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    Ryth the Liepard [Under||Ace]


    Age : 30
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    Ryth the Liepard [Under||Ace] Empty Ryth the Liepard [Under||Ace]

    Post by RhysandNight Tue Aug 19, 2014 6:56 pm

    Ryth the Liepard [Under||Ace] Stale_world_by_xsenkai-d8uiogw


    Text Color #3366ff
    Item Tattered Fabric
    Gender Male
    Age Adult (26)
    Species #510|| Dark type, Liepard the Cruel Pokemon
    Height 3'07"   1.1m
    Weight 82.7 lbs.    37.5 kg
    Pokédex Entry Their beautiful form comes from the muscles they have developed. They run silently in the night. These Pokémon vanish and appear unexpectedly. Stealthily, it sneaks up on its target, striking from behind before its victim has a chance to react.
    Level 43
    Ability Limber
    Nature Naive
    Characteristic Highly Curious
    Moves - Snarl [TM]
    - Night Slash [Lv.]
    - Dark Pulse [TM]
    -Hone Claws [Lv.]
    History Ryth was born into a mixed group of feline Pokémon consisting of Liepards, Persian, and their pre-forms.  The clan made their home deep within the large White Forest where contact with humans were far and few in between.  He never knew his Persian father, and his Liepard mother died in his younger years when he was still a kit Purrloin. Because of his unusual coloration the rest of the clan treated him as an outsider; their superstition running deep like the roots of the forest and didn’t take kindly to oddities. Because of this isolation, Ryth began to believe that he was cursed and brought misfortune.

     It took a long time for the epidemic to reach him and the clan.  But when it arrived, it was quick and deadly.  Their prey, when they didn't eat berries and grass consisted of the rodent, bird, and fish Pokémon, began to grow sickly looking. Their bodies covered in horrendous gashes with the smell of danger. However since the felines stomachs were strong, and it was only few prey that seemed sick, they were still eaten by the clan. Those who ate the prey however soon became infected and began to act strangely.  By now Ryth had evolved into a stunning Liepard.  He had grown use to hunting for himself when his berry rations would run low. Being an outcast forced the cat to hunt for himself.  So he never shared any kills and likewise wasn't given any kills by his clan.  Not that he would want any since everyone was beginning to act strange.  He avoided any odd smelling or looking prey he could. And for a time, stuck only to berries thinking it was just a sickness and it would pass.
    It was early noon one day.  The sun was slowly being covered by darkening clouds. Ryth had decided to go and scavenge for some berries when he stumbled upon one of the few large rivers flowing through the forest. It had an odd smell; the top of the water glistening with a rainbow of colors and specks of reddish black substance.  There was a shadow beneath the water that caught the Liepard’s eye and he stepped forward cautiously, peering over the edge.  It was a blue-striped Basculin; or at least resembled one.  Its eyes were glazed over and bloodshot, making a sickish pink color.  Its scales were flaking off and several red flesh areas were exposed.  The fins were mangled, torn, and rotting.  Ryth couldn’t understand how the thing could be alive.
    Hearing rustling from above, the feline saw a young Pidove fall from its nest in an attempt to fly. The bird landed in the water with a splash just a short distance away from him and the fish.  As if sensing the disturbance in the water the fish headed straight towards the flailing bird.  Blue eyes widened in horror when the chick began wailing in pain as the Basculin tore at its feather’s and flesh; the water turning red.  By some miracle the bird was able to make its way to shore. Wanting to help Ryth had rushed to the Pidove’s side, grimacing at the sight of the Pokémon’s body.  Bone and tendons were exposed as its wing dangled by a small piece of muscle. Deep lacerations from the Basculin’s teeth left blood oozing in streams.
    The pigeon gasped for air.  Its eyes wide in shock and terror before growing dull as a tremor ran through the bird’s body before growing still.  It was dead.  This shouldn’t have bothered him. Pidove’s were common prey amongst his clan.  The blood, gore, death, none of that should have bothered him.  But his fur began to stand.  Something was wrong. Something about this whole thing was very, very, very wrong……
    Minutes passed like hours.  Ryth was frozen in shock and confusion. He didn’t know what to do. No one at the clan would listen to him, and if they did it would only be more proof that his existence was a curse.  The Liepard sank his claws into the ground in frustration, looking back at the corpse.
    He stared at the body for a long time, unsure if his eyes were playing tricks or not.
    This time for certain, he was sure he had saw its chest rise.  But how?  He had watched the life fade from the Pokémon’s eyes!  The sound of gurgling came from the Pidove as it began to twitch violently.  It flapped its good wing when it stood, eyes having gone blooded. A gurgled cry came from it as it tried to drag its way towards him. In a panic Ryth fled back to his clan. But what awaited him was far worse.
    Carnage.  That one word summed up everything.  Ryth’s legs trembled as he fought to not faint on the spot.  Torn bodies of familiar faces laid scattered along the scarlet bathed grass and soil.  Those who had eaten the strange prey looked similar to the Pidove. Clouded blood red eyes, fangs and claws tearing into the flesh of their friends and family. What the hell was going on?!
    That one word kept screaming in his head. Why? Why? Why?  Why was this happening? What did this all mean?  When a loud crash sounded beside him, the Liepard leaped out of the way as two Persians tore at each other’s throats.  When one had fallen, the victor began to gorge on the corpse.  Ryth vomited and staggered back into a nearby tree.  The scent of the vile and the noise made the thing look up and snarl. In a swift but sloppy motion the other Pokémon lunged at him with extended claws. Instinctively the black feline leaped up into the air and pushed off from a hanging branch. Letting darkness engulf his front paws he used Night Slash.  There was a wet sickening crunch as the force smashed the other feline’s skull.  The body twitched and wiggles like a bird without a head before growing still.  He hardly had time to process what he had done before he heard more noise. Looking up Ryth watched as the remaining cats not yet taken over by bloodlust were cornered. He wanted to help, but at the same time all the years of being treated like an outcast made him hesitate.  They were doomed. It didn’t matter if he helped or not, there were to many- he didn’t even know what to call them anymore.  Taking a step back and then another, Ryth quickly fled while the opportunity was open.

    He never imagined that in various other regions were experiencing the same issues, and that his living hell was just beginning.  With several close calls and a string of luck, the Liepard managed to survive with his speed and strength when needed.  But who knows how long that will last and if the odds will stay in his favor. 


    Appearance Although at first glance you may not notice, Ryth actually has a strong yet nimble body. His fur and markings are much darker than the average Liepards. The only light coloration on his body would be the greyish whites at the tip of his tail and ears as well as the light grey marks beneath his eyes and inner ears. His eyes are a rich blue and his fur is very fine to the touch.  Around his neck is a worn piece of fabric which he wears. Whether it's for a serious purpose or just an accessory, that remains undecided.


    Personality Ryth is a strange mixture of innocence and experience.  He is a skilled fighter who is very observant in battle, not being easily fooled into falling for traps or trusting others. Yet on the other hand due to his isolation and lack of communication, shows a child’s guileless friendliness and enthusiasm towards those he grows attached too.  It is also due to this isolation that even now the outside world is somewhat bewildering. However it still fascinates him. It’s hard to provoke him to become aggressive, aside from fighting against the infected and undead unless he feels like someone he cares about is getting insulted or being mistreated.


    User Notes -Due to the lack of socializing growing up, he can get very nervous talking with others, freezing up at times. Especially if it's with someone he just met or is suddenly pulled into a conversation where he has to give an opinion.

    -Can take insults and jabs aimed towards him with stride since he grew up with them on a constant basis.

    -Since he's only been around his clan, he can get freaked out if there are too many pokemon around him at once. Although if it's a hoard, it doesn't affect him.

    -Knowledge of different types of pokemon are few and limited to mainly those found in the White Forest and a few common ones all over Unova.

    -Likes to learn about the world around him, even if it's hellish right now.

    -Knows very little about humans or their creations and villages 'cities'.

    -Learned the TM moves by accident while rummaging through the ruins of a store. Still doesn't quite understand what happened to his old moves or how some shiny circles could teach him new ones.

    Last edited by xSenkai on Sun Aug 09, 2015 11:45 pm; edited 5 times in total

    Age : 30
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    Ryth the Liepard [Under||Ace] Empty Re: Ryth the Liepard [Under||Ace]

    Post by RhysandNight Wed Aug 20, 2014 2:34 pm

    Done with WIP and awaiting Review and Approval~

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    Ryth the Liepard [Under||Ace] Empty Re: Ryth the Liepard [Under||Ace]

    Post by Mew Wed Aug 20, 2014 4:29 pm

    Ryth the Liepard [Under||Ace] Ebed9qR


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    Ryth the Liepard [Under||Ace] Empty Re: Ryth the Liepard [Under||Ace]

    Post by Mew Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:43 am


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