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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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3 posters

    Twilight The Banette {ANY}

    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilight The Banette {ANY} Empty Twilight The Banette {ANY}

    Post by Moon Moon Fri Jul 04, 2014 5:02 pm

    Twilight The Banette {ANY} HeLghVW

    Nicknames No nickname (from having no friends)
    Item(s) Soothe Bell
    Gender Female
    Age Adult
    Species #354, Banette, The Marionette Pokemon
    Height 3'07/1.1m
    Weight 27.6lbs/12.5kg
    Pokédex Entry " An abandoned plush doll became this Pokémon. It seeks the child who disowned it."
    Level 50
    Ability Frisk
    Nature Adamant
    Characteristic Somewhat of a Clown
    Moves -Shadow Sneak(Level Up.)
    -Shadow Claw (TM)
    -Phantom Force (Tutor)
    -Sucker Punch (Level Up.)
    Twilight was created in the ruins of an abandoned amusement park, made from the husk of an old puppet once used to entertain children. It had spent years as man's tool, and when it no longer had a use it was left to decay. It lay there, accumulating dust and a hatred against those people who left her behind like a piece of garbage. That said, when the warped doll finally finished forming it was essentially a child. Twilight floated through the air aimlessly, looking around at the rusting wrecks of roller coasters and Ferris wheels. The sound of someone crying, and the feeling of despair pulled the puppet towards the source like a string. Underneath a collapsed concessions stand a little Buneary was curled up sobbing to herself, concealing her face with her pink ears. Concerned, but not understanding Twilight watched unblinking for quite some time. Not long after a pair of footsteps came close enough to be heard, making the Buneary get up with a start. A pair of young boys, trainers had been chasing after the shiny pokemon for quite some time. They shouted at the rabbit excitedly but with a heavy lacing of frustration, they proclaimed how they had finally run down the rabbit and now there was nowhere to hide.

    'So they were the ones who made her cry.'

    In an instant the ghost swooped down at the boys, face contorted with a wide scream as she screeched in their faces. Effectively chasing them off, the ghost returned to hanging in the air in utter silence with a blank look once again adorning her features.

    "Well good going! I bet you scared them so bad they won't sleep properly in weeks!"

    The Shuppet stared down at the Buneary, eyes unblinking and unnerving the little bunny so again she spoke up to the ghost.

    "Uh well...Thanks? You really helped me out there. Here, have this. I bet you could use it a lot more than I do."

    So started the somewhat odd friendship the rabbit and the Twilight had. The Buneary while somewhat impish in nature, was actually very good of heart and served as a good influence on the new spirit. As they spent time together, traveling around getting into mischief and helping out other pokemon in need the puppet gradually developed more of a personality, though still retaining her old dislike of humans. In between playing pranks, the two had to dodge trainers who wanted to capture them. After several years they both evolved, The Lopunny a beautiful specimen and Twilight changing into a more mature oddity. When Twilight's appearance wasn't enough to frighten off trainers the two of them were skilled enough in their own methods of fighting, The Loppuny going for strong Jump Kicks and the Twilight attacking with shadowy powers. In worst case scenario, the two could run like the wind. Which they had to do quite often. The wandering lifestyle suited them perfectly, however. While traveling the Johto region they came across an elderly Smeargle passed out in the cold, taking her with them they brought her into their temporary shelter. When the old artist was resuscitated the Lopunny calmed her nerves when the normal type sighted the ghost. They spent the entire day talking with each other and all came to be good friends, the smeargle teaching them both unusual moves that she had come to master in the years. It was shortly after this that the two friends had a falling out, with the Lopunny running off alone into the night. Twilight spent days searching for her friend, it wasn't after she had heard rumors of some kind of 'Pokemon Mill' that she had any luck. Not that the place was in any way fortunate.

    The place was a grotesque building, a captive breeding facility for Pokemon to be sold for high prices on the market. Able to rely on her new ability to manipulate the shadows, Twilight snuck through the building and witnessed things that should not have been seen. The most horrific of which was when she discovered her friend. The first and best friend she ever had died in front of her eyes a withered husk. Taking the blood stained egg lying on the ground, the Banette left the place without another word. She left Johto, and raised the new little Buneary as her own and together they were happy. Though like his mother before him the little rabbit's fur was of a different shade, even more beautiful than that of his predecessor. As such Twilight was fiercely protective of her child, and while she tried her best to give him a perfect childhood she would never dare let the bunny from her sight. Since she very rarely, if ever slept, the ghost was able to keep her vigil. When the frequency of trainer attacks started to increase, Twilight picked up her wandering lifestyle once more, fighting off trainer pokemon while seeking a safe place to raise her child.

    While in the Orre region, they came across a terrifying sight. Pokemon without emotion, acting as soldiers while their trainers watched on with glee. As one of the few wild pokemon in the region, hordes of trainers sent these creatures out in pursuit of the banette and her child so that they could be added to their collections. These foes were difficult for the Banette to defeat, and after weeks of fighting it grew to be too much for her and she collapsed in the middle of a battle. When she awoke, she had been taken in at some sort of facility that she couldn't identify. There was an ID tag attached to her arm with a picture of a human's face on it, apparently marking her as claimed. The Banette of course promptly ignored it and freed herself of her bindings, slipping into shadow to avoid being seen while she escaped. Scouring the inside of the building, it was all she could do to keep out of sight, and despite her best efforts, she couldn't find her son in the building. Having no choice but to flee, she left the building in the hopes that her child hadn't been captured, or perhaps escaped. It was a futile hope at best, and it wasn't long until the banette decided that she had to turn the tables on her human stalkers if she wanted to succeed.

    It was tricky, for a pokemon so used to running away to change to hiding in plain sight. Thankfully her Arceus given abilities lent themselves to this task, and she frequently haunted town squares, hiding herself in the shadows of buildings while she watched the daily going ons of its inhabitants. Humans were braggarts, self-conceited and pompous to the last one of them. She saw all kinds of rare and powerful pokemon shown off in trainer battles, but never her dear emerald buneary. No matter what town she went to, secluded villages, big cities, resorts for the rich and powerful, she never got wind of anyone having a shiny pet rabbit that they liked to parade around. A year or so went on of this, but Twilight was nowhere near close to giving up. However, one day that seemed no different than any other erupted into horror. She was hiding in the shadows, just like she always did, when an enormous jet of water launched out from the edge of town and landed in the middle of a crowd of people. Screaming and sound of flesh being torn from bone quickly rang out, and it wasn't long until the peaceful spring day decayed into a bloodbath. More and more rotting beasts came out from the hills to go after the survivors, ripping and tearing without mercy. Men, women, and children were disemboweled and while the banette watched on with apathy. Why should she pity these selfish creatures who took her son away? That was a question she didn't even bother to ask, and when the undead legion left in search of new prey, she got out of her hiding place and ran in the opposite direction.

    It has been over 5 years now since then, and she severely doubts the boy is still alive. Still she searches, having no other point to her continued existence.

    Appearance She's a bit over 3 feet tall, lean looking, and has the typical Banette features of being made of fabric and having a big head with a ribbon trailing off, and strange claw-like hands. Around her neck is a pink ribbon choker, with a soothe bell affixed to it. Her fabric is a dark maroon color that's a subtle change from the conventional Banette palette. Unusual patterns are in the textile that composes her skin, that swirl and have triangular shapes. Has an unusual red swirling eye. She can normally be found smiling, although rarely ever a genuine one.

    Personality Pros:Paitent||Loyal
    User Notes
    -History and Personality have been completely retconned combining the original Marionette WIP I had earlier, original Profile can be found Here.
    -Partially Based off of The Puppet from Five Nights at Freddy's 2.
    -Was taught Phantom Force by her Smeargle friend who had learned the move themselves naturally, via sketching it.
    -Stole the TM for Shadow Claw from a travelling trainer when she came across them, figuring out how to use the item through watching humans use them.

    Last edited by Moon Moon on Sun Oct 15, 2017 2:36 am; edited 9 times in total
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilight The Banette {ANY} Empty Re: Twilight The Banette {ANY}

    Post by Moon Moon Sun May 17, 2015 3:39 pm

    Move to the main computer for approval please

    Posts : 1265

    Twilight The Banette {ANY} Empty Re: Twilight The Banette {ANY}

    Post by Victini Tue May 19, 2015 3:25 am

    The admins are currently discussing this profile; I'll get back to you once we've made a decision.


    Twilight The Banette {ANY} VictiniTwilight The Banette {ANY} TGJeE
    The Victory Pokemon

    Profile Admin & Team Sheet Manager

    Posts : 1265

    Twilight The Banette {ANY} Empty Re: Twilight The Banette {ANY}

    Post by Victini Fri May 22, 2015 7:10 am

    Twilight The Banette {ANY} RGgji6G

    Twilight has been placed on the Burned Team and is sixth in the post cycle.


    Twilight The Banette {ANY} VictiniTwilight The Banette {ANY} TGJeE
    The Victory Pokemon

    Profile Admin & Team Sheet Manager
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilight The Banette {ANY} Empty Re: Twilight The Banette {ANY}

    Post by Moon Moon Tue Sep 12, 2017 12:18 am

    Hey, I think I'll give this old girl another try. Move this post to the main computer, please.

    [btw I think she counts for a shiny now, because purple]

    Posts : 3650

    Twilight The Banette {ANY} Empty Re: Twilight The Banette {ANY}

    Post by Mewtwo Sat Oct 14, 2017 12:35 pm

    So sorry for the delay, I have been in and out of safehouse lately due to being positively buried at work.

    Yes the new appearance would warrant a shiny ticket, not just for the color but the patterns also take away from normal appearance.

    Shadow Force is a move that will not be allowed as it is exclusive to Giratina, and one event exclusive Arceus. For even the Smeargle to have learned it they would have had to encounter Giratina, survive, and have had enough time to Sketch the move. Which given the Pokemon canon that is extremely unlikely. I was wondering if you meant Phantom Force? I know that one is a legal move for Banette.

    As far as encountering Shadow Pokemon in Orre, as that is what I inferred from the way the paragraph was written, Shadow Pokemon were exclusive dealt out to trainers by the team Cipher. Wild Pokemon hadn't been seen in years in Orre at that time and were barely starting to come back. They would not have simply knocked out a wild Banette, it would have been captured upon defeat and taken to Cipher right away to be converted as well. Plus no one but one Orre canon character, another character with a machine, and Pokemon able to see auras can see the shadows cloaking a Shadow Pokemon. That is their aura which is why the game required the two main characters to have a way to see it. Banette would not be able to see the shadow around it.

    Lastly there is no mention of the Epidemic anywhere in the profile and that is kind of important. How did they first encounter the Epidemic? What makes them think the child is still alive in this new world? How have they survived this long? These things might help the history feel less like it trails off at the end. For a little help keep in mind the events in Pokemon XD took place roughly a year before the Epidemic first hit if you still want to use the Orre reference.

    Please revise and let me know when you would like me to review again. I will get to it promptly next time.


    Twilight The Banette {ANY} 3Br5nS6

    Twilight The Banette {ANY} ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotTwilight The Banette {ANY} UugYyDK
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilight The Banette {ANY} Empty Re: Twilight The Banette {ANY}

    Post by Moon Moon Sun Oct 15, 2017 2:27 am

    Shadow Force was originally a typo, I meant to write Phantom Force into the moveset ^^'

    I hope the edits to her history are adequate.

    Posts : 3650

    Twilight The Banette {ANY} Empty Re: Twilight The Banette {ANY}

    Post by Mewtwo Mon Oct 16, 2017 1:27 pm

    Well done. The history flows a little better now with the additional paragraph and doesn't feel like it simply cuts off, and the changes to the Shadow Pokemon section are fine.


    Since your label is "any" you will be placed on Hearthome team as they are currently our smallest active team at only three members. You will be after NyraXerz's Zebstrika in the post cycle.


    Twilight The Banette {ANY} 3Br5nS6

    Twilight The Banette {ANY} ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotTwilight The Banette {ANY} UugYyDK

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