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9 posters

    The CASTLE Team

    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 27
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    The CASTLE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Drago Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:13 pm

    ((I am very sorry, but I just don't have time to post tonight. Skip please.))

    Age : 29
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    The CASTLE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Snitch Fri Aug 31, 2012 1:17 am

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    Relic Castle || ??? [1]

    The desert was no place for the Sawsbuck and Absol duo – the pair at the mercy of the violent and frequent sandstorms quick to buffet their bodies. The situation was becoming increasingly dire; the aggressive winds blinding and biting as the pair found themselves hopelessly lost within the valley of sand. However, there was an odd structure visible through the swirling grain. It was a looming, ominous building, out of place, watching over the sandy wasteland with an unforgiving glare. Unfortunately, it seemed like their best shot.

    Head held close to the ground, the Sawsbuck trudged carefully through the sand, his remaining eye squinting against the elements. His body aching, legs warm with an unpleasant stinging sensation, the deer was only spared the brunt of the force by the foliage rustling on his antlers. With the extra protection, he had been courteous enough to suggest that his companion walk behind – his body providing a shield for her own fragile form. It was a good idea, a considerate plan to ensure both parties travelled with at least some protection from the howling winds, but both were quickly tiring. A less healthy pokémon would’ve have succumbed to the desert long ago, but as creatures of the law – both Harrow and Starling had the mental and physical capacity to deal with the bleakest circumstances. There was no way either would give up their fight for survival.

    The distance between the duo and the castle was rapidly fading, only several painful strides left as the entrance came into view, taunting them with promise of safety. Harrow, the Sawsbuck leading the way, turned his head slightly, looking past his leg to catch glimpse of his battered companion.
    “Not far,” He called back, loud and incredibly hoarse. One might think he had ingested half the sand in the desert with such a gravelly voice, often unintelligible to his company and giving the illusion of a rough persona. Harrow, although a rather intimidating presence was essentially a kindly soul. The death of his human and the mutilation of his face – covered by a tin mask as a means of easing his company – had injected a violent vengeance into his life, but he remained the same reserved, family-man at the day’s end. Catching glimpse of the canine’s firm nod, Harrow turned to focus his efforts on reaching the building, convinced that Starling’s drive would see her through to the end.

    Whilst her slender frame was burning, white wispy fur now housing countless grains of sand, Starling refused to tire. A woman on a mission, the Absol took forceful steps, sinking into the ground with each footfall only to leap out with twice the energy. Nothing would hold her back. Years of work on the police force, a reputation as ‘top-dog’ despite prejudice against both her species and gender, Starling was adamant to keep up her identity as an immovable force for good. Eyes narrowed into slits, the female followed the deer closely, peeking to the side of her companion’s form to reassure herself that their haven was within distance. Her determination unfaltering, Starling quickened her pace, grateful when the roaring about her ears fell to a near silence.

    Looking about the building, Harrow shuffled to one side, allowing Starling enough room to defend herself from the monstrous conditions outside. It was a lot larger than it seemed, spacious even as his single, hazel eye took in the structure.
    “You okay?” His words ran together, gruff, as he turned to regard the dark-type. Starling gave a firm nod of her head, shaking the sand free from her previously pristine fur, navy eyes lingering on the Sawsbuck.
    “Fine. Thank you,” She replied bluntly, taking the opportunity to make herself a little more presentable. Whilst she was never a vain pokémon, the Absol knew that appearances always gave insight into the personality. If she met others in such a mess, they’d be apt to judge her as some kind of weakling, or worse, a lunatic. Harrow had enough experienced with such judgement. The left half of his face, although seemingly normal from a distance, was in fact an intricately sculpted and painted mask – shielding a most appalling disfigurement. Only on closer inspection did company react. Harrow had concocted a list of the most famous reactions – fear, unpleasant pity, twisted curiosity and stunned silence. He could only dread to think how they would react were the mask absent. “What is this place, Harrow?” He was brought out of his thoughts by Starling’s question, the Absol already on nimble feet, her natural beauty restored as she began to pad further into the structure. The deer gave a grunt, a subconscious sound produced out of habit.
    “Can’t say. Looks safe,” He followed her, uncaring of his dishevelled appearance, small cuts littering his body from the storm’s effects. He had no reputation, no title to uphold. In fact, the sand-littered coat did nothing to minimize the immediate shock of the mask.

    Starling had grown suspicious, alarmed even at the sight of blood splatters in the sand, choosing to remain quiet for the sake of her companion. She could tell Harrow was exhausted, the visible half of his face betraying his fatigue as he trudged wearily beside her. It wouldn’t be fair to burden him with more bad news, usher him out of the building just because of a few red drops. Besides, the Absol was confident that their combined strength would be enough to ward off any petty undead. However, there were soon voices. Not garbled, incoherent growling, but clear, emotive voices. The dark-canine was immediately on alert, head raised as she mentally judged the distance from the source. Harrow too had stopped, silencing his heavy breathing in a bid to catch the words in the distance. Exchanging a look with the female, he exhaled, walking forward with a newfound determination to discover what the hell had also survived that vicious sandstorm.
    “Harrow!” The Absol whispered bitterly, the annoyance clear in her voice at the Sawsbuck’s reckless decision to blindly find the source of such noise. A frown looming over her eyes, she darted forward, weaving through the deer’s slim legs to stop directly in front of him. “What are you doing?! Just ‘cause they don’t sound infected, doesn’t mean you can trust them,”
    “Who said… anything about trust?” He paused midsentence, a subconscious croaky gulp intruding his speech. Harrow had no intention of waltzing onto the scene – life had taught him that subtlety and caution was usually a necessity, and this situation was no different. Grunting at her immovable frown, he continued onwards down the hallway, Starling soon moving to stalk alongside him.

    "Arceus Christ! Don't eat me!"

    The voice that followed the first sounds was far closer, male. Apparently quite a few pokémon had deemed the building a suitable resting point. The Absol would usually be happy at such news, but with the epidemic, the canine had naturally grown more careful in her judgements – not to mention the nature of the words she heard.
    “Oh dear,” Harrow muttered sarcastically, a slight grin playing on his lips as he looked to his canine companion.
    “I don’t like this,”
    “I don’t like… the sandstorm,” The deer gestured behind him, his eye holding a kindness regardless of his blunt words. He wasn’t exactly thrilled about their current situation, but if these strangers proved hostile, the duo was quite capable of taking care of themselves. An ex-cop and a murderer – Harrow was convinced that they would have a physical advantage against any bad company.

    Soon, flames came into their line of vision. Starling, keen to trust her instincts immediately fell into the shadows, eyes wide as they absorbed the Typhlosion stood at the hallway’s end. Tensed, she kept her distance, quick to assess the pokémon’s strengths and weaknesses betrayed by his large physique alone. Harrow wasn’t quite as careful. Although his pace had slowed, he remained fearless, unwilling to alter his route due to an intimidating face. However, out of consideration, he tilted his head to the side in a vain bid to disguise his mask – albeit the fire-type didn’t look to sort to be unsettled by a tin face.
    “Where… are the others?” Harrow spoke slowly, trying to make his words interpretable through the gruff voice he was burdened with. A shy smile flickered across his face as he caught glimpse of his companion in the darkness, seemingly unwilling to converse quite as openly. He licked his lips, struggling to suppress the habitual grunts and gulps that invaded his words. “We heard… more… than one voice,”

    Starling was tensed, attentive for more sounds as her eyes strained to see past the fire-creature. Years in the police force left her ready for almost anything and the fact she only saw one being despite identifying at least three different voices, Starling was unsurprisingly hesitant. It could be a set-up. However, she caught glimpse of a small, brown creature stood on the opposite side of the fire-type. Peering past the stranger blocking her view, Starling’s serious expression did not change at the sight of the startled Eevee. Although it looked innocent enough, perhaps a creature to be pitied, the Absol remained detached. The epidemic did strange things to those fortunate enough to survive. Starling was rarely surprised at the barbarianism that many chose to embody, deeming them no worse than the misguided criminals who adopted such morals without the catalyst of a worldwide massacre. No one could be trusted.

    (( I am so sorry for the length of this post. I tried and failed to stop typing. Dx Also, Harrow & Starling came down the same route as Iroh if that clears up location a bit, lol. ))

    The CASTLE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:19 pm

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    Relic Castle|???

    When she was done with her rant she used her tail to nudge Monster towards where the others had exited. Though it seemed that the voices were vibrating near the way out, so it would most likely be inevitable to run into them. As Monster walked Deanna could pick up the subtle shift of different pitches in the air. There was definitely more than one Pokemon out there, and judging from the different vibrations at least one of them would prove very irritating. This was definitely not what she wanted.

    As she peered around a corner she could make out a few shapes, one large and firey and one small, fluffy, and brown. Hissing in irritation she glared at the pair. "Please don't notice us..." she whispered to herself, not really wanting to deal with whatever drama was going on over there. But then she felt something very strange reverberate through her sensitive scales. It was a voice, but it was so gruff and coarse that it sent shivers down her spice causing her to tighten her grip on Monster. The scratchy vibrations were actually very soothing to the serpent, reminding her of one of the elder snakes back home. Hopefully she would catch a glimpse of whatever produced that sound.

    ((Leaving it open a little bit for Sil to come in since she is driving plot, but I didn't want to skip. Sil, if when you come back you want me to change it up let me know.))

    Age : 37
    Posts : 1667

    The CASTLE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Fox Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:54 am

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    Mara and Ashes
    Deep Relic Castle / ??? (18)/(9)

    "Arceus Christ! Don't eat me!" A loud and whiny voice screeched from above. The Charizards' eyes began to faintly glow red and his tail fire flared up as his muscles tensed. He looked about at the dark space around him, only faintly lit by the flames.
    Sounds like someones' about to get dead...Damnit...there's no way to slip past...not without being noticed...

    He growled, pushing off of the jagged rocks easily and rocketing up onto the level where the voices were coming from. He landed on all fours with a heavy thud, sand sifting through the cracks in the ancient rocks above them with the impact. He expanded his wings as much as he could, to hide his little sister and intimidate whatever lie in wait.

    The Charizard held his head high and shot a glance at the collection of creatures he had found, his crimson gaze moving from one to the other with a critical eye.

    His gaze fell upon a small ball of fur, quivering and poofy from terror. Mar always did like tender meat...though we never killed it in front of her. Not a time to be picky though...The aspect seemed promising, but the Charizards' already fierce frown grew even deeper as he stared down the furry fire starter before him.

    An obvious stalemate, and I can't risk it with Mar on my back...but there's so many here...if a brawl starts out, perhaps in the confusion, I can take his meal out from under his nose...Flames licked at his jowls as his lips curled back to reveal enormous fangs, his wings flapping powerfully in the cramped space in a show of dominance.

    (OoC- lol, leave it to Ashes to assume the worst at this point. No brawl is needed, he'll calm down when he finds out it's not what he thought. Also, his little sis should be mistaken for a little bro, whenever she gets back into not being starving)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 27
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    The CASTLE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Drago Sat Sep 08, 2012 8:44 pm

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    Relic Castle | ??? (2)

    ((Sorry, for some reason I thought Ciana was after me on this team, not before. >.<))

    Iroh couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the small fox's reaction. He reminded him a lot of his nephew: small, hot-tempered, and not too kind. The Typhlosion could respect that of an adolescent, as it was part of growing up. However, the child's sudden change from confidence to fear... There was work to be done on that personality. He would need to mature more if he were to survive in today's world.

    When the other two pokemon appeared behind him, he didn't jolt as a younger one might. He was old, and there was little left that could startle him anymore. Turning around slowly, he regarded the newcomers. One was a large deer- odd, he did not know the species name. He noted the mask on it, but tried to make no point of acknowledging it. No need to embarrass the poor thing. The other was a quite pretty looking Absol, though far too young for him. Smiling, he pointed down the hallway, the way he had been traveling. "I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting their owners, but I heard voices coming down this way earlier." Hopefully the speakers were living, or the four of them might be in for quite the battle.

    Age : 29
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    The CASTLE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Snitch Sun Sep 09, 2012 3:15 am

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    Relic Castle || ??? [2]

    "I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting their owners, but I heard voices coming down this way earlier."

    The duo had been expecting a more youthful voice to emerge from the Typhlosion, but remained eased by the fact he didn’t prove hostile; instead, amiable even. Harrow gave him a gentle nod in understanding, suppressing a grunt to offer the stranger a small, but kindly smile in thanks. Opening his mouth to speak, the Sawsbuck hesitated and silenced as a small canine on the other side of the fire-type began scoffing about his situation.

    "Great. First this geezer and now a freaking doe. If it were not for that gorgous voice of your's, I would think you were some dumb bitch.”

    Harrow liked to think he was used to the jibes now, the insults and remarks about his face, the mask, his voice – but still, he flinched away at the Eevee’s words. The remark about his effeminate species was one of the rarer choices, but the stranger’s sarcasm had hit a raw nerve in regards to his voice. Of course, he hadn’t always sounded so gruff, and surprisingly the tone hadn’t accompanied the disfigurement of his face but had instead come from a throat infection. They had recognised the symptoms too late, allowing the virus to near destroy his tender voice box before he’d been restored to his former health. Unfortunately, his voice was permanently scarred, destined to provide others with another means of mockery. Regardless of the inner, emotional pain the fluffy canine had triggered, Harrow’s demeanour was unfaltering. He stood tall, almost proud save the subconscious turning of his head; a croaky grunt escaped him despite himself.

    Starling, keeping close to the darkness, had not taken the seemingly innocent Eevee to heart. The moment that pup had opened his mouth, she knew exactly what else was to be expected having had far too many experiences with those of his character in the past. Arrogant, sexist troublemakers who were under the illusion they were perfect. A growl escaped her lips, eyes narrowing as he proceeded to mock her companion. Although she and Harrow rarely saw eye-to-eye on the more important factors, she could say that she liked the deer. He didn’t deserve all the shit people gave him, and knowing he wouldn’t, Starling often took it upon herself to defend him.
    “Hey,” She snapped, angry. “You better start showing some respect, kid,” Despite his mainly gentle, reserved persona, Starling knew damn well what the Sawsbuck was capable of. It took a lot to get him angry – she had never witnessed the emotion herself – but when crossed, he was dangerous. She had always tried to persuade herself that her closest friend was innocent, that he wasn’t’ responsible for those horrific murders, but he himself had confessed the deeds, no remorse, no pity for the lost. As much as she wanted to, Starling knew she could never fully trust him. The canine had never thought a deer capable of the things he’d done, but then again, Harrow was always full of surprises.
    “Leave it,” Was his mumbled replied, expression disguised as Starling was left to stare at a false face. Frowning, she shot a glare at the normal-type, not only for his treatment of her companion but for the immediate sexism he offered. Dumb bitch? Who the hell did he think he was? Nostrils flaring, the Absol turned her attention back to the Typhlosion when a snarling Charizard burst onto the scene.

    The dragon said nothing, but his actions spoke volumes. Fire swirling about his mouth, impressive fangs bared whilst he held his wings out in an act of blatant intimidation. Harrow took a step back, unsure what might have triggered such hostility, whilst Starling took a step forward. The Eevee was screeching about not dying and in the process narrowly avoided brushing against her lithe form. Annoyed, her navy eyes fell onto him.
    “Watch it!” Slinking past, the female stood fearlessly before the Charizard. He was larger, probably stronger than her, but Starling felt nothing. Her job was to dispel tense situations and when peaceful words didn’t work, she was capable of enforcing the law with some physical assistance. Standing alongside the fire-type, slender posture oozing a natural confidence and control, Starling nodded her head politely at the snarling newcomer. “We don’t want any trouble,” The tone alone betrayed her past occupation and a certain knack for dealing with these kinds of standoffs. “Now, if you feel the same, I suggest you relax. There’s no need for this,” She heard Harrow moving behind her, his heavy breathing instantly betraying his location to her keen senses. Whilst she didn’t smile, Starling took comfort in the fact the Sawsbuck would be prepared to protect her, moving to a position where he would be able to act with that surprising speed and strength of his. ”Nobody’s looking for a fight,”

    Passing by the cowering Eevee, an amused smile touched the deer’s visible features. As he’d thought, he was all bark and no bite. That, Harrow was certain of, by the display of cowardice he was currently witnessing.
    “What’s… the matter, kid?” There was a spark of mischief in his eye, a certain satisfaction coming from seeing the mouthy canine reduced to a panicky wreck. Standing a short distance behind Starling’s pristine form, Harrow appeared as a living, dangerous shadow to his canine counterpart. His fur remained dishevelled from the sandstorm, flecks of blood dotting his coat as he stared across to the Charizard, the exposed half of his face as expressionless as the mask. Whilst he had no intentions of fighting, he was keen to alert the stranger that he was ready and able were he unwise enough to take a swipe at the dark-type before him. The others, he wasn’t particularly concerned about. The Typhlosion seemed good company but looked strong enough to keep himself safe, and the Eevee had hardly made a good impression on him. Starling was and always would be his priority.

    Age : 36
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    The CASTLE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Sep 09, 2012 6:26 am

    Caim 25| Angelus 13

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    Relic Castle| ???

    Caim and the dragon followed the other dragon, toting around a smaller version of itself on its back. Caim had noticed the kid earlier, but with Dragon's dismissal of the child, did she know it? Either of them? He resisted the urge to ask, as it would draw too much attention and he may not get an answer he'd want to hear. However, commotion sounded soon, and his ears perked. A battle? If it were, thank Dieties. It was boring and droll down in the doldrums of the ruin, and it only felt like they were walking in circles. A hell of dark and sand. As they drew nearer to the noise, his pink collar tightened in his fur. "Please don't notice us..." she hissed softly, and Caim couldn't help but feel the same.

    'Can't we walk around in this place without meeting more mindless morons that just take up space?' A low growl rumbled in his throat, even against the slight hold from his living collar. While she didn't really bother him, the shifting around his neck put him on edge, as if it were Manah's fingers slipping the damn chain around him again. He vaguely wondered if these strangers would be like that idiotic meowth that just stood there yowling at a catatonic houndoom. For the sake of his sanity -or what was left of it- he hoped not. However, the other dragon got to the others before he, and soon, they were revealed.

    He knew the creatures' species, having battled most of them before. An eevee, an absol, a typlosion and a sawsbuck. Caim frowned, his cold sapphire gaze landing on each of them as the absol called for peace. Of course. Peace. No civilized creatures wanted to kill anyone anymore. His tails flicked about as he heaved a sigh. The Dragon came up behind him and chuckled sarcastically at the sight.

    "Aren't we the popular ones, eh?" The query came out a low growl, her withered face easily revealing the fangs beneath her lips. She stretched out her own wings, similar to the dominant display the other Chrizard had performed. "If you value your lives, I hope your statement is true. Otherwise, I'm sure my companion is itching for a fight." At the mention, Caim's tails instinctively flared and writhed, ebony serpents in the dark. "Who are you and what do you want, if not trouble? You are naive if you think you won't find it."

    ((YAY! We're all together now! 8D))


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    The CASTLE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 11, 2012 8:31 pm

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    Relic Castle|???

    Deanna winced as not only were they noticed but the large dragon made a point of bringing attention to them with her harassing words. She looked at the group carefully, head still perched on Monster's head, and felt him tense at the mention of a fight. His tails were suddenly twisting and writhing much the way she herself did and briefly wondered how he was able to do that. They were so...serpentine.

    Looking at the two largest creatures, the fire thing and the large deer she wondered for a moment which one of them could have caused the rich, gruff vibrations before. They were so very soothing to the snake and she wanted to hear more of it if she was going to be forced into their company. But at the sight of the large deer's antlers Deanna suddenly had an incredible ache and let out a small whine. His head looked like the trees she so loved to climb back home and she ached to twist through the branch-like antlers. She surely looked strange to the newcomers, what with the longing way she gazed at the deer's head, but right now she didn't care.

    Curling up more around Monster's neck she forced herself to be content with simply eying the temptation before her.

    Age : 37
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    The CASTLE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Fox Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:58 pm

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    Mara and Ashes
    Deep Relic Castle / ??? (19)/(10)

    “We don’t want any trouble. Now, if you feel the same, I suggest you relax. There’s no need for this,” the Absol said, her tone strong and solid. ”Nobody’s looking for a fight."

    Ashes ceased the flames licking at his jaws, growling as the cowardly furball took off behind a Sawsbuck and the speaking Absol, the previous standing guard.
    Fuck...I'll never get the little asshole now...

    "Aren't we the popular ones, eh?" the old Charizard growled, her haggish voice making Ashes cringe ever so slightly.

    "If you value your lives, I hope your statement is true. Otherwise, I'm sure my companion is itching for a fight. Who are you and what do you want, if not trouble? You are naive if you think you won't find it." With that, her wings expanded, much like his own as she stood next to him. Ashes snarled as his gaze turned back to the others, his patience growing thin.

    The others at least want to fight...maybe I can still get the little rat... The dragon put a claw forward, shifting his weight subtly. I can probably knock the Typhlosion down if I just barrel through...then I can snatch that Eevee...
    Just as he was about to heave himself forward, he felt small claws move up his neck.

    "A...shes...?" Mar whimpered from behind his large, muscular neck.
    The Charizards' crimson eyes immediately dimmed, returning to their normal emerald color. He pulled his head up in surprise and looked back. The tiny Charmander stradled his back, looking up at him with large, glazed eyes.

    "...Not now, Mar. Lay back down." He grumbled sternly, shooting a glance at his back in a disciplinary fashion.
    "Okay..." She said quietly, looking innocently at the group before them before doing as she was told.

    Steam rose from his nostrils as he glared at the Eevee while speaking to the Absol. "We're looking for...food."


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 27
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    The CASTLE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Drago Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:29 pm

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    Relic Castle | ??? (3)

    Iroh listened carefully to the Absol's speech, eyes shut loosely. She was forceful, yet not unfriendly. It always amazed Iroh had wise the younger folk could be. Opening his eyes, he took in the sights of the newcomers: a few Charizards, an oddly colored Ninetales, and an Ekans wrapped around one of the dragon's neck. A few things stood out, of course- the way the Ekans eyed the Deer's antlers, for example. It did take him a moment to notice the small Charmander holding tight to the other Charizard's neck. So in total, the group had three children. Iroh could work with that, he loved children.

    The female Charizard asked the question, and Iroh felt it was his turn to answer. Stepping forward a bit, he kept his face soft, not glaring or gawking at anything in particular. "Trouble, in this world, is everywhere. However, it seems that even in the oddest of places, one can find peace. I am looking for my family, and although I don't know of the reasoning of these others, they mean no harm, I am sure." The Eevee surely would try something, if he was given the chance, but the way the larger beasts were eyeing him... Iroh was sure he would stay in line. For a bit, anyway.

    Age : 29
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    The CASTLE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Snitch Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:47 am

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    Relic Castle || ??? [3]

    "Aren't we the popular ones, eh? If you value your lives, I hope your statement is true. Otherwise, I'm sure my companion is itching for a fight. Who are you and what do you want, if not trouble? You are naive if you think you won't find it.”

    Starling’s demeanour didn’t falter at the arrival of three more creatures, two of which making it clear they were battle ready – a striking Ninetales and the Charizard speaker. Although what she had thought was a stand-off in their favour was rapidly declining into a rather challenging prospect, the Absol was a master at disguising her concern. She merely raised her head, navy eyes unmoving from the aged Charizard as she spoke in silent threats.
    “I don’t expect to find trouble from fellow survivors,” She stated bluntly. It wasn’t true; Starling had spent the majority of her existence chasing down violent, psychopathic humans and pokémon alike – the epidemic gave her only more reason to distrust the people around her. Watching the dragon carefully, her pretty face sapped of emotion, Starling’s attention only shifted as the Typhlosion, supposedly her ally, spoke. Pleasantly surprised at the calm and wise persona he boasted, she flashed him a shy smile. “Harrow,” Starling gestured with her head to the deer still stood devotedly behind her. “And I are just looking to escape the sandstorm,”

    "We're looking for...food."

    As much as she didn’t want to, Starling shuddered to reveal a gaping hole in her collected charade at the male Charizard’s chilling words. She followed the dragon’s line of gaze to the Eevee, struggling to suppress her repulsion at eating another being – regardless of how mouthy or rude they had already proved themselves. The Absol herself had given up meat for as long as she could remember, scarred by the abattoir in her youth to even consider abandoning vegetarianism. It was simply barbaric.
    “I see no food here,” She replied firmly, although the quieted volume gave insight to her suppressed fear. The emotion was not caused by the intimidating strangers, but the sudden screaming echoing in her head. It belonged to the Mareeps of the slaughterhouse, their cries having plagued and tormented her through countless nights. The memory was rare to manifest itself in the day.

    Harrow, whilst somewhat annoyed at the immediate hostility of their latest company, had taken a particular interest in the serpent draped about the Ninetales’ neck. Tilting his head slightly, amused at the look of longing in his direction, the Sawsbuck was undeniably confused at the creature’s immediate interest in him. Was it the mask? Suddenly self-conscious, he turned his head to the side, casting enough shadow onto his false face to lessen the unease. But as his amber orb fell back to the Ekans, he found that her gaze was fixed somewhere above his head; his antlers. Catching glimpse of the foliage, dangling near-motionless from his minute movements, Harrow’s face broke into a tiny, lopsided smile.
    “You… like them?” Struggling to keep his gruff words intelligible, the deer made an effort to speak slowly. Catching the snake’s eyes, he took a step forward, utterly oblivious to the odd look Starling had thrown him. She had no idea what he was talking about, who he was talking to even. The canine probably thought he’d finally lost it, nattering away to himself in that garbled growl, but Harrow remained indifferent. He was used to being judged harshly, what did his explanation matter now? Keeping his distance from the strangers, his single eye was still locked on the Ekans, reflecting the same warmth in his gentle smile. “They… get in the way... really,”
    “Harrow?” Turning at Starling’s baffled utterance, his smile vanished. She looked serious, uncomfortable even – he guessed it was talk of ‘food’. He knew she was a vegetarian, but surely she wasn’t that concerned by it. Although admittedly, the Charizard had unnerved Harrow with the way he glared at the mouthy fox. “No one said anything,” Starling spoke softly, gently as if he were suffering some kind of breakdown. He gave a grunt in response, a frown hanging over his face at her inobservance. He didn’t want to strain his tender vocal cords by explaining the situation, so simply accepted the fact she currently deemed him mentally unstable.

    Age : 36
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    The CASTLE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:44 am


    Caim 26| Angelus 14

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    Relic Castle| ???

    Though the typlosion's reply bored both Caim and the Dragon, the other Charizard, who Caim could only guess was "Ashes" from the little lizard's mumblings, made a comment that caused a malicious grin to spread across the fox's face like wildfire. "We're looking for...[i]food.[i]" Finally, someone who made sense.

    "I see no food here." The absol seemed a bit unnerved by the feral choice of words from Ashes, and by the fact that their group didn't seem all that friendly, and her companion stayed silent. Good. Caim was not one for diplomacy, preferring to solve his problems with his own flames and teeth. However, the deer took notice of something, his eyes staring right at Caim. While at first, Caim paid no attention to this, his blue eyes caught the movement of the deer coming closer.

    “You… like them?” he asked, a lop-sided smile slowly emerging on the other's face. The nintales quirked a brow, unsure of what the deer was referring to. “They… get in the way... really." What? Craning his neck back a bit to keep the distance between them, Caim was at a loss for what the buck was talking about. He bared his teeth, growling as he kept his tails up and writhing. This creep took another step closer, he'd get a face full of fire.

    Angelus glanced at the strange buck, but figured Caim could well take care of himself. Should the two break out into a fight -which was likely at this point- they would be able to take the others as meals and hostages... Something valuable in an unknown desert ruin. She chuckled, sure of their possible win, though the lead, the absol seemed more concerned for the mental welfare of her antlered companion. "It seems you have enough problems, Absol. Give us... the deer as a toll and we'll both pass each other without any further trouble. He's more of a detriment to you now that his mind is lost anyway." She took a step forward, her wings still arched above her. However, as she was about to continue, a strange rumbling from beneath made her pause and glance down at her stubbed feet. What on Earth...?

    Her nostrils flared, and her eyes flicked to the still snarling ninetales. "We need to leave." Her voice was firm and succinct, allowing no room for objections. She began to move past, shoving the newcomers out of her way.


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    The CASTLE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 29, 2012 6:27 pm

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    Relic Castle|???

    As Deanna stared at the antlers, mesmerized by the tree-like appendages, the deep vibrations began once more. “You… like them?” Dear sweet mana from heaven, the bearer of the soothing sound also came from the one whose head bore trees? Deanna was absolutely enthralled. The serpent nodded her head slowly, the movements running against the fluff around Monster's neck. “They… get in the way... really.” Deanna couldn't help but stare as that voice sent shivers down her scales.

    “Harrow? No one said anything.” Deanna turned to the Sawsbuck's companion and noted the threatening blade upon its head, the counterpart to the antler-ed one. She hissed slightly, a little irked, before she realized no one except the Sawsbuck had noticed her staring. Where they all just stupid? "It seems you have enough problems, Absol. Give us... the deer as a toll and we'll both pass each other without any further trouble. He's more of a detriment to you now that his mind is lost anyway." Oh no she did not.

    "Don't you dare!" Deanna hissed venmously. "His mind isn't lost you daffy old dragon! He was talking to me! He's the only one that noticed I was staring at his antlers, so maybe he is the only one of you who isn't losing it." Honestly, for such powerful creatures it was a little sad that none of them noticed her. Yet they had the nerve to think they were superior enough to eat the only one that did. Though, on second thought, telling off a giant fire-breathing dragon was probably a good way to get eaten, too.

    ((OOC: Too busy to get colors exactly right, I will edit later. ^_^))

    Age : 37
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    The CASTLE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Fox Sat Sep 29, 2012 7:14 pm

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    Mara and Ashes
    Deep Relic Castle / ??? (20)/(11)

    “I see no food here,” the Absol said firmly, her feminine voice strong. But Ashes tilted his head slightly, his attention turning to her in sudden interest. A subtle grin formed on his scaled maw, his eyes glowing faintly as he studied her intently.
    What was that, in her voice?
    What was that?...

    The deer stepped forward, suddenly talking to one of the others behind him, offering an awkward smile, with awkward words to boot.
    “You… like them? They get in the way, really..." He mumbled, motioning towards his antlers.

    “Harrow? No one said anything." the horned disaster pokemon uttered uneasily, her eyes betraying her emotions. The hag Charizard took up the opportunity to barter for a meal and their 'safe passage' though. Ashes turned to the old dragon, a look of surprise on his face.
    Not too subtle, is she....?
    The tiny reptile around the ebony Ninetails' neck began to hiss in protest when a sudden quaking beneath their feet made his gaze shoot to the ground beneath them.

    "We need to leave." She growled at the Ninetails, shoving her way through anxiously. Ashes turned his long neck to his back, his eyes wide with worry. "Hold on tight!" He growled, not waiting for a reply and turned to follow the old dragon. He lowered his wings protectively around his little sister, trotting past the others. His emerald gaze fell on the Absol as he crossed her, a small grin appearing once again on his face.



    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The CASTLE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Snitch Mon Oct 01, 2012 10:00 am

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    Deep Relic Castle || ??? [4]

    "It seems you have enough problems, Absol. Give us... the deer as a toll and we'll both pass each other without any further trouble. He's more of a detriment to you now that his mind is lost anyway."

    Starling couldn’t disguise her disgust at the Charizard’s proposition, eyes narrowing as a growl echoed within her throat. Harrow wasn’t always stable, but there was always some kind of method to his madness. They were friends, not a carer and her patient. Her attention volleyed across to said Sawsbuck as he met her eyes with his ever-familiar blank expression – she could never tell what was going on within that silent mind of his.
    “No deal,” Resisting the urge to snarl the words, Starling instead spoke harshly, blunt, as she fearlessly met the aging dragon’s eyes. The strangers’ barbarism concerned her. The Absol was already considering returning to the sandstorm in a bid to escape the volatile creatures around her, but the idea was ludicrous. There was no escaping now. Shifting on the spot, she noticed the male Charizard staring at her – no, more like studying her, eyeing up a meal – as she took a deep inhale. Now was not the time to reveal her mounting fear.

    "Don't you dare! His mind isn't lost you daffy old dragon! He was talking to me! He's the only one that noticed I was staring at his antlers, so maybe he is the only one of you who isn't losing it.”

    Smiling shyly at the Ekan’s defence of him, realizing that even Starling was unwilling to, Harrow nodded his head in a polite gesture at the serpent. It was nice to know at least one creature didn’t think his mind was as lost as his bedraggled appearance. He’d been handsome once and liked to think his mentality still reflected the ambitious youth from that time.
    “Thank you,” He muttered gravelly, as he averted his functioning eye to the ground – suddenly conscious about catching his protector’s eyes or the snarling canine she hung around. Her company was openly discussing eating him, so unsurprisingly he wasn’t keen to push his luck. Whatever they decided, Harrow wouldn’t go down fighting. Despite his identity as a herbivore, he was a force to be reckoned with. Greeting most strangers with an aloof and awkward persona, the Sawsbuck was better known in his hometown as a murderer – he’d never liked the word, instead considering himself an avenger.

    "We need to leave."

    The rumbling underfoot soon brought both Absol and deer to their senses, the aged dragon announcing that the noise was not something to celebrate. Starling moved to the side quickly enough to avoid the group barging into her lithe form, though Harrow soon found himself stumbling out of the way, balance knocked by the old dragon. He gave a quieted grunt in process, but soon managed to regain his indifferent composure. Looking to Starling, the Absol’s attention was locked firmly on the male Charizard as he passed her. Frowning, he trotted over, nudging her with a slim leg. She snapped out of her trance-like state with a shuddering breath.
    “Come on,” Harrow grunted, natural talking-pace returned knowing that Starling was a better interpreter than the intimidating strangers. She gave a firm nod of her head, dispelling the fear that had been triggered by the male dragon’s slick grin. Whilst the Absol didn’t particularly fancy the idea of pursuing these threats, she had little choice. Unlike the deer and canine duo, the strangers knew where they were going and how to avoid the rumbling danger around them. Instincts screaming at her to flee, Starling instead followed, Harrow trotting close behind.


    Age : 36
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    The CASTLE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Silverishness Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:17 pm

    Caim 27| Angelus 15

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    Relic Castle| ???

    "Don't you dare!" the little snake snapped, grabbing the old dragon's attention. "His mind isn't lost you daffy old dragon! He was talking to me! He's the only one that noticed I was staring at his antlers, so maybe he is the only one of you who isn't losing it."

    Oh, thank Legends above. Caim 's body relaxed a little, glad that the strange buck wasn't just randomly asking oddly phrased questions. Though, the Dragon's reaction wasn't quite as pleasant. "Stop your shrieking, you useless ribbon of meat!" she snapped, her head quickly looking to the little snake still wrapped around Caim's neck. "...It'll hear you."

    At the last comment, one that was said in such a hushed tone, Caim had to strain slightly, the ninetales' gaze narrowed and he trotted after her. "It"? Glancing down, his nostrils flicked and ears searched for some sort of identification of the thing that caused the Dragon such distress. She never seemed to be so eager to leave before, but this.... this was different. The fox glanced to the others, studying the weird buck and the absol for a moment before following the dragons. If Dragon thought that this was something to run from, he wasn't sure if he wanted to argue.

    ...Then again... he hadn't gotten into a good fight in a hell of a long time...

    Dissatisfied with the amount of pokemon she'd found, she paused as a fork in the tunnels presented itself. Turning to the others, her nostrils flared. "...You said you knew a way out?" she asked the other charizard. "Then I suggest you find it as quickly as possible."


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    The CASTLE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:45 pm

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    Relic Castle|???

    "...It'll hear you."

    Those three little words struck Deanna like lightning, and she realized that she had been too enamored by the buck's antlers to notice the growing vibrations in the ground. Deanna gripped Monster tightly as she nodded, now fully aware of her mistake, and kept her eyes firmly on the ground. The air around her pulsed and moved as the vibrations moved through the floor and walls and Deanna knew something was wrong. There were only two reasons it would be getting worse the further in they moved.

    "Either we are getting closer to it, or it is following us," she stated flatly. "...You said you knew a way out? Then I suggest you find it as quickly as possible." If he did know the way out, then it was possible they could get out before the creature beneath their feet found them. She was happy that the luxurious antlered one was following, even if his companion did as well. Her scales began to ache for the sun and warmth they had been so deprived of down there. In fact, warmth was probably the reason she liked staying wrapped around Monster's neck so much. The fire type was very warm to the touch.

    ((OOC: When Sil finally reveals whatever is following, Deanna is actually going to freaking do something other than leech. Lol!))

    Age : 37
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    The CASTLE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Fox Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:54 pm

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    Mara and Ashes
    Deep Relic Castle / ??? (21)/(12)

    "...You said you knew a way out?" The hag dragon rasped, her eyes boring into Ashes. He nodded, looking back anxiously as the rumbling grew louder. "Then I suggest you find it as quickly as possible."

    With a snort he pushed past her, his nostrils flaring as he sniffed the air of the two different paths. The dry, arid air was bland and dank, but he picked up the faint scent of his own tracks from the left path. With a satisfied nod, he shot a glance at the Charizard behind him and quickly dashed through the tunnel.

    "It shouldn't be far from here!" He growled to nobody in particular, his voice echoing through the darkened tunnel. Sand began to pour from the ceilings as the pounding grew progressively stronger.
    "A-Ashes!" Mar whimpered from his back. He could feel her tiny claws clinging to the base of his wings tightly and her small body shivering.
    Ashes said nothing, but clenched his jaws as he bounded forward, his pace doubled. His gray flames flared behind them, a beacon to the others as he scrambled up ruined stairways and sandy rooms littered with broken pottery, enormous stone pillars and artifacts.

    Almost there...it can't be but another level up!
    The dragon skidded to a halt, his decaying claws trying to find leverage in the soft and shifting sands. The dark room they had entered opened into a large, cavernous room, with pillars that reached up into the darkness like a giants' arms. Sunlight trickled in from somewhere high above, illuminating the entire colosseum. The floor was partially covered by sand, and marred by the passage of time. Its' ancient, elaborate tiles and bricks were decayed; the design that the ancients had created was unrecognizable. Ashes quietly padded back, his large form awkwardly scuffling back as he kept his head and tail low.
    "Mar...hide your tail..." He whispered anxiously as he backed into the hallway they had come from. He sniffed the air cautiously, listening carefully as he did so.
    Salt...fresh air...it's not far...but can we get past without being noticed?...

    (Whatever you want to see in there, you can put. I left it open for Silv, if she wants to reveal her rumbling pokemon instead of having undead lol)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The CASTLE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Snitch Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:11 pm

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    Deep Relic Castle || ??? [5]

    "...You said you knew a way out? Then I suggest you find it as quickly as possible."

    Starling caught only a few words from the creatures they were following, knowing from their tones that now was not the time for introductions or further debate to bargaining Harrow or the cowardly Eevee as food. Despite the rumbling about her, the sand shifting and trembling beneath her paws, the Absol’s face betrayed no hint of her fear. She had been taught to conceal such emotion for work on the force; this situation was no different than a stand-off against an armed thug. Head held eye, she looked over her shoulder, checking on her companion to find he was more than capable of holding his own weight. Ashamed that she had thought him mental not five minutes ago, she abruptly turned away.

    The brutish Charizard had become a guide, sprinting ahead as the group followed the grey flames of his tail. Strange… Harrow was convinced that wasn’t normal. Ruling the discoloration down to the shiny gene, the Sawsbuck rocketed onwards, his speed slightly hindered by the combination of hooves and sands. Still, he kept up, Starling’s form never escaping his ever-attentive eye. He slowed prematurely seeing the unmoving, sickly flame of Ashes up ahead, suggesting the group had come to a standstill. Standing silently beside his canine companion, the deer could practically taste the tension. It had descended on the group in a mighty wave, the survivors left drowning as each individual strained to listen.

    Age : 36
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    The CASTLE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Silverishness Fri Oct 05, 2012 9:00 am

    Caim 28| Angelus 16

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    Relic Castle| ???

    They followed Ashes and his small passenger a ways until they came to a darkened room, not unlike any of the others Caim had stumbled upon during his stay in the old, sandy ruins. Ignoring the Snake's tightening around his neck, his senses were on full alert, grasping at the unknown in front of him to figure out what exactly had the Dragon on such edge. Whatever it was, he wanted to see it bleed.

    As they crept closer to the entrance, the very sands around their feet shifted from the intense vibrations. How many pokemon were causing this...? Or... how big was this bastard? He sniffed again, finding nothing other than stale air and old blood, frowning more. How could it be making this much noise and he not smell anything?! His muscles tensed, his lip curled to the unknown foe. The low sound of the rumbling grew as the small band waited for its foe, standing in the confines of the tunnel. Louder and louder it grew, closer and closer it must had gotten. But still, there was no smell, no form to see, only the vibrations of its movements. Sand and dust dislodged from the bricks above them and from the walls, but still... nothing. 'Where IS IT?!' his mind growled in fury, fur bristling from the tension in the air.

    When it grew the loudest, almost deafening to his sensitive ears, it stopped completely, the silence nearly as ominous as the rumbling. Eyes darted, tails twitched... The hell? Suddenly, it made sense. Angelus' gaze went down, the floor suddenly a threat. "THE FLOOR!"

    Not a moment after her warning, horns shot up out of the bricks before them, fire spewing from the newly created entry like the tongues of Hell itself. A massive head emerged, along with a white body, insectoid arms, and six flame-colored expansive wings, tattered and torn. It wreathed itself in its own inferno, highlighting ever disgusting detail it could sport. Rotting body, blood spattered everywhere, eyes grey with death. It roared, and while Dragon seemed anxious, Caim only grinned. Finally... a fight worth fighting. Without a moment's hesitation, without thinking of his serpentine passenger, he sprung forward, ready to fight. "CAIM, STOP!" Dragon cried, opening her wings to try and catch him.

    ((This is the volcarona at the bottom of Relic Castle, so it's HELLA tough! Let's give it a good fight, guys!))


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    The CASTLE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Drago Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:48 pm

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    Relic Castle | ??? (4)

    The focus of the group had shifted from Iroh, and he was now able to stand at the back. He liked this group, or most of them, anyway, but he couldn't stay any longer. It was obvious to him that his family would not have come here, it was far too noisy for their liking. Turning around, he slipped out the hallway he had come out of, returning to the harsh light and sand of the Resort desert.

    ((Leaving post, sorry guys. Should've been made a long time ago. Love the team so much, but I just can't write for this guy. Sorry. >.<))

    The CASTLE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 05, 2012 8:00 pm

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    Relic Castle|???

    When the beast finally emerged from his sunken prison Deanna was completely stunned. The creature was brilliantly magnificent, but was gripped by the virus that plagued their world. It was sad to see such a god-like creature reduced to mere primal instinct. Monster took off at it and Deanna almost cried out for him to stop, well aware that the two fire types clashing would cause nothing more than harm to her alone, but thankfully the brutish dragon went after him. Deanna took the opportunity to leap from Monster's neck to slide across the sandy floor.

    The small snake knew she wasn't going to survive this fight if she went head on like Monster. No. She was a mere level 10 and not capable of such ferocity. But, she did have a support up her sleeve. The snake began casting Leer after Leer at the massive fire-moth, hoping to lower enough of its defenses to allow even Caim, with his type similarity, enough leverage to go full force. Even the buck, with his clear disadvantage, would hopefully be able to survive and not catch aflame.

    She paused long enough to burrow under the sands, avoiding a Bug Buzz's sound waves by using the sand as a buffer. To a sound sensitive creature like her it would have been incredibly painful to bear the brunt of that attack. While she still cringed from the vibrations she briefly wondered if everyone else was handling the attack well. Poking her head back out of the sands one the vibrations ceased she quickly cast a Poison Sting at the bug's back before darting back under. It was a crude method of attack, but for her level it was actually pretty damn clever. Attack and hide, attack and hide. It was her best chance at survival.

    ((OOC: Go Deanna and your pathetic level! lol. After this she is gonna gain hella experience, like in the games. You put a lvl 10 up against something that is lvl 70, and since this is the Relic Castle Vulcy that's what it is, it will gain mondo experience afterwards. I may even finally evolve her soon after. ^_^))

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    The CASTLE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Fox Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:06 am

    (Skipping because Sui needs the computer)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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