Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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2 posters

    The SAFARI Team


    The SAFARI Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Sun May 26, 2013 8:19 am

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    Route 48|Afternoon(2)

    The others named themselves as Sparky and Rocket Paws whilst revealing that "Rocket" apparently had some sort of damage to his head that affected his balance, causing him to continually fall.
    These Pokemon were strangely free with information, The Shadow Pokemon made a quick mental note to keep an ear open for other weaknesses.

    "Feed from them..drain them dry....just this once...blood will bring you power.."
    That did it. Once the Shadows started reasoning with him, that was the sign to stop Using.
    Slowly Rictus rose from the shadow of the Krookodile, his eye's glowing crimson in the gloom. Almost immediately the whispering began to fade, echoing hollowly into near silence.
    With an inaudible sigh of relief, The Gengar emerged completely from the ebony pool of shadow that fell behind the great desert beast.

    "Hello." He whispered, stepping into view of the trio. "Mind if I join you?"

    Age : 30
    Posts : 846

    The SAFARI Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Baloo Mon May 27, 2013 9:21 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon (9)

    Sparky twitched his ears and gaped seeing the Ghost type rise from Bino's shadow like all was well. He felt sparks crackle into his fur almost reflexively but nonetheless relaxed to be a good host. Of course you may join us given that you do not cannibalize your Pokemon brethren of course... Sparky chuckled at that last bit. He had never seen ghost types really eat anything else besides life force and dreams. He extended a paw out to show he had lined most of the room with pillows and couch cushions pulled from the couches and beds the staff had used while here. Enjoy the comfort I so freely give while here... The sun is going down and soon Darkrai will be upon us...

    ((OoC: By Darkrai he means Night xD))


    The SAFARI Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Wed May 29, 2013 11:18 am

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    Route 48|Afternoon (9)

    If Bino was a girl, he would've screamed and thrashed the Gengar with a pillow. A tiny voice in the back of his head squealed before settling and just wtf-ing right out of there. Bro how long were you there? Bino would very much like to know how long he was the host for the Ghost. He gaped and looked at Sparky like the cat had just revealed himself as the second coming of Arceus. What the fuck? Pardon my French but how come he doesn't get to submit like a lowly "omega" as your kind calls them but me and Rocket basically had to save your hide to get your name?! He should at least say that! Bino deserved an explanation... Justification for the cat's sudden welcoming if even that!


    The SAFARI Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Thu May 30, 2013 7:20 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon|Raining (8)

    Rocket Paws gaped at the sight of the Gengar. He had never in his life seen a ghost like that before! His mind ran with countless questions and his front claws twitched eagerly. Rocket just wanted to fire off questions a mile a minute and get answers back just as fast. His plans were thwarted by a sudden clap of thunder making him dive under the cushion like his tail hairs were on fire. He covered his head with his paws expecting the roof to come down on top of his fluffy head at any second. But it was just his vivid little pup imagination at work and nothing more. Good. Rocket did not want the ceiling to come down on him. That might hurt... A lot.


    The SAFARI Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Thu May 30, 2013 8:08 pm

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    Route 48| Twilight (3)

    Rictus chuckled quietly at the trio's reactions to his appearance. While the Luxray, or "Sparky" as he'd introduced himself, kept a relatively straight face, The Krookodile "Bino" had reacted quite differently.
    "Bro how long were you there?" He demanded before turning and complaining loudly to Sparky about his quick acceptance of the Gengar's presence, causing Rictus to chuckle again.
    "Ahh yes, my name." Murmured the Shadow Pokemon. "My name is Rictus and I have been here long enough to see your little tussle outside."
    "You should really be more alert to those things hiding in the darkness."

    To underline his point he then shot a Mean Look at the Nidorino that had been watching their group from the shadows in one corner of the room, freezing it in place.
    Gliding up to the frozen Poison Point Pokemon, keeping it locked in place with his Gaze, Rictus inhaled deeply, taking in the Pokemon's scent. It wasn't infected. This meant it could dream.
    Slowly his gaze turned Hypnotic as he lulled the Rhino to sleep, despite it's best efforts to stay awake.
    Once it was slumbering deeply, Rictus dove directly into it's mind with a Dream Eater, sampling the delicacies within.
    Rictus whispered to himself as the images rushed into him from the Pokemon's sleeping subconscious. "....Dreams of evolution....Of power... Nightmares of the herd that became infected..... He's all alone....Joy to sorrow....Contentment to loneliness...."
    Having gorged himself on the dreams of the Nidorino , The Gengar turned from the now restlessly sleeping victim to the others.
    "If either of Carnivores are hungry, this one will not wake for at least an hour."

    Age : 30
    Posts : 846

    The SAFARI Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Baloo Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:42 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon (10)

    Sparky chuckled slightly at Bino's antics before looking at the Nidorino curiously. It does look quite good but they are difficult to eat... Even a lion like myself enjoys a little purple rabbit. Sparky popped his paw under the Nidorino's muzzle pulling it up for him to see. Soft meat to rip through but... Sparky severed one of its horns carefully with his teeth gesturing to the oozing purple mess spilling from the lost spike. Their poison glands are hard to detect by most hungry predators making eating them an almost fatal task. If you're gonna eat some I suggest sticking to its legs and gut where its less protected to avoid poisoning.


    The SAFARI Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:13 am

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    Route 48|Afternoon (10)

    Bino growled and poked the Luxray in the side with his tail. He would not stand for this discrimination and was tempted to shake that godforsaken sense back into it. But no Bino was a good little crocodile and would hold his sharp tongue for the time being. He looked at the Nidorino curiously. Purple rabbit with soft meat... He grabbed one of its legs and squeezed it a bit feeling the tough muscle underneath. The offer itself was enticing but Bino hated being poisoned... He couldn't tell where the poison ports were in it and didn't wanna run the risk of biting into one and keeling over dead. Bino would just eat something less poisonous when it came foraging time and live.


    The SAFARI Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jun 04, 2013 3:08 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon|Raining (9)

    Rocket Paws yawned and stretched now bored. The sound of rain made his eyelids feel heavy. He shut his eyes and drifted off to sleep almost immediately. Rocket dreamed of the day he was running and immediately tried to turn to avoid that life changing fall. But he couldn't. His paws scrabbled in the dirt futilely before he plunged off the cliff. The only thing different was he fell forever. His paws flailed desperately at the air but came up empty. The undead were waiting at the bottom to eat him.

    ((OoC:Rocket's kind of struggling in his sleep against the nightmare))


    The SAFARI Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jun 04, 2013 8:18 pm

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    Route 48| Dusk(4)

    Rictus watched as Rocket tossed in his sleep. He could tell just by looking at him that it wasn't an angry or fighting nightmare, it was fear, probably a recurring dream of some past trauma or event. From what he'd heard the weasel mention about a past fall, he guessed that was the subject of this nightmare.
    Gliding over to the struggling form of the Linoone, Rictus placed his hands gently on the Pokemon's head and side, respectively. Then slowly, as if pushing through water, his hands sunk into it's body, becoming slightly translucent as he did.
    "Now," He said, closing his eyes. "Let's just step into his cerebellum and take a look."
    Then he dove into the murky, world of dreams and saw immediately the source of the Linoone's struggling.
    He was falling.... far.... no matter how he tried to run from it, he always fell.....he plummeted off a cliff.... hordes of grotesque infected waited at the bottom to devour him.....
    All this Rictus watched as it unfolded before him.
    "That's about enough of that." He declared, shifting form in the dream until he appeared as a Pigeot with plumage that matched Rictus's dark purple form and Rictus's eyes.
    Swooping down at speeds no real Pigeot could ever manage, Rictus plucked Rocket from the air mid-fall and placed him gently on solid ground.
    "The nightmare is over for now Rocket" He murmured. "Your mind will be safe in this dream until you wake"
    Comfortable that he wouldn't be returning to a nightmare, at least for now, Rictus took off up into the clouds and out of Rocket Paw's dream.

    Pulling his hands out of Rocket's body gently, Rictus blinked away the after images of the Linoone's nightmare. Changing the dreams of others without doing damage could be dangerous to him. But it was worth it for the prize he held before him. Gripped in his claws was an orb. It appeared to be made of black smoke that flashed occasionally with red light as if it contained a crimson lightning storm. Rocket's Nightmare.
    Popping it into his mouth, the Gengar sighed with pleasure as the sharp, bitter-sweet taste of the nightmare passed through him, imprinting it's events into his mind, storing the information for later use.

    ((Ooc: The cerebellum is the part of the brain that generates dreams. While in the dreams of someone else, Rictus can take pretty much whatever form he wants, as long there is nothing interfereing e.g. a powerful Psychic or Ghost-type that knows how to fight back. If Taka thinks I've overstepped some boundaries just say so and I'll change it. ))


    Age : 30
    Posts : 846

    The SAFARI Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Baloo Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:59 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon (11)

    Sparky's fur stood up hearing the thunder. He enjoyed thunderstorms. Just a true testament to his own natural energy. The raw power of destruction. His mother used to call it the fury of Zapdos and Raikou. Sparky smirked at the thought. His gods to look up to were powerful enough to decimate the Infected yet that's what bothered him. Why hadn't they? It had been one long year and there was no message from above that something was being done. Sparky growled and scraped his claws on the floor. Had they been forsaken? As a cub Sparky was told that Arceus and all Legends would never let one suffer too long without giving the means to stop it. Sparky's means was a Thunder straight to the face. But the lands were not returning as well. The world would become a wasteland if something wasn't done.


    The SAFARI Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:40 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon (11)

    Bino sat with his short fat legs crossed as best he could. Sooooo... How was life before the world went to hell in a handbasket? Bino looked at his claws. The claws that had slashed their way to Championship. He was a Champion... Yet here he was hacking and slashing at undead Pokemon like some sort of redneck. I was a Champion... It was fun being at the top ya know? The view's reeeeal nice and the ladies love ya. How bout you guys?

    ((OoC: I just realized there are no girls on this team))


    The SAFARI Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 08, 2013 7:26 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon|Raining (10)

    Rocket wagged his tail happily. Thank yoooou! He turned and ran now completely free. Rocket did not trip or stumble or falter. He just kept running. He followed the gentle hum of his mother's voice back to the pack he felt like he had kicked himself out of. His mother hugged him and his younger siblings snuggled him. Their scratchy fur hurt but Rocket didn't care! He was home even if it was just in a dream. There was nothing to eat or hurt him here. A small grin spread across the Linoone's face. Home... Mom... Siblings...


    The SAFARI Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 09, 2013 2:26 am

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    Route 48| Dusk(5)

    Sooooo... How was life before the world went to hell in a handbasket? Asked Bino as Rictus came over to float weightlessly at the edge of the light, eyes aglow. I was a Champion... It was fun being at the top ya know? The view's reeeeal nice and the ladies love ya. How bout you guys?
    A Champion. That wasn't surprising, by the look of him. Rictus was right to avoid picking a fight with him.
    "Impressive" Murmured The Gengar. "I mostly just survived. Drifting from place to place, region to region."
    Rictus didn't think it would be a particularly good idea to share his vampiric habits with these Pokemon just yet. They might feel threatened and do something stupid.
    "Now, I kill infected. Being dead myself, I find these abominations offensive and intend to destroy as many as I can until I find the source and wipe it from the face of the earth."

    Age : 30
    Posts : 846

    The SAFARI Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Baloo Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:43 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon (12)

    Sparky didn't bat an eye to Bino's question. He stretched out on his pillow and closed his eyes. Unknowingly the poor Luxray was diving into a nightmare. His mother told him to not speak of Darkrai or he would have nightmares. All of Sparky's kits running to him away from a greasy black bird. Sparky's mane immediately lit up and he blasted it with Thunder. But the bird kept coming. A deep angry caw fell from its beak and it grew larger spreading its greasy bloody wings. It snatched up one kit and swallowed it whole. Sparky couldn't listen to their terrified mews and cries of pain. He tried to move. He tried to throw himself in front of his children but nothing worked. Sparky could only watch as his kits were eaten one by one. One kit had hid itself under him and Sparky thought this horrible nightmare was now over but it wasn't. The kit looked at him with pure terror in its eyes. Why didn't you protect us daddy? Sparky opened his mouth to answer but his voice was caught in his throat. The kit mewed pitifully and went forward to its death. Sparky cried out as it did begging it to stop but it didn't until the bird snatched it up. Why...


    The SAFARI Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jun 12, 2013 7:31 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon (12)

    Bino grinned and held up his hand. "Alright we're on the same page bro! High five!" His gaze fell on Sparky next. He seemed to be battling the sleep demons as well. "Hey kitten... Calm down. Its just a dream." Bino reached out and placed his free hand that wasn't awaiting a ghostly high five and stroked the cat's head like his trainer used to do for him.

    ((OoC: I had to shorten the crap out of this post because of the coding being glitchy and weird...))

    The SAFARI Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:59 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon| Raining (11)

    Rocket rolled over and flailed all four of his legs like he was running before mumbling incoherently. He had never had nice dreams like this without a horribly disfigured face coming out of nowhere and saying "you mad bro?". Rocket roared and flailed his paws faster. He would escape the evil Epidemic and go home! Yeah...

    ((OoC: I know that feel bro...))

    The SAFARI Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jun 14, 2013 10:40 pm

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    Route 48| Dusk(6)

    Rictus chuckled softly as he floated over and slapped Bino's palm in phantom high-fave. He could get to like this big reptile. Meanwhile Sparky tossed a turned slightly in his sleep. This merited a soft sigh from Rictus as Bino attempted to calm him. It seemed everyone has some dream demons that they wrestled with. Lucky they had a guy like him around to help keep the nightmares at bay.
    Drifting over to the massive form of the sleeping lion, The Shadow Pokemon laid one had lightly on the arm Bino was using to stroke the Luxray's mane.
    "I got this one Bino" He whispered. "Let's take a look at what's got our fierce friend here so tortured"
    Placing his hand either side of the mighty cat's head, he allowed himself to flow into Sparky's subconscious like he had with Rocket and suddenly he was there.

    A litter of Shinx fled in fear from a giant, greasy looking Honchcrow, their eyes wide with fear as the great abomination swooped towards them at a horrifying speed.
    "A childhood trauma perhaps...."
    Lighting cracked the sky, sending bolt after bolt into the hideous beast, to no apparent effect.  Sparky stood there, his main alight with electric power, watching with horror as the Beast grew in size before snatching up his helpless offspring.
    "Those he failed to save..how sad.."  Murmured Rictus from his place within the Dream. He found it strange how often that greasy black bird appeared in the nightmares of others recently. Perhaps it was something worth looking into. But for now, he had to deal with the business at hand.
    Shifting his appearance, Rictus took the form of a colossal, ebony Aggron, landing with an earth-shaking "BOOM!" between the monster and Sparky's dream self.
    "Enough!" He roared, pushing depth and ferocity to match his form into his voice. Grabbing the bird sent his jet-black, armoured claws into it's gut, tearing a great bloody hole through it's disgusting plumage. Releasing a shining, blast of white light from his mouth, he obliterated the fake bird, banishing it from the dream.
    Shrinking back down to the size of a normal Aggron, Rictus opened his bloody fist to place the unharmed litter of Shinx at Sparky's feet.
    "It is only a Dream my friend." He whispered, allowing is voice to change back to normal. "Dreams only have the power that we give them."
    Then with a craggy smile, Rictus allowed his form to become as smoking, blowing away in the breeze and out of the Cat's now pleasant dreams.

    ((Ooc: again if that is too god-modey, just tell me and I'll change it. But if not, think of Rictus as a reverse Freddy Krueger, protecting you in your dreams haha)))

    Age : 30
    Posts : 846

    The SAFARI Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Baloo Sun Jun 16, 2013 6:56 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon (13)

    Sparky smiled genuinely at the savior of his children who also mewed their thanks. He gently nuzzled all of his babies before feeling a strange feeling in his chest. Like a sudden huge weight had come up off of him. His kits mewed and bat their tiny paws at him before running off enticing a game of chase. Sparky laughed and immediately bounded after them in a loping run. What was this? A bit of happiness in this damned world? Even if it was just a dream. Sparky would take it. He would dream forever if possible...


    The SAFARI Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 17, 2013 6:12 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon (13)

    Bino watched Rictus curiously. He had never seen this happen. Most ghosts just were near people and took bits of their life force that way. Was the Gengar stealing Sparky's soul?! Bino gulped unsure what to do in this situation. He tapped Rocket's head. "Wake up pup!"

    ((OoC: I don't get how you stand this coding e.e))

    The SAFARI Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:37 am

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    Route 48|Afternoon (12)

    Rocket sat up and panted looking at Bino before falling over.Wha's wrong mister Bino? Are we gonna get eaten?! His claws immediately started clicking and he looked around quickly. He didn't see anything broken or covered in blood... Rocket twitched his tufty ears and blinked. All he could hear was the rain hitting the roof and wind rushing through the trees. His nose twitched and nothing came to it that would warrant an attack of some kind. Maybe it was a ghost type attacker! His fur bristled out only for him to notice it wasn't getting colder or anything... He tapped his chin. Maybe Bino was paranoid like him?

    The SAFARI Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:54 pm

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    Route 48| Dusk(7)

    Shaking off the after-effects of his dream walk, Rictus turned back to his other companions, both of whom looked quite nervous about his delving into Sparky's mind.
    "You can relax Bino, Ghost-Types don't steal souls." He assured the Krookodile with a grin. "Dreams, maybe. But not souls. I was helping Sparky here over come a nightmare as I did with Rocket. Dream manipulation is a talent of mine." He cast his crimson eyes back over the Luxray's now peacefully resting form. He'd be alright till he awoke. Rictus, on the other hand, had worn himself out by Dream Walking without Feeding twice in such a short time. He had to go feed some more and soon.
    Floating past his new cold-blooded companion, the Gengar turned his glowing eyes out into the rapidly fading dusk. It would be night soon, lot's of dreams to eat and lots of infected to kill.
    "If you'll excuse me for a while." He murmured without turning. "I have to go feed. I will return soon"

    Age : 30
    Posts : 846

    The SAFARI Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Baloo Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:56 pm

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    Route 48|Early Evening (14)

    Sparky scooped up one of his kits with his large paw and growled playfully into its fluffy head fur earning a mew of delight from the kit. He never thought he would be this happy again. After most of his children were killed, Sparky resolved to not feel any kind of happiness again. His kits had stolen his love and attention and as such it had died with them... Maybe just maybe... He could give friendship a chance. With Rocket, Bino and the Gengar. Perhaps the world was not completely ruined... Maybe in the darkness of night, there was a tiny flame of life. Maybe... Just maybe. There was hope to be had after all.


    The SAFARI Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 23, 2013 5:32 pm

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    Route 48| Early Evening (14)

    Bino blinked and watched the Gengar. Be careful out there Bro... Bino clicked his large claws on the tile floor before staring at Rocket. He stared into his mirror=like blues eyes before grinning and turning his head. Bino could remember that the biggest Krookodile that lived in his clan could pop his jaws. Bino opened his mouth and snapped them shut making a click noise. He blinked and tried again. It wouldn't pop...

    ((OoC: Stupid new coding... Stuuuupid))

    The SAFARI Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 30, 2013 9:04 am

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    Route 48| Early Evening (8)

    Nothing moved as Rictus drifted silently through the rapidly darkening ruins of the Safari Zone. The rain had finally stopped, leaving the long grass, trees and bushes dripping with moisture. Yet despite the puddles that were scattered liberally across the muddy ground, no footprints or sound marked the indigo ghost's passing. He was ethereal. He was a shadow. As ephemeral as smoke. As silent as the night and as deadly as the dawn.

    "..And extremely prone to inner monologueing."
    He finished out loud with sarcastic grin. "Hell, I could write a book if it wasn't for this pesky apocalypse." 
    Rictus chuckled at his own dry humour as he floated through the shadows in search of prey.

    Coming across the charred entrance to some sort of burrow, the Gengar inhaled deeply, checking for signs of infection. When he didn't find any, Rictus sunk quickly into Shadow, using them as a pathway through the entrance that would make to much noise if he entered normally.

    Sliding quickly through murky darkness of the burrow, he quickly came across a Buizel standing guard a few feet into the burrow. It had clearly been standing there for quite a while as it could barely keep it's eyes from drooping shut. This would be easy.
    Pushing just his crimson eyes out of the Shadow in front of the orange weasel, Rictus used a quick Hypnosis which was enough to send the already exhausted Pokemon toppling against the wall of the burrow, grazing it's head on a protruding rock.
    Rictus's glowing eyes locked on the tiny stream of blood coming from cut on it's head and his control vanished. He surged forward sinking his massive fangs into the creature's neck and abdomen. His mouth sealing to it's body, sucking greedily. The voices screamed in triumph as the warm, life blood poured into him, filling him with strength and gibbering, boundless joy.
    He cast the lifeless body aside, completely drained and dove forward into the burrow, rushing upon the sleeping forms of the Buizel's mate and offspring. Blood sprayed everywhere, painting the walls. Rictus cackled manically as slashed his claws this way and that, reveling in the death screams of the helpless, orange mammals until finally he collapsed among their still forms giggling madly. His long tongue slid over his now black fur, cleaning it of blood and gore.

    Age : 32
    Posts : 501

    The SAFARI Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Requiem Sun Jun 30, 2013 10:41 am

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    Route 48 | Early Evening (1)

    A lone ninetails sitting under the remains of a tree alone but alive, watching the area around it. It's multiple tails curled around it's feet and lower body fending off the cooling rain that had only just stopped, raindrops sparkle on the tips of its fur. Crimson red eyes look every wary, this creature haven't not slept to well in a few days. It's sides show small hints of ribs visible through the skin. But alert for anything be alive or undead. 

    Kitsune let out a small yawn as a few of her tails flick in the effort around her feet trying to keep them warm. She didn't care much for the rain as this leafless tree gave her no shelter from it, only offering her sanity. Leaning back into the bark of the tree it let her know life still clings on in this forsaken world. Having almost closed her eyes her ears perked to something on the wind, a sound of agony cries in the distance. 

    Kitsune's eyes snapped open as she was on high alert once more. "Must be infected again finding someone" she said a voice of sorrow tone. Uncurling her tails fully she stood up and gave herself a quick shake to dry off the rain that clung to her fur. As she stood her stomach gave a sound in protest, she was hungry, very tired, and very much alone. 

    She missed her friends and the contests, she missed her humans that t she murdered. Leaving the tree she moved back into the grass, her tails held lower then they are when she was happy but not touching the ground as she weaves through the deep grass. "Maybe I can find something to eat tonight" she whispered to herself in a dry raspy voice. Even if she did find something, she knew she could not afford to eat the undead and can't bring herself to kill any living being willingly. 

    Kitsune let out a low sigh as she walked the grass listening to the grass as it bushed her sides wetting her fur again. Giving a small shake from the coolness of the water as it seeped into the cream fur. Another sound, made her freeze once more this time closer. Around her there was something in the grass, "Am warning you stay away from me" trying to sound threatening but her voice gave the smallest sound of fear. Sounds to her left and right now, is there more then one? is it the undead? she asked herself quietly in her head as her fur started to spike up in her nape and back. 

    "Last warning" she said sounding a little more sure of herself. It goes quiet. Thinking it was a false alarm she made the mistake of relaxing. Two large beedrills spring from the grass and into the air, buzzing in anger as they circled her. Kitsune curled her tails around herself as she had a feeling she was near a nest or something, making a quick look around she noticed that she did wonder further then she wanted deep in thought and there was indeed a nest in the tree in front of her. 

    The smells though, this nest had food around. Looking to the beedrills she as they gave her last warning to back off, the smell of food though her mind went to the picture of eating something. Kitsune didn't want to but she had to. Kitsune opened her jaw and let a fire spin build, one of the beedrills attacked. Kitsune dodged but it canceled her attack, she wasn't very good at this battle stuff without her trainer to guild her.

    Trying to build up another fire spin, she bumped the nest and more beedrills came swarming out. If they attacked her now she would be dead from that many stringer injecting her with poison. Kitsune let lose her fire spin as a pillar of fire appeared in the night, lighting the area with red hues. It was large but uncontrolled as it danced uncontrolled around her burning the beedrill and the nest above her. Exoskeletons crack in the heat as they fall from the sky in a charred shell, the fire dies down and the night goes dark again. 

    Luckily the grass can't hold the flame as well when it's wet so other then a small area that was burned away and a few more corpses blacked from the fire. Kitsune opened her eyes and cried out in pain, her flames claim more lives. The ninetails starts to shake from fear of herself, as she lays down and starts to cry as her mind replays those images of her humans. A few moments pass she the ninetails lays there, "I need to move, am sure that went up like a beacon to anything near by" she said as she got up to her paws. 

    Seeing a small borrow as the smell of food seeps out. Crawling into the hole slowly she found the food stash on the nest she just burning, dead pokemon. "The beedrill must but just as hungry as Iam, or were" she said to herself looking at her choices.  Settleing on a small sentrent corspe that didn't look deformed in away she grabbed it's tail in her jaw and pulled it out. Backing out of the hole she looked one last time at the area around her and left back into the grass with her meal for tonight. 

    Returning back the way she came from momory to the tree she lived near. Finding the tree she dropped her meal and looked at it. It looked like a child when it was killed and dragged off by the beedrill, it would save her life now. As she took it between her paws she started to tear the fur off with her fangs before she would sit down and eat. Kistune would feel bad about it now but deep inside she knew this could be very well her being eaten by some bigger infected pokemon.

    There wasn't much meat on this creature but it would stop her from straveing to death, as she ate the last few bites. The fur blew away in the breeze that picked up. Picking up the remains she dug a small hole in the grass and burried it there covering it back up. Going back to the tree and made a tiny yawn. 

    Looking around once more what was left of the world she had grown up in turned to this she retired back to the borrow that she had dig out in the trees roots to try and hide from the rest of the world.

    ((Happy to be on the team))

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