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    Seneca the Zoroark || Citadark, Orre


    Age : 28
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    Seneca the Zoroark || Citadark, Orre Empty Seneca the Zoroark || Citadark, Orre

    Post by Snitch Sat Apr 21, 2012 4:56 am

    Seneca the Zoroark || Citadark, Orre SenecaEdit

    Level 37
    Faint Attack, Flamethrower (TM), Shadow Ball (TM), Protect (TM)
    Thoroughly Cunning
    National Dex No./Species;
    #571 Zoroark / The Illusion Fox Pokémon
    Pokédex Entry;
    Bonds between these Pokémon are very strong. It protects the safety of its pack by tricking its opponents.
    Born to a renowned Zorua breeder living in Orre, Seneca was the runt of the litter. He was noticeably smaller and weaker than his siblings, but surprisingly, fared just as well, if not better than his strongest brothers when it came to food. The pup demonstrated his intellectual ability within weeks, using his cunning to keep himself well fed and every bit as healthy as his siblings. The breeder soon noticed Seneca’s potential, already experimenting with his illusory abilities only weeks after birth, and soon adopted him as a personal favourite. Whilst his siblings were gradually sold on to trainers across the regions, Seneca remained loyally at the breeder’s side, knowing that he was the special one. Out of his eight siblings, the young Zorua knew that he held something the others didn’t possess and that it had secured him permanent residence with a wise and loving human. Smug about his superiority, Seneca felt no loss for his disintegrating family – he was moving on to better things.

    The Zorua spent the first few years of his life as a simple pet. The human had accumulated a large sum of money over his years of work as a breeder and of course, lavished his family with the luxuries only such wealth could afford. Seneca made the prestigious mansion his home, dining of the finest cuisine and receiving all the affection he could possibly ask for from the human’s children. Whilst the Zorua enjoyed the pampering and peace that family life provided, Seneca soon grew restless, becoming irritated at his restriction to the extravagant building he called home. The human soon noticed the change in his companion’s behaviour and began to train the Zorua in a bid to replenish his amiable personality.

    Seneca took to battling like a duck on water. Whilst he was never physically strong, the canine used speed and tactics to secure countless victories. His illusions became increasingly lifelike, the Zorua a natural in toying with his opponents mind as he produced hideously effective images out of thin air. Surprised at the sheer talent of his pokémon, the human felt inspired to change his career path and delve into the world of pokémon battling. Whilst Seneca began more vigorous training, pushing himself to his limits to boost his levels and following a strict diet of vitamins, his human had begun plans to hold a monumental tournament, bringing together the region’s most elite battlers. The tournament would involve 12 pairs of pokémon pitted against each other in no-holds battle to victory, where one contestant would emerge victorious. With plenty of money to fuel the ambitious project, the human soon realized that were he to really evoke interest in the games, rules would have to be kept to a minimum. Whilst contestants were only required to defeat their opponents, unnecessary brutality and death were actively encouraged.

    Seneca’s training soon paid off as he finally evolved into a Zoroark, soon alerted that he would play an integral part in his human’s tournament. Using his illusions, Seneca was required to fuel the battle. Forcing the contenders together in the small arena, launching illusory attacks into the fray to cause utter havoc with the battler’s minds and occasionally producing images of fallen opponents to further provoke the remaining contestants were all part of the job description. The Zoroark was delighted at the opportunity, learning a number of TMs to ensure maximum chaos for the upcoming games.

    The first tournament was received with mixed reviews. Many slammed the games as barbaric and cruel following the deaths of half of the contestants, but the controversy sparked interest and competition in more ambitious trainers. Seneca had done his job perfectly – keeping the battle raging, triggering violence in moments of peace and keeping the audience firmly glued to the tournament. It was inevitable that another two games followed, the opponents growing stronger and more brutal each year.

    However, the final game was the most memorable. Now that news of the tournament had spread across the regions, a large amount of contestants were eager to partake in the monstrous battles – the only way the human saw fit was to hold auditions. Along with his human, Seneca was permitted to watch the potential contenders demonstrate their abilities, silently judging their strengths and scheming on how to expose their weaknesses in the games. Whilst the applicants were extremely mixed, the twenty-four selected came from all walks of life. The Zoroark held a vivid memory of a pair of felines – clear underdogs possessing a surprising determination to succeed – as well as a monster of a Steelix, Cato.

    Throughout the tournament, Seneca would appear as usual to create his illusions, ensuring maximum destruction and interest for the growing audience. He was seldom seen in the arena, the contenders usually too busy protecting themselves from rampaging enemies, but his presence never went unnoticed. They knew he was in the mix, silently shaping the utter chaos and destruction that accompanied the annual games. Following a handful of gruesome deaths, only two pairs remained – the felines, Katniss and Peeta, and the Steelix paired with a quick-footed Weavile. Surprisingly, the Weavile was killed by the underdogs and the Steelix suffered a merciful defeat – leaving the two partners to battle between themselves. But something was wrong. Lurking on the outskirts of the battle, Seneca realized that neither would kill nor even consider hurting the other. Using illusions in a bid to fuel aggression, the Zoroark grew increasingly fearful of the extreme measures the pair would take; it was almost as if they wanted to prove a point. Suddenly, their intentions became apparent – they were going to commit suicide, together. Acting on instinct, Seneca ran into the midst of the arena, halting the proceedings to which an announcement that there would be two winners followed.

    The audience were furious, the betters were furious, Seneca’s human was furious. The turn of events at such a fierce game were an embarrassment to the man, as previous supporters of the tournament condemned the intervention as a disappointing finale. The blame quickly fell onto Seneca. Intending to dispose of the unruly canine that effectively ‘destroyed’ the reputation of his tournament; the human set his prized pokémon on the Zoroark with orders to kill. Having only ever wanted to please his trainer, Seneca was devastated at the brutal punishment that followed. He was thrown around like a doll, falling unconscious for several minutes whilst his attackers tore lumps of his body. When he awoke, he soon realized that if he didn’t act soon, death would be inevitable. Struggling away from the trio of assassins, Seneca narrowly escaped with his life, managing to crawl out and fall from a nearby window.

    The first week on the streets was the worst time of Seneca’s life. The attack had left him in a hideous state, only just clinging onto life as he spent days resting beneath a mound of rubbish, trying to recuperate his energy in safety. Constantly fearing retaliation from his human’s pokémon as well as past, surviving contenders, Seneca lived in fear, too weak to protect himself from the potential threats. What was more alarming for the canine was the loss of his illusory abilities. Having always relied on the gift to keep himself safe, a fierce blow to the head in battle had robbed the Zoroark of his powers to only worsen his chances of survival. Reduced to eating scraps of food found in the garbage that surrounded him, Seneca soon realized that he had to move on with his life. Swallowing his fear, he limped out of the streets to flee into the surrounding forest, managing to snatch a bag of supplies from an unsuspecting trainer. Raiding his theft for potions and berries, Seneca gradually built up his health before disappearing into the forest, determined to start afresh. Instead, he was greeted with the epidemic.

    Disgusted at the hideous monsters that the virus produced, the Zoroark simply attempted to avoid contact with the creatures, concealing himself in foliage until the dangers had passed. Too physically weak to protect himself and robbed of his strongest talent, Seneca relied entirely on his wits and speed to ensure his survival – but it could only help him so far. After narrowly escaping a pair of infected Manectric, Seneca decided that were he to survive, he needed to join a group. Knowing that safety lies in numbers, the Zoroark has since travelled the region in search of fellow survivors.

    Even as a pup, Seneca was smaller than average and remains almost a foot under the height that his species regularly reaches. Underweight from his time scavenging on the streets, Seneca’s ribs are often visible beneath his fur and the fact he usually walks on all fours highlights the visible bone structure, where his shoulder and hip bones protrude slightly. The canine walks with a significant limp that comes from a previous injury on his left, hind leg that he received in the attack after the final tournament. Whilst the wound has healed and causes him no pain, the leg still appears heavily scarred. Seneca’s body is littered in scars as well as a few cavernous wounds from where his flesh was ripped out; however, his thick, scraggly fur usually covers the worst of the damage.

    Once a perfectly groomed, handsome zoroark, Seneca’s fur used to be in pristine condition with a glossy, elegant glimmer to it. His mane was always slicked back into a kind of sophisticated coif, but now, he is almost unrecognisable. A constant smell of garbage and blood follows the canine; his fur has become scruffy and matted in places where he has neglected his once flawless appearance. The combination of scraggly fur and bony body gives him a sickly, frail look that is only heightened by his limp and the fleeting glimpses of old wounds. Seneca looks like a stranger to what he once was, but holds a distinguishing, swirled facial marking that ensures past acquaintances will never forget him, or his scheming, icy gaze.

    A notable intelligence combined with sheer, natural cunning guaranteed Seneca’s success as the ‘Gamemaker’ of his human’s tournament. Considered to be nothing but a vile, arrogant beast by the less enthusiastic contenders, the Zoroark grew accustomed to the insults regularly thrown at him when his participation in the tournament was revealed. Words have no effect on him; the canine is far too used to verbal abuse from the unwilling participants and almost pleased at the effect his snide, callous words would have on them. Seneca actively enjoys tormenting and teasing others, relishing in the power he can have on their minds through both cruel words as well as his illusions. Now that his illusory abilities have been removed, Seneca only heightens his snappy, insulting remarks out of a need to protect himself. Pleased that he’s still a master of manipulating the emotions of other pokémon; Seneca uses this ability to its full potential for the simple reason of making him feel better about himself.

    Undeniably arrogant, whilst Seneca’s appearance has vastly deteriorated since the attack, he still holds onto the flickers of superiority his past life presented. With a strong appreciation for the finer things in life, the Zoroark can be somewhat picky, but this trait has considerably deteriorated since living on the streets. He considers himself intellectually superior to almost everyone, priding himself on his wits and tactics to outsmart any opponents – but he recognises his weaknesses too, making sure to disguise them when necessary. His physical weakness and lack of illusory abilities has become the bane of the canine’s existence. Seneca grows infuriated at his loss of illusions, his temper flaring whenever he produces a flickering image despite his determination to re-learn the talent stolen from him. His willpower is admirable, but the remainder of his sadistic attitude usually overwhelms any potential to evoke pity. His temper, for instance, is particularly nasty. Seneca is usually a fairly calm, level-headed Zoroark, but when pushed to his limits, the emotional outburst that follows can be particularly violent. Whilst he would never actively seek out combat, his temper can get the better of him, launching him into situation where he would be lucky to scramble out alive.

    Although Seneca is very physically lacking, one of the Zoroark’s pleasures comes from watching others battle. Extremely observant, the canine picks up on the most minute details and mistakes of fights, storing any notable tactics in his mind for future use. He’s not squeamish at all, preferring the battles to be bloody, brutal and chaotic. He feels little remorse for the fallen, condemning them as weak of both body and mind – somewhat hypocritical, but he insists that his intelligence and speed will ensure he will never join the deceased. Ultimately, he only cares for himself – he has never been close enough to another pokémon to value them as a friend or loved one.

    Seneca is determined to hold up his usual charade of a calm, sophisticated, sadistic and manipulative git, but since the attack, the Zoroark has become almost cowardly. In times of extreme stress, the canine can be reduced to a babbling wreck, desperately trying to talk his way out of any physical damage. When threatened with violence, the Zoroark’s body subconsciously shakes; memories of the brutal attempt on his life flooding back to him. Whilst he keeps a straight face, reluctant to be reduced to tears, Seneca is utterly terrified of death and pain. Having already lost his ability to create illusions, the Zoroark is incredibly fearful of losing both his intelligence and whatever physical strength he has left. Uncomfortable in the presence of powerful pokémon, Seneca feels the need to prove his worth and so, the nasty side of his attitude flourishes as he no longer has an authoritative status to hide behind.

    User Note;
    - Knows Cato the Steelix (CianaOfTheArt’s Character) from his participation in the tournament. He admires the Steelix’s strength, but fears any possible retaliation for his part in the games – as he does with all previous participants.
    - Due to a previous head injury, Seneca struggles to produce convincing illusions. Having previously been a master with his ability, the Zoroark grows infuriated at the quality of the flickering, often blurry images that his masterpieces have been reduced to.
    - When threatened with physical violence, Seneca’s body subconsciously shakes out of fear. He was traumatized by his human’s death attempt on him, and instinctively flinches away from others who reach out to touch him, aggressively or otherwise.

    - Based off Seneca Crane from ‘The Hunger Games’. <3

    Last edited by Snitch on Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:21 am; edited 4 times in total
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    Posts : 3650

    Seneca the Zoroark || Citadark, Orre Empty Re: Seneca the Zoroark || Citadark, Orre

    Post by Mewtwo Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:03 pm

    The team has not yet been approved, so this will be pending. I have profiles to do for the only open team in Orre so we will see if it fills when I am done.

    You are also at your character cap with no free tickets.


    Seneca the Zoroark || Citadark, Orre 3Br5nS6

    Seneca the Zoroark || Citadark, Orre ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotSeneca the Zoroark || Citadark, Orre UugYyDK

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    Seneca the Zoroark || Citadark, Orre Empty Re: Seneca the Zoroark || Citadark, Orre

    Post by Lugia Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:14 pm

    Crap. My bad again, Mewtwo |D


    Seneca the Zoroark || Citadark, Orre Shadowlugiasig


    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


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    Seneca the Zoroark || Citadark, Orre Empty Re: Seneca the Zoroark || Citadark, Orre

    Post by Mewtwo Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:26 pm


    Go fix it.


    Seneca the Zoroark || Citadark, Orre 3Br5nS6

    Seneca the Zoroark || Citadark, Orre ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotSeneca the Zoroark || Citadark, Orre UugYyDK

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    Seneca the Zoroark || Citadark, Orre Empty Re: Seneca the Zoroark || Citadark, Orre

    Post by Lugia Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:28 pm

    Done XD


    Seneca the Zoroark || Citadark, Orre Shadowlugiasig


    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


    Posts : 3650

    Seneca the Zoroark || Citadark, Orre Empty Re: Seneca the Zoroark || Citadark, Orre

    Post by Mewtwo Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:27 pm


    Third in rotation.


    Seneca the Zoroark || Citadark, Orre 3Br5nS6

    Seneca the Zoroark || Citadark, Orre ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotSeneca the Zoroark || Citadark, Orre UugYyDK

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