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    Eris the Scizor and Gramps the Helioptile (Under|Ace)


    Age : 32
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    Eris the Scizor and Gramps the Helioptile (Under|Ace) Empty Eris the Scizor and Gramps the Helioptile (Under|Ace)

    Post by NyraXerz Sun Jan 04, 2015 8:39 pm

    Eris the Scizor and Gramps the Helioptile (Under|Ace) Nyra%20comm%20less%20red_zpsti0meccz

    Line art by Silverishness and Coloring/Shading by me

    Other Images:

    Eris the Scizor and Gramps the Helioptile (Under|Ace) Scizor_zpsfefcde79
    Text Color#BA494D
    Gender Female
    Item None
    Age Adult
    Species #212 Scizor, the Pincer Pokémon
    Weight 260.1 lbs lbs
    Pokédex Entry X: This Pokémon's pincers, which contain steel, can crush any hard object it gets a hold of into bits.
    Level 44
    Ability Technician
    Nature Adamant
    Characteristic Hates to lose
    Moves - Metal Claw (Start)
    - X-Scissor (Level-up)
    - Endure (Breeding)
    - Aerial Ace (TM)
    History Eris was born wild. She lived her early years with the Safari Zone in Kanto among her own kind. Of course she had heard stories of pokemon that had "gone missing" who ate human-made food and where captured, never to return. The young bug-type had seen humans in the distance traveling through the tall grass. However, one fateful day when she found the largest pile of food she had ever seen together she forgot all of the warning.

    While she was busy eating, a trainer threw a pokeball from behind and captured her. She was given as a gift to her captor's granddaughter--an ace trainer.

    At first, she took the adjustment hard. Eris was young and far from everything she's ever known. Another pokemon, a helioptile she came to affectionately call "Gramps", helped her to cope. The more time she spent with her trainer battling, traveling, and everything the scizor came to enjoy her company and care deeply for the human. They forged a strong bond and trained hard, their dream was to one day challenge the elite four.

    When the epidemic broke out, they were visiting Mauville. When the first undead entered the sprawling city, their trainers brought them out for defense. As time passed, more came, and the battle grew desperate they were recalled to their balls. From that point on, neither pokemon knows what happened. When they were able to release themselves from their pokeballs the city they had once known had already fallen. Their trainers were no where to be seen and undead lurked in every shadow.
    Appearance"Scizor is a bipedal, insectoid Pokémon with a red, metallic exoskeleton. It has gray, retractable forewings and hind wings with simple, curved venation. Its head is kite-shaped with three blunt horns extending above its forehead, and dark yellow eyes. Scizor's neck and part of its thorax give the appearance of being exposed: they show black skin, and are surrounded by its raised exoskeleton. Scizor has a large abdomen with three black, pointed stripes below the waist; the female has a larger abdomen than the male. Scizor has broad shoulders and thin, segmented arms ending in large, round pincers. Scizor's legs are defined by large hip joints, thin thighs, and wide calves, its feet ending in one clawed toe in front and another in the back.

    Scizor's claws are as hard as steel, and are strong enough to crush any hard object. They can be opened and closed like jaws, and are patterned with black, eyespots with yellow "pupils." It will raise its claws and wave them around to scare off predators or foes, giving it the appearance of having three heads. Scizor is incapable of flight, instead quickly flapping its wings to regulate its body temperature."
    Personality Eris is a fighter. She was raised to be such with her trainer and she continues that mentality into the apocalypse. She doesn't give up on things easily once she sets her mind to them even if it means she has to go off alone or the majority is against her.

    The scizor is very close to Gramps who she considers family. Her goals and actions revolve largely around his safety. Also she is very concerned with the rest of the groups' safety. However, she has no intention of losing her own life especially for someone who is not putting in the effort themselves to survive.

    Eris has very little tolerance for stupidity and is impatient in most situations. This can lead her to act too quickly and cause an avoidable mistake.

    Despite these traits, she is a caring 'mon at heart and wants to see everyone survive to see the next day. In particular she has a soft spot for children.
    User Notes - Endure from heracross father.

    Eris the Scizor and Gramps the Helioptile (Under|Ace) 600px-694Helioptile_zpsf601606b

    Text Color #FAE97A
    Gender Male
    Item None
    AgeMature Adult
    Species #694 Helioptile, the Generator Pokémon
    Height 1'08"
    Weight 13.2 lbs
    Pokédex Entry X: They make their home in deserts. They can generate their energy from basking in the sun, so eating food is not a requirement.  
    Level 40
    Ability Sand Veil
    Nature Quirky
    Characteristic Often lost in thought
    Moves- Volt Switch (Level-up)
    - Thunderwave (Level-up)
    - Sandstorm (TM)
    - Grass Knot (TM)
    History Gramps spent almost all of his life to this point with his trainer. As a young pokemon he was captured and given as a gift to the young pokemon trainer. Quickly the two of them became inseparable. His trainer was a curious child. He was always trying to take existing objects and create something totally new, to be an inventor. Gramps would always assist as much as he could--though he didn't understand everything his trainer was attempting to do, the electric-type found himself just as fascinated with it. That curiosity stayed with him as he grew older.

    As adults, his trainer worked for a rather large technology company and his helioptile remained at his side. The pair would regularly go on trips to far away regions along with the trainer's granddaughter. While she was an ace trainer with ambitions to one day challenge the elite four, Gramps and his trainer battled more so as a hobby. One day, as had been done for him, the grandfather presented his granddaughter with a pokemon. A scyther he had captured for her on one of his trips. With metal coat in claw, the pokemon evolved instantly.

    To the helioptile, the newly evolved scizor was family, his granddaughter. He looked out for the younger pokemon, helped her to become accustom to her new life. The four of them continued to travel together and though the scizor, Eris, focused more on battling as did her trainer, they came to care for each other greatly.

    When the epidemic broke out, they were visiting Mauville. When the first undead entered the sprawling city, their trainers brought them out for defense. As time passed, more came, and the battle grew desperate they were recalled to their balls. From that point on, neither pokemon knows what happened. When they were able to release themselves from their pokeballs the city they had once known had already fallen. Their trainers were no where to be seen and undead lurked in every shadow.
    Appearance Helioptile is a small, lizard-like Pokémon. It has a tapering tail, short legs, and small feet with three pointed toes on each foot. Its body is pale yellow, while its feet and the tip of its tail are black. The top of its head is black as well with a small triangular yellow patch between the eyes. It has two long, black pointed frills with yellow tips hanging from the sides of its head, which can stiffen and unfold. These frills have cells which generate electricity when exposed to sunlight. It has large eyes with blue irises and white pupils. Helioptile can generate its own energy from sunlight, so it can thrive without food; it will still eat if needed. -Bulbapedia
    PersonalityGramps is very friendly, though he can be a bit off-putting. He is often very absorbed in his tinkering. Much of his time spent not avoiding death is dedicated to constructing new tools. Similarly, he will talk endlessly about them. Many view him as the obsessed old man and will become frustrated quickly with him and his requests for assistance getting materials and manipulating them.

    He can often be seen talking himself through plans or rummaging through various items. The helioptile is very smart and with time and support will create useful tools, traps, the like. Likewise, his quick-thinking skills are sharp.

    Gramps isn't much for battling. He's gained levels through his long life, but he has never particularly enjoyed it or excelled at it. For him, using attacks is a last resort. Often battling undead will fall to his companions while he offers support or grabs supplies.

    When interacting with others, he'll avoid confrontation if at all possible and will try and act as a mediator if possible. He wants every one to get along and each member of the team lost weighs on his tiny shoulders.
    User Notes - "Gramps" was not a name given to him by his trainer, but by Eris. His trainer called him by his species name.

    Last edited by NyraXerz on Sun Feb 12, 2017 9:10 pm; edited 5 times in total


    Eris the Scizor and Gramps the Helioptile (Under|Ace) Yx8XtF9

    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
    Larka's Art Shop

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    Eris the Scizor and Gramps the Helioptile (Under|Ace) Empty Re: Eris the Scizor and Gramps the Helioptile (Under|Ace)

    Post by NyraXerz Wed Jan 07, 2015 6:54 pm

    Please move this profile to the main folder to await approval.


    Eris the Scizor and Gramps the Helioptile (Under|Ace) Yx8XtF9

    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
    Larka's Art Shop

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    Eris the Scizor and Gramps the Helioptile (Under|Ace) Empty Re: Eris the Scizor and Gramps the Helioptile (Under|Ace)

    Post by Victini Thu Jan 08, 2015 1:44 pm

    Eris the Scizor and Gramps the Helioptile (Under|Ace) RGgji6G


    Eris the Scizor and Gramps the Helioptile (Under|Ace) VictiniEris the Scizor and Gramps the Helioptile (Under|Ace) TGJeE
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