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    Balloon Boy the Espurr [Hideout | Ace(?)]


    Age : 25
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    Balloon Boy the Espurr [Hideout | Ace(?)] Empty Balloon Boy the Espurr [Hideout | Ace(?)]

    Post by Abysswalker Sun Dec 14, 2014 8:47 pm

    Balloon Boy the Espurr [Hideout | Ace(?)] Balloonboyupdated_zps71afd620
    (Art by the lovely NyraXerz)

    Balloon Boy
    (aka "BB")
    Text Color #ff92bb
    Item Air Balloon
    Gender Male
    Age Prepubescent, bordering adolescence
    Species #677: Espurr, the Restraint Pokemon
    Height 1'00"
    Weight 6 lbs
    Pokédex Entry It has enough psychic energy to blast everything within 300 feet of itself, but it has no control over its power.
    Level 9
    Ability Infiltrator
    Nature Quirky
    Characteristic Mischievous
    Moves -Scratch (Lvl. Up)
    -Confusion (Lvl. Up)
    -Trick (Bred)
    -Thunder Wave (TM)
    History BB was born an only child, cared for by two loving parents. He never knew why he was named "BB", and neither his mother nor father would tell him. Due to this, he spent most of his early childhood running about, getting into trouble and trying to find a meaning to his name. His insatiable curiosity and natural mischievous personality made BB a sort of "problem child" at times, but his life was still normal and carefree.
    One day, the Espurr happened to come across a group of human children with strange objects: a sort of oval-thing that floated in the air, kept in place by strings the children held. Oddly fascinated by the things, BB did not rest until he'd discovered what they were-"balloons." Noticing his fascination with the balloons, his parents started jokingly calling him "Balloon Boy," not realizing that their son would soon take to the nickname, insisting it was his real name.

    The idyllic nature of BB's childhood was ripped apart by the arrival of the epidemic, which spread faster than anyone could hope to prepare for. His parents were attacked by infected, and while his mother somehow managed to avoid both death and infection, BB's father was not so lucky. The young Espurr, despite his surviving parent's command, went to see his father's corpse-his first experience with death. The colors disoriented him-so much red, a scattering of pink, blue and white-and BB found himself unable to look for more than a few seconds. It was then his mother took him and fled, trying to find a safe place away from the violent Pokemon.

    BB, however, did not truly comprehend his father's death, and expected the Linoone to show up again. He wanted to know why the Pokemon they fled from were so angry-as months passed with no sign of the epidemic ending, the Espurr began to sympathize with the infected. He would observe them at every opportunity, curious as ever, watching how they moved and acted. The turning point came when he watched a group of undead trap and devour another living Pokemon. BB didn't understand what had happened, but there was a buried desire-he wanted to see it again. His fascination with the undead only grew; no other living Pokemon were around, however, and thus the undead had nothing to hunt. BB became frustrated, at least until a horrible idea began forming in his mind.

    There was another living they could go after. He was traveling with one, after all.

    BB used noise to attract his undead "friends" to the spot where his mother was foraging for food. They were slow, lumbering beasts, and the Espurr could easily outrun them. He ran past her, climbing up a tree, laughing all the while; she called after him, demanded to know why he was acting like this. She didn't notice the undead at first, only realizing their presence after almost being struck by one of the creature's Stone Edge. Had it only been those infected, BB's mother could have easily escaped, but at that point other undead had heard the noise BB was causing and responded to it. The Espurr watched with complete fascination, safe high up in the tree he'd climbed, as his mother was torn apart by the undead crowd. Grinning all the while, BB never took his eyes away from the grisly scene until all the undead had wandered off.

    It was only the beginning of BB's obsession. He developed a pattern of traveling with other Pokemon, only to eventually lead undead to them or trick them into going into an infested area. Throughout it all, he kept his signature smile, keeping a façade of complete innocence. After his most recent victim, he wandered into Celadon City, hoping to find more opportunities for entertainment there.
    Appearance "Balloon Boy is a normal Espurr, of average build and coloration. He has a striped balloon, its string wrapped around his left paw. Even though it can be cumbersome at times, BB refuses to part with it. He rarely walks on all four legs, using staying bipedal unless in a situation where he is forced to run fast.

    BB is almost always seen with a happy expression, smiling and often laughing.
    Personality On the surface, Balloon Boy appears to be a normal, cheerful child, friendly with everyone and full of energy. One would wonder how someone so young would have survived this long retaining such a personality, and might come to the conclusion that he had somehow been sheltered from any traumatic events of the epidemic so far.

    However, underneath his innocent exterior lies a twisted creature. Fascinated with death but lacking any true understanding of it, BB will intentionally attract undead to any living Pokemon of human he finds to try and see their demise. The Espurr experiences no remorse at doing so, only a morbid satisfaction. As curious as any child would be, Balloon Boy is interested in the different ways people can die and the undead.

    Regardless of his state of mind, Balloon Boy is very mischievous, and even a bit sassy at times. Rarely does he ever take any situation as serious. The pranks he loves can range from harmless jokes to leading someone into a nest of undead. No matter what caliber, he always retains his cheery demeanor, laughing and grinning.

    He also lacks the crippling fears other children would have in such a situation. Undead Pokemon, the dark, and being alone don't affect him at all; on the contrary, he views the living dead as his "friends", though he's seen them kill enough to know not to get too close. BB sees them as simply misunderstood living Pokemon, and will enter a state of distress should he witness an undead be killed.

    Balloon Boy is intelligent, and knows how to use environments to his advantage. Despite viewing them as living Pokemon, he is smart enough to recognize that the undead are dangerous to him. He is still reckless, putting his life in danger in order to play games such as tag with the undead that he can outrun.
    User Notes
  • EJ adaption of FNAF2's Balloon Boy
  • Linoone father
  • Prepare to be rekt
  • Possible chance of being infected during RP
  • Was given the balloon he now carries by the last Pokemon he traveled with.
  • Thunder Wave given to him by his mother; being a former trainer Pokemon, she knew how to properly operate TMs.
  • [/color]

    Last edited by Balthazar on Sat Dec 27, 2014 2:25 am; edited 12 times in total


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door
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    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

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    Balloon Boy the Espurr [Hideout | Ace(?)] Empty Re: Balloon Boy the Espurr [Hideout | Ace(?)]

    Post by Moon Moon Sun Dec 14, 2014 9:15 pm

    make him the main antagonist of the FNAF team lol

    Age : 25
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    Balloon Boy the Espurr [Hideout | Ace(?)] Empty Re: Balloon Boy the Espurr [Hideout | Ace(?)]

    Post by Abysswalker Sun Dec 14, 2014 9:17 pm

    oh dear god


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1503

    Balloon Boy the Espurr [Hideout | Ace(?)] Empty Re: Balloon Boy the Espurr [Hideout | Ace(?)]

    Post by Abysswalker Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:18 am

    Please move Balloon Boy to inactive-thank you in advance! <3


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

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