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    Lux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova)


    Lux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova) Empty Lux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova)

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 23, 2012 7:04 am

    Lux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova) S6psoy
    I am the voice in the wind and the pouring rain

    I am the voice of your hunger and pain

    I am the voice that always is calling you

    I am the voice, I will remain

    Text Color#EEC900
    Item None
    Gender Male
    Age 43
    Species #197, Umbreon The Moonlight Pokemon
    Height 3'03"
    Weight 59.5 pounds
    Pokédex Entry When exposed to the moon's aura, the rings on its body glow faintly and it's filled with a mysterious power.
    Level 50
    Ability Synchronize
    Nature Calm
    Characteristic Good Perseverance
    Moves -Faint Attack (Level Up)
    -Assurance (Level Up)
    -Confuse Ray (Level Up)
    -Last Resort (Level Up)
    Growing up within a breeding facility is never easy and it was especially hard for Lux and his sister Nox because of their unique coloring scheme. Born within minutes of each other, Lux was a beautiful Eevee with pure white fur interlaced with the purest of golds while his sister was a dark ebony brown. She was considered plain until she moved and her fur caught the light. Tiny tendrils of silver intertwined over each piece of fur on her body and when caught just right in the sun, put on a dazzling display of sleekness. Such rare beauty was hard to come by and the two were cherished and praised among the facility, their price way to high for any normal trainer to afford and when they opened their eyes the price increased ten fold. Lux's eyes were a deep ebony color, flecked with shimmery silver, while Nox's were gold with white flecks. Such remarkable coloring surprised the facility greatly and they got to work trying to make more Eevee's just like them, leaving the two alone in a cage to starve for weeks on end since they were forgotten soon after another, more beautiful, Pokemon was born.

    A few weeks into their life a man named Ralen came to the facility and created a mass chaotic scene when he attacked the owners and set the Pokemon in cages free to survive on their own. Frightened and too young to know what was happening, Lux huddled with his sister inside of the cage as it opened, his body covered by her own for protection and comfort. Ralen soon found them, his heart saddened by their frail bodies. Terrified, Nox lashed out with an attack but her weakness only produced a pitiful excuse for a Scratch. Lux hid behind his sister as the battle was waged for her capture but in her weakened and frail state, it didn't take long before an ultra ball had her smoothly locked away. Shock wound through him and he backed up until his body was pressed against the back of the cage and all he could do was hiss. An ultra ball was thrown at him but he broke out almost instantly and lashed out with a tackle that knocked Ralen back on the floor despite his weakened body. Again Ralen threw an Ultra ball and when it seemed like it was to break again, it didn't. In just an hour he had both of the Eevee's captured and ready to go hom.

    Blinking open their eyes they found themselves on top of a bed of pillows, soft faux fur caressing their small bodies. Confusion wracked through them but Nox was the first to begin exploring, her small form drifting in and out, room after room. Lux soon followed, doubt in his eyes but a feeling in his heart that told him to let Ralen in. Something about there situation just called to him and soon he found out why. The man who had captured the two found them a few hours later nestled back on the bed of pillows. His smile was kind and his voice even kinder. Although the two didn't know who he was or what he was saying, they knew that he had saved them and that was all that mattered. Soon, he began to feed them more and more every day, gaining their weight back and getting them healthy once again.

    The very next day they began to train vigorously, Nox taking to it a lot faster and happier than Lux. Although he had some fight within him he was too scared to do much and preferred to watch. Ralen allowed him to do this on the first day but then began slowly pushing Lux towards the fighting, wanting him to be strong enough to survive on his own without his sister. As his young mind began to grow, the white and gold Eevee began to understand why he needed to fight and thus began to train his hardest, not for himself, but to make Ralen proud. It took years for the two of them to evolve but Lux was the first.

    The darkness of night had just settled over their home as the small Eevee paced restlessly through the sleeping house. A storm was brewing outside and despite his mature age, he was terrified of the wind that howled against the window's and pelted down rain in sheets. Seeing a light further into the building, he padded towards it and stopped in the doorway to Ralen's room. Sitting on his bed, the man smiled to the Eevee, noticing his fear. Gently he lifted the beautiful bundle of fur into his arms and stroked his fur for hours until he calmed down. In those hours, Lux's trust for the man finally grew even more and the love he felt increased so much that the exact instant a bolt of lightning struck down somewhere outside the window, he felt his heart open wide as a white light engulfed him.

    Sitting within Ralen's arms was a magnificent white Umbreon with golden rings, but his beauty didn't stop there. Snaking along his back were dazzling gold markings in a magnificent swirled pattern like the strike of lightning that lit up the sky as he evolved. Ralen was in awe of the rare beauty before him and he stroked Lux lovingly as the Umbreon nuzzled his trainer and closest friend. That night he slept in Ralen's arms, his gold rings slightly lighting up the room. As the sunlight streamed through the windows, Lux awoke, anxious to tell his sister but as he padded into the other room he heard the voice of Ralen, frantic and scared. Rushing into the room he saw his sister lying on the ground, her body limp and cold to the touch. Tears pricked his eyes but he could hear her faint heartbeat and knew she was still alive. As the two rushed her to the Pokemon Center, the worst was feared. Although deep in his heart, Lux had hope.

    A few agonizing hours later, Nox was awake and getting better already. Soon they took her back home and on the way back, she too evolved into a striking Espeon with the beautiful silver and ebony fur she had as an Eevee except she had more markings in the shimmery silver. With her strength renewed from the evolution, the two believed their life was finally going to be perfect and for about thirty more years, it was just that. Upon the eve of their fortieth year together, Lux and Nox awoke to a dark house, their minds waking them up in the dead of night. Something was amiss and soon they knew what. Padding into Ralen's room, they found him dead in his sleep, their pokeballs broken on the ground. Sadness gripped the two but they knew they were ready for the world because of hi/m so they left that night, not knowing where to go or where they were. Soon however they noticed that something was terribly wrong in the outside world. Strange scents mingled with the stench of decay and frightened the two but Lux took control, becoming the protector his sister always was to him. When a sickly looking Abra teleported in front of them, Lux found himself alone and frightened for what had happened to his sister. For days he padded through the mountain like area not knowing that he was within Aspertia but soon he heard voices ahead of him and followed the sound, still not sure what was going on in the world. All he knew is that he needed to find his sister.
    Appearance Umbreon has a sleek black body, a pair of crimson cat or fox-like eyes, long, pointed ears, four slender legs, and a bushy tail. It has yellow bands on its tail and ears, and its forehead and legs have yellow rings on them. Its rings are said to glow at night, striking fear into anyone nearby.

    Lux is quite unlike the regular looking Umbreon you would see normally. His pelt is the purest of whites while the gold bands on his body are relatively normally except for the ring on his face that is lower than usual. Across his back snakes tendrils of gold markings that shine just like his rings and his eyes are ebony brown with flecks of silver that shimmer when hit with the right light.
    Personality Despite the terrified Eevee he once was, Lux has matured into quite the magnificent Umbreon. The loyalty he has for those he loves is tremendous as is the symphony of traits that go on inside of him. He trusts easily, loves ferociously, and looks after those whom he values over his own soul. Despite the fear that his sister may be hurt, he keeps himself happy knowing that she can take care of herself.
    User Notes

    This beautiful boy is my new Pokesona<3

    Last edited by Blitzstrike on Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:41 pm; edited 10 times in total

    Lux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova) Empty Re: Lux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova)

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:52 pm

    Lux is done and ready for approval :3

    Posts : 3650

    Lux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova) Empty Re: Lux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova)

    Post by Mewtwo Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:36 pm

    Please label how each of the moves were learned.

    You history states that the man 'attacked' the breeding facility. That would have put everything in a panic so why when the two woke up were they so trusting of the stranger? They should have been frightened of him, un-trusting, they should have tried to fight him at first. You have their transition so easy it doesn't make sense.
    You also state they knew he 'saved' them, but there is nothing in the history stating that they were treated poorly. In fact, since you state well over a dozen times how rare and beautiful they are, they should have been treated very well at the facility. It makes no sense.

    Please revise.


    Lux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova) 3Br5nS6

    Lux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotLux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova) UugYyDK

    Lux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova) Empty Re: Lux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova)

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:28 pm

    Alright I has fixed it ^^ I like it better now actually. I logged on finally today and was going to change some stuff anyway<3

    Posts : 3650

    Lux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova) Empty Re: Lux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova)

    Post by Mewtwo Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:51 am

    I have a problem with your trainer having two Master Balls. They weren't created in mass production and only a select few have ever been known to have even one, so unless he is secretly Giovanni he cannot have any Master Balls.

    There should be some kind of battle to weaken the kits in order for them to be captured. No Master Balls.


    Lux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova) 3Br5nS6

    Lux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotLux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova) UugYyDK

    Lux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova) Empty Re: Lux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova)

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:42 pm

    All done(:

    Posts : 3650

    Lux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova) Empty Re: Lux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova)

    Post by Mewtwo Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:44 pm



    Lux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova) 3Br5nS6

    Lux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotLux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova) UugYyDK

    Lux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova) Empty Re: Lux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova)

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 06, 2013 1:59 pm

    Thank you so much! :D

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    Lux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova) Empty Re: Lux the Umbreon (Aspertia Team, Unova)

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