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6 posters

    Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto)


    Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto) Empty Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto)

    Post by Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:42 pm

    Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto) Dratinibell

    Name Echo

    Gender Male

    Thunder Wave (breed)
    Wrap (learned)
    Twister (learned)
    Ice Beam (breed)

    Ability Shed Skin

    Nature Timid

    Characteristics Heightened Speed

    National Dex No./Species #147 Dratini/Dragon Pokemon

    Height 5'11''

    Level 4

    Item Soothe Bell

    Weight 7.3 pounds

    Pokédex Entry It is called the "Mirage Pokemon" because so few have seen it. Its shed skin has been found.

    Age 2 years (child)

    Time of Infection At the beginning of the epidemic

    Appearance Born with albinism but was involved in oil spill incident which saved his life by covering his sensitive skin with oil substance that fused with his molecular structure thereby allowing the sun to be blocked by oil; however, flame moves tend to cause more pain than usual even though he is dragon type.

    Personality Has a case of schizophrenia that is a result of being bitten by another infected pokemon; however, Professor Oak's cure restored some of his sanity although the recessive bloodthirsty side is triggered by the scent of blood and enormous amounts of decay. Dominant sane side is ruled by a desire to learn and is compassionate; however, he is somewhat aggressive when pushed. Echo often keeps to himself and usually says nothing unless the information is of the utmost importance.

    In the beginning, a Dratini was born in a small pond in the Safari Zone. He would be born with eight other Dratini siblings; however, the mother and father disappeared while looking for food to keep their young ones alive. As the weeks went on the eggs remained in the pond, safe from any Ekans that might make them a meal. Finally, the eggs would hatch one day but with only three surviving with the albino among them. After the albino was born he could see that only two of his siblings had survived with six eggs left unhatched. Being an infant Dratini, he did not understand the concept of death and thought as much of the eggs as the rocks around him. For months he played with his two other siblings in the pond which provided both safety and nourishment with algae being the only food available to the small family of Dratini. One day, a fisherman came to the pond in hopes of catching a rarity known as Dratini and caught one of the albino's brothers. His remaining sibling was caught when eating algae at the water's surface by a large Spearow. The albino was now alone and had no one, so he decided to venture to the surface. When the Dratini lifted his head from under the water he felt as if his face was burning, and as the rest of his body emerged from the water, he felt the painful sensation all over. He quickly returned to the water and felt his skin return to its normal state; however, he was disappointed that he could not see the new world above. As months passed, the Dratini grew restless but could not leave the pond for fear of the pain. He wished for something that would take him away from this underwater prison.

    During these depressing months for the Dratini, a business deal was being carried out by Team Rocket to buy a piece of the Safari Zone. The company was to build an oil drill as well as a disease-testing facility for pokemon in the Safari Zone. The Safari Zone was chosen because many rare pokemon lived inside its borders and a variety of pokemon would allow better and more accurate testing for cures of the epidemic; however, Team Rocket's plan was completely different. Tricked by Team Rocket, the owner of the Safari Zone leased the land to the fake company. The owner only agreed to give the land and its oil to the company in return for finding cures for the epidemic. After the deal was made, the oil factory was immediately built not far from the pond that the albino Dratini lived with the laboratory built in the deepest part of the Safari Zone so they would have more access to the pokemon. Little did the Dratini know that this deal would lead to his freedom as well as his curse.

    One day when the Dratini was laying at the bottom of the pond, he looked up and saw the glimmering rays of the sun on the water. He thought it was very beautiful for it was the only connection he had to the outside world. He suddenly felt as if he would give anything to dwell on the surface for one day. The Dratini felt angry and sad about his situation. He longed for the times that he had spent with his two siblings but he knew that he could never have them back. It was these feelings that brought him to the decision to swim to the surface despite the fact that he may die. He decided that to live for a minute would mean more than to live for years in loneliness. He sprang from the rock which he was sitting and swam as fast as he could to the surface. He threw himself from under the water and landed under a small shrub that offered very little shade.

    The Dratini, feeling the burn of the sunlight, looked around and saw the sheer greatness of the surface: the grass, the trees, the birds, the bright colors of nature. For the first time in his life, he felt alive and happy; he was away from the dark and cold hole of longing that he once lived. This happiness, however, was short lived because he would pass out from the fatigue caused by his leap out of the water as well as the pain from his condition. Meanwhile, the oil plant was experiencing technical difficulties with the drill. The drill was cutting too deep into the cliff side that stood near the pond which caused tons of oil to seep out. The oil spread to the pond and blackened it with its dark thick color. It continued to flow towards the Dratini that was dying near the shrub. The oil slowly consumed the Dratini which should have killed him but, instead, saved his life.

    When the small Dratini awoke he could not remember a thing that had happened or how he managed to survive. All he knew was that he was free to wonder and roam the land around him, but he knew too well that the surface was not a safe place. He remembered his two siblings and how they disappeared from his life because of the surface dwellers. He knew he could not trust anybody and that he would have to learn to live in this new world. As he thought of this he lifted his head from the ground where he laid and noticed that the pond as well as the entire ground was covered in black. The small Dratini felt despair as he cried for the colorful and beautiful world he knew before he awoke and as he did so his eyes caught sight of his back. Shocked, the small Dratini could not help but jump from the fear that something was on him. After a small pause he noticed that the substance on his back was the same as the black layer of ground that he saw all around him. The small Dratini thought What—What is this stuff on me?!. The small Dratini did not notice that a small portion of his tail stuck out from the shade of the shrub until he glanced behind him. He quickly moved his tail away from the light that he feared so much but noticed that he no longer felt his skin burn in the sunlight. This is strange. I have never been able to feel the light without being hurt--maybe if I.... With this thought he slowly moved away from the safety of the shade and into the sunlight. There he was completely bathed in light without feeling any pain. He felt so happy to know that he would no longer have to limit himself to darkness and shadow. He thought to himself I wonder if this stuff is what is keeping me alive as he looked at his back. The small Dratini looked at the dark and wondrous forest that he would now live but this new place would prove to be anything but wondrous.

    Last edited by Nova2394 on Thu Aug 09, 2012 11:51 am; edited 4 times in total

    Age : 37
    Posts : 4642

    Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto) Empty Re: Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto)

    Post by Suicune Wed Jun 29, 2011 3:00 pm


    Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto) Empty Re: Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto)

    Post by Guest Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:51 am

    I would like to make Echo the Dratini active on the Rage Team again. Thank you

    Posts : 1265

    Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto) Empty Re: Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto)

    Post by Victini Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:15 pm

    Remember to include the name of the team you want in the title. ; )


    Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto) VictiniEcho the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto) TGJeE
    The Victory Pokemon

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    Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto) Empty Re: Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto)

    Post by Mew Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:18 pm

    Good to see you back dear.


    Maintainence/Coding Admin
    Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto) Hz72hB2

    Posts : 1464

    Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto) Empty Re: Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto)

    Post by Mew Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:37 pm

    Nova, it would appear that Rage team is not open at this time.


    Maintainence/Coding Admin
    Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto) Hz72hB2

    Posts : 3650

    Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto) Empty Re: Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto)

    Post by Mewtwo Sat Aug 04, 2012 3:02 pm

    Welcome back, dear.

    Please add in the title of the Team you want and update the profile to meet the new standards. Label how the moves were learned (breed, TM, level up, etc.) and add in the new fields such as Age, Appearance, and Personality.


    Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto) 3Br5nS6

    Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotEcho the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto) UugYyDK

    Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto) Empty Request to Join the Rage Team

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 11, 2012 10:04 pm

    Hello, I edited my profile and I wish to join the Rage Team as an infected Dratini, thank you.

    Posts : 3650

    Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto) Empty Re: Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto)

    Post by Mewtwo Sun Aug 12, 2012 7:59 pm

    Re-Approved. Welcome back.


    Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto) 3Br5nS6

    Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotEcho the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto) UugYyDK
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Posts : 3650

    Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto) Empty Re: Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto)

    Post by Mewtwo Sun Aug 12, 2012 8:05 pm

    Profile Mods handle that dear, I just do approvals. If the teams is full it will be addressed by them.


    Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto) 3Br5nS6

    Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotEcho the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto) UugYyDK
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Posts : 391

    Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto) Empty Re: Echo the Infected Dratini (Rage, Johto)

    Post by Ho-Oh Sun Aug 12, 2012 8:41 pm

    Yes, they are correct, RAGE Team is in fact full at the moment with the OPEN save Darastix placed. You are welcome to keep Echo in inactivity in the likelihood that the team opens up again, or you may choose another team for him to go to.

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