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8 posters

    The CORONET Team


    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The CORONET Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Wed Nov 23, 2011 4:39 am

    (OOC- bad writers block go bug someone else, anyway skip since she knocked out.)

    The CORONET Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 23, 2011 7:05 pm

    (Ooc: got writer's block like Kat, I'm tryin' to get ready for thanksgiving, and pack my stuff to visit some friends this weekend and my mind is just clustered. :U)

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1503

    The CORONET Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Abysswalker Wed Nov 23, 2011 10:53 pm

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    Foot of Mount Coronet | Late Evening

    Jared followed after the white Cacturne and the others as they headed toward the mouth of the cave. The bloodied Arcanine wanted to actually go back to make sure Jared hadn't been lying, that this Bells was really dead....even though he barely knew the Arcanine, Jared was very impressed with his loyalty. However, if he went back, the Arcanine would surely be killed.
    "You can't," Jared spoke up, "You can't go back there." Short, but it got to the point. Jared knew what it was like to lose loved ones, this Arcanine couldn't say that the Houndoom didn't understand. My precious sister, this Bells, Ace....who else is going to die? Jared thought, bringing pain to his chest as he remembered their deaths. "There's nothing to be done now." Jared hated to say it, but there was no use trying to pretend that Bells had survived. Even if she had lived at first, she would've been crushed later anyways, because the whole cave's side had collapsed.


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The CORONET Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Negative10 Thu Nov 24, 2011 3:55 am

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    Mt. Coronet | Late Evening

    BT watched with grim as the entrance that they had just passed through collapse under the dirt and rocks of Mount Coronet. I suppose we won't be going through that way any time soon. Though the Shieldon didn't feel much anxiety about being trapped inside; after all, he had lived in these very caves and tunnels thousands of years before. I'm sure they haven't changed too much. Benton glanced with concern towards Xerxes- with injuries like that, even taking in air must be difficult.

    Yet, the Arcanine swallowed his hurt and dared to declare to look for Bells. "There's nothing to be done now." The Houndoom spoke with a jutted voice, impressing the fact that Xerxes was in no condition to search for the Flaffy, in the least move towards the fallen entrance. Benton blinked his sadness with sympathy. I'd look for her too, Bells... but... BT shuffled his feet, looking down the tunnel that twisted out of their view.

    "Perhaps we should move on before our enemies find a way through," he advised the others, looking up to them. "We can rest when we're positive we're safe." With Aria on his back, he circled their group to look them up and down to make sure their injuries weren't too severe (with the exception of Xerxes), then stopped to face the Houndoom. Pawing the ground, BT asked him, "It seems like we'll be together for a while, so can we know your name? I'm Benton, BT for short." The Shield Pokemon inwardly winced. Inner wounds heal with time, not with Oran berries.

    The CORONET Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 27, 2011 1:52 am

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    Foot of Mt. Coronet|Late Evening

    "You can't. You can't go back there....There's nothing to be done now."

    “And who the hell are you to tell me what I can and cannot do? ...Bells could still be alive out there! She could have escaped! I can’t just leave knowing that there may be a slight chance that she made it!” Growled the wounded Arcanine, through gritted teeth. Despite, his whole body groaning in agony, Xerxes knew that if didn’t try and fight for this, this foolish and desperate plea to put to rest his hopeful conviction, then he’d forever live with the big “what if”, hanging above his head for the rest of his life.

    As he sneered at the Houndoom before him, the fluffy mound caught sight of the little Shieldon, fidgeting as he looked back at tunnel behind him. Just then his head began to pound insanely, causing the Arcanine to sway from side to side, as he staggered to the wall near him.

    "Perhaps we should move on before our enemies find a way through. We can rest when we're positive we're safe." Blinking at his companion’s words, Xerxes took the moment to sink down onto his haunches and lean against the cave’s walls. ‘...So tired...’ Black dots had begun to dance across his vision as his eyelids drooped ever so slowly. Xerxes knew that he couldn’t pull himself together any longer and that rest would probably best at this point. Before he fell back into the sweet embrace of unconsciousness, though, the pained, guilt-ridden pokemon smirked at the words of the named Benton, who’d decided to provide an introduction for their new “acquaintance”.

    "It seems like we'll be together for a while, so can we know your name? I'm Benton, BT for short."

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The CORONET Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sun Nov 27, 2011 12:17 pm

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    Mt. Coronet|Late Evening(14)

    Aria sighed lightly and looked at Xerxes."Xerxes, Thank you but even if Bells managed to survive the rock slide the infected out there would eventually overpower her, I'm sorry but either way she's lost."Aria said sadly.Even if she disliked the girl, she couldn't help but feel deep sadness at her loss.After all a mere rock slide? Hardly a fitting death for the fluffy creature.

    "We need to move on now if we don't, we to could end up like Bells so lets move."Aria huffed at the group.This mountain was really testing her patience. Aria knew that she couldn't lose her temper now at these people but she couldn't help feeling angry, after all she had just about died, twice.'Now Bells is dead and people are sad but I'm just miffed.'Aria thought in an irritated tone.Not waiting for the others she got up and decided to go deeper into the cave.

    Last edited by CrimsonKat on Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:32 am; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 25
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    The CORONET Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Abysswalker Sun Nov 27, 2011 1:34 pm

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    Mt. Coronet | Late Evening

    "Just call me Jared." the Houndoom said quickly, but his rage was building up at a very fast pace, centered towards that Arcanine in denial. But he couldn't just burst out his words, he had to prove he was on their side. "My sister is dead," he said quietly, talking to everyone," "I wanted to believe she still lived, though I saw her killed. She died before this whole infection mess even started. I know what this is like." Jared had never recounted this story, and it took everything to keep himself from shaking at the memories. "If you want to find out if Bells lived later, I won't stop you. I can't stop you, but I'm going to make sure she didn't die for nothing, if she's dead." Knowing the others would need time to get over the death of their friend, Jared trotted away from the group and sat down, his tail whipping side to side. He wasn't accepted, not even here, with these other living Pokemon. That Arcanine obviously hated Jared now...."You're stupid if you think they'll let you hang around," Jared growled to himself.

    The Houndoom got up and started to restlessly pace around, itching to escape this dark prison of a mountain, but he wouldn't leave until the others told him to get away from them. After that, Jared didn't know what to do....he had no idea where he was, after all. His thoughts were taken up by memories of his little sister. I know what it's like. I know, I know. Why didn't the Arcanine understand that?


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The CORONET Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Negative10 Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:51 pm

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    Mt. Coronet | Late Evening

    "You're stupid if you think they'll let you hang around," Jared had growled at Xerxes, turning away from the rest of the group and padding off. At first, BT thought they had just struck lucky with a passer-by that decided to help, but the Shieldon only realized the Houndoom was one of the many that had suffered from this epidemic. Awful. He looks so young too... Shaking his head sadly, Benton scooted closer to the Arcanine, whom was suffering majorly.

    "I know you're hurt Xerxes, inside and out, but as Jared said, we can't let the pretty Flaffy's life be in vain. If she were here at this very moment," BT chuckled. "She'd probably call everyone lazy asses and tell us to get a move on. I'm sure that wherever she might be, she's happy." Letting the Arcanine on his own to ponder his words, the Shield Pokemon made his way over to the other fire type. "You're a good Pokemon, Jared. I think we'll make good comrades."

    Nodding in respect, he backed off and faced the rest of the group. We're falling apart, just like the rocks of this mountain. But they had to continue! Whether they liked it or not, they were stuck in Mount Coronet, and staying put was not an option. However... "Everyone, let's visit Arceus!" He jumped up enthusiastically, knowing how Bastiodons from long before had protected the entrance. With slow going, he might be able to recall his footsteps to that very same place. "Let's visit God!"

    The CORONET Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 30, 2011 8:06 pm

    ((ooc: skip me for now. I mean Xerxes is unconscious...again, and well writing another of his memories, will prove to be rather repetitive and somewhat unnecessary as I plan to reveal his past, more to our heroes as we progress further into the caves, rather than through dreams))

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The CORONET Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:11 am

    (OOC-skip, Aria is ahead but i'm not sure what to have her do.)

    The CORONET Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:18 pm

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    Inside Mt. Coronet | Late Evening (11)
    Osmund was still holding his face after smacking it against a rock for the second time.
    Arceus dammit he said as he looked at the collapsed entrance of the cave. Xerxes appeared to be disoriented, and fainted again, letting out a good thud when he hit the ground that made Osmund grimace a bit, We need to move on now if we don't, we to could end up like Bells so lets move. Aria said which Osmund couldn't agree with more.

    The odd Houndoom was for some reason trying to convince Xerxes to leave Bells behind and that she was most likely dead. 'no shit Sherlock' Osmund thought to himself, but the Houndoom suddenly began telling the Unconscious Arcanine his story and what not before going back to the Bells topic If you want to find out if Bells lived later, I won't stop you. I can't stop you, but I'm going to make sure she didn't die for nothing, if she's dead. Osmund couldn't help but stare in confusion as the Houndoom spoke to the Knocked out oath. Then BT tried to cheer up Xerxes, telling him that Bells is happy wherever she was or something of that nature, having enough of this nonsense Osmund decided to speak. You do realize that he's been unconscious the whole time both of you have been speaking right?, .....I'm just a little curious why your trying to converse with "Ol'Yeller" over there when he can't even hear you. Osmund said in a slightly irritated voice.

    He walked over to Xerxes body and prodded him with his foot, damn, you got your ass kicked buddy, we need to get you fixed up quick.

    Last edited by ReD RuM on Fri Mar 22, 2013 9:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 25
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    The CORONET Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Abysswalker Fri Dec 02, 2011 6:21 pm

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    Mt. Coronet | Late Evening

    (Actually, Jared was talking to himself when he said they wont let you hang around. Sorry for confusion!)

    Jared watched as the little Shieldon approached him.
    "You're a good Pokemon, Jared. I think we'll make good comrades."
    Those words affected the Houndoom in a pretty deep way...the little guy wasn't angry at him or anything such, Benton actually wanted Jared to join them. That's what it sounded like. Jared gave the smallest of smiles and straightened himself; now was that time to hold up his head and help out these new Pokemon (though he admitted that once the Arcanine was recovered, they probably wouldn't need him for protection as much.)
    But he was distracted from that as the Shieldon jumped up and down in an enthusiastic way, and said something that baffled Jared in a way.

    "Everyone, let's visit Arceus! Let's visit God!"

    Jared was disbelieving at first...where in the world would they find Arceus, and was he even around anymore? The Houndoom had been bitter toward Arceus since about a month into the epidemic, angry that he had done nothing to help them. But what if Benton knew how to get to wherever Arceus was? It was better than sitting here to die in these mountains. Finally, Jared spoke up.

    "If you're going to go to Arceus, I'll come with you. And let me ask for your forgiveness about my previous actions."


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The CORONET Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Negative10 Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:23 pm

    [I hate to warn you guys, but don't abuse the turn skip... v-v]
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    Mt. Coronet | Late Evening

    His jubilation was short lived, as Oz pretty much rained on his parade about Xerxes not even being conscious to hear him. Though BT normally wouldn't let such things bring him down, it wasn't sadness that prevented him from jumping around again. "If you're going to go to Arceus, I'll come with you. And let me ask for your forgiveness about my previous actions." The Houndoom had agreed to go with his ridiculous plan! The Shieldon had the urge to start bounding off into the twisting caves, but he knew he had to take responsibility. He had to take the lead and bring their group to their new goal- Arceus' sanctuary, Spear Pillar.

    The Shield Pokemon shook his head vigorously to Jared. "No apologies required- we're in this together now." And turning to the Cacturne and brushing past him, he spoke to the grass type. "Believe it or not, but I'm thousands of years older than you. So don't get all high and mighty!" Satisfied with his comeback, he glanced towards a certain knocked-out Arcanine. "Could you two help him up? He's such an unfortunate fellow."

    Benton glanced towards the inner part of the tunnel, the area where Aria had run through. "Ms. Aria! Aria, please do come back! We must plan on how to respectfully visit Arceus' domain!" I believe in you, Arceus, you'll help us somehow.

    The CORONET Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 04, 2011 2:11 pm

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    Mt. Coronet | Late Evening

    "Hey...Asshole, wake up already!"

    Xerxes slowly opened his eyes, blinking in confusion at the change in surroundings. White....plain white all around him, far as the eye could see. Not even a single speck of dirt...One would describe it to be whiter than the whitest white. Yet, the purity wasn't blinding, actually, it was very much bearable.

    "Where am I?” The Arcanine wondered if he was dead and in heaven. He had always heard stories about the mystical land of “Heaven”. It was supposed to be some great place where the souls of the deceased ended up, well the good ones. The fluffy pokemon remembered hearing Bea’s parents take about it all the time when they tried to show their daughter that if she didn't do this and that, Bea wouldn’t end up there. ‘If this IS heaven, then it’s nothing like those humans imagined...Not even close.’

    “This isn’t heaven, dumbass! You’re just unconscious, plus this would be the only way I’d get to talk to you, seeing as I’m dead....” In the blink of an eye, the Flaffy had materialized in front of him, eliciting a sharp gasp of surprise from the Arcanine before her. “I think it’s time for you to wake up, buddy. The others are gonna need your help if they wanna keep moving, and you being knocked out isn’t really doing much good, for anyone.” Xerxes remained quiet as his old companion urged him to get off his ass and move. He wanted to, truly, but his wounds had managed to make him weaker. The oran berry may have done him some good, its effects only lasted a few minutes before he was back to where he started before.

    “Also, give that Jared kid a chance. After all, he was just trying to help you and the group move on...My death shouldn’t stop you from moving, If anything, it should get you running, I mean, you wouldn’t want to end up like me, would you?”

    “I guess not...” Xerxes offered the Flafffy before him a weak smile as she continued on, encouraging him to never stop and look back, but instead look forward at the bright future before him. “-Which is why you better not die anytime soon, or I am gonna kick your ass to hell and back again! ...Huh, guess my time with you is up. Don’t forget what I said, and tell the others I said hi!”

    “What do you mean your time is u-” At that moment, everything around him had begun to fade. As Bells began to fade away, too, Xerxes managed to utter a small “thanks” and “save a spot for me, there” before she was finally gone.

    ‘Guess it’s time for me to get back to work.’

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The CORONET Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:19 am

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    Mt. Coronet//Late Evening(15)

    Aria looked about as she walked deeper into the cave on her own.She felt a slight tug at her heart when she left the group, Aria knew she was becoming emotionally attached.'Especially to Oz and I haven't even know him that long...'Aria thought to herself.With a gentle sigh the small snake pokemon sat down on a boulder and waited though night was falling and her eyes grew heavy.

    Aria struggled to stay awake for a short while since she was so far from the group she didn't want to be caught off guard.However she was just so tired after that battle she couldn't help but fall into a deep sleep.

    At first it was nothing but darkness but then the room grew blindingly bright.'Where am I?'Aria thought as her eyes adjusted to the new light.Looking around the Servine realized she was in the lab back where she first met her trainer. Only her arms were roped to her sides and a large needle was stuck in one of them.

    First she struggled to get free however a man in a black coat came in and was shouting about a Vulpix.'But I'm not a Vulpix I'm a Servine!' Aria thought before looking through the glass to see a small girl with a Snivy.'Thats me and Ventra.'Aria realized.Then figured out what was going on she was seeing her friends pasts.Things wet dark again after that.


    The CORONET Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:47 pm

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    Mt. Coronet//Late Evening (12)

    Believe it or not, but I'm thousands of years older than you. So don't get all high and mighty! Osmund blinked at this, 'derp, maybe because your a revived fossil?' he thought sarcastically. Could you two help him up? He's such an unfortunate fellow. BT said, Meh i gu- Ms. Aria! Aria, please do come back! We must plan on how to respectfully visit Arceus' domain! The Shieldon shouted down the cave.

    Osmund was circling the Arcanine thinking of a good way to move the big loaf, eh BT, you and whats his face try to think of a way to move Xerxes, I'm gonna go search for the banana. Osmund said haggardly. He began to walk deep into the cave looking for the Servine, Helloooooooo? Nubby! you there? Osmund called as he continued to bumble through the dark cave. He thought about what BT had said, [color=#CCCC33] Arceus... [/b] Osmund mumbled to himself, he had never believed in him, but if this is where he lived, which Osmund heavily doubted, then maybe he'd be able to help them.

    (short post is short.)

    Last edited by ReD RuM on Fri Mar 22, 2013 9:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The CORONET Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:11 pm

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    Mt. Coronet | Late Afternoon [1]

    She was going to do it. The hellish moment. The pink Ampharos gulped as she looked up at the tall mountain. She shall confront Arceus, perhaps bitch to him about her problems, though she didn't want to be a bother, what if he was in the process of fixing up the world? What if he gets more enraged that EVERYONE turns infected? Stella had a deja vu moment, but nonetheless entered the cave from Route 211. Her mind wondering about the survivors that could be around the area at the moment. The chance was unlikely, but she shall search without hesitation.


    Mt. Coronet | Late Evening

    The differently colored Ampharos stumbled here and there as she sighed, she had been exploring Mt. Coronet for nearly 6 hours, her only guide being the bulb on her tail, orange electricity crackled from it. She had only encountered infected Zubats and Golbats, luckily, she only spotted a few Geodude and Gravelers, but dodged them and never bothered to pick a fight with them due to the huge disadvantage,

    Stella gazed around her surroundings, she couldn't tell what time it was, but it was getting colder as she went deeper in, like... Snow. Could she be close to Snowpoint City already? If she was correct, she should have arrived hours later rather than now, she must have been going quickly to reach Arceus, however she went the wrong direction.

    The Ampharos did a facepalm, "Dammit I got the directions wrong!" She said aloud, it was bad luck. She forgotten the directions, though she won't give up, afterall, Mt. Coronet is a wondrous place with many turns and rooms. She sighed, traveling onward.

    "eh BT, you and whats his face try to think of a way to move Xerxes, I'm gonna go search for the banana." Stella blinked at the voices, a small smile appeared on her face, 'Survivors!' She hurried over, if she remembered correctly, the voice also spoke of this... 'Bt' and... Xerxes!

    She stopped immediately as she noticed a group from afar, the Ampharos didn't want herself to get noticed, immediately having the bulb on her tail darken, but dim. The group was unfamiliar, strange, consisting of Pokemon she only knew from the books; An Servine, Cacturne, Houndoom, Sheildon... And an Arcanine. Stella squinted her eyes, she couldn't really see the details of the Arcanine, creeping closer and closer...

    She accidentally kicked a pebble towards the group, making her presence already known, however... She also made her presence known to an infected Onix that was right behind her.

    [I'M BACK BBYS <3]

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The CORONET Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Negative10 Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:56 pm

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    Mt. Coronet | Late Evening

    "Eh BT, you and whats his face try to think of a way to move Xerxes, I'm gonna go search for the banana." BT nodded to Ozzy as he turned himself around and trotted back to the broken down remainder of the Arcanine. He supposed that Osmund was the better option to find Aria, seeing that if there were any danger he'd be able to protect her. But, Ms. Aria is such a gentle soul! He even set aside he urges to eat her leaves just for that Servine. Padding closer to Xerxes' face, the Shieldon licked the nose of the Arcanine, a little amazed that such a Legendary Pokemon lay right in front of him. It was a miracle for BT to even lick his nose!

    "I'll help you, Xerxes." The Shield Pokemon assumed that the Houndoom would like some time by itself, so he took it upon himself to get the Arcanine to safety. Pressing his smooth and polished face against his back, BT began to push forward, and though he didn't get too far, he was making progress. "We're gonna get out of here and find Arceus. He'll have a solution."

    Just as BT was close to giving up from exhaustion, panting and heaving heavily, a pebble landed atop of him, skidding across the floor in an offhand fashion. He immediately took it for granted, burrowing himself under Xerxes. "It's raining rocks and pebbles! It's the end of the world!" Of course the Shieldon had heard about 'apocalypses' and the end of the world coming soon, so when something out of the ordinary starts happening, he couldn't help but remember them. "We're gonna die!"

    He hears muffled roaring (for some reason, it reminds him of an Onix, but back to being frightened) under the heavy fur of the Arcanine, and he shut his eyes. One million years and it all ends from raining pebbles.

    The CORONET Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:22 am

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    Mt. Coronet | Late Evening

    "Oh, what the hell?" Groaning, the bloodied, fluffy mass felt his ass getting pushed across the cave floor and a small, smooth head moving him along. Being wide awake, Xer could feel just about everything- from the slight increase of pressure on his left, to the hole on his other side.

    ‘Goddammit...I feel like shit, right now. I swear to all that is good, Arceus, that if this is your version of a fucking wake up call, then I will tell you that, once I see you, I will personally kick your ass from here to kingdom come!’ Slowly opening his eyes, the Arcanine looked around to see that he hadn’t missed much while he’d been out, only to have himself blink repeatedly in his feeble attempt at making the black dots that had danced around his vision, go away.

    As he began to internally rant to himself, the Arcanine was sure that he’d heard a random pebble rol-thrown, landing on some type of hard surface behind him, but couldn’t be completely sure...Not like this, with his ears buzzing. ‘Maybe it’s just my mind playing tricks on me...Or it could be an infected coming at us...Oh Arceus, please tell me I’m wrong.’ But to his chagrin, he was right, as raging roar soon followed. And it appears to have been that of an Onix. Well, then again, it was just their luck that they’d come across an infected Onix. ‘Awesome. Just awesome. Can this day get ANY BETTER?!’

    ...And that it did, as he felt the lump behind him push under his belly making him feel extremely uncomfortable...Not in the pervy sense, no. More so the feeling of discomfort in the once comfy position he’d been in, just a few seconds before. But to keep his mind off of the lump underneath him, Xerxes had decided to look out into the darkness before him, peering deeper into what lay ahead. ‘Okay...So I’m pretty sure that rock came from here, which means that the infected Onix is all the way over there.’ A moment of silence continued before he heard the roar once more...Except closer. Much, much closer. ‘Oh shit.’

    Last edited by An Optimistic Pessimist on Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:07 am; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 28
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    The CORONET Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:47 am

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    Mt. Coronet | Late Evening(16)

    Aria's eyes opened slowly as she awoke.It took her a few moments but when she realized she was alone she began to cry softy."Oz?Xerxes?BT? anyone there?"Aria asked hopelessly with a silent whimper.She hated being alone, it meant she was an easy target.'Why did I walk ahead? I'm such an idiot.' Aria thought to herself sadly.

    Curling up into a ball as best she could Aria lay on the floor of the cave and cried as she felt herself break apart.Her heart felt as if it had shattered into millions of pieces. Each piece broke into tinier pieces until there was nothing more than dust.Aria felt as if she had been abandoned, again.

    The CORONET Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:22 am

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    [center] Mt.Coronet / Unknown (13)

    As Osmund bumbled through the dark cave he heard something, a roar of some kind, followed by a loud rumbling tunneling sound. And it sounded as if it where getting closer to where he had just left the others, Oh shit! Osmund said to himself as he began to hasten his pace through the cave. Aria?......Aria? Yo nubby! You there? Osmund shouted while jogging through the cave.

    Osmund had just rounded what could be described as a corner, only to find the Servine curled up crying heavily. ........Are you alright? Osmund asked worriedly, he hadn't known the Servine very long, but he hated to see others crying. She seemed very distraught, and they needed to get back to the group. So he did what he thought was best and gently picked up Aria, holding the sobbing Servine In his arms. It's alright....I don't know what happened but everything's gonna be fine now. He said as he began to carry her back to the group.

    The roaring tunneling sound was getting louder, and Osmund knew it had to be one of two things, an Oynix, or a Steelix. Ether way he needed to get to the group fast, because it sounded as if the rumbling was heading right for them.

    Last edited by ReD RuM on Fri Mar 22, 2013 9:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The CORONET Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:37 am

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    Mt. Coronet | Late Evening [2]

    The Onix behind Stella roared so very loud, the Ampharos turned around, however her reaction was too late. The Rock Snake quickly lashed his tail at Stella, slamming her into the wall, "SHIT!" She cursed, probably loud enough for even the group to hear her. The Ampharos winced at the pain, but nonetheless stood up, thinking of all the damage she got, the Onix was probably a strong Pokemon, could be around level 50? She threw down a Cotton Guard, raising her defense, high enough to last a couple more of attacks the Onix could throw at her.

    The Rock Snake hissed, throwing down a Rock Slide at Stella before directing it's attention towards the group. The Ampharos rolled out of the way, only missing by an inch, however a rock was able to throw a deep cut into her right arm. She didn't mind, but all she wanted to at least introduce herself to the group.


    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The CORONET Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Negative10 Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:13 am

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    Mt. Coronet | Late Evening

    It was really warm under Xerxes, like a heated pillow of some sort. BT tried not to think of falling pebbles raining down upon the universe until all that is left were bodies buried until pebbles. The horror! He whimpered to himself, snuggling closer to Xerxes' fur and trying to keep himself calm. Death is warranted to those that deserve it! Attempting to reassure himself, the Shieldon felt as if he still had business to do in the material world; that something being speaking to the almighty Arceus and getting things done in this messed up world.

    "Xerxes, can you hear me?" Benton spoke to his shelter as the roaring outside continued, even hearing rams and thuds. Arceus, the pebbles are raining harder and faster than I thought! "If y-you can, I want you to stand up and walk to safety. I'll be walking underneath you, o-okay?" BT hoped the Arcanine hadn't heard the tremors in his voice. Whatever was out there roaring its head off was obviously too strong for him to take on with an injured fire type.

    The Shield Pokemon wondered for a moment how long ago he had met the others and mayhem was unleashed. A few hours at least... BT sighed as he remembered Bells running in, even using Cotton Guard (that cotton was a very filling lunch) to protect them. He recalled Aria evolving, himself riding Xerxes to get the SecretPotion, and even Osmund crashing his face against the side of the wall. So much has happened! The Shieldon shivered a bit, knowing that as soon as Xerxes stood up, he'd have to face the end of the world.

    The CORONET Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:01 am

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    Mt. Coronet | Late Evening

    Xerxes had been staring at the tunnel for some time now. Just lying there, forgetting about the whole world and simply looking ahead, even as the ceiling began to crumble, just slightly, due to the constant tremors and roars, rocking the cave from deep within. He was so lost in concentration that he almost didn't hear BT's muffled request of attempting to stand and bringing them both to a safer spot. Now, it was a great idea and all, but the thing was, he was way too tired. The Fire-type didn't even have the energy to move, let alone walk/run to safety. So, being the tired bum that he was, the Arcanine lay in his spot, continuing to watch the cave before him for any signs of that Onix.

    With nothing to do, except for watch, the lion/dog would attempt to shift his position every now and then to give his companion below him, some room to move and stretch a bit. As seconds turned into minutes, the Arcanine, had begun to see something, glowing and faint in the distance. It appeared to have been a bulb of light, which was attached to a-

    '...Okay. So it appears that we are now, blocked, in that direction, by that Rock Slide...Great just perfect. So just how are we going to get back no-Hey wait a minute. Is tha-' "Stella? Stella, is that you?" Xerxes couldn't believe it. The same odd pink-ish color...The same pale blue bulbs on her tail and forehead...The same ne- Dear Arceus. It was/is her. This was not something the poor Arcanine would expect, and suddenly, by some odd force of nature, the battered pokemon found the strength to get up. It didn't matter how much his muscles ached, or how much it hurt to walk and stretch his sides. In his eyes, all that truly mattered to Xerxes, at the moment, was standing before the Ampharos, only to see if she was truly real and not just a figment of his imagination.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The CORONET Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:15 am

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    Mt. Coronet || Late Evening(17)

    Aria continued to cry silently.Until she felt something touch her, and lift her into the air.Aria all but screamed thinking it was an Infected.She started to thrash but then heard "It's alright....I don't know what happened but everything's gonna be fine now." Aria just cried she was safe, but it still hurt.

    "O-oz...I was scared...I was all alone..."Aria whimpered.Aria shook slightly as Osmund held her some of his thorns bothered her but she said nothing.She was relieved that she had been found and nothing more.Tears streamed down her face as she hugged the cactus pokemon, clinging to him like her life depended on it.

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