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    Calcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark


    Age : 27
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    Calcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark Empty Calcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark

    Post by Drago Sun Jun 03, 2012 7:38 pm

    Calcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark DxU6Z

    Text Color Orange
    Item Everstone shaped like a heart, wrapped on a tight string
    Gender Male
    Age Young Adult
    Species #607/Litwick/Candle Pokemon
    Height 1'0"
    Weight 7 lbs
    Pokédex Entry Litwick shines a light that absorbs the life energy of people and Pokémon, which becomes the fuel that it burns.
    Level 18
    Ability Flash Fire
    Nature Bold
    Characteristic Highly Curious
    Moves - Overheat (TM)
    - Willow-Wisp
    - Smog
    - Ember
    History Calcifer's earliest memories come from a Pokemon laboratory. The Scientists had taken him as soon as he hatched. He was the prime specimen, of course. A purebred Litwick, spanning back at least four generations. The Scientists had it all planned out, of course. Those first few weeks were blissfull, all the food Calcifer could eat, all the Scientists to wait on him, and the entire lab as his playground. However, once he was a good, healthy size, the experiments began.

    They lured him into it. Dragging his food across the floor, they brought him to a dark room in the back of the lab, one he had yet to explore. As soon as he stepped inside, he felt a sharp prick in his back, and only had enough time to spin around to see a Scientist above him, holding a large syringe before he blacked out.

    He was never awake for the procedures, but he felt the pain long afterwards. Sharp jolts of pain around his head from where the needles fed different poisons and concoctions into his body. It was intolerable. He heard the Scientists talking one night, while they thought he slept. It appeared that the experiments were in order to find a chemical that would turn a Litwick into a perfectly stable and controllable fuel source for hot-air balloons. Inconcievable. He was being tortured, and it wasn't even for significant technology. Calcifer dropped into a state of despair during the next few weeks. He could find no way out of his living hell.

    No way out, of couse, until he met Howl.

    Howl was just another one of the Scientists, until the day he stayed after Calcifer was locked away for the night. Howl whispered to Calcifer, making an offer that Calcifer couldn't refuse. Howl would help Calcifer to escape, if Calcifer would work as a servant and companion for him. Quite excitedly, Calcifer agreed.

    The next day, Howl was the Scientist who unlocked Calcifer's holding cell. Howl managed to hide the Litwick in his unusually large Labcoat. Quickly, Howl raised the alarm, shouting that the Litwick had escaped. In the confusion that the alarm caused, Howl and Calcifer escaped. It would seem that the Scientists were so sure that Calcifer couldn't escape, that they were unprepared for what would happen when he did

    Calcifer lived with Howl for a while, and it was exponentially better than his time in the lab. Howl never worked him too hard, and mostly just had him for company. One day, however, Howl returned from work in a panic. He didn't have time to explain himself, however, because the door exploded into splinters behind him. A horde of Murkrow had attacked! In a panicked attempt to survive, Calcifer used the one move the Scientists had taught him: Overheat. Flames filled the home as Calcifer used up as much energy as he could. He was unconscious before the attack was even done.

    When Calcifer awoke, it was night, and there was no one within his sightline. He was abandoned. The house had been completely destroyed by his flames, but he hoped against hope that Howl had survived.
    Appearance Average sized Litwick. Due to experimentation, his flame changes color, with the natural color being the color of a normal flame. Depending on the energy he absorbs/uses, the flame shrinks in size and fades to a blue color.
    Personality Dislikes being manipulated, and can get a bit out of hand when enraged. However, he's usually pretty careful about blowing up, due to not wanting to wear himself out.
    User Notes Based on Calcifer from Howl's Moving Castle

    Is looking for Howl

    Howl gave him the everstone as a symbol to show that Calcifer was his property.

    Last edited by Drago on Sat Aug 11, 2012 4:44 pm; edited 8 times in total
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    Calcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark Empty Re: Calcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 03, 2012 8:45 pm

    I lob that movie

    I lob Cal

    Therefore, i lob this character |D

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    Calcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark Empty Re: Calcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark

    Post by Drago Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:03 pm

    Calcifer is ready to be approved!

    Age : 26
    Posts : 863

    Calcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark Empty Re: Calcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark

    Post by Jay Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:05 pm


    Just yes.

    Posts : 3650

    Calcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark Empty Re: Calcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark

    Post by Mewtwo Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:06 pm

    It is not yet an approved team, so this will be pending while I get after the other profiles for the only other Orre team. We will see when it fills.


    Calcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark 3Br5nS6

    Calcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotCalcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark UugYyDK

    Posts : 3650

    Calcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark Empty Re: Calcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark

    Post by Mewtwo Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:23 pm


    Second in rotation.

    EDIT: It actually will need a shiny ticket Drago dear. A different color flame is pretty much the only thing different for a shiny Litwick, so it would have to count as a shiny.


    Calcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark 3Br5nS6

    Calcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotCalcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark UugYyDK

    Posts : 3650

    Calcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark Empty Re: Calcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark

    Post by Mewtwo Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:50 pm

    Silverishness was kind enough to donate one for you, dear. So you don't have to worry.


    Sixth in rotation.


    Calcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark 3Br5nS6

    Calcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotCalcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark UugYyDK

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    Calcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark Empty Re: Calcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark

    Post by Drago Sun Jun 10, 2012 12:40 pm


    ~And let it be said, Sil is an EXTREME bro.~

    Age : 36
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    Calcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark Empty Re: Calcifer the Litwick Orre/Citadark

    Post by Silverishness Sun Jun 10, 2012 12:49 pm

    I flubbin got your back, Dragbro. XDD


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