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4 posters

    Rience The Zorombra [Floater]


    Age : 25
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    Rience The Zorombra [Floater] Empty Rience The Zorombra [Floater]

    Post by Min Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:59 pm

    Rience The Zorombra [Floater] Reince-1
    Art by Sil

    Text Color #daa520 Gold
    Item Bandages and a Cane
    Gender Male
    Age Adult
    Species ???/ Zorombra, the Mind Illusionist Pokemon
    Height 6'0"
    Weight 203. 5 lbs
    Pokédex Entry Zorombra was a pokemon feared in medieval times, sought out as witches' familiars. They seemed to have disappeared after the Witch Trials, keeping to the shadows. It can implant false memories into its victims.
    Level 54
    Ability Illusion
    Nature Quiet
    Characteristic Thoroughly Cunning
    Moves - Night Daze [lvl]
    - Psychic [lvl]
    - Foul Play [lvl]
    - Aerial Ace [TM]
    "I am unsure what is more pitiful; being born blind, or becoming blind."

    Rience was born into a wild family of Zoroarks, runt of the litter yet surprisingly, he was the most cunning. The Zorua's illusions were always much more detailed, more believable than any of his siblings, so fine-tuned that he had even surpassed his father's skills. To top it off, he was born a shiny. He was the family's sole pride and joy, a trophy that was kept polished with the offerings of his kin. With such prowess and talent, almost everyone was convinced that he was blessed by Arceus, or perhaps the spirit of Arceus himself--bringing them salvation. The Zoroark Clan, years ago, had been banished from the cities their territories bordered by the humans, the people deeming them untrustworthy. For months the illusionists had plotted for revenge, to raid the human's city and expand their living grounds, and Rience was just the push they needed. Fueled with hatred and wrath, the foxes had ordered the young Zorua to disguise himself as an innocent Growlithe and present himself to the Mayor's daughter, win her trust. At the right time, he was to kill the mayor, which would cause the dark-types, hiding in the trees, to leap from where they hid and begin the massacre.

    The mission began as planned, the Zorua creating an illusion of a weak, innocent pup as he limped across the city streets. Soon enough the mayor's daughter was in sight, the girl skipping along the pavement with a doll in her hand. As soon as the child saw the Growlithe, she was immediately smitten. Rushing over to the canine and petting it, she picked Rience up and brought him to her father, the Mayor. After a copious amount of begging he agreed to let his daughter keep the fire-type, unknown to both of them that it was truly a Zorua in disguise. Every passing day the child would bring him food, play with him, and go hiking with him. Not once did the fox's illusion falter, so determined to make his kin proud.

    It was on the day of the attack that Rience had looked upon his morals. When the child had left to go to school, the Zorua followed the Mayor for a few moments before making his illusion vanish. The man was stunned, and in minute of surprise the fox had grabbed hold of a walking stick in his mouth, jabbing it right into the human's eye. As the mayor fell to the ground in pain, the illusionist grabbed the cane again, repeatedly jabbing the man until he was reduced to a gory mess. Soon after his kin, who watched diligently from the shadows, attacked. Breaking into houses and toppling over streetlamps, the city was soon in darkness. Rience felt proud, he had succeeded, and as he turned to the door to leave he found the child standing in shock. Tears were streaming from her eyes as she ran away in fear, and guilt grew inside the dark-type. A feeling of desperation overcame him as he rushed to the outdoors, creating the illusion of a Growlithe again as he pursued the girl.

    Cornering the daughter in an alley, Rience barked at her. It was a sincere attempt at an apology, however the child couldn't understand the canine. A rustle was heard overhead as his mother leaped from the ceiling of a building, intent on killing the girl. Immediately the dark-type used himself as a shield, his illusion faltering as his own mother crashed into the Zorua's side, ripping open his body from his waist to his chest. The daughter had screamed in terror, huddling into a ball. In that moment, Rience glowed with a magnificent light, his will to protect the child causing him to evolve. The new Zoroark fought bravely, even as he was wounded, to defend what had given him such caring love. Soon he had murdered his mother, her body laying cold upon a puddle of blood. Slowly turning to the girl to reassure her that everything was alright, the child backed away. She only saw a monster, with a gaping maw of long, sharp teeth and claws caked with blood. She ran past the Zoroark, and soon Rience had collapsed from the pain and loss of blood, losing consciousness.

    When he woke up, the Zoroark found himself in a human's bed wrapped with bandages, next to him a tall man whom gripped a Pokeball in his hands. The human spoke to him, saying that if Rience agreed to work with him as partners, he would allow the fox to see the girl again. Overcome with emotions and a wish to apologize, the dark-type blindly agreed and was captured into the Pokeball. Since his capture, he was trained without mercy. Days went by as he fought behemoths of monsters, battle-worn and bloodthirsty. The man's goal was to mold Rience into an emotionless, talented assassin--purely for his own needs. After months of training, that was exactly what the human received. A killer. The Zoroark's illusion skills had grown even more in his training, able to disguise himself as a charming human man. His acts were always extensive, so overly-detailed that it became almost impossible not to believe them. Unfortunately, for an unknown reason, his sight began to slowly become darker and blurrier. However, Rience had, once again, become the pride and joy.

    As the deal promised, he was taken back to the ruined city to see the child. Many buildings were still broken down, only a handful of people left trying to restore the civilization to it's original form. During the night, Rience was allowed to run free, to explore and investigate the destruction that he signaled. Coming across the Mayor's home, it's walls toppled over and roof falling apart, he found the cane that he had used to murder the man with. Surprisingly it was intact, most of the blood chipped away. On the top was a gold carving of a dragon, the rest of the cane was black, with it's pointy tip encased in gold. Able to look at it more closely now, since he wasn't trying to murder someone, Rience decided to keep the cane as a memento.

    Walking around the city again, he came across a small house. Carefully looking through the window he spotted the mayor's daughter, sleeping peacefully in her bed. Suddenly a horde of Zoroarks appeared again, all with glowing red eyes and matted fur splattered with blood. With the waves of undead the humans awoke, guns and knives in their hands as they tried to defend the remains of their home. Rience watched from a tall tree, looking down to see his own master being tackled and ripped apart. The Zoroark held no pity for the humans who were overpowered, and soon retreated to the forest to take a nap, his master now dead.

    Climbing the trees he encountered someone who he'd never thought he would see again. Before him stood his father, pure skin and bones and circles under his weary eyes--fur tainted with flecks of grey from age and stress. Pointing a cracked claw at his son, he told Rience that everything was his fault, and proceeded to launch an attack. His parent conjured an illusion, attempting to confuse the fox. The battle was surprisingly difficult for the dark-type, his eyesight now reduced to blurry figures and splotches of color, but eventually he killed his foe, and fled the scene.

    A few days later he returned, only to find the city covered in layers of blood and bodies. Carefully trudging along the corpses he discovered the lone survivor, the Mayor's daughter. With a dark smile, he cast an illusion, forcing her to slowly claw her own eyes out--believing her eye sockets were infested with dirty, writhing maggots. Even without her sight, Rience drove the girl insane, as she slowly ripped her stomach open in a desperate attempt to make the illusion go away. The child clutched at her intestines ripping them apart before she began to falter from blood loss. Gagging she screamed to Arceus to help her, before snatching her own heart away from her body as it slipped from her grasp, rolling onto the pavement. The Zoroark was proud of his own powers, fluffing out his chest before he bent over and picked up the heart, consuming it in one gulp.

    Days, weeks, months passed, almost an year since the Epidemic began. During those days he would torment the undead, causing them to commit suicide and kill themselves, and making sure any living survivor came across perished the same fate as the girl did. Eventually Rience evolved again, astonished by his new form, but pleased by his increased ability with Illusions. Since then, he had been traveling across the regions, simply minding his own business.
    Appearance Rience is a Zorombra, bearing deep scars that stretch from his waist and across his chest, most of which is covered by bandages. His ankles and wrists are also covered with bandages, simply for accessory. His fur is like a shiny Zorua's, his beads a golden orange. The fox carries around an intricate black cane plated with gold and a carving of a dragon. Unlike most others, his eyes are a surprisingly pretty shade of green. This illusionist often likes to disguise himself as a charming human man, with dark auburn hair and a tuxedo with white gloves.
    Personality Although believed to be completely emotionless, Rience is able to feel most of the negative ones, such as anger, misery, and loneliness. He seldom ever feels positive emotions, but does enjoy himself one in a while. The Zorombra has very complicated feelings for children, unsure of whether to hate them and ignore them for their immaturity and helplessness, or to protect them and cherish them like he once did with the human girl. His favorite food are actually Pecha Berries, but refuses to admit it due to embarrassment. [Instead he tries to look cool or intimidating by eating the dead.] Rience doesn't care much about his sight, since he can use his other senses much better to detect things.
    User Notes

    • Rience was born with Stargardt Disease, which caused him to go legally blind.
    • His vision is very blurry and he has a hard time making out shapes, but his other senses are heightened to make up for the loss.
    • His TM move is from his original trainer.
    • He will sometimes use his cane with his Aerial Ace to stab people.
    • He kept his shiny colors as a Zorua when he evolved, although why is unknown. It's not much of a bother to him.
    • His level is from all the training he received.
    • His name origin; In Arthurian legend, this is the name of the king of "many isles." He is best remembered for having trimmed his robe with the beards of eleven kings that he conquered, and for wanting to make Arthur's beard the twelfth; for this reason he is identified with Geoffrey of Monmouth's giant Ritho who had the same modus operandi and who was also killed by Arthur.
    • Post Count 12. Last Post.

    Last edited by Cedric on Thu Jan 01, 2015 1:45 pm; edited 18 times in total

    Rience The Zorombra [Floater] Empty Re: Rience The Zorombra [Floater]

    Post by Guest Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:40 am

    Mr. Blind Man BI

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    Rience The Zorombra [Floater] Empty Re: Rience The Zorombra [Floater]

    Post by Min Mon Aug 20, 2012 7:08 pm

    Ready for approval.

    Age : 28
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    Rience The Zorombra [Floater] Empty Re: Rience The Zorombra [Floater]

    Post by Catalyst Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:27 pm

    Me gusta. So much gusta. B3


    Rience The Zorombra [Floater] I61jEL3
    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Rience The Zorombra [Floater] Empty Re: Rience The Zorombra [Floater]

    Post by Guest Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:08 am

    No, not Mr. Blind man.
    KAPPN' BLINDY. *shot*

    Posts : 3650

    Rience The Zorombra [Floater] Empty Re: Rience The Zorombra [Floater]

    Post by Mewtwo Tue Aug 21, 2012 5:41 pm



    Rience The Zorombra [Floater] 3Br5nS6

    Rience The Zorombra [Floater] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotRience The Zorombra [Floater] UugYyDK

    Age : 25
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    Rience The Zorombra [Floater] Empty Re: Rience The Zorombra [Floater]

    Post by Min Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:55 am

    I would like to reactivate Ri-Ri as a floater. <3

    Posts : 1265

    Rience The Zorombra [Floater] Empty Re: Rience The Zorombra [Floater]

    Post by Victini Fri Jan 02, 2015 3:34 pm



    Rience The Zorombra [Floater] VictiniRience The Zorombra [Floater] TGJeE
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