for your actions, yes or no? If you can, an extended response will much appreciated." Teal then floated back a bit, awaiting the flip of the coin.

    The NUVEMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NUVEMA Team

    Post by Guest Tue Mar 13, 2012 11:11 am

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    Nuvema Town/Night time (11)

    "The FUCK?! Put ... me ... DOWN! What the hell do you think you're doing? I'm not a baby! I can take care of myself, y'know! Put me DOWN!" Panthera heard Buck say and just rolled her eyes as she set him back down gently. She had expected a reaction like that which is why she didn't really pay it much attention. "I'm fine! Look at me! I have all my limbs! I'm FINE! If you do that again I'll--" She heard Buck threaten but he stopped which caused her to look at him and saw that he realize something she gave a soft sigh and shook her head before she glance at the Scrafty just as Buck said, "Y-You're outnumbered, Y-You're one versus four. We can take you! J-Just try and come closer."

    This caused Panthera to smile since Buck was trying to be brave, and most likely trying to cover up his fear of the undead. She then watched as Jacques charge in at the Scrafty. ~Apparently, he is trying to gain our trust by helping us out. I don't trust that Nidorino as far as I can throw him and I hope Buck won't fall for his tricks either~ she thought to herself. She then watched as the Scrafty knock the Nidorino down with a Faint Attack and then put some kind of book and pointed at it to Jacques, saying without words, that the Nidorino should read it. This confused her slightly but she didn't let her guard down. She then watched at the Metang used Confusion on a sharp pointed metal and sent it at Buck, stopping it before it would hit the Sneasel saying, "I have pledge no alligance with any of you, if you insist on interupting my gathering of information, I will not hesitate to attempt on your life. Do not interfer, or I will educate myself on the amount of pressure it takes to crush a Weasel, and Feline skull."

    Upon hearing the Metang calling her a 'Feline Skull' Panthera growled angrily and glared at the self-absorbed Pokemon and said, "Don't go threatening me or my friends metal-head, because, like you, I won't hesitate to attack you if you harm any of them." With that said she gave a final growl before she look away from the Metang and began to calm herself down before she spoke to Buck. After a few minutes, when she believed she was calm enough, she look at Buck and said, "I think we should continue searching for what it is your looking for Buck. It would seem the Scrafty and the Metang will be busy for now and if Scrafty does attack I would prefer if we were away from him."

    Last edited by SapphireSilve on Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    The NUVEMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NUVEMA Team

    Post by Nightfall Tue Mar 13, 2012 3:36 pm

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    Nuvema Town/Night (10)

    Buck wasn't sure if his heart could take much more. Not only was the Scrafty intent on killing them (although for the moment he appeared occupied by a book of some sort), but the Metang had turned on him as well. He inhaled sharply as a piece of metal was flung at him at a speed too great to dodge. For a split second he believed it would impale his chest and end his little adventure right there and then, but it stopped inches from his face and dropped down to the ground. Buck exhaled as he felt weak with relief and fell onto his knees.

    "I have pledged no alligance with any of you," Teal said. "If you insist on interupting my gathering of information, I will not hesitate to attempt on your life. Do not interfer, or I will educate myself on the amount of pressure it takes to crush a Weasel, and Feline skull."

    What the... Since when was he giving them death threats? What the hell gave him the right?! Buck was about to jump to his feet and give that hunk of scrap metal a piece of his mind when Panthera decided to interfere again. For once, though, she said something sensible.

    "I think we should continue searching for what it is your looking for Buck. It would seem the Scrafty and the Metang will be busy for now and if Scrafty does attack I would prefer if we were away from him."

    It was true; it looked as though those two were too busy dealing with ... something to bother with them at the moment. The Nidorino seemed to be enjoying ramming himself into them senselessly, so why stop him? Buck nodded to Panthera and began to slip away from the others, heading towards the large building that he'd had his eye on. Now that he was closer, he noticed underneath the grime on the sign above the door that it read: Juniper's Pokemon Lab.

    Pokemon Lab

    Not bothering to stop and wonder who the hell Juniper was, Buck pushed open the door and slammed it shut as soon as he and Panthera were inside. He sighed in relief and slid down it onto the floor. To his surprise he began to laugh.

    "Heh ... fancy that. I'm going soft." He stood up and had a quick look around the dark lab. Cupboards and boxes galore! In a place like this surely he'd find it? He had to. He didn't have much time. He started to rummage through one of the boxes before stopping suddenly and turning to Panthera. "You don't have to help me look if you don't want ... I can manage by myself. But ... I just want to say thanks. For ... actually caring about me. Really, it means a lot." He quickly turned back towards the box. "I still don't like it when you pick me up though. If you do that again I might have to take a swipe at you."

    ((OOC: Sorry for the long post! ^^;))

    The NUVEMA Team - Page 5 Empty Nuvema Town/Night

    Post by Guest Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:16 pm

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    Nuvema Town/Dusk(5)

    How stupid of me.
    Mercy is for the weak.
    I could have killed that burnt bastard instead I decided to gain their trust...and I let my guard slip. The Scrafty had flipped me over like I was a nubile Magikarp! Not only didn't I gain their trust I now look like a weak mercy spewing infant!



    The Scrafty placed a book in front of my head. It could be a trap but I was intrigued.

    I used my horn to open the book
    "An Epidemic startin' in Johto?..." I began saying someof the phrases out loud.

    "All the bloody 'umans dead..."

    "a majority of the pokemon comin' back from the dead..."

    I looked up.

    This is-this is-" wonderful,"-'orrible!"

    No restrictions!



    Last edited by Thanatos on Sat Apr 21, 2012 4:16 am; edited 1 time in total

    The NUVEMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NUVEMA Team

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:30 pm

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    Nuvema Town/Dusk

    Days...weeks...months...it felt like an eternity for me. Ever since my trainer died, he died cause of me, life isn't precious anymore. I know he told me to live on, but it's just so hard. Ironic that I'm a Lampent, a Pokemon that can sense death. But I'm not like that, I can sense life. I took it upon myself that I learned how to absorb souls. It's what I need to live. Everywhere I went, I could sense the small amounts of life within every body I passed. Their souls were filled with regret and sorrow. What do I know about life? I'm a living disaster. My left arm is nothing but a numb, while my bandaged right arm is barely hanging on. My head is cracked open like a broken light bulb. My top is torn and worn out like a raggedy blanket. I'm surprised any of the living have yet to attack me. I look like an undead. I should be an undead, let alone dead. I have nothing left to live for, so why do I continue to survive?

    I came upon what was a small town. Buildings were in ruin, glass windows shattered, weeds growing up along the broken walls. Everything was once beautiful, so filled with life. Thinking of life, I could sense life; five signs to be exact. But one of them troubled me. It felt like it was barely clinging onto life; it was an undead. Two others surrounded it, but I sensed no trouble. Two more signs were detected in the building beside me. There was a broken window above me allowing easy entrance. Slowly floating to the window, I tried to shield my light from shining towards the undead. I looked through the shattered glass to see what was inside. A small weasel and a Liepard were inside. I tucked my damaged arm in so I could silently come inside. Unfortunately, my numb hit a rather large piece of broken glass still clinging to the frame; knocking it to the floor. It shattered with somewhat loud noise. I didn't care if the two Pokemon inside heard that, I only cared if the undead did.

    Author note: [This is my first add so if I did something wrong let me know. Also, Nightfall and SapphireSilve, please don't hurt him]

    The NUVEMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NUVEMA Team

    Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:36 am

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    Nuvema Town/Night time (21)

    "Question 1; You seem to behave superiorly to these other entities, in that you appear to lack empathy and emotion. Yet you retain higher intelligence then most other ....comprimised individuals... You rely on this coin for your actions, yes or no? If you can, an extended response will much appreciated."

    That was the first question... Victor flipped his coin, it had landed on heads, the Metang was lucky. Victor nodded answering to the question, he does have a great trust uppon his coin using it to decide the minimum of his choices. He held up the coin with the good side towards his good side of his face, than he flipped it and showed the bad side of the coin close to the scarred side of his face.

    With that he wanted to mean that everything boils down to a simple choice. Yes or No. Life or Death. Sanity or Insanity. Yin and Yang. Good or Bad. Heads or Tails.

    The NUVEMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NUVEMA Team

    Post by Guest Mon Mar 19, 2012 6:59 am

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    Nuvema Town/Dusk (12)

    Panthera looked at buck and listen to him as he said to her, "You don't have to help me look if you don't want ... I can manage by myself. But ... I just want to say thanks. For ... actually caring about me. Really, it means a lot. I still don't like it when you pick me up though. If you do that again I might have to take a swipe at you." Which caused Panthera to smile and give soft giggle that Buck probably couldn't hear as she said back to him softly, I'll help you look for whatever it is you may be looking for Buck. And of course I care about you. To me your a friend and I do what I can to keep my friends safe. I'll keep that in mind but I won't promise anything. It's basically instinct that kicks in when i do that so I'll just have to watch out for your claws. I don't need anymore scars added to the one I already have. She then glance at the lightning bolt scar on her hip while she began to search around the area hoping she can help Buck find what he was looking for.

    At first she didn't noticed the Lampent at first but when she heard something falling to the floor she quickly turned around in a defensive stance ready to attack if whatever caused the sound meant harm to her or Buck. When she saw the fellow region Pokemon Lampent she relaxed but only slightly and was prepared to attack if the Lampent attacked first. Hello, who are you? she said politely as she noticed how badly damaged the Lampent was. She seriously hope she wasn't making another mistake of talking to another undead Pokemon but she didn't smell the scent of death around the Pokemon except for what was normal for the ghost-type Pokemon.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    The NUVEMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NUVEMA Team

    Post by Nightfall Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:56 pm

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    Pokemon Lab/Night (11)

    Buck did not look at Panthera as she spoke, but, with his head concealed inside the box, he smiled. It had been a long time since he had had someone whom he considered a 'friend'. He tossed Poke Balls, Potions and other items that had no use to him aside as he continued his search. The Liepard began to look inside a box nearby. Buck kept an eye on her; although she was starting to gain his trust he wouldn't put it past a sneaky Pokemon like Liepard to find his Razor Claw and make off with it.

    He finished clearing out his own box and was about to move onto another when a loud crash sent him leaping onto a desk in fright. He span around towards the source of the noise and spotted a Lampent, a Pokemon that he had ran into (sometimes literally) occasionally during his time in Unova. It didn't appear to be Infected, so Buck relaxed a little but still shot an angry look at the battered Ghost-type as he jumped off the desk.

    "Hey, watch it, will you? You almost gave me a heart attack," he snapped, picking up some sort of phone device from the box and throwing it aside."Where'd you come from, anyway? I didn't see you around here before."

    The NUVEMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NUVEMA Team

    Post by Guest Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:20 pm

    Nuvema Town/Dusk(6)

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    Hmm no one appeared to be watching me. The Scrafty and the Metang seemed to be engrossed with their incredibly drab conversation, Buck and the Panthera bird appeared to have wandered off. No one was watching.

    And I was itching to kill and destroy. Maybe the Liepard...
    No shes part of the main cast, a supporting character. I needed to kill a minor character. Someone with a brief appearance...

    I looked around
    And behold!
    Next to Buck and Panthera
    A Lampert!

    "Looks loike a zombie ter me!" I yelled.

    I quickly used Focus Energy and then rushed towards him with a Take Down.


    Last edited by Thanatos on Sat Apr 21, 2012 4:19 am; edited 2 times in total

    The NUVEMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NUVEMA Team

    Post by Guest Tue Mar 20, 2012 2:19 pm

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    Nuvema Town/Dusk

    The Liepard immediately whirled around and stood in a defensive stance. Woe flinched back, waiting for the pain of the attack. But, the attack never came. Woe moved his one arm away from his face and looked. The Pokemon was still in a defensive stance, but it seemed more at ease. "Hello, who are you?" it asked.

    By the sound of the voice, the feline Pokemon was female. Her voice was somewhat soothing. It reminded Woe of a friend of his trainer. The painful memory of his trainer's death burned into his mind once again. But, Woe didn't want to keep the miss waiting any longer and she might attack.

    "H-H-Hello..." Woe responded nervously. "Uh...m-my name is W-Woe..."

    Woe only hoped that the feline would stay there and not attack. The Pokemon already had a scar on her side, indicating battle experience. Then again, Woe felt like his life was meaningless. If the Liepard did attack and manage to kill him, he would be thankful.

    "Hey, watch it, will you? You almost gave me a heart attack" said a voice. Woe turned to see that weasel. Now that he was closer, a earring was noticeable. He also had a visible scar across his left eye. The sound of it's voice was masculine, but on the boundary of boy and girl. He was probably very young. "Where'd you come from, anyway? I didn't see you around here before."

    Woe felt nervous. Now, if they ever thought of it, it's two against one. Woe would understand if they attacked, and would also be glad about it. But, the words of his trainer rung through his mind.

    Live...just stay alive...live...

    "I-I-I came in th-th-through the w-w-window..." Woe replied with great fear. "I-I have b-been wandering f-f-for d-days...l-lost and al-alone. I could h-help you two...I'm not inf-f-fected...I p-promise...I c-can s-s-sense l-life...even th-the infected..." Woe stopped, hoping to see some form of kindness in these Pokemon. "I c-could even h-help l-l-look f-for whatever y-you were s-searching for..."

    Suddenly, Woe felt one of the life forces from outside rush towards the building. Woe quickly flew behind the Liepard and tried to hide. "DIE YA ZOMBIE SCUM!" shouted a voice. Woe was too scared to look. He wrapped his one arm around the Liepard, "Help me! It wants to kill me! I don't want to die anymore! I want to live!"

    Note: (Sorry about the POV change, it just seemed better in third than first.)

    The NUVEMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NUVEMA Team

    Post by Guest Tue Mar 20, 2012 2:51 pm

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    Nuvema Town/Dusk (1)

    Fallon had been flying for quite a while. She didn't know how long, or where she was. She had just been flying. She was still searching for the one responsible for her getting infected. Her old trainer. But first of all, she needed to figure out where she was.

    She swiftly, but steady, landed on top of a building. She then heard something yell. "DIE YA ZOMBIE SCUM!" Someone was mad at someone else. How wiered. She carefully flied down and landed in the window of the building. She looked at the four survivors there where inside. The one who had yelled must have been the one running towards the groupe standing nearby, with a strange ghost pokémon hiding behind the feline. Now, this was interesting. She wouldt definently stick arround to see what was going on here.

    Maybe in the end she wouldt get something to eat. Or, rather, SOMEONE.

    The NUVEMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NUVEMA Team

    Post by Guest Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:42 am

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    Nuvema Town/Night time (22)

    Victor crossed his arms as he looked at the Metang hoped his demonstration was enough to show his answer to it. He heard a lot of comotion, the others were on some sort of Lab investigating some stuff...They seemed to be quite busy. The Nidorino however seemed to be as derranged as an infected. It was yelling and charging towards the bulding...

    A Pidgeot had landed near the lab too, it seemed to be infected...Victor held his tempers and sighed...this is way too stupid to be taken seriously. He sighed trying to ignore the stupidity in this situation and fixed to take his chances with the curious Metang.

    The NUVEMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NUVEMA Team

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:33 pm

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    Nuvema Town/Night time (13)

    "Hey, watch it, will you? You almost gave me a heart attack, Where'd you come from, anyway? I didn't see you around here before." Panthera heard Buck say and glance back to see that Buck had jump onto the desk in fright of the entrance of the Lampent."H-H-Hello... Uh...m-my name is W-Woe..." She then heard the Lampent say and glance back at him and gave him a gentle smile. She knew that her species has a bad reputation but she wanted to show them that she wasn't completely like her species as she gave the Lampent a gentle smile. She then heard the Lampent answer Buck's question by saying, "I-I-I came in th-th-through the w-w-window... I-I have b-been wandering f-f-for d-days...l-lost and al-alone. I could h-help you two...I'm not inf-f-fected...I p-promise...I c-can s-s-sense l-life...even th-the infected... I c-could even h-help l-l-look f-for whatever y-you were s-searching for..." She looked carefully at Woe and saw that he has been through a lot already and she figured that the Lampent deserve some kind of kindness, but before she could do anything she heard the voice of Jacques, "DIE YA ZOMBIE BASTARD!"

    This caused the poor Lampent to hide behind her and then he wrapped his one arm around Panthera as he said in fear, "Help me! It wants to kill me! I don't want to die anymore! I want to live!" Upon hearing this Panthera reacted quickly as she could and jump up on the desk next to Buck though she didn't make it unscathed because the Nidorino's horn scrapped against her left shoulder leaving a minor cut that began to bleed. Luckily the poison that Panthera knew was in that horn didn't get to her but she did wince when she put pressure on the left leg that she was sure Buck could see. But at least Woe was safe for now even though Panthera was in pain.

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