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    Lucian the FUCKING BOOK NERD


    Age : 36
    Posts : 3208

    Lucian the FUCKING BOOK NERD Empty Lucian the FUCKING BOOK NERD

    Post by Silverishness Tue Aug 04, 2015 12:11 am

    Lucian the FUCKING BOOK NERD Diamond_Pearl_Lucian

    Lucian Hawthorne
    Text Color #8E2323
    Theme(s) Stroll Through the Sky
    Item Cello, cello case and maintenance items, Poke comm, sheet music, rope, duct tape, some healing potions, various cookware, hair ties, some food, water pouch, large bag.
    Weapons Pistol, rarely used, large bowie knife, his pokemon.
    Biological Sex Male
    Gender Identity Him/He/His
    Birthdate 2/18
    Age 29
    Species Human
    Weight 158.4 lbs
    Height 5'11"
    Region of origin Sinnoh
    Occupation Former Sinnoh Elite Four
    Party Lucian specializes in Psychic type pokemon. While he used many of his own personal pokemon in his Elite Four team, not all of his professional team are personal. Those that were exclusively used in the League were left in his League quarters when they were evacuated.
    Pkm 1
    Lucian the FUCKING BOOK NERD Spr_6x_196
    Name/Gender- Azazel
    Text colour- #D8B8CC
    Species- Espeon
    Level- 69
    Ability- Magic Bounce
    Attack list-
    -Morning Sun (Learned)
    -Psychic (Learned)
    -Shadow Ball (TM)
    -Dazzling Gleam (TM)
    **Carries Life Orb
    Pkm 2
    Lucian the FUCKING BOOK NERD Spr_6x_437
    Name/Gender- Quasi
    Text colour- #88DAD3
    Species- Bronzong
    Level- 65
    Ability- Levitate
    Attack list-
    -Payback (Learned)
    -Gyro Ball (Learned)
    -Protect (TM)
    -Toxic (TM)
    **Carries Leftovers
    Pkm 3
    Lucian the FUCKING BOOK NERD Spr_6x_203_m
    Name/Gender- Pal
    Text colour- #CFAC10
    Species- Elifile
    Level- 63
    Ability- Inner Focus
    Attack list-
    -Psyshock (TM)
    -Thunderbolt (TM)
    -Energy Ball (TM)
    -Dazzling Gleam (TM)
    **Carries Choice Scarf
    Pkm 4
    Lucian the FUCKING BOOK NERD Spr_6x_475
    Name/Gender- Duke
    Text colour- #40B068
    Species- Gallade
    Level- 68
    Ability- Justified
    Attack list-
    -Close Combat (Learned)
    -Leaf Blade (Learned)
    -Earthquake (TM)
    -Ice Punch (Tutor)
    **Carries Assault Vest
    Pkm 5
    Lucian the FUCKING BOOK NERD Spr_6x_655
    Name/Gender- Cross
    Text colour- #EB7348
    Species- Delphox
    Level- 66
    Ability- Blaze
    Attack list-
    -Skill Swap (Tutor)
    -Flamethrower (Learned)
    -Wish (Egg)
    -Calm Mind (TM)
    **Carries Leftovers
    Pkm 6
    Lucian the FUCKING BOOK NERD Spr_6x_678_m
    Name/Gender- Carbunkle [M]
    Text colour- #3B6AA0
    Species- Meowstic
    Level- 62
    Ability- Prankster
    Attack list-
    -Heal Bell (Tutor)
    -Thunder Wave (TM)
    -Light Screen (Learned)
    -Psychic (TM)
    **Carries Focus Sash
    Quote ""
    History HISTORY
    Accent None
    Appearance As Lucian has been living with his brother and a few other refugees in a relatively safe place, his physical state is extremely good, considering it's the apocalypse. He wears his normal attire around their safehouse, but has a few hiking clothes he can use if he goes out.
    Religion Prays most to Cresselia, but does believe in the Arcues Heirarchy.
    Personality +Protective+
     -Of his brother mostly, but takes his brother's welfare, as well as his friends' and pokemons', very seriously.
     -One of his leading attributes, Lucian very rarely loses his patience.
     -Extremely tolerant.
     -Very level-headed
     -Tends to refrain from getting emotional. Generally a pretty mellow guy.
     -Capable of compartmentalizing his emotions to sustain his tranquility.
     -Typically the voice of reason.
     -Very strategic mind.
     -Worldly. Knows a significant amount of data regarding the things in which he's passionate, such as history, myths and religions.
     -Capable of quick advanced critical thinking and problem solving.
     -Photographic memory.
     -Can come off as condescending, though he usually does not intend it.
     -Lucian typically witholds his passionate side for those that are further into his inner circle, and can often come off as cold or elitist. While he means no malice in his actions, he prefers to be alone rather than with strangers and, should he attend an event, is either with his brother or off by himself, reading.
     -Can be stingy, especially with strangers. Never toward his brother, however.
     -Often keeps his opinions and feelings silent. He would rather be a neutral third party in almost all cases and therefore keeps himself and his words extremely objective. Facts are typically better than opinions. There are few exceptions.
     -Does not like to flaunt or brag his talents, though he won't deny them if mentioned by someone else.
     -Fairly humble.
     -While he loves jokes and humor, oftentimes, the only thing that escapes him is a soft chuckle.
     -Lucian has many passions, surprisingly enough, though it's often rare to see him engage in them. Among them are music, pokemon training, dancing, history and reading.
     -Though he does not show his love for his talents and passions much, he does feel them inwardly exponentially.  
     -Loving towards those closest to him, though not always outwardly affectionate.
     -He does not half-ass anything.
     -Loathes deciet from his fellow man; white lies are sometimes permissible, depending on circumstance.
     -Sees no place for lies in his own life and avoids using them.
     -When crossed, Lucian is fairly ruthless. With how patient he is, he knows that once that threshold has been crossed, there's no need for further forgiveness or tolerance. The offending party has had all the chances they deserve to redeem themselves.
     -Unafraid to get his hands dirty.
     -Can be extremely vicious.
     -Very determined to achieve the goals he has set for himself, not necessarily the goals others have set for him.
     -Fairly stubborn.
     -Unafraid to do what must be done for the greater good.
    +Trust Issues+
     -Though he has a small inner circle of those he has granted trust, the only person he trusts with absolutely anything, apart from his own pokemon, is his brother. With as duplicious parents as his own, he learned from a very early age that the people you were supposed to be able to trust oftentimes weren't deserving of it at all.
     -Very cautious and unwelcoming of strangers, though he would not act civilly towards them. Many mistook this for them gaining his friendship.
     -Takes betrayal very seriously. One of the worst crimes anyone could commit against him.
    Affiliations Will
     -Younger brother. Extremely protective of Will and loves him with just about everything he has.
    User Notes -Master Cellist. Advanced Pianist.
    -Loves history and mythology, and specializes in Sinnoh legends and history.
    -Has a deep affinity for books and is almost always reading.
    -Has severe near-sightedness. If he loses his glasses, he's legally blind.


    Lucian the FUCKING BOOK NERD PCP637Lucian the FUCKING BOOK NERD 635Lucian the FUCKING BOOK NERD 196

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