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    The CITADARK Team


    The CITADARK Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CITADARK Team

    Post by Guest Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:19 pm

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    Citadark Isle|Morning

    Aerith shot Haymitch a glare before following Finnick down the hall, Lennor not far behind her. He was having the best time, practically skipping down the tunnel as he pictured all the lovely ways to kill the members of the group. With Seneca's help the Milotic would be the first to go, obviously one of the most dangerous. Even his grass moves would have trouble with someone that slippery and quick. Haymitch was a drunken fool but he had fought in the Games, and posed a threat if he sobered up.

    His thoughts continued this way until the Marowak's foul breath reached his nose, for once speaking without needing a translator. "See? Blocked." Aerith stared at the massive rocks but didn't dishearten. Instead she developed a plan. Walking around and tapping on the rocks she marked a few places with her sharp tusks before backing up and looking at her work.

    "That should do it..." she mused aloud before turning to the others. "Okay everyone take an X and use whatever you have that would make a crack or a hole in that spot. It will weaken the boulders and with my Dig I can burrow through the weak points. They should collapse with a little extra... Finnick do you know a strong water move?"

    The question would seem somewhat random but if one could read the dragon's mind they would see what she was formulating. Once the cracks, holes and her tunnel created stress points and fractures a strong blast of water would soften the rocks and cause them to collapse a wash away. Or at least out of the way.

    ((Aerith is just such a do-it-yourselfer XD
    And for reference there are actually seven marks she put on stress/weak points to the boulders, so anyone can feel free to take multiple with heavier attacks.))

    Age : 29
    Posts : 1664

    The CITADARK Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CITADARK Team

    Post by Snitch Thu Apr 04, 2013 8:08 am

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    Citadark Isle || Morning [31][7]

    As Haymitch led the group towards the wall of rocks, Seneca lagged behind. He had absolutely no intention of helping, no desire to improve the situation of the company that seemed to keen to destroy him. No, the fox was beyond redemption. He had harshly dismissed the idea of staying in the victors’ good books, figuring that there was no point in starting now when they were already resolved to kill him. Everything was out in the open; there was no hiding his crimes, no denying it. If they thought it fitting he should die for his artistry, Seneca would make their existence up until then as difficult as possible.

    He had no doubts that his newfound alliance with Lennor would assist in his goal. Hell, maybe he could escape this thing altogether! It was hopeful, but Seneca remained keen to turn the tables on his tormentors. He wasn’t’ the one to be tortured; the Zoroark knew his place at the top of the pedestal and was beginning the arduous journey of reclaiming his lost power.

    Whilst the scheming fox followed at his own, particularly leisurely pace, Caesar trotted happily along behind the bulk of the group. He wore a small smile, optimistic that through a group effort, any obstacle could be overcome. And then, the obstacle in question came into vision. A blinking of the eyes would have missed the momentary falter in the Vulpix’s smile, yet he determinedly recovered. It was obviously a daunting task but Caesar’s mind failed to register the possibility of failure. Anything was possible.

    Aireth seemed keen to prove it too, the female already marking certain boulders with crosses in what the fox could presume as only some sort of target. Caesar watched on with quiet fascination, his luminous eyes following her strategic moves until she stepped back to deliver her plan.

    "Okay everyone take an X and use whatever you have that would make a crack or a hole in that spot. It will weaken the boulders and with my Dig I can burrow through the weak points. They should collapse with a little extra...”

    Caesar gave a short, celebratory guffaw; his features alighted with a newfound excitement to witness such teamwork.
    “That’s fantastic!” He exclaimed, genuinely awed by Aireth’s quick-thinking. Whilst he thought it hugely unwise to mention how such planning reminded him of the Games, Caesar couldn’t shake the pang of nostalgia. As barbaric and cruel at the tournament had been, the contestants had been truly incredible – their traps, their methods and techniques had often proven awe-inspiring. Aireth’s own approach evoked old memories, she would have done well.

    Catching his train of thought, Caesar was disappointed at the realization that the Games truly had corrupted him. He had found an amount of joy in the spectacles and it disgusted him at the fond reminiscence of such fan-favourites. Concealing his sudden guilt with an expertise gained from years of practice, the canine trotted forward to one of the smaller, more accessible boulders the Axew had marked. It dwarfed him regardless, a sparkly-blue speck aside the rock and yet he remained undaunted – determined to help. Yet he was limited. Of his moves, he could only think of one that may be marginally useful, the others being defensive.

    As Caesar launched a Flame Burst at his boulder in a vain bid to help, Seneca had only just joined the group. He couldn’t work out what exactly they were trying to achieve other than wasting their energy. He gave a dismissive snort, instead thinking it far more fitting for him to take the opportunity to rest. The dark-type sat to the side of the great structure blocking the group’s path, cloaked in the shadows as he put his mind towards something more productive. It had been awhile since he’d practiced his illusions, instilled with a determination to succeed as he worked to recover his lost talent. They could prove particularly useful later.

    (( Lol, my boys are so useless. xD ))

    Age : 36
    Posts : 3208

    The CITADARK Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CITADARK Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:59 am

    Finnick 28|| Haymitch 22

    The CITADARK Team - Page 6 >

    Citadark Isle| Morning

    Instead of admitting that there had been good reason for Haymitch to not try to progress, the Dragon Lady merely formulated a plan and began to mark certain boulders with "X"'s, then turned to the rest of them. "Okay everyone take an X and use whatever you have that would make a crack or a hole in that spot. It will weaken the boulders and with my Dig I can burrow through the weak points. They should collapse with a little extra... Finnick do you know a strong water move?"

    Finnick blinked, tilting his head lightly as his eyes wandered over the boulders once more. Ah... so was that what she was thinking? Collapse the base, the force the falling boulders away with water? It might not be what she was thinking, but it would have to be the plan with his particular water move. "Surf," he replied with a small coy grin. "Though, all of you will probably have to run behind me when I use it, just so you don't get caught in the way."

    Haymitch's frown deepened at the water snake's reply, slightly alarmed that the two of them were thinking to fucking flood the place. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" he exclaimed, glancing between the two of them. "You're just gonna Surf the fucking th-- the boulders are about 60 feet high! You know how much water will have to be in he--"

    "Oh relax," Finnick dismissed, coy grin not leaving him. "I already said if you all are behind me, you won't get hurt. Besides, if you do get caught in it, at least you'll get a bath. This whole place could use a good soaking to get rid of your stank." The marowak could only scowl, glancing back to the unmanned boulder with an "X", then exhaled sharply and began to work at it. Dumbass lunatics trying to get them all killed...


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    The CITADARK Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CITADARK Team

    Post by Guest Sun Apr 14, 2013 2:29 pm

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    Citadark Isle|Morning

    "Surf," Finnick replied cheekily causing Aerith to smile back at him. "Though, all of you will probably have to run behind me when I use it, just so you don't get caught in the way." She waved her hand back, a gesture showing that such a thing wouldn't be a problem, but Haymitch in all his drunken glory felt the need to put in his two cents. The Axew frowned but Finnick took care of the chastising for her leaving her free to get to work, Haymitch following suit.

    Lennor had to hand it to Dragon Lady, when she wanted something done she damn well made sure it was. Finnick might drown them all but as long as he lived he had never feared water. But not wanting to rot in this place with the likes of Finnick and Caesar the Roselia smiled and hopped his way up some of the smaller boulders to stand in front of one of the higher X's. Razor Leaf wouldn't have enough strength for something like this, but his Petal Dance could. The only downfall was its side effect once he finished the attack, and the Roselia seriously tried to weigh the pros and cons of becoming confused in front of this group.

    What if they used his confusion to try and get information from him, like what really happened to Aerith? What if they tried to kill him while he wasn't able to fight back at his fullest? So many things could go wrong but he needed the move...Fuck it. He would have to take the chance. He shook his roses and soon glowing petals began to fall all around him, glowing pink as they rose up behind him and swirled around. The Roselia twirled gracefully and at every full rotation the petals would launch deep into the rock, slowly splintering it each time it hit. As he felt the familiar dizziness of confusion start to grip his mind Lennor had only one thought.

    This had better be worth it.

    Aerith had been a little concerned when Seneca ignored the group and went off in the corner alone, but she couldn't exactly blame him. These creatures hadn't been the kindest to him and were in fact the reason for his injured state. So she could see not wanting to exert effort while in pain for people who created it and didn't want you there to begin with. Caesar seemed pleased with her idea at least and began doing what he could with his fire while the others went to work at the rest of her marks. Even Lennor was helping which was a shock.

    She took her own place between two points and readied Dragon Claws on both her hands, slashing forward and cracking them both. The boulders began to shudder from everyone's effort and soon there was a terrible shudder as they began to crack and splinter, collapsing further in on themselves and making Lennor jump back to the ground for his life. To the untrained eye it would have seemed like they had just made the situation worse but her marks had done their job. The smaller boulders, while now more of them, were significantly looser and much weaker. Claws glowing slightly she dove into the middle of the base with her Dig and clawed her way around before popping out near the top, only to dive back in and emerge once more from the left side bottom.

    Dusting her hands she approached the Milotic and gave him thumbs up. "Everyone get behind Finnick, those tunnels I made are going to flood and water will be forced to drive the boulders back in order to relieve the pressure. It might not clear the passage completely, as those are some pretty big rocks, but it will give us a large gap at the top to get through." Waving Seneca over she hoped the fox would realize what was about to happen before looking to the others to see if they were in place. "Everyone ready?"

    Age : 29
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    The CITADARK Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CITADARK Team

    Post by Snitch Tue Apr 16, 2013 11:36 am

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    Citadark Isle || Morning [32][8]

    Pausing in his feeble efforts to do some damage to the boulder looming before him, Caesar turned upon catching Haymtich’s protest. His expressive features took the subtle transition into a light frown, concerned at the reality of the situation and the apparent dangers it accompanied. Whilst the Vulpix was confident in the abilities of the pokémon surrounding him, in fact quite awed by their strategies, he could admit that the thought of such water was quite alarming. Escaping the ship’s wreckage had been trauma enough, the risk of reliving such a situation was quick to send a shiver down his spine.

    "Oh relax. I already said if you all are behind me, you won't get hurt. Besides, if you do get caught in it, at least you'll get a bath. This whole place could use a good soaking to get rid of your stank."

    Finnick’s relaxed dismissal of such risks came as a blessing to the nervous fox, his face reigniting with his usual optimism. It’s only a bit of water, the canine reminded himself, banishing the creeping images of tidal waves keen to infect his mind. He had no right to be scared, it was only another weakness to add to his pampered form and thus he remained adamant to conceal it with his famous charm. Besides, he was tiny – it would be embarrassing not to be able to hide behind the giant, water-serpent.

    In the time it had taken to balance his thoughts, Aireth had done her work. The female was dusting her hands off when Caesar affixed his attention to her, ears pricked as she proceeded with the instructions. Getting behind Finnick was at the forefront of the Vulpix’s list. Smiling appreciatively at Aireth, grateful that she had the drive to overcome such an obstacle bearing down upon them, he obediently trotted into safety.

    Seneca was entirely engrossed in the umpteenth attempt at rediscovering his illusory abilities – needless to say, he had made no improvement. A flickering Pidgey was formed before him, the fox’s expression sculpted into one of bitter concentration until the image disappeared altogether. He had zoned out of the conversation, allowing himself a few moments not to care, a chance to let his current predicament slip from his mind. With any luck, it would be a feat remedied better than his illusions.

    "Everyone ready?"

    Frowning, the Zoroark had caught Aireth’s motioning to him from the corner of his eye, the fox reluctantly permitting the invasion of his momentary peace to listen. It seemed however, that he had remained aloof to the bulk of conversation.
    “Ready? Ready for what?” Seneca growled unhappily, noticing the group closely congregating about Finnick’s grandiose form. The fox didn’t understand and didn’t particularly care to, instead dismissing the gesture with a snort. He wanted no part in their little games, convinced that whatever they were planning was just another means to break him down. Seneca gave a determined huff at the thought, adamant that in the future he would not break so easily. Oh no, he’d been offered a glimpse of hope in the form of the sinister Lennor – and right about now, he would do anything to escape his ugly fate.

    (( Yeah, Seneca can go ahead and get caught in the Surf unless anyone fancies dragging him out of the way, lol. ))

    Age : 36
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    The CITADARK Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CITADARK Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Jun 02, 2013 5:13 am

    Finnick 29|| Haymitch 23

    The CITADARK Team - Page 6 >

    Citadark Isle| Morning

    "Everyone get behind Finnick, those tunnels I made are going to flood and water will be forced to drive the boulders back in order to relieve the pressure. It might not clear the passage completely, as those are some pretty big rocks, but it will give us a large gap at the top to get through." Dragon Lady waved over to the disgruntled mess of a fox, but his back was turned and he wasn't looking to be listening. As Pretty Boy eyed the blockade before him, Haymitch stared at Seneca, internally hoping that the other wouldn't see the water in time. Bastard needed a bath anyway. "Everyone ready?"

    "Just do it and try to not drown us, eh, Pretty Boy?" he grumbled, uncertain about the whole plan in general. "Despite my rugged good looks and godly hygeine, I do enjoy living." Finnick gave the marowak a small sideward roll of the eyes before summoning the attack within himself. The ocean too far away, the water merely appeared from the ground itself, lapping gently at the group's feet as it welled beneath his serpentine form. Rising upward with the building attack, Finnick kept his eye on the one remaining X, aiming meticulously before unleashing the wave.

    The Surf roared, crashing down mercilessly upon the boulders, causing them to shift and fall, the water pushing them back more and more, creating a pathway. Water gushed and flooded, then quickly receded as if it had never been there. Finnick, now back where he was, grinned proudly. "Hey, look," he chirped, "A pathway."


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    The CITADARK Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CITADARK Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:39 pm

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    Citadark Isle|Morning

    “Ready? Ready for what?”

    She heard him too late. Finnick unleashed his Surf and Aerith closed her eyes tight in reflex, not wanting to see Seneca get trapped and cracked into the rocks. Haymitch seemed to have seen the fox as well and the fact that he was closer and still didn't move pissed the Axew off. She would have to have a talk with that ground type later, one he would certainly not enjoy. But as she opened her eyes with the receding water she realized that Seneca wasn't the only one not with them. Lennor was missing.

    Horrified she rushed out from behind Finnick to try and spot the trouble-making plant. "Len? Len?!" She moved around frantically only to come to a sudden halt as she spotted the familiar skirt of green...guarding Seneca. Standing before the hunched figure of the beaten down fox was the Roselia, arms crossed and eyes closed tightly as he slowly relaxed from using his own body to keep the damage from reaching the Zoroark.

    His arms slowly came down upon her approach, footsteps displacing the puddles of water collected in the dips and crevices of the ground. Unfortunately with a Surf eventually there is a point where everything is water so with his confusion making attacks useless, the huge fail rate not worth risking, the Roselia had decided to jump in front of Seneca to take as much of the physical damage himself as he could. As Aerith came to a stop in front of him Len's eyes slowly opened and a smirk passed over his face despite his vision being completely doubled by the confusion.

    "Took ya long enough."

    Lennor rubbed his sore cheek with his blue rose, smirk falling into a somber frown. "The hell was that for Dragon Lady?" She usually only hit him when he was an ass. He just freaking saved someone's life! Something completely against his nature and training and he still got hit for it. The hell? "Don't ever scare me like that again you dick." His mouth hung open and he stared at Aerith's retreating form. She...She...WHAT?! Looking back at Seneca he tried to gauge if the fox had heard what he had, hoping that it was his confusion that had created those words, but honestly he wasn't sure if the fox was even okay after all of that. He was only one Roselia after all.

    ((Snitch I left it as vague as possible if you wanted Sen to get some of the damage from the water. Lennor is much smaller than him so there's plenty room for the water to have gone around him if you want. But I thought it could be a nice 'ya owe me one' for the pair if he prevented most of the damage XD))

    Age : 29
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    The CITADARK Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CITADARK Team

    Post by Snitch Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:01 am

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    Citadark Isle || Morning [33][9]

    It took every ounce of strength in the blue fox’s paunchy form to keep a straight face as the water lapped about his paws. Caesar hated water, but remained determined to conceal his unease. Yet he remained helpless to disguise the change in his demeanour. His form went rigid, slightly hunched as his wide, yellow eyes followed Finnick’s impressive attack, the fear soon translating into wonderment. It had been a long time since he’d witnessed Finnick’s strength and as the rocks cascaded around them, defeated, Caesar felt an old pang of nostalgia. A smile crept to his features despite his better judgement.

    Seneca could only stare open-mouthed as the Surf was unleashed at the wall. For a moment, he was paralysed, limbs refusing to respond as fear locked them in place. But to his surprise, at that moment unable to register the leafy figure, Lennor had taken stance in front of him. The Zoroark barely saw him, instead desperately clawing away to escape his damaged psyche as the water slammed in his scrawny form. Knocked off his paws on an impact already lessened by the obstacle of Lennor, the waves carried him for only a second before the fox found the strength to react. Instincts kicked in at the sight of the approaching rocks and determinedly, a Protect surfaced around the dark-type. It saved him the damage of the boulders, but his energy was already sapped by the water now saturating his grimy coat and he heaved an exhausted sigh as the attack vanished as if nothing had happened at all.

    "Len? Len?!"

    Snapped out of his memories, Caesar turned at Aireth’s cry to spot not one, but two missing persons a little ways off. Ashamed Seneca’s welfare had temporarily slipped his mind, the fire-type was merely glad to find every in one piece despite both flower and fox looking a little worse for wear. Managing a sympathetic smile, he trotted over to join them, taking care to hop over the fast-dispersing puddles.

    "Took ya long enough."

    Flinching away from Aireth’s response to the seemingly chivalrous grass-type, Seneca was forced to take a moment to reflect on what had just occurred. Finnick stood triumphantly at a new pathway, rocks littered the room and he himself was sopping wet. His mind’s recent inability to keep up was becoming hazardous as the canine’s gaze fell back to the bickering duo, one of which now in the guise of a saviour. A frown momentarily touched his features, realization of Lennor’s heroism provoking a sense of gratitude quickly quelled by confusion.

    A strange sensation grasped at the fox’s gut as Lennor turned to him, an almost nauseous feeling before he regained his pitiful excuse for composure. Using the paw of his mainly uninjured arm to slick back his dripping-wet mane, he offered the Roselia a curt nod in acknowledgement. Despite his uneasiness at this sudden change of character, there was no denying that without Lennor’s actions, Seneca would be out cold.
    “Thank you,” He muttered quietly, still ignorant to Lennor’s true motives. But from experience, Seneca had learnt that people generally needed an incentive to hep – that often, they wanted something in return.

    What did Lennor want from him?

    The flower had already tempted him with promise of revenge and no matter how ludicrous the plan might seem on a realistic level; Seneca had already latched determinedly onto the hope of their alliance. It seemed the flower’s recent move to protect him was a display of his loyalty. It was a foreign concept to the canine, but it gave him hope regardless. Comforted by the unveiling of what he wanted to believe was a flourishing friendship, Seneca dispelled his worries and smiled.
    “You okay?”

    Age : 36
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    The CITADARK Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CITADARK Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Jun 09, 2013 6:40 am

    Finnick 30|| Haymitch 24

    The CITADARK Team - Page 6 >

    Citadark Isle| Morning

    Though Haymitch had found it funny -all definitions of the word- when Lennor had gone out into the fray of the Surf at the last minute to protect the gangly fox, the Dragon Lady seemed quite of the opposite opinion. Screaming for the duplicious roselia, he was soon found in front of Seneca, displaying that he'd blocked the brunt of the attack for Seneca's health. Frowning as he witnessed the display unfurl, he exhaled a light sigh. Lennor, in their short time together, had done anything courageous. Nothing. He wasn't counting the "crobat attack" either, as it still didn't sit well with him. Pairing the sacrificial martyrdom with the whisperings not twenty minutes prior, something was definitely going on between the two... and it might have just been his paranoia, but his gut told him it wasn't good. He'd need to separate the two...

    A glance upward toward Pretty Boy told him that at least he wasn't alone in the matter. Though the milotic's elegant face seemed mildly shocked that the plant had gone out deliberately into an attack like that, Haymitch could see the doubt creeping in like a shadow over those aquarian eyes. No, Pretty Boy was suspicious too, and that was enough for the marowak. As the first of the others to step forward, he ran his tongue over his teeth and approached them and the newly made pathway with his usual drunken swagger.

    "We just gonna sit here and hold hands or are we actually gonna go in?" he grumbled, looking over the others, his gaze pausing as he got to Seneca. "Well, Foxy, at least you got a bath, eh?" He chuckled, then began climbing over the larger of the discarded boulders to peer in. "...Looks safe enough. Don't see anything moving."

    As Haymitch moved away, Finnick released a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. It seemed everyone got out of the Surf well enough, even if Lennor and Seneca had gotten caught in the waves. Though... he'd gotten his answers from the fox, and Lennor was slowly becoming more and more of a silent threat... He shook his head lightly. No, Finnick... he admonished himself. Don't think like that. There are still answers I need from Seneca... something just doesn't add up. And Lennor... well... maybe he would be better off with an Ice Beam to the face...

    He turned to look at Caesar, the pudgy blue fox still a little nervous from the attack. "See? Nothing to be afraid of, old boy," Finnick smirked, a good natured -though, admittedly, tired- expression gracing him before he slithered away after Haymitch's lead. Looking over the others, eyes staying on Lennor and Seneca, he came a little closer, unsure. "Are you both all right? I thought everyone was out of the way-- I'm sorry. I could have killed you." The last sentence wasn't said as hyperbole; it was true. He'd drowned quite a few back in his day.


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    The CITADARK Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CITADARK Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 09, 2013 8:05 am

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    Citadark Isle|Morning

    Lennor still sat there pondering what the hell had gotten into Aerith, completely confused on her random attitude change. Normally she didn't care when he got beat up. Hell more often than not she was the one smacking him, so what gave? “You okay?” Seneca's question was probably more on his physical state than his mental one but right now the Roselia wasn't sure of either. "Uh...I guess?"

    Shaking himself off the tattered thorn Pokemon rid himself of any remaining droplets of water before wishing silently for some kind of sun. He needed to repair the damage done to his leaves and beautiful roses. Those blossoms were his pride and joy, seconded only to his love of killing things. Looking back to the fox he smirked as Haymitch and Finnick approached. The ground type didn't seem to happy to see Seneca mostly unharmed, letting a snide comment about a bath roll off his tongue. But Finnick surprised him most by acting almost concerned. "Are you both all right? I thought everyone was out of the way-- I'm sorry. I could have killed you."

    Lennor couldn't hold back a bark of laughter, amused as hell that the water type thought his little shower would harm the plant. "I've had worse done to me, trust me!" He couldn't stop chuckling for several minutes after that. Aerith shook her head at Lennor's reaction but left him to it. He did something right for a change despite the worry he had given her so he deserved a break.

    Haymitch had mentioned going inside so the dragon made her way slowly to the opened passage, peering through the rocky exterior to see a hallway with a few more doors. "It looks like there might be more exploring ahead, we may even have to split up into teams. What do you think Finnick?" She waved him over and pointed out the newly revealed are of the human-made facility. While she wasn't overly sure about what would happen if Len was paired off with someone other than her it probably wouldn't hurt if someone kept a careful eye on Haymitch. Who knew what that drunkard would do if left to his own devices.

    Age : 29
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    The CITADARK Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CITADARK Team

    Post by Snitch Mon Jun 10, 2013 5:18 am

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    Citadark Isle || Morning [34][10]

    "Uh...I guess?"

    Seneca gave an amused snort at the flower’s response, turning away to find Haymitch abhorrently close. His half-pleasant expression dropped like lead at the sight of the victor, only growing darker when he took the opportunity to throw in a jibe about a bath. The canine merely sneered at him, fangs bared as he made an effort to ignore him. Although, to an extent he was unwilling to admit, Haymitch did have a point. The Zoroark felt oddly rejuvenated by the ‘bath’, like he had the opportunity to start afresh now that the blood and grime of several weeks were lost. This could be the start of his restoration.

    "See? Nothing to be afraid of, old boy,"

    Caesar smiled up at Finnick, offering a charming laugh as he nodded his head in understanding.
    “I’m quite recovered now,” He chuckled, using a paw to eccentrically sweep back an amount of his electric-blue fur that had come dislodged in the panic. “All better,” Smiling good-naturedly, he watched as the water-serpent slithered over to make amends with those caught in his attack and for a moment, Caesar’s entire spirit was lifted. He was a good lad, Finnick. Times had changed him and despite that glimpse of vengefulness the blue fox had seen upon his arrival, Caesar was confident that he could move on with his life. Haymitch, was another matter. At least he was behaving himself now.

    "Are you both all right? I thought everyone was out of the way-- I'm sorry. I could have killed you."
    "I've had worse done to me, trust me!"

    Seneca scoffed loudly, unkindly at Finnick’s concern, ears flat against his head as he turned away from the apology. Nothing could persuade him that the surf had been an accident, nor that this apology held any true sympathy. Finnick was merely a talented liar – much like himself, he noted.
    “As have I,” The fox growled unpleasantly, darkly, amidst Lennor’s laughter. His glare lingered on the water-serpent before he began limping away from the scene – uncomfortable at the close proximity of the victors. Instead, the fox sought the company of Aireth, knowing that he would be maybe half-welcome in her presence.

    "It looks like there might be more exploring ahead, we may even have to split up into teams. What do you think Finnick?"

    Pausing alongside the female, the Zoroark’s indifferent observation of the new passage was suddenly disturbed at the suggestion of splitting into groups. His permanent frown momentarily shifted into something resembling fear as he leant close to the dragon-type.
    “Don’t leave me with them,” He whispered desperately, suddenly moving away as if he hadn’t said anything at all. He was reinventing himself, he couldn’t let Haymitch or Finnick think he was scared – he couldn’t even let himself believe it. But his blue eyes spoke volumes, appealing to Axew’s sense of compassion in the hope she would be as merciful towards him as she had already shown.

    Age : 36
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    The CITADARK Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CITADARK Team

    Post by Silverishness Fri Jun 28, 2013 6:08 pm

    Finnick 31|| Haymitch 25

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    Citadark Isle| Morning

    "I've had worse done to me, trust me!"
    “As have I.”

    Finnick's face fell a little at Seneca's snarl of a reply; though he honestly couldn't blame the fox. A small frown formed as he turned to address the problem of the new pathway, and he slithered closer for a better view. Haymitch was really the only recognizable figure, and he wasn't really even along the new territory. Aerith came beside him, staring at the new opening as well.

    "It looks like there might be more exploring ahead, we may even have to split up into teams. What do you think Finnick?" The milotic turned at his name, Seneca's quiet approach and words not lost on him. “Don’t leave me with them,” was his quiet plea, and the sentence rubbed a little at the water-type's nerves. The marowak scoffed at Aerith's suggestion, but it looked like Seneca's words didn't reach him. Good.

    While he wasn't fond of the idea of groups, his mind furiously tried picking safe enough options. Haymitch would be a good candidate for keeping Seneca in line, but not Lennor, and certainly not both. Caesar was likely the best pokemon for keeping the sneaky flower in check, but the idea of traveling with the flower at all caused his anxiety to spike. That little bastard had done something to Aerith; he'd seen that look in the flower's face himself. But in one big group, he could slip away far easier... What to do...

    "I think groups could be good," he began, a conclusion coming to him. Hopefully, it'd work. "This looks like it could be quite a bit of ground to cover. How about it be: You -Aerith-, Haymitch and Seneca, and then Lennor, Caesar and myself? But until we come across a split path, we should stay together. Just... safer that way."

    Haymitch glanced over when his name was called, grinning a little when he found his name paired with Seneca. Though the Dragon Lady was there as well, it would still be fun to keep the slippery fox in line. "Sounds like a plan, Pretty Boy."


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    The CITADARK Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CITADARK Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 30, 2013 12:47 pm

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    Citadark Isle|Morning

    “Don’t leave me with them,”

    Aerith's eyes narrowed in pity as Seneca all but begged for protection, not trying to belittle the dark fox but feeling genuinely sorry that there was only so much she could do to help. As long as she got paired with him she figured there would be a chance for him to get an advocate in his corner but the rest all depended on who else went with them.

    "I think groups could be good," the Axew breathed a sigh of relief before giving Finnick a brief glance, nodding her head towards the Zoroark to try and convey that she wanted to go with him. Otherwise they might lose him to some 'accident' one of the others could conjure. "This looks like it could be quite a bit of ground to cover. How about it be: You -Aerith-, Haymitch and Seneca, and then Lennor, Caesar and myself? But until we come across a split path, we should stay together. Just... safer that way."

    She got fucking Haymitch.
    And he seemed way too pleased to know he was with Seneca.

    "Very well," she growled, "but the drunkard better pull his own weight. I'm not carrying his lazy ass." She crossed her arms and stood in front of Seneca, giving clear sign to the Marowak that he was not going to get a clear shot at the fox while she was around. "And he better realize that with this grouping I am team lead. Got that, Mitchie?" He wanted to give everyone nicknames like Lennor well then she was going to give the same courtesy.

    Lennor, however, was highly displeased with this arrangement. He was away from his mark, away from his tool, stuck with the froufrou water snake and the fop Vulpix. In short, he was in hell. And he was going have to be extra careful if those judging eyes Finnick was giving him were any clue. The guy was clearly still suspicious despite Aerith herself clearing his name. Granted Finnick was right but that was beside the point. "So lead the way Fancy Nancy."

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