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2 posters

    Lulu the Purrloin [Lostlorn, Unova]


    Age : 25
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    Lulu the Purrloin [Lostlorn, Unova] Empty Lulu the Purrloin [Lostlorn, Unova]

    Post by Min Sat Sep 22, 2012 9:57 pm

    Lulu the Purrloin [Lostlorn, Unova] Lulu

    Text Color #50A6C2, Lake Michigan
    Item Silver Ring on her Tail
    Gender Female
    Age Adolescent
    Species #509 Purrloin, the Devious Pokemon
    Height 1'04" / 0.4m
    Weight 22.3lbs / 10.1kg
    Pokédex Entry Their cute act is a ruse. They trick people and steal their valuables just to see the looks on their faces.
    Level 15
    Ability Limber
    Nature Lonely
    Characteristic A little quick tempered
    Moves - Foul Play [Breeding]
    - Pursuit [Learned]
    - Fury Swipes [Learned]
    - Assist [Learned]
    She is fragile. She is a snowflake.
    Treat her with care.

    A dark-furred Purrloin isn't something you would see everyday, and a horned one is definitely something you'd almost never see, unless you lived on the streets of Hoenn. Lulu was abnormal, and in all the bad ways. Donned with a black pelt and sprouting cream horns from birth, her parents may have thought she was special, unique, but civilization thought otherwise. Hatched in the filthy streets of a Hoenn city, she was second-born and most likely, a mistake. The kitten had always wondered if she was adopted or illegitimate. After all, many instances in her life had pointed to that.

    Liepard and Houndoom as her mother and father, they were both simply just demons in disguise. Full-on believers of domestic violence, they would beat their child and berate her. Whenever she did something wrong, she would end up with claw marks on her face, and when she stood up for herself, bites along her legs. It wasn't long before the young kitten was already breaking down, at such a young age she had already become suicidal and depressive, so scared for the next day that she didn't sleep at night. Her parents wanted her to be perfect, they wanted her to become a star, and the Purrloin always knew she would never be like that.

    "Writing a list of how I could be better and writing a suicide note is the same thing."

    Wanting their child to be exposed to new lands the misfit family had hitched a ride on a ferry to Kanto, soon arriving at the docks and exploring the most nearby forest for shelter. This, was not enjoyable for the Purrloin. If anything, the ship rocking between the waves of slumbering ocean and leaping seas had only made the kitten nauseous, but the new land was inspiring. Incomprehensible shouts of humans and the neat rows of beige-painted houses was a large shift from the scattered, lingering trash and 30 story apartments. Soon being ushered into the dark flora of the wild, she was introduced the the native youngsters of the woods.

    Weeks went by, spending time with the other children as they laughed and played games like tag and hide-and-seek. Being so sheltered at birth, Lulu was unable to understand the emotions of others, the frustration they burned with when the young kitten ignored turned away when she got tagged, the rage they shouted at her as she casually cheated. The Purrloin didn't understand, couldn't understand, she only knew the pain of gargantuan paws pressing down upon her throat and the sharp tang of long claws swiping across her cheek. She didn't know that others had such feelings, she didn't know that when she flicked sand into their eyes they would cry, she didn't know that if she clawed them she would be shouted at.

    It was only in a month that only the wind became her friend, the transparent beings giggling and rushing past her figure as they made trees rustle and bow in their wake. Lulu didn't like being alone, and with such overwhelming loneliness she saw others in the wind. She believed she could see ghosts in the breeze, music in the gales, and soft, whispered final words dripping from the air.

    If you listen to the wind and you don't hear nearly thousand years of music then you're not listening hard enough.

    It was not long before she became suicidal, the loneliness almost unbearable as she spent her days as a recluse hidden in the bushes of the forest. Sick of the abuse, sick of the shouting, sick of life, Lulu attempted suicide many times, even though she was young. It was only after her eleventh attempt that she realized that she was so weak, she didn't even have the will to kill herself. Never could she bring herself to rip away her throat or impale her mid section onto a rock. Desperate to get her to stop, her family moved to a city in Kanto, miles away from the forest.

    It was on the streets that she met a Growlithe by the name of Lukas. The friendship between the duo was almost immediate, the kitten idolizing the older canine and following the male like a lost puppy. Soon she had made another friend, a young Zorua about the same age as her named Qwrk. It was almost friendship at first sight, crazy and talkative and enjoying each other's company no matter what the situation was.

    It was no surprise when the kitten began to avoid her parents, not wanting the pain of being with them and choosing to bask in the amazing friendship the trio had. They were always talking, always playing, always grinning like maniacs as they laughed about things that most Pokemon wouldn't even be speaking of. They were inseparable, always together. Even if they had their fights they were still together.

    When the Summer hit, Lulu's family decided to go back to Hoenn to visit, thus began their trip back to where the docks were, sneaking onto a cruise to Hoenn. The feline believed it would be hell, all alone in her home region with her abusive parents and nothing to do. As they arrived back into Slateport they traveled to Fortree, the kitten dragging her feet reluctantly to the city. There was nothing to do there except climb trees and snoop into the human huts, that is, until she found someone.

    "The theory of six degrees of separation 

    was never meant to show how many people we can find,
    it was a set of directions for how to find the people we have lost."

    Sneaking along the shaky plank bridges and tall canopies of the trees a yellow figure caught her eye while passing a window. A Jolteon, with bright fur and fluffy pelt. Lulu sat upon the window, mouthing words of conversation to the electric-type, unsure of whether or not the eeveelution could hear her. When the evening fell the Purrloin was gone, but the next dawn and she would return, pressing paws upon the glass and breathing to create fog. Slowly she would drag a claw to draw figures, this Jolteon was the only other that made her want to stay.

    Weeks passed by as the feline always visited, their bond growing even more on the day they were finally face to face, the Jolteon out of her human home. Learning the electric-type's name, Ciana, the Purrloin was overjoyed, so happy to have found a friend in her lonely isolation at Fortree City. Even on the day that Lulu told her that she had to return to Kanto, their friendship was not broken.

    Some memories just never fade.

    Back to Kanto, she was reunited with her friends. Since then she went back to Fortree every Summer, giddy and happy at the thought of being able to see Ciana again. Although her family life only got worse, the Purrloin forced herself to stay joyful, acting adorable and cute to make others think she was perfectly content. Those who bullied her for her looks would simply be ignored, those who shouted insults at her would be turned away from, but they always left scars.

    It was only a few years later that the undeads poured in, immediately taking the chance to lure her parents in a trap and kill them, Lulu rushed about the streets to find her companions to only find them gone. She was alone again, and miserable. It was only by a sudden burst of energy that she found herself in a desert, and believing that maybe some of her friends were also transported here, she was determined to find them.

    She misses them.
    Appearance She is incredibly skinny, ribs showing at her sides and legs the size of sticks. Her fur is an amazing pitch black, with dapples of gray and white scattered around her body and cream-colored horns curled around her face. A silver ring is on her tail, the outside engraved with the words "If you have faith", while the inside says "Anything is possible". Her eyes are a bright emerald green. Lulu doesn't often stand on two legs, finding it a bit uncomfortable.
    Personality Depressed, suicidal, insomniac, and paranoid, Lulu is a disaster onto herself. She has bouts of violence when she gets angry, and will mentally berate others when annoyed. Common to her species she is an extraordinary thief, and will steal valuables when given the chance. Although young, the feline has a mentality of someone much older, sometimes even being described as sagely. Although she is like this, she is still weak and fragile, and tends to cry easily. She is forgetful, and blanks out often. Lulu likes to discuss philosophy and other topics that tend to come off as either deep or really random. To make sure people don't bother her about seeming sad, the Purrloin acts like an adorable kitten and is constantly smiling. For such a small, cute child the cat has a love for blood and gore, and if there's a fight, she'll be there. The ring around her tail is a very prized possession, and if she loses it or someone tries to touch it, the cat will freak out and retaliate.
    User Notes

    • Father was a Houndoom.
    • Pokesona! :3
    • Nobody is quite sure why she has horns, but many think it might be because her father is a Houndoom.
    • The ring is from a Pokemon she became very close to, so close that she refers to him as 'Daddy'. She also misses him.
    • Foul Play is from her father.
    • Barely eats.
    • Very weak immune system.
    • Was bullied about her appearance, but didn't really take much notice to it.
    • Permission granted from Ciana, Verdzi, and Qwrk to include Ciana the Jolteon, Lukas the Growlithe, and Qwrk the Zorua.
    • I'm sorry for the really crappy history, I just find it really hard talking about my past even if it is converted into Pokemon-style. ;;

    Last edited by Lulu on Sat Jul 06, 2013 8:02 pm; edited 4 times in total

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    Lulu the Purrloin [Lostlorn, Unova] Empty Re: Lulu the Purrloin [Lostlorn, Unova]

    Post by Min Wed Oct 03, 2012 7:32 pm

    Ready for approval! I have a mutator and shiny ticket ready for her as well. c:

    Posts : 3650

    Lulu the Purrloin [Lostlorn, Unova] Empty Re: Lulu the Purrloin [Lostlorn, Unova]

    Post by Mewtwo Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:39 am

    I. Love. This. Mutation.
    Thank you for making our first approved Mutation.



    Lulu the Purrloin [Lostlorn, Unova] 3Br5nS6

    Lulu the Purrloin [Lostlorn, Unova] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotLulu the Purrloin [Lostlorn, Unova] UugYyDK

    Age : 25
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    Lulu the Purrloin [Lostlorn, Unova] Empty Re: Lulu the Purrloin [Lostlorn, Unova]

    Post by Min Sat Jul 06, 2013 8:03 pm

    Ready for re-approval! c:
    Only changes made were labelled moves and father noted in the user notes.

    Posts : 3650

    Lulu the Purrloin [Lostlorn, Unova] Empty Re: Lulu the Purrloin [Lostlorn, Unova]

    Post by Mewtwo Sun Jul 14, 2013 6:26 pm



    Lulu the Purrloin [Lostlorn, Unova] 3Br5nS6

    Lulu the Purrloin [Lostlorn, Unova] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotLulu the Purrloin [Lostlorn, Unova] UugYyDK

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