![Caine the messed up Ninetales | [Amity, Square, Sinnoh] LEADER A6Ci6y](https://2img.net/h/i.cubeupload.com/A6Ci6y.png)
![Caine the messed up Ninetales | [Amity, Square, Sinnoh] LEADER 27ys7bm](https://2img.net/h/oi45.tinypic.com/27ys7bm.jpg)
![Caine the messed up Ninetales | [Amity, Square, Sinnoh] LEADER Caine_the_messed_up_ninetales__by_younabluelovesyou-d5nv1ip](https://2img.net/h/fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/346/f/3/caine_the_messed_up_ninetales__by_younabluelovesyou-d5nv1ip.png)
Eighteen in human years
- Flare Blitz (Breeding)
- Heat Wave (Breeding)
- Psyshock (TM)
- Confuse Ray (Level Up)
Flash Fire
Good perservirance
National Dex No./Species-
#038, Fire Type, Ninetales, the Fox Pokemon
2'09" - Small c:
31.7 lbs -And thin
Pokédex Entry-
Very smart and very vengeful. Grabbing one of its many tails could result in a 1000-year curse.
Many razors attached onto a necklace around his neck. Is hidden under his thick fur and he rarely shows anyone.
Caine grew up in a terrible home. He was born and raised wild to an Arcanine father and a Growlithe mother. His mother was very small and fragile, but his father was a great beast. He towered over everyone and had many battle scars on him from his days of training with his trainer many years ago. The young vulpix never questioned how he came to be by two of completely different species, and it was never really an issue. They grew up in the wilds of Kanto, avoiding human contact at all costs. Caine was a careful and intelligent child; always ready to please. His mother took good care of him and was very nurturing and kind despite the fact that they were almost the same size. His father was a whole nother story. He was a brute, always being verbally abusive to both his mate and child and controlling them, never allowing the pair to socialize outside of the small family. Caine never knew any different and was a normally happy child. He became more antisocial and when forced to be around others, like when hunting, he became angred easily and even tried to attack strangers before getting to even know them.
His mother was horrified by this behavior but his father was thrilled. He wanted Caine to become a killer. He began training the small Vulpix to become stronger, sometimes outright beating him to up his endurence. He slowly began to level up with this harsh training and his moral compass began to truly get turned up side down and right and wrong blurred together. Caine's father also fobid Caine and his mother from ever coming in contact with with Fire Stone as that would evolve either of them, but Caine didn't know that. He just blindly listened to his father.
After a few years of this treatment, Caine's life changed forever. He was going to meet up with his father at their usual spot when he came to a horrid sight: his father had his mother pinned to the ground, blood was splattered across the grass of the forest. But the Arcanine was not hurt. Caine cried out his mother's name, running up to where his father was suffocating her. Tears ran down the Vulpix's eyes but his father just stared at him, grinning with blood on his face and a wild light in his eyes. "Run along little boy," he told his son with a chuckle. Caine could only do just that. Confused and horrified, he fled. Hours later, he still had not seen either of his parents, and Caine was really starting to worry. Where were they? He was in denile about his mother being hurt by his father and in a matter of hours managed to convince himself that he had imagined the whole scene and they were simply out hunting together. Now calmed, Caine set off to search for his mother and father. After hours more of searching, when it had begun to get dark, Caine finally found his mother. Just his mother, but the Growlithe was hurt. Baddly. He ran to her only to see that her stomach had been slashed and many bite wounds on her body. Caine whimpered. What could have done this to her? His brain had already convinced him that his father would never do that to her and even though there was no more heart beat with her, Caine still came up with a plan to save her. He could find a Fire Stone, he could find a Fire Stone and evolve his mother- then she would be okay. Caine convinced himself of this.
He then spent hours late into the night looking and searching his home for that stone that he beleived would save his mother. Near dawn he finally suceeded. Without hesitation, he snatched up the stone in his teeth and ran back to his mother. But when he reached the Growlithe something was wrong; the Fire Stone was missing! Caine retraced his steps and still nothing. He returned to his mother with his heart breaking, crying as he lay next to her. Caine knew then that she was dead. Her body was cold and her eyes glazed. He curled up around the mutalates body only to realize that she was much smaller than she had been... And his fur was a light yellow. Caine realized in shock that he has evolved. The Ninetales spent a long time with his mother's body, well into the afternoon, when his father showed up. Caine cowared in fear as he had disobeyed his father's strictest rule, but the Arcanine did not attack. Instead he spoke with a sadistic smile: "Caine, son... Have you never thought of why you look so much different that her and I?" Uncomprehending, Caine just stared at him. "You see, that corpse was not your real mother. Your real mother is dead and you know who killed her? Why, none other than ME. I killed her and your father, too, but took you as my own." He smirked at the horror on Caine's face. "You see, that wretch did not even care for you or me. I had to take care of her. I mean, I only needed her to care for you when you were a baby, Caine. But not anymore. And you have proved as worthless to me as she has." And with that the old dog lunged, but Caine had been riled up. His emotions stirred as all of his negative feelings for life and everything in general manifested into hatred for the bastard whom he had called father. Without hesitation the Ninetales slashed at the larger canine's throat, ending his life. Caine then turned and simply walked out of the forrest he had grown up in, called home, and never looked back.
He was on his own when the Epidemic started and Kanto became infested with disease. However, he ended up meeting with a Pidgeotto. The bird had been a human owned pokemon but realeased when his human heard of the plauge. The two worked together to survive, aquantinces, nothing more. One day the two found an old human store full of odd disks. Pidgeotto explained that they were TMs, even going as far as grabbing one and using it on Caine before he could object. It ended up being a useful move, but the bird was killed just hours later by the undead. Caine hit a low point and began wishing for suiside, but knew that his Growlithe mother would not approve. She loved him no matter what the Arcanine had said. So he set out to make a statement, even in the terrible place that the world had become. In a fit of rage he accidently cut his face, a small wound beneath his eye that when bled gave the impression of crying blood, and an obsession was struck. Caine was soon purposely making cuts beneath his eyes as to always have bloody 'tears' on his cheeks but he did not stop there. Caine then discovered human razors and knives. He fell in love. He began to collect them, going as far as fancying himself a necklace of the rusty metals that he hid beneath the thick fur aroung his neck and chest. Caine never wanted anyone to see them.
But then he realized how much he enjoyed the physical pain under his eyes- the way that they took away from his mental agony and made the world bearible- that he wanted to take it farther. He developed a way to cold the blades he collected for his necklace and just began slicing at his own flesh, mostly his wrists and ankles, constantly having them bleed. The self inflicted wounds made him feel proud, empowered and no one could take it from him. Caine became uncaring and conceited, sometimes even beleiving that the undead were after his precious knives. One day, with no warning at all, Caine was in a place he did not recognize. It couldn't have been Kanto. Confused and disorianted, Caine dis the only thing that made him feel good: he looked for spare razors in the strange place.
User Note-
-Inspired by a character of an old friend of mine
-Biological father was actually an Arcanine, ironicly
-Mewtwo's freakout refrenced near the end
-Cuts himself and is not afraid to admit that, but will not let anyone see him actually do it
-How he actually does it is that he takes the necklace off using his paw and head, then he will take one of the blades in his teeth(careful to have the dull part on his tounge) and will just hold up his paw and do it like that, jerking his head back and forth while pressing the razor against his skin. Afterwards he just puts the necklace back on and makes sure that his fluff conceals it.
As for the cuts infldwd his eyes, he merely uses the claws on his paws, using a puddle or lake to make sure he gets them correctly.
-Would never EVER let anyone see his blades, let alone harm someone with them as he has an unhealthy obsession with them
-Is constantly slicing at the wounds under his eyes just enoigh to keep them bleeding
-Very angry and depressed; low self esteem and is constantly punishing himself and saying that he would be more helpful to the world as an infected
-Does not care when people insult him as he merely sees it as them stating the truth
-Has a very low tolorance for pain yet openly inflicts wounds upon himself
-Has very many mental problems like substuting reality with his own
Seperating from a current duel profile to become a single character, thus why his profile ois out of date.
Last edited by Ciana on Tue Dec 11, 2012 7:50 pm; edited 2 times in total