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4 posters

    The CASTELIA Team

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    The CASTELIA Team Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:46 pm

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    Castelia Harbor//Dawn

    The waters around Unova where nice, though around the harbor of Castelia City was not much to be desired. Because it was close to a city, there was a lot of junk, though not as much as his last visit, seeing as there are no more humans left to throw there filth into the sea. He never understood why humans would have to kill such a beautiful thing. No more harm could be dealt now that they where gone, though they couldn't all be gone could they? Kuval strained his neck to try and see the charm on his tail, wondering if that human was still alive or not.

    The sounds of swimming infected snapped the Lanturn out of his thoughts enough for him to find a place to hide. He hated them, every last one of them, just swimming by one could mean infection, and he wasn't ready to become a monster, not till he found a way out of this mess first.

    He waited for the infected school of Alomomola, if he remembered that's what they where called, to pass before coming out again. He let out a sigh, some bubbles coming out of his mouth before he headed to the surface for a breath of air before going right back down. He thought he kept seeing something appear, then disappear off in the distance, though he didn't know what could do that. Perhaps it was some infected trick, trying to lure unsuspecting pokemon in by showing some water illusion. Even so, the Lantun was curious to what it was. He sparked with electricity, ready to use and electro ball if he had to as he slowly proceeded to get closer to the vanishing pokemon.

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The CASTELIA Team Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Drago Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:02 pm

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    Castelia Harbor | Dawn (1)

    Bells entire body was sore, and her eyelids drooped heavily. She had been swimming all night, and most of the last day. She was amazed how large this water was- her home had been no wider than the size of a human house- and was even more shocked that she hadn't seen a single pokemon around it. She remembered her family that had been left behind, and quickly dismissed the thought. She had had time to think, on her travels, more than she ever had, and had realized that she would likely not see them again. It pained her, but she dismissed them from her mind as best she could. If she dwelt on them too long, she would cry, and she didn't want to look weak when she did find someone.

    She gave a start when she realized she was closing in on land. How far have I swam? She wondered, scaring herself a little. Land meant a place she could rest, however. She swam toward it with a renewed vigor, happy for the chance. However, as she approached the edge of shore, a sense of fear shot through her non-existant spine. Turning around, she saw someone for the first time. A lot of someones. A large school of pink fish with hands approached not far from where she floated. She wasn't sure what, but something about them scared Bell immensly. Using her tail as leveredge, she puller herself onto shore, and backed up a bit.

    The land was odd, like sideways pillars jutting into the ocean, but it was land. In the distance, she could see the pinkish blur of the Scary ones fading into the distance. On an impulse, Bell jumped back into the water. Immediately, she saw two new shapes. Two pokemon! Neither of them filled her with the same kind of dread, so, in her young state of mind, she decided to call out to them. However, almost immediately, one of them... disappeared? "Hey!" She called, before she could stop. What's going on? She asked, her tail twitching in panic.

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    The CASTELIA Team Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Guest Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:19 pm

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    Castelia Harbor//Dawn

    "I cannot hear- deaf. But.. Speak s-slower and I can reeead lips," The vanishing pokemon, which Kuval could now tell was a Vaporeon. The Lanturn was wandering what it meant by it couldn't hear, deaf? Deaf, deaf meant it couldn't hear. Kuval felt dumb for not realizing that, his light flickering with embarrassment as he swam a little closer, though not to close so he didn't scare it.

    "Hello, I know you can't hear me, but if you can read lips then maybe you could turn around so I can tell you my name?" Kuval said as he flashes his lights to try and gets its attention in case it didn't hear him which was the likely case seeing as its deaf. "My name is Kuval." He said trying hard not to look away so that the Vaporeon could catch it.

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The CASTELIA Team Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Drago Thu Mar 08, 2012 4:37 pm

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    Castelia Harbor | Dawn (2)

    Deaf? The creature's voice sounded strange, but Bell didn't care. That meant the creature couldn't hear. What a horrible fate... Bell swam slowly over, to show she meant no harm. "My name is Bell." She said, moving her large lips slowly, so as to make it easy. Suddenly, she realized there was another pokemon behind it. Another blue fish with lights on its head. Before Bell could shout out, it had already introduced himself. Bell smiled, and gave a nod to Kuval. She had found friends already. This would be easier than she thought. "What's your name?" She asked the deaf one.

    Looking around-Bell did not need to read lips-she looked for an alcove or some where they could rest. For the life of her, she couldn't tell. "Is there anywhere near here we can rest?" She asked, turning back to her new companions.
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    The CASTELIA Team Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:39 pm

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    Castelia Harbor//Dawn

    "I ammm T-TinyDragon." The Vaporeon said, and Kuval nodded with a smile, showing that he liked that name and that it was a fitting name for the water type. He wondered if she would mind him calling her TD? It was easier to say, as well as remember, but all in all they where all acquainted here now.

    "Is there anywhere near here we can rest?" Bell, the Poliwag said, swimming up to them. Kuval didn't know of any safe places, and he had been swimming around aimlessly for what felt like days now, so he just shook his head saying no.

    "M-mmmaybe we could g-go onto the porrrt and k-keep watch for Kuvaaal?" TD said and Kuval looked at her, then to Bell, then at himself. He was the only one out of all of them that didn't have feel to walk with. There had been times when he wished he could walk on land like the others, but in all, he was water bound, never to feel the dry ground beneath his none existent feet.

    Looking back up so that TD could see what he was saying. "Thank you, but I don't want to put you through any trouble because I can't go on dry land." He said, his fins lagging under him as he wished they where feet for him to walk with. If he was still a Chinshou, then he would be able to be on land, just as long as he got wet enough.

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The CASTELIA Team Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Drago Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:58 pm

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    Castelia Harbor | Dawn (3)

    Bell swam in circles happily. She had found friends! "Nice to meet you TinyDragon! And Kuval too!" She thought for a moment, looking around once again. Kuval couldn't reach land, it was true. So that meant they had to find a covered area so they weren't out in the open. "Port..." She thought for a moment. "That's like... docks, right?" The word felt strange on her tongue. There were no ports where she was from. All she knew of the big world were the stories she was told by her family. And how big the world turned out to be! She must have swam across half of it in the passed few days! "We could swim underneath those, at least." That would keep them out of the open. Happy with her decision, she began to swim in circles again. However, mid-sumersault, the wire holding her locket in place slipped off her round body, and began to sink into the depths of the deep water. Giving a small squeak, she shot after it, too slow to catch it until she was far enough below the water she found it hard to see. She was well turned around, unable to tell which direction was up. What a big, scary world it was!
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    The CASTELIA Team Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Guest Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:09 am

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    Castelia Harbor//Dawn

    "Wwwe need to k-keep an eye onnn herr, d-don't weee?" TD asked as Bell disappeared after her thing that was around her neck. Kuval simply nodded before swimming after her. It must be dark down where she had swam, so he made his light shine as he looked around for her, spotting her a little ways away from where he was.

    Kuval swam over to her, hoping his light would alert her to him being there. "What are you looking for?" He asked as he looked to the sand, trying to figure out what it was she lost.

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The CASTELIA Team Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Drago Wed Mar 21, 2012 4:46 pm

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    Castelia Harbor | Dawn (4)

    Bell searched frantically for her locket, but couldn't find it in the darkness of the water. Suddenly, her tail brushed something solid, and she jumped a foot higher. Lowering down carefuly, she hit the sand on the bottom. There was sand under all this water! Who knew?! Before long, Kuval's lights illuminated the area around her. There! A flash of silver in the sand caught her eye, and she swam over to it quickly. Picking it up with her tail, she tossed it high into the water, carefully swimming underneath it. The wires around the locket fit snugly around her body as she swam upwards, and she was reunited with her treasure. "It's a locket!" She said, beaming. "I found it while I was traveling." Her happiness was evident on her face, as a wide smile seemed to split her body in two.

    The CASTELIA Team Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:59 pm

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    Castelia Harbor | Dawn

    The dawn brought new life to the Harbor, as the dawn lights up the harbor and the bloody seen of gruesome battle. The red eyes of a Kingdra, loom over the half eaten corpse of a Gorebyss. Tears fall from the Dragon and Water dual type, as he looks down at his now dead lover. He shook his head multiply times as he glared at the decayed body of a Charizard.

    Even more tears fell as used his nose to grab the decayed skull of the Charizard and put it on his head. Then he turned to the other Water type with tears in his eyes, he screamed at sky. BRING HER BAAAAAACK!! He screamed to the world. He didn't even care if the undead heard him or not.

    He cried and cried, but deep down he knew it would never bring back his beloved Pearl. The sun was getting higher and higher in to the sky, when the Kingdra finally decided it was time to stop crying and do something. So he used his Blizzard and froze his dear Pearl and pushed her into the water. Once she hit the water, he went in after her and slowly but surely made it to the bottom and he said a small pray, then turned his back and swam away.

    As he swam away, he heard voices. He stopped and listened to the voices. He swam toward the voices and found a Vaporeon, a Poliwag and a Lantern. He study the new water types, but found no reason to show himself, so he swam away, but not before he knocked a rock of the reef he was hiding behind. Shit. This ain't good.

    (OOC: What's up guys? Sorry it took me a while, but here's Hydra and to tell you, yes at least someone should be able to hear his scream)
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    The CASTELIA Team Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:00 pm

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    Castelia Harbor//Dawn

    Kuval watched as the Bell went after whatever it was she was looking for, tossing it before swimming into it so that it slipped around her neck... err... body. "It's a locket! I found it while I was traveling." She said, and Kuval simply nodded.

    "We should get back to TinyDragon," he said as he turned and began to swim back to where he had left the Vaporeon, his light shining till the darkness let up and he could see without it. Though he stopped when he heard what sounded like a scream. He looked around franticly for what had cause it, but he saw nothing.

    Kuval kept looking, wonder where it could have come from, was it a fellow living pokemon that had been attacked by an undead? If that was the case, there was no saving it. Letting out a sigh of bubbles he continued to swim to TD, going in front of her so that she could see what he said. "Sorry to leave you like that." He apologized, though he was sure TD understood.

    Kuval was about the answer the idea about hiding under the port that Bell had suggested before losing her Locket, when something else, this time a rock. It wasn't easy to make the sound of a rock falling in water, but this sounded like it had been knocked. The Lanturn began to spark as he faced the direction it had come from. "Who's there?" He demanded, not afraid to use an Electro Ball, since it was his only electric based attack.

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The CASTELIA Team Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Drago Tue Mar 27, 2012 4:11 pm

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    Castelia Harbor | Dawn (6)

    Bell, lost in happy thoughts, followed Kuval, spinning in loops as she swam. She had her locket back, and all was right in the world again. A explosion of sound shattered her illusions caused her to squeak in alarm, almost losing her precious locket again. It took her a moment to realize someone had been shouting. It honestly hadn't been too loud, but in the quiet way they had been talking, with little other sound, it was relatively shocking. She spun herself in circles, trying to find who had screamed, but he couildn't find it. Quickly, she swam in front of TD. "Be careful!" She said cautiously, moving her lips in an exaggerated motion. Then she heard it.

    A rock, dropping in water. It was a strange sound, a sharp clinking sound, repeated every time it hit. Rocks didn't drop normally so someone must have pushed it! They were being watched! The sound was relatively continuous, so she was able to find the direction it was in, and she could sense Kuval doing the same. She found she was facing the direction of a large reef. Something was hiding in there... Before contimplating the consenquences, Bell puffed up her body and contracted rapidly, sending large Bubbles into the reef. As they hit the reef, they burst softly, causing no immediate danger. She hadn't used her Bubble attack in water before, and was dissapointed at the results. "Crap..." She said, her mood already dampened.

    The CASTELIA Team Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:35 pm

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    Castelia Harbor | Dawn

    "Who's there?" The Kingdra turned and looked over the reef. The Lantern was charging a attack, while the Poliwag had tried a Bubble attack, but it just hit the reef in front of him. He huffed alittle but remembered that Pearl would want him to be nice and greet these living. He took a deep breath and swam toward the living. Wow wow. I'm living and I mean no harm.

    He said as he swam in front of the new pokemon. Names Hydra. He said as he nodded his head toward the pokemon. He really had no idea how to talk to these pokemon. Pearl was always the one to talk and make new friends. He was just the protector. He just sighed as he remembered his now dead lover.
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    The CASTELIA Team Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Guest Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:24 am

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    Castelia Harbor//Dawn

    "Wow wow. I'm living and I mean no harm. Names Hydra." A Kingdra said as it came from its hiding place. Kuval was still somewhat sparking, his light still shining as he stared at the pokemon. With that mask on it didn't seem to be very trustworthy, but it seemed all right, if it tried anything funny he wouldn't hesitate to strike.

    "I'm Kuval." Kuval said. "Sorry, can't be to careful with pokemon these days." He added as he stopped sparking, trying to be friendly. Though he didn't know it very well yet, and it worse a skull on its face, it couldn't be very bad could it? TD didn't seem trusting with its vanishing into water, but she was a lot more trusting then he thought now that he got to know her more. "Was that you who screamed earlier?"

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The CASTELIA Team Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Drago Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:52 am

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    Castelia Harbor | Morning (7)

    Bell's tail flicked in distrust, but she did not voice her feelings. From the few first seconds she had with this newcomer, she knew she didn't like him. Perhaps it was the skull on his head that frightened her. Or his speech pattern. It just didn't connect well with the young Poliwag. She struggled to keep her face straight, and thought she achieved it. "I'm Bell." She said simply, not wanting to allow her feelings to seep into her voice. She could feel tension welling up between the waves, an awkwardness between them. Or maybe it was just her.

    Bell hoped she wasn't just imagining things, but she just couldn't bring herself to like Hydra. She absolutely hated not liking someone. Her parents always scorned her for it. Despite this, she allowed herself to float closer to TD, hoping they could protect each other if things went poorly.

    The CASTELIA Team Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Guest Mon Apr 09, 2012 11:30 am

    (I'm so sorry guys. Please skip for now. I had to go to my relatives house and didn't have a chance to post. Just say that Hydra pointed into the sea and a undead Gyarados is swimming toward them. He uses Blizzard and yells to the others to fallow him.)
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    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The CASTELIA Team Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Drago Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:52 pm

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    Castelia Harbor | Morning (8)

    Hydra shouted something, pointed and attacked, and the rest was a blur of motion and sound. Roars and shouts reverbated off the water, and TD had pulled Bell close, attempting to protect her from whatever had attacked. Squirming slightly, she managed to turn her eyes so she could see. Hydra was nowhere to be found, but a larger, decaying serpent was. The very sight of it sent convulsive shivers down Bell's nonexistant spine. Her eyes went wide, and she tried to direct TD's attention to the creature with her tail. She squeaked, and remembered about Kuval. "Look out!" She called out, the effort of yelling underwater burning the inside of her throat.
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    The CASTELIA Team Empty Re: The CASTELIA Team

    Post by Guest Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:36 pm

    ((Please skip me while I catch up on whats just happened ^^; ))

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