Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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4 posters

    The CASTELIA Team


    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The CASTELIA Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Drago Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:59 pm

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    Castelia Harbor | Dawn (9)

    Bell squeaked again as TD pushed her away. Although the squeak wasn't for the force of the push, it was from the sheer fear from the monster in front of her. It was many times bigger than anything living she had seen before, and obviously decaying. She had no doubt it could swallow her in a single bite, and had every intention to do just that. Her wide eyes felt as if they were going to pop out of her face, she was so terrified. Her frantically whipping tail moved her deciptively slowly backwards, inching further and further away from the others. If she could just get away fro- "No!"

    The cry was ripped from her throat before she even realized she said it. The monster had made its first move, in one swift movement slamming TD into the submerged wall of the harbor. As Bell watched her new friend sink ever lower, she was sure that the monster had killed her. Tears welled up in her eyes, but were lost in the water of the ocean. Suddenly, rage replaced despair. Sucking in as much water as she could, Bell welled her body into a perfect baloon. Then, in a quick breath of air, she contracted, sending the largest Bubble she had ever succeeded in making hurtling towards the Monster. Even before it burst she knew it would be worthless, but she had to distract the beast from the others. She had to help!
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    The CASTELIA Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Guest Mon May 07, 2012 1:00 am

    ((Skip... Sorry, but I'm not feeling well right now :< I also need a little filling in please ;n; Thanks...))

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The CASTELIA Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Drago Thu May 10, 2012 1:34 pm


    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The CASTELIA Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Min Mon May 14, 2012 1:15 am

    [OOC: Skip, half asleep and beat so I'm not in the mood to post fffff.]

    The CASTELIA Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Guest Fri May 18, 2012 1:17 am

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    Castelia Harbor//Morning

    Kuval had lost track of everyone when that undead pokemon attacked. He had gotten knocked off by the current, and now he didn't know where the others where. The sound of fighting seemed to have subsided, but he didn't know which way he had been cast. "Bell, TD, shout if you hear me!" He called, though he was really only expecting Bell to hear him as TD could not hear anything. It was somewhat saddening to him really, pore thing couldn't hear anything happening around it, it somewhat left him baffled on how she had managed to survive for so long on her other senses.

    He let out a sigh, bubbles floating out of his mouth to the surface. He decided to go up top for a breather. He just needed to clear his head for a few.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The CASTELIA Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Min Mon May 28, 2012 2:40 am

    [OOC: Skip.]

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    The CASTELIA Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Nightfall Mon May 28, 2012 6:06 am

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    Castelia Harbour/Morning (1)

    Arthur had woken up that morning feeling more under the weather than he usually did. It had been nearly a week since he was abandoned and hope was slowly starting to drain from him. Elijah, his Trainer, had never liked him; what on earth had made him think that he would come back for him? He wasn't good at anything, and why would his Trainer want a Pokemon who refused to battle? He was useless.

    He left the alleyway that he had made his living area and wandered off towards the harbour. The glimmering ocean was very tempting. Walking slowly on all fours, Arthur reached the main promenade and breathed in the cool, pleasant air. Castelia City was a huge place and he didn't dare wander too far in case he got lost, but he couldn't deny that he simply loved this view.

    The sound of popping bubbles on the surface caught his attention and he raised himself up to his full height and leaned over the railings. The head of a Lanturn emerged and Arthur was hugely relieved to see that he didn't appear infected. A timid smile formed on the lonely Feraligatr's face as he regarded the dual type.

    "Er, hey there," he awkwardly greeted the Lanturn, giving him a small wave. "It's, er, very reassuring to see you. Erm, I mean ... I'm Arthur." He couldn't help but notice that the Lanturn looked a little frazzled. "Y-You OK there? Need some help with anything?"

    ((Hey guys, good to be here. We need to liven this team up a bit, lol))

    The CASTELIA Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:00 am

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    Castelia Harbor//Morning

    Kuval broke the surface in a matter of moments, taking in a deep breath of fresh air as he let the sun cool his thoughts. His light dangled in front of him as he closed his eyes. Though he didn't get very much thinking done before he was interrupted by a voice. "Er, hey there. It's, er, very reassuring to see you. Erm, I mean ... I'm Arthur. Y-You OK there? Need some help with anything?"

    Kuval turned his head to see a large blue pokemon over by the harbor. A Feraligator if be remembered correctly. "No, everything is fine." Kuval said as he swam over to it. It didn't look threatening, and it seemed to be friendly. "I'm Kuval. And I just got separated from my friends, though I don't think I will find them again, they must have moved on without me by now." He said as he let out a sigh. They must have thought he was eaten by that undead and left without him to who knew where.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The CASTELIA Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Min Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:18 am

    [OOC: So sorry, skip. Very busy. ;;]

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    The CASTELIA Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Nightfall Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:33 pm

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    Castelia Harbour/Morning (2)

    "No, everything is fine," the Lanturn replied, swimming towards him. "I'm Kuval. And I just got separated from my friends, though I don't think I will find them again, they must have moved on without me by now." Arthur's face looked saddened as he regarded Kuval. He knew exactly how it felt to lose all of your friends ... Then again, they weren't really his friends to begin with. They abandoned him. True friends did not do that.

    "Oh, er ... I'm sorry to, er, hear that," he said. "Do you ... want me to accompany you for a while? I mean, I can help you look for these, er, friends of yours. How about it?" He looked rather hopeful as he waited for the Lanturn's answer. It wasn't like he had anything better to do.

    The CASTELIA Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:57 am

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    Castelia Harbor//Morning

    Kuval shook his head, leaving small waves in the water as he did so. "No, like I said, there probably gone for good." He said, a little saddened that he mite never see TD or Bell again. "What about you? Are you looking for someone?" He asked as he tilted his head to the side. Someone was always looking for something in these times, though Kuval wasn't really looking for anything in particular really.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    The CASTELIA Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Nightfall Fri Jun 15, 2012 5:20 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    Castelia Harbour/Morning (3)

    "No, like I said, there probably gone for good," Kuval replied. Arthur felt his heart sink like a stone. "What about you? Are you looking for someone?" The Feraligatr had expected such a question to come up, yet he couldn't prepare an answer for it. He wasn't looking for someone, per se, but rather waiting. Waiting pointlessly for someone who would probably never come for him.

    "W-Well, er ... sort of," he eventually replied. My Trainer left me here, you see. He couldn't take me along. The thing is ... I don't know if, er, he's going to come back ... He didn't like me very much." Arthur tried to be optimistic and to smile but his face wouldn't allow him to. Having always been told that he was weak and useless had left its toll on him for he now believed that it was true. He wasn't even sure if there was any point in staying in this city...

    "So erm ... Kuval. What are you doing to do now?" Arthur asked after a moment of silence. He secretly hoped that the Lanturn would allow him to tag along for a while. It had been a very long time since he'd felt like he had a real friend.

    The CASTELIA Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:41 pm

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    Castelia Harbor//Morning

    Trainer? Kuval knew when he said that that Arthur was a trained pokemon, but it sounded like he was abandoned by his trainer. Kuval kept that thought to himself though, he didn't the larger blue pokemon to hate him for stating something that was probably true. "So erm ... Kuval. What are you doing to do now?" Arthur asked. The Lanturn hardly heard the question from being so deep in thought.

    "I don't know. There is nothing really I can do but wait for this all to pass." He said as he looked down. He felt really useless at not being able to do anything. And there where not many living water types anymore cause of how fast the infection spread in the water.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    The CASTELIA Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Nightfall Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:05 pm

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    Castelia Harbour/Morning (4)

    "...Oh." Arthur's face fell yet again. It seemed that Kuval wasn't really interested in having him around seeing as he had not even implied that he wanted him to accompany him.

    The Feraligatr regarded the dual-type for a moment before turning to look over his shoulder at the city. He knew that he had to stop deluding himself that Elijah would come back for his weakest and most useless Pokemon. It simply wasn't going to happen, and Arthur knew he had to try and accept that. Staying in this city for any longer wasn't going to help him. He needed to leave and start living his life while it lasted.

    After a few moments, Arthur turned back to Kuval and gave him a sad smile. "I, er ... I see. Well, Kuval, I hope you don't mind if I, er, head off now? You'll be OK, I'm sure. It's not like I can do much to protect you anyway, er..." Arthur rubbed his neck, slightly embarrassed by his inferior way of speaking. "What I mean is ... goodbye, Kuval. And, er, good luck."

    He felt bad for leaving, but Arthur knew it was for the best. He had to try and be a little more selfish for once. With one final wave to Kuval, Arthur let go of the railings and scurried off on all fours. Ahead at the end of the pier, he spotted the exit to the city and a long bridge stretching beyond. Wherever that bridge led was good enough for him; it led him to his new life.

    ((Sorry for the short stay guys. ^^; But it was fun being here.))

    The CASTELIA Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:07 pm

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    Castelia Harbor|Morning (1)

    As the sun rose over the harbor, a small Chinchou woke up from her slumber. Letting out a yawn, Hannah swam out of her little crevasse and let her lights shine dimly. She always kept them dimmed in case of any infected in the water. The Swampert could come back anytime for her. It killed Wade, so it was bound to come back for her.

    Hannah kept herself amused by coming to the surface and blowing bubbles into the air. 'Who doesn't like bubbles?' she thought to herself. It was her way of keeping herself happy in these dark, dark times. As she grew happier, her lights began to glow brighter. The Chinchou hasn't seen another living soul since Wade died. It saddened her to think that she is the only one still alive. Hannah's lights dimmed a bit at the thought.

    Suddenly, she heard something in the water. She ducked underwater to swim in the direction she heard it. She resurfaced and found herself face to face with a Lanturn, the Chinchou's evolved stage. She automatically assumed it was undead, and began to cower in fear.

    (OoC: Hey everyone! Let's get this team back running!)

    The CASTELIA Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jun 26, 2012 5:51 pm

    ((Please skip, I'm not feeling well enough to post. Just say Kuval waved goodbye to Aurther, and then jumped back in surprise at the sight of the Chinchou.))

    The CASTELIA Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:48 pm

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    Castelia Harbor|Morning (2)

    Hannah quickly swam backwards to hide from the Lanturn, but what took her by surprise was that the evolved form jumped back in surprise. Hannah put one of her fins on her body, making it look like she was thinking about something. 'Perhaps this one isn't one of the meanies...' Hannah thought to herself. 'Only one way to find out.' She remembered earlier what she thought to herself. If he was nice, he would like bubbles. The little Chinchou blew some bubbles in the Lanturn's direction and waited to see how he would respond...

    (Sorry for the short post)

    The CASTELIA Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:59 pm

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    Castelia Harbor//Morning

    Kuval watched as the Chinchou also jumped back in surprise before doing something with its fins that looked like it was thinking. The Lanturn tilted his head as he waited and watched what it would do next. It couldn't be undead, or else it would have attacked him by now, but then it blew bubbles. Kuval widened his eyed a bit before he smiled and blew bubbles of his own, though a bit fast as it was from his Bubblebeam and not a Bubble.

    "Hi." He said after. "I'm Kuval, who are you?" He flashed his light a bit to show he didn't mean any harm to his pre evolved form. He was rather happy to see it. Showed that he wasn't the only of his kind left still alive.

    The CASTELIA Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:16 am

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    Castelia Harbor|Morning (3)

    Hannah's smile grew when the Lanturn smiled at her bubbles. He blew some bubbles of his own, which made Hannah smile even more. She noticed that they were a bit more powerful than her own. 'He's good at this.' she thought to herself.

    "Hi." the Lanturn said, "I'm Kuval, who are you?" He flashed his light a bit. The Chinchou giggled a bit as she swam up to her evolved form and introduced herself. "Hi Kuval, I'm Hannah! How are you this morning?" She flashed her lights as well.

    The CASTELIA Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:43 pm

    ((I'm sorry, but I don't feel good right now >n< In a lot of pain and need to go ly down. Kuval shall continue next turn.))

    The CASTELIA Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:58 pm

    (Skip. I really can't do anything.)

    The CASTELIA Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jul 14, 2012 4:29 am

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    Castelia Harbor//Morning

    "Hi Kuval, I'm Hannah! How are you this morning?" The Chinchou said. Kuval couldn't help but smile at it. It was amazing how she could ask him how he was when the whole world was falling apart around them.

    "I'm well." He lied. He wasn't really well, he felt really sad and depressed as so many of his friends left him. He hoped this one wouldn't leave him as well, he would hate to be alone again. "So Hannah, what brings you to this part of the ocean?" He asked, trying to hide his loss.

    The CASTELIA Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jul 14, 2012 8:20 am

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    Castelia Harbor|Morning (4)

    "I'm well." Kuval said. Hannah nodded and said, "That's good." She knew how to stay upbeat and how to keep others upbeat. With the world pretty much dying, she wanted to leave it on a positive note.

    "So Hannah, what brings you to this part of the ocean?" Aaaaaand there goes the optimism. Hannah frowned and became a bit sad. The memories of watching Wade get eaten lurked into her head. "I was born here. Though I'm still a bit young..." Her gaze slowly shifted downwards towards the water.

    The CASTELIA Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:01 am

    ((I don't have time to make a post. Kuval has little to say or do anyway.))

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