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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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8 posters

    The FUCHSIA team


    Age : 25
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 4 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Min Sun Nov 11, 2012 4:49 pm

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    Route 19| |Morning

    "We'll be going back into the city to look for some food. You're welcome to come with us if you want to." Elegy nodded quickly. "I'd love to come! I haven't eaten i a while-" as if on cue, the little Flaaffy's stomach growled and she chuckled nervously. "I hope we can find some juicy Pecha Berries, or maybe a Cheri Berry!"

    When the Roserade revealed itself, it spoke to the little sheep. "Kid, you've got a lot to learn about the real world..." The child looted up to the grass-type, eyes wide with confusion. "What do you mean, miss?" The dragon leaned in and whispered something to the newcomer, leaving the Flaaffy even more curious and itching for knowledge.

    The Haxorus then revealed her name as Rhonda, the Mareep known as Onne, and the Meowth called Clover. "I'm Elegy! Some people just call me Elle, though." she hummed with joy, hopping a bit with excitement. "I hope this isn't rude but, what species are you, Rhonda?" The undead had asked, which sparked the kid's interest. "Are you a dragon?" she squeaked, looking up at the towering figure with bright, curious eyes.

    [OOC: Shitty post is shitty fuuuuu]

    The FUCHSIA team - Page 4 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 11, 2012 5:04 pm

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    Route 19|Morning (3)

    The large dragon loomed over the Roserade and told her to let it be. Leah sighed as the Flaafy asked, "What do you mean, miss?" Leah bit her tongue, trying not to say anything to offend her. "I-It's nothing. Don't worry about it." She said to the electric type. Everyone went around and introduced themselves. The Haxorus was named Rhonda. The Mareep was named Onne. The undead Meowth was named Clover. And the Flaafy was named Elle. Leah nodded and said, "My name is Leah. I'm from Saffron City." She didn't think anybody knew where it was, but she just chose to bring it up anyway.

    Clover and Elle were wondering what species Rhonda was, since they've never seen anything like her before. Leah knew what she was since one of David's friends had a Haxorus. "If I remember correctly, I believe Rhonda is a Haxorus. My trainer's friend had one, that's how I know." She looked up at the Haxorus and gulped. Leah felt so small compared to Rhonda that it scared her.

    (OoC: Shitty posts seem to be more infectious than the epidemic itself!)

    Age : 30
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 4 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Nightfall Mon Nov 12, 2012 2:18 pm

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    Route 19/Morning (21)

    Onne, Clover, Elegy and Leah ... they were her new friends. Four young Pokemon who still had so much to learn about the world ... so much that Rhonda could teach them. The old Haxorus's eyes sparkled upon the newcomers, her own distant youth surfacing in their depths; an excitement and willpower that she had not felt in a long time.

    "I hope this isnt rude but, what species are you, Rhonda?" Clover asked her after making her introduction. She was about to reply when the Roserade, Leah, decided to answer for her. A frown creased Rhonda's brow; she was perfectly capable of answering questions herself and besides, the question was directed at her, not Leah. She let it slide for the time being though, nodding slowly as Leah provided her explanation. "That's right, I am a Haxorus," she stated afterwards. "We are natives of Unova and yes," she glanced at Elle with a smile, "we are Dragon-types."

    Heaving a sigh at what was to come, Rhonda turned her bulk around and spotted with a start that Slyke was no longer there. For a moment she looked around frantically for the girl, craning her neck as high as she could. Catching no sight of her, Rhonda sighed sadly. She hoped that she had just gone on ahead to the garden she had told her about. For now, there were more pressing matters at hand ... Treading carefully over to Nimh's body, Rhonda began to dig using her foot, gouging the sand out from underneath it. She would not protest if any of the others decided to help, but kept an exceptionally close eye on Clover. Although her trust in the Meowth was growing, she was still infected, and no doubt was hosting some rather bloodthirsty new instincts. I wonder how long they can suppress those feelings?

    When she was satisfied that the hole was big enough, she moved behind Nimh and slowly pushed her body into it. It landed with a soft thump, coiled up and fitting comfortably into the grave. She took a moment to say a prayer to Arceus and the other legends, begging them to take care of her and all the other victims of this horrible epidemic. I don't know why you wait so long ... but Arceus please ... if you really are there, save us...

    It took her a couple of minutes to fill the hole back in again. When she had finished she stood up tall, holding her head back and trying to pour back the tears that were threatening to escape them. "Let's go. We don't need to stay here," she said quietly, beginning to trudge off in the direction of the city. "I know of a place where there might be some berries growing. We should look there first. Follow me."

    ((Sorry, bit rushed at the end))

    Age : 29
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 4 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Effervescent Wed Nov 14, 2012 10:20 pm

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    Route 19||Morning

    Onne said a polite hello to the other three (noticing, and storing away, the fact that one was a Flaaffy), and proceeded to watch as Rhonda put the bloody, mangled mess in the hole she dug. His heart hurt, and he wondered why that was. Why did his heart hurt watching this? Why were there tears coming to his eyes? He didn't know... Not knowing who that was was so much easier. To him, it was just a bloody pile of torn limbs. Until she explained it was her friend. And he never had a friend. But he thinks that if he did have a friend, he'd probably do the same thing. He thinks that if he had a friend, and his friend died, he'd be sad. He didn't know why. He wondered what caused the sadness when it came to death. Maybe it's the fact that the other is gone... That's the only thing he could think of. That now that... Pokemon who you got to know.. just isn't there anymore. And not, like, they left... Like, they're gone for good. No chance of coming back. And that thought made the tears pool over, and one streaked down his face, for Rhonda.

    He caught up to her as she began to slowly walk towards the city. He wanted to officially apologize to her for that rude comment he made about her friend. He didn't understand that that had been a friend, that that had once been someone. "Uhm, Rhonda..." He said quietly, keeping his eyes down on the ground inches from where his hooves stepped. "I'm sorry. I di-didn't know that you knew who that was. I guess I wanted answers, and I feel so bad about that. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings..." He sniffled, as another tear welled over, and matted the thin fur on his face. Death... it was such a hard concept. He didn't know if that was something he would be questioning anytime soon.

    ((Wow. That one was a... I admit, trying to explain death to Onne hurt mah heart a little bit. Just a bit. x'D))

    Age : 29
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 4 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Nov 14, 2012 11:13 pm

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    Route 19 | Morning | (9)

    The Roserade introduced herself as Leah, and the Flaaffy as Elegy. Leah name-dropped that she was from Saffron, momentarily exciting the feline. She had been born in Celadon, and had spent a lot of time in Saffron after the loss of her family. About to speak up, she dismissed it with a tiny grunt. They didnt need to know unless they asked. The grass type also answered Clover's question to Rhonda, concluding she was a Haxorus. With a tiny bit of irritation, she reassured the answer. "That's right, I am a Haxorus. We are natives of Unova and yes, we are Dragon-types." Unova.. The distant region had interested the Meowth. When she was younger, she was told stories about many unique Pokemon native to only that region. How did Rhonda get so far from home?

    The Haxorus set of to finish the honors to her deceased friend. Using her massive tusks, she easily moved masses of sand. Clover took one step forward before retreating her paw back. If she got too close to the body, the bloody scent would over take her. The ashy film blocking her senses wouldnt be able to control her if she pushed it too much. The feline kept her distance respectively, letting Rhonda dig in a sort of gloomy trance. It wasnt long before an impressive hole was before the group of Pokemon, and with a gentle shove, the Arbok vanished within the dip in the ground.

    There was a pause before the Dragon type began filling the hole. Clover crept forward after a thin layer of sand was on top of the deceased. Shoving with her shoulder, the Meowth assisted, letting the sand fall lightly down the hole. it clung to the oily residue on her fur, but she didnt care. She wanted to prove helpful, useful. That she could be sane..

    The grave was complete, and they were to set off. Rhonda told them of a place with berries, and strode in that direction. The smaller Pokemon followed her large form. Unsure of her place, Clover decided to stick close to the Haxorus, thinking that if she trailed too far back it would look sketchy. Slightly behind the unanimous lead, Clover hobbled along, sand still clinging to her messy pelt. Maybe I should groom. Pssh, nah. Thats a waste of time! A small smirk crept across her muzzle. What a silly idea.

    Onne bounded up to the Dragon, apologizing for his earlier comments. Clover moved back, giving them space and trying not to seem as though ease dropping. We need somethin' interesting, not this sad sap... and Mew I need something to eat. She head was starting to pound again, and her attention to the others around her dimmed. Lost in thought, she hardly even watched her footing as she followed them.

    The FUCHSIA team - Page 4 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 15, 2012 1:22 pm

    (Skip me, I'm feeling brain-dead at the moment. Just say that Leah followed the others silently, not wanting to annoy anyone else.)

    Age : 30
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 4 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Nightfall Fri Nov 16, 2012 2:09 pm

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    Fuchsia City/Morning (22)

    Within a couple of minutes, Rhonda had led the group back through the ruins of the gate and they were back in Fuchsia City. Stopping for a moment and drawing herself up to full height, the Haxorus took a careful look at her surroundings. The desolate, half-ruined city seemed to space itself out for miles. She tried to remember where she'd entered; on her way down the path she had passed that little garden with the pond, and racked her brains to attempt to recall whether or not there were berries actually there; she wouldn't make a very good impression to her little group if she led them to nothing. But then again, at least there's some fresh water ... and berries like water.

    She started to tread as lightly as she could down a path to the right, keeping an eye out for any potential threats. "Uhm, Rhonda..." Onne's little voice broke the silence and Rhonda almost flinched at the sudden noise. She turned to him. "I'm sorry. I di-didn't know that you knew who that was. I guess I wanted answers, and I feel so bad about that. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings..." In the corner of Rhonda's eye, something moved in the distance. Snapping her head forward again, she merely offered Onne a small nod. "It's fine, dear. You weren't to know. Don't worry yourself-- wait."

    Rhonda stopped dead in her tracks, still staring fixedly at whatever it was in the distance. Dark shadows were leaping over rooftops, their eerie cackles and screeches echoing back and forth between the high walls surrounding them. A low growl rumbled from the dragon's throat as she tensed her body, lowering her head and flexing her claws. "We're not alone here. Be on your guard," she muttered to the others as she carefully, slowly, started to tread her way forward, hoping with all her might that her large frame would not be as easy to see as she thought it might.

    Age : 29
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 4 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Effervescent Sat Nov 17, 2012 4:05 pm

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    Fuchsia City||Morning

    Onne didn't realize he had been holding his breath until Rhonda said it was fine. He let out a careful, steady breath, and nodded as she continued- only for her to stop. He looked ahead of the group, looking to where her stare was fixed, wondering what she was seeing to suddenly make her tense. He saw something.. well, he didn't know what it was. But there was definitely something going down in that area. He didn't know what they were...

    He turned to the Undead Meowth that was traveling with the small group, and bounded over to her where she was. He had a thought, and he figured now would be as good of time as any to ask her one of the many questions about Undead. "So, you're Undead... Can you sense when there are other Undead nearby? Or if someone is Undead or infected?" He asked with genuine curiosity written across his face, his voice a cross between awe, and a hint of fear. He didn't want to offend Clover. But she was Undead.. he wonders if they have a lower tember fuse then those who are living. He'll save that question for later...

    ((Ooc- let us all take a second to bask in the amazingness of Lulu's drawing of Onne. xDD <3))

    Age : 29
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 4 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Nov 17, 2012 5:19 pm

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    Fuchsia City | Morning | (10)

    The images of shredding a Rattata with her fangs, tearing its flesh with her claws filled Clover's mind. The taste of blood dripping from her fangs was almost real.. The warm meat and screams of death from her prey as she fed her constant hunger.. The steady sound of the Haxorus's footsteps had ceased as she tensed up. Rhonda spoke, telling her group to be on guard, breaking the trance-like illusion that Clover had fallen into. Her headache was still present, and as Onne bounded over to her it only increased. Joyous.. She stopped as he spoke to her, her own body tensing. His sickeningly happy face and voice rang through her ears. "So, you're Undead... Can you sense when there are other Undead nearby? Or if someone is Undead or infected?" What? The first statement offended the cat greatly. Just because she had lost all concern for self-appearance didnt make her undead. Her ear flattened to her head, a scowl crossed the cats face as she stared down the ignorant sheep. If anything she was dying, she admitted to herself, but not dead. "I think I would remember dying, thank you." She hissed without a second thought. She forced herself to relax, and stared a bit to the side as her expression changed to something of regret. "Sensing undead, well isnt that like sensing any other Pokemon? You know, the feeling of being watched?" there was a groan to her voice. There was so much ignorance in the group it was disgusting.

    Movement caught the cat's eye. Something in the distance.. a feeling of malice seeping from the silhouetted forms. Their movements made it obvious they werent NOT friendly. Rhonda was right to be on guard. Her voice was hard, hurried, and hushed "Like them." The thought of Rhonda always watching her crept up again. Yeah, being watched indeed. Straining her one hind paw, she forced her way up on it for a moment. Clover pushed her front paws down on Onne's spongey wool, gently but with enough force to make the sheep go down. She was tense, clinging on top of him so he wouldnt stand back up. "Stay down.." She hissed quietly through her teeth. He was so warm and soft under her. So.. defenseless.. No! Clover kicked the thought by holding her breath, and letting out a hard sigh. Slowly, the Meowth gazed up toward the approaching forms, then toward Rhonda, hoping she wouldnt be punishment for her actions. Dont think Im not trying to help!

    She didnt know if Rhonda knew any fire-type attacks, but the thought of being hit with another Flamethrower did not sit well with the Meowth. The oily feel from the previous one had turned to a tarry-sticky feeling, making her pelt feel tight and tug at her skin as she moved. Heh.. maybe grooming just a little wouldnt be a bad idea..

    ((OoC: Permission given by Rainbow to shove Onne))

    Last edited by Cinderspark on Sat Nov 17, 2012 7:35 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Changing Location and phrasing error x.x)

    Age : 25
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 4 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Min Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:16 pm

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    Route 19| |Morning

    Elegy had followed everyone to the burial, pitching in a bit herself in shoving meager amounts of soil on top of the dead Arbok. As the others slowly began to drift away, wanting not to dwell on the grave, the Flaaffy patted down the earth and smiled. "I think," she hummed. "No, I'm sure you'll grow into a really pretty flower! Especially with all of these friends who liked you, you'll become one of the most beautiful flowers!" proud of her little scribble of a flower in the dirt, she stood upright, saluted the sepulcher, before scurrying off.

    "We're not alone here. Be on your guard," Catching up with the others, Rhonda's words made the child skid to a halt. She skittered behind Rhonda, who was large enough to provide her full coverage. "Where did they come from?" Elegy asked quietly, watching the undead with wide eyes. She fumbled with her hands, before slowly creeping forward to get a better view.

    The FUCHSIA team - Page 4 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 23, 2012 8:07 pm

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    Fuchsia City|Morning (4)

    Leah suddenly remembered a promise she had made to herself earlier. It was a promise to be nicer to others. 'How could I be so stupid?' She thought to herself. The Roserade made her way over to where Elle was; near the buried Arbok. "I think... No, I'm sure you'll grow into a really pretty flower! Especially with all of these friends who liked you, you'll become one of the most beautiful flowers!" The Flaafy said, scribbling a little flower in the dirt. Leah even found a small flower beside it, so she decided to pick it and place it on the grave.

    As the group continued to move, Rhonda stopped in place and told everyone to stay alert. Leah stayed quiet as she closed her eyes. She listened to her surroundings for signs of undead, and sight would be a distraction. She heard fast footsteps. And they were getting louder. Her eyes snapped open as she could see a Tauros charging at them. "Get down!" She shouted as she shoved the Flaafy out of the way. The Roserade looked up and the Tauros was as angry as a... well... a bull. Leah began to panic. She had only two moves that could cause damage, and neither of them would work. in this case.

    "Please tell me one of you have a strong attack!" She shouted.

    (Got permission from Lulu to shove Elle)

    Age : 30
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 4 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Nightfall Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:52 pm

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    Fuchsia City/Morning (23)

    Rhonda padded along slowly with her head dipped, trying to resist the urge to turn around and tell the others to be a little more quiet. Clover and Onne were conversing a little louder than necessary in this situation, and Rhonda continuously kept her eye out for the dark shadows she had seen leaping along the rooftops. However, a sudden yell from Leah snapped her head round with a growl.

    An undead Tauros was charging towards them at full speed, its crimson, lifeless eyes wide and wild with bloodlust and rage. "All of you, get away!" the Haxorus yelled, spacing out her feet and lowering her mighty head. While it was true that she was shaking from head to toe with fear of this beast, she knew that the others looked up to her as a leader, and was determined not to let them down. "I'll deal with this."

    The Tauros was rapidly gaining on her and Rhonda readied herself from the impact. Just as the beast was mere metres away from her, Rhonda roared and thrust her head forward. The bull's horns and her tusks collided with a mighty clang powerful enough to emit sparks. She groaned and firmly planted her clawed toes into the ground so she didn't get pushed away or knocked over. Looking into the beast's eyes, now wide with surprise rather than fury, Rhonda took the opportunity to charge herself, throwing her tusks forward with all of her might and sending the beast flying into the wall of a nearby building.

    Boosting her power with Swords Dance while the Tauros staggered to its feet with a groan, Rhonda stood up tall and growled deeply, raising her tusks high into the air until bright beams of sunlight reflected from them. The Tauros, however, only seemed to be even more enraged and bellowed at them and charged again. Rhonda let out her own roar as she stomped forward and prepared to attempt to decapitate the beast, but at the last moment it swerved away from her and sped straight towards the rest of the group. From Rhonda's estimation, it seemed to be making a beeline for Elle.

    "LOOK OUT!" the old dragon cried, rushing forward as quickly as she could but knowing that there was no way she'd get there in time. She could only hope that they could get out of the way soon enough. Please ... nobody else...


    Age : 29
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 4 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:35 pm

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    Fuchsia City | Morning | 11

    The ashy film that had previously clouded the cats senses was dissipating with her movements. The warm scent of the sheeps skin was drifting around making Clover's head spin. The urge to sink her fangs in Onne's back was only squashed by the crackles of static in his bushy wool. Fucking dammit. The others were yelling around her, but the sound was distorted as though they were behind glass.

    The ground seemed to be shaking, aiding in Clover's hind-paw slowly sliding backwards as her muscles tensed in an effort to suppress the feeding-frenzy growing within her. She was pressing harder and harder on Onne's back as her gripped to consciousness faded out. "LOOK OUT!" Rhonda's warning seemed almost quiet, drowned by the pounding of the Meowth's head and a loud bellow of the Tarous charging toward her. Cocking her head slightly to look at the new threat, it felt almost surreal. Locking in on its bright, almost glowing crimson eyes, the crazed bull was crying out with blood-lust. It wanted.. Onne. "NO!" The sheep was HERS. Breathe came in short, fast bursts, and the cat leaped off Onne, slightly shoving him out of the undeads path. She picked up as much speed as her sloppy paws would allow. The cracking of her bones was barely but still audible from the sudden effort.

    He's mine you bastard. Moments from crashing into the charging bull, Clover kicked off, jumping just high enough not to be trampled and landed on its massive head. Sinking her claws into its skull, dark-red blood oozed out. It bellowed loud, kicking and bucking as it blinding changed course repetitively in attempts to remove the feline. Hysterical laughter filled the Meowths voice, and she called out to the enemy undead, "No one touches him without MY permission!" Cranking her neck back then lunging it forward, she sunk her fangs into the creatures eye with her Bite attack. The rotten organ released pussy fluid into her mouth and caused the Tarous to completely loose it. Hanging on with all her strength, biting harder and harder, Clover was not going to relinquish her prize.

    ((I forgot Katie was in the safehouse D: The Tarous can be heading toward anyone now. Feel free to hit Clover if you attack it :3))

    Age : 25
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 4 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Min Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:18 pm

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    Fuchsia City| |Morning

    "Get down!" The words blared into her ears as she felt herself being shoved away, her rubbery skin rubbing against the tough cement while her wool scraped the filth as she slid. Elle cried out in surprise, the thundering of the hooves causing her to simply stumble farther away from the group. Regaining her balance, she watched as the dragon fought with the bull, eyes wide in awe. "Go Rhonda, go! Go Rhonda, go!" she cheered, grinning.

    It was in an instant that the little ram felt something hitting her, the impact forcing the air out of her lungs as she gasped in shock. Glancing towards her foe, she was met with a pair of talons. Rolling away at the last minute, her attacker, a Fearow, had lodged it's claws into the broken street beneath her. Is screeched at the Flaaffy, it's elongated beak attempting to jab at her while it worked on freeing itself from it's stone prison. "Can't catch me now!" she laughed, hopping a few feet back.

    However, diving from the sky, were more Fearows, the undead risen by the loud noises of the battle. The screeched and squawked, beaks ready to plunge into the flesh of the living.

    The FUCHSIA team - Page 4 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:19 pm

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    Fuchsia City|Morning (5)

    Leah quickly got up, ready for action. Clover was taking care of the Tauros, and Elle was distracting an undead Fearow, which made the Roserade glare at the bird. Fearows took the life of her trainer, and there was no way in hell she was ever going to forgive them. Quick on her feet, Leah dashed right up to the one the Flaafy was distracting and attacked it with Poison Jab. She assumed that even though it wouldn't poison them, it would still hurt them since it was a jab.

    She was able to bring it down and place a well aimed jab right into its head. However, Leah looked up and saw more of them. "Oh hell no!" She screamed out. All of them were now heading towards Elle. She had no time to jab all of them, so she made a mad dash towards the Flaafy and pushed her out of the way just in time. This time, however, one of the bird's beak's cut the Roserade. A gash was going down the side of her leg as she put her flower hands over the wound. She was able to deliver a few more jabs to some of the birds, but fell to the ground before she could deliver any more. She was unable to fight from her position on the ground. She just felt helpless.

    (Got permission from Lulu to push Elle again. This time, it came with a price.)

    Age : 29
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 4 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Dec 01, 2012 7:18 pm

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    Fuchsia City | Morning | 12

    The screams of her companions sounded like music to the felines ears. She joined in, using her demonic laughter as a back up in the deathly choir. The Tauros's skin was pulling away from its body, causing Clover's claws to slowly lose their grip. Clawing and scraping at the flesh in an attempt to cling on only pulled it off farther. With one hard shake of its massive head the bull flung Clover off, ripping the flesh and eye away with her. With a hard thud, she hit the ground, the rotten meat dangling from her jaws.

    "You mother fucker, think you can just THROW ME!?" She raged at the creature as it bucked in mindlessness. Biting hard on the stringy muscles attached to the eye, the Meowth freed it from the rest of the flesh and swallowed. The rotten taste didnt even registrar. Too angry to let loose her laughter, a growl rumbled loudly through her throat as she got to her paws. The Tauros bellowed, and charged her again. Though shw was on shaky paws, it was too late to dodgew. Smashed against the undeads rock-hard skull, Clover was thrown through the air from the force.

    The Meowth waited for another painful impact with the ground. To feel the hard dirt crash against her. But it didnt come. Pain did ensue, sharp in her sides but no crash or sense of solidness below her. Blinking her one eye open, Clover viewed the world around her. The dirty broken tiles of the street was below, bobbing and moving. "The fuck.." The pain in her side screamed at her. No. Something was screaming at her. Crying out in response, Clover glanced up with shock. "You fucking bitch release me." The Fearrow was having trouble holding the cat as it hovered above the brawling Pokemon. Angry. She was so fucking angry. Rage filled the entire being of the Meowth as she writhed in its talons. It squeezed harder on her, making the cat whine. "Fucking dammit, someone hit it with a ranged attack!"

    Age : 25
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 4 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Min Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:41 pm

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    Fuchsia City| |Morning

    The Roserade had pushed her again out of harm's way, and the Flaaffy struggled to slide across the ground without scrapes. She pouts like a child, sticking her tongue out. "Heeeeeey! No fair! They were my playmates!" she cried, oblivious to the dangerous situation they were all in. "I was going to play with them! No fair no fair NO FAIR!" Elle's expression had taken a violent turn, her lips pulled back to reveal her teeth as she let out a low, threatening snarl, stamping her feet like a bull.

    "Fucking dammit, someone hit it with a ranged attack!" Whirling around to glance at the Meowth, the electric-type slowly placed her headphones over her ears, waves of thunder sliding off her rubbery pelt and paralyzing those who were near to her. "Better get some earplugs..." her words were dark, a mischievous smile crawling up her lips. "'Cuz it's about to get LOUD in here!" she roared, and soon, the skies roared with her.

    Electricity cracked within the forming clouds, snapping it's jaws as it prepared for it's leap. There was an eerie silence, before lightning rained down upon the whole battlefield, the attack much too strong to be controlled by Elle. "Stronger! Stronger!" she roared, stomping a foot down upon the pavement roughly, causing the Thunder to go out of control. The electricity almost seemed to have a mind of it's own, shooting down from the skies near her companions and at the undead.

    [OOC: Since Elegy can't control her attack, you guys can have your own character's struck by the lightning if you'd like. c:]

    The FUCHSIA team - Page 4 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Guest Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:04 pm

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    Fuchsia City|Morning (6)

    Leah just wanted to yell at Elle now. The Flaafy was yelling over "not being able to play with her playmates". Does she not realize that everyone is being attacked by the undead? Does she not realize that the Roserade had saved her life twice? Does she not realize that Leah also risked her life saving Elle the second time? She was ready to tear her a new one as soon as these damn infected were out of the way.

    Leah could only watch as, purely out of anger, Elle let loose a powerful Thunder attack. She guessed that it was anger, since Elle was demanding the electricity to be stronger. As soon as she did, however, it went out of control. Lighting struck down on the whole field and hit the Roserade. "FUUUUUUCK!!!" She screamed in pain. Leah already had her leg nearly cut open, she didn't need angry electricity from the naive Flaafy. When the attack stopped hitting her, Leah was no longer able to do anything to help out because she was now paralyzed, and in even more pain.

    "D...Damn you Elle..." She said before blacking out.

    (OoC: Can't Leah catch a break?)

    Age : 30
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 4 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Nightfall Wed Dec 05, 2012 3:15 pm

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    Fuchsia City/Late Morning (24)

    Things were just going so terribly wrong so quickly. Rhonda barely had enough time to digest what was going on before she was throwing herself at the nearest foe, trying desperately to keep them away from her young friends. The Fearow whose talons were wedged into the pavement had been weakened with a Poison Jab from Leah, but wasn't down yet. The Haxorus decided to alleviate the threat it possessed - that long neck could still snap out at a decent length. Swiftly charging forward and swinging her mighty tusks, the bird's head was sliced clean off and its body fell to the ground with a sickening splat.

    Her face was covered in foul-smelling, sticky, purple blood, but the old dragon was on full alert now; nothing could distract her. The only thing she wanted to do was protect her friends. As the large Flying-types began to swoop down from the skies, Rhonda roared and snarled as she threw her head at every attacking avian that dared to dive at her. Sometimes she missed; sometimes she merely clipped the wing or the leg; sometimes she took off the head or sliced the torso in half. No matter how many she killed or injured, more kept coming.

    "Fucking dammit, someone hit it with a ranged attack!" Rhonda saw that Clover had been grabbed in one of the Fearow's talons. "I don't have any!" Rhonda looked at her other teammates desperately, pleading them to do something in her place. It turned out that Elle was the one to help out, but in the worst way possible.

    "I was going to play with them! No fair no fair NO FAIR!" the Flaaffy cried, her usually kind expression turning into a vicious snarl. Rhonda was simply dumbstruck by the little Pokemon's behaviour. Does she ... think this is just a game?! "Elle, you'd better calm down--" "Better get some earplugs...'Cuz it's about to get LOUD in here!" At that moment, the sky rumbled with a power great enough to make the ground vibrate beneath her feet. Enormous thunderbolts started to rain down on them all. "ELLE! ELEGY!" Rhonda immediately stood over Leah, who had been struck by the storm and rendered unconscious. The Haxorus growled deeply, glaring at the Electric-type as she urged her storm to get stronger. "ELLE! STOP THIS AT ONCE!" Rhonda bellowed over the racket. "YOU HAVE HURT LEAH!"

    ((Sorry for the sloppy ending, lol, I'm in a bit of a rush.))

    Age : 29
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 4 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:43 pm

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    Fuchsia City | Late Morning | 13

    The Fearow squeezed harder on the Meowth making her wheeze and cough at the agony that crushed her rotting lungs. Anger burned within her. All these fucking Pokemon needed to die. Try as she might, no amount of squirming would free Clover from the impaled talons in her side. Rhonda cried not that she didn't have any ranged attacks. That's fucking great. Elle was crying, upset by something. The dry crackle in the air told Clover of an electric attack on the way. Finally someone with range But the relief was short lived, as the Thunder rained without restraint down on the battling Pokemon.

    The Fearow cawed, flapping its massive wings in jerky movements to try to avoid the blade like lightening. Its sloppily movements not only jostled Clover's head, increasing her rage, but pushed it right in the path on a bolt. With a sicking cry, the bird went limp and began falling to the ground. Clover let out a caterwaul that hurt even her ears as they descended, the scent of burnt feathers and fur floating around her. With a hard thud the undead pair hit the ground. The Fearow cloaked the cat, seemingly dead or at least stunned. Clover scrambled out from under it, the scowl on her face filled with so much anger she couldn't contain it. Sinking her fangs into the birds spindly neck, she ripped the jugular open and tore the neck through the top skin. She couldn't break it, but made sure the tearing would render the bird dead - for good - soon enough. Repetitively clawing and biting at its soggy flesh, she defaced the bird until its profile was no longer recognizable as a Fearow. "You fucker deserved to die". Its dark blood coated her muzzle as she smirked.

    She turned, about to throw herself back into the fray to kill whatever she hit next. The scent of old blood, new blood, and burnt fur swirled around Clover until her head was swamped and heavy. The rage was blinding. She wanted to kill. No, she needed it. "Who else wants to fucking DIE?" She threatened.

    Age : 25
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 4 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Min Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:09 pm

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    Fuchsia City| |Late Morning

    "ELLE! ELEGY!" The Haxorus's voice was a faint murmur within the headphones of the Flaaffy, her wide eyes growing as the Thunder struck harder, leaving charred craters within the streets and lamp posts falling down. "ELLE! STOP THIS AT ONCE!" She humphed childishly. "No! I never get to have any fun!" the electric-type shouts back, her headphones falling back onto her shoulders. Her own attack was deafening to her ears, cringing at each strike.

    "YOU HAVE HURT LEAH!" Elle froze immediately, eyes wide with fear as she slowly turned to see the unconscious form of the Roserade. The child stuttered, her mumbled words growing in speed as tears flowed from her eyes. "I-I..." she sniffled. "I don't know how to control it!" she sobbed, falling flat on her rump as she cried. The bolts of lightning were still raining from the sky, the little Flaaffy unsure of how to stop it. "I-I just wanted to h-have fun..." she rubbed her eyes, oblivious to what was heading straight for her.

    In a split second, the ram was airborne, a Fearow consisting almost completely of skin and bones. It cawed, roughly digging it's talons into the child's arms, craning it's neck down in an attempt to peck out one of her eyes. Elle made no attempt to free herself, her head hung low as she quietly sobbed to herself. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." she mumbled, only slightly flinching when the bird's beak pierced into the flesh on the bridge of her nose.

    The FUCHSIA team - Page 4 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:42 am

    (Skip. Leah's still unconscious)

    Age : 30
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 4 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Nightfall Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:59 pm

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    Fuchsia City/Late Morning (25)

    Elegy seemed more than apologetic about striking Leah with Thunder, claiming that she had no idea how to control the attack and just wanted to 'have fun.' "This is not my idea of fun, young lady," Rhonda growled, leaning over Leah's still body and shielding it from further harm. While she felt sympathetic towards Elle's regret and hated to see the tears now pouring out of her eyes, she reckoned that the flock of Fearow were enough to deal with without a Thunderstorm threatening to disable them all.

    Surely enough, the lightning kept raining down and she decided that keeping Leah out in the open was a bad idea. Glancing over her shoulder, Rhonda spotted a half-collapsed wooden shed next to a house. Lowering her head and gently clamping her beak around Leah's arm, she dragged the Roserade over to the shed and nudged her inside. While not the best shelter in the world, it was better than nothing.

    Satisfied that Leah was safe from harm for now, Rhonda turned back to the battle just in time to spot Elegy being plucked off of the ground by one of the Fearow. The poor girl was so distraught by her mistake that she wasn't even trying to fight back. Rhonda felt helpless as she watched them get further and further away from the ground. She did not know any ranged attacks, and didn't want to risk throwing something at them in case she hit Elle by accident. Besides, a Haxorus's arms were not their strongest point.

    Clover looked fired up and just about ready to commit murder. While normally this would've worried Rhonda to the core her mind was far too intent on somehow getting Elle down to worry about the Meowth at the moment. "I-I can't do anything!" Rhonda's head swung to each side as she desperately looked around for anything at all that she could do. "E-Elle! H-Hang on, I'll get you down! ...Somehow."

    ((My turn again so soon! Keep it up guys! XD Oh, and I had permission for Rhonda to move Leah.))

    Age : 29
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 4 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Dec 07, 2012 1:32 pm

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    Fuchsia City | Late Morning | 14

    Hot. It felt so hot in the cats fur. Everything was so fucking hot. Hot hot hot hothothothot. Clover was fuming with the desire to sink her teeth into flesh. The blood on her muzzle already drying, No... the heat of her rage was causing the cat to pant. Everything seemed to move slowly around her, warping the battlefield. The Meowths head was crushed with the pressure of a pounding headache, burning in her ears and behind her eye. "Kill..." She whispered barely loud enough for herself to even hear.

    The Pokemon around her, screaming, crying, hurting. Their calls were like those of animals to the disconnected cat. They were giving away their positions! Begging her to come to them, let her teeth glide over their skin and rip out their jugulars. "I will kill them ALL!" A pulsating throbbed through the felines undead body as she drew back her lips and let out a hiss that was more like a snarl. Her conscious thoughts had left her, making her focused on one thing: Her next kill. Her muscles rippled beneath her skin, begging to flex. Sounds became as though she was underwater, her own raspy panting filling her ears. Clover's vision ran red, her one eye as brilliantly bright as it could be.

    "THEY did this to me! They took it all from me!" She wailed, charging crazed at Rhonda, the only form she could determine. Mouth gaping, dirtied saliva flowed in ribbons down yellow teeth. "DEMONS!" Her paws made rhythmic beats against the ground, gaining balanced speed she hadn't had in so long. "Death welcomes you." Blood scent lead the Meowth to her prey. "You took my family.." Leaping nimbly, she landed on Rhonda's power tail and bounded up her spine. The aging Pokemons form was still full of strength, despite the stress she was currently in. Her protests weren't acknowledged by the cat. "Now I take your LIFE!" Jumping from the back of Rhonda's neck, Clover aimed for the source of the blood: Elle.

    With a demonic hiss, her claws sunk into the Fearow's chest, having overshot the Flaaffy in its talons from her distorted vision. The Meowth's hind-paw scrabbled at its raw, rotten flesh, peeling it away as she tried to keep a grip. "Sheep belong to ME." Her canines were rammed into the birds chest, strengthened by Bite. She swallowed the mouthfuls of meat as quickly as she ripped them, nearly inhaling them in the process. "Lifes not fair.." Her teeth kept drilling until they met still, non-beating heart, "Then we DIE." Blood was gushing from the wound she was making, staining her muzzle with fowl coloration. The Flying-type was cawing, pounding its wings, trying to strike with its long beak and writhing from the weight of its passengers and the damages it was taking. "We fucking die! Hahahaha."

    We all die...

    ((Permission from Nighty to jump off Rhonda. No harm was done or intended on Elle, and if anything needs to be changed tell me ^^;))

    Age : 25
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 4 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Min Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:37 pm

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    Fuchsia City| |Late Morning

    "E-Elle! H-Hang on, I'll get you down! ...Somehow." The little Flaaffy weakly turned her head to glance at the Haxorus, whimpering. "Even after I-I hu-hurt Leah?" she sniffled, flinching as the bird's beak attempted to pierce her flesh once again. Opening her eyes to look back to Rhonda, she was instead met with a sight the child didn't quite expect. "Now I take your LIFE!" The cat, the one Elle wanted to become friends with, was now flying straight towards her with claws outstretched.

    The electric-type squeaked in surprise, shivering in fear. Shutting her eyes closed out of horror, she felt a thick, lukewarm liquid dribble down her forehead before the talons caging her slowly lost it's grasp. The Flaaffy felt her body plummeting to the ground, opening her eyes to awkwardly twist herself mid-air so she was facing the ground below. "H-Help!" she cried, flailing her limbs in a futile attempt to slow herself down. "I-I don't want to become a flower yet!"

    [OOC: Feel free to catch her, Nightfall. :'D ]

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