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    The CERULEAN Team


    The CERULEAN Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CERULEAN Team

    Post by Guest Sun Apr 21, 2013 11:21 pm

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    Cerulean City | Early Afternoon (19)

    Spencer laid Jewel down in the bed. He then snuck a kiss on her forehead. He knew he was taking advantage of her unconsciousness, but he had to. He then left the room, closing the door behind him. He then turned the AC on so Jewel was more comfortable. He then strolled to join Kira and Yagami. Oh! and Jazz too. All he saw in the main room was Yagami playing with Jazz. Spencer was glad to see then playing together.

    The CERULEAN Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CERULEAN Team

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 25, 2013 7:31 am

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    Cerulean Pokémon Center|Early Afternoon| (6)

    The young Eevee ran around, before cuddling into Yagami. He smiled at it's excitement. It's reply to his question of name received only another "Ee Bai" which Yagami could still not figure out. He placed his necklace on to the young Eevee's neck allwong it to wear it for a short while. Yagami decided, that in lack of anything else to call it, he would refer to it as Ee Bai, till someone told him it's real name, unless, that was it'a real name?

    "Hows that, Ee Bai? Do you like wearing the necklace?"

    Yagami began patting Ee Bai's stomach as it purred happily.

    Kira, unable to get sleep without Yagami near her, hopped off of the bed, and came out into the main room, hoping to ask him to sleep on the bed with her. As she poked her head around the doorway, she saw him playing with a young Eevee, which Kira had no problem with, she smiled happily, till she saw that Yagami was not wearing his other half of there necklaces! Where was it!? Suddenly, a small flash of light caught her eye, and she saw that the Eevee was wearing the necklace.

    "How could you?"

    She said sadly.

    "How could you just take it off and give it to a child as a play toy, to damage? Are you giving it to him, are you? Not keeping it? Don't love me anymore? Is that why? You're just trying to get rid of it and me!?"

    Kira was enraged now, jumping to conclusions, her tiredness making her lose all self control and logical thinking. She began to use her Psychic attack to throw Yagami against the wall. He flew hard into it, and then collapsed, as Kira seethed, giving him a deadly look.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 853

    The CERULEAN Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CERULEAN Team

    Post by Baloo Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:09 am

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    Cerulean City|Afternoon (12)

    Jazz stared intensely at the shiny around his neck. Yes. This pleases the Jazz. He looked up to grin happily at the Spencer lookin' something only to see he had flown away. Jazz wanted to... He looked over to see the pink something staring at the Spencer something all angry and stuff. Did she make him fly? Jazz was unsure but he flew into a wall! Jazz was starting to think the pink something was not so friendly. He growled and ran at her before stopping. The shiny around her neck looked like the one around his. Maybe she wanted his too! Then she would not make him fly again. Jazz sat up on his back legs holding the shiny in his mouth carefully for her to get. He didn't really have fangs to hold it precariously but if she didn't mind his drool then it would be ok right?

    Jewel gasped and jerked herself awake. She panted in exertion from the dream and shook her head to regain her thoughts. Her shoulder and side was still pretty sore but if she limped then she would be ok. Jewel jumped down almost screaming when the pain reasserted itself as a severe ache only managing a kit-like mew in response. She sighed and carefully groomed herself ignoring the smudge of her blood coming from her shoulder. Now her soft silky fur regained its luster and beauty minus the blood which she could do nothing about. Jewel exited the room to find Jazz having nothing else on her mind except his safety.


    Posts : 14

    The CERULEAN Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CERULEAN Team

    Post by Growlithe Mon May 06, 2013 6:52 am

    Voices were calling out to him. Unintelligible to the Harbinger’s deteriorating mind and yet laced with the promise of his every desire; fun, a game.

    Growlithe wore a macabre smile, jaw forever agape as molten fire splashed to the ground with a hiss with each of the creature’s frenzied footsteps. Play! Play! Play! He simply couldn’t miss an opportunity for a playmate, the creature the embodiment of twisted excitement as he sprinted down the empty hallways, desperate to find his new friends. The voices were becoming louder, each syllable sending another jolt of excitement racing down the Harbinger’s spine.

    He was upon them in an instant, rocketing into the room and barrelling into the first creature to catch his frantic eye; a lone umbreon. Growlithe’s distorted, joyous yipping echoed about the room as he slammed the unsuspecting dark-type into the wall, pouncing onto his playmate’s battered form to commence the game. The creature was screaming as Growlithe’s fire cascaded over him, the Harbinger’s claws raking mercilessly into the boiling flesh, tearing burning chunks out of the canine’s flailing body. Growlithe saw only glee in his victim’s slow-burning features, his own childish laughter exploding as uncontrollable flames engulfed both creatures.
    “PLAY!” The Harbinger screeched excitedly, the fire lighting his burnt frame – the fur entirely absent from his face as the flames spread to darken his already diminishing pelt. He grinned maniacally into the umberon’s melting face, his victim’s eyeballs now dribbling from their sockets as the intense heat transformed a once healthy creature into an unrecognisable, charred pulp – limbs contorted in agony, the light of its rings forever lost.

    The umbreon was dead long before Growlithe realized, the Harbinger suddenly leaping away as if shocked at the outcome. The flames on his own gruesome form were dying away, the scent of burning flesh filling the room as he looked down at the motionless corpse he had sought to befriend. The game was over.

    Growlithe’s ears drooped knowing that his fun had come to a premature end, yet could never remain disheartened. The Harbinger knew that there was always another friend just waiting around the corner. Suddenly excited by this prospect, the demonic canine sped away, yipping playfully in pursuit of the perfect playmate.

    The CERULEAN Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CERULEAN Team

    Post by Guest Mon May 06, 2013 10:59 pm

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    Cerulean Pokémon Center|Early Afternoon| (7)

    Yagami slammed into the wall, and he felt his body become tired, from their previous escape. He wouldn't be able to fight her, not that he planned on it, but he also wouldn't be able t stop her from killing him. He couldn't believe how she had acted, or rather, overreacted.

    "Kira, don't be ridiculous, you know how much I care for you, how much I love you, what damage could he do to it? I would never intend on getting rid of it, and never would I ever want to be rid of you. I love you."

    Yagami looked at Kira as she seethed, she was so angry he could almost feel it. Ee Bai took the necklace in his mouth, drool dripping on it, and padded his way to Kira. Yagami was unsure of what she would do, but before she did anything, she sensed a blast of pure pain, which knocked her over.

    "SPENCER! I can hear him screaming, psychically, I hear his pain, I feel it!"

    Kira began screaming, then stopped. Dizzy, she tried t stand and toppled over.

    "I can't hear his thoughts, when I try, I hear nothing, either my psychic Espeon powers are failing, or Spencer's dead!"

    Kira cried as she spoke those words. She didn't like him, but she didn't think he was going to die any time soon, if she had, she wouldn't have hated him so much, only pitied him, and tried to save him.


    Yagami felt a burst of adrenaline, no longer feeling any pain, he bolted over to Kira's side, and heard her speak. He heard her speak through her tears horrible words.

    Spencer's dead.

    He couldn't be.

    He shouldn't be!

    Kira, are, are you OK? We need to get out of here, before whatever killed him kills us! Looking up, Yagami saw flames, with Kira on the floor barely able to stand, how were they going to get out, and save E Bai too? Yagami couldn't carry both of them? He had no chance!

    A sickening smell wafted through the room, worse than any smoke could ever make. Burn't flesh. Yagami recognised it from a time when Kira had saved the two of them from a Charmeleon zombie. She had used her powers to redirect it's flames back at it, and it's body ignited. It was not a smell you ever forgot.

    Yagami began trying to pull Kira towards the exit.

    "Come on, Ee Bai, we have to get out!"

    Yagami forgot entirely about the Glaceon who had entered the building with Ee Bai, but Kira had not. She sensed something else was alive in the building, she knew it was the Glaceon who was with the Eevee pup. She said nothing. That woman would not take her man. She would never let someone like that Glaceon take Yagami away from her. He was hers, and that Glaceon could die for all she cared.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 853

    The CERULEAN Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CERULEAN Team

    Post by Baloo Tue May 07, 2013 11:20 pm

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    Cerulean City|Early Afternoon (13)

    Jazz panicked and followed the Spencer looking something without hesitation. The red stuff was everywhere and it made his nose hurt and eyes water. He eagerly burst outside into dear sweet fresh air and tripped rolling over. It hit him in that moment that he left the Spencer looking something's shiny in there. And momma! And Spencer! Jazz panicked and rushed towards the building but his paws couldn't keep pace with his panic and his vision became dark until he landed with a thump on the grassy ground.

    Jewel hissed as the mangy Growlithe fled after enthusiastically killing Spencer. She was not dishonorable and felt his body suffered enough from fire before maneuvering the mess of body left onto her back. Jewel took off after the two Eons with a scowl. How dare they try and leave her to die! Blood spurted from her un-mended shoulder wound but Jewel pressed on suppressing the urge to scream with each frenzied step. She dove for the window using Retaliate's base power to shatter it and landed with uneasy thud onto the unpaved ground. Her paws stung with the hock from jumping and even the charred body of Spencer felt heavy on her back. She took a step forward collapsing before getting back up. Jewel moved the dirt and grass and put Spencer's body there. Arceus take Spencer back into the circle of things and watch over his soul as he comes into your Hall... She sighed and padded off to re-group with Jazz and the others but cast a over the shoulder glance at the dead Umbreon. If not for his contorted limbs and unshining rings, he would look like he was just sleeping. Maybe if it was a different time and place... I could've learned to love you...


    The CERULEAN Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CERULEAN Team

    Post by Guest Sat May 11, 2013 8:11 pm

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    Outside the Cerulean Pokémon Center|Early Afternoon| (8)

    Making their way out with Jazz, they got out of the fire and made it to safety on the grass. Kira slipped off of the tired Yagami, who was almost unconscious himself. It had taken him too long to get out while carrying Kira, and he had breathed in a large amount of smoke.

    "Ee Bai, are you OK? Did you breath in much smoke?"

    Yagami coughed and spluttered the words out, as he tried to take oxygen back into his lungs, and let the smoke out. Before he could receive an answer, he fell unconscious.

    Kira felt heartbroken, worried that her love was dead, but after focusing her Psychic, she sensed small thoughts in his head, barely anything, but there were still thoughts floating around, which meant that he was still alive, for now, at least.

    The Glaceon leaped out of a window, which shattered moments before her exit, drawing Kira's attention to it. Kira was in only slightly better shape than Yagami, but she was at least still conscious for the next short while. She saw the Glaceon, and and her heart dropped, meanwhile her anger flew up.

    "You made it out, and here I was hoping you wouldn't have. Why did you bring his body out? He's gone, his soul has left, that's just a body, not worth saving. You should have left it to be destroyed by he fire, now, even if we bury it, some undead might dig it up and eat it. Or worse, turn it."

    She looked at the Glaceon.

    "Go away, I don't want to see you here."

    She looked at the wound on the Glaceon's shoulder, and saw blood coming from it.

    "Be careful, that blood might attract an undead or two."

    Age : 30
    Posts : 853

    The CERULEAN Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CERULEAN Team

    Post by Baloo Mon May 13, 2013 2:09 pm

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    Cerulean City|Afternoon (14)

    Jazz prodded the Spencer something with his paw. Was he gonna be ok? Jazz hoped so... Then momma came back! Jazz gleefully ran to her and nuzzled her leg unaware of the outburst he had stepped into.

    Jewel's eye twitched and her lip curled back into a snarl. Her fur started to freeze at the tips and the air itself becoming a diamond dust flurry. How dare she say such things?! Jewel hissed and readied Ice Shard not even wanting to attempt to reason with this female being paranoid about her mate. Jewel did not care about him in that manner at all... He kept Jazz entertained which was a naturally attractive trait but he was off limit. In her strain to keep herself calm which was failing miserably, more blood spilled from the wound on her shoulder. Enough.


    The CERULEAN Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CERULEAN Team

    Post by Guest Fri May 17, 2013 5:55 pm

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    Outside the Cerulean Pokémon Center|Early Afternoon| (9)

    Yagami was plagued by horrible dreams, of fire, and death, of Kira dying. His necklace took over multiple times, appearing in his face,, becoming the centre of his dream. Kira catching fire and dying, Ee Bai burning to death. Horrible dreams.

    As he swam into consciousness, the world still spinning and his vision blurred, he saw a large pink image a wee while ahead, and there was something near it. Something blue. Yagami was unsure of what the blue thing was, but he hoped that the pink was Kira. As his vision cleared, he realized that it was Kira, and the blue was a Glaceon. The Glaceon which he had left behind in the burning building. He had completely forgotten. It was now as his memory returned to him. He half expected her to kill him, but it looked like she was talking with Kira. He felt his neck to hold the necklace, hoping it's cool metal would calm him, and help him focus on things other than the burning building which he lay beside. Finding nothing there, he was shaken back to reality. At least he wasn't focusing on the flames, but now he was worried of his necklace. He felt heartbroken without it. He was fine taking it off but that time it was within his sight. There was no problem till now. What had happened to it? Had Ee Bai dropped it? Was it in the burning building? Yagami hoped not.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 853

    The CERULEAN Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CERULEAN Team

    Post by Baloo Sat May 18, 2013 2:28 pm

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    Cerulean City|Afternoon (15)

    Jazz gaped remembering that the Spencer looking something's shiny was in the place! He squeaked and bounced on all four paws trying to explain. Ee bai ee bai! They had to get it! If not it would be burned and not shiny! Jazz would feel bad then since the Spencer looking something had let him touch and play with it! He turned to the place and broke out into a wobbly run straight through a hole in the wall. Jazz was greeted with red and black stuff everywhere. It hurt his nose and eyes but somehow Jazz had to find the shiny. He squinted his eyes looking around unaware of the things that had been attracted by the fire approaching the Center. Jazz had to find the shiny! Or else Spencer looking something would not wanna be his friend... EE BAI!

    Jewel rolled her eyes and looked away from the Espeon. EE BAI! Her eyes widened. Jazz?! Jewel flew into panic/overprotective mom mode and dashed towards the burning building. The hole he had went through was too small for her to get through. Some setback like that wouldn't keep her from retrieving her baby. Jewel jumped through the broken window and straight into a cloud of smoke. She coughed and rubbed her muzzle before starting her search. The smell of fire and death made it really hard to sniff him out so she only hoped he hadn't gone too far to the point of that sense being needed...


    The CERULEAN Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CERULEAN Team

    Post by Guest Tue May 21, 2013 8:50 pm

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    Outside the Cerulean Pokémon Center|Early Afternoon| (10)

    Yagami had no time to try to stop Ee Bai, he had ran into the building to fast for him to try, but the Glaceon wasted no time, and leaped through a shattered window. Yagami stood, though in pain, and rushed towards the building, and climbed through the window which Glaceon made it through. He hadn't the energy left to jump through, and scrabbled through, getting cuts on his stomach. He crashed down on the floor, his vision obscured by smoke and flames instantly. His lungs seized up as he tried to breathe, smoke filling his lungs, poisoning him quickly. He lay on the floor, looking around hoping to see his necklace, or, especially, Ee Bai or the Glaceon. A blotch of blue appeared in his line of vision, but his eyes turned black with smoke, taking away any colours he saw. Minutes later, he felt himself being lifted up, and he realized that he had passed out.

    Kira saw everyone go into the burning building, last was Yagami. She was sure he couldn't possibly survive in there. He was not in the best condition. She followed, and used her senses to find him. Her psychic powers were strong, and she found him easily enough. She lifted him up, and laughed at the thought that moments ago, he was carrying her out, while now she was carrying him out. It was not the best situation to be laughing in, but she couldn't help it. She son enough was at the window, with him out after she had pushed him out. Now, she had to find Ee Bai, and maybe the Glaceon, though it would be best if she didn't save the Glaceon.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 853

    The CERULEAN Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CERULEAN Team

    Post by Baloo Wed May 22, 2013 9:34 pm

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    Cerulean City|Afternoon (16)

    Jazz was in way over his fluffy head. Even over his ears! He scrambled around trying to find the Shiny when he was torn rather roughly off the ground. An undead green dinosaur creature had planted its foot right in his side throwing him into the wall. Jazz squeaked as he hit a red metal thing with a loud thunk noise and almost slipped into the dark place. He shook off vigorously hoping the hurt would stop which it didn't but he had to move! VENASAUR! Jazz hauled it right out of that room almost instinctively not knowing the giant had used Roar on him. The red thing he hit before rolled after him and Jazz growled and yipped angrily at it to stop. When it did not, he headbutted it straight to the green dinosaur's feet. Jazz took off still looking for the Shiny.

    Jewel hissed and jumped up as the fire crept closer to her. Fat drops of sweat rolled off of her pristine blue fur signalling how little time the ice type had. Her large ears twitched hearing the roar and her own well being and self-preservation flew away. Jewel dashed straight into the flames seeing the giant Grass starter and her fleeing kit. What really caught her eye was the fire extinguisher at its feet... She dove straight for the crushing jaws and rolled over just as it closed its mouth. Her fur became sharp to a needle point stabbing into its eye just in time. Jewel got her four paws on either side of the metal cylinder and threw into the monster's mouth. Thinking it had food, the Venasaur's steel trap jaws closed around it making it burst sending its contents and hot shrapnel in all directions. Jewel hissed as a chunk found its way into her un-wounded shoulder before rolling away from the now dead Venasaur. She panted and shook off before following Jazz's now strong scent. It tore her up inside knowing he was trying to find that Umbreon's necklace...


    The CERULEAN Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CERULEAN Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 16, 2013 3:37 am

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    Outside the Cerulean Pokémon Center|Early Afternoon| (11)

    Yagami felt a thump as he collapsed to the ground, barely able to breathe, smoke filling his lungs. His eyes opened as he caught a flitting glance of the sky, with smoke rolling over it, then darkness as he fell into a dark abyss of unconsciousness. Kira stumbled around, smoke stinging her eyes, unable to hold them open, she began relying on her psychic senses, hoping they would giver her a constant picture of the room surrounding her, and the people. There! A quick movement in a room straight forward. She had to be careful where she moved, she felt a battle between something large, and something, something like the Glaceon. She crept past the battle, and made her way to the room where the small Eevee kit was. "Quickly, let's get out of here!"

    She used her psychic powers and found and picked up the necklace, put it on herself, and hoped that the small kit would follow, as she walked out through the door something large fell on top of her, pinning her to the ground. A Venasaur, which wasn't moving. Kira was unable to sense any life coming from it, it was dead.


    Kira screamed in pain, it was too heavy for her psychic powers to move, and it was right in the middle of her, so she was unable to twist out from under, she was completely trapped.

    "Someone please help!"

    She called out hoping someone would save her.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 853

    The CERULEAN Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CERULEAN Team

    Post by Baloo Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:04 am

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    Cerulean City|Afternoon (17)

    Jazz put his paw on the pink something. Ee bai! Ee... . He pushed on the big green monster on her but his tiny paws were very weak and could not begin to budge it. Jazz stomped his paws and put his paws on the monster's side pushing hard until a purple ooze started to melt its flesh away. Jazz didn't know he was using Toxic but kept pushing on it until most of the flesh burned away spilling its guts. Ee bai! Ee bai! He beckoned the pink something to hurry in case the green monster got up. Then the air got cold. Very cold. The green monster was shattered into ice pieces making him gape.

    Jewel hissed in exertion. It was way too hot for this but her Nevermeltice and her own sweat became the perfect catalyst for an Icy Wind to freeze the Venasaur and shatter it with Retaliate. She looked at the Espeon before snorting. Let's get out of here... Its too hot in here... Jewel bumped Jazz's bottom with her nose making him waddle outside before looking back to the Espeon. Shall I carry you?


    The CERULEAN Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CERULEAN Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:28 pm

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    Outside the Cerulean Pokémon Center|Early Afternoon| (12)

    Kira felt a moment of joy when the beast shattered, till she heard the voicew of her saviour asking if she needed carried.

    "No! I'm fine, I could've moved it on my own, I didn't need you, and I still dont!"

    Kira tried to stand, but found her leg injured, just perfect!

    Kira managed to stand for a moment on three of her legs, but she couldn't figure out how to walk like that, and stumbled over again. Great, now she would have to be carried by the Glaceon. Death by flames, or be saved by Glaceon a second time? Tough choice, but Kira decided she would rather survive. Besides, that way she could stop Glaceon from making Yagami fall in love with her. Yagami was Kiras, and only Kiras!

    "On second thought, I think I might need a little help please."

    Age : 30
    Posts : 853

    The CERULEAN Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CERULEAN Team

    Post by Baloo Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:30 pm

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    Cerulean City|Afternoon (18 )

    Jazz spotted the Spencer looking something and yipped excitedly.He was glad he didn't go away or get ated like Spencer did. Jazz sniffed him a few times and danced in a circle around him. Ee bai! Ee bai! His ears fell back and he turned his head at a painful angle hearing his mother's voice.

    Jewel pressed her shoulder against the Espeon's side. Lean on me... Keep the weight off the injured limb. Her eyes twitched and a small smile spread across her face before the Glaceon shook her head. Jazz sweetheart... Leave the poor man alone. The kit was obviously excited having never encountered other Eeveelutions but his actions could only be considered cute at first... Then some would say he was annoying...

    The CERULEAN Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CERULEAN Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:13 pm

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    Outside the Cerulean Pokémon Center|Early Afternoon| (12)

    The Glaceon helped Kira outside, much to her dismay, and saw the Eevee kit run to Yagami. She had to wait for her leg to heal before they could try to leave, which was something she desperately wanted to do. She lifted the necklace off of herself and placed it back on Yagami. She hoped he would wake soon. 

    She lay down, cuddling in with Yagami, and wrapped their tails around each other, so that their rings were touching. She promptly fell asleep, hoping that when he stirred, she would also wake thanks to the tail wrapping. Closing her eyes, she drifted out of the conscious world, and into the same sleepy world of Yagami. She did not bother thanking the Glaceon for it's help,. after all, it had been the Glaceon's fault of her being trapped, so it should be equal, the Glaceon trapped and then free Kira, no thanks, or apologies, necessary.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1556

    The CERULEAN Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CERULEAN Team

    Post by Duma Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:54 am

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    Outside the Cerulean Pokémon Center~Early Afternoon~1/1

    Ace watched the small group, surveying the damage to the pokemon center, and taking a count on who was there. An Umbreon, an Espeon, a Glaceon and an Eevee kit. None had the look or smell of the undead. Living ones then. He thought, looking towards his brother, who surveyed the group the same way he had "Ezio, should we introduce ourselves?" He whispered but the umbreon shook his head "No. Not yet. Lets see if they can spot us first." He said, and Ace nodded. Test their skills, the first rule of recruitment; See what the rookie's limits were.

    ((OOC: I'd like it if no-one spotted my two till the next round, but you can get them to suspect they're watched.))

    The CERULEAN Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CERULEAN Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 29, 2013 3:40 am

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    Outside the Cerulean Pokémon Center|Early Afternoon| (13)

    Kira awoke abruptly, a feeling of danger prickling over her, she looked around, and could see no one, but, after using her Psychic powers, she could sense that there were two Pokémon nearby. She didn't bother to check and see whether or not they were undead, she used her exhausted psychic powers to pick Yagami up, and she walked out into the forest when the Glaceon and kit looked away, hoping she would not be seen. Leave the others to fend for themselves.

    "Goodbye."  Whispered Kira in a malicious tone. She was glad to be rid of them. Once in the forest she began to run, get as far from that place as possible, so that they couldn't get back there. So that Yagami,when he awoke, couldn't get back there.

    Hours later, Yagami did awake to find himself lost in the forest, no way to tell where he was, the only thing he recognized being Kira.

    "Kira, where are we? What happened to Cerulean and, and to Ee Bai and the Glaceon!?" 

    Kira got up and yawned. She explained that an undead attacked while he was asleep and that the other two ended up dying in the fire, while she saved him, and she only managed to escape by running into the forest, and did not remember what paths she took in her haste.

    With no option left, they continued on their way, Yagami disheartened and depressed at their deaths. He felt like he could have done something differently, but unfortunately, it was too late.

    ((OoC:Sorry, but I have to make a leaving post, I need to deactivate these two while I get things sorted outside of EJ. Bye. And welcome Ace and Ezio.))

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