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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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6 posters

    The ABANDONED Team


    The ABANDONED Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:04 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Abandoned Ship [Deck] || Morning || 6

    "Actually, we don't exactly know how stable the floors are below deck. One of us could fall through and get seriously hurt."

    Liselotte huffed at the Unova pokemon's response. What, more criticism? First, it was about using Mega Drain on the Undead, and now it was about following the Bagon below deck. Well, Amy, who Liselotte just remembered was known as a "Scrafty", was probably just trying to help, but, still, she felt somewhat offended. Liselotte probably wasn't heavy enough to break the floorboards anyway... maybe...

    "Hey guys! It's safe! Get your butts down here!"

    Oh, well, she guessed that it was safe to go downstairs after all. Humph, as if she'd let herself be beaten by some rotten floorboards in the first place, anyway! Liselotte ruffled her fur [OOC: ? Do Brelooms have fur? xD] and hopped in place, surprisingly full of energy. Being on the deck and all, the Breloom saw the ship she and her owner were on sink below the water. Her trainer had freed her to save her. The Mushroom pokemon had nowhere else to go, so here, on the ship with these other pokemon, was to be her new home. Kind of. Were they going to stick together? Liselotte hoped so.

    The Mudkip turned around to look at Amy and Liselotte once more, looking just as awkward as he did about two minutes ago, before going below deck to join Tyrone and Torch. Well, the Torchic said it was safe, soooo...

    "Well, I'm going down with them," Liselotte said, with a glance towards the Scrafty with her on deck. "You can rest here or go down too, or whatever you want."

    With that, the Breloom followed after Kippy, jumping down below deck.

    Abandoned Ship [Below Deck] || Morning

    Liselotte frowned as she went below deck. The scent of mildew and mold was stronger here, probably because it got less sunshine. There were holes everywhere too, both on the ground and on the 'roof', which would technically be the ground of the deck. She could see her old pokeball jammed between some floorboards, too. Wrinkling her nose, Liselotte carefully stepped forward, watching her feet.

    "Didja find anything?" she asked, looking up at Torch and Tyrone.

    [OOC: Bluhhhh not feeling very creative today, crap post, kthx.]

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:29 pm

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    Abandoned Ship [Deck]|Morning (6)

    (OoC: @Verdzi; According to Bulbapedia, Breloom are based off of kangaroos, so I'm gonna say yes, they do have fur. Anyways, back to the post!)

    "Hey guys! It's safe! Get your butts down here!" Torch was calling out from the bottom deck. Her friend, Kippy, went down almost immediately. "It's hard to separate good friends" Amy began to think about all the good times she shared with her trainer, but in turn, began to think about her terrible life before he came along.

    "Well, I'm going down with them." Liselotte said to Amy. "You can rest here or go down too, or whatever you want."

    "Go on without me. I need to rest." Liselotte went below deck, leaving Amy alone on the deck of the ship. The thoughts of the work camp slowly lurked back into her mind. Treated poorly, underfed, and near-death experiences on a few occasions. The thoughts quickly skipped over her happy life and went to seeing her family die. Amy closed her eyes and cried.

    "What's happened to my life?"

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:50 pm

    (Skip please. Just say that Hellfire ran into Amy, but ran back into the ship)

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:26 pm

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    Torch/Kippy - Abandoned Ship-Deck || Morning
    [8 || 8]

    As the Mudkip hopped down the stairs, he felt his heart flutter with joy as he found his old friend right off the bat (He expected to be exploring a bit more, but with Torch, the better!). When the Hoenn starter gave a sprint toward his friend, he thought he felt something run past him, must be his imagination though, he found the hot-headed chick with her beak wide open in awestruck, as if she just got dumped by the hottest guy of the year or something - pun intended. He gave a poke at Torch, giving a questioning look as he put his glasses back up to rest on his forehead, "Torch you okay?"
    The Torchic felt her mind break off as she heard the Mudkip's voice, shaking her head as if to get it off her mind, "Eeeyeahh... Found this weirdo Houndoom who wanted to play a game. You know 'Hero'?" The Water Starter gave a frown in reply, "Well we're in the Epidemic, what if it was fighting an Undead?"
    "Impossible, we found her alone... The scent of this place is nothing so far, but fungi and such."
    Kippy continued his frown, looking at the direction where the wind passed him - must be the Houndoom that ran.

    "Didja find anything?" Liselotte asked as she came up over to Torch, the Torchi replied with a curt nod, "Not much, just some Houndoom who acted crazy or something." She poked Tyrone though, "Tryone's a bit dozed off I think, so ehhh..." She brightened her face, giving a devilish aura, "Drag him everywhere and loot some stuff?" Kippy's jaw dropped immediately, the Hoenn Starter giving a mental giggle at the sight, now he didn't expect the Fire-type to be badass! "Also, we could try finding some undead... If you don't mind, I wanna become stronger. 'Undead busters'! I know I said earlier how I couldn't smell anything, but hey, they could still roam!"

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:46 pm

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    Abandoned Ship [Below Deck] || Morning || 7

    The Breloom hopped over to the Hoenn starter duo, starting and jumping back as something small and black rushed past, practically reeking of fear. Later on, she thought she could hear a howl, but Liselotte wasn't sure. She heard Torch mention something about a Houndoom, but it was too small to be one, so Liselotte assumed it was a Houndour, instead.

    "Not much, just some Houndoom who acted crazy or something," said Torch, nodding shortly to Liselotte. She raised an eye at Torch's curt nod; what, was she criticizing the Breloom too? The Mushroom Pokemon pouted internally; she hadn't been here for more than fifteen minutes, and she felt like two pokemon already didn't like her. Wow, that's a sorta depressing thing to think about. It didn't go well with Liselotte's usual, fiery, cheerful trains of thought, so she stopped, shaking her head.

    "Tryone's a bit dozed off I think, so ehhh... Drag him everywhere and loot some stuff?" Torch continued, bringing a shocked expression onto Kippy's face. Liselotte internally chuckled at the Mudkip's reaction; why so surprised? Looting for treasure was a classic thing to do on a ship, especially an abandoned one. "Also, we could try finding some undead... If you don't mind, I wanna become stronger. 'Undead busters'! I know I said earlier how I couldn't smell anything, but hey, they could still roam!"

    "I wanna join," Liselotte chirped, throwing a few punches in the air. "My muscles are a bit cramped from that ball I was in; I'd love to go kick some zombie ass with you two. Wouldya mind?" Liselotte gave a smile to the Torchic and Mudkip, mainly to the Mudkip; somehow, she felt like if she directed it at Torch, she would be denied. After all, the Torchic seemed like quite a proud pokemon. She didn't really look all too thrilled at Liselotte's earlier entrance, either.

    "...Please? I'll help carry any stuff we find?"

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:05 pm

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    Abandoned Ship [Deck]|Morning (7)

    Amy was alone. Everyone else had gone below deck. Everything was so quiet. She felt at ease with herself. In fact, it was so quiet, she layed down on her back and watched the clouds go by.

    It was amazing. The sky seemed to be untouched by the Epidemic, it would make you think there wasn't one to begin with. She began to hum a song to herself that she heard before.

    I'm breaking through
    I'm bending spoons
    I'm keeping flowers in full bloom
    I'm looking for answers from the great beyond.

    She heard footsteps. Amy then felt something bump into her and run off before she could say anything. Amy was unable to see what it was clearly. She got up and ran into the ship, following what it was that bumped into her.

    In her chase, she tripped and fell down the stairs. With a thud, she hit the ground floor in front of the Hoenn pokemon. She just stayed on the ground, too dizzy to get up at this point. She just lifted her head and asked, "What was that... uh... thing that was, errr.... Oh, down here?" Amy's head fell to the floor, tired from everything that's happened, which was nothing. She got tired from doing nothing.

    (OoC: In case anyone was wondering, Amy was humming 'The Great Beyond' by R.E.M.)

    Last edited by Radiohead97 on Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:05 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : derped grammar)

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:07 pm

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    Abandoned Ship (Below Deck)|Morning

    The hound huffed as she came to a stop. She had heard footsteps chasing her, but they stopped a while back, but she still keep running. Then as she sat down, Keres appeared and grinned wildly at her. You really need to stop and have some fun Helly. Ever sense Blue died for you, The demon motioned to the skull that the two shared, on her own head. You just haven't been the same. Hellfire growled at Keres and the demon just laughed, but this wasn't a normal laugh. This was a demonic laugh that echoed through the whole ship.

    I see how it's going to be. Alright then, have it your way Hellfire, but i'll give you some advise. What are you worth to these living anyway. Your just a broken hound. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. And with that, the demon vanished. Hellfire let out a long sigh of relieve. She took the skull of her head and just looked into the deep, hollow and empty eye sockets. Her head was filled with his smiling face. The young Totodile had been her closes friend. Her only friend and he was long gone. His skull was the last thing she had to remember him. Finally, slowly but surely, Hellfire started to cry and reveal her true feelings for the water type. even though he was no longer with her in live, but in spirit.

    Blue..your were my best friend....my only friend and even though...everyone was against us being together....We were still together. She stopped and cried. For a moment, she wondered if anyone was really listening to her, but through the tears and the aching pain of her long broken heart, she was able to say one last line, Blue...I...I...Loved you. And with that, Hellfire fell into a deep sleep. Her head fell to the floor, but something stopped her head and gentle laid it down. It wasn't Keres, but a Totodile. He smiled at the Houndour and gently kissed her on her scarred head. He spoke one line, Thank you Hellfire. And I loved you too, but please, don't dwell on my death. It's what's making you weak against Keres' powers. So please, just move on already you stubborn hound. I'll always be with you. Not in body, but in spirit. With that he kissed her forehead once more, smiled as he wiped the tears from her face and vanished into the skull.

    (Alright, well Hellfire is out and can someone find her and bring her to the group? You can have them hear everything or just alittle it don't matter.)

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Min Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:58 am

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    Abandoned Ship-Below Deck| |Morning

    Tyrone could only blink as he registered what happened. The Houndour that referred to itself as Keres, er, Hellfire, had just sprinted past him when the others began to investigate with him. Now they were all conversing with each other, most of the words tuned out as the young Bagon tried to think. "Um... Wait." he mumbled, not to anyone in particular. "Uh... Wait, I'm going to find her." with that he ran in the direction of the fire-type, stumbling past the wrecked boards or the floor.

    When he reached Hellfire she was laying on the ground, faint traces of tears on her face as she rested peacefully. Concerned, he walked up to the dog, gently prodding the canine with one of his fingers. "Miss, Miss Hellfire? Are you alright?" Tyrone asked. "Please do wake up." he quietly thought through the conversation he had just heard, moments before he discovered her respiting body. Who was this... Blue she talked about?

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Wed May 02, 2012 10:20 pm

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    Torch/Kippy - Abandoned Ship-Below Deck || Morning
    [9 || 9]

    "I wanna join," Liselotte perked up, Torch rising a brow, "My muscles are a bit cramped from that ball I was in; I'd love to go kick some zombie ass with you two. Wouldya mind?: She paused a bit, "...Please? I'll help carry any stuff we find?" Before the Torchic could respond her approval, Kippy interrupted her , cutting her off, "Sure, but you don't have to worry about carrying anything~" He gave a smile, his glasses falling from his forehead and onto the front of his eyes. Made him look cool, though the fall wasn't on purpose. The Fire-type frowned at him for giving that smile, feeling a strange feeling spark, but nonetheless she stalked off into the hallway, already beginning her looting spree.

    "Um... Wait." Tyrone mumbled, "Uh... Wait, I'm going to find her." Kippy suppressed a sigh, giving a nod, running after the Houndour's direction. He had to admit, today seems troublesome, Torch acting a bit out of the usual, but hell, the day is still young, it's too early to judge. "Shall we go?" He motioned the Breloom toward the Torchic's direction, "I find it best that we should split up to smaller groups for the time being." He put his glasses back up to rest on his forehead, giving another sigh, "Don't mind Torch's attitude, she's kinda like that. She prefers to show off." He gave an awkward laugh as he attempted to scratch the back of his head - didn't work well.

    The Mudkip slowly padded over to the Fire Starter's direction, occasionally looking back over at Liselotte to see if she was following or not. Even if she wasn't, he'd still look back, because he wanted to make sure she wouldn't get attacked right when the coast was cleared. Torch on the other hand, was glancing around at the doors on the side of the hall, whichever seems the less intimidating is the safest route. Her eyes were locked with one room; '666'. The number seemed to give the chills up her spine, but nonetheless, she called over at Kippy, who - finally - came into her line of sight, "Hey, let's check this out!"

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Thu May 03, 2012 6:11 pm

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    Abandoned Ship [Below Deck] || Morning || 8

    "Sure, but you don't have to worry about carrying anything~"

    The Mudkip quickly agreed with a bright smile, the sunglasses sliding over his eyes. Liselotte smiled and laughed happily. Nice timing with the glasses there, Kips. Liselotte's smile faltered a little bit when she saw the look Torch gave Kippy, however. The Breloom automatically assumed that her earlier assumption was correct and Torch didn't want her around after all. A spark of determination lit inside of Liselotte and she huffed, straightening up. Torch was going to either be her friend or her rival, and Liselotte was determined to find out which!....... later. She also happened to be a terrible procrastinator.

    "Um... wait. Uh... wait, I'm going to find her."

    The Bagon, Tyrone, if Liselotte remembered correctly, said, before rushing off in the same direction as the Houndour. The grass and fighting type blinked as he followed the fire type. He seemed like a nice dude. Looked kind of scary with the scratches on his face, though. Wonder where he got them from? Liselotte didn't get a chance to talk to him or the Scrafty above deck yet, so she would do that later; she wanted to find out where Tyrone got his cool scars from!... Unless, of course, it was a touchy subject. Liselotte may be bold and reckless most of the time, but she respected personal space.

    "Just yell if you need help," Liselotte yelled after the dragon pokemon, before turning her attention back to the two starters before her... or just one. Kippy was still there, but Torch seemed to go on a little ahead. He looked sort of awkward or tired or frustrated; Liselotte didn't know the right word to describe that feeling.

    "I find it best that we should split up to smaller groups for the time being," the Mudkip spoke, looking up at Liselotte. He gave another short sigh before continuing, "don't mind Torch's attitude, she's kinda like that. She prefers to show off." He then started off as well, his awkward-sounding laugh echoing in the quiet hallways of the ship.

    Liselotte followed the water-type, her eyes jumping around all the fancy decorations. Kippy kept glancing back at her, but Lize took no notice. Wow, this ship must've been a cruise ship or something, before, well, it got abandoned and all. Lost in thought, Liselotte almost crashed into Torch, but stopped herself in time. The fire chick was staring at a brass plate on a door that read a number that was extremely popular in superstition: '666'.

    "Hey, let's check this out!" Torch said with enthusiasm, turning around to look at Kippy. Liselotte pulled her eyes away from the room number. The Breloom didn't necessarily believe in superstitions or anything supernatural, and liked challenges and dares. A creepy room in an abandoned ship miles out to sea? Count her in!

    "Looks cool," she said, with a grin. "Let's go!"

    Last edited by Verdzi on Fri May 11, 2012 9:10 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Post Miscount)

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Thu May 03, 2012 6:31 pm

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    Abandoned Ship [Below Deck]|Morning (8)

    Amy woke up feeling really dizzy. Everyone else left while she was down. Great, now she knows they really have her back in case something bad happens.

    She heard some footsteps. Was it the others? She took off in the direction of the voices. The twisting halls seemed endless. Everything looked the same. The more she ran, the deeper in the ship she was.

    Frantically, she opened every door she passed. No one was in them. After many doors, she started having panic attacks. She kept running. Am I going mad? Amy thought. N-no, I can't be. I'm not infected She kept calling out the same names. "Torch! Kippy! Lise! Where are you guys?!" She couldn't hear any kind of response.

    She gave up. They were most likely gone. She slumped down on the ground. All Amy could do was curl up in a ball and cry. Her only form of self-therapy on the work camp as a Scraggy, and her current self-therapy today.

    Today was a good day for it...

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Sun May 06, 2012 3:06 pm

    (Skip. Not in one of the best moods right know, so just say Hellfire is dreaming about her past and if you want Lute, you can move her or whatever)

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Mon May 07, 2012 10:13 am

    Abandoned Ship - Below Deck | Morning - 1

    As the small group expressed their vexation and excitement of the oddly numbered room, a slight rumble could be heard, followed by a loud and resounding thwack as an Infected pokemon, a Torkoal to be precise, was slammed out of the room, the decrepit hinges and locks of the door finally breaking as it flew open. With a powerful impact that dented the adjacent wall and a splatter of sickly, black fluids, the Torkoal lay truly dead, finally at peace.

    Moments later, a massive bellow rang out from the room as a Roar technique was used, making sure to see if the undead was finally ended. With a satisfied grunt, the massive Aggron stood in the large room, proceeding to the door. The lights finally flickered on in the grand room which may have been a ballroom at some point in time. The Aggron stood much taller and was much bulkier than a normal Aggron.

    "Ah...Seems I have company...Sorry about the mess, but it was do or die..." Surprisingly, despite the sheer size of the Aggron, he was rather soft spoken and calm, seeming alomst relaxed. As he adjusted a rather old and worn out scarf around his neck, he focused his icy gaze on the beings before him. "The name's Ark..."

    [OoC: Hey, couldn't add my pic to the post because I made it on my phone...And my phone doesn't understand the concept of copy and paste. -.-;]

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Min Wed May 09, 2012 11:10 pm

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    Abandoned Ship-Below Deck| |Morning

    Tyrone diligently sat by the Houndour, watching over her as she slept. Gingerly, he shuffled her body into the corner, so it would be easier to protect the canine if a foe had come. Quietly, he closed his eyes, slowly dozing off next to Hellfire as a few morning rays of light filtered through the broken boards of the upper deck.

    The Bagon's eyes shot open when he heard crashes and roars. What in the world was that? He immediately stood up, frightened for his new companions who he has previously seen heading towards the source of the sound. What if it was an undead? What if it was killing his friends at this very moment, what then? His panicked eyes glanced back and forth from Hellfire to the other end of the corridor, and he grit his teeth. The newcomers seemed strong enough to defend themselves...

    ...What was he supposed to do?

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Fri May 11, 2012 10:46 pm

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    Torch/Kippy - Abandoned Ship-Below Deck || Morning
    [10 || 10]

    "Looks cool, Let's go!" Liselotte grinned, Torch rose a brow however, how were they going to open this door? Especially since the two Starter Pokemon were so short, they weren't sure if Lizzy -- fantastic nickname -- was able to get her stubby arms to get a good grip on the handle either. Another option was to break down the door, but that would ruin the ship's royal atmosphere -- despite it being abandoned of course. Kippy bit his lower lip, glancing at the dusty plate number and the group and back, "Do we have to?" He whimpered, the Mudkip had a bad feeling something bad was going to happen soon.

    And that superstition came true.
    A loud crash came from the infamous 666 room. A Torkoal -- undead, it was easy to tell by a glance -- flew out of the room, black fluids -- must be the blood -- splattered along with the impact as the door broke down. Torch felt her jaw drop as she stared at the limp tortoise, then her eyes sparkling as a newcomer appeared, thank fucking Arceus he was a living one at that; "Ah...Seems I have company...Sorry about the mess, but it was do or die..." The Torchic gave a nod, despite the Aggron's huge size, he seemed much more stronger than the Aggron the little Hoenn Starter had seen back in the lab.

    Kippy stared at Torch's reaction to the newcomer, annoyance boiled in him, but the Mudkip kept his cool -- but somewhat ended up throwing daggers at the Steel type -- as the Pokemon introduced himself, "The name's Ark..." The Water-type acknowledge the name, giving a nod -- his black sunglasses ended up falling back in front of his eyes -- as he introduced himself as well, "Kippy. Pleasure to meet you," He half-hissed on the 'pleasure', but he sounded quite normal throughout the rest.

    The Torchic gaped at him, amazed how Kippy wasn't scared at the moment. She shook her head, returning her attention to Ark, "And I'm Torch!" She said excitedly, it became obvious she fancied him at first sight (In Kippy's opinion, he was way out of her league!). The Fire-type peered over behind the Aggron, squinting her eyes as she attempted to focus on anything well worth finding in the room, "So what's in there? Seeing as you came in from there, was there anything... good?"

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Sat May 12, 2012 1:27 pm

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    Abandoned Ship [Below Deck] || Morning || 9

    Liselotte had an air of excitement buzzing around her. She looked once at the doorknob, and then down at her claws. Well, they could extend pretty far when she was punching someone, but she wondered if she was able to operate something even as simple as a doorknob. Maybe if she used both of her arms? Her eyes looked back up to the doorknob and she stretched out her claws that were attached to skinny, pale arms, looking sort of creepy since a Breloom's claws were usually right by the body. However, right when her claws were about to touch the brass, gilded knob, she heard a whooshing sound on the other side of the door, as if something was being thrown or swung around with great force; it was faint, but there.

    Instinctively, Liselotte jumped back in alarm, right after Kippy whimpered something she didn't catch. The second she jumped to the side, a large, gray and rusted orange lump crashed through the door, splattering dark, purplish red sludge-like liquid everywhere. Liselotte stared at the lump, a Torkoal, with wide eyes, her jaw dropping. Woah, so that was what was in that room. It appeared to be dead, and permanently dead, however, so the Breloom was glad. It looked pretty strong, and being part grass-type, Liselotte probably wouldn't fare too well with it.

    Her relief was short-lived, however, as she felt a shadow loom over her. The Mushroom Pokémon slowly looked up, and saw a giant, and she meant giant, Aggron standing there in the doorway in all of his glory. It was about twice her height, and Liselotte felt tiny, standing by its large feet. She automatically assumed that this pokemon was what tossed the Torkoal like a sack of flour through the wooden door, its brass '666' having flown off and now lying somewhere in the debris.

    Liselotte was about to screech bloody murder and jump back, ready to defend, when the Aggron began to speak in a calm, even voice. He seemed rather laid-back and relaxed, as if he totally didn't just chuck a 170-pound turtle inside an abandoned ship.

    "Ah...Seems I have company...Sorry about the mess, but it was do or die... The name's Ark..."

    Liselotte just slowly nodded, her eyes still wide and staring at the massive Aggron. Holy Arceus. In her fighting career, the Breloom had never fought an Aggron, and she was glad she never did. They looked like they could easily crush her with just one hand. Paw. Claw. Whatever. Speaking of danger, she wondered how Tyrone was faring, wherever he was. She hoped he wasn't in any trouble.

    Liselotte glanced over at her other company, looking for their reactions. Torch seemed to take this quite well, her eyes sparkling in admiration at the Aggron, Ark. Kippy did as well, in a way, although he seemed a bit irritated. Liselotte wondered why, as she heard Kippy hiss out part of his greeting. Torch gaped at Kippy for a second, before turning her attention back to Ark, introducing herself.

    "And I'm Torch! So what's in there? Seeing as you came in from there, was there anything... good?"

    Well, she moved on pretty fast onto other topics. Liselotte shook her head, before looking back at the Aggron warily. She was still a little shell-shocked from the sudden blast, adrenaline pumping through her veins. She supposed she should introduce herself, since both Torch and Kippy did. In her opinion, however, she thought her voice sounded a little hostile or wary, even though she didn't pose the Aggron as a threat anymore, and tried to keep 'wary' out of her voice tone. "Name's Liselotte, but you can call me Lize or Liza if you want. Nice to meet you..."

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Sat May 12, 2012 6:30 pm

    (Skip. I'll post next time. For now, Amy is just talking gibberish to herself)

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Mon May 14, 2012 4:26 pm

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    Abandoned Ship (Below Deck)|Morning

    As the Houndour slept, she felt her body being moved. She shot up at the load Roar move. She looked around and growled alittle when she saw the Bagon. Then she remembered that she had pasted out. She whimpered when she relised she was in a corner. The Totodile skull rattled on her head. She slightly sniffed the air as she took in the scent of the Bagon. Who.....are you? The Houndour asked as she coward in the corner.

    (Sorry, short post is short)

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Tue May 15, 2012 11:17 am

    Abandoned Ship - Below Deck/ Ballroom | Morning - 2

    Much to Ark's surprise, the pokemon that were outside the door were rather friendly; or, at the very least, the Torchic was. The Aggron was used to wary and frightened response to his sheer size, something he noticed in the Breloom that called herself Liselotte when he first appeared. He took note of the names of each pokemon as they introduced themselves, simply ignoring the way the Mudkip had hissed out part of his greeting. Ark was too laidback to let something like that really bother him, and he wasn't worried about the little Hoenn starter if he had to fight him.

    "So what's in there? Seeing as you came in from there, is there anything...good?"

    Turning the focus of his eyes to the Torchic for a moment, he took a habitual pause. It was short, but it took long enough to cause a slight break in the introductions. With a wave for them to follow, he leaned down under the archway near the door so he could get through to the ballroom he came from, it's high ceiling allowing him to stand up tall. "Come in, come in...I've kept plenty of supplies here to last a long time..."

    Upon entry of the room, one could see that this Aggron had been holed up here for quite sometime. The area still held its granduer, but very few adjustments had been made in his attempts to make a living space. Most prominent, though, was the things that shouldn't have belonged: blood stains that were black and purple from infected pokemon, dents in the metals of the walls, and scratches and gouges in the wooden dance floor. In some place on the metal walls was pairs of puncture holes that looked to have been made by the Aggron himself. "Sorry about the mess once again..." He seemed so casual and relaxed that it was hard to believe he had any merit of anything, despite he had just rammed that Torkoal out of the room; one could see a fresh stain on the floor where it had happened, located nearly half way across the room. Once he felt it was safe, he turned and faced them once again, looking down to the trio. "Are there others besides yourselves...?"

    Last edited by Ark on Tue May 15, 2012 2:07 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Error in spelling)

    Age : 25
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    The ABANDONED Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Min Sat May 19, 2012 2:09 am

    [OOC: Skip, tired...]

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Tue May 22, 2012 5:33 pm

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    Torch/Kippy - Abandoned Ship-Below Deck/Ballroom || Morning
    [11 || 11]

    "Come in, come in...I've kept plenty of supplies here to last a long time..." The Aggron said, leading them in. Kippy gave a small snort, but followed in after the Torchic. The area seemed more like a make-shift home rather than a creepy room they had expected. It actually seemed welcoming, despite the several dents and blood stains. The Mudkip narrowed his eyes behind his blackglasses -- thankful no one could see it -- at the dents, it seemed suspicious, but then again, it's the Epidemic, trust seems hard to come by, yet Torch doesn't seem to be on her guard one bit. He was annoyed, but as long as she's safe, it's all good.

    "Sorry about the mess once again..." The Aggron aplogized, the Torchic shook her head, "It's all good bro," She chimed, gazing at the surroundings. Her stomach grumbled a bit, but immediately dismissed that as her partner rose a brow at her. "Are there others besides yourselves...?" Ark asked, the Hoenn starter nodded with a smile, "Oh yes, there's a Bagon with us too, and another, but she kinda ditched us. Oh oh, and a-" Torch was immediately cut off. "Houndour as well." Kippy interrupted, but finishing the sentence. He sounded neutral compared to his greeting, but a bit hostile nonetheless. The Fire-type glared at her childhood friend. Covering the view of her beak with her pink bandana, she mouthed the words at the Mudkip, 'What is wrong with you?'

    The Mudkip stared at Torch with an appalled face, never had she said such a thing! But immediately, it turned to a glare, 'Nothing, at least be on your guard!' He mouthed. Though he doubted the Chick Pokemon noticed, for she immediately turned her attention at the Aggron, "So have any food?" He felt his insides boil with annoyance, but nonetheless, he let out a deep breath before lowering his tail in defeat. The Water-type could never stay mad at her for too long, he was hungry too.

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Sat May 26, 2012 1:55 pm

    [[ooc: Ggggggaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I am so, so sorry for not realizing I hadn't posted here. ><; Having a busy month, I should consider going into SafeHouse. I'm really sorry, skip my turn, please.]]

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Tue May 29, 2012 10:22 pm

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    Abandoned Ship (Below Deck)|Morning

    The Bagon had yet to answer her question and she was starting to feel trapped, so she bolted out of the corner. She didn't want to be trapped in that corner any longer then she had too and she had reached that limit already. She ran as the tears fell down her face. She was so scared and she could feel Keres trying to take over, but for some reason she couldn't and Hellfire was grateful for that.

    As she ran she heard things, voices and movement. She whimpered as she dove into a room and wamed her head against something really hard. She yelped as the Totodile skull fell off her scarred head. She rubbed her head with one of her blood stained paws and placed the skull back on her head as she looked up at the new pokemon. It was an Aggron and a big one at that. As she looked up at the steel type, she could feel a slight blush appear on her face. Then she relised who else was with the Aggron. It was the Torchic was earlier with a Mudkip and a Breloom. She looked at all the pokemon and backed up into ANOTHER corner as she whimpered, but her eyes remand on the giant Aggron in front of her.

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Tue May 29, 2012 10:43 pm

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    Abandoned Ship - Below Deck/Ballroom | Morning - 3

    The Aggron, despite his slight caution, simply ignored the Mudkip's suspicions. Both of them knew that if Ark wanted the others gone, that would've been done earlier. The dual type felt that he may as well be friendly, seeing as these were the few living pokemon left on the ship to be encountered. Silently, he opened the door that led to his storeroom, the room wide open and full of supplies; food, water, medicines, blankets, if it was needed, it was in there. "Here we are...This is my storeroom...Feel free to help yourselves, but be sure to ration carefully." Ark warned, knowing how dangerous it could be if one didn't divide how much they ate and drank per meal carefully. With a hidden smile, he stepped back to let the others pass.

    And right after that step, he faintly felt something bump against the armor of one of his legs. With a turn, he spotted what had caused this. There was a Houndour below, with an odd looking skull on her head. While he found the blush odd, she seemed to back up after noticing the others. The room was large, so the corner was a good distance away. Ark slowly took a few steps toward her before leaning down to get to the female's level. "Hm...? Are you alright...?" His low and mellow voice rang out rather softly, directed toward the Houndour in front of him.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Min Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:47 am

    [OOC: Skip.]

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