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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Will you survive?


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    (ELITE) The METEOR Team

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    Age : 29
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    (ELITE) The METEOR Team  Empty Re: (ELITE) The METEOR Team

    Post by Kaze Mon Jul 21, 2014 7:24 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Deep within Meteor Falls }|{ Time Unknown }|{ [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] [26]

    Strands of cornflower blue fur caught between his teeth and slid uneasily across his tongue. He choked as he struggled to swallow, tears streaming from his blood red eyes. A pathetic noise, partway between a whimper and a retch leaves the side of his gaping mouth. Taph chokes on a clump of damp fur and coughs it onto the cave floor. Both his jaws and eyes are streaming. The bare skin of his arms, pale purple and as pimply as a plucked pidove, is marked by a few stray tufts of remaining fur.
    The Riolu's stomach twists in pain and he clutches at it, not sure if he's feeling hunger or if he's about to vomit.
    His eyes stream chill tears down teal-furred cheeks. A terrified whimper leaves his open jaws and he shoves his arm in his mouth to stifle the pathetic sound.
    Saliva wets his fur. His sharp canine teeth brush the bare skin and nearly puncture. Taph squeezes his eyes firmly shut and tries to ignore the stabbing pain in his gut. Endless tears dampen the dark fur around his eyes.
    Curled up against the cold cave wall he tries to cry in silence.
    He was so scared, so very, very, scared.
    To prevent him from crying out loud he compulsively chewed and choked on his own fur.
    His shoulders trembled convulsively as he tried to keep the screams inside. It hurt. Being dead hurt and he was afraid of what would happen next. Gnawing on his own arm was the only way he could work out all the stress beating down on him.
    His thoughts chased themselves in increasingly convulsive circles. Behind closed eyelids his eyes jittered as if in REM sleep, sightlessly trying to find a way out.
    I'm scared...
    Another thin whine leaves his mouth and Taph forces it down. He can't make too much noise, the undead might hear him.
    I have to be brave...I have to be brave.
    Taph sniffs. He wipes away his tears with the back of his paw but they keep flowing.
    "I'm scared. I'm scared of being dead." He says quietly to himself.
    He had run away to cry and fallen in through a hole in the ground. Now his entire body hurt and he didn't know where he was.
    Taph sobs.
    He was hungry but he was too scared to try and find food and too scared to die.

    ((OOC: What end of the cavern he's in is up to you.))

    Age : 29
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    (ELITE) The METEOR Team  Empty Re: (ELITE) The METEOR Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Jul 22, 2014 5:32 am

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    Deep within Meteor Falls | Current Time Unknown
    B'doke 1 | Riley 1

    "Alright, here goes another!" A cheerful voice squeaks as a crackling ball of electricity goes racing forward. The sparks flicker in the darkness, lightening chasing across the wet floor for a split second before vanishing. For a moment, the space around it is visible, the towering wall illuminated by the Electroball for those seconds until all goes dark again. "Oooooh! That was a good one wasn't it?" She can no longer see them but the Raichu's paws bunch up at her chin, a wide grin spread across her face cheek to sparking cheek.

    "Yes, you did just fine." The massive canine breathes in the cold air as he speaks. There as something about caves that he didn't like. The darkness felt awkward and claustrophobic, reminding him much too much of the Ultraball that imprisoned him all that time ago. No, this is different. A shudder travels down his spine, making his yellow and grey fur stand on end. Its much too.. open. Unnaturally quiet. Dangerous. Paws tug at his fur but B'doke knows the soft touch of Riley and does not flinch as she clambers onto his shoulders. "Still didn't show us an exit though." The Raichu mutters, gently playing with the Delectroke's ears. A deep chuckle sounds in the canines throat, both from humor and unease. "You know, if your gonna do that you have to listen for danger."

    "Pfff." Placing a paw on each of his ears Riley pushes them flat and laughs at the image that pops in her head. B'doke looked like such a goof. "We can take them!" Why was he always so pint up? The guy had to relax sometime. Riley yawns without even an attempt to stifle the small whine that accompanies it. "I wish we knew where we were though." Her voice grew small, paws releasing the larger Pokemons ears to instead grip his neck. Her own wide ears rotate, listening for the smallest sound that wasn't coming from either of them. Drip, drip, drip. Water? Was there anything in this cave? Anyone in the cave? Her body presses closer to warm yellow fur, tail snaking around one leg. "Relax Riles, Im here." The Raichu stays quiet.
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    Age : 29
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    (ELITE) The METEOR Team  Empty Re: (ELITE) The METEOR Team

    Post by Kaze Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:56 pm

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    Deep within Meteor Falls }|{ Time Unknown }|{ [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] [27]

    Taph jolted and shoved his paw more firmly in his mouth. He had thought there wouldn't be anyone to hear his crying.
    Was it an undead monster ready to eat him?!
    The little Riolu started to chew on his paw.
    It didn't sound scary though. Maybe it was just a normal pokemon that had gotten into the cave. Maybe they knew the way out! Maybe they would be friendly!
    Taph's spirits rise only to cruelly plummet. If they were a normal pokemon then they would hate him and try to kill him. He was a monster after all. Even if they were friendly he would just try to hurt them later.
    It was better if he was alone. He deserved to die alone.
    A tear oozed down Taph's cheek.
    "A-anyo-one o-out th-th-there?"
    The voice echoes through the cave. It sounds as scared as he feels.
    Then, in the darkness there is a spot of light.
    Taph sniffs and wipes his eyes.
    It's so pretty and the first glint of illumination he has seen since he fell. Is it a fairy? A pretty fairy come to save him?
    "I'm here!" Taph replies, voice hoarse from crying.
    It would be o.k. if it was a fairy. The book said fairies were magic. Maybe it could magic him into not being a monster anymore.
    "I'm here!" Taph repeats as the light flickers closer. He can now see that its attached to a shape not much larger than his own. It wasn't a scary monster then. Monsters had to be big.
    The light grows, illuminating the stone walls much better than the tiny chinks in the ceiling sometimes did.
    Taph can make out a shape now, tiny hands and a round head with the fire held at the end of a long tail.
    It wasn't a fairy. It was a charmander.
    "Don't come too close!" He barks.
    If it gets too close it will see his hands and his eyes and it will try and run away.
    Then he'll have no-one.

    Age : 29
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    (ELITE) The METEOR Team  Empty Re: (ELITE) The METEOR Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Jul 25, 2014 7:18 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Deep within Meteor Falls | Current Time Unknown
    B'doke 2 | Riley 2

    "I know." She eventually whispers, cheeks sparking in small, nervous flashes. They gave off just enough light to illuminate fuzzy top of B'doke's head and outline his strong neck for a split second, just long enough to offer her comfort. He was here, he was with her. Everything will be fine. The smile returns to her plump face and she nuzzles it against the Delectroke's yellow fur. "You're silly." The words are muffled by a mouthful of soft tufts, his sweet scent filling her nostrils. "You're silly." His rebuttal is so weak! Riley snickers, dogs are such sillies she can win so easy.

    The Raichu's tail sways with each of his steps, not quite in the way enough to trip him but definitely a nuisance as he walked. It tugged as his leg but the Delectroke almost preferred knowing his furry companion was that close then having a normal gate. "Hold tight Riley." He coos before coming to a halt. The Lightning Pokemon's fur sparks and launches a small bolt of electricity at an invisible point in the distance. Small brown paws tighten around his chin but they do not seemed pained. "See anything?" He asks her, wanting a response to know she was alright instead of actually being curious on their surroundings. The Raichu blinks her brownish eyes and hesitates for a moment before speaking as though dazed. "Just rocks, maybe a stick." B'doke's tail fails slightly. He may have more electrical power in his large form but it might be best to let Riley light there way for a bit.

    She tenses, body rigid and ears fanning wide. A sound, she knew she had just heard a sound. It wasn't the electricity crackling. No. something like a step or a groan or a cough or.. "Hey! Any living around here?" A voice."Someones in here." Voice low she murmurs to herself, taken aback by the thought and not processing what had just occurred. A voice in a big dark cave? "Living you say?" The canine replies for her, seeming curious about this mysterious presence. A trap? This was the perfect place for that yet it seemed.. unlikely. "Other then yourself~?" The Raichu chirps right after. She could of chuckled had she not heard the drum of paws coming there way. Coming.. quickly. "B'doke.." "Down." He gives a sharp bark and instantly the mouse presses herself low between his shoulders, body going all small as it could.
    The Delectroke tensed, whatever it was it was coming to them. He's speaking so he's probably alive. Perhaps lost like us.. Should they stay hidden in the darkness or try to find this other Pokemon? It might know these caves.. Deciding three heads are better then two B'doke sucks in a mouthful of moist cave air and throws his head back, a short stream of fire flowering upward for a moment before he cuts it off. At this angle all he can see is the glint of reflective eyes before the flames die back.

    Age : 31
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    (ELITE) The METEOR Team  Empty Re: (ELITE) The METEOR Team

    Post by Nightfall Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:45 pm

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    Deep within Meteor Falls/??? (1)

    Ring ring
    That damn telephone was ringing again.
    Ring ring
    It just wouldn't shut up these days.

    Alice shook her head and squeezed her eyes tightly shut, trying to force away the loud ringing echoing inside her skull. I'll be back, it said as her mind cleared and all she heard was the occasional drip-drip of the damp walls. That was better. The phone always rang when Alice felt at peace, jolting her out of her moment of calm, of security, and plunging her back into an abyss even darker than the cavern around her. At least it's quiet now, she thought, taking a moment to enjoy the silence before gliding onwards. Maybe I'll take my time on my way through here.

    The Psychic-type raised her hand, and a ball of bright green energy materialised above her palm. Instead of throwing the Energy Ball, she held it in front of her. In the massive cavern, all it managed to illuminate was the ground at her feet; there were no walls in sight, and the ceiling was probably a few miles away judging by the cold, clean air that her lungs were gladly inhaling. The place was damp, possibly exhibiting a water source somewhere nearby. Alice listened for the sound of running water, but heard nothing. Either I'm in the wrong place, or this cave is larger than it looks outside...

    Alice's whole body tensed, her stomach somersaulting at the idea of never finding the exit. She knew that this place had two exits, but where the other one was she had no idea. She doubted that Paul would choose a cave like this for a hideout; the darkness and dangers of undead attacks were too debilitating for a human. No, her master was clever and wise; he'd be in a city somewhere, perhaps with other survivors, waiting for her to come and find him. Ah ... but what if it is not just me who is doing the searching? If Paul was looking for her, he was taking a long time to show his face, and Alice did not like it. What do I have to prove?

    Your loyalty.
    "Yes, I know that!" Alice snapped aloud, balling her free hand into a fist and punching the side of her head. "Ha ... that shut you up."

    "H-hello-o?"A-anyo-one o-out th-th-there?"
    "I'm here! Don't come too close!"

    Children. Without a moment's hesitation, Alice made straight for the voices, holding her ball of light aloft. Children were good news; children didn't scorn or hate or laugh. Children trusted and loved and idolised. Most importantly, children did not judge.

    Everyone judges.

    Ignoring her head, Alice carried on and finally found the two young ones, a Riolu and a Charmander. She let her Energy Ball vanish - the Fire-type's tail was more than enough light now - as she knelt beside the Riolu, who looked in a terrible state.

    "What is a pair of young ones like yourselves doing in a place like this?" she gently questioned, her voice soft with concern. "Are you lost?"

    ((The red text is the voice that Alice hears in her head as a result of her condition.))
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    Age : 29
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    (ELITE) The METEOR Team  Empty Re: (ELITE) The METEOR Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Jul 26, 2014 2:55 am

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    Deep within Meteor Falls }|{ Time Unknown }|{  [28]

    "Wait, don't go!" Taph yelped and extended his paw towards the retreating light of the startled Charmander.
    "I don't-I don't want to be alone." His voice cracks with a sob. He sniffs. Before he hadn't even thought about it but now he was scared of being alone in the dark. If the Charmander left something could come and get him and he would never know.
    The tears have started to flow again. At this rate he's going to be all dried out like a mummy. He tries to wipe his eyes dry but the wetness keeps on welling up from inside.
    The single tear is all that is needed to start his tiny shoulders quivering again. He was so afraid and he hated it. He hated not knowing what to do, he hated not being able to trust anyone, he hated himself and his life more than anything.
    "Please come back." He whimpers softly, unsure if the charmander could even hear him.
    "A-a ghost?!" The charmander cries out and Taph's sadness turns in a shiver of fear. "Please don't kill me!" He howls.
    The Riolu bites hard into his paw. He was a Fighter, even if he tried his hardest he couldn't hit a ghost. It would go right through!
    He bites deeper, a tooth puncturing through his skin as he tries to suppress his panic.
    The terrified Riolu tries to scramble backwards and bumps into the hard cave wall.
    "What is a pair of young ones like yourselves doing in a place like this?"
    By the flickering golden light of the Charmander's tail a beautiful pokemon has come into sight.
    It's body is pale white and flows out like a gorgeous dress. It's words are soft and caring.
    "Are you lost?"
    Taph's throat feels dry. He slowly releases his bite, a trace of blood lingering on the edge of one tooth.
    "I- I, a-alone- d-dark. R-running, P-ple-ease... I- w-we need h-help..." The charmander shakily pleads.
    They were both scared.
    Taph wipes the tears from his eyes. He can't cry in front of such a pretty pokemon. He has to show he can be brave.
    "A-Are you a f-fairy?" He squeaks.
    It had been a long time since he had heard the Story but fairies were beautiful magical creatures who would make things right if you believed in them. He believed in fairies. He really did.

    Age : 29
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    (ELITE) The METEOR Team  Empty Re: (ELITE) The METEOR Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Jul 26, 2014 10:39 am

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    Deep within Meteor Falls | Current Time Unknown
    B'doke 3 | Riley 3

    To say he is surprised is an understatement. Sure, Pokemon get lost or stranded in caves, but an Arcanine? Such a large mountain bearing Pokemon was on odd sight for the cave scene. Then again.. Who was he to judge? A larger field running Pokemon, in a cave, with a mouse. What was this world coming to.. "Hey there buddy. Not trying to surprise you... just been a little weird down here alone, eh?" The panting he expected, it sounded like this guy had made a mad dash for them, but the croak to his voice made the Delectroke uneasy. How long had be been in this cave just wandering? "I bet, its awfully dark." He barked calmly.

    The ash and smoky scent of its breath gives more away then his cough. "I've had to use too much fire down here for light. It's frayed my throat and there's no water sources nearby. I'm not infected. I assume you're not either." There is a slight dryness to his mouth now but given a few minutes it would pass. Just how much fire had he used? "Electricity is a good light if you don't mind the flashes," He chuckles, thinking of the lightening flashes back home. You could never escape the flashing. "Im clean pal, those things haven't gotten the better of me. Ive seen a lot of damp spots around but no deep water yet, sorry."

    "I don't mean to put you on the spotlight, but you're lost down here too, aren't you? We could work together as allies to get out of here. Name's Gale, by the way." B'doke shrugged his shoulders, feeling the weight of the Raichu as he did so. She must be nervous to of not spoken yet.. "B'doke." He states simply. "Been following along this wall here so I wouldn't say we're lost. Could just turn around and go back." His massive head turns to look back the way he had came even though it is too dark to see the path. That was the way out, if they needed it. "Im trying to get to the other side of the falls, honestly. I wouldn't mind sticking around with you, though you would be going back the way you came from."

    The Raichu is nestled deep in soft yellow fur. Her paws rub against it, taking in the texture against her pink pads. She was so comfortable in it.. in the blanket of soft, dry.. tickling fur. A small gasp is the warning flag but Riley already knows she can not stop the sneeze and it races from her nose. Popped backward she feels her balance falter, paws flailing wide to keep herself on the canines back but it is in vain. Had it not been so dark they would of seen an epic attempt at grabbing one of B'doke's spiky tufts on her way down, and then fail miserably. With a soft thud and an "Nff." The Raichu hits the ground several feet below. "Owie.." She groans, rubbing the side that had taken the impact.

    Her tail is still wrapped around the hounds leg, he is right next to her. He would protect her from this other big bad Pokemon if need be. If she scared him, if he wanted to eat her, if he didn't trust a someone who wasn't a fellow canine. "Bless you." The Delectroke barks, though there is a tone to his voice that is a cross between disappointment and humor. Riley laughs slow and nervously, scrambling against the rocky ground to get to her paws and grab for B'dokes leg. She didn't trust this guy..

    Age : 31
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    (ELITE) The METEOR Team  Empty Re: (ELITE) The METEOR Team

    Post by Nightfall Sat Jul 26, 2014 2:21 pm

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    Deep within Meteor Falls/??? (2)

    The reaction from the two youngsters was heartbreaking. The Charmander was in a terrible state, literally bursting into tears at the sight of her. Alice felt her heart weeping alongside him. "I- I, a-alone- d-dark. R-running.P-ple-ease... I- w-we need h-help..."

    "Hey! Hey..." Alice reached out her hand and softly stroked his head, trying to hold back her own tears. "It's all right - you're not on your own anymore."

    She glanced down at the Riolu, who was gazing up at her with mystified eyes. "A-Are you a f-fairy?" The question suprised Alice, who just blinked at him for a second before awkwardly answering. "I'm a Fairy type, yes..."

    Not sure how to dodge this odd situation, Alice cleared her throat and changed the subject. "You can both come with me, if you like. I'm just passing through here to get to the next city. I'm sure that there is safety in numbers and ... well, I'd adore the company." She smiled at them then, a genuinely content smile that she was sure she hadn't smiled in a long time. "What do you say?"

    Age : 29
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    (ELITE) The METEOR Team  Empty Re: (ELITE) The METEOR Team

    Post by Snitch Sun Jul 27, 2014 11:23 am

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    Deep Within Meteor Falls || Unknown [1]

    To many a-wanderer of the caves the suffocating darkness was a silent enemy. Heavy on their shoulders and launching them into a state of temporary blindness, the whole experience was undeniably claustrophobic as the gloom sought to wickedly toy with its victims – disorientate them, isolate them, scare them.

    How it would weep to see two brothers immune to its evil.  

    With pelts as dark as night, the Direyenas looked to be extensions of the shadow themselves. Only the glint in their red eyes distinguished them as a separate entity. But they welcomed the enveloping dark into their beings as sustenance, mockingly absorbing the power of one who tried to break them. Merle and Daryl were far stronger than that.

    They travelled with little purpose these days. No friends to look after, no family to find, no destination in mind; only moving onwards for a change of scenery in a rather monotonous time. Everywhere was the same. Destruction, corpses and the undead perpetrators. It was strange if that wasn’t the combination. But the caves introduced a different stillness; perhaps a hopeful sanctuary on initial impression, but ultimately revealed to be nothing more than a replication of the outside world masked beneath a black veil.

    Same old, same old. Cynicism had taught them better than that. They never expected anything but the worst these days.

    The larger of the Direyena’s gave a great sigh then, exaggerating exasperation as he peered through the darkness at his companion. A small smirk played on his lips, a mischievous spark alighting in coppery eyes.
    “Y’know…” Merle’s voice was loud against the overwhelming silence, a distinctive southern drawl that his sibling shared. “I’m startin’ to doubt you know these caves at all, baby brother,” He snickered to himself as Daryl’s ears twitched backwards, a short exhale giving away his irritation. Daryl was only a few years younger, but Merle still insisted on using that god-awful title just to see his eye twitch. But that was Merle. He lived to torment. “We’re just a-wanderin’ ‘round like a couple o’ dumb bitches,”
    “Ahh, shut up” His voice was huskier and of a much more appropriate volume.
    “Wha’? I’m just sayin’ you’re losing this so-called ‘tracker touch’ o’ yours. Thought we’d be been ‘n gone ‘n hour ago by the ways you was talkin’ about’it,”

    Daryl had been through Meteor Falls more times than he could count back when he’d been in the possession of the hunter. They’d often come searching for Lunatone to sell on to collectors too lazy to do the work themselves. They were often successful too, but back then they’d had the advantage of a heavy-duty flashlight and a pretty, little Espeon with the move Flash. Daryl still caught himself thinking of Beth every now and then.

    “Heelloo? Earth t’Daryl?”

    Daryl started, unaware of how long he’d been lost to his thoughts as he found his path suddenly blocked by the darkened figure of Merle. He didn’t need the light to see his brother smirking. There was a pause as Daryl resigned himself to honesty.
    “…It’s just a little hard to ‘member is all,” He admitted half-sheepishly, brushing it off with a shrug of powerful shoulders. He had a rough recollection of the various passages of the falls, but time had distorted the memory to an increasingly unreliable state. The dark, whilst unthreatening to the hound, did succeed in making his job a whole lot harder. He gave a snort. “Instincts ain’t failed me bef-“
    “Oh for fu-“ Merle cut himself off as he turned away with a burst of flames erupting from strong-set jaws, the fire momentary illuminating the horrors that lurked before them. Splashes of blood on the ground – old, Daryl noted – and the sloppy remains of some poor fool, the smell of decay intermingled with that of the undead. “There,” Merle announced victoriously, watching as the Incinerate attack collided just to the right of an archway giving way to a connecting cave. “You’re welcome,”

    Daryl merely rolled his eyes. He’d let Merle have his moment in the spotlight, but there was going to be an argument if he kept pushing the matter. He doubted Merle could find his own bloody tail.
    “C’mon,” Merle gave his brother a good-natured shove, a playful gesture between the brothers but quite capable of bruising a weaker individual. “I’m fuckin’ starved,”
    “You’re always starved, Merle,” Daryl grumbled through a grin, stalking on ahead of Merle’s dirty cackle of a laugh.    

    (( My boys are in the adjoining cave, fast-approaching the one where everyone’s characters currently are. They’ll probably run into Taph, Adulin and Alice first, unless anyone feels it would be better the other way around? I’ll have them alone for at least one more turn though. c: ))
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    Age : 29
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    (ELITE) The METEOR Team  Empty Re: (ELITE) The METEOR Team

    Post by Kaze Wed Jul 30, 2014 6:56 am

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    Deep within Meteor Falls }|{ Time Unknown }|{  [29]

    "I'm a Fairy type, yes..." The pretty white pokemon said. You can both come with me, if you like. I'm just passing through here to get to the next city. I'm sure that there is safety in numbers and ... well, I'd adore the company."
    She smiled sweetly at them both and Taph's eyes started to water.
    "T-The book said that F-Faires were the most beautiful pokemon in the world." Taph said with a little smile of his own.
    "M- my name is Alduin, nice lady. What's your's?" The little fire lizard smiles, nearly jumping for joy with a wide grin spreading across his tangerine scaled face.
    "I'm Taph!" The Riolu quickly says.
    He backs away from the flame at the end of the Charmander's tail, trying to keep his body shrouded in shadows.
    He runs his paws over each other rapidly, rubbing hard at the cold silver lump on the back of his paw.
    He's thirsty and tired and his body still aches from his fall but what he wants the most right now is for someone to hold him.
    His mother never hugged him. She had better pups without the pathetic twist in the spine to tend to.
    Sometimes he liked to imagine someone would hold him like that, that they would look at him with the same gentle smile the fairy had when she looked at Alduin.
    "M-My trainer said that fairies were magical pokemon that kept people safe b-but I don't think the magic will work on me." Taph sniffs and starts to cry again.
    He tries to wipe away the tears with the back of paw but they keep coming.
    He gives up trying to act brave and starts to openly cry. His tail whips between his legs as he curls up. The bend to his back from his terrified hunch makes him look deformed.
    He presses his paws against his eyes, baring his furless arm. The puncture mark from his bite oozes dark red blood across the bare wrinkled skin. His stubby claws dig into the skin of his forehead as he curls up.
    Taph doesn't have the tears to properly cry anymore. He just makes a pathetic dry choking sound in the back of his throat as he struggles to breathe. His tiny shoulders shake violently with every half-cough, half-whimper until he is completely silent with teeth clenched so tight his gums start to bleed.
    It really is a fairy but they're too late...

    Age : 29
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    (ELITE) The METEOR Team  Empty Re: (ELITE) The METEOR Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Aug 03, 2014 1:04 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Deep within Meteor Falls | Current Time Unknown
    B'doke 4 | Riley 4

    The Raichus small fingers roughly grip the grey fur of B'doke's leg. She had surprised the new guy and Pokemon did weird things when frightened. The Delectroke had trained her to be strong but not that strong that she felt confident in the fuzzy hounds presence. Long tail wrapping tighter around her companions leg Riley feels him stiffen beneath its grasp. Was he.. worried? "And here I thought you were some big ol' hardass, man." The Lightening Pokemon gives a soft chuckle, a clear smile on his impossible-to-see face,  "Nah man, gotta have my girl with me." His mighty head reaches down and gently grips the mouse's scruff, grasp firm though teeth soft. Picking her up he tosses the smaller Pokemon on his back with ease, feeling her shift back into a normal riding position with paws wrapped around his neck.

    Jaws parting to speak all three of the Pokemon are silent as a sound echos through the cave. What is that? Distant noises come to ear that are vaguely familiar. There are more Pokemon in this cave? He shouldn't be surprised; some Pokemon spend their entire lives in caves. Yet to hear what sounded like voices seemed completely foreign in this world of darkness. "We should probably get moving, then. I'm pretty sure you can hear what I do. There must be others here; we can't just leave them without investigating." He nods, momentarily forgetting they are in pitch darkness. "Right, lets move." The massive canine falls in step behind the Arcanine. If, for whatever reason, his head needed to be a Raichu protection shield, he was ready.

    "And to you, little lady." Instinctively the Raichu ducks as she is addressed, pressing close to B'doke's shoulders once more. "I'm sure you heard me introduce myself, but I will again for your benefit; name's Gale. I didn't even realize you were there, else I would have addressed you too." Taking a breath in Riley plans for a simple hello but instead finds herself rapidly spouting words. "Im sorry I would of said something before but you kinda surprised me and were talking to B'doke so I was quiet I didn't mean it!" There is a small pause as she takes in another breath, "My names Riley nice to meet you!" Peaking around the Delectroke's head the Raichu lets sparks fly from her cheeks, showing her appearance to the Arcanine if he cared to look. The scarf around her neck tugs, feeling unusually tight as she tries to breathe easier. What was she so nervous about? Maybe he wasn't such a bad guy!

    Riley's wide ears quiver and there is a faint rumble or roar sound, her smile fading rapidly before the sparks do. "What was.. that?" The hound gives a hitch and she shifts into a forward looking position again. "I'd rather not find out." B'doke says quickly, hurrying along. Did something follow us in here? It would of been easy for it to follow the light they had been making. Including just now. Choking on the thought Riley rests her chin on B'doke's head and listens closely for the voices. Though they are more clear now she is distracted by two things. Worry for the possibility of being followed and a blip of light.. "Do you guys see that?" It almost seemed like something was.. in front of it.

    Age : 31
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    (ELITE) The METEOR Team  Empty Re: (ELITE) The METEOR Team

    Post by Nightfall Mon Aug 04, 2014 1:13 pm

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    Deep within Meteor Falls/??? (3)

    "Y- yes!" the Charmander replied, all past worries obviously forgotten as he bounced to his feet. His smile made Alice's heart feel so warm. "M- my name is Alduin, nice lady. What's your's?" Blushing a little, the Gardevoir lifted her hand to her mouth and giggled. "Why, thank you! My name is Alice. It's a pleasure!"

    She looked down to the Riolu, who was looking at her with wide, wet eyes. "T-The book said that F-Faires were the most beautiful pokemon in the world." Alice was sure that if she blushed any more she'd start glowing. It wasn't every day she received such lovely compliments.

    They're lying. You're ugly and you know it.

    The Riolu then replied that his name was Taph. Satisfied that they were ready, Alice stood up, but Taph sniffed again and pressed himself against the shadows. "M-My trainer said that fairies were magical pokemon that kept people safe b-but I don't think the magic will work on me."

    What does he--? Alice pressed both her hands to her mouth in dumbstruck shock as Taph curled up and started to weep. Completely at loss of what to do, Alice could only stand in awkward silence and hope that he'd either stop or Alduin would step in for her. This was not what she was expecting. Hadn't her duty been to calm these two young ones and lead them to safety? Now here she was, standing there like an idiot, while one of them wept his heart out.


    Not sure whether she was referring to herself or to the crying Fighting-type in front of her, Alice sighed. Do something! Slowly she knelt, reached out her hands and stopped dead, frozen in shock.

    The light from Alduin's tail momentarily flickered over Taph's wrist. Alice felt cold horror freezing her blood. Oh Arceus ... he's infected. There was no mistaking it; that purple bite was an infected wound. Alice suddenly felt inexplicably repulsed by the sniveling Riolu, as though he'd become a slug in the blink of an eye. But I can't... She forced her hands to move, grasping Taph underneath his arms. I can't just leave him.

    Don't touch him. He's a demon.
    "There now..." Alice managed a quivering smile as she stood Taph back on his feet, her hand gently wiping his eye. "Come on, dry those tears. There's nothing to worry about! You have friends now. And you know what? All three of us are going to get out of here, head to town and find something nice to eat. What do you say?" She tilted her head as she waited for a response from either of them, holding Taph by the shoulders at her eye level, and smiling. Look at him ... he's not a demon at all.

    You're right ... you're the only demon around here.

    Last edited by Nightfall on Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 29
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    (ELITE) The METEOR Team  Empty Re: (ELITE) The METEOR Team

    Post by Snitch Mon Aug 04, 2014 2:40 pm

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    Deep Within Meteor Falls || Unknown [2]

    The adjoining cave was no different from the last. The same smothering darkness cradled them, the consistency of their newfound blindness completely relentless. It was naïve to expect anything less.


    Daryl’s voice was a hushed command, the Direyena stopping dead in his tracks as he lowered his head to the ground, nostrils flaring in search of answers. Life as a tracker had certainly paid off for the canine. There were very few species he hadn’t encountered and now, he was working diligently to identity several scents that simply didn’t belong. These creatures weren’t native to the caves and lacked the overpowering scent of rot, suggesting things Daryl was reluctant to believe.

    “Walkers?” Merle questioned. Whilst he never refrained from making a jibe at his sibling’s fixation on scents – old habits die hard – he did truly admire the canine’s gift. It was useful, often impressive, but Merle would never admit that.
    “No. Survivors. A group, I think,”
    “A group? “ Merle couldn’t help but snort disbelieving, restraining laughter at the absurdity of the idea. “Get outta here!” Sure they had encountered small bands of survivors in the past, but they had been confined almost exclusively to the cities. Meteor Falls was the last place he expected the living to set up camp. It was practically suicidal.

    The smaller Direyena stalked forward, eyes fixated on the ground as he sought out any further evidence of what the scents suggested. Blood splatter, urine, corpses, footprints, tears?. Daryl hadn’t anticipated that. Small droplets where the rocks darkened, and darker still were drops of blood. He was sure there was a slight sharpness to it, but it was weak enough to dismiss. He had a species now.
    “Riolu,” He announced finally, confident in his judgement. “Possibly injured. Probably scared,” Merle only replied with an amused snort, watching bemusedly as Daryl proceeded to scent the air once more. “And a fire-type. Others too,”
    “You sure you ain’t making this shit up?” Daryl subconsciously mimicked Merle’s wolfish grin, trotting forward into the gloom with his brother in tow.

    He wasn’t sure if he was simply curious to this onslaught of scents or quietly excited at the prospect of encountering fellow survivors. He settled on the former option. They had never been good at keeping company, but that didn’t matter. They didn’t need anyone else.

    “Son-of-a bitch,” Merle chuckled disbelievingly, trying to muffle the surprise in his voice as his eyes locked onto an orange glow just ahead of them. A flame. “Fuckin’ fire type,” He had to hand it to Daryl, he had one hell of a nose on him.
    “It’s a Charmander – too small to be anythin’ else,” The two had stopped at a good distance, fixated on the warm light and the dim scene it revealed. It was hard to distinguish, the creatures little more than shadowy silhouettes, but there were three in total. Another small creature, cowering on the ground – the Riolu, Daryl presumed – and a tall, bipedal specimen.

    “That’s a Gardevoir,” Merle had crept forward several paces, powerful body crouching close to the ground. The shadows cloaked him nicely, Daryl equally as suited to the darkness as he caught up – instinctively adopting a hunting formation and occupying a space several metres to his sibling’s left. “She’s a pretty lookin’ thing…”
    “Ssh,” Daryl hushed him, conscious of their approach and the unrelenting volume of Merle’s voice. His brow was furrowed lightly. His senses insisted that there were more than the three presences he saw and he remained reluctant to dismiss them so flippantly. It could be an ambush.

    Merle, however had different ideas.

    “All three of us are going to get out of here, head to town and find something nice to eat. What do you say?"

    “Sounds like a dream, sweet’eart,”

    The larger Direyena purred in answer to the female’s question, strolling towards the trio and gradually allowing the light to fall onto his gnarled features. He wore a wicked grin, red eyes shamelessly running over the Gardevoir’s body. Ain’t half bad.

    “Y’know, you sure got your ‘ands full with these littl’uns though,” He stopped close enough to invade their space, far off enough to avoid a fist to the face. “Ask nicely and I’ll do y’all a favour – I mean, you seem like nice folk n’all. I can get you outta these caves,”

    “But you,” Merle suddenly snapped at the distraught Riolu, the quiet sobs already threatening the canine with a headache. “You needs to stop your cryin’, kiddo. Don’t want them monsters to come getcha, do ya?”

    (( Sod it, I saw an opportunity to jump into the group so I’m taking it! Hope nobody minds too much. I’m sure everyone will still have the same dislike/distrust of my boys regardless of them appearing sooner than expected, haha. Just to let you know, Daryl’s still standing a little ways off so will be pretty hard to see in the darkness. ))
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    (ELITE) The METEOR Team  Empty Re: (ELITE) The METEOR Team

    Post by Kaze Fri Aug 08, 2014 1:06 am

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    Deep within Meteor Falls }|{ Time Unknown }|{  [30]

    Taph's breath caught in his throat, coming out as a horrible strangled wheeze and he struggled to breathe. His skinny shoulders trembled convulsively as his sobs turned into a retch. His insides ache deeply and for one horrible moment he's sure he's going to throw up his insides.
    Forcibly he tried to stop himself from trembling.
    He hated being so scared all the time. He hated it!
    When he felt a light touch on his arms he flinched, expecting to be hit, but instead he was carefully lifted onto his feet.
    "There now..." A soft hand lightly brushed away the wetness from his cheek. "Come on, dry those tears. There's nothing to worry about! You have friends now. And you know what? All three of us are going to get out of here, head to town and find something nice to eat. What do you say?""
    The Fairy's smile is bright enough to light up the whole cave. Taph feels tears welling up inside him once again as he presses his face into Alice's chest. His mangy furred arms wrap around her shoulders as he lays his head on her chest.
    "I don't want to die." Taph whimpers quietly. "I don't want to be dead."
    “Sounds like a dream, sweet’eart,” A menacing voice growls from the darkness and Taph tightens his grip, nearly impaling himself on the red protruding horn of the Gardevoir's chest. His cerulean fur raises in a panic.
    Illuminated by the light of the fire the shape Taph saw came straight out of a picture book. Grizzled grey features turned flickering orange by the tail light, red eyes that nearly seemed to glow and a pair of high arched horns coming to lethal looking points.
    "A-Alice?" The Charmander holds his flaming tail in front of himself, like a security blanket or a ward as he looks up at the Gardevoir with eyes filled with fear.
    “Y’know, you sure got your ‘ands full with these littl’uns though,” The thing spoke, taking a few easy steps forwards. “Ask nicely and I’ll do y’all a favour – I mean, you seem like nice folk n’all. I can get you outta these caves,” Taph didn't like the look in its red eyes.
    “But you, ” It turned towards Taph, showing sharp fangs as it snarled at him. Taph yelped in surprise.
    “You needs to stop your cryin’, kiddo. Don’t want them monsters to come getcha, do ya?”
    The little Riolu pressed his head against the Gardevoir's shoulder and closed his eyes tightly. His shoulders began to tremble again but he manages to stop himself from crying out loud. Maybe this was all a dream, maybe it would go away.
    His lips started to move in a frantic but near silent whispered mantra to try and still the quivering in his bones.

    Age : 29
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    (ELITE) The METEOR Team  Empty Re: (ELITE) The METEOR Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Aug 12, 2014 5:57 pm

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    Deep within Meteor Falls | Current Time Unknown
    B'doke 5 | Riley 5

    A pair of emerald eyes squint hard at the flicker of color. It could just be a trick of the eye but for all of them to see it.. "Either that or we've all gone crazy." He barks lightly though the humor is missing from his tone. "Come on." The drum of paws grows louder as the powerful canines rush toward the only visible things in the expanse of darkness. What could it be, a crack in the ceiling, a bioluminescent mushroom? The massive hound drills the possibilities in his mind when he finds himself close enough to the shines source to make it out. A.. Charmander? The child is teary-eyed and horrified all the same, blue (or so he thought) gaze wide behind his tail flame. B'doke had not been expecting that.

    The Delectroke skid to a hard stop a few feet earlier then he had expected. The Raichu on his back grips harder, swaying slightly from the force. A small shower of pebbles spurt from his paws, falling before not just the Charmander but several other Pokemon. A Gardevoir and Riolu, and what seemed to be a strange Mightyena or two also stood before them. Taking a deep breath B'doke near chokes on the tension about these Pokemon. What had they just waltzed in to? "What's going on here?" Gale orders, taking charge o the situation despite not knowing the details.
    B'doke parts his jaws to speak only to be interrupted by a, "A tail flame, what a great idea!" Sometimes.. she had the worst timing. Releasing his breath as a silent but heavy sigh the canine lets his gaze sweep over the Pokemon, taking in as much as he can in the dim orange glow. These children are frightened.. did they get lost in here with their.. foster mother, friend? Or did the Mightyenas scare them.. Flicking his ears so Riley will keep quiet this time the Delectroke speaks up, "So what seems to be the problem?"

    Between B'doke and Gale Riley feels confident enough to clamber off her perch. The difference in heat between warm yellow fur and the cold ground sends a shiver through her paws and up her spine. If only that flame was a bit bigger.. Riley puffs up her fur, ignoring the chill as best she can. There was new faces to greet, she had no time to be cold! Smiling at the children her expression instantly dims, "Why are you so sad looking?" She gasps, looking first to the Riolu, then the Charmander. There was no reason to cry!

    Age : 31
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    (ELITE) The METEOR Team  Empty Re: (ELITE) The METEOR Team

    Post by Nightfall Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:27 pm

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    Deep within Meteor Falls/??? (4)

    "Sounds like a dream, sweet'eart."

    It was as though a switch had been flipped in Alice's brain; the switch that turned the fog on and off. All previous joy and comfort that the Gardevoir was feeling was instantly sucked out as the owner of the voice appeared. He looked a little like a Mightyena, but larger and boasting a pair of curved horns on his head. Alice scowled, her previously bright eyes now carrying a shadow over them as the dog padded forward, the air around him screaming trouble.

    Ring ring

    "Y'know, you sure got your 'ands full with these littl'uns though," he purred, stopping a short distance away. Alice had to strain to hear him over the telephone. "Ask nicely and I'll do y'all a favour – I mean, you seem like nice folk n'all. I can get you outta these caves." She did hear that part, but her demeanor didn't alter in the slightest. Her eyes narrowed at the canine dangerously, her arm wrapping itself around Taph's middle as he hugged her.

    "We don't need help," she stated, her voice low and holding little emotion. "I know the way out." That wasn't entirely true - she knew that there was a second exit, but not where it was located. Still, if it was enough to get this mutt away from her and the children, she'd lie until she was bound for Hell.
    Already got you a ticket.

    "But you," the dog then snapped at Taph as he buried himself into her shoulder. Alice felt her nerves begin to flare. "You needs to stop your cryin', kiddo. Don't want them monsters to come getcha, do ya?"


    "YOU LEAVE THE CHILD ALONE," Alice hollered over the roar of the telephone. Why didn't it seem to be bothering any of them? "YOU'RE JUST A BULLY IF YOU THINK YOU CAN-- SHUT UP!" That did the trick - the ringing stopped, leaving the whispers of an echo in the back of her head. Alice cleared her throat and continued, much quieter but no less maliciously. "I meant to say ... you're nothing more than a vile bully if you can only pick on the children." Her face was livid, mirroring the disgust she felt for the dog at that moment. "We don't need your 'help' or your bullying. Now get lost."

    ((Alice isn't actually shouting - just speaking really loudly, lol. Y'know when you shout when you're wearing headphones? It's like that))

    Age : 29
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    (ELITE) The METEOR Team  Empty Re: (ELITE) The METEOR Team

    Post by Snitch Thu Aug 14, 2014 2:33 pm

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    Deep Within Meteor Falls || Unknown [3]

    "We don't need help. I know the way out."

    “Hoo-eee,” Merle snickered, half impressed as he mockingly winced away from the Gardevoir’s blunt dismissal. “Ice queen,” He chuckled again, a dirty throaty laugh that bounced off the cave walls. This girl was fierce. She wasn’t just another ditsy, little petal to play with – no, this psychic had a backbone, and a real way with words. Merle liked her for it immediately. Dang, I think I’m in love.

    However, he wasn’t prepared for the explosion that followed.


    Completely taken off guard, Merle couldn’t help but flinch away from the verbal onslaught. Sure, there wasn’t a whole lot of finesse in her choice of vocabulary but the message was as apparent as the passion fuelling it.
    “Wow, wow there, toots!” The Direyena tried in vain to hush her, unable to hide the grin still playing on his lips. No doubt that little outburst would attract the wrong company, but that wasn’t going to be Merle’s problem. Then again, if her bark was even remotely as strong as her bite, then this mama could take on the legends themselves. But fortunately, she calmed enough to reiterate a cold, more precise and significantly quieter verdict.  

    "I meant to say ... you're nothing more than a vile bully if you can only pick on the children. We don't need your 'help' or your bullying. Now get lost."

    Merle quirked a brow, thoroughly entertained at the volatility of this stranger as he heard her out. Bit of a nutcase this one. The poor kids didn’t know what they were getting themselves into. A kinder creature might have reached out to them and spared them the brunt of living alongside an unstable mind... But Merle didn’t like kids. And Merle also found the whole situation rather hilarious. There was nothing more to do than keep prodding the time-bomb.
    “Aww, you’re killin’ me, darlin’” He briefly held a paw to his chest for emphasis, his feigned upset obvious to even a blind man. Acting had never been his forte, yet it had never discouraged him before. “’Sides, I ain’t no bully – just lookin’ out for ‘em is all. I means, you’re not exactly the best role model with all your hollerin’ 'n all. Who knows who heard that?”

    "What's going on here?"

    The Direyena spun around to the sight of an Arcanine towering above him with a face like stone. Annoyed that he hadn’t been aware of the canine’s presence beforehand, Merle’s smirk was quickly replaced by a heavy frown.
    “I don’t think I likes your tone, boy,” It was a comment more standoffish than usual; the canine skimming past his mocking rebuttals to hurtle straight into the midst of aggression. Perhaps it was being caught off guard that did it? Perhaps it was an underlying dislike of those who dwarfed him, a dislike of fire-types or simply those who stuck there noses in other people’s business? Whatever it was, Merle had made his position known.

    "So what seems to be the problem?"

    Merle broke eye contact with the Arcanine only for a moment, specifically to size up the second speaker. Another large canine. The species’ name escaped him, but it was irrelevant – facts would never win a battle. Merle could take them, his ego unfaltering as ever.

    “Oh, there’s no problem,” He replied with mocking zeal. “Just a couple o’ pricks here putting their noses where they don’t belong,” The Direyena snapped, temper inflamed at being questioned by two strangers. He didn’t owe them answers. I don’t owe them nothin’.

    Standing his ground in the face of a situation he had no doubt made uglier, Merle was daring the mutts to make the first move.

    Daryl had been watching proceedings from the safety of the shadows, unwilling to waste his breath on Merle’s exploits whilst growing increasingly impatient with the exchange. What was the point? Merle wasn’t trying to make friends – he never did. He just wanted to waste time by running his mouth off. Daryl was used to the process by now, but his tolerance was wearing thin in this particular setting. He wanted to be rid of these caves as soon as possible and his brother was making a simple goal a lot more complicated.

    Part of him hoped the Gardevoir would give in to temptation and just pop Merle in the jaw. Asshole really deserves it sometimes.

    But she didn’t, she started shouting and unwittingly drew out a trio of strangers.

    Although perfectly aware that Merle could hold his own in the event of violence, Daryl was made uneasy at the sudden increase in opponents. He knew there had been others in these caves and now they were revealing themselves. An Arcanine, Manectric and what looked like a large rodent in the gloom. He was uneasy. His disinterest was history, a quiet concern now moving to the forefront of his mind as the Direyena quickly stalked closer to the scene.

    Merle was running his mouth, looking for a fight as usual and Daryl was ready to help his ass escape it. But these canines – they looked powerful. Was it really worth losing a limb for the sake of Merle’s idea of fun? Daryl thought not.

    Strong legs carried him closer to the stand-off, body still lost in the shadows as he lingered to the side of the newcomers. He didn’t want to fight – not in these conditions – but were it to come to blows, he wanted a good vantage point. He had Merle’s back.

    Still, it was worth a try at dispelling the overwhelming tension.
    “Back off,” Daryl’s voice was husky, though naturally soft to lessen the bite of the order. There was a power behind the words, an intensity that he achieved without the need to raise his voice. In fact, intense seemed the very epitome of the canine. “No one needs to get hurt here,” He spoke to Merle as much as he did the strangers and Merle knew it.
    "When'd you lose ya balls, baby brother?" Merle sneered, a chuckle only slightly lessening the insult. There was no doubt that he was enjoying this; it was written all over his face. He was practically begging the fire-type to take a swing.
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    Age : 29
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    (ELITE) The METEOR Team  Empty Re: (ELITE) The METEOR Team

    Post by Kaze Sun Aug 17, 2014 5:08 am

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    Deep within Meteor Falls }|{ Time Unknown }|{  [31]

    Taph clung tightly to the Gardevoir's shoulders and tried to wish the scary pokemon into non-existence. Maybe if he believed hard enough Alice could make them disappear.
    "We don't need help. I know the way out." Alice says coolly. She holds him close just like his trainer did, back when he still had a trainer.
    Taph keeps his eyes closed and believes in Alice.
    “Hoo-eee. Ice queen.” The evil-looking dog chuckles.
    "YOU LEAVE THE CHILD ALONE." Alice says loudly. It's not even an angry shout, just a sudden change in volume.
    Taph tightens his grip on her shoulders.
    Taph flinches and his shoulders start to tremble at the last remark. He tries to stop his breathing from being so loud.
    I meant to say ... you're nothing more than a vile bully if you can only pick on the children. We don't need your 'help' or your bullying. Now get lost."
    ’Sides, I ain’t no bully – just lookin’ out for ‘em is all. I means, you’re not exactly the best role model with all your hollerin’ 'n all. Who knows who heard that?"
    The dog's voice is all playful, even though the Fairy had told him to leave. The Riolu tightly squeezes Alice's shoulder for bravery.
    Taph takes a deep breath. Alice wasn't angry at him. He could be brave like she was.
    "I-If you keep being mean to Miss Alice I'm going to bite you!" He tries to growl but it comes out as a high-pitched yelp instead.
    He tries to glare through the film of tears he is trying not to shed.
    He has to be brave. Crying won't save them. He has to stand up for himself sometimes.

    All of a sudden it seemed his desperate prayers for help had been answered. A larger dog but one that seemed almost heroic with bright orange fur and a fluffy mane was coming out of the tunnel.
    "What's going on here?" It demands and the scary dog turns towards it.
    “I don’t think I likes your tone, boy,” It growls and the fluffy orange dog narrows its eyes.
    "So what seems to be the problem?" Says another dog, all sleek and yellow furred is standing beside the fluffy dog. It also looks like a hero and there is a Raichu on its back.
    “Oh, there’s no problem,” The scary dog says mockingly. Can't they see he was a bad guy? “Just a couple o’ pricks here putting their noses where they don’t belong,”
    "It sure doesn't look to me like we were the ones being pricks, considering the expression of the Gardevoir, I'd say she would be more than happy to have us as allies and you two bugger off." Taph feels a growing sensation of lightness in his heart. They're going to be saved!

    Another scary dog he hadn't even noticed until now moves and Taph jumps.
    “Back off,”  It growls, not to the hero dog but to the other scary dog.
    “No one needs to get hurt here,”
    "When'd you lose ya balls, baby brother?" The scary dog says, the mocking hint of his tone something familiar to the little Riolu.
    "I'm not wasting my energy; two scumbags like you taunting children and a woman for seemingly no reason aren't even worth my time," The fluffy dog growled back and turned with a kinder look in his eyes towards the Fairy.
    "Are you alright, miss? Did these two do anything to you? Other than piss you off."
    Taph can't find his words, his tongue seems to stuck to the roof of his mouth. Numbly he shakes his head.
    "Why are you so sad looking?" The Raichu walks towards them with fur all puffed up. Alduin clings close to Alice's dress and Taph sniffs, unable to think of what to say.
    "I don't want Miss Alice to go." He manages to say in a choked whisper. ""The scary dogs will kill me."

    Age : 29
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    (ELITE) The METEOR Team  Empty Re: (ELITE) The METEOR Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Aug 21, 2014 5:36 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Deep within Meteor Falls | Current Time Unknown
    B'doke 6 | Riley 6

    "YOU LEAVE THE CHILD ALONE. YOU'RE JUST A BULLY IF YOU THINK YOU CAN-- SHUT UP!" The large Delectroke holds his ground but feels his massive head move back, putting pressure against his neck. The Gardevoir was being much louder then was necessary, and the quiet cave atmosphere only added to her inappropriate behavior. Maybe she is hard of hearing.. Making a mental note never to speak over her he swept his gaze to the more aggressive sounding Pokemon.
    “Oh, there’s no problem. Just a couple o’ pricks here putting their noses where they don’t belong,” B'doke's emerald eyes narrowed. "Talking about yourselves now, are you?" He growls, voice soft compared to the next one that rang from beside him. "It sure doesn't look to me like we were the ones being pricks, considering the expression of the Gardevoir, I'd say she would be more than happy to have us as allies and you two bugger off." While Gale may not lay it on them gentle he sure did have a way of getting his point across. Unable to suppress a grin the Electric Type is pleased to be on the Arcanine's good side.

    A second voice appears, confirming the existence of the second Dark Type, “Back off. No one needs to get hurt here." Unable to tell who exactly that was directed at B'doke furrows a brow. Well.. at least one of them seemed to have some sense. "I'm not wasting my energy; two scumbags like you taunting children and a woman for seemingly no reason aren't even worth my time," The question was, was Gale worth their time?
    "I have a feeling that we all have the same goal in mind, yes? These caverns are awfully dark and are not too fun to be in for a long period of time." The children certainly seemed upset, then again the hounds could of just scared them. Who knew. "How about we all just take a moment to relax eh? No need for things to get heated." He flicks his gaze toward the Gardevoir coddling the Riolu. If they ended up injured from this he would never forgive himself.
    The Delectroke takes a deep breath in and wonders.. how passive must he look to these Pokemon, always speaking second to his new friend? Perhaps they think of me as 'one of those huge, quiet, n dull types.' A jagged tail twitches. They could think what they wanted- he was used to it. "Are you alright, miss? Did these two do anything to you? Other than piss you off." His worn gaze softens and B'doke looks to wide-eyed Charmander, "It'll be okay."

    Much to Riley's disappointment the Charmander does not reply. However, the feeling is quickly forgotten when the sniveling Riolu does. "I don't want Miss Alice to go. The scary dogs will kill me." Miss Alice? The Gardevoir seemed to be the only other female here, that must be her! "Aww, don't cry little guy," She coos, utterly ignoring the tension-ridden canines nearby, "Turn that frown upside-down! No ones going to hurt or leave you." She smiles, though her own pelt was pricking from the hostility the Raichu failed to understand it. Hounds just made no sense to her, always squabbling and growling about things.
    "What are your names?" She asks the three friendly Pokemon. Pointing to herself with one paw the rodent gives a wide smile, "My names Riley!"

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