Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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8 posters

    The FUCHSIA team


    Age : 29
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 3 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Sep 29, 2012 10:39 pm

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    Fuchsia City | Morning | (2)

    Peering through the leaves of the shrub, Clover watched as the Pokemon pranced closer. As it came into view, and the Meowth recognized it as a Mareep. The sheep Pokemon was young, tinier then she had originally thought. She shuffled her paws with irritation. The last Mareep Clover had fed on was such a pain. It was scrawny, the wool hiding its actual size and being tedious to claw through. The meal wasn't worth the effort, but it had satisfied her for a little.

    The Mareep came closer, and called out, "Excuse me?" catching the attention of the other three creatures. "Would you mind telling me who is responsible for this... well, mess?" The snicker came back to her throat, "Soon my dear, It'll be me.." Clover whispered through it. "That 'mess' you are referring to was once my friend. Watch your mouth."The large golden-grey reptile's growl was intimidating, but her words interested the Meowth, catching her focus. 'mess', 'was'? There is something dead nearby? She cranked her neck, attempting to see past the unfamiliar Pokemon as she continued to speak. "It was ... I think it was a Linoone. Except ... it was no ordinary undead." It backed up, moving its large crawled feet just enough to make Clover's eye shoot open. There was a fresh corpse right there! The torn pieces of flesh and fresh blood littered the nearby beach. How had she not noticed it before?

    Everything suddenly seemed to speed up. A pulsating feeling in her head made her body twitch and still blood boil under her skin. She was seeing red, the snicker turning to laughter on her tongue. All but forgetting the Mareep, her thoughts were now completely focused on the purple and red mass. There was no other creatures in her perception. Just her, and her prey. As the Meowths muscles came to life under her fur she leaped from the shrubbery, freely letting her laughter go as food called her name.

    (OoC: Her mind is supposed to be jumpy, not sure if thats clear ^^; Feel free to attack and stop her as you please.)

    Age : 30
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 3 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Nightfall Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:55 pm

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    Route 19/Morning (15)

    While Rhonda was waiting for Slyke to release her Pokemon, she noticed something small leap out of the undergrowth nearby, laughing wildly. The great dragon snorted and stepped back; it was a Meowth, but from the way it looked it was undoubtedly within the clutches of the virus. The feline's single eye barely even glanced at her. Instead she was focused on something behind her: Nimh's body.

    "Back off," Rhonda growled, stepping backwards until her ankle touched her dead friend. "I'm warning you, if you come a step closer I'll ... I'll..." Unable to say the word 'kill', she instead decided to make her point visibly. She swung her mighty head from side to side, her enormous tusks glinting in the morning sunlight. A deep growl vibrated out of her throat as she glared down at the undead Meowth, narrowing her eyes into a warning of what might happen if she came any closer. A swing at the right angle could very easily slice the feline in half. She had done it before.

    ((Hmm ... let's see how long we can keep this going without Ciana.))

    Age : 29
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 3 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Oct 01, 2012 8:07 pm

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    Fuchsia City | Morning | (3)

    The shrub rustled and shook as the Meowth erupted from it. Loping heavily on her three paws, she started off for the fresh kill in her sight, though she didn't move very quickly. Her own laughter echoed around in her head, the world blurring around her. Her body was hot with desire causing Clover to take no notice of her surrounding. That is, until her focus split as words broke through to her mind. "Back off," They said in a deep rumbling growl. "I'm warning you, if you come a step closer I'll ... I'll..."

    Distracted by the voice in her head Clover tripped and tumbled flat on her face. Sand scrapped at her face and belly, making the Meowth shriek and stop laughing. Pounding in her head made everything feel slow and heavy. With a small skid, she stopped, and lay still for a few moments. Slowly Clover tilted her head up, letting her good eye rest on the unfocused image of the mighty lizard speaking to her. The Haxorus's eyes were narrowed and she threw her mighty tusks side to side threateningly. Her deep growl only assured the large Pokemons displays of aggression.

    Hissing as she coughed dirt and sand up, Clover noticed the bloody fluid oozing from her reopened facial wound. It dripped down her tattered fur over her eye on a familiar path irritating her even more. The feline Pokemon spat, "Fuck you demon lizard." and shifted her paws as she began to stand. "That corpse is mine. Paws off!"

    ((OoC: Without Rainbow too))

    Age : 30
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 3 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Nightfall Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:12 pm

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    Route 19/Morning (16)

    Rhonda firmly stood her ground for every second, determined not to let the undead feline even take a sniff at Nimh's corpse. When the Meowth tripped and fell, her instinct to rush over and help did not even surface as it would've done with anyone else. A bitter hatred began to surface within her narrowed crimson eyes. Just the thought that this Meowth was intent on having a feast on her dead friend was enough reason to hate her. Enough reason to take her life.

    "Fuck you demon lizard," the Meowth spat as she got to her feet. Rhonda felt her temper beginning to rise rapidly. "That corpse is mine. Paws off!" With an enormous bellow that made the ground tremble, the huge Haxorus charged forward and, just as she had regrettably done before to Slyke, swung her head mere inches away from the Meowth's face. "This is your last warning," she growled, stepping backwards until she was close to Nimh again. "Come any closer and I'll ... I'll kill you! I mean it!"

    Every inch of her body trembled not only with rage, but with nerves. The fear of facing an undead as persistent and aggressive as this one, even if she was the size of a Pikachu, was great for the old dragon. After all, her worst nightmare was to contract that awful virus herself...

    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 29
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 3 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Effervescent Thu Oct 11, 2012 4:44 pm

    ((Try as I might, I just cannot think of what to post for this team. ;; So skip me this time, please~))

    Age : 29
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 3 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:26 pm

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    Route 19 | Morning | (4)

    Slowly, Clover pulled herself to her paws. She had tripped in front of a dangerous enemy Pokemon, leaving herself exposed, and she had taken her time standing. For some reason though, the lizard hadn't attacked her.. I'll kill you! I mean it!" She growled, low but dry. This Pokemon is really upset over this corpse.. With a small grunt, she started, "Well, hey look-" but her words were cut off by another one, "Flamethrower!" and they turned into a loud shriek.

    All of a sudden a wall of flames was on the tiny feline. The fire had such force to it, Clover felt as though she were being tossed backwards. Or maybe she was just running away. She couldn't tell other then that she was being moved and the powerful fire seared her skin. A half-hidden silhouette of yet another large Pokemon was blurrily behind it, her eyes glinting off the flames. Panic-stricken, the Meowth flailed and kicked. Fighting until the burning hot attack was no longer touching her. Normal but hot air touched her heated fur. A thick, oily feel stuck to her pelt, clumping the hairs together with the heavy scent of ash and burnt flesh. Body screaming with pain, and her legs trembling beneath her, Clover stared wide-eyed at her attacker.

    Where the hell did that thing come from.. Arecus I feel like a piece of friend chicken. This situation had turned against her too quickly. This new Pokemon was much, much too powerful. The large lizard to the side was in too much distress, making her a threat even in her apparent age. It was not looking good for the little Meowth. Unsure if her legs would continue to support her, the cat Pokemon knew she had to start acting. Fast. Taking in as much air has her lungs would allow, she let out a Screech that rang ear-piercingly through the air. One paw at a time, she tried to move as she cried out, but it was near impossible. Once again, she had left herself open.

    Age : 30
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 3 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Nightfall Fri Oct 12, 2012 3:00 pm

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    Route 19/Morning (17)

    A flash of light from beside Rhonda startled her, but when the form of a blue, dinosaur-like Pokemon appeared, ready to fight, she guessed that this was Fiona, the Pokemon that Slyke had referred to before. "Flamethower!" the girl screeched, the terror in her voice evident for all to hear. Without a moment to lose, Fiona obeyed, blasting intense orange flames at the Meowth. Even through her hard body armour, Rhonda still picked up the intensity of the heat and backed off slightly so she didn't sustain any burns. So powerful ... do all humans train their Pokemon to be like this? She held her breath as the inferno died down, hoping to see the charred, dead body of the undead feline. At least then they could rest.

    But Rhonda found herself growling and stamping her foot in frustration as the Meowth stood up, fur singed from the attack, and tottered towards them. She could see in her eyes that the feline was becoming desperate; wary; knowing that she was outnumbered and overpowered. Rhonda prayed that the Meowth's decayed brain would see enough sense to move its host out of the way of its foes as soon as possible. For a moment she truly thought that would happen. But it was not to be. The cat Pokemon opened her mouth and let out an almighty Screech that pieced the very air around them, deafening them all with a noise that tore their ears apart.

    Rhonda groaned, lowering her head and turning it away from the awful noise. Behind her she spied Slyke. The girl had her eyes shut and her hands covered her ears. Tears were pouring down her face. Rhonda could not stand it. She forced her body to move, even though she only desired to force her head into the sand to cease the noise, and soon she was beside the girl. Never keeping her eye off the staggering Meowth, she spoke loudly, directly into her ear.

    "Slyke, come on! You need to try and be strong! You have your Pokemon here! You have me! We are all here to protect you!" she yelled at the top of her lungs. Breathing a sigh of relief as the Screeching ceased, Rhonda then lowered her voice into a whisper. "It's just one little Meowth. Come on, we can do it!" She understood the poor girl's fears, but knew that they were much greater than her own. After all, she was surrounded by undead creatures who were perfectly capable of killing her and she was unable to defend herself without the help of her Pokemon. Rhonda knew that, while they were together, she had to help her to gain the confidence that she needed to survive this nightmare. Even though she did not have the same relationship to her as Fiona and Salem did, she had decided to take it upon herself to offer any help they needed. They were all survivors, after all.

    Shaking her head slightly to try and clear the incessant ringing in her ears, Rhonda growled and turned back to the Meowth. "This is your final warning, Meowth." She spoke in a deep, stern voice, trying desperately not to sound afraid. "You are outnumbered. You are not welcome here." With another roar, she thrashed her head forward, shaking her deadly tusks. "LEAVE!"
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 29
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 3 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Effervescent Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:01 pm

    ((can't post picture on my phone. ;;))

    Fuchsia City || Morning

    Onne felt bad for the comment he made about the dragon's dead friend. He had merely been curious, and was interested in finding out what had happened. He didn't think it could have been a friend. Death was weird like that sometimes, he figured. One moment, that bloody, mangled mess was another Pokemon. A living being. Somebody who had friends, who was trying to survive, just as he was; just as every one else was. The next second they're just... gone. They're just gone. It's a concept he still visited frequently, one he was yet to understand...

    Before he could get a chance to apologize an undead meowth appeared, startling the young mareep. It looked hungry, and Onne was quite intrigued by this turn of events. An actual unread! Why were these two fighting her, when they could be asking her questions?! He needed to know! He wanted to know when, where, who, how, and why. He needed to know how it felt, how she felt. , how she feels. What are her regrets, and does she miss it being alive, that is. He needed to ask...

    "Wait! Wait! Don't listen to them- or well, listen to them, if you'd like.. But may I ask you a few questions first? I've always wanted to meet an undead! " He smiled at the meowth brightly, giving her a warm look, to show he had no malicious intent behind his request.

    Age : 29
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 3 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Oct 23, 2012 7:52 pm

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    Route 19 | Morning | (5)

    Clover huffed for a moment as her Screech subsided. The giant lizard Pokemon barked something to the human before directing back to the undead. "This is your final warning, Meowth. You are outnumbered. You are not welcome here." The Haxorous spoke clearly, and swung her massive tusks around. "LEAVE!" She roared. All of the cats senses were filled with ash, disorientating her, but the message held clear. In attempts to clear the new ringing in her head, Clover coughed repetitively and shook violently. Scorched fur hung in the air around her, and fell lightly to the ground.

    The human stepped up to the Pokemon that had shot the Flamethrower: A large powerful Nidoqueen. Something about the eyes of the human made ice creep through her burning pelt. Past the tears, the females gaze was as cold as stone. She's out of blood. Placing her bald, gangly fingers on some device, the humans voice rang clearly through the Meowths good ear. The ringing couldnt block her voice. "You have about three seconds to get the hell out of here," Rude much.Clover thought, holding a stare at the human. "Because I will have Fiona bury you under a wave of dirt with an Earth Power if you don't."

    An irritated growl began to rise in the back of the felines throat. Hot, crimson rage hissed in her ear and still heart. How DARE they threaten her like this. What gave them the right to tell her off, when they had attacked her first? The aggression given from these females made Clover's head pound. They had done nothing but try to and succeed in harming her. But why? They had no reason! Sure, she had wanted to eat one of them at first but she had changed her objective. To a corpse at that. There was no harm in feeding of something that was already dead, right? But no, they had attacked her and blatantly threatened her over and over. They were being cruel to her for nothing."Who do you-"

    She was cut off as the Mareep, whom she had forgotten about until now, chimed in, "Wait! Wait! Don't listen to them- or well, listen to them, if you'd like.. But may I ask you a few questions first? I've always wanted to meet an undead!" The rage flushed from the felines pelt, a deathly calm replacing it. Maybe cursing at them wasn't the best choice at this moment. She would use this Mareep as her escape from the current predicament. It was perfect. Softly, Clover laughed to herself at her new idea. "Y-yes. Why dont you lovely ladies follow this fellows example?" The Scratch Cat Pokemon sat unevenly down on her hunches. Her bone leg jugged out at an awkward angle. "Seriously, attacking your guest before even getting her name is downright rude. I mean really. You blasted me with fire and threaten to bury me. Cruel, simply cruel." She groaned, then turned it into more soft laughter. Angling her head to the Mareep, she spoke with an arrogant air of authority, "Tell me child, whats your name?"

    Age : 25
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 3 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Min Thu Oct 25, 2012 1:50 am

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    Route 19| |Morning

    She had bee following the murmuring of the voices, that mumbling of white noise she could hear somewhere in the distance. Somewhere, anywhere, there was someone talking. Who it was or what they were did not quite concern the little Flaaffy, as long as they were nice. That's truly all that concerned the young electric-type, bounding past the overgrown weeds and towards the source.

    Hiding behind a tree, she saw them. There was a kitty with a missing leg, a Mareep (she remembers when she used to be one), a intimidating dragon, but surprisingly of all... A human. In the year that she had been in this forsaken world not once had she caught the sight of a living, breathing person until now, and it truly intrigued young Elegy. They seemed to be against the undead feline, all except her pre-evolution. "Huh...?"

    She spied from behind the thing, rotting trunk in curiosity.

    [OOC: Great to be back! <3]

    The FUCHSIA team - Page 3 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Guest Thu Oct 25, 2012 4:57 pm

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    Route 19|Morning (1)

    Fuchsia City. Leah had definately come a long way from Saffron City. As she distanced herself from the town, she couldn't help but wonder if Yue and Helena were still alive. It has been months since she has seen other survivors, and the Roserade was wondering if it was just her and the others in Saffron that were the only survivors. Suddenly, she heard other voices. Leah followed the voices and came to the scene. There was an undead Meowth, and a Mareep trying to become friends with the undead. "Gee, I wonder if he knows Helena..." She silently said to herself. As much as Leah wanted to use the word "retarded", the kind-hearted Espeon taught her not to judge other people. The group also had a large dragon type that the Roserade didn't recognize, and to her surprise, a human.

    "Humans are still alive?" She said, slightly louder than intended. When she caught on to her mistake, she quickly hid behind a rock. She was stunned at how humans have survived in the epidemic for this long. She looked over at another creature spying on the group as well; a Flaafy. Leah looked at the undead Meowth once again from her hiding place and prepared a Poison Jab attack, just in case it tried anything funny.

    (OoC: So excited to be on the team, guys! ^^)

    Age : 30
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 3 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Nightfall Fri Oct 26, 2012 12:44 pm

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    Route 19/Morning (18)

    Rhonda stood close to Slyke and Fiona as the girl took on a sudden burst of confidence and confronted the Meowth herself. A proud smile flickered at the edges of the great old dragon's lips, but thankfully it was not visible underneath her tusks. She truly did think that the undead feline would start to see sense and leave. But that did not happen. Instead, the Mareep approached the cat and spoke words that Rhonda found truly astonishing.

    "Wait! Wait! Don't listen to them- or well, listen to them, if you'd like.. But may I ask you a few questions first? I've always wanted to meet an undead!" The Haxorus's crimson eyes were wide with shock. Just what was this foolish young one doing? No doubt he was about to get himself killed or infected by going that close to a victim. She wasn't sure how the virus spread, exactly, but she wasn't about to stand back and watch a potential new friend get in harm's way while she could've done something about it. She marched forward, getting as close to the Meowth as she mocked them for their 'rude' behaviour as she dared, and stood up tall and defiant.

    "Don't be foolish," she scolded the Electric-type in a stern voice that tried to mask her nerves. "Nothing good will come of befriending one of ... them. They bask in bloodlust. Please..." She took one step closer, craning out her neck towards the Mareep. "Don't gamble on your life. Come away now, come closer to me..." Her voice, now gentle, started to crack as she tried to usher the small Pokemon towards her. She heard a couple of new voices nearby but decided to try and ignore them for now. Right now her top priority was to get that Mareep away from that diseased heathen, whatever the cost.

    No one else will die...
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 29
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 3 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Effervescent Sun Oct 28, 2012 7:46 pm

    ((As much as I really dislike doing this, I'm going to have to skip. Let's just say that Onne took a few steps back to put distance between himself and Clover, and tried to think of what to ask first while standing somewhat behind Rhonda. Sorry guys. ;;))

    Age : 29
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 3 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:36 pm

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    Route 19 | Morning | (6)

    The Haxorus moved forward, standing tall and towering over the Meowth. "Nothing good will come of befriending one of ... them. They bask in bloodlust. The massive lizard glared harshly at Clover, eyes full of disgust. Calling out to the little Mareep, she begged him to step away from the undead feline. Reluctantly, he pranced over to her large three-toed feet a few steps away, though his cheerful smile still shone bright on his face.

    The Mareep had backed off. He too had moved away from her. The rage she had felt moments ago was flustering again. Why did everyone want to leave her?! What had she done that was so wrong that this Haxorus was so angry with her. The rage bubbled up into her face, making Clover scowl as she growled at the Unovian Pokemon. "Oh sure, take him to your side. Outnumber this crippled cat more, why dont you? Think your some derring-do for standing up to me, and keeping him away?" Sloppily, the Cat Pokemon stood back up, splaying sand slightly. "You Pokemon make me so mad. Acting like you know everything. Like you know me. You dont know me. You wont even try." She could feel her muscles screaming at her to jump at lizard.

    The attempts to keep her temper under control where faltering. The human, her Pokemon, and the lizard had the same stare, the same hate filed look. What had she done? Was it her Screech? No, they both had been violent before she had used it. A small sound an a flick of the ear altered the Meowth to the presence of yet more Pokemon. More Pokemon the Haxorus would turn against her. The feeling of claws tightened around her chest. Oh fuck me. Something twisted inside her. Pain? No.. it was something else. But what? Absorbed by the feeling, Clover didnt realize she spoke. Words toppled out of her mouth, half caught in her throat. "Look what you are doing. You're not being fair.." Barely audible, they would only be heard by the Haxorus, and maybe the Mareep. "Why are you projecting your hate on me?"

    Age : 25
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 3 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Min Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:23 pm

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    Route 19| |Morning

    "Humans are still alive?" The sudden voice somewhere behind her made Elegy turn, only to be greeted by simple flora and rocks. "W-who's... there?" she mumbled cautiously, gripping the soft cushions on her headphones in fear. The Flaaffy didn't like being snuck up on, and slowly began to back away onto the trunk of the tree as her eyes carefully scanned every nook and cranny of the forest before her. Where had that voice come from...?

    She spared a quick glance back at the group behind her, watching as the Mareep shuffled behind the intimidating giant. Elle was confused. Why were they doing that? The electric-type shuffled to the clearing, watching carefully the expression on the Meowth's face. The feline didn't seem happy, not at all, and pity began to grow inside the Flaaffy. Taking a quick gulp of courage, the sheep stumbled to where the others were, her voice shaky but strong. "U-Um!" she fumbled for words, raising a hand. "I-I want to be your friend," the statement was directed at the undead, in hopes to cheer it up. The child didn't like seeing such sad faces, and she decided to do something about it.

    Age : 30
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 3 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Nightfall Wed Oct 31, 2012 4:07 pm

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    Route 19/Morning (19)

    "Look what you are doing. You're not being fair..." The Meowth's voice was quiet and rather solemn; Rhonda found herself lowering her head so she could hear. The feline's sudden change of tone and demeanor had startled her somewhat, and she found herself listening with a heavy heart to her sad words. "Why are you projecting your hate on me?" "I..." Rhonda didn't know what to say. Now that she had seen this feline through a different perspective she felt rather bad for treating her so badly; like a mindless, soulless monster without feelings, to be exact. The old Haxorus sighed, her breath disturbing the sand at her feet as she lowered her head to the Meowth, pity welling up in her crimson eyes.

    "I ... I assumed that you were only here for one thing." She briefly motioned her head to Nimh's corpse, still bleeding on the sand. "I ... immediately assumed that you only wanted to ... to eat her. To cause her more harm." She gave a soft smile to the Mareep down at her feet, glad that he had seen some sense and gotten away before it was too late. Perhaps all this Meowth wanted was to feel some appreciation; some attention. No doubt being infected with a death-inducing, contagious and highly disturbing virus left her in the face of prejudice. Maybe they're more like us than we know...

    A small, pink Pokemon timidly emerged from the bushes and tried to cheer the Meowth up by saying that she wanted to be her friend. Even the younger ones know that. Rhonda stood up tall, surveying the situation from her great height. Slyke was stunned, the Mareep still seemed unsure and the Flaaffy still had no valid response from the Meowth.

    "...All right..." Rhonda said after a long pause. "Maybe ... maybe I was wrong. Maybe I was too quick to judge. If that's so, then I apologise." She looked directly into the feline's single eye. "I will tolerate your presense, as long as you promise not to ... to misbehave." She flinched a little, not sure whether that was the right word to use. "We still need to ... to bury my friend. And if you want to help, then you can. But ... I will warn you: if you even dare to take a sniff at her body, or attempt to harm anybody here ... then I doubt I'll be able to control my actions." Rhonda didn't know why the word 'kill' was so difficult for her to use.

    She breathed deeply as she stared down at the small Normal-type, her eyes narrowed with a suspicion that she simply had to try and subdue for now, no matter how hard it was. "I don't want to fight ... I don't want to ... to hurt anybody. No more pain, no death ... All right?" By the time she had finished speaking and had looked around at everyone for approval, her eyes were filled to the brim with tears. The emotional ordeal of this whole nightmare was starting to weigh heavily on her old heart. She flashed a brief but apologetic look to Slyke, guessing that she would not like this idea in the slightest. But Rhonda's soft, heartfelt gaze spoke words that she did not need to say to the girl: I will protect you.

    Age : 29
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 3 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Nov 02, 2012 12:22 am

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    Route 19 | Morning | (7)

    Everything seemed to be twisting and contorting inside the Meowth. It hurt, yet it didnt. It was some sort of pain that wasnt even there. As though it was just in her head? She grimaced. Her pelt was heating up with rage, but her belly felt hollow and cold, full of icy stones. A word floated through her mind like dust drifting on wind. Betrayal.. All these Pokemon, were enemies. Her own kind was against her. Why..

    The conflicting feelings of rage and now betrayal were making her head pound and muscles tense up. It was though her body was collapsing in on itself. The Haxorus started speaking, but the words arrived muffled to her good ear. Her head was too boggled. It was something about eating, which the Meowth had cast aside a while ago. The Lizard no longer spoke with the angry growl though. It was almost soothing to her hear calm voice.. Clover wasn't aware of the Flaaffy as she approached her. Voice quivering, she was loud enough for the feline to catch the words. "I-I want to be your friend." Clover turned to look at the child, the honesty on her face was clear. A friend.. She'd been alone, and hadnt had a friend in so long. Even with the Haxorus saying that how the undead had wanted to feed, and for its previous evolution to back off, this Flaaffy still dared to approach the little Meowth. The icy feeling flowed throughout her body, her rage converted to the overwhelming sadness. Everything went cold within her, like she was dropped in the snow. This sad feeling was so unusual, so overpowering, it crushed the little Meowth in a way she hadnt felt in so long. Her body crumpled and her legs went weak. All she had felt for moons upon moons was anger, hunger, and boredom. Those feelings were so dominate it was almost like.. she couldnt feel any others. This was.. so much.

    The Haxorus continued, and Clover was able to catch her this time. "...All right...Maybe ... maybe I was wrong. Maybe I was too quick to judge. If that's so, then I apologize. Her eye started burning as something at should of been tears began to bubble in it. The Dragon looked deep into her crimson gaze, making sure she had Clover's full attention. I will tolerate your presence, as long as you promise not to ... to misbehave." At that, the dark thick fluid that replaced her tears flowed from the felines face. The old Pokemon understood what she had done, or at least knew it wasnt proper. She was regretting or actions. Clover couldnt recall what she had said moments ago that probably caused this in the lizard-dragon. "We still need to... to bury my friend. And if you want to help, then you can. But... I will warn you: if you even dare to take a sniff at her body, or attempt to harm anybody here... then I doubt I'll be able to control my actions." The Haxorus warned. Choking, Clover nodded. She would of replied sooner, but she was just too overwhelmed. Trying to balance her voice, she answered, "If you'll accept me, then Ill assist if I can."

    The cold sadness made the felines body heavy. Her paws were made of stones and head pounded with effort. She knew that when she picked up the blood scent again, the need to feed would return. That the hunger she was feeling now needed to be satisfied soon before she rampaged on it. But the Meowth wasnt going to let some instinctual desire stop her with having companions for the first time in months. Dont let me mess this up..

    Age : 25
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 3 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Min Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:37 pm

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    Route 19| |Morning

    She scurried even closer to the dead feline, not seeing an undead but instead a new companion. The Flaaffy stood near the Meowth, waiting for a response. The giant beast had apologized. "We still need to... to bury my friend. And if you want to help, then you can. But... I will warn you: if you even dare to take a sniff at her body, or attempt to harm anybody here... then I doubt I'll be able to control my actions." Elegy immediately perked up at the word "bury", eyes twinkling with a very odd fascination.

    "We're planting?" she squealed, jumping up and down. "Oh what fun!" the electric-type was smiling like a moron, ecstatic about the idea of burying a dead body. 'I bet this one will grow into a really, really pretty flower! Yes, of course it will, especially when it was their friend!' Looking to the infected, she glanced back at the dragon. "What will we do after gardening? Will we go somewhere?" her childlike demeanor was almost too innocent, fiddling with her headphones as she swayed side to side whilst wagging her tail. She leaned in close to the infected's ear, whispering. "Maybe we can walk together! Oh, we could play games too, maybe, if they don't mind!"

    The FUCHSIA team - Page 3 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Guest Mon Nov 05, 2012 12:45 pm

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    Route 19|Morning (2)

    Leah silently watched the whole scene from her hiding spot. At first, she was extremely skeptical of the undead cat. She tried to ignore her words and just go with the ones that weren't trying to be all friendly. But as the cat continued, she soon realized that not all undead are out for blood. She found a spot on top of the rock so she could get a better view of what was going on. As she watched, the Roserade couldn't help but feel like something was bothering her.

    "We're planting? Oh what fun!"

    That was it. The Flaafy, who was obviously still a child, was what bothered Leah. She could smell the naiveness from a mile away as she bit her tongue trying not to laugh. She sighed and regained her cool as she looked down at the Flaafy. Shaking her head, she said, "Kid, you've got a lot to learn about the real world..." She tried to put it in the nicest way possible, but still get the message across. Leah was never one for beating around the bush.

    Age : 30
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 3 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Nightfall Mon Nov 05, 2012 2:36 pm

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    Route 19/Morning (20)

    "If you'll accept me, then Ill assist if I can," the Meowth said, the raw emotion in her voice convincing Rhonda that she was not being deceptive. The great dragon nodded, her stern gaze remaining fixed on the single eye of the feline for a few moments before it was torn away by the Flaaffy. What came out of the child's mouth was astonishing to say the least.

    "We're planting? Oh what fun!" The small Electric-type bounced up and down in excitement. "Planting?" Rhonda frowned, initially feeling a disgust of what the young Pokemon could possibly be implying. But as she looked deeper into the small girl's eyes and detected genuine excitement in them, she started to think that she had been serious. An innocence was there, albeit a rather morbid one, and Rhonda decided to try and keep her tongue in check for the time being. After all, innocence was fragile and precious; easily lost in a world like this.

    "What will we do after gardening? Will we go somewhere?" the Flaaffy then asked her. Rhonda blinked her way out of her thoughts and smiled down at the little Pokemon, her eyes full of a fondness for the girl that she didn't know she had. "Yes dear," she replied. "We'll be going back into the city to look for some food. You're welcome to come with us if you want to."

    A Roserade then emerged from the nearby undergrowth and stated rather bluntly to the Flaaffy that she had a lot to learn. Heaving a solemn sigh, Rhonda leaned her head closer to the Grass-type's and whispered, "Let it be." That child's innocence was something truly remarkable and was something that should be preserved at all costs. It seemed they were right - ignorance truly is bliss.

    "Right then!"
    Rhonda drew herself up to full height and addressed them all. "Before we ... deal with business, I think we should all make sure that we know one another. Quite an essential if we're going to be staying together for a while, yes?" She looked them all in the eye in turn, blinking amicably. "My name is Rhonda."


    Age : 29
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    The FUCHSIA team - Page 3 Empty Re: The FUCHSIA team

    Post by Effervescent Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:29 pm

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    Route 19||Morning

    Onne was stuck in his own mind. So many questions- so many new creatures, he was going to cry. He felt so many opportunities opening for him here. Questions that could be answered. A young Flaaffy? How is someone who is so young surviving? What does she think of all of this? Has she come across an undead yet- other than the Meowth? And then Rhonda- as she said her name to be... She was so strong, and so motherly. The Mareep, despite not knowing the Haxorus, and having actually made a horrible first impression, felt so close to her already. He felt safe near her. Is this what it was like to have a "parental figure"? He never actually questioned what the feeling might be, as he had never had a parent.

    He looked around this new group. He had a feeling he would be happy among them. He didn't feel the need to question them, right now. He just wanted to help Rhonda, and help the Flaaffy, and meet the Roserade that had just entered. Questions would come later. For now, he simply said, "My name is Onne." A shy smile was on his face, and he looked around the group. "And it's very nice to meet some friends."

    ((Sorry this was so late. ;;))

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:49 pm

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    Route 19 | Morning | (8)

    The dragon-lizard stared deep into Clover's eye. The intensity was astonishing, as though she was testing the cats words. The feline felt as though she would lose her hold when the Flaaffy spoke up again, breaking the tension. "We're planting? Oh what fun!" She was completely elated with the idea of burring a corpse. Pokemon keeping getting weirder.. A Roserade came from behind the nearby stones, uttering stern words to the young sheep. The giant lizard simply said to let it be as the Flaaffy continued on gleefully.

    She perked up again, towering over the other Pokemon with her natural height. "Before we ... deal with business, I think we should all make sure that we know one another. Quite an essential if we're going to be staying together for a while, yes?" Staying together a while.. The words hit the feline hard. If she trusted her, then she would make sure their was no doubt in it. "My name is Rhonda." It was such an elegant name, for an elegant creature.

    "My name is Onne. And it's very nice to meet some friends." The dazed little Mareep took his turn. Clover felt that that was a nickname, and would have to ask him later for his full name, if she remembered. There was a delay in Clover's response to the question. It had been so long since she had told someone her name, it eluded her memory for a few moments. "My name is Clover," she began, "I hope this isnt rude but, what species are you, Rhonda?" Rhonda was the only unfamiliar Pokemon to her. She has seen many Mareep and Flaaffy's, and a Roserade or two before. She was also much older then the rest of the group, Clover noticed. It even felt natural for the rest of the Pokemon to follow her lead. Looking around, the human with the threatening Nikoqueen seemed to of run off. I guess we scared her.. Without a human, it seemed to Clover there was no question for leadership. Glancing up to Rhonda, she waited for further instruction.

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