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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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5 posters



    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:22 pm

    (@Kaze: Please post the correct time. It's currently noon, not morning.)
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    Mistralton City|Noon (51)

    Everyone was helping out, but this Staraptor wasn't going down without a fight. It tightened its grip on Lilli, causing her to scream out in pain. Her arms were hurting, and the constant pecking didn't help. She could feel a small trickle of blood run down her face in a small cut made by the bird's talons. Never in her life has she ever been so scared. This even topped the death of that Dratini in the cave.

    But after another peck, the Lilligant finally had enough. She wasn't ready to give up either, so she yanked one of her arms freeand charged up an Energy Ball in that arm. She manuvered it carefully so that she could hit the bird in the neck. When her aim was good to go, she fired and the bird immediately let go of her. She hit the ground with a thud, followed by the body of the bird. She looked at the body that fell in front of her. Lilli had so many things on her mind as tears formed in her eyes. She didn't know whether or not the tears came from happiness that everyone is still okay, sadness that a creature was killed, or fear that she was going to die.

    Lilli staggered to her feet as she looked at everyone. Fujimaru's arm was busted, and Chidori's leg looked like it was going to come off. Giri was the only one not injured badly. Without saying a word, she made her way over to everyone, but stopped in front of the Aron. The grass type kneeled down and looked at him. "I'm so proud of you, Giri." She said. She wrapped her leafy arms around him in a hug as some tears ran down her face. The Lilligant now knew why she was crying. She was proud of Giri. Lilli held him to her chest as she cried silently.

    A pleasant aroma wafted through the air. She needed to stay cheerful and remain brave, even though deep inside, she was still the same, scared Petilil she was when she first got to the cave.

    (OoC: Kaze, let me know if I need to change anything.)

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 10, 2013 10:01 pm

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    Mistralton City|Afternoon (52)

    Chidori felt his eyes slip to a half lidded state. It wasn't a sense of euphoria doing this... It was pure excruciating pain and his brain was releasing its natural pain killers in an attempt to dull the pain. Chidori would not lose his leg. He would sooner become a monster then a lame Zebstrika. His mind was delusional and trying to deny that the limb would be useless if any attempt at weight on it was used... Chidori felt a sudden spark of realization come to mind. He left the room they were in and dug through the many rooms before finding what he was looking for. A belt and suspenders. Chidori nudged the door shut to avoid anyone seeing what he was going to do. Thankfully the belt was in its widest loop so it would make this much easier... However the hardest part was not over...

    Chidori slipped the belt around his neck before starting with the stretchy suspenders. He bit and licked the clasps repeatedly before getting them to snap shut. Chidori pulled the suspenders up over his neck and laid on his back. He blushed in embarrassment before slipping the injured hoof joint through the belt and suspenders and pulling it tight with his teeth. Chidori shakily got to his three well feet and attempted to walk around. He bumped around the room and let out a surprised noise when he fell back on his rump. This was going to be hard to get used to...


    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Kaze Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:21 pm

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    Mistralton City Pokecentre # Noon # {34}

    Fujimaru pants for breath, feeling a sharp stiffness in his injured shoulder. He has helped but it is the plucky young Lilligant that is the true hero of the piece, managing to take down the Staraptor with a well-aimed Energy Ball. If he was not strong enough to protect a single female than he was no true warrior. He had to work harder.
    The dark blue furred simian sits and folds his legs, breathing deeply as he starts to meditate.
    All decisions should be made within the space of seven breaths...
    Fujimaru begins to think. His arm ached and Chidori's leg still wasn't healed. Lilli and Giri were the only ones not currently badly injured and the red-eyed ones kept on coming.
    They knew they were in the pokecentre...
    If they stayed it was likely the attacks would keep coming and neither of them knew how to use the equipment to heal any injuries they might receive.
    Conclusion: this location was too risky to stay in.
    Which path was the safest to travel while they tried to find a better place to rest and heal? Surely not the caves, the attack had come from there which must mean the area contained even more undead.
    Route 7 lead to the Celestial Tower. Though the idea fills him with apprehension the ghosts may offer some assistance. Certainly he had seen no ghosts that were red-eyed ones.
    "We cannot stay here. More of the red-eyed ones will find us and we cannot use the healing machines." He calmly states, rising from his meditation. "We must move on."

    The albino aron smiles and nuzzles his hard metallic head against the Lilligant's shoulder happily. He has done good and now everyone will be proud of him. Giri feels so grown up now he can kill monsters.
    A droplet landing on his steely shell makes him look up and he notices tears are running from the Lilligant's golden eyes.
    Giri looks up at her in concern, reaching up with one of his stubby legs.
    "Lilli got an ouch?" He asks in concern, wondering if she is badly hurt.
    He doesn't want Lilli to be sad.
    The tiny Aron snuggles closer to the larger Grass Type, trying to wrap his short arms around her in a hug.
    He has done a lot of growing up in the past few days from being scared of the monsters to being able to fight them. In part the round egg of stone has helped him mature as he has gotten stronger.
    He wants his friends to be happy.
    "Lilli shouldn't cry because Giri will help her." He says firmly as a sweet smell wafts around him and makes him smile.

    ((OOC: Sorry I have the code ready in a word document for when I'm feeling rushed to post but sometimes I forget to edit the time ^^;))

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:31 am

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    Mistralton City|Noon (52)

    Lilli smiled as Giri tried to make her feel better, even trying to use his own stubby legs to give her a hug. "Lilli shouldn't cry because Giri will help her." The words made the grass type feel a lot better about not only himself, but for him as well. He grew up so fast, it was hard to believe that just last night he was working on his first words. And one of them was Lilli. She kept holding him while she spoke softly. "Thank you, Giri..." She smiled at him, but looked at Fujimaru when he began to speak.

    "We cannot stay here. More of the red-eyed ones will find us and we cannot use the healing machines. We must move on." Lilli nodded, standing up while still holding the Aron. "I agree. But I think we need to salvage whatever supplies we can get from here first." She went into another room, hearing loud thumping, and saw that Chidori tried making a sling for his leg, which looked like it was getting even worse. The Lilligant looked at the leg with worry, then looked back at Fujimaru. "Fujimaru," She said, "I think we need to take another look at Chidori's leg."

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:41 am

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    Mistralton City|Noon (53)

    Chidori gulped hearing his name. Had they seen him? A furious blush spread across his muzzle. No one but his trainer ever got to see him rolled over and now Lilli had seen. Despite the hard packed muscle in his legs, Chidori was chubby and had been since he was a Blitzle. He didn't want anyone to see his chubby belly or the fact that most of his fur there was rubbed off leaving ticklish greyish pink flesh. Chidori knew they were going to try to do something now and somewhere in the irrational part of his mind it was bad. Chidori found the miraculous ability to scramble to his three usable legs and squeeze himself under the bed in the room. The bed creaked and groaned to the effort forcing itself up to accommodate the silly Zebstrika trying to hide under it. Chidori believed himself to be well hidden and grinned thinking he was the smartest bastard on Earth for his cleverness at hiding.


    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Kaze Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:50 pm

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    Mistralton City Pokecentre # Noon # {35}

    The simian sighs, regretting leaving Chidori on the metal altar as it had not helped his leg heal at all.
    Curse humans and the way they made everything more difficult than they needed to be.
    "True." Fujimaru concedes, turning his head towards where the Zebstrika had been. His injured limbs had always been bound traditionally and he had to learn how to operate well enough without them. That method wouldn't work at all for Chidori, the Zebstrika would not be able to move well with only three legs and at worse his other one might never regain feeling.
    His long tail twitches as he tries to think of how to at least temporarily fix the numbed limb and he comes up with nothing, unless the strange human things could be persuaded to work.

    Giri curls up in Lilli's arms, her fresh leafy scent different to the clear watery one of Fujimaru's fur but still one pleasantly calming to the little Steel Type.
    Curiously he props himself up in Lilli's arms, looking around the room with his wide pink eyes and noticing a tuft of white fur sticking out from under a strange cloth covered slab of wood.
    "'Dori~!" he giggles, bouncing in the Lilligant's arms as he wonders how the Zebstrika managed to fit himself in such an awkward looking place. "'Dori got an ouch. Jiji gonna take us to ghosty place."

    ((OOC: Do you think Giri is growing up too fast? He does have a Lucky Egg XP boost and has experienced a lot lately plus pokemon would grow up quickly right? ^^;))

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:18 am

    (Skip. I can't think of anything for Lilli right now except for Lilli giggling at Chidori's antics.)

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:11 am

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    Mistralton City|Noon(54)

    Chidori heard Giri call him and Lilli giggle. He forgot his tail was sticking out... But he would play along with Giri for a moment. Chidori maneuvered himself around and poked his head out from under the bed. "Giri~!" he called back before ducking back under the bed. Hopefully they would only see him as playing and the Zebstrika wouldn't have to plead insanity. But hearing the Aron say he had an ouch and they were going to a ghosty place was unsettling... The village area Chidori had lived in with Zeke was near there and that would wrought painful memories if so.


    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Jan 19, 2013 3:23 pm

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    Mistralton City Pokecentre # Noon # {36}

    Carefully the Simipour watches the Zebstrika's antics as he attempts to entertain his charge, wondering why the Electric Type had tried to hide in the first place. Fujimaru worries that the machine has contained some sort of drug that is making the Electric Type act loopy and clouded his reason. What other excuse could there be for him trying to hide in the first place?
    "Zebstrika-san I request we leave swiftly. Do you require assistance?" The shining Simipour asks as politely as possible as he rests his hand on the blade of shell. It is already noon and if they do not get moving soon he fears they may face some trouble navigating towards the tower in the dark.
    As it was this area was most defiantly not safe any longer. The only thing they could do is flee further where Fujimaru may use his basic knowledge of medical plants to try and heal the Electric Type's leg.
    "I will gather some supplies." He states, waiting for a response before he goes to try and round up whatever useful items are left in this dusty place.

    Giri giggles again and manages to wriggle free of Lilli's arms to drop to the ground here he can get a better look at the hiding Zebstrika.
    "'Dori~!" He calls out happily as he wanders around the bed.
    Hide and seek was a fun game, although Jiji didn't like him to go where the Water Type could not see.
    Still chuckling to himself the little albino sis back on his haunches with a smile and nips the top of his Lucky Egg cheerfully, its smooth white surface holding strong despite the abuse.
    "'Dori want a bite?" He asks, wondering if the Zebstrika is hungry.

    ((OOC: Let me know if I should change anything))

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Kaze Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:55 pm

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    Mistralton City Pokecentre # Noon # {37}

    Carefully the Simipour excuses himself to go and retrieve some supplies. A hanging curtain is yanked loose from its rail where it can be folded into a simple sac for carrying good. Being practical the Water Type chooses only foods that will last the journey, sealed packets and can filled with Pokemon Food of all kinds and, as a sentimental note, the packet of honeyed sweet and strong strange tea leaves.
    The Geyser pokemon sniffs deeply, enjoying the slightly bitter scent of the leaves before storing them away in the bundle he slings over his shoulder.
    moving across the pokecenter and leaving footprints in the thick dust of the floor he also gathers what medical supplies he can recognize; rolls of bandages, band-aids, bits of thin long metal that will serve as a splint or lunch for Giri and a few small items who's purpose he can only guess at. He also takes with him some of the blue spray bottles of Potions. He has no idea how to operate the rigger mechanism but if they are broken over a wound it goes some way towards healing a wound.
    In the dust he sees out of the corner of his eye what looks like a little speck on the ground and his eyes widen in shock. It is a footprint, a small footprint for a large predator and there is more than one of them...
    "Giri!" He cries out.

    "'Dori?" The little Aron tilts his head to the side with a smile and toddles back over to Lilli.
    "Where's Jiji go?" He is growing up fast, thanks to the boost his Lucky Egg provides and the added advantage of Fujimaru's training. Already he is learning how to speak in complete sentences.
    Strolling back up to Lilli with his Lucky Egg held in his jaws he tugs at her leafy 'skirt' with one of his stubby paws.
    "Lilli, where did Jiji-"
    "Giri!" the faint cry echoes down the corridors and the albino Aron turns his head as the Liepard leaps from the shadows towards his exposed back.
    Long tearing fangs drip a mixture of saliva and blood as the retractable claws pop from the purple furred cat's paws to tear through the metal armor with a Night Slash attack.
    Its red eyes gleam like coals as its purr of triumph is manged by the gaping hole where its throat has been torn out.
    Giri squeals in surprise as he finds himself shoved out of the way and turned on his back.
    Not caring if its target is out of the way the Dark Feline lunges forwards and sinks its talons into the Lilligant's midriff. Sap-like blood flows as Lilli is thrown onto her back. Her leafy hands come up in an attempt to defend from the hooked claws being dug into her. The faint light haze of an Energy Ball starts to form between them but the Liepard is swifter. It digs its teeth straight into her throat and shakes its head, crushing the Lilligant's windpipe and snapping her spine like a twig. The haze dies as she does, the last signs of life leaving her golden eyes as the Liepard slashes the body up to make sure she is felled before turning with a soft growl on the Albino Aron and the injured Zebstrika.

    ((OOC: Fill in Harbinger Attack completed))

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:45 pm

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    Mistralton City|Afternoon (55)

    Chidori looked down at Lilli with a look of shock. His head throbbed painfully showing the memories racing before his eyes. Chidori promised to protect Lilli. Ever since the little Dratini was killed... He said he would protect her. A tiny spark danced across his mane as he stepped in front of Giri. Angry... Chidori was beyond angry. He was pissed. Looking at the claws that took the Lilligant's life only made him angrier. He treasured Lilli like a person who had gone their entire life without love would treasure even the briefest of friendships. Chidori had gone as far to say he loved her. The spark got steadily bigger forming Shock Wave between the two highest arcs in his mane.

    Here kitty kitty...


    The Shock Wave wrecked into the Liepard's side punching it through the wall. Chidori's brow was still furrowed in anger. The cat had to be at least crippled from having the crap knocked out of it. Chidori looked down at Lilli with tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

    "Please... P-Please stay... I have no more friends...
    Chidori lowered himself down to his belly and pressed his nose against her in a form of comfort. "Don't worry little one... I won't leave you I promise" he said softly. Then he remembered his senses and smiled. "I'm Chidori... What's your name my brave little friend" Chidori asked.

    "Don't worry... If they do get in here we can make a break for it" he said. Chidori smirked and gestured to his back. "You can ride on my back like you did when we escaped the cave" he said with a chuckle.
    "What about your leg, Chidori? I'm not as small as I was when we left the cave." She said.

    Chidori dropped down beside Lilli and tears ran down his cheeks. He rested his muzzle on her chest ignoring the stench of blood and glared at the cat. Why must you monsters take... I'll kill you! Chidori rushed the cat ignoring its claws digging into the thick muscle of his neck and rammed the wall. All feeling of rushing blood and pain returned to his leg but that was quite far from his mind. With a flick of his neck the Liepard was tossed behind for little Giri to finish just like the Eelektross. Chidori looked up at the darkening sky and sighed feeling fresh rain drop on his hide. He blinked slightly as a drop hit his cheek running down to be joined by others.

    Today...Arceus weeps for the loss of another innocent life...

    ((OoC: The italics are Chidori's memories and I can edit it to where he only minorly hurts the Liepard if Fujimaru wants to kill it instead of Giri killing it crippled))


    Age : 29
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    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Kaze Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:59 pm

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    Mistralton City Pokecentre # Noon # {38}

    Desperately the shining simipour runs through the dusty pokecenter, only now noticing the tiny specks of clear ground that show every couple of paces. His tracking skills try to file them and with a flash of realization he remembers were he has seen the petite little steps before. Liepard. At first it hadn't made sense, the position and spread of the steps making him think he had been mistaken in his analysis but as he sound of a rumbling growl from above confirms his worst fears.
    The Simipour grabs at the hilt of his seamitar and draws it as a tingle of electricity raises his dark blue fur. The room he emerges has had a hole smashes through the wall with considerable force, showing the darkening skies outside as it begins to rain.
    "The storm gods weep." Fujimaru whispers as he notices the torn body of the Lilligant lying on the floor. Sap-like blood oozes across the bare floor from the punctures in her midriff and neck. At least she received a noble warrior's death; the gashes across her throat shows she fought well. Fujimaru closes her eyes and lowers his head in respect for a moment.
    "Chidori..." he starts to say softly, looking out through the hole in the wall to see where the Zebstrika stands silhouetted against the falling rain.
    A low growl cuts him of and he barely manages to roll out of the way in time before another Liepard lands lithely where he has been standing. It growls, focusing on the little blue monkey standing before it.
    Fujimaru can't help but feel an uncharacteristic jolt of fear run through him. He was still a little blue-furred monkey and the well muscled leopard facing him is his natural predator.

    The albino Aron's pale pink eyes are cold.
    In front of him the fallen Liepard tries to pull itself up using its one good leg. It's right front leg has been crushed to a pulp by the collision as it tried to claw Chidori's throat and met the unforgiving wall, its back legs immobilized by the crushed corpse's manged spine. It's bottom jaw has been broken and hangs limply but it still tries to drag itself forwards, burning red eyes glaring at the morsel in front of it.
    "You killed my friend..." Giri says coldly, raising his armored head towards the Dark Type. His feet are slightly parted, the starting position for a charge.
    "I hate you monsters." The little Aron's tone has lost its childish tone as his voice becomes precise and cool with the combination of anger and grief that swirls inside him.
    The little Aron faces down the monster as the red-eyed Liepard drags itself towards him, leaving a trail of foul red blood behind it as it looms over him. Its black rimmed lips are open wide, blood flecking the long white fangs and Giri looks up into the wide foul smelling maw.
    "Monsters should be the one to die."
    His armored body glowing with power the albino slams himself hard into the Liepard's skull. It makes a loud cracking noise as it splits open and the monster is dead.
    It doesn't make Giri feel any better to know that it will never hurt anyone again. Lilli is still dead.
    Giri silently looks up as Fujimaru enters the room and sees the battle is not yet over.

    ((OOC: Nope that's perfectly fine but I'm going to make a big fight of the entire thing for XP reasons (Giri's evolving soon). Each individual Liepard is pretty tough so it'll need more than one hit to finish it off but It'll be good to work off some anger.))

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 31, 2013 7:49 pm

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    Mistralton City|Afternoon (56)

    Chidori flicked his ear and turned to see a Liepard growling at him. He smirked and pawed at the ground with his previously injured hoof. The adrenaline and time off it had helped a lot but somewhere in that injection was medicine he knew it and had to take it. Chidori grinned up at the falling rain and glared back at the cat. A bolt of lightning ripped through the sky striking him activating Motor Drive. Chidori charged the Liepard with Flame Charge boosting his Speed to the max. One step and he was on the unfortunate Liepard like a Lillipup on a bone. In his soul he could hear Lilli saying go get 'em Chidori! Again he felt the small weight of the Petilil on his back as he chased the fleeing cat down. She was giggling and in his mind he was a Blitzle and the Liepard he was chasing was the old barnyard Purrloin that tormented him when he was a colt. His eye no longer burned from the scar and his four spindly legs tore through the grass with reckless abandon. The Petilil on his back urged him forward faster until he stood proudly on the cat's back. In reality Chidori had ran the Liepard down and stomped its spine in half. The Petilil on his back faded to a memory of a beautiful Lilligant gently stroking his mane before letting out a gurgled cry and crumpling to the ground. Chidori whinnied in pain as a Liepard attached to his back digging its claws into his neck.

    Where the hell are you bastards coming from?!


    Age : 29
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    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Jan 31, 2013 8:36 pm

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    Mistralton City Pokecentre # Noon # {39}

    Fujimaru slashes downwards, gouging a line of bright red in the eye of the closest Liepard. A pair of them seem devoted to trying to work him into a corner and he can't focus on one without the other preparing to spring. The dark blue furred Simipour grits his teeth and whips his tail around. A powerful jet of wearing hot water bursts forth, the rain boosting the power of his Water Type moves enough that the jet is the legendary burst capable of breaking through a slid concrete wall.
    The Liepard's face collapses as the boiling water removes its head, the headless corpse taking a few lumbering steps forwards as it collapses onto Fujimaru's feet as the other leaps towards him.
    Fujimaru turns, whacking it aside with the back of his blade as he pulls his feet free of the fallen corpse. The Water Type leaps aside as the other Liepard leaps, hooked claws trying to catch him in the middle like they had done to Lilli.
    Desperately Fujimaru looks from side to side, the Liepard's are hunting in a pack like they must have once had while they were still alive. A swift glance upwards confirms his fears.
    The large cats took whatever high ground they could find, waiting on the top of cabinets and machinery until their prey passed close enough behind them for them to leap.
    Unable to aid Chidori as the Liepard he had merely scratched leaps for him Fujimaru fights his own battle.

    "'Dori!" Giri says with determination, drawing up the mineral sludge of leftovers from his metallic meal and spitting out the gritty mud in a solid stream aimed straight at the Liepard on the Zebstrika's back. The gritty irritating mud blinds when it gets into the eyes and gives Chidori a better chance of shaking the feline off as the albino charges at another Liepard, the much larger Dark Type not expecting him to fight back.
    His armored head slams into the Liepard's front, sending the gold and purple furred cat sliding back a few paces to its surprise. It grows, showing its large and sharp fangs as it's mouth opens.
    "It is time for monsters to die." Giri says, facing down the snarling Dark Type and it pounces on him, gouging at his dark steel shell with its claws. Giri hits it with another Mud-Slap, blinding the undead Liepard while he leaps up from between its paws to smack it under the jaw with a powerful smack and follows it up with a slashing Metal Claw. The Liepard's lower jaw snaps and the Dark Type is dazed from the force of the blow. Angrily the red-eyed cat wipes mud from its eyes with one paw and advances towards him. Giri stands his ground determinedly. This monster he will kill by himself.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Feb 01, 2013 11:31 am

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    Mistralton City|Noon (57)

    Chidori rolled over crushing the Liepard under his weight. 1 or 2 of them ran. Smart cats. They knew when a herd of Zebtrika ran not only did thunder rumble in response but smaller things got trampled. Chidori loosed Thunder into the pack of Liepard to make himself a path to Fujimaru. He stood beside the Elemental monkey and flipped his ears back. Go for their tails... Without them they can't balance and it throws off their accuracy.Observe Chidori kicked one of them down and ran electricity through the highest points in his mane making them sharp and sliced the cat's tail off. He watched it stumble around and hiss at him before he kicked it back down. See?


    Age : 29
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    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Feb 02, 2013 7:16 pm

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    Mistralton City Pokecentre # Morning # {40}

    The Simipour nods tersely to show he understands the Zebstrika's advice. His many cuts are already oozing blood through the whiteness of his bandages but he cannot explain to the Zebstrika that he is actually afraid of the advancing cats. Though their bodies were heavy with the earthen scent of rot there was still some of the dreadful cruelty reflected in their red eyes. His mother had always warned them about those cruel hearted cats, told them how she had seen them hunt down any little monkey that wasn't home before night and batter them with their cruel hooked paws, giving them time to run a few steps away before hunting them down again. Play, as the Liepard's called it. To the toy in question it was more of a torture.
    The Water Type holds the shell blade of him master in both hands as he uses another powerful jet of water from his tail to keep the approaching Liepard's at bay. Chidori's help is much appreciated but the crafty undead have seen it as an opportunity to box them in and try and force them against the wall.
    "I can cover your back if you have mine." The shining Water Type cooly states as with a violent Cut attack he manages to cut off the tail of a Liepard sizing up Chidori's back for a jump.
    The large cat hisses in anger as it can no longer balance enough for a leap, its paws collapsing from under it.

    The Liepard snarls at him and Giri growls back. The purple-furred cat is a lot larger than him and is only paying attention to the small Steel Type out of spite towards the Aron for injuring it. Despite its obvious advantage over him Giri faces the Liepard down with no fear.
    "I'm going to kill you." He says coldly, lowering his iron armoured head menacingly.
    The Liepard seems to chuckle to itself, a deep throaty growl that sounds mocking to the albino's ears. Its long hooked claws pop from its paws as it takes another step forwards. Still Giri refuses to be afraid.
    "For the honour of my family I will avenge the loss of one of our own." the little albino says, repeating the words taught to him by Fujimaru many weeks ago. Honour and discipline, that is what separated him from the red-eyed one in front of him and that is why he could win.
    A deep growl echoes from the Liepard's throat as it steps forwards and Giri charges again. The Dark Type side-steps, blood speckling the stones as it brings down its paw on the Aron's iron armoured back. Giri winces as the Liepard presses down hard then bats him across the room like a ball. Still the tiny steel type's iron resolve doesn't falter as he winces from the pain of being used as a cat toy and shakily regains his footing.

    ((OOC: Time for a bit of back to back badass? XD))

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Feb 03, 2013 4:44 pm

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    Mistralton City|Noon (58)

    Chidori smirked. I will always have your back my comrade He glared at the approaching Liepards. Murderers... Home wreckers... After he killed them all then he would take Lilli's body to Celestic Tower so she could rest in peace. Where her spirit could play with the Litwick there and be watched over for all eternity by Arceus. Chidori smiled slightly before pawing at the ground. No little cats were going to keep him from that goal.


    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Kaze Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:28 pm

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    Mistralton City Pokecentre # Morning # {41}

    A genuine smile makes its way over Fujimaru's face, soothing his fears of the large cats for now.
    He may still be afraid of the trio of Liepards trying to force them into a corner but he had a friend beside him and the rain poured down...
    The soft rustling sound of falling water calmed the Simipour as nothing else could and he took a tighter grip on the worn of his master's Seamitar as he faced down the approaching Liepards.
    The one that had its tail removed snarls at them from the floor as it shakily tries to rise to its paws. The other three ignore it as they try to close in on the living duo. Apparently the rot that speckles their fur has not effected their selfish nature. Perhaps that can be used...
    Fujimaru grips the Mystic Water that still hangs closely around his neck and thinks. Mentally he catalogues the techniques he can still perform. The boost of the rain added to the power of the deep blue gem around his neck increased his Scald attack greatly, even if a single blast wouldn't be enough to slay one of the Lipards. On the other hand if he chose to abandon his item Acrobatics would allow him to leave the circle of approaching undead, at the cost of leaving Chidori exposed for precious moments. His Cut was only good for light glancing wounds without the element of surprise and his earlier dance through the ravenous birds had robbed him of most of his ability to evade all attacks.
    The crippled Liepard hisses at him and manages to drag itself over to Lilli's body, thinking that if it can't attack it will sneak a free meal while its pack was occupied.
    Fujimaru's blood runs cold at the dishonor being shown in their opponents.
    "Chidori-san, you know Thunder yes?" He says, looking pointedly at the Liepard.

    Again Giri takes a firmly defiant stance, to the growing annoyance of the injured Liepard.
    A few drops of red blood have started to ooze through his gashed shell, the tough metal armor dented by the large cat's paws but with all the determination of the warrior he was trained to be he blocks out the pain and focuses only on his opponent.
    The undead cat's breathing is harsher now it travels through a broken jaw, its bright red eyes alive with a very real malevolence. There is no doubt it is a monster that wants to hurt him. Only days earlier the sight would have made Giri hide behind Fujimaru but the little albino has learnt a valuable lesson from Lilli about being strong.
    "Come." He orders in a clear voice and the Liepard growls and pounces.
    The little albino sidesteps and the Dark Type slides out into the rain where it yowls in protest at the water soaking its fur.
    Giri chuckles despite himself at the aggrieved look on the undead's face and the Liepard growls murderously and leaps towards him again.
    An aura of glowing sky blue light shimmers over Giri's tough armor as he meets the charge head on with an attack of his own. His stubby legs pumping furiously to catch up with the Liepard's speed he puts his entire body into a powerful Head Smash attack.
    The albino Aron collides straight with the Lieaprd's chest, the golden paws with their hooked claws swiping at the air on either side of him as with a crack the Dark Type's neck snaps.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:18 pm

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    Mistralton City|Noon (59)

    Chidori grinned and his mane immediately began sparking. Thunder? Oh yes Chidori knew Thunder... The clouds broke overhead heeding the Thunderbolt Pokemon's call. Lightning cracked ripping through the sky to drop striking the ground. Every attack made his heart race pumping more blood to gush down from his neck wound. Without medical attention, Chidori was doomed to die... Proving he indeed knew Thunder, he glared over at the Liepard inching towards Lilli. Silly kitty. If it wanted to continue living a pathetic existence then that was the wrong way to go. All it takes is one lightning bolt and we'll see if a kitty can fry... His tone proving under his normally lonely yet giving nature there was unseen malice. A cold striking rage much like the sparks that fell from his crackling mane. Each spark holding enough voltage to stop the feline's heart. The storm of Chidori was yet to pass...


    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Kaze Tue Feb 05, 2013 1:05 am

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    Mistralton City Pokecentre # Morning # {42}

    As soon as he sees the sparks forming Fujimaru gathers up the last droplets of water contained in his long elegant tresses and releases a strong spray from his long tail, wetting the floor of the Pokecenter in a large puddle just beneath the Liepard's padded paws where three of the red-eyed undead waited out in the rain, considering climbing inside for a bite of the meal. Where they stepped in it the large puddle soaked the fur of their feet and the highly conductive liquid drew in the sparks of powerful electricity. The Simipour leapt aside as the light of the shining discharge filled the room, the cats crying loudly as their bodies sizzled and burnt black, the massive electrical discharge sending them into convulsive spasms. The three Liepard's danced like puppets on jerky strings, their eyeballs rolling back into their sockets before the electric heat made them pop like squished grapes and blood oozed from their empty eye sockets. The water only enhanced the attack, forming an efficient conductor between the bodies of the Liepard's.
    The flash of light was near blinding as the energy that burnt stronger than the sun danced through the water and disappeared as fast as a camera flash.
    Roiling black clouds rolled across the sky, flashes of lightning and rolling thunder, making it seem like an old legend of thunder-gods had come to life.
    The trio of Liepards seem to be tired of taking their chances, first one leaps forwards then the other from the opposite side.
    Fujimaru's blade knocks a few razor sharp teeth from the jaws of one while his long tail whips around and thoroughly douses the other, its long purple and golden fur soaking to its skin and the Liepard hisses like a house cat.
    "Take it down." Fujimaru says as he manages to acrobatically leap over the return swipe of the first Liepard, now missing some of its teeth.
    He is so preoccupied with this activity he doesn't notice the fourth Liepard gathering itself to spring from the top of the medicine cabinet until his ability to miraculously evade attacks fails when hit from behind by the stinking wet furred feline.
    Fujimaru shrieks in fear, a feral scared monkey sound as its long fangs dart towards his throat. He barely manages to raise his left arm to defend himself when the long white fangs dig deep into his golden furred arm and meet bone. The Liepard thrashes him from side to side while Fujimaru screams in pain.
    Infectious saliva mingles with his blood as the Liepard bites deeper and Fujimaru screams.
    The Seamitar falls to the ground and is speckled with Fujimaru's blood.

    "Jiji!" Giri cries as the sounds of pain meet his ears and he turns away from his first independent kill to swiftly run to his mentor's side.
    Blood splatters the stones of the pokecenter and Giri feels the tingle of left over electricity tingle in his shell from his closeness to Chidori as he determinedly smashes into the Liepard's head with a Headbutt attack.
    Fujimaru makes a horrible sound of pain as his arm is wretched to the side but the Liepard determined to take the arm off and merely tightens its grip with a crunch of bone.
    "Let him go!" The tiny albino cries but the Liepard is resting its heavy paws against Fujimaru's chest, as it twists its jaw to the side in an attempt to tear the elemental monkeys arm free at the elbow.
    Giri got angry, headbutting the Liepard again as the Liepard with the missing teeth growls at him and bats him aside with a paw as it tries to get a bite in.
    The rain is pouring down inside and Giri is filled with so much anger that it fills his insides like burning steel and then comes cold, so very cold and focused he can almost hear individual rain drops fall.

    ((OOC: Fry as many of the pther Liepard's you want but the one holding Fujimaru is going down in my nextpost))

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:13 pm

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    Mistralton City|Noon (60)

    Chidori struck himself with Thunder again. His hide was alight with electricity making him a being of pure magnificence and destruction like the lightning dancing over his hide. He charged the Liepard with an attack like Giga Impact combined with Shock Wave. Most of them crumpled under the sheer force others were blown back to leap at him again drawing fresh streams of blood with their claws. Chidori made a sharp turn barreling back to the pack for seconds. He could hear Fujimaru cry out in pain and Giri's protests for them to let him go. Chidori continued thrashing the Liepard relentlessly lessening anymore chances for them to attempt to get at Fujimaru and Giri. He was seeing red and it took him a moment to realize one of their claws caught his face making him bleed into his eyes. His vision was impaired long before blood had run into his eyes and that didn't stop him at all! Chidori's revenge and goal took precedence over anything else. He had to do something before he died of blood loss and he wasn't going to let Fujimaru or Giri see that he was running on prayers and adrenaline. The true heart of warrior was to show respect and honor even in death. He hoped they could understand. No matter how strong the need to live was... Chidori could not live without purpose. His purpose had been torn away by ravenous cats much like the hide of his neck, back and chest.


    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Kaze Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:26 pm

    Mistralton City Pokecentre # Morning # {43}[/center]

    Fujimaru's scrabbling fingers pick up the Seamitar's bloodied handle with his right hand as the Liepard wrenches at his arm. His face is pale but his dark blue eyes are steady as he looks up into the red glowing eyes of the Liepard.
    Choking back the pain he raises the blade as the Liepard's long fangs dig straight through the bone and softly whispers to the undead cat.
    "I am not left handed."
    The Seamitar swings down and removes Fujimaru's arm at the shoulder. No longer having to fight for its prize the Liepard tumbles backwards, its purple fur getting wet in the growing puddle of water spread across the pokecentre floor.
    It hisses briefly before picking up the severed limp in its blood-stained jaws, a sly look in its face as it considers taking its bloody treat away from the rest of its pack to devour.
    With a groan Fujimaru rolls over and twists his long tail around, sending the last dribble of water in his long elegant tresses out in a searing hot sizzle. Steam rises from his flesh as he cauterizes the bleeding wound shut and drags the bandages over the lumpy scarred flesh.
    His flesh hisses and scorches as the wound is forcibly sealed and a small gasp of pain escapes his golden lips.
    Scarlet droplets of blood fall onto the wet ground as the Water Type shakily gets to his feet and uses the blade like a cane to balance himself.
    It is hard to balance with only one arm, his long tail twitching rapidly to try and balance himself as he takes the blade in a one handed grip.

    Like a bolt of silver steel Giri doesn't bother with a taunt before charging into the smug Liepard.
    Its ribs crack under the force of the first butt of the iron armored head before Giri's stubby legs suddenly bear sharp claws and Giri slashes and slashes and slashes at the Dark Type, his stubby little legs suddenly becoming sharp claws.
    The undead cat can't even manage a snarl of protest as its head is smashed in by the sharp blades of Giri's anger.
    The silver gleaming energy that surrounds Giri's body grows stronger and stronger as blood splatters his face, his light pink eyes gleaming as Giri smashes a Metal claw straight through the Liepard's rotting brain.
    The halo of energy grows to blinding.
    'GIRI! The shout echoes the thunder booming in the sky as the Lairon crushes the Liepard's skull under its clawed foot.
    Giri lowers his blunt armored head, the puddle lapping at his ankles as a deep growl forms in his throat and his large clawed feet, coated in the blood of a slain Liepard, paw at the ground like a bull about to charge.
    His face is still the softest shade of grey, his eyes a pallid pink and his armor a pure dazzling white but the little albino has grown up.
    He roars in triumph, seeing the room emptied of everything but broken and blackened corpses and swiftly charges over to the other two, concerned for both the others as he nuzzles Fujimaru with his blunt armored head.
    With a soft gasp of pain the Simipour manages to pick himself up and swing himself onto the Lairon's shoulders.

    ((OOC:Would you like Fujimaru to seal Chidori’s wounds?))

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    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:56 pm

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    Mistralton City|Noon (61)

    Chidori shook his head in disbelief. He heard of sacrificing limbs in battle before but never in his days did he think he would see it. To win no sacrifice is too great eh? The blood still running down and matting his hide were of little importance as he turned from Fujimaru to Giri. While he was no warrior, his owner had been a ninja of sorts who went by the code of harsh criticism and sparingly offering a good word but Giri deserved his moment to shine for evolving and battling well even more so. Chidori pulled the blanket off his back observing it carefully for damage. A few torn seams but still in good shape. He placed it back on his back before falling forward feeling dizzy from the blood loss. If he was going to make it to the top of Celestial Tower to lay Lilli to rest and ring the bell for her, he would need the wounds on his neck and chest healed. Chidori drew back in his memory to what his owner used to call his master in ninja arts and cleared his throat. Fujimaru-senpai would you mind sealing the wounds on my neck and chest? I'd do it myself but the healing machine here has played with my body enough.

    ((OoC: Yes please Kaze-senpai ^^))

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:28 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]Mistralton City Pokecentre # Morning # {44}

    Pulling the bandages highly over his now absent limb Fujimaru reclaims as much of his water as he can from the puddle on the floor. His mouth dry with thirst he swears he will go out into the rain as soon as he can and drink until his tufts are once again filled with only source of guaranteed uncontaminated water.
    Scratching Giri behind the large silvery fringe of his new 'beard' as he dismounts the young Lairon. The area behind the first of his curved white plates made a comfortable seat.
    Fujimaru's tail curls upwards as the geyser pokemon draws forth the most powerful boiling heat he can muster inside of him, a heat to mimic that of the dry roaring heat of a real geyser, drawn from the core of the earth itself. Little water remains in his tail and the blood smearing Chidori's black and white hide disguises where the actual wounds were but hopefully there would be enough water still stored in his tuft to sear shut the wounds.
    "I warn you Kohai, this is going to hurt but at least you'll have some manly scars to show from this battle.." Fujimaru jokes as a droplet of searing hot water drips from the edge of his tail.
    Balancing himself on the blade of his Seamitar the Simipour carefully works at sealing the large gashes the Liepard's hooked claws have left in the Electric Type's back. Some of the claw marks are deep from where the Liepard's have gripped his back and neck in an attempt to take him down but thankfully some of them are better off than they look, large bleeding wounds that are shallow enough to heal on their own.
    The other wounds Fujimaru douses with searing hot water, the bleeding skin searing the wounds closed with large burns that are definately going to leave scars. The little dribbles of hot water that run from the puckering flesh help wash away the crust of drying blood.
    Thunder booms overhead and, though the storm's wrath is to be avoided, a shower provided by nature will be a great help and wash the gore from the Zebstrika's back. The shining Simipour steps out through the hole in the pokecentre walls to replenish his water supplies from the puddles forming on the cracked ground.

    "'Dori o.k?"" Giri asks, shuffling his new found bulk uncomfortably as he looks up at the tall equine getting his wounds burnt shut. His pale pink eyes blink in confusion at the process. He has never seen a wound treated like that before. Sometimes Fujimaru put a pad of chewed up plants on him whenever he got a cut but the thing with the tail looks painful.
    Maybe he should go find some plants to chew up?
    The albino Lairon takes one step too far and nearly falls over, his clawed feet gouging holes in the hard floor of the pokecentre. His newly evolved body feels clumsy to him and suddenly the room seems a lot smaller. Whereas before the twisted bodies of the Liepard's had loomed over him now he towered over them. It was fun being tall.
    The change in his body has also resulted in a change in his stomach. Giri was hungry.
    Keeping a close eye on Chidori's medicine the Lairon lumbers over to a toppled shelf that had once held some sort of boxes and bites into its stainless steel frame.
    The hollow tubes snap under his powerful jaws as the Steel/Rock Type chews up the flimsy shelving unit like cud, his strong jaws and powerful teeth easily shearing through the metal as he swallows down the ore to build up his now larger suit of armor. His old pale armor, shed like an ekans skin, lies forlorn and abandoned on the ground.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Feb 08, 2013 12:36 pm

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    Mistralton City|Afternoon (62)

    Chidori was sure if he had claws or fingers they would be buried into the soft soil. He had gotten hot baths when he was a colt but that was just unpleasant. It was like Reshiram had spit on him. Chidori shook his head sending leftover sparks from his mane making the white tufts of fur able to be touched again. He trotted over to Lilli's side and looked down at her sadly. Don't worry Lilli... I'll get you to Celestial Tower and watch over you for all eternity His gaze went to the trees where he thought he saw something shine. Making sure he was not followed, Chidori broke into the treeline with Lilli on his back. He looked around before straight ahead seeing Celestial Tower a stone's throw away. Chidori had to get there but out of common courtesy he would wait for the others.

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