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    Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]]


    Age : 36
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    Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]] Empty Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]]

    Post by Silverishness Sat Oct 18, 2014 8:38 pm

    Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]] AntonandLevi_zps6c88bf18

    Anton and Levi
    Hex Color Anton (#604E82)
    Item None
    Gender Male
    Age Young Adult
    Species #???/ Dragumbra/ Wyvern Pokemon
    #???/ Dragest, the Eastern Dragon Pokemon
    Height 15'4"
    Weight 450.3 lbs
    483.7 lbs
    Pokédex Entry This dragon is nocturnal by nature. It attacks silently under the cover of nightfall, the only sign that it approaches is the glowing orbs on its body against the black sky.
    Using a mysterious power, this Pokemon is capable of flying without the use of wings.
    Level 57
    Ability Shed Skin
    Shed Skin
    Nature Timid
    Characteristic Often scatters things
    -Dark Pulse [Learned]
    -Ice Beam [Egg]
    -Agility [Learned]
    -Dragon Pulse [Egg]

    -Dragon Burst [Move Tutor]
    -Dragon Dance [Learned]
    -Aqua Tail [Learned]
    -Extremespeed [Egg]

    History Born to a family of Dragon Breeders, Anton was always the odd one out. He only had one sibling, a clutchmate by the name of Rystu. This brother was the only one he needed, though, as Anton soon found that Rystu was the perfect child. Anton's scales were shades of ebony, of the dark, and Rystu's scales were almost a platinum gold; a shimmering, shining ray of hope and success.

    No matter what, his brother always was better. Always. Training, speed, endurance, learning, growing, evolving-- in every path, in every way, Rystu bested Anton, and what angered the dratini most about it all was that there was nothing he could do about it. No matter how much Anton could train, or fight or try, it never mattered. His brother would always be better, and their friends, their trainers and most importantly, their parents knew it.

    Without a second thought or a glance backward, all their efforts were put into Rystu's well-being. He ate the best food, lived in the best home, was trained under the best trainers. Anton was left in the shadows, forgotten, as he watched his golden brother from afar. Even though Rystu's intentions were good and never thought once of the emotional scarring his adoring parents caused to his brother, Anton decided it was enough to live in the shadows of his own skin, and would not be dominated by his brother's.

    He trained himself mercilessly, finally evolving into a dragonair a month after Rystu had accomplished it. However, as his brother took the path to become a godly dragonite, Anton heard whispers of another path, another evolution that could be obtained by his line. A dark cousin, a myth. Seeing the pictures from an old breeding book, he deduced and sought after this shadowy evolution. After all, if he were to become a dragonite, he would still just be following Rystu's footsteps. But to become something else... even something unheard of, he would finally have something to hold on to; his own identity. No longer would he just be Rystu's forgotten brother. He would be Anton.

    He escaped from home, searching months for the elusive evolution. After finally obtaining the rare item, and training more, he embraced the evolution that came to him. He returned to his family, wanting to proudly display the rare evolution he'd accomplished, the feat he'd managed that his brother could never have. He was met with repulsion, disgust, and horror. After verbally disowning and exhiling him, his parents attacked, and, unfortunately for them, lost to Anton's newfound power. Stunned at his actions, Anton was only able to stare at the corpses of his parents as Rystu came onto the scene.

    The two were motionless, silent in the shock of what had occurred. Rystu had had no knowledge of mistreatment, and Anton was unable to find the words to tell his brother. Before anything could be said, the Infected swarmed, the scent of blood drawing them near. The brothers were separated, and now, Anton continues on his journey as he not only attempts to come to grasp with what he did and what he's become, but to find his brother's wherabouts and whether or not he actually wants to find him.

    Levi began life pampered, nearly worshipped by his human breeders and owners. Emerging from his egg a strange pinkish hue in lieu of the cool, stormy blue that generally graced the scales of his kin, immediately he was placed on a pedestal higher than the rest. While the innocence of youth protected him from pride at first, it did not take long for all of the unearned praise to sink in, vaulting his arrogance to ever-reaching heights.

    Even though he was still very much a child, he soon became unmanageable for his humans and his tired, old parents who were busy tending to literally dozens of his siblings. Soon, an auction for the rare beauty was held, which was won by a bright-eyed trainer paying with Daddy's money. Ecstatic for such a rare find, the trainer began working with leveling Levi right away, who was... less than enthused.

    At first, battling seemed horrific-- barbaric and filthy. He would get bruised and scratched by an opponent and then immediately quit the battle, crying for his marred form. The novelty of training a shiny was quickly lost on his human, finding that Levi's vanity was just too much to deal with. Not even managing to get him to evolve, Levi was sold quickly at a mere fifth of the price he'd gone for at the auction to a stoic, gross old man with just terrible halitosis. Horrified at his new trainer, he was carted for days on end to a small, creaky shack, where only the old man and an equally cranky Dragalge. And that was where his real life began.

    Neither the old man nor the Dragalge had any pity to cast on the young dratini. Levi learned very quickly that complaining would only worsen his conditions; he would often be denied food or forced to sleep outside after a long, horrible day of training if he tried whining to either of them. Eventually, he stopped complaining all together, which made his life infinitely better, but didn't bed the festering hatred for the duo. He would not be treated like a child or a second-class citizen. He wouldn't -couldn't- live like this anymore, like a slave! It was demeaning and lesser than he. So, one night, he slipped out to try and run away.

    Of course, he was stopped by the man's Dragalge. There, they exchanged a few not-so-pleasant words, nearly coming to blows with the heated argument. It was then that the Dragalge spoke words that would stay with Levi for the rest of his life:

    "Boss is doing you a FAVOR, asshole. You wanna be like those other richy-bitchy bastards, gallivanting around like fuckin' pastries? You wanna be trussed up like some dime-store smut and be nothin' but a fuckin' trophy for the rest of your life? Because that's all you'd end up being. Sure, you're young now, but in a few years? Decades? You'll get old and wrinkled, and there ain't NO geezers in the limelight. Not in contests, because youth's prettier. And there will ALWAYS be someone younger and prettier to just replace you. You hear me, you little shit?

    "You're replaceable. Expendable. No one will fuckin' give a rattata's ass when they toss you into the fuckin' ditch.

    "So fine. Go back and slither to them. And when you've wasted your youth on them, don't come fuckin' cryin' to us. Or, if you wanna be a REAL pokemon, get REAL strength and actually become someone, you can shut your mouth and get your skinny ass back inside."

    Needless to say, Levi took the Dragalge's crass offer to go back.

    In the later months and years, Levi became much more agreeable, removing his mind from his selfishness and took in what the two were truly trying to teach him. Power and leveling: he learned later that those were the after-effects. The perks. No; what he was truly learning was how to live like he was meant to live, by fishing, battling and becoming an intimate part of this world he'd been whisked away. He evolved soon after reaching this epitome, embracing his newfound power with enthusiasm and determination. He and the Dragalge continued to spar and train, eventually teaching each other new techniques and ideas, becoming equals.

    It was close to his second evolution when the strange lady appeared, offering his master, the old man, to teach Levi a strange move only Dragonair could learn. Skeptical but won over by Levi's excitement to learn, the old man agreed. Levi learned Dragon Burst quickly and easily, and for a while, nothing else happened. Not that they expected anything surprising, but when Levi finally did manage his second and final evolution after a long day of sparring, the results were... very different than anyone expected.

    In lieu of a rounded middle, chunky arms and little awkward wings, Levi had grown small, petite limbs, jade crests and an even longer serpentine body. Golden scales shimmered in the sunset's warm glow and upon looking at his reflection in the water, he found his one true love-- himself.

    The trio lived in peace afterward for about a year before rumors began to spread about trouble. What sort of trouble, none of them knew, but it was all they could do to simply dig in and wait out whatever trouble was coming. However, it proved to not be that easy.

    The Infected came in the night, scratching and tearing at their simple shack with ease. The old man tried fending them off with his usual tactis-- an old stick and enough swear words to drown a sailor. But they did nothing, and the Infected killed him easily and quickly. Dragalge urged Levi away, to get help while he tried fending them off from the rest of their home, but upon taking to the skies, Levi knew immediately there was no help to get.

    The world burned that night.

    Unable to help his master, his friend, his family, there was only one option: run. He fled, working his way quickly from his homeland into stranger regions. For these past years he's drifted aimlessly, hoping to find some sort of sanctuary. Upon reaching Johto, he discovered Anton, a gloomy creature with little to say. Reluctantly (for some reason) Anton agreed to accompany Levi, if only for a little while. Rejuvenated by finally having a companion, Levi's spirits are higher than ever, even if they have a little purple anchor.

    Appearance A shadow slinks by, the only light hitting his form that of the ethereal gray lavender that emanates from the orbs decorating his body. What should be white accents are a darker shade of slate, intensifying his comouflage with the dark. The only splash of color are the lavender eyes that watch with caution.

    He is a typical shiny of his kind, which is rarer than most pokemon species. He is vain, and typically keeps his scales well-groomed and shimmering. He enjoys baths as well and will often indulge whenever he manages to find fresh water. He is a bit longer than most Dragest, which mostly is located in his long, whip-like tail.
    Personality Anton is not one for direct confrontation. As he's lived most of his life in the shadow of another, any hostility was always met with a swift repercussion. Therefore, he's had to resort -and now prefers- more passive aggressive methods for exacting revenge. This also means he is more likely to back down in a verbal confrontation, though is probably not going to let anything roll off his back.

    He is vengeful, holding onto grudges and any mark against him for an impossibly long time. There is little one can do to redeem themselves in his eyes, as he believes he's seen the true colors of that person with their faults. Even after exacting what may seem the "eye for an eye" route, the grudge may still linger.

    With his brother always above him, he's not used to people caring for him, nor paying him any attention. He does not truly value his life; only the instinct of self-preservation keeps him going. This also produces a sort of inferiority complex; he feels the need to prove his worth, to prove himself better than the others around him. While this doesn't necessarily cause him to make rash decisions -as his cowardice keeps him in place- but any failures fester in his mind like a poison, slowly driving him mad.

    Above all, however, the most crucial point of his personality that all others feed off of is the terrible jealousy he feels toward his brother and any others that consider themselves happy and successful. It drives him, it hinders him, it haunts him, it goads him on. It will always be a part of him, and even though the better parts of him fight that darkness, every day, he is more and more willing to accept it.

    One thing, though, that keeps him from the abyss of becoming the demon expected of his species, is the fragile yet undying hope and longing of being accepted. He has never had friends, never had a loving family, nor caring trainers. He has only known negligence and indifference, and yearns more than anything to taste acceptance.

    Curious| Eager to Learn| Optimistic| Intelligent| Vain| Broad Sense of Humor| Promiscuous| Can Be Surprisingly Mature| Playful| Bright-Eyed| Cocky

    Levi is a special creature. Though his vanity tends to be a motive for many of his actions, he is well aware of his precarious situation. Homeless and alone, being a vagrant is not a specialty for him. He does not take any small blessing for granted, taking advantage of each and every small bit he can get his little woman hands on. Every piece of fruit is a miracle, every fresh spring Divine Intervention. He knows that nature is a cruel, fickle mistress and that any ignorance toward any small blessing might mean the difference between life and death later on down the road.

    Still, he is very optimistic and tries to keep his mind on the brighter side of things. After all, bogging yourself down with all the depressing things makes you slower, makes you weaker. Out of necessity and preference, he tends to turn his head from the sad and gloomy toward the better things. He does so with a sharp wit and ever-active sense of humor, stargazing and continuing to try and learn what he can about the world around him. With this attitude, however, he can't understand those that cloak themselves in a scarring, abusive or terrorizing past, and likely will not be sensitive toward their choice. Why bother with all of that if it just hurts? It doesn't make sense to him at all, but can recognize the symptoms over time.

    As a curious-minded creature, he does tend to pry, which has gotten him in trouble more than once. He tends to be blunt, perceptive and can rationalize rather quickly for his species. His mind is always open to new ideas and thoughts, as it is still eager for new bits to chew on, even if it's another pokemon's strange characteristics.

    User Notes
    -Original Profile is here. Haven't changed anything.

    -Put his weight considerably higher than normal Dragest, simply to coincide with actual 17-foot long snakes in nature, which generally can weigh up to 500, 600 lbs. He's not going to weigh less than my 10 mo old puppy XD (She's a whopping 54 lbs and she barely reaches past my knee.)
    -His level is 69 because of course it is.
    -Placing him on team simply to fuck with Keller XD

    Last edited by Lady Silverfishes on Sun Sep 13, 2015 5:21 am; edited 2 times in total


    Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]] PCP637Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]] 635Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]] 196

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    Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]] Empty Re: Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]]

    Post by Silverishness Sun Oct 19, 2014 6:09 am

    Move for approval, please. To be switched out with Drecht on Dragon Team.


    Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]] PCP637Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]] 635Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]] 196

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    Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]] Empty Re: Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]]

    Post by Mew Sun Oct 19, 2014 12:16 pm



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    Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]] Hz72hB2

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    Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]] Empty Re: Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]]

    Post by Victini Sun Oct 19, 2014 12:45 pm

    I'll leave this where it is until the team switch is approved. Mostly to remind me to do it lolz


    Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]] VictiniAnton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]] TGJeE
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    Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]] Empty Re: Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]]

    Post by Azelf Sun Oct 19, 2014 5:45 pm

    Switch is approved.


    Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]] Y2srlZqAnton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]] 3ani__482__xy
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    Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]] Empty Re: Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]]

    Post by Silverishness Sun Sep 13, 2015 5:21 am

    Move to the PC to be approved, please~

    Haven't changed anything.


    Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]] PCP637Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]] 635Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]] 196

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    Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]] Empty Re: Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]]

    Post by Victini Tue Sep 15, 2015 3:41 am

    Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]] RGgji6G


    Anton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]] VictiniAnton and Levi, the Dragumbra and Dragest [[Ecruteak|| Johto]] TGJeE
    The Victory Pokemon

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