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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team


    Age : 31
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Nightfall Sun Sep 14, 2014 2:34 pm

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    Vermilion City Harbour/Early Afternoon (38)

    Everyone argued. Angry voices and insulted flew in all directions, and Arthur backed away from everyone, not wanting to get involved. Finally, the Tirtouga managed to shut them all up. "Can ye all just calm down for a damn second?! This ain't getting us any where, you are all behaving like children. Stop threatening and just speak civilly like the living folk ya are." Once they were all quiet, he turned to the aggressive Huntail. "We get tha point, aye? Put your fangs away, stop threatening children, and act like you have more sense than a rock. We'll leave yer precious boat be."

    Did that mean they were leaving? Where? Arthur clamped one of his claws between his teeth, debating whether he wanted to follow or not, when Dahlia suddenly screamed.

    Arthur nearly jumped out of his scales. The water around her seemed to bubble before dozens of tiny Pokemon burst out of the water. "Wh-What? What are those?!" Panic pulsed through him as he fired a Water Gun at some of them, knocking them out of the air.

    ((I had literally five minutes to write this. >.< Sorry about the quality.))

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Duma Sun Sep 14, 2014 7:56 pm

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    |Vermilion City Harbour|Early Afternoon|
    Aysu tread water next to Bass, her tail spiraling in a circular motion as she watched the other water type curiously. "Look if the situation was reversed and some stranger was trying to force their way into your house for nothing more than to gawk at the furniture durin' a freaking ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE I'd think they were a right prick too. If it's gonna come down to a brawl then brawl but leave me out of it. This whole standoff stinks something rotten." Aysu's fins flared as she prepared a sly retort when Viggo's harsh bark made her hold her thoughts.

    "Can ye all just calm down for a damn second?!" Aysu scowled and backpedaled, floating back over at the pier. "This ain't getting us any where, you are all behaving like children. Stop threatening and just speak civilly like the living folk ya are," Taking in a deep breath to stop her from giving Viggo a sarcastic response, Aysu closed her eyes, sinking a little further into the water so her chin was just above the water. Her Mystic Water necklace glowed slightly when the water touched it, the water inside reflecting the light. "You're right. Sorry Viggo." Aysu said, looking over at the Huntail, letting out an annoyed sigh she dragged her gaze away to look over at Bell.

    "We get tha point, aye? Put your fangs away, stop threatening children, and act like you have more sense than a rock," Spiraling her tail around, Aysu moved the water around her to shift her upwards a little higher, stepping onto the surface of the water and jumping up onto the pier, her paws feeling safer on the wood than in the water with the Huntail being as bitchy as she was. "We'll leave yer precious boat be." She looked over towards Dahlia as she nodded off, before snapping out of it and raising her head again. Being tired now is a bit dangerous there Dahlia. She thought, looking away for a moment.

    In that instant everything went wrong. A scream tore through the silence of the ocean waves and Dahlia lurched forwards the water under where she was boiling. Aysu's fins fell and her eyes widened. "MOVE!" Aysu didn't need any more than that simple word, she snapped out of her trance and backed away, searching for their opponents. If she could see them she might be able to devise a plan before - "Ambush! Fall back and stay toge-!" Their attackers burst from the water, their small forms darting back and forth, too fast for Aysu to focus on any one at any given time.

    The clang of metal on metal told her they were armored, but that was it. She shook her head to clear her thoughts and watched more carefully as one of them stopped to hurl a chunk of mud at her, in which she was caught off guard and received the attack full blast, blinding her for a moment. Letting out a loud yowl, Aysu reared up onto her hind legs, shaking her head to rid her eyes of the blinding mud. "You little twat!" She hissed, landing on her paws again, using a front paw to wipe the mud that was obstructing her view.

    "They're  gonna need much more than that if they want to be able to defeat the mighty Bell!" Aysu's vision cleared as she looked over at Bell, who was crowing something about dodging an attack when more came from the water, shooting boiling water at the young Poliwag. "Run Dolly!" Aysu growled, her breath becoming colder as she prepared an Ice Beam, waiting for a time to attack.

    "Wh-What? What are those?!" Aysu spared a sympathetic glance at the Feraligatr. "Bad news, that's what they are." She said, shooting her Ice Beam at one of the pesky attackers. They dodged it and shot a Signal Beam at her, making her back up to avoid any other attacks as the bug attack hit her side. She glared over at their attackers, her fins flaring in anger. So much for a peaceful evening.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Kaze Tue Sep 16, 2014 2:09 am

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    Vermillion City Harbour * Early Afternoon * (22)

    The large fish shrinks backwards when the ancient turtle starts getting angry. It really was impossible to tell how old some 'mons were but he sounded like a grumpy dad sick hearing the kids squabbling.
    Just when things seem to be approaching something resembling an agreement (or at least a less circular form of argument) a tremor runs through the water. Bass's sensitive whiskers twist into jagged lightning bolt shapes at the sensation.
    "MOVE!" The Lapras suddenly roars.
    The water is getting hotter around him, almost to boiling point. With a yelp he swims away, thrashing his fins to disturb the water and try and cool down.
    "Ambush! Fall back and stay toge-!" Viggo yells before he is swamped by tiny attackers who seem to rise out of nowhere.
    Bass has never seen this kind of pokemon before. They are strangely blue colored and armoured with metal plates but they move like a tiny army and their eyes are glowing red.

    Using his weight to his advantage he splashes, knocking the closest one out of the water. Though his big body was slow his whiskers were lightning fast and they snatch it up. Urgh, it was definitely infected. His whiskers could taste the rot under the rusted metal tang.
    The water lights up as Bass runs a Spark straight through the tiny creature into its highly conductive Armour.
    At least that was the plan.
    Before he can discharge the electrical current it stabs at the sensitive whisker with something sharp and he flings it away from by instinct. The crackling charge of the Spark still runs impressively through his whiskers, throwing a bright electric light onto the water's surface. Bass's mouth opens again, this time unmistakably a threat signal. His mouth seems to grow to many times the size it appears. Most of his face is in fact gaping wide jaws large enough to swallow nearly everyone but Dahlia. Sharp shark-like teeth protrude from behind his rubbery lips. It wasn't said for nothing that a Whiscash could and would eat anything that could fit in its mouth, they were an aggressively territorial species.

    He draws in a breath through his gills and exhales a large wave of water in a Surf attack. The wave crashes messily over the blobby things but they're water types and they can float. It hits them like water hitting a flock of Duckletts, merely shifting them backwards a few centimeters. The attack was too weak and widely spread to do any real damage.
    "Screw this, let's amscray! " Bass yells, diving below the water's surface.
    There are the blobby pokemon here too, waiting to cut off their escape. One of them exhales cold, causing the water above him to frost over into a layer of sea ice.
    Bass can no longer surface, his Spark is likely to hurt allies more than enemies if he uses it here and the enemy are closing in. He grits his teeth, ready to push his way through regardless when a cold shiver of dread runs down his spine. The giant fish visibly quivers in fear as his Anticipation picks up something very, very dangerous.
    They were going to die.

    Age : 27
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Drago Fri Sep 19, 2014 5:37 pm

    ((Skip please, nothing much has changed for Bell since last post since she's still just trying to ride Dahlia out of there, lol))

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Sep 23, 2014 11:01 pm

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    Vermillion Harbor | Early Afternoon | Post Five

    The eel's long body twitches with irritation. Fucking hell.. how many more shitty things was she going to have to deal with? The fucking surface, open water, other Pokemon, having to explain why I defend my territory.. A golden gaze swept over the blue forms again. Usually the meal she had just had would be enough to hold her over for a good while but it looked like she would have to expend more energy then desired. The turtle or the tadpole.. Those two were the only ones that would be worth eating. Hmm.. maybe the croc too. It would have tougher, raunchier meat but that was exactly what she was used to. "Are we all done with the pissing contest? It's getting boring listening to you chatter away." The bitch speaks again and her moronic tone breaks the eels food laden trance. "If youre so bored then how about you leave." That thing probably didnt even have a fucking brain. Youre not even worth eating. What a waste of oxygen.

    "Look if the situation was reversed and some stranger was trying to force their way into your house for nothing more than to gawk at the furniture durin' a freaking ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE I'd think they were a right prick too. Saferi blows out a mouthful of bubbles. Holy shit one of them had a brain! Its strange that of all of them its the one with an unusual complexion like herself but the eel does not question it. "Someone gets it." She grunts."If it's gonna come down to a brawl then brawl but leave me out of it. This whole standoff stinks something rotten." Her enjoyment is cut short as the shell of bones loses his cool.
    "Can ye all just calm down for a damn second?!" Oh damn pops was getting pissy! "This ain't getting us any where, you are all behaving like children. Stop threatening and just speak civilly like the living folk ya are," The Deep Sea Pokemon chuckles to herself, damn he was funny when he was mad! Dumbass. The turtle turned its gaze to her, eyes blazing, "We get tha point, aye? Put your fangs away, stop threatening children, and act like you have more sense than a rock," The gruff laughter continues. You're a rock, dipshit! Ya just called yourself a shithead! This was too easy! "We'll leave yer precious boat be."

    Saferi's gaze softens while her lips peel back in a sickly grin. "Good to see you're more then just a rock." Pointing off behind the Lapras she continues, "The trench over yonder marks the edge of my hunting ground." Technically her territory didn't include the hunting grounds, just the immediate space around the her den and the ship, but that wasn't knowledge for these fuckers to know.
    The Huntail sighs out more bubbles. The sun was on its way down now but it had already warmed up these damn surface waters. Honestly she didn't understand how any Pokemon enjoyed living in warm water. The other Pokemon give each other a look, they are about to leave, but she can not enjoy it. It was too warm here it was.. hot. The child mutters something but Saferi's thoughts are far away. You idiot, you didnt listen to your own damn warning! Hundreds of bubbles floated up to the surface she despised so much. The hot water they carried covered her scales, tingling even the skin beneath them with until it burned. "MOVE!" The Huntail hisses with rage not pain as the latter half of her body is sizzled in the heat. "Ambush! Fall back and stay toge-!"

    Flailing away from the super-heated water the Deep Sea Pokemon locks her gold gaze on the mass of blue shapes darting toward them. Goddamn it. She had let them catch her off guard and this location was less then favorable.  "Wh-What? What are those?! The corc stammers. "Bad news, that's what they are." Christ of Mew, she hoped they killed the damn Vaporeon. "I fucking told you!" She spits venomously in the direction of the old turtle as some of the undead headed her one. One of the Phione in particular charged toward her but the eel knew, she had been in this situation enough times. Dropping instantly below the thing she whips around and manages to sink her powerful fangs into its antennae powered with a Crunch Attack. "Fuckers wouldn't listen to me though." She growls through her teeth. Spinning around the Huntail plans to throw the creature away but instead its gelatinous undead body merely gives way, the Antennae snapping off as the Phione is drifts away. More quickly follow in it wake. A pair throw massive glowing stones at her and Saferi barely manages to round it only to be shot with a Signal Beam. If only the group had swam away.. Then the Phione would of been able to feed and she could of just watched.

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Duma Wed Sep 24, 2014 10:37 am

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    |Vermilion City Harbour|Early Afternoon|
    Aysu hissed as attacks flew back and forth. Water built up in the back of her throat as she prepared a Hydro Pump. These annoyances weren't going to taker her down without a fight! "Screw this, let's amscray!" Bass's call brought the Vaporeon to attention, and her violet eyes narrowed dangerously. She braced herself and took aim at a Phione, her mind clearing from all distractions. Water drew up from around her paws and formed a small ball in front of her before she fired, the water lancing through the orb and spreading out in a conical shape with two streams that spiralled around the main cone.

    The Hydro Pump flew towards her target, spearing through the Phione's arm, her attack had barely hit because the little bastard moved at the last moment, taking only an arm instead of the twat's undead life. Her attack finished by hitting the side of the boat, denting the steel hull before dissapating. "I fucking told you!" Aysu's eye twitched as she turned to glare at the Huntail, her Mystic Water shining as she jumped down onto the water's surface, the ocean waves violently churning around her paws. Her lail lashed and her eyes moved to the side as she saw a Phione coming to attack them. Seething in annoyance, She turned to face the attacker, shooting an Ice Beam at the Sea Drifter Pokemon, but it ducked under her attack, the ice freezing on the side of the ship. "Fuckers wouldn't listen to me though."

    "Maybe if you hadn't of been such a narsassistic bitch and said something along the lines of, oh I don't know, I live with a hoard of undead" She snarled, whirling to send a wave of water into another Phione, only to get hit by a barrage of rocks that sent the Vaporeon under water. As she fell under, the water above her turned to ice and Aysu growled in frustration, looking around for a way back up to the fight. I won't last here, there's too many. Shiro would of gone by now. We're not going to beat them, best to just flee now. She thought, looking to her side where the Ancientpower had hit. Her scales were torn and battered, and blood oozed from the multitude of wounds she'd sustained. Bastards...

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Sep 27, 2014 3:58 am

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    Vermillion City Harbour * Early Afternoon * (23)

    Bass once again yawns widely. His open mouth full of razor teeth is large enough to swallow several of the tiny water types with a single suck.
    The armored warriors stay out of easy reach of his thrashing whiskers but close enough that there is no easy path away.
    He smacks up against the sheet ice above him. The metal ring through his fin jingles as he smashes hard against it. Tiny chips of ice break off then a crack runs through it.
    "Head for the ship, we need shelter!"
    The Whiscash whips his whiskers around and snarls. At the same time he sends a quiver through the water to form a double image. While the attention of the undead is focused on the image he ducks to the side. Moving as swiftly as his bulk will allow he shatters the thin layer of ice, disguising the motion with a flick of his substitute's tail.
    "Brace yourself!" The substitute mouths the words slightly out of sync.
    The undead Water Type gets too close and Bass wraps his whiskers tightly around it.
    The two golden whiskers swiftly bind around the squishy bodied undead. Bass prevents the same thing from happening by squeezing hard so it has no room to wriggle free. The undead aims a Signal Beam attack at the substitute. The false image soaks up the attack and the real Bass sends his Spark through both whiskers.
    The charge largely disperses through the water but its enough to seriously stun his prisoner.
    Bass's substitute opens its mouth wide and tosses the undead inside.
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 27
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Drago Tue Oct 07, 2014 5:12 pm

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    Vermillion City Harbour | Early Afternoon

    Boiling water shot all around Bell, many streams narrowly missing her. What scared her more than the attacks, however, was the screaming. Focused as she was on dancing around the Scald attacks, she couldn't make out any of the words, but she could hear her friends yelling. Nothing good ever came from yelling, her mama had always told her. One scream in particular stood out to her, however.


    Bell's eyes widened instantly. Not Viggy! From Dolly's shell, Bell could see the old turtle floating motionlessly in the water not too far away. Tears formed in her eyes, as she realized what had happened. No... No no no no no... Not Viggy! "Viggggggggggggggyyyy!!" She sobbed, no longer caring to dodge the water shots. Sitting down on Dolly's shell, she wrapped her tail around her entire body. She wasn't ready to lose a friend already. She wasn't ready to lose Viggy. She wasn-

    Bell unwrapped herself when she realized she wasn't alone on the shell anymore. "Viggy!" She yelled, tears already forgotten. Wrapping her tail around the turtle's neck gently, she began to laugh softly to herself. With her eyes open again, she saw where Dolly was heading as well. Having Viggy up here and going to the ship? Bell couldn't be happier.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Oct 11, 2014 12:46 pm

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    Vermillion Harbor | Afternoon | Post Six

    No, avoiding this would of been too easy. It was of been too nice for the world to allow that. "Maybe if you hadn't of been such a narsassistic bitch and said something along the lines of, oh I don't know, I live with a hoard of undead" WHY did that bitch insist on talking to her?! A deep growl rumbles in the Deep Sea Pokemons throat as she turns to the Vaporeon. It just got hit with something and sweet scent of its blood fills her nostrils. Fuck the Phione Im going to kill you. Her tail flicks and she shoots forward, completely intent on snapping one of the Vaporeons legs off when another set of Phione comes for it. One throws a fistful of mud into her large eyes, stopping the Huntail in her tracks. Dammit! No, she had bigger problems right now. The Bubble Jet Pokemon would have to wait.

    A pair of the Sea Drifters rush up from behind her, both launching Signal beams. Taking the damage into consideration Saferi bolts upward, the pale green attacks still managing to strike her long body as she shots through the surface. The cold touch of air receives a hiss as she drops back though, ice forming on her powerful fangs. "If there is anyone who is narsassistic bitch its you, Princess," The thick set of fangs snap one one Phiones steel armor, its tough but corroding surface denting at the force, "Miss high and mighty 'Im better then all you all' brain-dead slug." The other undead must of ditched, its not with the other. "Viggo!!" The shout reaches he ear slits and she doesnt even bother to look whos name it is: it was the Lapras that shouted it, enough said. "Bastard." The Huntaul grumbles, her one clean eye locking on another Phione. This one has armor along its tiny arms but not its head or chest. Idiot. With a sharp hiss Saferi rushes it, too lost in her tunnel vision to be hit by the Supersonic it countered with. Wrapping her long body around its gelatinous form the solid armors keep it in place. "Fuck off." She states simply, squeezing tighter until its thin arms flail. It would slip out if she squeezed any tighter, it had happened before, and the huntail sinks her jaws into its thin neck. Her Crunch removes it with ease and the corpse floats listlessly away.

    "Head for the ship, we need shelter!" Oh fucking why. Didnt they just get through with this?! "Retreat!! Come on, this way!" "No, head for the fuc-" The missing Phione slams her hard from above, having picked up the momentum from its Bounce attack. All the water is expelled from her gills and for a moment the Huntail is breathless. Legends these little shits were annoying. Exactly why I wanted these other shitbags out of here beforehand. But things never went her way. Never. Another pair of Phione charge toward her but the Huntail does not move. Mixing a hard jerk of her body with the clamping of her massive jaws the serpent disturbs the water, sending the forceful stream of her Water Pulse toward them. The little water droplets are drawn backward along with the attack giving her just a moments respite.
    One eye is oozing and painful from the mud, too blurred to see, but the other narrows bitterly at the sight of the Lapras. Fuck, how it did cover so much ground so fast! "Turn the fuck around, bitch!" She growls, chasing after her.

    Age : 31
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Nightfall Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:34 pm

    ((Er...I'm sorry but skip me for now. Arthur just dove into the water after everyone else - can't really make a big post out of that. ^^;))

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Duma Wed Oct 15, 2014 6:43 am

    ((OOC: I'll have to skip as well ;w; Aysu's just underwater staying a ways away from Saferi and swimming after Viggo, Dahlia and Bell))

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Kaze Wed Oct 15, 2014 6:39 pm

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    Vermillion City Harbour * Early Afternoon * (24)

    While Bass's Substitute image thrashes it's heart shaped tail, apparently backed up against the shoreline, the real fish makes for safety. By sending certain vibrations into the water around him Bass obscures his shape from view. Meanwhile the substitute image lashes its whiskers violently, illusory electricity crackling around each one. The Phione dart in and jab at it with tiny attacks that do little to drain the energy Bass has put into his double but appear to drive the Whiscash into a violent frenzy. They have yet to notice the way the blood from the multiple tiny wounds fades away is unnatural. The Whiscash carefully picks his way around the other Phione. The others are fighting their own battles but are also steadily making their way towards the boat. Bass thinks a silent apology to the Huntail. They were sitting ducks out in open. All he wanted was a place to fight with his back to something solid. Apparently trapped against the shoreline Bass's mirror double takes a slap of mud to the face and lashes out with a sparking whisker, causing the Phione to scatter to avoid the attack. One ducks in and attacks swiftly before switching place with another. The golden whisker of his double is nearly severed. Another Phione darts in and finishes the job. With a low mournful wail the Subsitute falls and vanishes.
    There are too many of them to fight head on but Bass takes advantage of the moment between his subsitute's apparent death and the moment it fades.
    Bass draws up a Spark in his whiskers as, unseen, he creeps up on a Phione in the back of the group. Quickly he lashes around it and sends the Spark directly into the water type's tiny body. Conducted by the armor it is wearing the Phione fries. Quickly Bass chucks the charred thing closer to the group where it'll look like it has been caught in his illusory copies attack. The body vanishes.
    There is a short moment of surprise before the Phione darts in from behind. Bass can feel the growth of seaweed over his back as the Grass Knot slams him over.
    His head aches and his ears ring. Bass can taste blood. His vision is starting to fade. Blurry-eyed he looks ahead. He can see the ship. He was so close. A high pitched supersonic makes sure it'll be a while before he regains his sense of balance. His large body sways as he tries to swim forwards.
    "Quick!" He manages to gasp as he darts forwards the best he can.

    ((OOC: Bass is now in low red health))
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 27
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Drago Mon Oct 20, 2014 5:51 pm

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    Vermillion City Harbour | Noon

    "Bell! Make sure Viggy doesn't fall off! Hang on!"

    Bell couldn't help but laugh softly to herself. Dolly had used Viggy's nickname- it was official now. Dolly's words registered into her mind shortly after, and she ndded her consent. Wrapping her tail tightly around Viggy's body, she pressed her body as flat as she could against Dolly's shell. Bracing her feet against one of the spikes, she hoped she wouldn't fly off when they went underwater.

    Once the dive actually happened, though, Bell was in paradise. It took all of her self control to not yell out in glee. All the spinning and diving, it was like a rollercoaster! Once they resurfaced, Bell let out a dizzied breath as she looked around. Oh. Oh boy! They made it into the ship!

    Glancing towards the others as they came in, she tried to take count. It... seemed like everyone had made it in, but it was hard to tell. How many had they started with? Ultimately deciding everyone had made it in, she turned to Dolly.

    "Can we go exploring now? Pllleeeeeasssse?"

    She really wanted to go exploring.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Nov 03, 2014 3:35 pm

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    Vermillion Harbor [Inside the Anne.] | Noon | Post Seven

    Fucking why. The Huntail's massive jaw opened wide in a constant hiss as she swam. It was moments like this that she hated being a serpent. Needing to use every muscle in her body to swim each tiny twitch and shift brought a new sense of burning agony to the latter half of her body. The scales hissed with a painful heat as their burns were agitated. Ill personally kill each one that knows that move. She had bumped into them before and it only pissed her off more with each encounter. Thrusting her head side to side in a vain attempt to clear the mud from her eye Saferi's face contorts into even more of a scowl. It wasn't clear if the Lapras was deaf, ignoring her, or just too dumb to process language as it speed right for the ship. Did they have water on the brain!? Could no one fucking listen, was it really that difficult to understand 'stay away'?! The pain in her scales pricked at her anger. She didnt have the patience to deal with this shit. The Phione dont need me to help kill those fuckers.

    Veering hard to the side the Huntail dove. She knew these waters and could easily glide along the currents that dipped down to the bay floor. The Phione wouldn't take lightly to those idiots being in the upper half of the ship, they would be out of her fins in no time if she just waited it out. With a heavy grunt that sent bubbles floating upward her golden eyes lock on to the small opening of her den. More specifically, a dent right to the side of it along with a boulder. Oh hell fucking no. These bitches never came this low, it must of been a straggler from the ambush. With a sudden burst of speed the serpent dashed into the small cavern and was face-to-face with one wide-eyed Phione. "Wandered into the wrong fucking neighborhood." She growls, shooting it against the wall with her Water Pulse. The Water Type seems terrified, flailing and darting around the tiny space as the Huntail chased it with snapping jaws. Teeth clamped around the tiny point of its body and with a hard jerk of her head Saferi send the shitbag flying into open water.  

    Half fuming, half panting, the Deep Sea Pokemon stares blurry eyed at small blue shape and it came back toward her. "Asking to die??" Shooting back out of her den the flustered eel launches herself forward with jaws agape. She was not in the mood for this shit. But before her fangs could make contact with the little shithead something heavy slammed against her, roughing up her scales and dragging her down. A stream of bubble pour from around her face as the wind is knocked from her gills. The Ancientpower was dragging her back down to the sand and she is barely able to roll away from it before being crushed. Her vision had already been fucked but the swarm of armor coated shapes around her is utterly disorientated. "Fuck off!" She screams, utter rage in her voice and teeth snapping at the closest Phione she saw.

    But it was useless, she was too flustered. Each time she grabbed one another would smack her with an attack. Few suffered her poorly aimed attacks while others just beat on her like it was a game. The painful creep and tight grip of seaweeds around her already burnt bought earns a not pain induced but furious scream. Saferi whipped around to destroy the little demon that was using Grass Knot but her clear eye caught someone much more infuriating. They were pouring out of her den. The eel stops, hanging limp in the water for a few moments as she fails to process the revelation. The trance is broken as a Phione slams against her face and swims away with U-turn. Pain pulsates through her body and the sickly sweet scent of fresh blood coats the water. She.. she was in no condition to fight. She was used to ruthless fighting, blood pouring everywhere and vision swimming red, but this was different. Open water, an unknown amount of enemies, and flustered rage would be the death of her at this rate.

    Gritting her teeth to hide her shame the eel raises upward. The Phione make cackling sounds and stream in and out of her den in a victory movement. "This isnt over." She spits feverishly before looking forward. She.. she had to find someone to recover. Just a few hours, just someone silent to recover for only a few hours and she could go back on the offense. Keep it together old girl.. A shine catches her eye and the eel veers back toward the ship. Was that.. ice? Morons.. Like massive shiny sheet of ice wouldnt attract attention. Seriously. The light hum alerts her that its still being formed, and there is patch of freezing water just large enough for her to slip through. With the last burst of speed she can muster, muscles screaming to stop, Saferi manages to slip through the gap before it seals over. Ice crystals cling to her tail and the netting trapped on it, stinging painfully against the sensitive scales, but she was too angry, to pain filled already to pay it any mind.

    Grunting and panting the Deep Sea Pokemon eyes the other Pokemon with blazing contempt. So they made it to the damn ship after all, albeit more wounded then they would of liked. "Can we go exploring now? Pllleeeeeasssse?" The child squeals as oblivious as ever. Instantly she locks onto the Poliwag, a rumble echoing through her throat before words were willing to form. "Did you not see what just happened?! Yes, why dont you explore the fucking boat and stir up more of those little shits that live here." The angry glare sweeps away from the cargo and back toward the Lapras' face. That was the bitch that refused to even acknowledge that sh was correct. "Instead of fucking listening to someone who lives here and obviously knew more about it then ya'll you go and ignore it all! WELL, territory aside, maybe you see why I told you all to scram." The eels body shook with rage.
    Legends she could just sink her fangs in any of them right now. She could just rip them to shreds and the lovely scent of blood was not helping her to keep it together. "But no, you had to go and fuck up the waters. Those little shits dont like other Pokemon and neither do I. Instead of leaving and keeping them relatively safe y'all argue and go into the ship where the things that are trying to kill you are coming from. Good fucking job." The golden spheres lock on the ancient turtles shape. If he was awake of not was not of her concern, just that the words were said. "If you care at all about any of these fuckers Id leave if I were you." A shadow passes across the ice sheet. "As soon as you can. You know, if you want to live."

    (uh.. I didnt realize how long this was, sorry x.x Tell me if I need to edit.)

    Age : 25
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    Post by Duma Fri Nov 07, 2014 4:43 am

    ((OOC: Skip sorry ;w; I can't think of anything to post. Aysu just swam in with everyone and blatantly ignores Saferi))

    Age : 29
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    Post by Kaze Sat Nov 08, 2014 1:19 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Vermillion City Harbour * Early Afternoon * (25)

    "Did you not see what just happened?! Yes, why dont you explore the fucking boat and stir up more of those little shits that live here." The Huntail lashes her vibrant blue body. She's angrier than any pokemon Bass had seen in a while. He stays quiet, focusing on drawing water over his gills.
    "Instead of fucking listening to someone who lives here and obviously knew more about it then ya'll you go and ignore it all! WELL, territory aside, maybe you see why I told you all to scram."
    Bass's vision is starting to fade. His fins ache. He settles on the ground instead of swimming to keep afloat.
    "But no, you had to go and fuck up the waters. Those little shits dont like other Pokemon and neither do I. Instead of leaving and keeping them relatively safe y'all argue and go into the ship where the things that are trying to kill you are coming from. Good fucking job. If you care at all about any of these fuckers Id leave if I were you. As soon as you can. You know, if you want to live."
    The Huntail pants, ranting apparently over for now. Her golden eyes are absolutely livid as she glares at the Lapras and Tirtouga. There's a very real fear that the next person to talk will get bitten but Bass feel too groggy to care. Punch drunk, that's what his trainer had called it. He couldn't escape even if there weren't still the little bastards outside.
    "I'm sorry doll, it was the only thin' I could think of'" He says drowsily, his large lips twisting into a frown.
    He lays on his stomach against the ground. "They know grass knot...It nearly killed me. I jus' need a rest then I'll go. Just for a little bi'" He slurs his words, settling down on the bottom of the boat.
    "Jus' fo a lil bit..." He slumps over and his eyes slide closed. The full extent of his damage is hidden but there is a dark bruise starting to run up his paddle-shaped tail.
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Thu Nov 20, 2014 1:42 pm

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    Vermillion Harbor [Inside the Anne.] | Noon | Post Eight

    Mad isnt a strong enough word. Angry isnt a strong enough word. She was fucking livid. At the sting of ice started to work into her tail scales the Huntail snarled again, twisting around to bite at the menacing crystals. "I'm sorry doll, it was the only thin' I could think of' The anger clouds any possible understanding she could of had and Saferi blows out a mouthful of bubbles as words fail to form. And listening is not on that list?! Another flash of rage narrows her golden eyes as another shadow swims past the ice sheet.. they only had so long in this shitty spot. "They know grass knot...It nearly killed me. I jus' need a rest then I'll go. Just for a little bi'" The Wishcash sinks, the energy sapped from him all too apparent. "You cant stay here." She repeats, stern and bitter. "Jus' fo a lil bit...

    The Huntil moans and flexes in frustration, big jaw grinding. Legends what she wouldnt give to just rip any one of these Pokemon apart. Two more shadows pass by- they didnt have time for this. Saferi's teeth grit, "Those fucking things, those Phione, are demons. Theyre hunting you down right now and it wont be long before they find this, this hidey-hole." She shoots a glare at the Lapras. Great choice of hiding place ya worthless fishmeal. Then again.. she had chosen to come in here as well, though it wasnt to hide and she wouldnt be sticking around. Turning so she could angle qt the ice wall with her head she continues, "This fucking thing is like a 'come and kill me' beacon," She pants, sucking in water at a much higher rate. "You need to leave, now. Or you will die, plain and simple."

    Age : 31
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    Post by Nightfall Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:51 pm

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    Vermilion City Harbour/Noon (39)

    It was chaos. A flurry of the small, blue Pokemon surging towards him caused Arthur to turn and scramble away, bubbles bursting from his mouth as he yelped in surprise.

    He dove and spiraled down into the deep, zigzagging between rocks and patches of seaweed to try and lose them. He looked up towards the surface to spot the group heading towards the ship, and rocketed up towards them.

    By the time he surfaced, Dahlia was sealing the hull up with ice. Arthur's chest tightened with panic; they were going to leave him outside with these miniature demons.

    "HEY! I'm still out here!" he cried, just as the ice separated him completely from the other survivors. He did not have much time to worry; the Phione swarmed around his feet like insects and he was forced to lurch out of the way to avoid them.

    He spiraled downwards back into the infinite blue, a dozen Phione following close behind.

    ((Mediocre leaving post. -_- Thanks for having me!))

    Age : 29
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    Post by Kaze Fri Nov 28, 2014 12:54 am

    ((OOC: Bass has passed out. Skip me for a cycle))

    Age : 27
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    Post by Drago Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:12 pm

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    Vermillion City Harbor (Inside the Anne) | Noon

    Bell's eyes started to water as the long-snake started yelling at her. Her glaring and growling was terrifying, and it was nearly enough to set Bell over the edge. She only wanted to explore with her friends. She only wanted to have some fun. Just as she was about to begin bawling, however, something the eel said caught her ear.

    "...maybe you see why I told you all to scram."

    She was... trying to warn them away? That's why she was being all scary? Tears forgotten, but still incredibly confused, Bell turned her head slightly at the eel. If she knew those scary things were out here, why didn't she just say so? Why go through all this trouble? Thinking through it with her tiny little mind, she tried to find an answer, but could not. She kept her mouth shut for the moment, trying to figure this one out.

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Sun Dec 07, 2014 12:21 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Vermillion Harbor [Inside the Anne.] | Noon | Post Nine

    The Huntail huffs and grunts, each fresh wave of water in her gills loud and exasperated as she swaps between curling up and swimming in small circles. Why, why did she bother even trying? Why get herself into this mess and now fuck herself over? She didnt care about others and its not like they could of done much to the ship anyway- they would probably of ended up dead and devoured, never even noticed. Just kill them. Save the little shits the trouble. There was no doubt in her mind she could win that fight- small spaces like this were her specialty and her blood was already pumping. If she started with- "HEY! I'm still out here!" Oh they had to be fucking kidding her.
    Blazing gold gaze flickering to the wall of ice the massive shadow of another Pokemon looms on the other side of it. They.. didnt even save the entire group. But the Huntails mind swirls with another much more panicked thought- all its bellowing and moving was going to attract the Phione even faster! "Ssshhhut upp!" She snaps in a sharp whisper. In an instant the little blobs of see water are swarming, little dark shapes silhouetted against they sun as they are drawn to the outcast like scavengers to a carcass. As he dives out of view followed by the pack no more shadows pass by, at least for the moment.

    Teeth grinding heavily against one another Saferi turns back to the pased out turtle, "Arent you come class ac-" Only to find that he and fishmeal are gone. Staring dumbfounded at the empty space the Deep Sea Pokemon grimaces. How.. where, why? There were only two entrances deeper into the ship in here and the one exit coated in ice. Shit they went deeper. What an honorable old man, abandoning his pod and a child. If they had gone deeper then their time had just been cut dramatically. The serpent freezes, watching for shadows. Nothing, they were still going after that crocodile from earlier. A spout of bubbles pour from her gills. An ever angry voice is now laced with panic, "We dont have much time, if you still want to live we need to leave now while the Phione are distracted." Throwing herself against the icy sheet Saferi can feel it scratch and scrape her sensitive burned scales. "I know," smacking into it again the serpent curses its integrity, and each small crackle it makes, "somewhere safe."

    Age : 25
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    Post by Duma Sun Dec 07, 2014 7:03 pm

    ((OOC: Good to be back posting ^^;))
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    |Vermilion City Harbour|Early Afternoon|
    Treading water, the vaporeon's fins flared as she listened for anything outside of their semi-safe zone. "HEY! I'm still out here!" Oh for the love of Suicune's mane roasted on a fucking stick! "God damn it." Aysu hissed, her tail twitching as she watched the huge shadow flail in front of the ice. "Ssshhhut upp!" For once, Aysu agreed with the prissy Huntail. "Arent you some class ac-" They turned to face Viggo and Dahlia to say something, but they were just... Gone. "Did they just-?" The words died on her tongue as the realization hit her. her violet eyes narrowed as her finned tail lashed. "Cowards. Those god damn cowards ditched us!" She hissed, her claws unsheathing and sheathing as she forced herself to control her temper.

    "We don't have much time, if you still want to live we need to leave now while the Phione are distracted." Now that surprised the water type. the normally harsh eel's voice was laced with panic as they rammed the ice. "I know," They started, ramming the ice again. "somewhere safe." Oh, so now they were helping them? Shut up Aysu, just go with it. Accept help where you can get it. She scolded herself, gauging the distance from where she was to the ice sheet. Her paws glowed dimly as she prepared a Dig attack. "Stand back, I'm not sure how well this will go." She muttered, waiting till the way was clear before she backed up a little bit, her tail churning the water as she built up momentum.

    Shooting forwards, her tail waved wildly as she raced forwards, her speed increasing until her paws collided with the ice. She felt the cold sheet crack under the force, and the collision jarred her senses, making her have to shake her head to get her bearings. She swam backwards, her vision slowly coming back into focus. I sure as hell hoped that helped even a little bit.

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