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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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4 posters

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT)

    Black Guard
    Black Guard

    Posts : 100

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Empty Re: The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT)

    Post by Giovanni Wed Aug 21, 2019 10:18 am

    (Forgive me, I cannot contribute more to this scene. I am simply off in the corner with Stallion, quietly talking to him and paying no mind to the wholesome do-goodedness going on.)

    Age : 37
    Posts : 781

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Empty Re: The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT)

    Post by Phoenix Sat Aug 24, 2019 2:02 pm

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 W0wehGT
    Lumiose City (South Boulevard) | Afternoon
    Post 62

    "Good afternoon, ma'am." Miranda smiled as Looker greeted the small fairy in her hand, the tiny Floette giving a silent chuckle in return to his polite greeting. "It's a pleasure to meet you! And it's been wonderful travelling with your trainer."

    "A pleasure young man," Aimée replied, her voice small yet bright like a distant star. "I am pleased to meet such proper gentlemen in the company of my dear Miranda. I hope she has not troubled anyone overmuch." Giovanni's injury flashed into Miranda's mind and she looked guilty behind the small fairy hoping Aimée wouldn't notice. "Aimée is a Floette," Miranda explained to Looker hoping to change the subject. "Her kind originated here in Kalos as far as we know but you may have seen one before. They use their power to grow and tend beautiful flowerbeds and fields of flowers are almost guaranteed to have Floettes around."

    Posts : 83

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Empty Re: The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT)

    Post by Looker Thu Aug 29, 2019 7:44 pm

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Tumblr_o3rarhQaja1uc5v85o1_400
    Lumiose City - Pokeball Boutique - Afternoon

    He didn't miss the little gasp from Vitaly, but he didn't look over to stare aside from a quick glance to ensure everything was fine.

    "A pleasure young man," Aimée said, and he was caught between the sound of her voice and young man. Young. Heh. Well, he supposed someone likely hovering in their forties was young compared to a fairy. Weren't they super long-lived? "I am pleased to meet such proper gentlemen in the company of my dear Miranda. I hope she has not troubled anyone overmuch."

    Well, the brief look of pain that flashed across Miranda's face hurt a little. She must be thinking of Giovanni's wound.

    "Aimée is a Floette," the girl spoke up quickly. A fitting name for their species! "Her kind originated here in Kalos as far as we know but you may have seen one before. They use their power to grow and tend beautiful flowerbeds and fields of flowers are almost guaranteed to have Floettes around."

    "I think... I think I've seen their baby version," Looker mused. "They're even smaller, but the colors and body shape look similar and they were also carrying one big flower. It was in Hoenn, which makes sense. If they love flowers, Hoenn's got a lot of nature for them to explore. They're fairies, aren't they? I think fairies like nature."

    Age : 31
    Posts : 596

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Empty Re: The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT)

    Post by Maximum Sat Aug 31, 2019 4:15 pm

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 EQ33K7Y
    Lumiose City (South Boulevard)|Early Afternoon [58]

    Deciding that he had listened in on the interaction for too long, Vitaly stood up with the catalog so that he could properly speak with Siyal. The Nitemare had mostly been watching the interaction and had missed whatever had been going on with Vitaly, but he noticed the concerned look on Pelor's face. However, before he could ask, Vitaly asked, "So, uh, you didn't mention it earlier, but do you think you need another Pokeball? Since you..." He vaguely waved towards Siyal's form.

    He couldn't help but morbidly laugh before answering seriously, "Yeah, but not for that reason. They crushed my Pokeball right before that."

    "Did they need to make a show of it or something? It would have been easier to just..." Vitaly couldn't help musing aloud.

    "Yes," Siyal interrupted. "They wanted to ensure Raist didn't get any ideas even though he didn't have his wand."

    "Oh, I'm sorry," he muttered in apology before bringing up his hand to gently pet the Nitemare's head. Shifting the topic, he asked, "Any preferences on a new one? Since we have options."

    "It's been a while since I've heard about what all the different Pokeballs do, so can you give me a sales pitch?"

    "I can read what this catalog says. And then we can see what's left."

    Age : 37
    Posts : 781

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Empty Re: The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT)

    Post by Phoenix Wed Sep 25, 2019 9:57 am

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 W0wehGT
    Lumiose City (South Boulevard) | Afternoon
    Post 63

    "I think... I think I've seen their baby version," Looker replied, causing Aimée to giggle softly. Given that humans knew them as Flabébé the term seemed more apt than he even realized. "They're even smaller, but the colors and body shape look similar and they were also carrying one big flower. It was in Hoenn, which makes sense. If they love flowers, Hoenn's got a lot of nature for them to explore. They're fairies, aren't they? I think fairies like nature."

    "Many fairies appreciate nature," Aimée acknowledged with a smile. "Though not all live in abundance of flora like my kind. Esmé is a good example, his kind prefer human structures and urban areas because they can feed on the metal man creates. And to steal their keys."

    Miranda couldn't help but laugh though she tempered it quick for fear of the noise attracting attention. Esmé's penchant for keys is how she had met the sweet little fairy when she was a child. He had wandered into their home in the night looking for keys and had managed to snag the only key to her jewelry box. Rather than scold the little fairy she had offered to take him in and let him serve as the guardian to all her treasures. As a grown woman now such things sounded silly but back then...it had been the foundation of her first and most lasting friendship.

    Posts : 83

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Empty Re: The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT)

    Post by Looker Sat Sep 28, 2019 2:54 pm

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Tumblr_o3rarhQaja1uc5v85o1_400
    Lumiose City - Pokeball Boutique - Afternoon

    "Many fairies appreciate nature," the fairy said. She was smiling. Good! What Looker said wasn't considered weird, then. "Though not all live in abundance of flora like my kind. Esmé is a good example, his kind prefer human structures and urban areas because they can feed on the metal man creates. And to steal their keys."

    Looker blinked, pure, puppyish confusion furrowing his brow as he tilted his head. "Steal their keys?" he repeated. "Why would they do that? Do- are they one of those pokemon that likes munching on things the rest of us can't eat? I know there's this little-"

    He mimed large bat-like ears with his hands by his head.

    "Gremlin, imp looking little guys who eat rocks and jewels and stuff. I saw one once; Sable-something. He tried to steal the evolutionary stone my guide had and eat it. We had to chase him down an entire route to catch the little rascal!"

    Even then, he hadn't had it in him to be angry with the fellow, though he'd still given the giggling creature a stern lecture about taking other people's things regardless. The Sable-something wasn't all that impressed, but they seemed to like him nonetheless, as they followed the pair of them for a great deal of Sapphire's little crash course in how the world worked. Even up to Looker's departure. He was fairly sure the little purple imp sitting by the docks waving at him.

    Mmmmm. Maybe I should find some excuse to go to Hoenn at some point. I... really should have gone back sooner...

    Age : 31
    Posts : 596

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Empty Re: The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT)

    Post by Maximum Mon Sep 30, 2019 11:01 pm

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 EQ33K7Y
    Lumiose City (South Boulevard)|Afternoon [59]

    To start their search, Vitaly started idly flipping through the book and asked, "So, what are you looking for? I think the only one that mentions comfort is a Luxury ball. The rest just talk about making it easier to capture Pokemon depending on xyz thing."

    "Uh, I don't know? Jude caught me with a regular Pokeball, so it's not like I know much about the others. You have any input Pelor?" The Nitemare nudged the Larvesta.

    "Not much? I broke out of Pokeballs when other people tried to catch me, so I didn't really notice. Jude won me over before trying to catch me, so... Can't help there."

    "Uh, the only other thing would be the..." he paused as he tried to find the right word. "Light? That appears when you're released. It's how I picked the Dusk ball for Drizzt."

    Siyal and Pelor laughed a little at the memory. "Yeah, I remember that. The dark purple effect kinda startled you."

    "Yup! Didn't see that coming when the thing was colored green, black, and orange," he said with a smile at the fond memory. "Speaking of, would you like a Dusk? That would suit your new look very well." Vitaly gestured with at the Nitemare's glowing purple flames.

    The question made Siyal ponder. "That's a thought. Any others you think might work well?"

    Age : 37
    Posts : 781

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Empty Re: The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT)

    Post by Phoenix Tue Oct 08, 2019 1:08 pm

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 W0wehGT
    Lumiose City (South Boulevard) | Afternoon
    Post 64

    "Steal their keys?" Looker repeated endearingly. "Why would they do that? Do- are they one of those pokemon that likes munching on things the rest of us can't eat? I know there's this little-" Miranda watched with rapt attention as Looker tried to mime the Pokemon his fogged memory struggled to name and immediately perked up the moment she realized what he was talking about.

    "Gremlin, imp looking little guys who eat rocks and jewels and stuff. I saw one once; Sable-something. He tried to steal the evolutionary stone my guide had and eat it. We had to chase him down an entire route to catch the little rascal!"

    "Sableye!" she replied enthusiastically. The shift from her normally shy demeanor into one of excitement for a topic she had a firm knowledge of was so apparent even Aimée took notice. The teen was suddenly animated and expressive as she tucked the Floette onto her should to allow her hands to gesture. Miranda had always been a hand talker when excited. "Ghosts are my specialty, as a matter of fact. That and fairies, but in this case I know just what Pokemon you are thinking of. Sableye can vary in appearance depending on what stones they eat but they have a fondness for gems and jewels above all. A shining evolutionary stone would definitely pique its interest."

    "Most Sableye tend to be mean and love to frighten people, to the point there is a story that staring into their gem-like eyes will steal your soul, but like a lot of ghosts you will always find some that are notorious pranksters. Seems to me that if you met one outside of a dark cave you found one that enjoyed teasing humans and probably made a friend by actually catching him. I'm actualyl a little jealous. I've always wanted a Sableye for myself but their upkeep is expensive considering their diet."

    Posts : 83

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Empty Re: The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT)

    Post by Looker Fri Oct 11, 2019 1:38 pm

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Tumblr_o3rarhQaja1uc5v85o1_400
    Lumiose City - Pokeball Boutique - Afternoon

    "Sableye!" the girl burst out, stars in her eyes as she gently put her tiny fairy companion onto her shoulder to free her hands. Looker smiled as she barreled ahead with her explanation, hands gesturing furiously, energy in every movement of her body. "Ghosts are my specialty, as a matter of fact. That and fairies, but in this case I know just what Pokemon you are thinking of. Sableye can vary in appearance depending on what stones they eat but they have a fondness for gems and jewels above all. A shining evolutionary stone would definitely pique its interest."

    They could vary in appearance? Oh, that was neat!

    "Most Sableye tend to be mean and love to frighten people, to the point there is a story that staring into their gem-like eyes will steal your soul, but like a lot of ghosts you will always find some that are notorious pranksters. Seems to me that if you met one outside of a dark cave you found one that enjoyed teasing humans and probably made a friend by actually catching him. I'm actually a little jealous. I've always wanted a Sableye for myself but their upkeep is expensive considering their diet."

    Looker let out a quiet little noise of musing, cupping his chin. "Huh, that's odd. I never once felt like I was in danger. It wasn't very nice of them to steal her stone, but they didn't mean anything bad by it. I wonder if they were just a nicer example of the species or if the people who came up with that folktale of stealing souls were just easily spooked."

    He removed his hand from his chin, curiosity in his eyes."Ghosts are your specality, huh? That sounds fascinating! Are people usually so scared of them? They seem more silly than anything else, really. Little pranksters, the lot of them."

    (And now I've golded! Very Happy)

    Age : 31
    Posts : 596

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Empty Re: The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT)

    Post by Maximum Mon Oct 14, 2019 12:07 am

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 EQ33K7Y
    Lumiose City (South Boulevard)|Afternoon [60]

    Unfortunately, Vitaly didn't have an easy answer for Siyal's question. "Uh, I'm not sure color-wise. You could go for a Heal or Love ball for irony... Wait, even if you don't want the first one, maybe we should pick some of those up anyway." They would be something Jude would like. Maybe he was getting ahead of himself, but for once, he had an actual plan.

    "Yeah, I agree."

    "I don't think I really want or need it myself, so I'll pass on that. Good idea, though." He paused as he considered, "There wouldn't be anything sun themed, would there?"

    "Doesn't look like it. There is a Moon Ball, though. The release effect has little crescent moons." Vitaly flipped the catalog to the right page in order to show them.

    Siyal shook his head after looking at the picture. "Close, but not quite. That's disappointing."

    "Timer might be interesting? It's effect has clock faces."

    Age : 37
    Posts : 781

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Empty Re: The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT)

    Post by Phoenix Sun Nov 03, 2019 7:31 pm

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 W0wehGT
    Lumiose City (South Boulevard) | Afternoon
    Post 65

    "Huh, that's odd. I never once felt like I was in danger. It wasn't very nice of them to steal her stone, but they didn't mean anything bad by it. I wonder if they were just a nicer example of the species or if the people who came up with that folktale of stealing souls were just easily spooked."

    Miranda smiled and nodded as Looker continued to think aloud, all but confirming her suspicion. "Then that is all the more reason to believe you encounter a mischievous imp rather than anything malicious. He was probably amusing himself by pilfering his food from trainers and when you chased him made a game of it. I love it when ghosts play games like that. They can be scary at first but are usually great fun."

    "Ghosts are your specality, huh? That sounds fascinating! Are people usually so scared of them? They seem more silly than anything else, really. Little pranksters, the lot of them."

    Again she nodded and her smile grew wide. "Indeed. In fact they are so well known for it Esmé's ability is actually called Prankster. Even if the games sometimes end up being cruel all ghosts play to amuse themselves. The ones who do it to frighten humans are still just following their nature and very often can be trained and taught to play nicely instead. Those that enjoy pain and fear aren't as common as the stories would lead people to believe, but they do exist."

    Posts : 83

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Empty Re: The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT)

    Post by Looker Thu Nov 07, 2019 7:40 pm

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Tumblr_o3rarhQaja1uc5v85o1_400
    Lumiose City - Pokeball Boutique - Afternoon

    Ghosts like playing, huh? He would need to remember that next time he met one. Especially if they were out to pull any pranks. I wonder if they like food?

    Mirand was positively beaming. "Indeed. In fact they are so well known for it Esmé's ability is actually called Prankster. Even if the games sometimes end up being cruel all ghosts play to amuse themselves. The ones who do it to frighten humans are still just following their nature and very often can be trained and taught to play nicely instead. Those that enjoy pain and fear aren't as common as the stories would lead people to believe, but they do exist."

    "Well, hopefully nobody here will be meeting any of the... less friendly kind." They could all do without that, especially given that they'd already met plenty of humans like that.

    Looker glanced to the other two, curiosity bubbling up. "I've heard of humans specializing in certain types before. What about you two? Do either of you have an affinity for a particular type?"

    Age : 31
    Posts : 596

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Empty Re: The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT)

    Post by Maximum Mon Nov 11, 2019 12:59 am

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 EQ33K7Y
    Lumiose City (South Boulevard)|Afternoon [61]

    Siyal was intrigued by the Timer ball, but Vitaly was then distracted by Looker asking, "I've heard of humans specializing in certain types before. What about you two? Do either of you have an affinity for a particular type?"

    Sticking a finger in the catalogue to keep his place, Vitaly closed it and held it close to his chest when he turned to properly face Looker. "Not really. You've met mine, but I didn't meet most of them until after the Epidemic started." They each had their own stories to tell about why they decided to travel with him, but he would let them decide to tell those stories if they wanted.
    Black Guard
    Black Guard

    Posts : 100

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Empty Re: The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT)

    Post by Giovanni Wed Nov 13, 2019 12:28 pm

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 V8EhZTq

    Lumiose City||South Boulevard||Afternoon||70

    Giovanni had been rather content to just listen to the conversation rather than engage in it, instead focusing his attention on gaining the stallion's trust. He was quietly petting the large creature, admiring the beast's power despite not belonging to a trainer. Well... not anymore, at least, from what he could tell. The stallion was a little apprehensive at first, but as Giovanni continued, he began to relax and settle.

    The man did turn his head as he heard Looker turn the conversation back toward them, quirking a brow. "I've heard of humans specializing in certain types before. What about you two? Do either of you have an affinity for a particular type?"

    Vitaly was the first to respond, apparently taking a break from catalogue browsing in order to do so. "Not really. You've met mine, but I didn't meet most of them until after the Epidemic started." Not a shocking answer, but it wasn't like that was a bad thing. Keeping a balanced team was important, especially now.

    Giovanni offered Looker a bit of a smile and chuckle. He had already tempted fate so much, but if his name didn't ring any bells then surely his public profession wouldn't either. "I do, actually," he began as he turned back to the stallion. "Ground type. Not to... blatantly brag, but in my home region, I was even a Gym Leader; I can attest I am more than proficient at raising and training Ground types."

    Age : 37
    Posts : 781

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Empty Re: The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT)

    Post by Phoenix Fri Nov 22, 2019 1:49 pm

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 W0wehGT
    Lumiose City (South Boulevard) | Afternoon
    Post 66

    "I've heard of humans specializing in certain types before. What about you two? Do either of you have an affinity for a particular type?" Eager to learn more of the strangers they met Miranda watched quietly to see what kind of responses Vitaly would give, and if Looker had any insights of his own. So much had happened in their short day or so of knowing one another but because it was such a short time they all knew nothing of each other. Mr. Don was even still his usual quiet self, having left Miranda to do most of the socializing for the both of them the last few hours.

    At least she was good for something, in that regard.

    "Not really. You've met mine, but I didn't meet most of them until after the Epidemic started." Vitaly replied, and Miranda felt a little disheartened. So many of hers were always with her, since she was a child, barring the two that were from her parents. Even then she had known them all her life. Vitaly had a whole collection of friends that had suffered losses of their own, as well as possibly losing some of his in the outbreak. Father had spared her and her pokemon that fate...though he couldn't spare himself from it...

    "I do, actually," Miranda's mind gratefully latched on to Giovanni's voice when it finally rejoined the rest of them. As her guardian she had learned quickly to always listen and listen carefully when he had to speak. "Ground type. Not to... blatantly brag, but in my home region, I was even a Gym Leader; I can attest I am more than proficient at raising and training Ground types." Smiling proudly at Giovanni Miranda couldn't help but feel another surge of gratefulness that he had bothered to take her in. He was the closest thing to family she had now and she would happily follow him across the world if he asked it of her. A pity she wasn't more use to him than as occasional company.

    ((I am so sorry for the delay, I got sick and it made a mess of my schedule))

    Posts : 83

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Empty Re: The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT)

    Post by Looker Tue Nov 26, 2019 10:02 pm

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Tumblr_o3rarhQaja1uc5v85o1_400
    Lumiose City - Pokeball Boutique - Afternoon

    "Not really," Vitaly answered. "You've met mine, but I didn't meet most of them until after the Epidemic started." There was a sadness to that fact that Looker couldn't quite put his finger on. Maybe the notion that they didn't get to enjoy themselves before this hell crawled out of a pit somewhere. That was probably it.

    "I do, actually," Giovanni spoke up. Looker turned to watch him speak, unable to hide the gleam of curiosity in his eye. "Ground type. Not to... blatantly brag, but in my home region, I was even a Gym Leader; I can attest I am more than proficient at raising and training Ground types."

    "A Gym Leader- oh! You mean- you were among the strongest trainers in the whole region?" he half-gasped. "There are only eight of those in a whole region, aren't there? They, the Elite Four, and the Champion- I remember Sapphire telling me about how that whole system worked. And you were part of it? That's amazing! You must have so many stories from it!"

    Age : 31
    Posts : 596

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Empty Re: The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT)

    Post by Maximum Sun Dec 08, 2019 12:33 am

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 EQ33K7Y
    Lumiose City (South Boulevard)|Afternoon [62]

    "I do, actually," Giovanni said with a laugh. He turned back to the Mudsdale as he continued with an explanation, "Ground type. Not to... blatantly brag, but in my home region, I was even a Gym Leader; I can attest I am more than proficient at raising and training Ground types." Ohhh that explained why he was able to calm the Mudsdale down so easily.

    Looker latched onto a different piece of info and asked, "A Gym Leader- oh! You mean- you were among the strongest trainers in the whole region?" The man nearly had stars in his eyes over it. "There are only eight of those in a whole region, aren't there? They, the Elite Four, and the Champion- I remember Sapphire telling me about how that whole system worked. And you were part of it? That's amazing! You must have so many stories from it!"
    Black Guard
    Black Guard

    Posts : 100

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Empty Re: The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT)

    Post by Giovanni Thu Dec 12, 2019 8:48 pm

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 V8EhZTq

    Lumiose City||South Boulevard||Afternoon||71

    "A Gym Leader- oh! You mean- you were among the strongest trainers in the whole region?" Giovanni chuckled at the sight of the older, usually stoic, detective being absolutely star-struck. Did it not occur to Looker to question him even a little? Sure, perhaps Giovanni's natural charisma gave weight to his words, but still-- broadcasting oneself as a gym leader was quite the claim. Truly, all those detective instincts must not have stayed intact as Giovanni previously thought. "There are only eight of those in a whole region, aren't there? They, the Elite Four, and the Champion- I remember Sapphire telling me about how that whole system worked. And you were part of it? That's amazing! You must have so many stories from it!"

    Sapphire? Right, his young benefactor. Giovanni's easy warmth didn't fade as he chuckled away Looker's absolute delight in a display of humility. Oh, how the dear detective had tried asking similar questions years ago... What wonderful nostalgia. Really, Looker's amnesia was the gift that kept giving. "That I do," he nodded, placing his hands on his hips as he puffed his chest a bit. Even if it was bragging to an amnesiac and a complete stranger, Giovanni couldn't resist the opportunity to flex his prowess. Yes, he was a vain man.

    "While I didn't have more than a passing relationship with most of the other Gym Leaders, I did... have a few as close compatriots, as well as..." Oh, how could he put this? "...a Champion or two?" He grinned. "My life was star-studded at times, I'll freely admit. But if you wish to know more, I will be more than happy to tell you what I know." Oh, how deliciously ironic saying that was. If only someone else were here to share in the joke.

    Age : 37
    Posts : 781

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Empty Re: The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT)

    Post by Phoenix Mon Dec 16, 2019 12:09 pm

    ((Sorry to do this last minute but please skip me. Between allergies giving me hell and work my brain isn't working enough to form more than a two sentence reaction of proud Miranda being proud lol. I'll catch up next time or if someone addresses her))

    Posts : 83

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Empty Re: The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT)

    Post by Looker Sun Dec 22, 2019 9:52 pm

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Tumblr_o3rarhQaja1uc5v85o1_400
    Lumiose City - Pokeball Boutique - Afternoon

    "That I do," Giovanni answered, puffing out his chest a bit. Looker grinned. Well, to be fair, he should be proud! There was nothing wrong with being proud of one's own accomplishments. Looker wished he had anything to brag about.

    "While I didn't have more than a passing relationship with most of the other Gym Leaders, I did... have a few as close compatriots, as well as... a Champion or two?" Looker's eyes widened a bit. Good lord, Champions? "My life was star-studded at times, I'll freely admit. But if you wish to know more, I will be more than happy to tell you what I know."

    "Which Champions?" he asked, eyes shining. "I remember most of them, I think- they were all fascinating people to learn about. Sapphire was particular proud of her own region's Champion. I wish I could have met the man; he sounded like very pleasant company."

    Age : 31
    Posts : 596

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Empty Re: The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT)

    Post by Maximum Sat Dec 28, 2019 12:34 am

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 EQ33K7Y
    Lumiose City (South Boulevard)|Afternoon [63]

    "That I do," Giovanni said as he stood with his hands on his hips and chest puffed out. It wasn't hard to tell that he was enjoying the attention. "While I didn't have more than a passing relationship with most of the other Gym Leaders, I did... have a few as close compatriots, as well as..." He paused for dramatic effect. "...a Champion or two? My life was star-studded at times, I'll freely admit. But if you wish to know more, I will be more than happy to tell you what I know."

    "Which Champions?" Looker asked, clearly intrigued. "I remember most of them, I think- they were all fascinating people to learn about. Sapphire was particular proud of her own region's Champion. I wish I could have met the man; he sounded like very pleasant company."

    Meanwhile, Vitaly tried to compose his face into a politely impressed facade even though he wasn't nearly as impressed as Looker. Any emotional weight the lofty claim would normally have flew straight over his head, and he was very keenly aware of the fact. He hoped that if they sensed anything was wrong, they would simply assume that it was due to his Orre origins. Thanks to Jude, he knew enough about the League system in other regions to know that a Champion was a big deal, but the proper context as to why that would be impressive was lost to him. Strong trainers could be impressive, he guessed.

    Siyal's ears notably pricked up and Pelor's head turned to properly appraise Giovanni, and the two Pokemon clearly had a better idea of what he was talking about. They weren't quite on Looker's level of impressed, but it was miles above Vitaly's.
    Black Guard
    Black Guard

    Posts : 100

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Empty Re: The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT)

    Post by Giovanni Fri Mar 06, 2020 11:25 am

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 V8EhZTq

    Lumiose City||South Boulevard||Afternoon||72

    "Which Champions?" Looker asked, emulating a child on Christmas. His eyes were bright with excitement, his tone almost overeager. In truth, the hard years melted off the detective's face as he  basically became little more than a giddy schoolboy. It would have been adorable had it not been utterly hilarious. Giovanni simply beamed, knowing that his reaction would simply be seen as pride of his contacts rather than silent gloating over his victory. "I remember most of them, I think- they were all fascinating people to learn about. Sapphire was particular proud of her own region's Champion. I wish I could have met the man; he sounded like very pleasant company."

    "Lance the Dragon-" Giovanni caught himself before a snicker made its way out, and played it off as if he were fending off a sneeze, "-master, excuse me, was the one I knew best, I suppose. He and I traveled in many of the same circles. Amiable enough. A bit of a peacock if you take my meaning. I did meet the boy that later dethroned him." Not under the best circumstances, but that child did make an impression, however fleeting. "He was... odd. Strange child.

    "And happily, I know the mysterious Red. He was a quiet boy. Preferred to have his Espeon communicate with others rather than speak himself. But he abdicated last I heard and... made himself something of a hermit. I imagine the life of a Champion isn't for everyone, even for a tenacious little devil like him."
    Though Giovanni couldn't deny the powerful raw talent Red possessed, all the same, he hoped the unbearable responsibility that came with the Champion's throne broke the little bastard and that he stayed holed up on that damned mountain until he and all his miserable pokemon froze.

    "But I don't think I know of this Champion you speak, Looker." He tilted his head and watched the other man curiously. What had the man learned in his dealings with this Sapphire person? "Would you mind elaborating?"

    Age : 37
    Posts : 781

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Empty Re: The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT)

    Post by Phoenix Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:32 pm

    ((Skip please, Miranda is still just observing))

    Posts : 83

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Empty Re: The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT)

    Post by Looker Wed Mar 11, 2020 8:45 pm

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Tumblr_o3rarhQaja1uc5v85o1_400
    Lumiose City - Pokeball Boutique - Afternoon

    "Lance the Dragon-" Giovanni paused a moment to ward off a sneeze "-master, excuse me, was the one I knew best, I suppose. He and I traveled in many of the same circles. Amiable enough. A bit of a peacock if you take my meaning. I did meet the boy that later dethroned him." Ah, so he was a bit of a showoff? Looker supposed that being a dragon master warrented at least a little bit of that. Dragons, from his recollection, could be tricky to befriend, being from a generally prideful, stubborn species. Part of what made Red Flygon all the more intruiging. "He was... odd. Strange child."

    So, the dragon master lost to a child? Well... Sapphire herself had been a child. She said it wasn't totally unheard of. Hopefully that raw potential and brilliance was keeping them all safe right now...

    "And happily, I know the mysterious Red. He was a quiet boy. Preferred to have his Espeon communicate with others rather than speak himself. But he abdicated last I heard and... made himself something of a hermit. I imagine the life of a Champion isn't for everyone, even for a tenacious little devil like him."

    "Yes, I would imagine not. That's an awful lot of responsibility and publicity for someone so young. Especially someone who was so shy he'd rather have his pokemon speak for him." As proud as he was of these children he didn't even know for accomplishing something so amazing, something inside him stirred at the idea of them being crowned so young. Something uncomfortable poking and prodding at his gut, at the back of his mind.

    "But I don't think I know of this Champion you speak, Looker." His head tilted towards Looker, inquisitive. "Would you mind elaborating?"

    Oh, finally! The opportuntiy to tell other people information for a change.

    "Sure." he smiled. "She's a nice girl- she's the one who found me washed up on that shore. Recently dethroned Steven Stone. Sharp, perceptive child, too, and very kind. Rather excitable, though that's not surprising because of her age. She absolutely didn't need to, but she decided to keep visiting me for a little while; she's the one who taught me a lot about pokemon and other such missing gaps in my memory about normal life. She'd wanted to introduce me to Steven--she was awfully fond of him, and I think she trusted that he would be able to help me--but Steven was working to make the transition smooth for her and she didn't want to bother him, so when I left for Orre after a week or two of trying to reaquaint myself with the world, she told me to come back soon if I didn't find answers and she'd introduce me."

    He sighed.

    "I wish I had," he admitted. "But mostly, I hope she's still safe. She had an incredible bond with her pokemon, but... the virus doesn't... really care about such things... Raw power and intelligence only gets one so far. You need luck, too."

    Age : 31
    Posts : 596

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 Empty Re: The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT)

    Post by Maximum Thu Mar 19, 2020 12:05 am

    The LUMIOSE Team (PLOT) - Page 10 EQ33K7Y
    Lumiose City (South Boulevard)|Afternoon [64]

    As the two men discussed the champions they knew, the younger ones mentioned really caught Vitaly's attention. Exact ages hadn't been mentioned, but at least in Sapphire's case, it sounded like this was someone even younger than he was. Or at least she was back when Looker knew her.

    The reminder of what other children had been able to experience ached, though he tried to keep that thought away. There wasn't any point in dwelling on that here. He knew it was selfish to be thinking of petty things like that when there was a strong chance those children didn't get to live peaceful lives either thanks to the epidemic. Assuming they were even still alive by this point.

    Unable and unwilling to break into the conversation, he glanced back over his Pokemon to see if they were still listening.

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